When perusing YouTube last night, I came across a curious episode of the BBC debate show ‘The Big Questions.’ The topic of this one was ‘Is it time to lay the Holocaust to rest?’ It featured a coterie of Zionist Jews on one end and a dilapidated kosher-opposition on the other who shuddered in fear of the aggressive, hubristic Judeo-Nazis arguing that the ‘Holocaust’ should be memorialized and commemorated until the end of time. To those in-the-know on the Jewish question, this show will inevitably produce one of two effects: it will either make you vomit out of disgust at the insane narcissism of the Jewish participants, or it will cause you to seethe with anger that such obviously demented people are given such a prominent voice in the media to promote their toxic supremacist viewpoints.
The Jewish panelists on the show endeavored to convince everyone that the ‘Holocaust’ is a ‘unique’ and ‘exceptional’ event in history that has no equivalents. This claim is erroneous because all major historical events have some unique elements to them, so the same could be said about the Rwandan genocide, the Armenian genocide, Soviet-Communist atrocities, the Israeli-sponsored slow motion genocide of the Palestinians and other outrages. Despite their protestations to the contrary, those Jews who advance the alleged uniqueness and exceptionality of the Holocaust do so not because it was such in practice, but because they view its victims as unique and exceptional; they are, in essence, Jewish supremacists who believe Jewish casualties carry more weight than others, that Jewish blood has more worth than the blood of non-Jews. They pathetically tried to eschew such allegations on the BBC show, but their ethno-supremacist inferences are plain and obvious to those who can decipher Talmudic doublespeak. The former head of the Zionist-oriented Anti-Defamation League, Abraham Foxman, perfectly encapsulated this Judeo-supremacist notion when he said:
‘The Holocaust is something different. It is a singular event. It is not simply one example of genocide but a near successful attempt on the life of God’s chosen children and, thus, on God Himself. It is an event that is the antithesis of Creation as recorded in the Bible; and like its direct opposite, which is relived weekly with the Sabbath and yearly with the Torah, it must be remembered from generation to generation.’
From the Jewish vantage point, it’s obvious why they wish to elevate the Holocaust narrative to sacrosanct, cult-like status, and to keep it there for all eternity. It supremely serves the Jewish-Zionist interest to have the Gentile masses genuflecting at the altar of Jewish victimology. As Norman Finkelstein argues in his book The Holocaust Industry, the Holocaust story serves to bolster Jewish economic and political privilege and works simultaneously to subdue forces opposed to that privilege. In other words, it is a weaponized mechanism of Jewish power and advancement, wielded like a sledgehammer against opponents of Zionism and Jewish ethnic supremacism in our world; it works to shame and stigmatize all criticism of Jews, Israel and their malevolent actions. A former Israeli minister once said that invoking the Holocaust as well as the ‘anti-Semite’ canard are deceptive ‘tricks’ designed to stifle debate about Jewish-Zionist atrocities in Palestine and their disproportionate power in the West. Who in their right mind can disagree?
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Was that not the desired outcome of the Holocaust campaign all along, to weaken Gentile resolve in the face of Zionist domination as well as guilt-trip the world into fast-tracking the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine? It appears so, and is evidenced by many statements from Jewish leaders over the years, going back as far as the year 1900. That year seems to have been a coming out party for the Zionist clique hell-bent on conquering the world led by such tribalist fanatics as Rabbi Stephen S. Wise and Chaim Wiezmann, two ultra-dedicated Jewish supremacist activists who plotted for decades to bring about the creation of Israel. In 1919 Weizmann said that securing the Zionist dream would be achieved ‘through persistent propaganda, through unceasing demonstration of the life force of our people.’ He then issued an ultimatum to the world:
‘We will establish ourselves in Palestine whether you like it or not. You can hasten our arrival or you can equally retard it. It is however better for you to help us so as to avoid our constructive powers being turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the world.’

Two decades earlier at a Zionist meeting in New York, Rabbi Wise spoke of ‘6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism,’ a prescient remark that laid the foundation of what many have called the ‘Six Million Myth.’ The propagation of that myth did not begin at the close of the Second World War, but evidently in 1900 and even before that, by Zionists attempting to garner sympathy for their cause of establishing a Jewish state in a land mostly populated by Arabs.
Dating from 1900 to 1945, there are hundreds of examples of individual Jews, Jewish-owned newspapers and pro-Zionist Christians invoking the story of ‘six million Jews’ in grave danger of persecution or annihilation. I mentioned 13 glaring examples of this in my book Grand Deceptions, some of which are: the 1906 New York Times article reporting on the claims of Jewish activist Dr. Paul Nathan who alleged that six million Russian Jews were facing ‘murderous extermination’ by the Czar; the 1911 presage by Max Nordau, a prominent Zionist leader, who told his co-religionists at the Zionist Congress in Switzerland that six million Jews would soon fall victim to a campaign of genocide by European regimes; the countless references to six million victimized Jews during World War I, particularly the 1919 American Hebrew article which told of ‘six million Jewish men and women’ languishing in a ‘holocaust’ of hunger and despair; the 1936 pronouncement of Chaim Weizmann before a British commission on Palestine, where he said that ‘six million Jews’ were destined to death in Europe, and that their only refuge was ‘in the land of Israel’; another 1936 Zionist plea published in the New York Times which envisaged a harrowing ‘Holocaust’ of Europe’s Jews, the only remedy for which was said to be ‘the restoration of the land of Israel to the children of Israel’; a 1940 warning from World Jewish Congress chairman Nahum Goldmann who alleged that a Nazi victory in Europe would spell ‘doom and destruction’ for ‘6,000,000 Jews’; the December 1944 proclamation of Soviet propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg who floated the claim that ‘six million Jews’ had fallen victim to Germany five months before the war would come to an end in May of 1945, long before any accurate statistical data on war deaths could have been ascertained. Even after the war, a precise calculation of Jewish deaths would be impossible considering the contentious issue of what constitutes a Jew to begin with. Yet by way of some miracle the Jewish leadership knew it was exactly ‘six million’ before the last bombs and bullets of the war had reached their targets.
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The six million death figure is not rooted in any semblance of truth or fact, but rather in religious superstition stemming from the Kabbalah and gematria. The number six and variations of it is significant in that milieu. Mysticism and ‘magic’ is part and parcel of the Jewish religion, and manifests itself in the propaganda of the Holocaust narrative. The six million story was crafted by Jews transfixed with the Kabbalistic school of thought, which is why facts, evidence, logic and reason have no bearing on it no matter what it remains a stagnant, unalterable story etched in stone, and anyone who attempts to revise it, even slightly, is villainized as a ‘Nazi-sympathizer.’
Regardless of the massive official reductions in the death totals at Auschwitz, Majdanek, Mauthausen and other wartime camps (more than four million ‘victims’ have been excised from the official death total in recent decades), the six million figure is never altered, and is repeated again and again in schools and the media. Despite admissions from and exposé’s on prominent ‘Holocaust survivors’ proving that their recollection of events was embellished, exaggerated and in some cases outright fabricated, skeptics are smeared as ‘hatemongers.’ Notwithstanding the scientific studies of chemists like Germar Rudolf, which have severally undermined claims about homicidal gas chambers, questioning the central tenets of the story (the six million number, the gas chambers, the ‘final solution’ plan, etc.) is considered an unforgivable heresy and is stamped out with medieval fundamentalism. Does this not confirm that the doubters are on to something?
Jewish leaders seem to have an uncanny knack for foresight, unveiling a historical pattern of foreknowledge indicative of a conscious plan of intrigue coordinated over decades if not centuries. The aforementioned Rabbi Stephen Wise, who is described by the website of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum as ‘instrumental in obtaining President Woodrow Wilson’s support for the Balfour Declaration of 1917,’ predicted the election of Woodrow Wilson as US President and later became his advisor; the Zionist leader Max Nordau predicted World War I in 1903; as mentioned above, Zionists routinely anticipated the demise of six million Jews, and then declared six million Jewish deaths months before World War II had even ended; in 1962, David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, prophesied the establishment of a Jewish-led world government centered in Jerusalem where the United Nations ‘will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents’; in 1979 the founder of Israel’s spy agencies, Isser Harel, envisioned a terrorist attack upon New York City’s ‘tallest building.’ Is all of this uncanny prescience merely coincidental, or are these Zionist Jews political magicians who ‘make’ happen what they want to see in the world?
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The agenda behind the Holocaust promotion industry couldn’t be more transparent. Memorializing the Holocaust is ‘central to the new world order,’ Ian J. Kagedan, a spokesman of the Jewish-Masonic B’nai B’rith organization, wrote in 1991, adding that ‘achieving our quest of a ‘new world order’ depends on our learning the Holocaust’s lessons.’ Using coded-language, Kagedan spoke of Holocaust mythology as a sort of ‘new religion’ to be instituted worldwide that will function as a platform to launch a project for global Jewish hegemony, although the Zionists will disguise the scheme as a humanitarian endeavor aimed at ridding the world of war and calamity. In 1940, the British politician Arthur Greenwood announced that Jews would be granted a leading role in the construction of a ‘New World Order’ after the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II, a world in which alleged Jewish grievances would be alleviated by way of unrestricted access to power positions. We have seen many parts of that vision enacted according to plan.
If nothing else, the unsettling BBC program mentioned above should serve to motivate people to challenge the supremacist discourse of Holocaustianity. While doing so may jeopardize career prospects and social status, fighting this artificial, largely fabricated narrative is one of the principal liberation struggles of our time; one that will work to empower the dispossessed and perennially victimized Palestinians who continue to be slaughtered by Israel in droves (with the full support of Zionized Western powers), and also the peoples of the West who, for the last few centuries, have been used as tools for Zionist imperialism and whose own cultures have been degraded by these same forces.
Copyright 2015 Brandon Martinez
Video | URL: http://wp.me/p4UshE-Mx
Drawing inspiration from the Non-Aligned Movement, especially the organization’s rejection of illegitimate global power structures, Non-Aligned Media (NAM) exists to expose, in particular, the negative outgrowths of the global Zionist-American Empire. Founded by journalists Brandon Martinez and Joshua Blakeney, the aim of NAM is to cut through the spin and deception of mainstream media and uncover truth in history. Not shackled by the political correctness which permeates the mainstream, NAM seeks to tackle the ‘taboo’ subjects that have been relegated to the fringes by the powers that be, emphasizing the real forces behind war and globalism. Reoccurring themes of NAM include: False-Flag Terrorism, The Israel Lobby, The Mainstream Media, Hollywood and Zionism, Historical Revisionism, Supposed ‘Just Wars’ Historically and Contemporarily, Ethnic Exceptionalism: Who Can be Ethnocentric and Who Cannot?, Race & Cultural Relativism, The Globalization of the Israel-Palestine Conflict, Thought-Crime Legislation and the State Regulation of History, Theology and Supremacism, The Geopolitical Battles Over the Middle East, Joshua Blakeney, Nationalism versus Internationalism.
Brandon Martinez can be contacted by email at: [email protected]
Joshua Blakeney can be contacted by email at: [email protected]