Editor’s Note (Trevor): Hot off the presses! It never ceases to amaze me how unsophisticated is the approach of these people who try to enforce political correctness against the truth movement. EVERY TIME, it backfires, and they are left just standing there with their pants down, sucking their thumbs. By now I am sure the many savvy readers of TUT have deduced that, while Judaism and its Rosemary’s baby, Zionism, are the problem, that it is actually the left that protects the operation. The ‘political correctness’ enforcers of the Jewish left are the very equivalent of the force field protecting the Death Star. This piece is a tribute to our beloved, fearless capitan, none other than Mr. Mark Glenn, the man who taught each of us to be our own Luke Skywalkers… And one day, one of us will be the one who, as if in the scene in the original Star Wars movie, will switch off our Gentile X-Wing Fighter’s instrumentation, and using the force of truth as our only guide, get inside our enemy’s best defenses and deliver the shots which will finally connect with the core and detonate the Judaic Death Star once and for all. Inshallah, TUTers!!
Trevor LaBonte
By Trevor LaBonte
October 8, 2014

It is becoming clear that the ‘anti-war’ left is one of the most major hindrances in the truth community. They are the premiere enforcers of ‘political correctness,’ a cultural Marxist invention to remove all pragmatic solutions and effective discourse from the parameters of socially acceptable discourse.
Gareth Porter has made a rather stunning display of this phenomenon with his recent statements and curious behavior regarding the ‘New Horizons’ conspiracy conference in Tehran. Porter hurled epithets at author and political commentator Mark Glenn for disbelieving in the insulting and physically impossible official 9/11 story and for pointing out a very uncomfortable fact that Judaism has no benefits for the gentile world, but is a religion of unchecked self-worship and moral relativism. Others gentiles who have investigated Judaism have determined that it’s core is composed of pure anti-gentile narcissism, which is extremely relevant due to the fact that the nuclear rogue, ethnic cleanser known as ‘Israel’ just so happens to define itself as ‘The Jewish State.’ Why would ‘anti-war’ activists endeavor to make this CRUCIAL discussion of Israeli politics within the context of Jewish culture into such a taboo?
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Porter’s tactics are typical tactics for the Anti-Defamation League, the unofficial Public Relations firm for the Zionist ethnic-cleansing project in Palestine. But for a supposed ‘anti-war’ journalist, it exposes a very interesting and crucial facet of why the truth movement has difficulty gaining traction.
Anytime anybody gets the right answer, they are immediately called ‘anti-semites,’ ‘holocaust deniers,’ and ‘conspiracy theorists.’ Interestingly, the Zionists and their gatekeepers, possibly plagued by guilt and suffering badly from intellectual fatigue, often jumble up their own terminology, calling people ‘holocaust deniers’ simply for making independent inquiries about 9/11 or the JFK assassination, two events which happen to be damningly COVERED in Israel’s and the American jewish mob’s fingerprints. How is that ‘holocaust denial?’ On top of that, how can someone ‘deny’ the holocaust if it is presented as a foregone conclusion that this event unfolded as presented in textbooks which happen to be published by the Rothschild jewish mob itself, and people are not even allowed to make up their own minds in the first place, before they can even be in a position to confirm or deny anything?
Looking at just the facts of 9/11, the entire internet is covered with hard evidence that Israel was the perpetrator. So why is the left making it impossible to discuss this? Why would Porter want to prevent Mark Glenn from speaking at the conference? Why was Porter so offended that speakers at the conference were discussing how to make knowledge of Israel’s well-known attack on 9/11 go mainstream? Who does he think he is? Vladimir Lenin??? What would he do if someone wanted to expose Israel’s and elements within the US Government’s collaboration on the infamous attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, which was yet another false-flag attack, with the exact same motive as 9/11, to deceptively draw America into a war for Israel’s bloody expansionist plans in the Middle East?
Mark Glenn
I find it odd that an American is trying to kill free speech in Iran of all places. Zio-Brainwashed Americans (sorry to be so redundant) will certainly have great cognitive dissonance trying to figure that one out, since they rather stupidly believe America to be a free country, and Iran, that country about which our ‘friend’ Bibi Netanyahu is observably and frantically spreading the fattest whoppers imaginable regarding its alleged but totally non-existent ‘nuclear weapons program,’ is supposed to be filled to the brim with Moooooooooslamic extremists and other Zionist-conjured scarecrows and apparitions.
But we really need to thank clumsy gatekeeper shills like Porter for providing us with this important opportunity to determine exactly what the shill agenda is. Look at this statement that Porter selected out of the 15,000 posts at The Ugly Truth/Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement website, written by Mark Glenn, and ask yourself if these statements are based on ‘anti-Semitism’ or are just statements of pure fact:
‘Judaism is nobody’s friend, short of those few who profit from it, and they are certainly small in number, as we have already discussed. Whether these people are one of ‘God’s chosen’ who do the bidding of their overlord Rabbis or whether they are one of those lowly Gentile types who were created for the purpose of serving ‘God’s chosen’, it is the sameJudaism is not their friend. It works to no one’s real benefit, short of those at the top who are giving the marching orders. It does not belong in the same class with other faiths dedicated to improving the individual and making him or her more pleasing to the one responsible for all creation. It does not make people better, it makes them worse. It is like a highly radioactive element that can bring nothing but sickness and eventual death. It does not bring liberation but rather enslavement.’
If this statement caused so much woe and ire for Porter, why did he fail to point out what is troublesome or incorrect about it? All Porter did was throw a hissy fit and hurl epithets, perhaps even more pathetically as Barack Obama trying to throw a baseball… but provided no facts upon which to base a real argument. This is the last bastion of lefty gatekeeper tactics, and signals to the truth community that the left have just burned their last chance of keep the truth concealed. To this author, there is nothing more satisfying that watching Zionists panic and sweat ice-cold bullets when their horrid crimes are discovered.
Surely by now, Porter should have been able to deduce that when worn-out epithets like the ones he used so viciously are used where they don’t apply, such as in cases of legitimate criticism of Judaism or against people bringing 9/11 facts to the table, what it means is that these epithets can no longer function effectively at silencing anything. Did Mark Glenn threaten to boycott the conference because someone he didn’t like was slated to speak there? There’s not a snowball’s chance on Bibi’s fevered, sweltering forehead that anyone other that a treacherous gatekeeper shill would stoop so low. It makes even me just feel embarrassed for Porter that he would be so thoughtless as to screw up his own operation like this. I’m in shock, quite frankly.
Jewish power has been so thoroughly exposed for the corrupting agent that it is, that the standard cries of ‘anti-Semitism’ no longer work, as the public is quickly waking up to the fact that the many malfeasances and treacherous false flag attacks by the ‘Jewish state’ have been defended in this very suspicious ad hominem manner. It has gotten to the point that the ‘anti-Semite’ label has become nothing short of a badge of honor for courageous and true journalism. Now that the term is dead and devoid of all meaning, what the hell are they going to call us now?
The website ‘Buzz Feed’ ran the story about Porter today in a sad attempt to disgrace the Tehran conference which hosted massive heros like Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Ken O’Keefe, but ended up unwittingly further exposing the cowardly, tactless, fact-less shill tactics of the left. Gareth Porter shot himself and his globalist friends in the foot, but only after sticking that foot right in his mouth. The entire truth movement KNOWS that Israel did 9/11, so why is it necessary to call someone an ‘anti-Semite’ for pointing out what is bloody obvious to everyone who has taken ten minutes to investigate the event, starting with the facts and evidence, which all lead straight to Israel??
The gatekeeper establishment is finding it impossible to stem the flood of comments on their websites from people who aren’t having any more ‘official’ lies. The truth is going mainstream. It is going absolutely viral, due to a huge number of fed-up people being able to interact directly with news outlets in real time. The lies are being shot down just as soon as they take off, and it just so happens that the alleged ‘conspiracy theorists’ are the ONLY people there providing facts and evidence.
Beneath the fluff article, I found these comments already obliterating the obligatory paid-Israeli hasbara:
Nikademus Lawman · FollowFollowing · Top Commenter
The truth is anti-Semitic. So what is pro-Semitism? Anyhow, Porter is persona non-grata to the professional geopolitical experts and has been since he associated with Zbigniew Brzezinski’s trojan horse of NIAC, who is equally in bed with the MEK who they had a faux litigation bout with and siphoned donors’ monies to pay for an extravagant $180,000 sanction as a result of their loss against Hassan Dai. Porter’s book is no revelation, but a series of stolen commentaries a la another Zionist gatekeeper, Noam Chomsky. The tactics of the fake left anti-war establishment are burned.
Nikademus Lawman · FollowFollowing · Top Commenter
Laughing. So Carl Bernstein, Watergate Breaking journalist, a Jewish-American, the super-majority of US INTCOM, the former director of the US Army War College, Dr. Alan Sobrosky (also Jewish), countless academics, Larry Silverstein’s insurance sorcery, the third building falling from which he could not ‘mysteriously’ recoup, the 5 Israelis on record as being arrested for taping the event as it occurred and then being outed as Mossad agents, the Carl Cameron/Brit Hume expose only 3 months after 9/11 on pre-Murdoch purchased Fox News on Israeli spying in America and setting up the very NSA apparatus Snowden blew the whistle on years later, CIA documents showing Israeli Mossad posing as CIA agents to hire Jundullah, a known foreign terrorist organization to commit atrocities against Iran and its civilian to start a fake war (see Foreign Policy Magazine), Jeff Stein’s exposes in Newsweek on how Israel is a top spy threat to the US, and the countless mountains of evidence pointing to real Israeli guilt, along with inside assets and Saudi intelligence, are anti-Semitic conspiracy ‘theories’? What is pro-Semitic? Take meds, get help — stop defending the crimes of your elite with fake ‘race cards’.
John Edward Kendrick· Top Commenter
Shame on Mr. Porter for being part of the cover-up with such dismissive treatment of those activists who have investigated and who know that these names are key suspects in 9/11: Silverstein, Hellerstein, Hauer, Zelikow, Zakheim, Kristol, Goff, Lowy. Even Bibi said 9/11 benefitted Israel. Muslims have been slaughtered, cultures destroyed, countries overtaken based upon the big lies of 9/11. We must open the Pandora’s box that connects psychopathic zionists and Israel to 9/11.
Medea Benjamin left the 9/11 movement and operates to conceal the Israeli connections to 9/11. She is Jewish. It was not muslims who planned, executed and continue the cover-up. One of the biggest clues is Jewish-dominated mass media complicity in the cover-up.
Nikademus Lawman · FollowFollowing · Top Commenter
They simply just exposed themselves. I suppose 9/11 truth is the litmus test and has always been. Ask Noam Chomsky about that.
It appears the inept left can only succeed in exposing itself as the last line of defense to fall before the dam breaks and the truth about 9/11 and other jewish terrorist attacks bursts forth and covers the entire landscape. This is a most positive development. The real truth and real anti-war movement is about to overtake the phonies who have dominated for decades up to this point. We are going to give birth to a truth baby; the time is here, and no one, not even the do-gooder Jewish left, can do a thing to prevent it from being born, wailing loudly, and changing everything about the way things used to be.
Hopefully, next year, Iran will catch on to the lefties and their transparent game to silence real, accurate, hard-hitting criticism of the type which is so important and so sorely lacking in the kosherized discourse. Iran should apologize profusely to Mark Glenn for its terrible blunder, and invite him to come back and deliver his address at the next conference, which will undoubtedly be even bigger than this most recent one.
All that being said, now that Porter has pantsed himself and the shill agenda to silence the entirely sane, fact-based arguments of good people like Mark Glenn has been exposed like a skinny, white butt, it follows logically that one should read entries on Glenn’s blog to see what the Zionists and their gatekeeper stooges like Porter are so desperate to conceal. Also, here can be Mark Glenn’s many, many articles which should be required reading for anyone who is serious about obtaining truth and trying to prevent the massive war the Jewish banksters are doing everything in their power to plunge us all into.