Month: May 2020

Embracing Truth: Elizabeth May, Green Party of Canada, 9/11 and the Politics of Denial by Monika Schaefer with Preface by Arthur Topham

There is a clear and present psychological disconnect between the world-wide Zionist Jew controlled media often referred to as the ‘corporate/mainstream media or simply the msm’ and the world of truth, reality and common sense, which, thanks to the birth of the internet, has not been fully obliterated by the overpowering presence and influence of the controlled Zionist press.
Nowhere is this deliberate disconnect more clearly emphasized and exemplified than in the December 4, 2015 CTV news story titled ‘Elizabeth May presents ‘9/11 truther’ petition to Parliament’ by’s Jesse Tahirali wherein the writer kick-starts their thinly veiled diatribe against Canada’s solitary Green Party member of parliament and the petitioners themselves with the following lead sentence, ‘Green Party Leader Elizabeth May put forward a bizarre petition in the House of Commons Wednesday asking the government to support a popular 9/11 conspiracy theory.’
While seemingly an innocuous opening statement the truth of the matter is that Tahirail immediately attacks the petition as being ‘bizarre’, i.e. eccentric, fantastic, grotesque, half barbaric, etc. and then automatically lumps it into the commonly coded Zionist phraseology of being nothing but a ‘conspiracy theory’.
In other words, according to CTVNews, the issue isn’t about the growing awareness and knowledge of thousands, if not millions, of people worldwide, who, given the irrefutable evidence of cover up which has now, metaphorically speaking, grown to the height of the former Twin Towers and points to massive deception on the part of the American government’s National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, also known as the 9/11 Commission, first established by President George W. Bush back in 2002 but merely the fact that a member of Canada’s parliament actually displayed the audacity to present a petition on behalf of these great unwashed 9/11 apostates who are asking the Canadian government to conduct a parliamentary review into the events that occurred in the United States on September 11, 2001.
May, who likely spent many a night ‘sleepless in Ottawa’ tossing and turning on her pillow thinking about the petition and the repercussions of presenting it to parliament, is to be lauded for eventually garnering the fortitude necessary to have made the right decision on behalf of concerned Canadians, truth and the democratic process itself. It set a precedent, not only in Canada but around the globe, and also brought into vivid focus the indisputable realization that the mainstream media is not a medium for dispensing neutral, impartial facts and news but rather the most insidious, dangerous, and indispensable device in the arsenal of Zion’s mind-control weaponry; one crucial to projecting and protecting the lies and illusions that the globalist Zionist cartel depends upon to support its infrastructure of terror.
The rub, of course, in all of this (and the legal loophole too) was the fact that May, while doing her democratic duty to the electorate, also made the decision to distance herself and the Green Party of Canada from any formal endorsement of the petition itself; an act which has precipitated even further controversy and concern amongst those who believe that the Green Party of Canada should have, on principle, taken the position of the petitioners and the overwhelming evidence supporting the charge of a 9/11 deception and stood up for the truth regardless of whatever flak the Zionist media undoubtedly would have responded with.
The essence of dissatisfaction with May’s decision is best presented in the following Open Letter to MP Elizabeth May from Monika Shaefer, a friend of May and a former Green Party candidate in the riding of Yellowhead, Alberta who was a veteran of several federal elections in a row. As explained to me in our correspondence, for the next election Monika was planning to run on a 9/11 truth platform. When she informed Elizabeth May of her plans she was told that would be fine, as long as she also talked about Green Party policies.
In the interim period an event transpired that seriously affected Monika Schaefer’s future plans. That event was the revelation in the msm that the then President of the Green Party of Canada, Paul Estrin, was a closet Zionist making public statements on Facebook and on the official Green Party website in support of the genocidal actions of the state of Israel during their 2014 summer bombing and terrorist siege of Gaza, Palestine. Interested readers can review that issue here where I covered the story back on July 30th.
Like many Greens Monika Schaefer was extremely unsettled and disturbed by this sudden turn of events and in a letter to May dated August 5th, 2014, expressed her concerns about the Estrin affair. Below are some quotes from her letter:
‘The Paul Estrin story is an issue which surely has caused you to lose sleep. It is indeed very heavy. I hope that by sharing my thoughts and insights with you, I can help to bring clarity to what must be done.

‘It is abundantly clear to me from Paul Estrin’s controversial article entitled ‘Why Gaza Makes Me Sad’, that he is a Zionist shill, and will destroy the Green Party of Canada from within. It is of critical importance that he be expelled from his position of Party President immediately.
‘. . . Paul Estrin’s silence on Israel at the Green Party Convention, followed by the publication of his article on the Green Party website, is not just a coincidence or an innocent oversight on his part. He has one goal eviscerate and thereby destroy the Green Party of Canada.
‘. . . The Zionists are in their end-game now and they are playing the stakes high. We see this by their current behaviour in Gaza, and we have seen it in the form of various false-flag terror operations over the years. These were meant to bring about the New World Order by means of the fraudulent War on Terror and by means of implementation of a police-state domestically. False-flag operations, the biggest one being 911, are carried out with the express purpose of accelerating their all-or-nothing end-game.
‘They have taken control of most of our major institutions, including the media, the banks, and the government. They control the secret societies, which do not receive much attention (of course not they are secret!), but whose influence penetrate deeply into our society. It is clear that they control all the major political parties, not just the one in power, but also the larger opposition parties. Now they are going for the Green Party as well.
‘While it is true that Paul Estrin was elected Party President by the membership, there was never disclosure about who Paul Estrin really is. I may even have voted for him myself I don’t remember now. Even you, Elizabeth, were (by your own admission) unaware of what he really stands for.
‘He was groomed to rise to an influential position. Then when the time was right, mere days after the GPC convention, and during the current Israeli war against the Palestinians, he let loose with his diatribe, filled with lies and hate, on behalf of a supremacist cult….
‘It is time to free ourselves of the shackles of Zionism. In the teachings of the Talmud, we the goyim are lower than cattle, and we are quickly becoming enslaved. In Canada we have been particularly susceptible to being brainwashed and controlled by this powerful force, precisely because we have grown up in such an open society, in which we were taught about good democratic ideals and peace and justice, and that we in Canada embodied all those wonderful values. Who would have thought that such a dark force could be in our midst.
‘No one need feel embarrassed for not understanding what has happened. The perpetrators have pulled out all the stops for maintaining mass deception. It took until 10 years post-911 before I really began to understand, and that was only because a close relative steered me in the direction of truth for that I am grateful.
‘Thank you so much for reading, listening, and hearing. I am confident you will do the right thing, and show Paul Estrin the exit door.
‘your friend always,

As Monika later relates, ‘Lo-and-behold a by-election was called in my riding of Yellowhead, Alberta in October of 2014 but because of the letter regarding Paul Estrin I was rejected by the GPC as a candidate. Elizabeth May told me I could apologize to Paul for the letter, thereby making it ‘go away’. I refused, because that would have been the beginning of the road to compromise on truth.’
With this preface completed I now present Monika Schaefer’s recent letter to Elizabeth May regarding the 9/11 petition which she tabled in the Canadian parliament but publicly distanced herself and her party from. The Subject line of Schaefer’s letter was titled, ‘Embracing Truth’.
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: embracing truth
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014
Dear Elizabeth,
First I would like to thank you again for making the principled decision to table the ReThink911 petition on behalf of the many citizens who are clamouring for truth and clarity in unraveling the staggering events of September 11th, 2001.
I am writing now with my fervent plea for you to embrace 9/11 truth and not distance yourself from it, for the good of the planet and for the triumph of light over darkness. This is not a trivial single-stakeholder issue concerning a remote event. 9/11 is the Achilles heel of the hidden power that is steering this world into perpetual war, the so-called ‘war on terror’. A grand deception has taken place and all of our institutions are participating in this deception, including the mainstream media (MSM) and our government. This includes every single Member of Parliament, as they have all been silenced on this matter.
All of our MPs have been rendered impotent while the perpetrators of the crime of 9/11 continue their game. And it would not matter how many Green Party MPs would be elected, 1 or 12 or 50 or 250, those MPs would still not have any significant effect while the ‘hidden government’ rules. That hidden power is what will silence you and all the others on what is really going on.
You will gain the support of many citizens in publicly denouncing the official version of 9/11. It is the MSM that will attack you. Please understand that the same cabal that brought us 9/11 own and control the MSM. In the ‘Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’ they call the press the Great Power.
In the 16th century, it was heretical to proclaim that the earth was round. Giordano Bruno was executed for saying this but today he is regarded a hero. His execution did not make the earth flat. Today it is heretical to question the official conspiracy story of 9/11. As with the flat earth theory, it does not make the prevailing story true.
The most important question to ask after a crime is ‘cui bono?’. Certainly the Muslims worldwide did not benefit from 9/11. One also needs to ask why and by whom you were attacked for tabling the petition. If their version was true, they could and would simply prove it. A petition asking for clarification of inconsistencies would be no big deal. Most petitions do not make the news. The fact that you were attacked for tabling this particular petition raises another red flag that there is something to hide. I think you understand this.
The non-investigation of what actually happened on 9/11 was deliberate, and constituted a crime in and of itself. Many obvious mistakes were made however, and it behoves us to open our eyes. For example several MSM outlets reported WTC7 to have fallen 20 minutes before it actually fell. Someone got the timing of the script terribly wrong. There is also the case of the 5 dancing Israelis, who later reported on Israeli television that they had been in New York ‘to document the event’. This requires foreknowledge. Yet the criminals belligerently perpetuate the lies.
Elizabeth, as long as we the people cower in silence, as long as we fear the retributions of speaking the truth about 9/11, they will maintain their power. Nothing any of us do for other causes, be it climate change or poverty, will make much difference, because we are not in control of our affairs. We have become enslaved to the hidden power, the perpetrators of the crime.
There will come a tipping point for the truth to prevail. Perhaps it will take someone of your fame and stature to tell the world that the official story of 9/11 is nothing but a pack of lies. I implore you to consider your legacy Elizabeth. Please do not come down on the wrong side of history. History will judge us by which road we traveled when we were faced with the truth about 9/11. You are extremely intelligent, and yet you say publicly you do not agree with the petition. It makes no sense, other than for political expediency. You have told me your goal is to have 12 Green MPs thereby gaining the balance of power in a possible minority government after the next election. If you need to compromise on this truth to achieve that goal, then of what use will those 12 MPs really be? They will all have to toe the line of what the hidden power dictates. And dictate they will. They already dictate a false narrative about the false flag terror attack of 9/11. This is the premise for the wars abroad and the erosion of our democracy at home. The false flag events continue and the MSM carry on deceiving us.
You have always said you speak truth to power. This is when it really counts. How we handle 9/11 truth is a powerful litmus test to demonstrate that the Green Party is not just one of the ‘grey’ parties (as we like to call the rest of the parties). Embrace the petition for 9/11 truth, and the Greens truly are different than the Greys.
We urgently need to expose the fraud and bring sanity and peace to a deeply troubled world. This is about preventing WW III. This is about regaining control over our own destiny, and yes, that includes the ability to address the environmental issues which threaten our very future. Let 2015 be the year of light, not darkness.
With deep respect and humility,
Monika Schaefer
Jasper, Alberta

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Ursula Haverbeck ‘The Greatest Problem of Our Time’ w/ English Subtitles

Editors Note: 86 year old German Ursula Haverbeck identifies the root source of much of the problems that the world faces with respect to history and truth and the greatest lie ever foisted upon humankind a lie that is directly responsible for the creation of Canada’s so-called ‘Hate Propaganda’ laws sec. 318 to 320 of the Canadian Criminal Code which ultimately led to my arrest and incarceration in May of 2012. This ‘Greatest Problem’ is crucial to a proper understanding of Canada’s civil and human rights. The ‘Holocaust Lie’ is now a proven fraud of massive proportions for which the Zionist Jews are directly responsible.

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Arnold J. Toynbee’s Foreward to The Palestine Diary 1914 1945 by Robert John and Sami Hadawi (1970)

‘DIARY’ IS A MODEST TITLE for this massive work. It is a detailed narrative covering the history of Palestine during the period running from the outbreak of the First World War to the declaration of the establishment of the state of Israel and the outbreak of the First Arab-Israeli War in 1948. The narrative is supported by a very full documentation. As far as I know, so full an assemblage of pertinent documents is not to be found between the covers of any previous publication. The sub-titles are also apposite. The story is a tragedy, and the essence of this tragedy is that about 1,500,000 Palestinian Arabs have now become refugees as a result of the intervention of foreign powers in their country’s affairs. The might of these foreign poets has been irresistible, and the evicted Palestinian Arabs have been forcibly deprived of their country, their homes, and their property without having been allowed to have a voice in the determination of their own destiny.
Though the facts are public, there is a widespread ignorance of them in the Western World and, above all, in the United States, the Western country which has had, and is still having, the greatest say in deciding Palestine’s fate. The United States has the greatest say, but the United Kingdom bears the heaviest load of responsibility. The Balfour Declaration of 2nd November 1917 was the winning card in a sordid contest between the two sets of of belligerents in the First World War for winning the support of the Jews in Germany, Austria-Hungary, and most important of all in the United States.
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In promising to give the Jews ‘a national home’ in Palestine, the British Government was, I believe, using deliberately ambiguous language. As a citizen of the United Kingdom, I declare this belief of mine with feelings of shame and contrition, but I do believe that this is the truth. Throughout out the First World War and after it, the Government of the United Kingdom was playing a double game. Perhaps a lawyer might be able to plead plausibly that there was no inconsistency between the respective pledges that Britain gave to the Arabs and to the Zionists, or between the inclusion of the Balfour Declaration in the text of the mandate taken by Britain for the administration of Palestine and the classification of this mandate in the ‘A’ class a class in which the mandatory power was committed to giving the people of the mandated territory their independence at the earliest date at which they would be capable of standing on their own feet. Whatever the casuists might say, laymen Arabs or Jews would, I think, naturally infer, bona fide, from the British Government’s various statements and acts that it had made two commitments that were incompatible with each other.
At the same time when the mandate was drafted, offered, and accepted, the Arab Palestinians amounted to more than 90 per cent of the population of the country. The mandate for Palestine was an ‘A’ mandate, and, as I interpret the Hussein-McMahon correspondence, Palestine had not been excepted by the British Government from the area in which they had pledged themselves to King Hussein to recognize and support Arab independence. The Palestinian Arabs could therefore reasonably assume that Britain was pledged to prepare Palestine for becoming an independent Arab state. On the other side, the Zionists naturally saw, in the British promise of ‘a homeland’ in Palestine, the entering wedge for the insertion into Palestine of the Jewish state of Israel which was in fact inserted there in 1948.
To my mind, the most damaging point in the charge-sheet against my country is that Britain was in control of Palestine for thirty years 1918-19148 and that during those fateful three decades she never made up her mind, or at any rate never declared, what her policy about the future of Palestine was. All through those thirty years, Britain lived from hand to mouth, admitting into Palestine, year by year, a quota of Jewish immigrants that varied according to the strength of the respective pressures of the Arabs and Jews at the time. Those immigrants could not have come in if they had not been shielded by a British Chevaux-de-frise. If Palestine had remained under Ottoman Turkish rule, or if it had become an independent Arab state in 1918, Jewish immigrants would never have been admitted into Palestine in large enough numbers to enable them to overwhelm the Palestine Arabs in this Arab people’s own country. The reason why the state of Israel exists today and why today 1,500,000 Palestinian Arabs are refugees is that, for thirty years, Jewish immigration was imposed on the Palestinian Arabs by British military power until the immigrants were sufficiently numerous and sufficiently well-armed to be able to fend for themselves with tanks and planes of their own. The tragedy in Palestine is not just a local one; it is a tragedy for the World, because it is an injustice that is a menace to the World’s peace. Britain’s guilt is not diminished by the humiliating fact that she is now impotent to redress the wrong that she has done.
As an Englishman I hate to have to indict my country, but I believe that Britain deserves to be indicted, and this is the only personal reparation that I can make. I hope this book will be read widely in the United States, and this by Jewish as well as by non-Jewish Americans. The United States Government’s policy on the Palestinian question has been a reflexion of American public feeling and opinion. The opinion that has generated the feeling has been formed to a large extent in ignorance of the facts. If the American people are willing to open their minds to the truth about Palestine, this book will help them to learn it. If they do learn the truth, I hope this will lead them to change their minds, and if the American people do change their minds, I feel sure that their Government will change its policy to match. If the American Government were to be constrained by American public opinion to take a non-partisan line over Palestine, the situation in Palestine might quickly change for the better. Is this too much to hope for? We cannot tell, but at least it is certain that the present book will be enlightening for any reader whose mind is open to conviction.
1st June 1968
A. J. Toynbee

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KARMA: Ezra Levant, Zionism & the Politics of Deception by Arthur Topham

The recent November 27, 2014 guilty ruling by Justice Wendy Matheson in the defamation lawsuit against Sun News Network’s Zionist Jew propagandist Ezra Levant by Khurrum Awan a Muslim Canadian lawyer came for many as a surprise and a grave disappointment.
What this reflects for those caught up in the deceptive rhetoric of Ezra Levant and his background support network of international Jewry (and those not), is that there are within that sector of people paying attention to Canadian and global politics, two schools of thought when it comes to the issue of freedom of speech or expression; one that sees Levant as the leading spokesperson for freedom of speech and another which views his actions or behaviour as that of the proverbial Trojan Horse interposed within the Jew media monopoly in order to serve the needs, not of Canada, but of the Israeli agenda which, ultimately, means the ideology of Zionism.
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One aspect of the case which emerged and that played a crucial role in determining to what extent Levant had defamed Khurrum Awan, was the perennial ploy of the Jews and their monopoly media cartel to fling the accusation ‘anti-Semitic’ at anyone who so much as brushes up against their holy of holiest shrines, the state of Israel and its atheistic Zionist ideology. Anything that could possibly relate to that issue, no matter how tangential in nature, should it be deemed critical in any way of the assumed supremacist and racist nature of the Jews-only state, automatically ensures that the author of said critique will be subjected to this self-chosen epithet in order to demean and vilify the writer or speaker and thus render him or her persona non grata in the eyes of the general public and unworthy of further respect or attention.
This method of dealing with Zion’s critics has a long and infamous history; one that for the most part has worked extremely well over the past century and longer to silence and discredit opponents of the Jewish conspiracy for global hegemony. This is why the ruling in Awan/Levant libel case has suddenly and so succinctly delineated the possibility that such success may be on the wain, a very real, shocking and threatening thought for those who have been so adept at flashing that card and automatically expecting to trump any argument presented by the non-Jewish or gentile critic no matter how legitimate, logical or truthful.
This same reaction to Justice Matheson’s ruling could easily be compared with the former controversial sec. 13 Canadian Human Rights Code legislation that was the subject of heated debate for many years until it was finally repealed by the Harper government in 2012 when his handlers (the Jewish lobbyists) realized that such a specious law was in fact a double-edged sword that could be, and was being used against not only the gentile population of critics of Zion but also the Jews themselves.
That said, in the case of myself, another longstanding victim of Levant’s similar bellicose and libellous accusations of being ‘anti-Semitic’, the ruling came more as a pleasant surprise and along with that sense of satisfaction the hope for a possible turnaround of a decades-long systemic pattern of legal misfeasance on the part of Canada’s judiciary when it comes to finding anyone of Zionist Jew persuasion guilty of a crime (other than that of child porn which is fairly common).
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The reaction by the Zionist media was expected and throughout their news networks and affiliated blogs the feigned cries of outrage were heard resounding across the msm and over the internet. Why this should come as such a shock to Canadians merely illustrates the power of the Zionist press and its tv media to instil their version of ‘political reality’ into the minds of unwary readers and viewers.
Why decent, thoughtful people should be overly upset by the fact that Levant was found guilty of defamation is, in itself, disconcerting given his years of promoting the Zionist agenda of spreading lies and hatred about the Muslim people at the behest of his Zionist controllers who continually feed his fragmented ego and fill his purse with scheckles; an agenda designed to build up a much greater and lethal game plan of inciting the whole of Western nations into a frenzied, unfounded and pathologic hatred of Muslim nations as the pretext for endless, imperialist wars against the people of the Middle East.
For those who haven’t figured out what Zionism is yet (other than the Zionist’s version), coming to terms with Judge Matheson’s decision will be difficult to understand and accept and it’s only through a greater understanding of who Ezra Levant really is that one can begin to fathom the depth of deception that the Canadian public has been subjected to over the past seventy years of media and judicial transgression that has left our nation bereft of any reliable and truthful reference point from which to reasonably and intellectually access what’s going on in our world of politics and law.
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I’ve been following Levant’s meteoric rise to fame and misfortune ever since 2007 when I became embroiled in the sec. 13 drama after B’nai Brith Canada (a Jews-only secret masonic organization) filed a complaint against myself and my website in November of 2007 with the Canadian Human Rights Commission seeking relief for discriminatory publication under prohibited grounds caught by Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act claiming that, to wit: ‘The premise of this complaint is a contention that Arthur Topham of Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada and his internet publication known as contrive to promote ongoing hatred affecting persons identifiable as Jews and/or as citizens of Israel.’
It would be advisable for readers to take special note of the last three words in that complaint as they illustrate in no uncertain terms what the Jewish lobby here in Canada wants to establish as law NO CRITICISM OF ISRAEL! Their same modus operandi is now in play in my current Sec. 319(2) criminal charge of promoting ‘Hate Propaganda’ toward ‘people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin‘.
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There is so much more to be said about Ezra Levant and the reasons why he’s been elevated to the status that he now holds in Canada’s media and how it ties in with the Harper government, the racist state of Israel and the global pursuits of Zionist juggernaut that wants control of everything from our personal data to the final say in every law and decision ranging from the local to highest branches of international governance on the planet.
I will leave readers with a list of my own critiques of this Zionist stooge who the msm has employed for years to voice the agenda of Israel under the guise of freedom of speech in Canada. Maybe after reading further those still in awe of this Zionist double agent for Israel will come to see him for what he truly is, a traitor to Canada just like his co-conspirator Stephen Harper.

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The Golden Trap of Chess Master Vladimir Putin By Dmitry Kalinichenko

Editor’s Note: While the West, now under ‘full spectrum dominance’ by the Jewish banking cartel, expends vital time and energy in a vain attempt to malign and vilify Russian Federation president Vladimir Putin and while our own Jew puppet Canadian PM Stephen Harper beaks off in the most bellicose, belligerent manner against Putin whenever given the opportunity, they’re all being taken for the fools that they truly are as Dmitry Kalinichenko points out in this most interesting of articles concerning global economics, gold and the battle to break free from the stranglehold of the Rothschild crime syndicate that’s been ruling the world for the past 250 years.
Do pass this along to your friends and associates.

Arthur Topham
The Radical Press
Canada’s Radical News Network
‘Digging to the root of the issues since 1998’

Accusations of the West towards Putin traditionally are based on the fact that he worked in the KGB. And therefore he is a cruel and immoral person. Putin is blamed for everything. But nobody ever accused Putin of lack of intelligence.
Any accusations against this man only emphasize his ability for quick analytical thinking and making clear and balanced political and economic decisions.
Often Western media compares this ability with the ability of a grandmaster, conducting a public chess simul. Recent developments in US economy and the West in general allow us to conclude that in this part of the assessment of Putin’s personality Western media is absolutely right.
Despite numerous success reports in the style of Fox News and CNN, today, Western economy, led by the United States is in Putin’s trap, the way out of which no one in the West can see or find. And the more the West is trying to escape from this trap, the more stuck it becomes.
What is the truly tragic predicament of the West and the United States, in which they find themselves? And why all the Western media and leading Western economists are silent about this, as a well guarded military secret? Let’s try to understand the essence of current economic events, in the context of the economy, setting aside the factors of morality, ethics and geopolitics.
After realizing its failure in Ukraine, the West, led by the US set out to destroy Russian economy by lowering oil prices, and accordingly gas prices as the main budget sources of export revenue in Russia and the main sources of replenishment of Russian gold reserves.
It should be noted that the main failure of the West in Ukraine is not military or political. But in the actual refusal of Putin to fund the Western project of Ukraine at the expense of the budget of Russian Federation. What makes this Western project not viable in the near and inevitable future.
Last time under president Reagan, such actions of the West’s lowering of oil prices led to ‘success’ and the collapse of USSR. But history does not repeat itself all the time. This time things are different for the West. Putin’s response to the West resembles both chess and judo, when the strength used by the enemy is used against him, but with minimal costs to the strength and resources of the defender. Putin’s real policies are not public. Therefore, Putin’s policy largely has always focused not so much on effect, but on efficiency.
Very few people understand what Putin is doing at the moment. And almost no one understands what he will do in the future.
No matter how strange it may seem, but right now, Putin is selling Russian oil and gas only for physical gold.
Putin is not shouting about it all over the world. And of course, he still accepts US dollars as an intermediate means of payment. But he immediately exchanges all these dollars obtained from the sale of oil and gas for physical gold!
To understand this, it is enough to look at the dynamics of growth of gold reserves of Russia and to compare this data with foreign exchange earnings of the RF coming from the sale of oil and gas over the same period.
Moreover, in the third quarter the purchases by Russia of physical gold are at an all-time high, record levels. In the third quarter of this year, Russia had purchased an incredible amount of gold in the amount of 55 tons. It’s more than all the central banks of all countries of the world combined (according to official data)!
In total, the central banks of all countries of the world have purchased 93 tons of the precious metal in the third quarter of 2014. It was the 15th consecutive quarter of net purchases of gold by Central banks. Of the 93 tonnes of gold purchases by central banks around the world during this period, the staggering volume of purchases of 55 tons belongs to Russia.
Not so long ago, British scientists have successfully come to the same conclusion, as was published in the Conclusion of the U.S. Geological survey a few years ago. Namely: Europe will not be able to survive without energy supply from Russia. Translated from English to any other language in the world it means: ‘The world will not be able to survive if oil and gas from Russia is subtracted from the global balance of energy supply’.
Thus, the Western world, built on the hegemony of the petrodollar, is in a catastrophic situation. In which it cannot survive without oil and gas supplies from Russia. And Russia is now ready to sell its oil and gas to the West only in exchange for physical gold! The twist of Putin’s game is that the mechanism for the sale of Russian energy to the West only for gold now works regardless of whether the West agrees to pay for Russian oil and gas with its artificially cheap gold, or not.
Because Russia, having a regular flow of dollars from the sale of oil and gas, in any case, will be able to convert them to gold with current gold prices, depressed by all means by the West. That is, at the price of gold, which had been artificially and meticulously lowered by the Fed and ESF many times, against artificially inflated purchasing power of the dollar through market manipulation.
Interesting fact: the suppression of gold prices by the special department of US Government ESF (Exchange Stabilization Fund) with the aim of stabilizing the dollar has been made into a law in the United States.
In the financial world it is accepted as a given that gold is an antidollar.
In 1971, US President Richard Nixon closed the ‘gold window’, ending the free exchange of dollars for gold, guaranteed by the US in 1944 at Bretton Woods.
In 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin has reopened the ‘gold window’, without asking Washington’s permission.
Right now the West spends much of its efforts and resources to suppress the prices of gold and oil. Thereby, on the one hand to distort the existing economic reality in favor of the US dollar and on the other hand, to destroy the Russian economy, refusing to play the role of obedient vassal of the West.
Today assets such as gold and oil look proportionally weakened and excessively undervalued against the US dollar. It is a consequence of the enormous economic effort on the part of the West.
And now Putin sells Russian energy resources in exchange for these US dollars, artificially propped by the efforts of the West. With which he immediately buys gold, artificially devalued against the U.S. dollar by the efforts of the West itself!
There is another interesting element in Putin’s game. It’s Russian uranium. Every sixth light bulb in the USA depends on its supply. Which Russia sells to the US too, for dollars.
Thus, in exchange for Russian oil, gas and uranium, the West pays Russia with dollars, purchasing power of which is artificially inflated against oil and gold by the efforts of the West. But Putin uses these dollars only to withdraw physical gold from the West in exchange, for the price denominated in US dollars, artificially lowered by the same West.
This truly brilliant economic combination by Putin puts the West led by the United States in a position of a snake, aggressively and diligently devouring its own tail.
The idea of this economic golden trap for the West, probably originated not from Putin himself. Most likely it was the idea of Putin’s Advisor for Economic Affairs doctor Sergey Glazyev. Otherwise why seemingly not involved in business bureaucrat Glazyev, along with many Russian businessmen, was personally included by Washington on the sanction list? The idea of an economist, doctor Glazyev was brilliantly executed by Putin, with full endorsement from his Chinese colleague XI Jinping.
Especially interesting in this context looks the November statement of the first Deputy Chairman of Central Bank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva, which stressed that the CBR can use the gold from its reserves to pay for imports, if need be. It is obvious that in terms of sanctions by the Western world, this statement is addressed to the BRICS countries, and first of all China. For China, Russia’s willingness to pay for goods with Western gold is very convenient. And here’s why:
‘China recently announced that it will cease to increase its gold and currency reserves denominated in US dollars. Considering the growing trade deficit between the US and China (the current difference is five times in favor of China), then this statement translated from the financial language reads: ‘China stops selling their goods for dollars’. The world’s media chose not to notice this grandest in the recent monetary history event . The issue is not that China literally refuses to sell its goods for US dollars. China, of course, will continue to accept US dollars as an intermediate means of payment for its goods. But, having taken dollars, China will immediately get rid of them and replace with something else in the structure of its gold and currency reserves. Otherwise the statement made by the monetary authorities of China loses its meaning: ‘We are stopping the increase of our gold and currency reserves, denominated in US dollars.’ That is, China will no longer buy United States Treasury bonds for dollars earned from trade with any countries, as they did this before.’
Thus, China will replace all the dollars that it will receive for its goods not only from the US but from all over the world with something else not to increase their gold currency reserves, denominated in US dollars. And here is an interesting question: what will China replace all the trade dollars with? What currency or an asset? Analysis of the current monetary policy of China shows that most likely the dollars coming from trade, or a substantial chunk of them, China will quietly replace and de facto is already replacing with Gold.
In this aspect, the solitaire of Russian-Chinese relations is extremely successful for Moscow and Beijing. Russia buys goods from China directly for gold at its current price. While China buys Russian energy resources for gold at its current price. At this Russian-Chinese festival of life there is a place for everything: Chinese goods, Russian energy resources, and gold as a means of mutual payment. Only US dollar has no place at this festival of life. And this is not surprising. Because the US dollar is not a Chinese product, nor a Russian energy resource. It is only an intermediate financial instrument of settlement and an unnecessary intermediary. And it is customary to exclude unnecessary intermediaries from the interaction of two independent business partners.
It should be noted separately that the global market for physical gold is extremely small relative to the world market for physical oil supplies. And especially the world market for physical gold is microscopic compared to the entirety of world markets for physical delivery of oil, gas, uranium and goods.
Emphasis on the phrase ‘physical gold’ is made because in exchange for its physical, not ‘paper’ energy resources, Russia is now withdrawing gold from the West, but only in its physical, not paper form. So does China, by acquiring from the West the artificially devalued physical gold as a payment for physical delivery of real products to the West.
The West’s hopes that Russia and China will accept as payment for their energy resources and goods ‘shitcoin’ or so-called ‘paper gold’ of various kinds also did not materialize. Russia and China are only interested in gold and only physical metal as a final means of payment.
For reference: the turnover of the market of paper gold, only of gold futures, is estimated at $360 billion per month. But physical delivery of gold is only for $280 million a month. Which makes the ratio of trade of paper gold versus physical gold: 1000 to 1.
Using the mechanism of active withdrawal from the market of one artificially lowered by the West financial asset (gold) in exchange for another artificially inflated by the West financial asset (USD), Putin has thereby started the countdown to the end of the world hegemony of petrodollar. Thus, Putin has put the West in a deadlock of the absence of any positive economic prospects.
The West can spend as much of its efforts and resources to artificially increase the purchasing power of the dollar, lower oil prices and artificially lower the purchasing power of gold. The problem of the West is that the stocks of physical gold in possession of the West are not unlimited. Therefore, the more the West devalues oil and gold against the US dollar, the faster it loses devaluing Gold from its not infinite reserves.
In this brilliantly played by Putin economic combination the physical gold is rapidly flowing to Russia, China, Brazil, Kazakhstan and India, the BRICS countries, from the reserves of the West. At the current rate of reduction of reserves of physical gold, the West simply does not have the time to do anything against Putin’s Russia until the collapse of the entire Western petrodollar world. In chess the situation in which Putin has put the West, led by the US, is called ‘time trouble’.
The Western world has never faced such economic events and phenomena that are happening right now. USSR rapidly sold gold during the fall of oil prices. Russia rapidly buys gold during the fall in oil prices. Thus, Russia poses a real threat to the American model of petrodollar world domination.
The main principle of world petrodollar model is allowing Western countries led by the United States to live at the expense of the labor and resources of other countries and peoples based on the role of the US currency, dominant in the global monetary system (GMS) . The role of the US dollar in the GMS is that it is the ultimate means of payment. This means that the national currency of the United States in the structure of the GMS is the ultimate asset accumulator, to exchange which to any other asset does not make sense.
What the BRICS countries, led by Russia and China, are doing now is actually changing the role and status of the US dollar in the global monetary system. From the ultimate means of payment and asset accumulation, the national currency of the USA, by the joint actions of Moscow and Beijing is turned into only an intermediate means of payment. Intended only to exchange this interim payment for another and the ulimate financial asset gold. Thus, the US dollar actually loses its role as the ultimate means of payment and asset accumulation, yielding both of those roles to another recognized, denationalized and depoliticized monetary asset gold.
Traditionally, the West has used two methods to eliminate the threat to the hegemony of petrodollar model in the world and the consequent excessive privileges for the West.
One of these methods colored revolutions. The second method, which is usually applied by the West, if the first fails military aggression and bombing.
But in Russia’s case both of these methods are either impossible or unacceptable for the West.
Because, firstly, the population of Russia, unlike people in many other countries, does not wish to exchange their freedom and the future of their children for Western kielbasa. This is evident from the record ratings of Putin, regularly published by the leading Western rating agencies. Personal friendship of Washington protégé Navalny with Senator McCain played for him and Washington a very negative role. Having learned this fact from the media, 98% of the Russian population now perceive Navalny only as a vassal of Washington and a traitor of Russia’s national interests. Therefore Western professionals, who have not yet lost their mind, cannot dream about any color revolution in Russia.
As for the second traditional Western way of direct military aggression, Russia is certainly not Yugoslavia, not Iraq or Libya. In any non-nuclear military operation against Russia, on the territory of Russia, the West led by the US is doomed to defeat. And the generals in the Pentagon exercising real leadership of NATO forces are aware of this. Similarly hopeless is a nuclear war against Russia, including the concept of so-called ‘preventive disarming nuclear strike’. NATO is simply not technically able to strike a blow that would completely disarm the nuclear potential of Russia in all its many manifestations. A massive nuclear retaliatory strike on the enemy or a pool of enemies would be inevitable. And its total capacity will be enough for survivors to envy the dead. That is, an exchange of nuclear strikes with a country like Russia is not a solution to the looming problem of the collapse of a petrodollar world. It is in the best case, a final chord and the last point in the history of its existence. In the worst case a nuclear winter and the demise of all life on the planet, except for the bacteria mutated from radiation.
The Western economic establishment can see and understand the essence of the situation. Leading Western economists are certainly aware of the severity of the predicament and hopelessness of the situation the Western world finds itself in, in Putin’s economic gold trap. After all, since the Bretton Woods agreements, we all know the Golden rule: ‘Who has more gold sets the rules.’ But everyone in the West is silent about it. Silent because no one knows now how to get out of this situation.
If you explain to the Western public all the details of the looming economic disaster, the public will ask the supporters of a petrodollar world the most terrible questions, which will sound like this:
How long will the West be able to buy oil and gas from Russia in exchange for physical gold?
And what will happen to the US petrodollar after the West runs out of physical gold to pay for Russian oil, gas and uranium, as well as to pay for Chinese goods?
No one in the west today can answer these seemingly simple questions.
And this is called ‘Checkmate’, ladies and gentlemen. The game is over.

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esponse to Smarba Letter by Radical Press publisher Arthur Topham

[Editor’s Note: Below you will find my response to the letter which Harvey Smarba (of the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada) had published in the Quesnel Cariboo Observer in the Jan. 27, 2008 edition. As well I have appended the letter from Smarba below mine for reference.
Please note the following urls to the Quesnel Cariboo Observer and do not hesitate to send them your opinion on this matter.
Editor Quesnel Cariboo Observer: [email protected]
Thank you.]
P.S. I have received a number of cc’d letters which the Quesnel newspaper has not published to date and will be sending out a separate post containing them. I apologize to the writers who took the time to write and didn’t get their work published but who gets in is totally out of my hands. You can rest assured though that Radical will run your contributions. Thanks again for your support! Arthur
Free speech, CHRC’s credibility at stake
February 03, 2008
Re: Remove the articles on web, that’s it, Feedback, the Observer, Jan. 27
Considering the serious allegations contained in the complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission by Harvey Smarba and the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada that I and my website are promoting ‘hatred toward Jews and citizens of Israel,’ I believe a response to Smarba is in order.
While Smarba and the B’nai Brith would have the ‘gullible’ public believe that ‘The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’ are nothing more than a ‘vicious, anti-Semitic ‘screed’ long debunked by all reputable sources the facts and subsequent events of the 20th Century belie such a simplistic, erroneous statement.
Most people around Quesnel and across Canada have likely never heard of this document let alone read it so it begs the question as to why Smarba would suddenly highlight it in his letter and over emphasize it to the point that he does. His reason and the reason all Zionists do not want the public to be aware of its contents is, I would suggest, to prevent people from even contemplating reading it.
As for its value to people today interested in global events it will suffice here in this short letter to quote Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn who wrote that the document exhibits ‘the mind of genius.’ This is pretty unusual for a fraud, especially coming from a Nobel Laureate. He further states it exhibits ‘great strength of thought and insight. Its design is well above the abilities of an ordinary mind…It is more complicated than a nuclear bomb.’
When Smarba writes that these Protocols are nothing more than ‘violent, vicious fantasies’ he is doing his best to divert the public’s attention away from the actual’violent, vicious’ realities that now exist in Palestine and the state of Israel where blatant racism and ethnic-cleansing of the Palestinian people has been ongoing for the past 60 years of Israel’s existence.
In my own estimation I would have to say the Protocols are the Zionist road map of the 20th Century and deserve serious scrutiny by any conscientious student of contemporary history.
The basic guiding principle of political Zionism is contained in the motto of the Mossad, the Israeli equivalent of CSIS or the CIA. which states ‘By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Make War.’ Smarba and the B’nai Brith, being zealous advocates of Israel, obviously embrace such an ideology and are determined to destroy my democratic right to state the truth on such matters by using their usual tactics of fear and intimidation in order to do so.
That, I suggest, is the rationale behind his and the B’nai Brith’s attempt to have me remove this article and 17 others, including some of my personal works on the subject of Zionism, from my website.
But there is also much more that Smarba is not telling readers when it comes to the Canadian Human Rights Commission.
For example the latest revelations coming out of the recent federal court case involving Marc Lemire and a former lawyer for the CHRC Ricardo Warmouse who, as Maclean’s Magazine writer Mark Steyn recently stated, has been carrying on his own personal ‘inquisition’ of Internet sites and making obscene profits from it as well.
It is now evident that Warmouse, funded by this same B’nai Brith organization, was caught posting disgusting, hate-filled, racist comments to the website of Lemire and then afterwards charging Lemire with the same type of complaint that I received. Go figure.
And if that isn’t shocking enough, not only Warmouse, but even the head ‘hate-crime’ investigator for the CHRC Dean Steacy, has been found guilty of posting similar ‘racist’ comments on sites that he wished to censor.
CHRC is rapidly losing whatever semblance of credibility it may once have had and these present realities, plus the recent allegations of financial fraud within the B’nai Brith organization itself, are why I adamantly refuse to remove from my website the articles that Smarba, in his imperious manner, is demanding that I do. I will fight this issue to the bitter end.
When the basic human right of freedom of speech is challenged we all must be partisans in the struggle to maintain it and I thank God the Cariboo Observer, unlike the Zionist-controlled Vancouver daily newspapers, is displaying the courage and respect due this fundamental freedom by covering and highlighting such an extremely important democratic issue.
Arthur Topham
Cottonwood, B.C.
The Radical Press
Remove the articles on web, that’s it
January 27, 2008
Re: Freedoms are threatened, Feedback, the Observer, Jan. 23.
I am Harvey Smarba, one of the complainants in the Arthur Topham Canadian Human Rights matter. My comments are brief and in respect of the fact that this matter is still in an early stage procedure.
Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Code is misunderstood by many people. But its intention is clear. It is to encourage Canadians from all backgrounds to live civilly and peaceably together without incitement of hatred, which is socially caustic and divisive and often softens the ground for future violence.
I have alleged Topham maintains a website that contains substantive expression likely to incite hatred and contempt against Jews. One very specific item complained of is the re-publication of aspects of the notorious Czarist-era forgery: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
This vicious screed, debunked both as fraudulent and hateful many times, was a substantial propaganda component in Hitler’s Nazi-era propaganda, and sadly, remains in circulation, mainly in Arab countries today.
The ‘blood libels’ of the Protocols accuse the Jews of many terrible things.
It is a classic in paranoid, racist literature. Taken by the gullible as the confidential minutes of a Jewish conclave convened in the last years of the 19th century, it has been heralded by anti-Semites as proof Jews are plotting to take over the world.
Topham is fully entitled to his private opinions, whatever they are. But when violent, vicious fantasies are made public, then those affected should have a right of reasonable recourse. And this legislation and this process are reasonable.
If Topham wishes to remove the articles complained of, then the process ends. If not, then there may be a hearing at which both sides present their positions. If upon a balance of probabilities it is determined that Topham deliberately offended Section 13, he may be fined and/or ordered to cease and desist.
If anyone wishes to understand more about what kinds of cases come before the Tribunal, please visit and look up decisions based on racial or religious grounds.
Harvey Smarba

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[Editor’s Note: Brother Nathanael is a former Jew who became a Christian and now labours to teach people of the evils of Zionism.]


By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright© 2008
Brother Nathanael [email protected]
AMERICA IS NOW A JEW-RUN NATION. Here is a list of the prominent Jews who run America:
1. Ben S. Bernanke: Chairman of the private Jew-owned Federal Reserve Bank. Term ends 2020.
2. Lloyd Blankfein: CEO of Goldman Sachs Bank of NY. Goldman Sachs is one of the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank consortium, made up of 8 banks, the House of Rothschild being the principal owner.
3. Harvey Krueger: Chairman of Lehman Brothers Bank of NY. Lehman Brothers is one of the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank consortium, made up of 8 banks, the House of Rothschild being the principal owner.
4. Michael Chertoff: Secretary of US Homeland Security. Chertoff is the son of an Orthodox rabbi. A dual-citizen of both Israel & America. Guess which nation the Jew Chertoff first loyalty is to? Chertoff is chief architect of the North American Union Plan and the Orwellian Real ID Card.
5. Howard Kohr: Executive Director of the most powerful lobby group in the world, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). AIPAC is made up of both Republican and Democratic Jews who have one single purpose -to secure Jewish-control of the world.
6. Malcolm Hoenlein: Executive Chairman of the second most powerful lobby group in the world, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Has 50 (!) Jewish member organizatons under him.
7. Abraham Foxman: Executive Director of the third most powerful lobby group in the world, Bnai Brith Anti Defamation League (ADL).
8. Norman Podhoretz: Key member of The Project for the New American Century, a Jewish think tank (jew-lobby), dedicated to promoting America dominance globally. (Translate: Promoting Jewish dominance).

See:: Project For The New American Century
HILARY CLINTON FUND RAISERS are the multi-millionaire Jews, Mark Penn and his wife, Nancy Jacobson. Penn, known around the world as King of the Polls, is CEO of Burson-Marsteller and President of Penn, Schoen and Berland Polling Company.
~ As CEO of Burson-Marsteller, Penn oversees a global network of 94 offices that brings public relations to politicians and companies around the world. As President of PSB, Penn provides polling strategies to political figures both in America and abroad. Tony Blair was re-elected as prime minister of England in 2005 due to Penn world-wide Jew-connections .
JOHN McCAIN FUND RAISER is Mark Broxmeyer and Wayne L. Berman. Broxmeyer is former director of the powerful Israel lobby, Jewish Institute Of National Security Affairs (JINSA).
~ Senator Joseph Lieberman, an Orthodox Jew who subscribes to the racist Jewish Talmud is now accompanying McCain on the campaign trail. This is a sure sign of Jewish control of McCain. The pay-off will be McCain having Lieberman as his running mate or appointing Lieberman to a key cabinet position.
In other words — both Hilary Clinton & John McCain have been BOUGHT by the Jew$!
Here are 3 options:
* Convert to Judaism and be part of the Single-Party political system in America.
* Convert to Judaism and be part of the Jewish-Takeover of former Christian America.
* Dont convert to Judaism. Instead call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to grow a revival of Christianity in America.
~Only when America is a Christian nation once again will the Jews lose their power to lead us all by our noses as sheep to the slaughter!

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