Dear Truth Seekers,
Sean Madden’s talk regarding the New World Order agenda is worthy of a listen. The main thesis throughout his talk revolves around the concept that we are and have been deeply immersed in a global or world conflict for well over a century now; one contrived and headed by the Zionist forces which have been operating behind the curtains of media and academia and banking and government covers well before the creation of the US Federal Reserve in 1913.
The message is to stop plugging in to the global matrix of lies and deception. Stop watching global TV. Stop reading the msm publications. Stop watching Hollywood scripts that reinforce the lies. Stop connecting up with the dialectic that the Zionists have projected onto the world via their controlled media. Stop participating in the Big Lie, the Big Deception. Stop falling prey to every new incident which the Zionists orchestrate in advance to keep the masses distracted from seeing beyond the smoke cover that they continually rekindle with false flag after false flag in order to smother and obfuscate and steer people along pre-conceived paths that all end up being cul de sacs, dead ends leading to more confusion and impasses that ultimately stymie the one essential revelation necessary to spur people on to greater and greater resistance, that being the realization that the dichotomy we’re told exists is but a facade.
It bears repeating these basic truths as the degree of deception is being ratcheted up and up with each new passing day making it more and more onerous for people to stay focussed on the basics. Sean does a bang up job of reinforcing those basics. Do share this important talk with those who are still confused about global events.
P.S. I must preface Sean’s comments on Putin and Russia by stating that I take them with a grain of salt at this point. It may just be my long standing connection with Edgar Cayce that prompts me to say this. Time, of course, reveals all. | AAA+ Replica Watches | Designer Replica Rolex Diamond Watches 2023
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