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The Hitler test by John Kaminksi

The Hitler test is the same as the 9/11 test.
The same as the Iraq test, the Afghanistan test, the Libya test, the Syria test.
The same as the ‘domestic terrorist’ test, the ‘anybody can be president’ test, the ‘your vote counts’ test, the ‘government is on your side’ test.
If you believe what the government says, you’re part of the problem. If you believe what big media tells you, well, then you’re just an idiot, incapable of discernment and a total failure at critical thinking.
There’s a reason I keep saying 90 percent of the opposition to Jewish America’s pathological practices are false.
Such popular ‘opposition’ commentators as Jim Stone, Alex Jones, Mike Rivero, Ryan Dawson, Chris Hedges, Dave Hodges, Mike Adams (to name only a few) . . . they all fail the Hitler test. They all fall for the Jewish propaganda that ‘Hitlerian’ is the worst adjective you can apply to any person, any program, any social movement. They and hundreds of others have all fallen for the popular media lie that World War II was ‘the good war’, when in reality it was, at the time, the biggest lie ever told.
Whether these writers are merely naive or totally corrupt and paid off is for you to decide.
In either case, they pretend not to know that Adolf Hitler has been vilified in perpetuity by Jewish media to cover up some very important facts that are critical to your continued survival. These facts have been concealed for more than a half century.
Objective facts prove that Holocaust hysteria is a cynical hoax, meant to create new ways of scamming the public ($13.5 billion in Holocaust reparations, at last count; plus laws in almost all European countries mandating jail for anybody who wishes to even discuss the matter).
The two main facts that have been covered up are these.
Germany was destroyed in the 1940s because it was the most serious threat to Jewish worldwide financial hegemony the world has ever seen. While the rest of the world was mired in a Jewish-imposed worldwide depression — and people were starving in the streets everywhere, including the United States — Germany under Adolf Hitler was thriving, because it had freed itself from the shackles of the international bankers and their devastating criminal formula of fractional reserve lending, which is the exact thing that is strangling societies all over the world today.
And the second most important fact that has been covered up is that all this ceaseless and maudlin hoopla about 6 million Jews gassed and burned in German concentration camps obscures the real mass murder crime by Jewish allies America, Britain and the Soviet Union, who terminated with extreme prejudice 12 million innocent German citizens, most of them after the war had supposedly ended.
So the most important lessons to be learned from this massive coverup and social engineering program concocted and reinforced ad nauseum by Jewish media hypocrites is that anybody who escapes the toxic tentacles of the kosher world bankers guarantees themselves financial independence and domestic harmony, but runs the risk of being annihilated by the criminals who control the world financial system.
Which is why I’m fond of saying your choices under this current system of government are either life in prison or instant death. Do not try to sugar coat this. This is what everyone in the world is facing right now.
This unceasing drivel about Jewish Holocaust victims is best counterbalanced by reading the Thomas Goodrich book, Hellstorm, which details in the goriest of detail what the Americans, Brits and Russians did to innocent German civilians AFTER World War II had ended. Pay close attention to the horrific details, because these things are about to happen in the United States and elsewhere to most of you.
This is what the future has in store for you, for not really paying attention, for believing Jewish media lies, for concentrating on your toys and your highly paying jobs, and refusing to see where these lies were taking us. Have taken us.

Maintaining the slander

Even after two decades of false flag atrocities (Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, WTC1 & 2, and the string of phony wars that followed), a majority of the American people still believes what it hears on TV, which is why the recent string of choreographed faux massacres has failed to stir the population to revolt — even as it is being slowly exterminated by an endless panoply of malicious methods.
Even as consciousness of our government’s criminal nature has grown in the minds of many — thanks to the Internet — still only a precious few are willing to recognize the nature of the disease that has turned the country into a terminal cancer patient, even though this sickness has been present since the founding of the republic.
Most people — especially the younger generations — have no clue that Holocaust hysteria didn’t really get going until after the JFK assassination in 1963, although the rabid hate crimes against the German people have been conducted by American Jews throughout the 20th century, principally in the creation of the Federal Reserve which started World War I, and also the worldwide declaration of war against the Germans by the Jews in 1933.
One of the bizarre aspects of this unceasing kosher propaganda blitz is that the Jews have been using this 6 million dead figure since well before World War II. Not only has the credibility of this tale been demolished in the minds of attentive observers, the shibboleth serves as a telling indicator that the tale, and the cynical public relations onslaught that has followed, have sickened the entire world with its maudlin falsehoods like dead Jews made into soap and lampshades and thrown into lakes of fire. None of these stories can be proved, but many people still believe them.
So, the point being that anybody using ‘Hitlerian’ as a relevant adjective to describe some incomprehensibly dastardly deed is actually revealing to the world that their minds are clogged with demented Jewish fairy tales, nightmare sagas concocted by sobbing hypocrites like Elie Wiesel whose works have been disseminated throughout the world only because rich Jews control of the publishing industry, the TV networks, most governments and the Nobel Prize nominating committee.
People from Putin to Obama are still reinforcing this false stereotype. But the story didn’t happen that way. That’s just the way the Jews told that story, and because of their control of the media, that’s what most of the world now believes.
Hitler never wanted to take over the world like the Jews say he did. He only wanted to reclaim what was stolen from Germany in World War I. There were no gas chambers in the work camps. Most of those who died were Poles and other ethnic groups. And that number is nothing in comparison to the number of people murdered by the three Jewish allies — the Soviets, and Brits and the United States — who sought to stamp out the biggest threat to Jewish worldwide financial hegemony ever seen.
So all those writers who use Hitler as an example of the greatest arch villain of all time are merely displaying their own brainwashing, or their own contemptible corruption, to all who have eyes to see.
And now we see this process repeating itself endlessly in the killings of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi, two leaders who were put in power by the world financial ogre, but who tried to break away and do what was best for their people, only to be obliterated by the same Jewish monster that is now obliterating us.

Solzhenitsyn’s words

Today we are experiencing unprecedented encroachments on our personal freedom. The TSA has announced it will demand our tax information if we wish to fly on an airplane. The police have usurped the right to enter our homes if we have been determined to be politically incorrect. Our children are poisoned from birth by vaccinations proven to cause permanent brain damage. And still most people deny that America has become a snake eating its own tail, driven all the while by Jewish interests who have no interest in working for the public good, but only in fleecing victims their rabbis have labeled as barnyard animals, or, as Menachem Begin once famously said, ‘beasts walking on two legs’.
More and more people have begun to figure out that the same monster that devoured the Russian people when the Soviet Union was brought into being by Jewish bankers from New York has now spread its poisoned attitudes across the United States, and like a colossal vampire, has sunk its fangs into every fiber of American life, strangling the life out of everything that is good and decent.
From Einstein to Feinstein, writers, scientists and politicians today seek to get ahead by reinforcing these same stereotypes that are killing us, and foremost among these techniques is summoning up their nightmare vision of Adolf Hitler as a symbol of dark depravity that fills us with fear. But like everything the Jews have told us during their takeover of the world, it is a lie.
What happened to the Russian people is now happening to Americans, because the same super rich and soulless Jewish bankers are running the world’s show. Because what happened to Russia is now happening to America, there is no better place to examine these deadly and tragic parallels than in the work of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, whose last book — ‘Two Hundred Years Together’ — the story of the Russians and the Jews — has been prevented from being published in the English language by the Jews who control the publishing industry, and by the paid off politicians who condone such censorship. It is all to the benefit of the Jews who bribe them, who blackmail them, to betray the people they are supposed to serve.
What happened in the Soviet Union is now happening here, with Jews occupying all the choke points of power, writing laws that benefit only themselves, and above all, killing non Jews as fast as they possibly can.
‘Relentless terror’ is what Stalin ordered for the Russian people, and what the American people are experiencing now. Listen to Solzhenitsyn’s words (culled from
On August 26, 1918 Lenin instructed by telegram: ‘Dubious persons are to be locked up in concentration camps outside of the city. Relentless mass terror is to be carried out.’
Tens of thousands of hostages were killed ‘for deterrence’ during the 1917-1922 civil war, with hundreds drowned at a time by sinking them on barges in the White Sea in the Arctic.
‘Vermin’ were naturally the small- and medium-sized farmers, the tradesmen and all homeowners. It was ‘vermin’ who were singing in the church choirs.
By resolution of the Defense Council of February 15, 1919 the Cheka and the NKVD were instructed to seize hostages from the farmers of those areas ‘wherever the clearing of snowdrifts off the railroad tracks is not progressing satisfactorily; in this case, if the work is not done, they can be shot.’
People were also shot recklessly on the basis of arbitrary lists — particularly academics, artists, authors and engineers. With the regulation on forced food-collection of January 1919, the farmers were also targeted.
Later, in the 1930s, the mass ‘collectivization of agriculture’ in Ukraine led to the death by starvation of about 6 million humans.
What you read here is a preview of what is coming to America, in fact, what is already here.
Any man who has not yet been flung into the sewage channel and whoever has not yet been pumped himself through the pipes into the GULAG archipelago, should march about, joyfully above-ground, with flags flying and bands playing, praising the courts, and expressing ecstasy over his acquittal.
The general expropriation of the entire population in favor of an illusory ‘people’s property,’ the system of general terror, the pervasive vulnerability of every unprivileged citizen — and as their consequence, arrests without
measure, deportations into faraway hard labor camp-regions and liquidations — were an integrated and mandatory part of the state ideology of ‘Marxism-Leninism.’ These historical facts must be acknowledged.
As early as January 1918 there were already mass executions under martial law without any procedures or court hearings. These were followed by hundreds and later thousands of innocent hostages being seized, executed in mass nighttime shootings or loaded on ships and sunk with them [aboard].
Lazar Kaganovich, Genrikh Yagoda and Vyacheslav Molotov pushed their requisition commandos out into the countryside. Soon thereafter, in 1932-33, 5 or 6 million humans died like animals of hunger in Russia and Ukraine, right on the edge of Europe. ‘But the free press of the free world maintained its perfect silence!’
Solzhenitsyn’s description of the gulags are an accurate description of what is about to take place in the already-built U.S. FEMA camps.
Make no mistake about the gulags: they were not ‘work forever’ camps. They were ‘work to death’ camps, designed to liquidate the occupants. Millions were sent to die in them.
Solzhenitsyn tells us, however, ‘’by the computations of the emigrated statistics professor Kurganov, this ‘relatively light’ suppression that ran from the beginning of the October Revolution through 1950 cost us [Russians] about 66 million human lives.’ [GULAG Archipelago, p. 37]
This is why Adolf Hitler was so intent on stopping the Red Jewish Menace from Russia from invading his own country. What has been stripped from our history books was that Hitler admired the United States and Britain, because he didn’t realize they had already been taken over by Jews and turned into monsters.
This is the Hitler test that most Americans have utterly failed. They have obediently swallowed the Jewish propaganda and lost their country to people with no conscience, no sense of compassion, and a bloodlust that has drenched the world in tragedy for longer than anybody can really remember.
In Russia, 1.7 percent of the population took over the whole government. In America, the percentage is about the same. The same Soviet Jews, run by New York bankers, have spawned both the neocons and the progressives. Each new law they conspire to pass is aimed at population reduction.
Foreigners with no allegiance to anything except their own insanity are in control of everything now. Since the time of Alexander Hamilton, they never have been Americans — only predators intent on controlling, robbing and killing.
Failing the Hitler test guarantees you either life in prison or an early grave. Those are the choices all Americans now face for failing the Hitler test,
All those writers who misuse the false term Nazi — consciously or not — are on the side of those now turning the world into a giant prison, in which the dead will outnumber the living.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.

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About Robin Mathews. Adolf Hitler. Stephen Harper. The Big Lie. By Hans Krampe

Editor’s Preface: Ten years ago I could not have imagined that a day would come when I would find myself in the unenviable position of having to openly criticize someone who, throughout the vicissitudes of the last decade, has been a friend, a colleague, a supporter and a contributor to albeit, at times, tested and tried due to changing times and the availability of new information that, back at the turn of the century, was virtually unknown.
Both Hans Krampe and Robin Mathews were two of my most prized contributing writers during the period when The Radical was being published in hard copy on a monthly basis. These were the years 1998 to 2002.
The truth be known both myself and Hans Krampe were quite ignorant of the ideology known as Political Zionism when we undertook the publishing of an alternative newspaper in June of 1998. Like the vast majority of people who had grown up in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, we were basically products of a cultural milieu that for all intents of purposes was Zionist Jewish in essence. We were, like most folks, truth seekers who for different reasons found the status quo wanting in terms of answers to the big questions of the day. Why the endless wars, corruption, poverty, pollution, environmental degradation and so on? Who was responsible for these perennial crops of evil and injustice? How were we to address the questions and more importantly still, how were we to deal with problems when answers were forthcoming? These were the driving forces that kept us motivated and willing to undergo the assorted challenges that researchers and writers experience when they undertake to explore the hidden dimensions behind what the world perceives as historic truth.
During those early years of publishing we had yet to learn about who the real movers and shakers were that controlled the levers of power and along with our innocence we also were ignorant of the facts behind the causes of the two major wars of the 20th Century. Steeped, as we were, in the Zionist literature of the day that portrayed itself as mainstream, western history, we grew up believing that Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists who ruled Germany from 1933 until 1945, represented the supreme zenith of earthly evil and terror. That, combined with the ‘Jewish Holocaust’ myth that eventually took form in the mid-1950s and continued to grow with the furor of a unchecked cancer thanks to the Jewish controlled media we were still under the spell cast upon us when we decided to ‘dig to the root of the issues’ in search of answers to lingering questions.
With respect to Robin Mathews’ views therefore I was more or less in synch on all the major issues even though early in our relationship I detected a bias in his work that leaned toward a Marxist perspective on global issues and was reflected in Robin’s essays that inevitably aligned themselves with the political left.
It wasn’t until around 2005 that I seriously began to question the historical perspective of the west and its basis and only in earnest after a friend was kind enough to lend me a copy of Douglas Reed’s classic work on Political Zionism known as The Controversy of Zion. Upon completion of Reed’s opus an epiphany of sorts occurred in my soul/mind and I could no longer view the world through the rose-coloured, Zionist-tinted lenses that had hitherto been my standard mode of perception and upon laying them down and fashioning a new perspective I eventually came to the realization that what I and millions of other westerners had taken as political and historic truth throughout our lives was, tragically, one big lie, so monumental in scope and depth that it was for many people beyond comprehension.
It was at that point or juncture when Robin Mathews’ perspective and my perspective on world history began to diverge. It was also then that I sensed his gentle, yet grave disapproval of my new-found perspective on political issues and his cautionary words to not attempt to introduce the term ‘Jew’ into anything political for fear of being tarnished with accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ and so on and thus losing any credibility that I may have gained over previous years.
I tried my best to persuade Robin that to overlook the Zionist Jew issue in politics could only lead to ill-conceived conclusions that would ultimately be of benefit only to the Zionists and their agenda for global governance but all attempts were met with adamantine resistance that usually resulted in long periods of silence where communications ceased.
When I was eventually accused by Agent Z and the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada of violating the infamous Section 13 ‘hate crimes’ section of the Canadian Human Rights Act back in November of 2007, Robin, beyond expressing a faint semblance of sympathy, was more inclined to take the viewpoint that I had it coming because I had not heeded his cautionary words about stepping on the toes of the Jews. I didn’t hold this against him as by then I was well aware that a great divide existed between those who could see through the Jew’s Big Lie and those who could not.
Since 2007, thanks to the increasingly malevolent machinations of the state of Israel, the world has taken some rather dramatic leaps forward in terms of coming to terms with the Zionist Elephant that tramples and destroys economies and nations and environments and lives in the great living room we call planet Earth. Things that appeared but in vague form and outline back in 2007 today stand in stark relief as the world suddenly is forced to come to grips with the ultimate lie of the 20th Century that of the Jewish controlled media’s ongoing propaganda against Germany and Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist party that guided the German nation from 1933 to 1945.
Both myself and Hans Krampe continued to question the historic roots of Zionism and along with that the lies brought forth against the German people. In doing so we have uncovered growing volumes of evidence that clearly vindicate the German nation of any guilt associated with a war that was purposely created in order to destroy the one nation that had the courage and will to stand up to the Jewish banking consortium of the 1930s. We now know that it was World Jewry who first declared war on Germany and then used their power of the ‘purse’ and their media monopoly to bewitch the west into believing that it was Adolf Hitler and the German people who wanted to take over the world and turn it into a global concentration camp ruled by fear and terror.
Today, the world is finally coming to the realization that those who truly wanted to gain control of the world were the very ones who vilified the German people and made them out to be cruel, heartless monsters. By their fruits are they now known to the world and a bitter fruit indeed it is that now attempts to rule our planet by fear and terror and it’s name is Zionism and its ownership is restricted to those Jews who subscribe to the political ideology that supports its existence.
Unfortunately Robin Mathews is still labouring under the illusions that Marx’s dialectic provided to the world and his inability to come to terms with the reality of Zionism has somehow caused him to revert to the old Zionist ploy of dredging up the name of Hitler and the German people to justify his otherwise credible critique of Stephen Harper and the Conservative party of Canada.
Bearing this all in mind I would therefore highly recommend that readers take a close look at what Hans Krampe has to say about Robin’s recent article. The vital question, as always, is to discern what the ‘Big Lie’ is actually about. I believe that Hans Krampe furnishes us with solid evidence that cannot be dismissed without serious consideration and subsequent proof.
*** Please bear in mind that Robin’s article is posted below Hans’ reply and should be read prior to reading Hans’ response.
Arthur Topham
‘Digging to the root of the issues since 1998’
About Robin Mathews. Adolf Hitler. Stephen Harper. The Big Lie.
By Hans Krampe
March 17, 2011
AH monument
Our Fuehrer
I have been following almost every article of yours on the Vive le Canada website about the Basi-Virk-Basi case, the corruption of the B.C. judiciary and â€őPremier” Gordon Campbell’s — and his cronies — involvement in it and was struck by your meticulous — almost pedantic — attention to detail in your tenacious in-depth investigation. You have produced a complete record for present and future generations to be able to review the facts which are currently being suppressed in the mainstream.
But not so with your April 14, 2011 article ‘Adolf Hitler. Stephen Harper. The Big Lie.’ [see below. Ed.] There your meticulousness, let alone your professed love for the truth and abhorrence of the Big Lie went poof, out the window.
Your comparison of Harper with Hitler is a cowardly, though politically correct, insult of the latter who can’t answer your ignorant attack on his good name. In this you’ve just joined the same mob that goes under what you ignorantly call neonazis.
In case you don’t know, neonazis have nothing in common with either Adolf Hitler or the National Socialists, but they have a lot in common with today’s Jews, as the entire world has ample opportunity to observe daily. By applying, in your hair raising ignorance, the fraudulent images and allegations which you are so fond of, to the German National Socialists, you have become indistinguishable from a Zionist fascist mouthpiece, i.e. a true fascist, that is; though you coyly call yourself a democrat.
I don’t think you know the difference between National Socialism and Fascism. In fact, hordes of Ph.D.s have bent over backwards to stick the label of fascism on Adolf Hitler, and failed miserably, because Hitler and the National Socialist movement were just what the name says. They were not run by, nor controlled by, nor in cahoots with corporate interests.
It was the other way around. Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist government put not only strict controls on corporate activities, allowing them just enough lee-way to operate profitably to the benefit of the German nation, but also controlled Germany’s money supply, an insignificant detail which apparently you’ve got not the slightest inkling about.
The result was, that Germany, under Adolf Hitler’s leadership emerged within four years from abject destitution and national bankruptcy in 1932 — thanks to the Weimar Republic’s spineless, corrupt, incompetent, yet democratic malfeasance — as the most prosperous nation on earth with the highest standard of living, which hasn’t been surpassed by any other nation to date, while the rest of the world, including ‘democratic’ Canada, remained in a deep depression; even though Germany had no natural resources to speak of. Adolf Hitler was more popular, and not just in Germany, than any person dead or alive, on this globe since then, your ignorant and biased frothing at the mouth notwithstanding.
It may be news to you, but Hitler governed by referenda (six within four years). How many referenda have there been within Canada’s entire history, pray tell? And were they internationally supervised, as was the case in all six ‘nazi’ referenda??
Compared with AH’s leadership method of government, Canada’s democracy has been a quisling and bungling basket case forever, despite rubber stamping votes every four years, whose parliaments serve no other function than as troughs for a never ending line-up of criminal swine, like Harper, to feed at. Compared to Hitler’s and National Socialism’s accomplishments, Canada’s so-called democracy is a disgrace and an utter failure, considering that it’s been sitting on a treasure trove of unlimited resources, unsurpassed in the world, for two centuries.
Here is a classical example of evil for you, a real genocidal and sadistic champion of sociopathy. Just take a closer look at your Commonwealth hero: the Jew Winston Churchill. A homosexual pederast with a genocidal record, having successfully starved millions of Bengalis to death with nary a twinge of conscience. He never had to tie his own shoelaces, having always had â€őhis man” doing this job. He also was fond of welcoming diplomats in his bathroom, in the nude, a practice nick-named â€őthe order of the bath”. Being soused out of his gourd was his normal everyday condition and the Canadian military, inspired by his booze soaked schemes on how to more effectively roast German women and children alive under a hail of phosphorous bombs — the more the merrier — were never in the least ashamed to participate in and enhance Churchill’s menace with a menace of their own. Canadians like you are blessed with a convenient tunnel vision and honor Churchill’s memory since the war with a bizarre sense of ignorant and self-satisfied approval that can only be described as criminally insane. In your historical version of the war, all responsibility for allied atrocities has been assigned to Adolf Hitler, allegedly because he didn’t want to unconditionally surrender. It’s like me saying, after I murdered you, it’s all your fault because you refused to surrender to me all your money, unconditionally.
As the photographic and documentary record shows, his refusal to unconditionally surrender was more than justified, judging by the demented and sadistic horrors allied ghouls then commenced to perpetrate on a defenseless and vulnerable German population after war’s end for years. Your unreasonable and vindictive malice shows me that you haven’t a clue of what really happened there.
This, in a nutshell was, and still is, real and manifestly obvious evil, no fabrications, fictions and unsubstantiated allegations necessary. The evidence is undeniable that this was what the allies indulged in with orgiastic glee, not Hitler.
Now let’s look at another hero of yours, Joseph Djugashvili Stalin, a paranoid and malicious psychopath, a megalomaniac and deadly enemy of not just Germany but all of Europe, undeniably the biggest mass murderer in the history of the world, having presided over the brutal, gratuitous and sadistic torturing to death of over 60 million of his own people, executed under the leadership and personal participation of Jewish Marxist fanatics, according to Alexander Solzhenitzyn, one of his more prominent victims, who survived and the testimonies of many others. To compare this guy with Harper would’ve been a much more fitting choice for you.
Compare this with Adolf Hitler, a highly decorated WW I veteran, EK1, a decoration normally only awarded to officers; who spent the entire first world war as a runner in the trenches, the most dangerous job there was; a non-smoking vegetarian and a teetotaler, who became a millionaire from the royalties of â€őMein Kampf”. Contrary to your vitriolic allegations, he never broke a promise he made to the German people, in fact he exceeded their wildest expectations, which earned him the undying love and loyalty of especially the workers and farmers.
The image of Hitler you entertain, is your own biased embellishment of the fabrications of historical nitwits, a pathological case of Germanophobia. Hitler never shied away from his responsibilities. Taking responsibility and being accountable was a cornerstone of the National Socialist idea and he promoted it by example. He didn’t lie, nor did he avoid problems, he solved them. The evidence to this is overwhelming, but only visible to those who aren’t deafened, dumbed down and blinded by prejudice. It speaks for itself. But you keep shying away from the obvious because it exposes your ignorant malice.
This is a manifest obviousness you, brave Robin, wouldn’t be found dead acknowledging. You were just old enough to absorb your full measure of anti-German hate propaganda at the time, which seems to have unalteringly calcified within your brain since then.
Did you ever ask yourself what business Canadians had killing Germans, half way around the earth, who had never done them any harm, let alone being a threat?
To anyone knowledgeable about what you keep ignorantly mangling beyond recognition, it becomes immediately obvious that you haven’t done any — Zilch — research worth the name on National Socialism and Adolf Hitler; but you have swallowed, wholesale, the Big Lie you profess to deplore, as if it was candy, i.e. wartime anti-German hate propaganda, conveniently formatted by lynch mobs after the war and made available in literally billions of tons of vitriolic incitement to hate, disguised as historical literature, which you now chuck up and trumpet about as if it was divine gospel.
When Goebbels — and Hitler, et al — were talking about the Big Lie, they meant the common practice of Jews and not, as you suggest, a nifty proprietary method of theirs to deceive the German masses. It becomes immediately apparent when read in the context of transcripts and documents, which you apparently don’t even know exist. I have, but then again, I’m not a Ph.D., suffering from delusions of grandeur. Uncritically parroting other people’s regurgitated Big Lies as if they were established fact, does not make one a credible authority on history, only an ignorant parrot.
In your little anecdote of Winifred Wagner, spelled with one â€őn” — offered to illustrate your historical astuteness, no doubt — you allege that she complained about Nazi brutality; one among many fictitious allegations and distortions put into the mouths of countless prominent NS personalities, ex post facto, for the sake of emphasis and entrenchment of the Nazis’ â€őevil reputation”. It’s only a fact in your biased mind, Robin. For anyone who, like myself and unlike you, has diligently researched the period in question, it’s hackneyed and irrelevant nonsense.
That the National Socialist’s movement had to organize a volunteer guard (yes, the SA) to defend themselves against the constant and very real brutal attacks of well organized communist shock troops, led by Bolshevik Jews, fomenting strife and division among Germans at a time when Germany was in terrible distress, is in your mind Nazi brutality. Since Winifred is alleged to have said so, it must be true, eh?
Besides, Hitler would have to have been a Saint not to have had any enemies busily subverting, undermining and spreading rumors and venom about him, welcome fare now to feed your bias with.
As to Hitler’s alleged avoidance of truth, his alleged lying, or his alleged blaming of others, or any other offal you’re fond of splashing on his character, name your sources and provide the proof. When and on what occasions did he behave in that way? The traits you’re talking about are primarily Harper’s, not Hitler’s, and those of Soviet, Canadian, British and lately also of quisling politicians of the FRG who, after 75 years of relentless ‘denazification’ (your kind) are now celebrating the total destruction of Germany by the allies and the mass murder of over 13 million POWs, old men, women and children AFTER THE WAR, as LIBERATION. The unmitigated insanity of it all!! There is no comparison whatsoever possible between Hitler and any despots, contemporary or otherwise, least of all Harper.
In fact, yours is the cowardly denigration of the memory of an honorable man who was not only an outstanding genius but probably the greatest statesman and leader of any nation that ever lived. Little backwoods Ph.D.s, such as yourself, couldn’t hold a candle to his unsurpassed accomplishments, his integrity and his unfailing commitment to Germany’s well being.
To think, that you once stood in front of students, teaching them your uncritically accepted baloney, laced with your own invented associations, is downright scary. It’s people like you who perpetuate the Big Lie, complete with all the malice you’re capable of loading it with.
Finally, for me, as an ethnic German, you’re an offensive and malicious hate monger who welcomes and celebrates his irrational hate of Germany with equally irrational satisfaction; broadcasting undigested rumors, unproven hearsay and personal invention, while ignoring any and all historical fact.
You’re also a coward, who only gets ‘brave’ within the approved perimeters of political correctness, but lacks any and all civic courage outside of it, where it counts.
Maybe it’s an old age thing, like dementia setting in.
Hans Krampe is a former feature writer for The Radical. He lives in the Cariboo region of central B.C.
Contact Hans at [email protected]
Adolf Hitler. Stephen Harper. The Big Lie.
By Robin Mathews
April 14, 2011
Robin Mathews
A column like this one opens a question that can’t be answered immediately – perhaps not for a long time.
Fifteen years from now an observer may say this column shows how far from reality a commentator could go in the contentious days of 2011 in Canada.
Or, the commentator may ask why only the writer of this column saw the inevitable coming … what became obvious to everyone else … but only when it was too late?
A clue that the second case might be true is the repeated summing-up of the leaders debate on Tuesday, April 12 by Chris Hall (CBC parliamentary reporter).
Over and over he reported that the leaders of the NDP, the bloc quebecois, and the Liberals attacked Stephen Harper – and that he answered them. Not once did Chris Hall – or any of the other (‘mainstream’) commentators I have observed say that very many of Stephen Harper’s replies were manipulations of fact to convey falsehoods … when they were not outright lies.
Stephen Harper repeatedly said there was no tax cut for corporations in the latest budget (before Parliament closed for the election). That was not the point. A six billion dollar tax cut for the large corporations will come into effect if the Harperites win government.
Those cuts need not come into effect. And so, in fact, the Harperites are giving large corporations a six billion dollar tax cut.
Lying flagrantly, Stephen Harper insisted his Party is not in contempt of Parliament when it is so without question.
On the matter of the Harperites refusing to provide spending information (one of the bases of the contempt ruling) Harper said his agents gave all information – a statement which is simply not true.
Perhaps most important of all, he denied the fundamental facts of parliamentary government, insisting that â€őCanadians” believe the Party with the most votes must govern. What he argued, in fact, is a denial of the democratic parliamentary system. In short, he lied.
This morning on an open line show a caller claimed his statement that the Canadian Labour Congress endorses his budget is an outright lie.
Those are five random examples. Random, I say, because one would need a script of the debate to count up the number of times Stephen Harper lied outright or manipulated facts to convey falsehoods.
He didn’t disable his opponents by superior argument. He disabled the whole debate by using persistent falsehood and near falsehood.
The latest, mid-election flurry of revelations of misdoing concerns expenditures on the G20 Summit. Allegations are of misleading Parliament by the Harperites (words for ‘lying to Parliament’?), misallocation of huge amounts of money, insider indulgences of Roman proportions. All that through â€őleaks” of a forthcoming Report by the Auditor General Sheila Fraser.
In Ottawa, Harperite insider John Baird has spoken with apparent confident authority about what is contained in the confidential Report. How can he do so? Who gave him copies of the Report? Did Sheila Fraser? Stephen Harper (characteristically) is avoiding responsibility … for as long as he can. Canadians must ask how many such seamy revelations are waiting for an opening of the secrecy-bound activities of the Harperites? They must ask the question.
Meanwhile, almost unnoticed, it has been revealed the Harperites took words of praise Sheila Fraser wrote about Liberal financial activities and quoted them about Harperite â€őwork”. Sheila Fraser is apparently upset! Stockwell Day apologized profusely. But the question remains – who did that piece of chicanery? Did Stephen Harper order it? Can the Harperites be trusted on any matter whatever?
The conclusions which I have come to are quite clear. I believe Stephen Harper is more comfortable lying than telling the truth. I believe he is a psychopathic liar – which means I believe he will lie (and follow up his lies) in any way he can to gain his ends and aggrandize his position.
To take the logic of that position to its conclusion, I believe that if Stephen Harper were to gain enough power – he would murder his political opponents, would have innocent Canadians shot down in the streets. [Remember the Toronto G20 violations of free assembly.]
If what I write is fair comment on observed public affairs, then Stephen Harper may properly be described as a neo-Fascist.
Historians of Nazism sometimes suggest the architect of â€őthe Big Lie” in Nazi politics was Josef Goebbels, the only Ph. D in the inner circle and an early Party member. But the ultimate author of all Nazi strategies of falsehood in that brutal despotism was Adolf Hitler himself.
He was a friend of Winnifred Wagner, manager – preceding and during the Second World War – of the famous Bayreuth (Wagner) Festivals. Early in Hitler’s time of growing power Winnifred Wagner would express dismay to him about Nazi street brutality against political opponents and others. Like Stephen Harper when faced with evidence of undeniable wrong-doing by the Party, Hitler would say he knew nothing about it, or someone else did it without his orders. Or he would belittle the evidence or … change the subject or … lie outright.
When faced with inescapable need to act with courage and honesty, Hitler, like Stephen Harper, would take the coward’s way out.
In a moment of brazen bravado, for instance, Harper suggested a one-on-one election debate with Michael Ignatieff – who agreed immediately. On April Fool’s day, the press announced Stephen Harper’s retreat, babbling nonsense and, again, repeating a simple lie – that a coalition exists and is led by Michael Ignatieff.
Harper’s campaign is built and based upon that and worse kinds of lying. As the Encyclopedia Brittanica writes in relation to Fascism, Stephen Harper makes a â€őproud sacrifice of all ethical scruples to success”. What Canadians must realize is that Stephen Harper employs a complex strategy of lies that are well thought out and employed in no accidental way.
To say Harper is fairly called a neo-Fascist may seem harsh. But people in democracies must be clear-eyed if they wish to protect democratic freedoms. Even Plato – 2500 years ago – observed that Tyranny develops most naturally out of Democracy.
The characteristics of Fascism across Europe in the first half of the twentieth century were plain: the sharing of State power with private corporations to pursue common goals. Using the police to destroy civil freedoms. Operating all activities under ‘the Big Lie”. Enrolling the Mainstream Press and Media as accomplices in political gangsterism. Persecuting, starving, torturing, murdering any number of people opposed to the Fascists.
Hitler was determined to take power by constitutional means after having failed in a violent attempt at a coup in Munich in 1923. Twisting, perverting, exploiting, debasing constitutional practice (like Stephen Harper), Hitler managed to bully and coerce his way to supreme power in Germany – with results we know too well.
Stephen Harper’s wholly perverse manipulation of prorogation to avoid votes in Parliament might have been learned directly from Adolf Hitler.
Harper’s actions to deny Parliament rightful information and to support the alleged lies of a cabinet minister might, also, have been learned from the earlier â€ődrive to power” of a dictator-in-waiting.
Like Adolf Hitler, Stephen Harper is, I have no doubt, the author of all his Party’s ‘strategies of falsehood”, all its attempts to destroy the democracy in which it presently works. Harper’s use of the RCMP to eject the unwanted from â€ődemocratic” election campaign meetings matches Hitler’s â€őstrong-arm squads” created to protect Nazi meetings from attendance by â€őthe unwanted”.
Indeed, before the present election was announced, I wrote a column on the RCMP and its growing corruption. In that column I guessed that the dismissal of the top man at the RCMP, William Elliott, was post-dated by Harper because the Mounties would be needed for dirty work in the election.
As happened, RCMP officers have been used as thug â€ősecurity” in the Harper meetings. Did those RCMP officers wear the brown shirts of the Nazis? We know nothing about them. Who are they? What are their names? Why have they not been identified? Who ordered them to act at those meetings? Was it Stephen Harper? We must know – before the election.
Nor is it accidental, I believe, that William Elliott the recently fired top RCMP officer was, earlier, a key actor in the Prime Minister’s Office undertaking the approval of much-charged Bruce Carson to become a top advisor to Stephen Harper.
Carson is presently under investigation by the RCMP for alleged improper behaviour in attempts to get contracts awarded. He has a record of misdeeds and dubious connections. Stephen Harper alleges he knew almost nothing of Bruce Carson’s past.
One may guess that for his good and faithful service first in the PMO, and then in Stockwell Day’s Public Safety Department, and then as head of the RCMP, William Elliot will fall from grace onto a very carefully prepared, soft, luxurious bed.
Under Guiliano Zaccardelli, the RCMP used its â€őinvestigation” of Ralph Goodale and the Department of Finance in 2006 to help defeat the Liberals. Now the RCMP makes clear it can say nothing about the tale of Stephen Harper’s senior henchman Bruce Carson, involved, it is alleged, in a dirtier piece of business than any Ralph Goodale has ever been remotely connected to.
Having very recently discovered ethics, â€őethics” is apparently the basis upon which the William Elliott RCMP refuses to report about Bruce Carson.
Carson’s close relation to Stephen Harper and the PMO has, we may be sure, nothing to do with the RCMP’s newfound â€őethics” and â€ődiscretion”.
The same slippery dishonesty, I believe, is involved in the case of Elizabeth May’s exclusion from the leaders debate. The key force rejecting her has been, I believe, Stephen Harper. When the decision of the â€őmedia consortium” was announced, both Jack Layton and Michael Ignatieff said she should be included in the debate.
Characteristically shifting responsibility, Stephen Harper said he would accept the decision of the â€őmedia consortium” – which, of course – consulted the Parties. Only when it became plain that public sentiment wanted Elizabeth May in the debate – only then did Harper change his tune and say he supported her presence.
If truth is ever told by members of the media consortium, I am almost certain they will report that Harper publicly supported May’s presence while privately telling the consortium he would withdraw if she was allowed in. Harper knows she threatens his nondescript candidate Gary Lunn. And so I believe Harper – in typical covert fashion – acted to keep her out.
Consider the next minority government. I believe the Mainstream Press and Media are doing what they can to secure a Harper victory. If they were being genuinely impartial, they would have to be reporting simple, factual things they are not reporting. 1. Minority governments occur commonly in parliamentary systems. 2. Such governments often do excellent work. 3. Coalitions may form – and, if they do, they can govern effectively. 4. If they don’t form, ‘agreements to govern’ (as has, in fact, been the case in Canada since 2006) can be effective. 5. And so Stephen Harper’s attack on those possibilities is a sham. It is a hoax which he is attempting to perpetrate on the Canadian public.
But … more! The Mainstream Press and Media should expose Stephen Harper’s real goal … the one he is trying to use a pattern of lies to achieve.
Having gone Right to the point of having ‘nut case Yankee policies”, Harper knows they won’t be supported by a minority government. $30 billions (plus) for fighter planes. A $6 billion gift to large corporations. Multi billions to build [who will get the contracts?] new nineteenth century jails to pack with people who shouldn’t be in jail. And more….
Harper has set up a situation that is so obscene no minority parliament could accept it.
That means the minority parliament will vote him down and will seek from the Governor General the right to rule. Stephen Harper has, I believe, anticipated that (as I believe he anticipated he would need William Elliott as head of the RCMP during the election). And so he appointed a Harperite Hack as Governor General. That opens huge and dangerous possibilities. If the Governor General attempts to work politically for Stephen Harper, instead of constitutionally for Canada, he will create a crisis in Canadian democracy.
In that situation a Harper attempted coup d’etat will be used to prevent a Liberal-led minority government.
If that happens, the Opposition parties will be forced into some kind of coalition. To save Canadian democracy, the matter may demand an all-party Opposition coalition. Stephen Harper knows that, I am sure. He is trying to lie enough to make Canadians believe (in advance) that a coalition is undemocratic and illegitimate. That is why he lies about it consistently…on and on and on.
Stephen Harper has never let the truth stand in the way of his ambition to rule as what Plato called a Tyrant.
The Mainsteam Press and Media – which opens up none of the facts on this matter, supports, I believe, what is in fact Stephen Harper’s baldfaced lying. Even the CBC does. In the face, for instance, of what the Friends of Canadian Broadcasting insist is an outright lie by the Prime Minister’s Office, by Stephen Harper, and by the arts and culture minister James Moore about cuts to CBC funding … the CBC remains mute.
Complicity with lies and wrongdoing can’t go much farther than that.
It is plain that Canadians are going to have to figure out the pattern of lying laid out by Stephen Harper and what it is intended to produce. They are going to have to figure it out in the face of the failure of the Mainstream Press and Media to do their job. Canadians would be wise to be ready for a major attempt to hi-jack democracy in Canada and to have set up in its place a Harper Tyranny.
Canadians are going to have to realize they’re facing what I believe is a neo-Fascist leader of the Conservative Party of Canada. And Canadians are going to have to reject him with all the energy they have.

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How Hitler defied the bankers

How Hitler defied the bankers

Many people take joy in saying Wall Street and Jewish bankers “financed Hitler.” There is plenty of documented evidence that Wall Street and Jewish bankers did indeed help finance Hitler at first, partly because it allowed the bankers to get rich (as I will describe below) and partly in order to control Stalin. However, when Germany broke free from the bankers, the bankers declared a world war against Germany.

When we look at all the facts, the charge that “Jews financed Hitler” becomes irrelevant. Los Angeles Attorney Ellen Brown discusses this topic in her book Web Of Debt.

When Hitler came to power, Germany was hopelessly broke. The Treaty of Versailles had imposed crushing reparations on the German people, demanding that Germans repay every nation’s costs of the war. These costs totaled three times the value of all the property in Germany.

Private currency speculators caused the German mark to plummet, precipitating one of the worst runaway inflations in modern times. A wheelbarrow full of 100 billion-mark banknotes could not buy a loaf of bread. The national treasury was empty. Countless homes and farms were lost to speculators and to private (Jewish controlled) banks. Germans lived in hovels. They were starving.

Nothing like this had ever happened before – the total destruction of the national currency, plus the wiping out of people’s savings and businesses. On top of this came a global depression. Germany had no choice but to succumb to debt slavery under international (mainly Jewish) bankers until 1933, when the National Socialists came to power. At that point the German government thwarted the international banking cartels by issuing its own money. World Jewry responded by declaring a global boycott against Germany.

Hitler began a national credit program by devising a plan of public works that included flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and construction of new roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities. All these were paid for with money that no longer came from the private international bankers.


The projected cost of these various programs was fixed at one billion units of the national currency. To pay for this, the German government (not the international bankers) issued bills of exchange, called Labor Treasury Certificates. In this way the National Socialists put millions of people to work, and paid them with Treasury Certificates.

Under the National Socialists, Germany’s money wasn’t backed by gold (which was owned by the international bankers). It was essentially a receipt for labor and materials delivered to the government. Hitler said, “For every mark issued, we required the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done, or goods produced.” The government paid workers in Certificates. Workers spent those Certificates on other goods and services, thus creating more jobs for more people. In this way the German people climbed out of the crushing debt imposed on them by the international bankers.

Within two years, the unemployment problem had been solved, and Germany was back on its feet. It had a solid, stable currency, with no debt, and no inflation, at a time when millions of people in the United States and other Western countries (controlled by international bankers) were still out of work. Within five years, Germany went from the poorest nation in Europe to the richest.

Germany even managed to restore foreign trade, despite the international bankers’ denial of foreign credit to Germany, and despite the global boycott by Jewish-owned industries. Germany succeeded in this by exchanging equipment and commodities directly with other countries, using a barter system that cut the bankers out of the picture. Germany flourished, since barter eliminates national debt and trade deficits. (Venezuela does the same thing today when it trades oil for commodities, plus medical help, and so on. Hence the bankers are trying to squeeze Venezuela.)

Germany’s economic freedom was short-lived; but it left several monuments, including the famous Autobahn, the world’s first extensive superhighway.


Hjalmar Schacht, a Rothschild agent who was temporarily head of the German central bank, summed it up thus: An American banker had commented, “Dr. Schacht, you should come to America. We’ve lots of money and that’s real banking.” Schacht replied, “You should come to Berlin. We don’t have money. That’s real banking.”

(Schacht, the Rothschild agent, actually supported the private international bankers against Germany, and was rewarded by having all charges against him dropped at the Nuremberg trials.)

This economic freedom made Hitler extremely popular with the German people. Germany was rescued from English economic theory, which says that all currency must be borrowed against the gold owned by a private and secretive banking cartel — such as the Federal Reserve, or the Central Bank of Europe — rather than issued by the government for the benefit of the people.

Canadian researcher Dr. Henry Makow (who is Jewish himself) says the main reason why the bankers arranged for a world war against Germany was that Hitler sidestepped the bankers by creating his own money, thereby freeing the German people. Worse, this freedom and prosperity threatened to spread to other nations. Hitler had to be stopped!

Makow quotes from the 1938 interrogation of C. G. Rakovsky, one of the founders of Soviet Bolshevism and a Trotsky intimate. Rakovsky was tried in show trials in the USSR under Stalin. According to Rakovsky, Hitler was at first funded by the international bankers, through the bankers’ agent Hjalmar Schacht. The bankers financed Hitler in order to control Stalin, who had usurped power from their agent Trotsky. Then Hitler became an even bigger threat than Stalin when Hitler started printing his own money.

(Stalin came to power in 1922, which was eleven years before Hitler came to power.)

Rakovsky said:

“Hitler took over the privilege of manufacturing money, and not only physical moneys, but also financial ones. He took over the machinery of falsification and put it to work for the benefit of the people. Can you possibly imagine what would have come if this had infected a number of other states? (Henry Makow, “Hitler Did Not Want War,” March 21, 2004).

Economist Henry C K Liu writes of Germany’s remarkable transformation:

“The Nazis came to power in 1933 when the German economy was in total collapse, with ruinous war-reparation obligations and zero prospects for foreign investment or credit. Through an independent monetary policy of sovereign credit and a full-employment public-works program, the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas colonies, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament spending began. (Henry C. K. Liu, “Nazism and the German Economic Miracle,” Asia Times (May 24, 2005).

In Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People (1984), Sheldon Emry commented:

“Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 on, which accounts for Germany’s startling rise from the depression to a world power in five years. The German government financed its entire operations from 1935 to 1945 without gold, and without debt. It took the entire Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German revolution, and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers.”

These facts do not appear in any textbooks today, since Jews own most publishing companies. What does appear is the disastrous runaway inflation suffered in 1923 by the Weimar Republic, which governed Germany from 1919 to 1933. Today’s textbooks use this inflation to twist truth into its opposite. They cite the radical devaluation of the German mark as an example of what goes wrong when governments print their own money, rather than borrow it from private cartels.

In reality, the Weimar financial crisis began with the impossible reparations payments imposed at the Treaty of Versailles. Hjalmar Schacht, the Rothschild agent who was currency commissioner for the Republic — opposed letting the German government print its own money… “The Treaty of Versailles is a model of ingenious measures for the economic destruction of Germany. Germany could not find any way of holding its head above the water, other than by the inflationary expedient of printing bank notes.”

Schacht echoes the textbook lie that Weimar inflation was caused when the German government printed its own money. However, in his 1967 book The Magic of Money, Schacht let the cat out of the bag by revealing that it was the PRIVATELY-OWNED Reichsbank, not the German government, that was pumping new currency into the economy. Thus, the PRIVATE BANK caused the Weimar hyper-inflation.

Like the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Reichsbank was overseen by appointed government officials, but was operated for private gain. What drove the wartime inflation into hyperinflation was speculation by foreign investors, who sold the mark short, betting on its decreasing value. In the manipulative device known as the short sale, speculators borrow something they don’t own, sell it, and then “cover” by buying it back at the lower price.

Speculation in the German mark was made possible because the PRIVATELY OWNED Reichsbank (not yet under Nazi control) made massive amounts of currency available for borrowing. This currency, like U.S. currency today, was created with accounting entries on the bank’s books. Then the funny-money was lent at compound interest. When the Reichsbank could not keep up with the voracious demand for marks, other private banks were allowed to create marks out of nothing, and to lend them at interest. The result was runaway debt and inflation.

Thus, according to Schacht himself, the German government did not cause the Weimar hyperinflation. On the contrary, the government (under the National Socialists) got hyperinflation under control. The National Socialists put the Reichsbank under strict government regulation, and took prompt corrective measures to eliminate foreign speculation. One of those measures was to eliminate easy access to funny-money loans from private banks. Then Hitler got Germany back on its feet by having the public government issue Treasury Certificates.

Schacht , the Rothschild agent, disapproved of this government fiat money, and wound up getting fired as head of the Reichsbank when he refused to issue it. Nonetheless, he acknowledged in his later memoirs that allowing the government to issue the money it needed did not produce the price inflation predicted by classical economic theory, which says that currency must be borrowed from private cartels.

What causes hyper-inflation is uncontrolled speculation. When speculation is coupled with debt (owed to private banking cartels) the result is disaster. On the other hand, when a government issues currency in carefully measured ways, it causes supply and demand to increase together, leaving prices unaffected. Hence there is no inflation, no debt, no unemployment, and no need for income taxes.

Naturally this terrifies the bankers, since it eliminates their powers. It also terrifies Jews, since their control of banking allows them to buy the media, the government, and everything else.

Therefore, to those who delight in saying “Jews financed Hitler,” I ask that they please look at all the facts.

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The Unveiling of B’nai Brith by William Cooper Part 8 of 8 (Final)


[Editor„¢s Note: William Cooper was murdered by police on November 5th, 2001 at the age of 58. He was an American writer, shortwave broadcaster who came into public awareness in the late 1980s. William was also a radio host, author and political activist known for his best-selling underground book titled Behold A Pale Horse and his worldwide shortwave radio show Hour of the Time. Cooper was also known for his court battle with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the recorded attempts to dissuade him from pursuing his case.
William Cooper founded Harvest Trust, the CAJI News Service, Veritas newspaper, The Intelligence Service, and Harvest Publications. Under his leadership Harvest Trust ventured into publishing. The first book under the Harvest Trust imprint was Oklahoma City: Day One (ISBN 0-9653307-1-0), by Michele Marie Moore about the Oklahoma City bombing.
An advocate for free radio, Cooper operated the unlicensed Independence Foundation Trust at 101.1 FM in Eagar, Arizona. Cooper claimed to have helped over 700 low power FM affiliate stations get equipped and on the air.
My belief is that Cooper was murdered by the Illuminati because of his work to expose the Beast to the public. This series of talks on B„¢nai Brith and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was part of his work to enlighten the public on who„¢s who behind the veil. Right at the beginning of this series he makes a comment about just such a scenario arising for many who did what he did. God willing he„¢ll be the last one to die for such efforts. Bless his soul.
The title of the series on is mine. Seeing as the ADL is but an offshoot of B„¢nai Brith and many people here in Canada think of this organization as B„¢nai Brith I„¢ve decided to use it in the title.]
Tape No. 483: ‘ADL #8’
Tuesday, November 15, 1994
This broadcast was taken in whole or in part from investigations conducted by the CAJI News Service, and the Intelligence Service, and from reports published by The Executive Intelligence Review entitled ‘The Ugly Truth About The ADL’, and ‘Dope Inc.’.
The information in tonight’s broadcast comes from ‘The Ugly Truth About the ADL’, a report published by the ‘Executive Intelligence Review’; from ‘Dope, Incorporated’, published by the editors of the ‘Executive Intelligence Review’; from the research of the Citizens Agency for Joint Intelligence; and of course, the premiere organization, the Intelligence Service.
Recently, the ‘San Francisco Chronicle’, ladies and gentlemen, shocked the nation with the revelation that the office of the Anti-Defamation League in San Francisco was at the center of a scandal involving a San Francisco police officer and a Bay Area art dealerself-described private eyewho were suspected of selling illegally-obtained information to agents of the South African government.
This scandal quickly spread across the nation as it became evident that this was not the only, nor the first, nor does it appear that it will be the last incident of the ADL spying upon American citizens, groups, organizations, churches, and as you will see, many others.

The two men, Sergeant Tom Girard of the San Francisco Police Department, and Roy Bullock, a long-time paid undercover operative for the local office of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, had been under Federal Bureau of Investigation scrutiny since 1990 when federal agents discovered that secret Bureau records on American Black Muslims had been obtained by South African spies.
The trail pointed to Bullock who, in addition to his full-time paid work for the ADL, had been moon-lighting as an undercover snitch for the Bureau. And on at least one occasion, Bullock received a $500 cash payment from the FBI for infiltrating meetings of two Bay Area groups.
Bullock, you see, had access to confidential Bureau files and became a suspect when FBI files showed up in the hands of the South African government at the very same time he was regularly meeting with two South African spies and passing confidential data to them. Bullock received cash payments that eventually totalled over $16,000.
The early meetings between Bullock and the two South African agents, identified as ‘Humphries’ and ‘Louie’, included policeman Girard. Later, Bullock would meet with the South Africans alone.
According to one version of the Bullock/South Africa story, it was Anti-Defamation League officials who put him in touch with the foreign agents.
Nearly three years later, the FBI probe of South African spying mushroomed into one of the biggest espionage scandals in many years. And the center of the scandal shifted from cops and art dealers to an alleged command center. The central target became the Anti-Defamation League.
On April 1st, 1993, San Francisco Assistant District Attorney John Dwyer told reporters, and I quote:
‘The ADL is the target.– Their involvement is just so great. People have called this ‘The Girard Case’. Now, it’s ‘The ADL Case’. Girard is just their guy in San Francisco. The ADL is doing the same thing all over the country. There is evidence that the ADL had police agents in other cities. The case just gets bigger every day. The more we look, the more we find people involved.’
End quote. The San Francisco probe soon proved that the profile of the ADL contained in this broadcast is right on the mark. Far from living up to its thoroughly undeserved and self-promoted reputation, the Anti-Defamation League has been caught by San Francisco police investigators:
1. illegally spying on at least 950 political organizations, including:
the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP),
the Rainbow Coalition,
Green Peace,
the Simon Wiesenthal Center,
the United Auto Workers,
the Christic Institute,
New Jewish Agenda,
Operation Rescue,
the Liberty Lobby,
the Nation of Islam,
the United Farm Workers,
Act Up,
the American Civil Liberties Union,
the National Lawyers Guild,
the Bo Gritz Presidential Campaign,
the political movement led by Lyndon LaRouche, and
the Citizens Agency for Joint Intelligence;
2. infiltrating countless police and sheriff departments across the country, bribing police officers, and illegally obtaining classified government data on at least 20,000 American citizens;
3. selling information on anti-apartheid groups to agents of the South African government;
4. passing surveillance and classified police data on Arab Americans to Israeli authorities, who then used the ADL data to illegally detain American citizens visiting Israel; and
5. passing off Israeli intelligence propaganda as Anti-Defamation League-generated research in an effort to sway American public opinion and government policy, while never being forced to register as foreign agents, and while even enjoying tax-exempt status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
The San Francisco District Attorney and police investigators, ladies and gentlemen, have concluded that the pattern of illegal spying that they unearthed in California is but a small part of a large nation-wide spy operation run centrally out of the Anti-Defamation League’s national headquarters in New York City under the direction of its Fact-Finding Director, Irwin Sewell, who is a member of the Marxist Socialist Internationale.
In the San Francisco probe alone, police uncovered evidence that the ADL had illegally penetrated 20 different police agencies in California alone, and had also gained access to classified police files in Chicago, St. Louis, Atlanta, and a half-dozen other cities across the nation.
On April 8th, 1993, San Francisco police released nearly 800 pages of documents providing previously classified details of the Anti-Defamation League’s nation-wide criminal operations. Those documents were released as attachments to a search warrant affidavit which police executed the same day.
In raids on the San Francisco and Los Angeles offices of the Anti-Defamation League, police obtained a mountain of new evidence of the spying and agent provocateur operations of the League.
The April 8th search warrant actions, which garnered financial records and internal ADL correspondence between Sewell and West Coast Regional ADL officials, were the second raids on Anti-Defamation League offices in but four months.
On December 10th, 1992, San Francisco police raided the San Francisco and Los Angeles ADL offices, as well as the residences of Bullock and Girard.
Now, shortly after the April raids and document disclosures, the Anti-Defamation League launched what local San Francisco newspapers labeled ‘a massive damage-control effort’. They sent out several delegations of national officials from New York and Washington, D.C. To try to derail the probe. Leading these delegations were:
Anti-Defamation League National Chairman Melvin Salberg, ADL Executive Director Abraham Foxman, who is now the head of the ADL, and ADL General Counsel Barbara Wahl of the Washington, D.C. law firm of Errit Fox.
In San Francisco, Richard Goldman, the city’s Chief of Protocol and a long-time Anti-Defamation League ally, was caught arm-twisting Chief of Police Tony Rabara into bringing the investigation to a halt.
Now, although the city’s Police Commission did bend to the ADL pressure and dropped its own probe of the League’s interference in local police operations, District Attorney Arlo Smith vowed to continue his criminal investigation, despite the pressure, and subsequently identified the ADL’s National Fact-Finding Director Sewell as a prime target.
In behind-closed-door meetings with publishers, editors, and reporters from the ‘Los Angeles Times’, the Anti-Defamation League tried to silence the press through cajoling, arm-twisting, and not-so-very-subtle allegations of anti-semitismtheir old, fall-back, main-battery weapon.
But the ADL-run Jewish weekly, called the ‘Heritage Southwest Jewish Press’, more openly expressed the ADL’s true feelings about the probe.
Publisher Herb Brinn, just returned from a trip to Belgrade, Serbiawhere he gave his unabashed editorial endorsement to the Serbian slaughter of Bosnian Moslems and Croatswrote on April 16th:
Lyndon LaRouche, from his federal prison cell, must be gloating. Calypso Jean Farrakhan is singing away at the chagrin of Anti-Defamation League. These, among a host of skin-heads, pinkos, and nuts, are dancing because San Francisco cops are on a vicious hunt to embarrass the Anti-Defamation League for doing what ADL has always done and must do to serve mankind after Hitler. And the bastard decision by some idiotic editors of the ‘Los Angeles Times’ to play into the game€and ‘Heritage’ will find out what prompted the malicious hunt into the fact-finding efforts of ADL, better believe itspeaks for itself as the ‘Times’ played the trumped-up ADL-investigated story on page 1 on Good Friday.
Hardly a week passes that I don’t supply Jewish Defense material to David Lehrer, head of ADL in this region. A people must have the will and moxie to defend themselves. And that, to me, is what ADL is all about. The San Francisco police charged that ADL maintains political intelligent operations in some seven U.S. cities, in which case I say: ‘Hooray for ADL!’
It also, ladies and gentlemen, says an awful lot about the Jewish motto: ‘Holocaust: Never Again!’ Remember, this manthis man, ladies and gentlemenwas in Serbia to give his endorsement to the slaughter of Bosnian Moslems and Croats. And he continued here.
Brinn, a promoter of the terrorist Jewish Defense League and gutter-level Anti-Defamation League snitch for 40 years, was openly threatening revenge. Now, soon after Brinn’s diatribe, some local news outlets experienced nastier treatment than the name-calling directed against the ‘Los Angeles Times’.
KPOO-FM, a local, black community radio station in the Bay Area, began receiving threatening calls after they aired a series of interviews with victims of Anti-Defamation League spying. The calls left a message or flatly stated to those who answered the phones the following remarks. Quote:
‘Jews-hating nigger!’
End quote. Quote:
‘Nigger Nazi!’
End quote. And other similar epithets bombarded the station’s phone lines.
In the past, these kinds of Anti-Defamation League hooligan tactics never failed to work. This time, however, the sheer weight of evidence has made this one scandal too big to bury.
And every time they’ve tried it with William Cooper, the Citizens Agency for Joint Intelligence, the Intelligence Service, or ‘The Hour of the Time’, it has never worked and never will. These kinds of hooligan tactics have destroyed honorable, good citizens of this country in the past.
By late April, after police publicly released the inventory of documents seized from the Anti-Defamation League, the League’s Fact-Finding Directorand also, as I have stated in the past, member of the Marxist Socialist InternationaleIrwin Sewell hired a top criminal defense lawyer in San Francisco, the clearest signal yet that the ADL is shaking over the idea that at long last they got caught in the act of just being themselves.
David Gervitz was a man who was very unhappy about his pay from the ADL, as the League’s Chief Fact-Finder in their Los Angeles office. The 35-year-old Gervitz was married with one child. He had a second one on the way. His full-time job at the ADL paid him slightly more than $20,000 a year, barely enough to live on in a high-cost town like Los Angeles.
So, in June 1992, Gervitz went to the Los Angeles Simon Wiesenthal Center, another Jewish group involved in monitoring the activities of so-called ‘hate groups’, to ask them for a better paying job. Unfortunately, the Wiesenthal Center already had a full-time staff researcher, Rick Eaton, and Gervitz was given the brush-off by Wiesenthal Center Director, Rabbi Cooperno relation.
Gervitz’s response to the job rejection was typical Anti-Defamation League. He staked-out the Wiesenthal Center to get Eaton’s car license plate number and passed the plate number to his ADL counterpart in San Francisco, Roy Bullock. Gervitz would later tell San Francisco Police and FBI investigators that Bullock was his mentor. Bullock contacted Sergeant Tom Girard and had Girard get Eaton’s California Department of Motor Vehicles record.
The State of California has very strict laws, ladies and gentlemen, prohibiting private citizens from possessing DMV records. Those records contain photographs, addresses, Social Security numbers, fingerprints, and other sensitive, personal data. Unauthorized possession of even one DMV record is a felony, punishable by a stiff fine and a five-year term in a California state prison.
When Gervitz got Bullock and Girard to obtain Eaton’s DMV record, all three were committing a serious state crime. But that has never bothered the ADL.
When police raided the home office of Roy Bullock on December the 10th, they found far more than the Eaton records. They found DMV records on more than 1,300 Californians in a computer spy base which included data on 12,000 individuals and 950 political groups.
Among the files in the Bullock computer were the DMV records of nearly one-third of the membership of the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee, called AADC. It’s a nation-wide Arab American organization involved in legitimate political activities, and for years, leaders and officers of the AADC had been the targets of threats of violence.
In 1985, Jewish Defense League terroriststhat’s right, folks, terroristscarried out bomb attacks against AADC offices in Santa Ana, California; Washington, D.C.; and Boston, Massachusetts.
In the Santa Ana attack, Regional Director Alex Oda was killed. Anti-Defamation League agent Bullock has admitted to police interviewers that he had infiltrated the AADC and personally had a key to its Santa Ana office at the time of the Oda murder.
The Gervitz/Bullock efforts against Eaton did not stop with the illegal spying. Next, to intimidate Eaton, Gervitz asked Bullock to contact a leading member of the White Aryan Resistance, known as WAR, a west coast-based, white supremist organization. The WAR leader, whose ADL code name was appropriately ‘Scumbag’, is a convicted felon and an undercover agent provocateur on the payroll of the Anti-Defamation League and the Treasury Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, known as the BATFthe perpetrators of the Waco Massacre.
Scumbag had been regularly meeting with Bullock and San Francisco BATF agents, providing inside information about WAR. Through this channel, Bullock and the ADL apparently maintained wiretaps on the WAR phone, code naming the effort ‘Operation Eavesdrop’.
You see, the ADL has people around the country who listen to radio talk shows, and whenever they hear anything about the ADL, or any other organization that they don’t want known to the public, they begin calling. And if you answer the phone, they begin screaming: ‘Anti-semite Nazi!’ ‘Jew hater!’ And all this other kind of stuff, which is not true at all.
This isn’t about Jews. It’s about the Anti-Defamation League, a criminal organization which manipulates Jews and everybody else. That’s what it’s about.
The Case of Scumbag, folks, opens questions on another level of criminal activity: receipt of federal confidential records. You see, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms had offered to share the infiltrator Scumbag if the ADL would pay informant feessome several hundred dollars a week. The money for Scumbag was approved by the ADL’s Chief Fact-Finder Irwin Sewell from the League’s National Headquarters in New York City.
So, when in the fall of 1992 Bullock contacted Scumbag and gave him details about Rick Eaton’s efforts to infiltrate and spy on WAR, it was a textbook dirty trick. Bullock hoped to enhance Scumbag’s position within the WAR group by having him expose the infiltrator Eaton.
You see how they double-cross their own people?
The ADL would gain greater hands-on control over the group through its own informant. Bullock also hoped that WAR might take some kind of action against Eaton that would scare him into leaving his job with the Wiesenthal Center, opening the position for Gervitz. There was only one problem.
You see, apparently, unbeknownst to Bullock, the FBI was tapping his phone as part of the South Africa espionage probe. His conversations with Girard Gervitz and Scumbag were all being recorded.
The FBI had no choice but to warn Eaton at the Wiesenthal Center about a possible physical attack against him by WAR. According to documents released by the San Francisco Police, the FBI could not rule out an actual assassination attempt against Eaton.
FBI agents also went to the Los Angeles ADL office in October 1992 to alert them to the Gervitz/Bullock dirty trick. The ADL response was striking. Gervitz was fired upon the spot, despite his family financial problems and pregnant wife. Only employed by the ADL for four years, Gervitz, you see, was expendable. They have no loyalties whatsoever. Bullock, however, a 40-year employee of the ADL was too valuable to fire. He knew too much. Otherwise, he would have been gone with the boot just as quickly. At that very moment, Bullock, just caught running a possible assassination through White Aryan Resistance, was in Germany as part of a high-level ADL delegation meeting with the government officials and top German law enforcement to peddle their credentials as experts on extremist groups.
You see how they manipulated their own people?an organization that says it exists to protect Jews from slander and libel and hate groups sacrifices Jews in the process of committing illegal and criminal acts, and in the process of spying on American citizens and groups for foreign nations. And they manipulated the White Aryan Resistance to do their bidding.
And you all think you’re so secure and so smart in what you do. You’re manipulated by so many groups, organizations, governments and people on a daily basis. You have no idea the extent of it.
One of the ways that you serve their bidding is to hate each other and fight amongst each other while they are busily going about the business of putting the chains upon the legs of all of us. Most of you aren’t smart enough to figure that out. Nope, you have to be better than everybody else.
You have to be the chosen people, or the superior race. Or because you’re in a secret society and someone has conned you with a bunch of bullshit, you think you have the only truly mature minds. Or your religion is better than everybody else’s. And I could go on and on and on.
The truth of the matter can be stated in one word: fools!
Bullock personally met with the head of the German Constitutional Protection Office, Germany’s equivalent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, to receive and pass on information about United States skin-head and Neo-Nazi activities. Needless to say, Bullock did not report on his own role in running agents provocateurs inside those very circles.
When Bullock did return to San Francisco, and the prospect of being dumped for his antics with WAR, he did not lose his job. Irwin Sewell, the chief dirty-trickster for the Anti-Defamation League; his Washington, D.C. aid, Myra Lansky Bolland; David Lehrer, the head of the ADL’s Los Angeles office; and Rick Hershott, the League’s San Francisco Director, all threatened to quit on the spot if any action were taken against Bullock.
You see, he knew too much. He could bring them all down. Sewell even wrote a memo which police uncovered in their searches of the San Francisco ADL office lauding Bullock as the ADL’s number one investigator.
The impromptu rally in support of Bullock by top ADL officials speaks volumes about the real nature of the Anti-Defamation League. Bullock’s dirty tricks with WAR were not restricted to the targeting of Eaton. Bullock regularly tried to recruit white supremists, KKK-ers, and others from the radical racist white to joint AADC and other Arab American groups in order to later expose those groups for their alleged anti-semitic ties, usually by submitting a plan to these groups through Jewish ADL agents to commit some atrocious violent actwhich these stupid people usually did.
Eaton wasn’t the only Jewish activist, ladies and gentlemen, targeted by the ADL. Stewart Alpert, a national leader of the New Jewish Agenda and other members of the group were ADL targets. Vera Katz, the Mayor of Portland, Oregon, who lived for years in a kibbutz in Israel, discovered that her Sister-City program was spied upon by the ADL.
You see, the ADL has no allegiance to Jews despite what they preach. They manipulate Jews and use them in their efforts to bring about the New World Order. The ADL, in reality, obeys only their British masters.
Shortly after the Eaton affair, ladies and gentlemen, the FBI asked the San Francisco Police to take charge of the probe of Bullock and Girard. Once the investigation had turned into a probe of the ADL, the Bureau ran up against a very embarrassing dilemma. The most serious was the record of FBI collusion with the Anti-Defamation League.
On February the 4th, 1985, then Director of the FBI, William Webster, wrote a priority cable to the Special Agents in charge of the FBI’s 25 largest field offices, ordering them to establish permanent local liaison to the ADL. The Webster order coincided with a major effort by the Anti-Defamation League to solicit a federal prosecution of Mr.Lyndon LaRouche, a long-standing target of ADL spying and dirty tricks.
Ironically, this FBI order came precisely when the Jewish Underground, which FBI Director Webster later identified as the number one terrorist threat in the United States was on a terrorist spree that covered NewYork, New Jersey, and California. Terrorist activities had left two people dead, including Alex Oda, the American Arab leader.
By December 10th, 1986, documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act showed Anti-Defamation League National Director Nathan Purlmutter writing to Webster to work out details for the ADL to give annual training lectures at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia on, and I quote directly from the FBI files: ‘hate crimes’. End quote.
On November 21st, 1989, Thomas F. Jones, Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI in charge of the Criminal Investigations Division wrote to Irwin Sewell to invite Sewell and his ADL associates Allen Schwartz and Michael Liebermann to lecture the top 50 FBI agents on, quote: ‘civil rights law’. End quote.
The marriage between the FBI and the Anti-Defamation League since February 1985 raises many serious questions of legality.
Was the ADL handed authority to run a revised parallel co/intel/pro program after the United States Congress had essentially outlawed the FBI spying on non-criminal political groups in 1975?
That’s exactly what it was, ladies and gentlemen.
The ADL’s intimate ties to the Treasury Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms rang similar alarm bells when the San Francisco Anti-Defamation League office was caught in possession of dozens of police intelligence reports on skin-heads prepared by the Portland Police.
ADL Northwest Regional Director Marvin Stern told reporter Phil Stanford that perhaps the files show ADL’s, quote, ‘work for the government’. End quote.
Under the Reagan administration’s Executive Order 12333, which spelled out guidelines for domestic and foreign spying, the FBI was given broad latitude to use non-government personnel as, quote, ‘assets’. End quote.
No wonder the FBI dropped the probe of Bullock/Girard on the grounds that it might jeopardize FBI’s secrets, methods and procedures.
Can you imagine, ladies and gentlemen, if all of this dirt had come out in the court records? What a shock that would have been!
With the Bullock/Girard case in its hands, the San Francisco Police launched an ambitious investigation late last year under the supervision of Captain John Willett, head of the Special Investigations Division.
On November 1992, shortly after being interviewed by the FBI, Tom Girard fled to the Philippines, which has no extradition treaty with the United States. From his retreat on a remote Filipino island, Girard formally submitted his resignation from the San Francisco Police Department. Ironically, Girard’s very last assignment was in the Special Intelligence Division Offices. That’s the Division that was later broken up due to its own illegal and criminal activity.
You see, some people in this country have a feeling that there are more criminals in the police departments than there are on the streets, and occasionally that proves to be exactly the case.
On January the 22nd, 1993, Girard told the ‘San Francisco Examiner’ from the Philippines that he had first met Bullock at the San Francisco Anti-Defamation League Office in 1985. And he said this, quote:
‘He sat there one morning with everyone in the office, shook hands, and made friends.’
End quote. Girard freely admitted he funnelled classified police data to Bullock with the full understanding that it was for the ADL. And he said, quote:
‘The guy had no criminal record. It’s like we’re talking to someone in the neighborhood community watch organization.’
End quote. Girard had just returned to the San Francisco Police Department after a two-year leave of absence in which he worked for theCentral Intelligence Agency ostensibly as a bomb expert.
You see how these organizations interlock, exactly as I said they did over four years ago in my book entitled ‘Behold a Pale Horse’.
Many people said I was wrong. Folks, I’ve only been wrong once so far, and that’s when I said Manuel Noriega would not be found guilty in a court of law in the United States and would not spend any time in prison because we had no authority under international law to do so. He was the President of a foreign government. He was taken prisoner after we illegally invaded his nation. But I was wrong. I had no idea that the New World Order was so far in its advanced stages, and neither do you.
According to documents and interviews, Girard’s Central Intelligence Agency assignments included El Salvador, Afghanistan, and a covert operation targeted at the African nation of Ghana.
On his return to the police department, Girard frequently boasted to his colleagues that he was also working closely with the Israeli Mossad. In retrospect, the references to Mossad may have been based on his budding relationship with the Anti-Defamation League, which has done much work for the Israeli Mossad.
Girard’s work, ladies and gentlemen, did not go unrewarded. In May 1991, Girard was one of 11 police officials from across this nation who traveled to Israel on an all-expense paid ADL junket. The group’s escort was Myra Lansky Bolland, the ADL’s Washington, D.C. Fact-Finder, who personally put the delegation together.
Sergeant Tim Carroll, a detective with the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department described the journey as a payment for services already rendered to the ADL, and that should tell you who and what he is. He says, quote:
A lot of it was for past work or relationship with the ADL, and kind of an emotional thing that we spread the word when we get back…
End quoteso that others can be ensnared in this web. Police officers from Boston, Washington, Mobile, Dallas, Maryland, Virginia and Georgia also went along on the junket, which featured meetings with senior Israeli police, military, and intelligence officials.
One junket participant, Donald Moore, was subsequently indicted on kidnapping conspiracy charges when, on behalf of the Cult Awareness Network, he joined in a plot to kidnap a DuPont family heir, Lewis DuPont Smith, a close associate of the LaRouche organization.
When Moore was arraigned in late September 1992, his attorney, Mark Rash, was from the ADL’s law firm. Myra Lansky Bolland was in court throughout most of the trial representing the Anti-Defamation League.
In taped conversations with the FBI’s undercover informant inside the kidnap conspiracy, Moore boasted that he had worked closely with the Anti-Defamation League against LaRouche, and that as a Deputy Sheriff in Luden County, Virginia, he had conducted illegal wire taps, break-ins and other crimes against the LaRouche group.
Though Moore was acquitted, his co-defendant, Gaylan Kelly, was convicted of federal kidnapping charges in May 1993.
Good night. Wake up, if you can do that, and have a good night. And God bless you all.

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The Unveiling of Bnai Brith by William Cooper Part 4 of 8


EDITORS PREFACE: The recent controversy surrounding the decision by Jason Kenney, Canadas Conservative Immigration minister to ban MP George Galloway from entering and speaking in Canada and the fact that the Harper Conservatives were influenced into taking this position by a terrorist organization known as the Jewish Defense League whose spokesperson Meir Weinstein accused Galloway of being a threat to national security has got to be one of the more grotesque examples of just how deeply embedded the occult forces of Bnai Brith Canada and its root organization Bnai Brith International have become in most, if not all levels of Canadian government and jurisprudence.
The following article by now deceased American writer and broadcaster Milton William Cooper hopefully will draw attention to the clear and present danger posed by this organization; one that has, over the past half a century and more, infiltrated practically all levels of Canadas political, religious and social infrastructures, to the detriment of everything honourable that this country once stood for in the way of democratic rights.
Our once cherished freedoms, the envy of many other nations, which we held as secure and sacrosanct and protected and guaranteed under our Bill of Rights, Constitution and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, not to mention even our innate, God-given right to such liberties, have all deteriorated to the point where now we find that proven, YES, PROVEN terrorist groups, directly affiliated with Bnai Brith Canada, are dramatically influencing our federal government policies in ways which, prior to this infiltration, Canadians and their political leaders, would never have conceived possible nor desirable.
Coopers well-researched article, one of an 8-part series on the origins and agenda of this organization, will explain in great detail the connections between the Jewish Defense League, Bnai Brith International, the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith, the League for Human Rights of Bnai Brith Canada (the organization now in the process of trying to shut down RadicalPress based upon their vexatious charge of â€ődiscrimination under Section 13 of the CHR Act) the Freemasons and much much more. Be prepared to be shocked and disgusted and outraged at the depth of corruption now affecting not only the USA but Canada as well by alien forces both dark and inimical to our sovereignty as a free nation and to our rights to freedom of speech and Internet freedom to investigate and challenge these malign and sinister dangers.
Arthur Topham
William Cooper
May 6, 1943 – November 5, 2001
[Editors Note: William Cooper was murdered by police on November 5th, 2001 at the age of 58. He was an American writer, shortwave broadcaster who came into public awareness in the late 1980s. William was also a radio host, author and political activist known for his best-selling underground book titled Behold A Pale Horse and his worldwide shortwave radio show Hour of the Time. Cooper was also known for his court battle with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the recorded attempts to dissuade him from pursuing his case.
William Cooper founded Harvest Trust, the CAJI News Service, Veritas newspaper, The Intelligence Service, and Harvest Publications. Under his leadership Harvest Trust ventured into publishing. The first book under the Harvest Trust imprint was Oklahoma City: Day One (ISBN 0-9653307-1-0), by Michele Marie Moore about the Oklahoma City bombing.
An advocate for free radio, Cooper operated the unlicensed Independence Foundation Trust at 101.1 FM in Eagar, Arizona. Cooper claimed to have helped over 700 low power FM affiliate stations get equipped and on the air.
My belief is that Cooper was murdered by the Illuminati because of his work to expose the Beast to the public. This series of talks on Bnai Brith and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was part of his work to enlighten the public on whos who behind the veil. Right at the beginning of this series he makes a comment about just such a scenario arising for many who did what he did. God willing hell be the last one to die for such efforts. Bless his soul.
The title of the series on is mine. Seeing as the ADL is but an offshoot of Bnai Brith and many people here in Canada think of this organization as Bnai Brith Ive decided to use it in the title.]
The Unveiling of Bnai Brith by William Cooper Part 4
Anti-Defamation League #4
Tape No. 386 ‘ADL #4’
June 29, 1994
This broadcast was taken in whole or in part from investigations conducted by the CAJI News Service, and the Intelligence Service, and from reports published by The Executive Intelligence Review entitled ‘The Ugly Truth About The ADL’, and ‘Dope Inc.’.
In December 1985, then-FBI Director William Webster, speaking at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., admitted that a Jewish underground had emerged as a serious threat to the United States during the preceding twelve months.
Indeed, ladies and gentlemen, he was partially right. For, over the course of 1985, the Jewish Defense League, known as the JDL, had been responsible for a string of sophisticated bombings that left two people dead, a dozen others seriously wounded, and caused millions of dollars in property damage.

Alex Oda, the head of the California branch of the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee, or AADC, had been killed when a bomb went off at the group’s Santa Ana office. Seven other people had been hospitalized in the attack.
Shirem Subzukoff, a victim of the Justice Department’s Nazi-hunting Office of Special Investigations, or OSI, had also died when a booby-trap bomb blew up in his home in Patterson, New Jersey.
A Boston police officer, responding to a JDL bomb threat at the local office of AADC, was crippled for life when a pipe bomb blew up as he was attempting to defuse it.
Jewish underground? No.
Another terrorist arm of B’nai B’rith and the ADL, the Anti-Defamation League? Absolutely yes.
All controlled from the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
In each of these instances, the bomb attacks had been preceded by noisy public demonstrations and inflammatory press statements by Mordechai Levy, the leader of a JDL splinter group, the Jewish Defense Organization, or JDO.
Although FBI boss Webster left his National Press Club audience with the impression that the so-called Jewish underground was a mysterious and amorphous outfit about which the FBI had little information, in truth, the Bureau had an exhaustive profile of all of the key personnel and their mode of operation.
FBI agents on the scene of the Santa Ana, California murder of Alex Oda knew the identities of the three men who planted the bomb before Oda’s body was even removed from the murder scene.
You never knew any of this, did you?
The killers were long-time Jewish Defense League members Andy Green, Keith Fuchs, and Bob Manning. The American-born trio were residents of an Israeli kibbutz in the occupied territories called ‘Kiriat Arba’. Kiriat Arba was a training camp and safe-house for the JDL and its Israeli affiliate, the Kach Party.
The FBI, ladies and gentlemen, listed Fuchs, Green, and Manning as suspects in a total of 25 terrorist attacks inside the United States.
But you see, most of you sheeple never even knew that there had been terrorist attacks inside the United States until a bomb went off in the World Trade Center in New York City. And then you knew about it only because it furthered the cause of world-wide Zionism, and it was blamed upon a group of Arabs who had direct ties to the Central Intelligence Agency.
Fuchs had been jailed in Israel in 1983 for firing a Soviet-made AK-47 rifle at a busload of Arabs on the West Bank. Manning had served time in jail in the United States for bombing the home of an Arab-American activist.
When the three JDL-ers arrived in Los Angeles several days before the Oda murder, they were already under FBI surveillance. But as so often happens with the FBI, they didn’t prevent anything.
It’s no wonder that FBI Director Webster was not anxious to discuss details with the room full of reporters at the National Press Club for, unlike this reporter on ‘The Hour of the Time’, he was afraid. The Bureau had been in a position to prevent the bombing of the Santa Ana AADC Office. And as they have in many, many instances, they either flubbed it, or allowed it to happen, because it furthered their own aims. Or worse.
At the same time that the Jewish underground was conducting its bombing spree from coast to coast, the FBI was relying increasingly on the ADL for information about extremist groups inside the United States of America. This was the same ADL that would join with the KGB—the KGB–and the East German Stasse in covering the trail of the assassins of Sweden’s Head of State, Olaf Palm, which we’ll cover. You can bet your boots we’ll cover it.
Even more to the point, this was the same ADL that was instrumental in the creation and deployment of such diverse terrorist groups as the JDL and, yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Ku Klux Klan. For how can they keep the Jews together in their own created ghettos, to further the political aims of international socialism–also known as Zionism–if they don’t present the Jews with a common enemy: all the rest of us?–under the guise of the Ku Klux Klan, the skinheads, the White Aryan Nation, anti-semitism.
Oh, yes. You’re going to learn things tonight you never dreamed were happening in this country, the land of the free and the home of the brave. It turns out to be the Liars Club.
According to Robert Friedman, the biographer of JDL Founder Rabbi Mier Kahani, the militant Jewish group was controlled from its founding days by a secret three-person committee made up of future Israeli Prime Minister and Mossad Operations Chief Itsak Shmir and Israeli Parliamentarian Gala Cohen, and Brooklyn ADL Chairman, Bernard Duch, whom we’ve already discussed on earlier programs.
It was at a December 1969 meeting between Cohen and Kahani, arranged by Duch, that the JDL launched its campaign of terror and intimidation against Soviet diplomats in New York and Washington, aimed at forcing the Soviets to loosen up their immigration laws for Jews.
In the early days before JDL-head Kahani hooked up with mobster Joe Columbo and many JDL-ers began funding their terrorist operations by selling dope, or running syndicate shake-down operations, or performing hits through their Murder, Inc. branch, ADL man Duch had been the money bags behind the Jewish militants. Duch’s involvement with the JDL was such a well-kept secret that his Kahani-links remained virtually unknown until 1991.
Just as the secret society, the branch of the Illuminati known as B’nai B’rith had quietly steered other Jewish American groups to smuggle arms into Russia on the eve of the Bolshevik revolution, the ADL ran the Jewish underground from behind the scenes, often going through the motions of publicly denouncing the JDL violence, to make sure that no direct links were ever surfaced.
And these Jews were used the same as Ollie North was used–by making them think that they were performing acts of patriotism, to protect the Jewish community as a whole, to further the security of the State of Israel.
Well, I want to ask you if you are a Jew and you’re listening to this broadcast: if you put the State of Israel above the United States of America, go to Israel, and stay there. Live there. Fight there. And if you have to, die there. Make your dream come true there.
This is the United States of America. And if you’re an American, I don’t care what else you call yourself, you owe your allegiance to America, to the Constitution, and to the Bill of Rights.
You see, you’re being used to help this great nation–the only nation in your history that gave you sustenance, gave you protection, allowed you to prosper. You look around and you see anti-semitism everywhere where it is not. It does not exist here. Except within less than 1/1000th of one percent of the population, it is negligible. But if you continue in the path that you are going, you will create a wave of anti-semitism that will destroy you.
Mordechai Levy, the leader of the JDL splinter group that managed to show up on the doorsteps of Alex Oda and Shirem Subzukoff on the eves of their assassinations, maintained direct and frequent contact with the ADL’s Fact-Finding Division Head, Irwin Sewell.
Just two weeks before the AADC’s Washington, D.C. office was blown up on November 29th, 1985, Levy had appeared as the featured speaker at a press conference hosted by the Federation of Jewish Organizations of Greater Washington, an umbrella group led by both the ADL and B’nai B’rith, to present a list of enemies of the Jewish people. AADC was among the groups listed.
On more than one occasion, Levy’s provocateur antics nearly exposed the ADL’s hand in fomenting domestic violence, ladies and gentlemen.
And here’s the truth of how these people operate. And here’s the truth of anti-semitism in America. And here’s the truth of swastikas painted on synagogues and on the headstones in Jewish cemeteries. This is the truth, and you’d just better listen, and you’d better stop being afraid of these people. And you’d better stop being afraid of being called anti-semitic. And you’d better, you’d better point to these traitors, and these terrorists, and these scum, and call them what they are.
On February the 16th, 1979, Levy, using the pseudonym, James Gutman, filed an application with the United States Park Service in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to obtain permission to hold a rally.
Now remember, this is Levy using the pseudonym James Gutman–a German name. I wonder why he did that? Well, you’re going to find out.
The rally permit, ladies and gentlemen, sought by Levy–Levy: a member of the ADL, the Anti-Defamation League, supposedly existing for the protection of Jews; the rally permit sought by Levy, also known as Gutman on this occasion–was not filed in the name of the JDL, which he was also a member of. Levy was posing as a leader of the American Nazi Party.
Levy was posing as a leader of the American Nazi Party!–seeking a permit for a Ku Klux Klan and Nazi Party rally at Independence Hall, the site of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Remember, I told you about the Hegelian Method of Political Conflict Resolution?
Remember, I told you there is no such thing as a Patriot Community?
Remember, I told you that these people who are bringing about the New World Order control both sides of every issue, indeed they create the issues?
According to the rally permit, Levy was planning a white power rally to show white masses unity of white race, and to show the world niggers and Jews are cowards. Among the paraphernalia Levy listed on the application were:
‘…swastikas, banners, Nazi uniforms, KKK paraphernalia, ‘will burn cross’, swastika picket signs saying: ‘Hitler was Right! Gas Commie Jews!’’
Verbatim quote.
Working out of the Philadelphia offices of the Jewish Defense League, Levy organized local chapters of the KKK–the Ku Klux Klan–and Neo-Nazi groups to attend the Independence Hall rally, and these racist fools–not knowing that he was a Jewish member of the ADL and the JDL–fell right into line and did his bidding, like the little puppet jerks that they are.
In the case of the Trenton, New Jersey Ku Klux Klan, Levy had an inside track. Listen to this: James Rosenberg–also known as Jimmy Mitchell and Jimmy Anderson, a full-time, paid employee of the Anti-Defamation League Fact-Finding Division–had successfully infiltrated the local chapter of the Klan. Rosenberg had recently attempted unsuccessfully to get some of the local KKK-ers to blow up the Trenton headquarters of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, NAACP.
At the same time he was posing as James Gutman, Neo-Nazi, Levy was also mobilizing the Jewish community and every rag-tag, left-wing, socialist Nazi–and that’s exactly what they are, for Nazis are really a left-wing, ladies and gentlemen–radical group in the greater Philadelphia area to attend a mass demonstration to confront the Ku Klux Klan and Nazis at Independence Hall.
You see, if they all really knew the definition of these terms that they banter about, they’d join forces and they’d be a lot stronger.
[chuckle] Oh, the world is full of fools. I sit back and I watch all of this, and I alternately laugh and cry, laugh and cry.
All the ingredients, ladies and gentlemen, were there for a serious, very serious, riot–a riot brought about in its entirety by the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Defense League, organizing and manipulating both sides, filing for the permit, urging violence, attempting to get people to blow up a bridge.
But fortunately, ladies and gentlemen, this was one time, one time that word of Levy’s scam on the Park Service leaked out to the Philadelphia
After one Philadelphia newspaper ran a banner headline saying, quote: ‘Nazi Rally Rouser Really Jewish’ end quote–and you can check on it yourself, by the way–the Park Service yanked the permit.
Levy’s Anti-Defamation League handlers ordered him to lay low for a while. I wonder why? After all, there was no need to jeopardize Levy or even Rosenberg’s standing as professional agents provocateur inside the racist element of the 1/1000th of one percent of the population of this country who aren’t even half as dangerous as these ADL/JDL terrorist agents of a foreign nation, spying on American people, blowing up organizations and offices, and killing and maiming people in the United States of America. None of you even knew about it.
The ADL, of course, had plenty of other aces up their sleeves, and not all of them were Jewish infiltrators.
And remember, ladies and gentlemen, the ADL and the JDL and B’nai B’rith are not the Jews. It is a branch–the Jewish branch–of the ages-old Illuminati, controlled by the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. And out of all the Jews in this country, only a handful belong.
One of the most shocking instances of racist violence during the civil rights battles in the south of the United States during the 1960s was the execution-style murders of three civil rights workers in Philadelphia, Mississippi in 1964. And now, you’re going to hear what really happened.
The murders of Andrew Goodman, Robert Chaney, and Mitchell Schwerner sent shock waves across America and the world, as many people began to realize for the first time that the Confederacy, far from being dead, was very much alive and very much committed to rolling back the tide of equal rights for all races, at least in the deep south.
True to its historical roots in the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and in the original Confederate secessionist plot, the Anti-Defamation League, contrary to its own published propaganda–and that’s exactly what it is, propaganda—lined up squarely with the Klan, the Ku Klux Klan, where it counted the most: with its checkbook.
One particularly sordid instance of collusion between the Anti-Defamation League and the Ku Klux Klan came to light in a hail of bullets on the night of June 30th, 1968 in Meridian, Mississippi, outside the home of ADL official, Myer Davidson.
When the smoke cleared, a local school teacher named Kathy Ainsworth lay dead, and a second man, Thomas A. Terrence III lay dying after being hit with 70 bullets–70 bullets, ladies and gentlemen—fired by 22 local police and FBI agents.
Shades of Waco!
Miraculously, Terrence survived the attack. Terrence and Ainsworth, both local Ku Klux Klan members, had been set up. They went to Davidson’s home, ladies and gentlemen, that night to plant a bomb on his door step, not knowing that the leader of their own Ku Klux Klan chapter had betrayed them, and that a small army of police and FBI sharp-shooters was waiting in the bushes to ambush them.
The entire affair, ladies and gentlemen, had been staged by the Anti-Defamation League. That’s right. The entire affair had been staged by the Anti-Defamation League.
The agent provocateur inside the local Ku Klux Klan Chapter who set up Terrence and Ainsworth was one of the killers of Goodman, Chaney, and Schwerner.
Alton Wayne Roberts was out on bail awaiting his trial, along with six other members of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, for the Philadelphia, Mississippi murders, when in the early spring of 1968 he cut a deal with the Anti-Defamation League’s Regional Director, Adolf Botnick.
The New Orleans-based Botnick had been a long-standing friend of the late Guy Banister. Guy Bannister–Kennedy assassination–the former FBI Special Agent implicated by District Attorney Jim Garrison in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Botnick, with the blessings of Meridian-based FBI Special Agent Frank Watts and Meridian Police Detective Luke Scarborough, agreed to pay Alton Wayne Roberts and his brother, Raymond Roberts, $69,000 to become the League’s paid agents provocateur. Twenty-five thousand dollars in unmarked twenty-dollar bills was hand-delivered from New Orleans to the Roberts brothers just days before the Ainsworth/Terrence
At the time the deal was struck, the White Knights, led by the two Roberts brothers, had been on a nine-month bombing spree–nine-month bombing spree. The brothers were prime suspects in ten separate acts of racist violence. In addition to the Philadelphia murders, three of these attacks were directed against synagogues and Jewish leaders in Mississippi.
Do you understand, folks, it’s not the Jews! The Jews are being lied to. They’re being manipulated just like all of you are. Are you beginning to understand how it works?
Three of these attacks were directed against synagogues and Jewish leaders in Mississippi. And they huddled in their little self-made ghettos, and pointed their fingers at the community–had nothing to do with it–and yelled, ‘Anti-semitism! The Nazis are coming to get us!’
And you’re so proud of your level of education. You should be ashamed of yourselves, all of you.
The Roberts brothers, as per their deal with Botnick, ordered two of their Klan underlings to deliver the bomb to Davidson’s home. They then tipped off the FBI and the local police about the exact time the attack would occur.
In return for their continuing services to the ADL after the Davidson incident, the brothers were given slap-on-the-wrist sentences and placed in the FBI’s Witness Protection Program.
And for his part in the Goodman, Chaney, and Schwerner murders, Alton Wayne Roberts spent less than three years in jail, and is again very active with you-know-who.
The Meridian incident was classic Anti-Defamation League; classic Hegelian Conflict Method of Political Resolution. The League used the racist attack against Meyer Davidson as a scare tactic fund-raising ploy, and the Jews filled their coffers–emptied their pockets—and asked the same people who had attacked them to protect them, using their own money.
The money they raised more than covered the costs of buying up the two KKK-ers as their permanent agents provocateur inside the Klan.
The League parlayed their financing of the Roberts brothers into an ever-closer relationship with the FBI, which was delighted to have the ADL finance and deploy two of the Klan’s most violent terrorists.
When you begin, when you begin to study the Waco massacre, you will find that David Koresh spent time in Israel, that he and some of his followers were trained by the JDL in infantry tactics, that he attended classes on the Talmud, that he was surrounded by Mossad and ADL agents and JDL personnel.
You will find that original reports from the foreign source quoted in the first press report, that they were going to commit mass suicide, came from prominent ADL members in Australia.
You people better wake up, and you’d better do it fast.
‘Koresh’, in the Hebrew language, means ‘Cyrus’. ‘David’, of course… the House of David, the famous king of Israel. Cyrus was the one who freed the Jews from Babylonian captivity. David Koresh flew the star of David on the flag pole above what was called Mount Carmel. He claimed that he held the keys to the seven seals in the Book of Revelation.
Poor, brainwashed, mind-controlled, manipulated David Koresh.
On the day in November 1985 that Israel spy, Jonathan J. Pollard was arrested, things went haywire at the Anti-Defamation League’s headquarters near United Nations Plaza in New York City.
National Chairman Kenneth Bailken immediately flew off to Israel to assess the damage and to make arrangements for the appropriate American attorneys to be brought in to represent, not only the jailed spy, but the other more senior players in the nominally-Israeli spy ring.
Were you aware that the headquarters of B’nai B’rith and the ADL is in the same building occupied by the Trilateral Commission?
Among the most important of those senior players was Col. Aviam Sella, an Israeli Air Force war hero, who had been Pollard’s recruiter on behalf of the secret Israeli techno-spy unit–L’Akim.
Sella’s cover for his spy recruiting was that he was in the United States taking graduate courses at New York University. And Sella’s wife, Ruth, a practicing attorney, reportedly was working on the staff of the ADL’s Legal Department while the couple lived in New York.
Any published links between the ADL and the Pollard spy apparatus could naturally prove very, very damaging, especially in light of the cozy relationship the League was enjoying with the Reagan White House at the time.
You see, while still in Israel, Bailken telephoned fellow ADL man Leonard Garment of the politically powerful law firm of Dickstein Shapiro. Garment was then the personal lawyer for United States Attorney General Edwin Meese. He agreed, at Bailken’s urging, to represent Sella in the Pollard matter, despite the obvious severe conflict of interest.
What an understatement!
At the ADL’s Washington office, Myra Lansky-Bolland—Myra Lansky-Bolland–was also undoubtedly worried that her own links to Pollard might surface.
Lanksy-Bolland had been a classmate and pal of Pollard at the graduate school program and national security affairs at the Fletcher School of Diplomacy of Tufts University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Upon graduation in 1978, both Lansky and Pollard had been immediately placed into sensitive posts in the United States intelligence community. Pollard had gone into Naval Intelligence –my old alma mater–and had almost immediately begun funneling secrets to Israel.
Lansky-Bolland had gone to work for the Central Intelligence Agency, and after a two-year stint with the CIA, she had transferred to the Pentagon where she worked under Dr. Andrew Marshall at the Office of Net Assessments–a little-known but very, very powerful unit that prepared technical assessments of Soviet military capabilities.
In 1982, Lansky had left the government to work full-time for the ADL in Washington.
Now, don’t even believe that she ever left anything.
Shortly after her arrival at the ADL from the Pentagon, she was assigned as the case officer on the League’s multi-million dollar campaign to smear and jail Lyndon LaRouche and scores of his associates for naming the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, B’nai B’rith, and the ADL in the attempts to destroy the United States of America.
Now, don’t get me wrong, folks. I am not for Lyndon LaRouche. He is a screaming socialist himself, masquerading as a conservative. But nevertheless, he has brought out a lot of truth about a lot of things, and he was framed and wrongfully imprisoned–all brought about by the ADL.
Following the Pollard arrest, Andrew Marshall would be identified, ladies and gentlemen, as a suspected senior member of the Pollard spy ring, although no charges were ever brought against him, and he remains to this day in his post at the Defense Department.
To this day, Pentagon officials have never succeeded in pinning down the identity of the Mr. X who gave Pollard the code numbers of the classified documents that the Naval Intelligence analyst then stole and passed on to L’Akim.
Both Pollard and Lansky had gotten their government spy jobs courtesy of Fletcher School Professor Yuri Ra’anahn. Ra’anahn, an Oxford University-trained Middle East expert, had himself been an Israeli government intelligence operative of the Mossad, posted in New York City and Washington during the 1950s and ’60s, and also an operative of British intelligence. He was playing all ends against the middle.
While serving as a press attache at the Israeli embassy in Washington in the mid-1960s, Ra’anahn had helped set up a unit that would recruit Israeli spies from the ranks of American businessmen traveling frequently to the Soviet Union and eastern Europe. That spy unit, which was unearthed in a series of civil suits beginning in 1967–all on record, was housed at the headquarters of the B’nai B’rith International.
Ra’anahn’s contact point inside the B’nai B’rith was Phillip Klutznick, an Honorary National Chairman of the ADL who would later serve as President Jimmy Carter’s Secretary of Commerce.
Among the damage-control efforts launched by the ADL in the wake of the Pollard arrest was the planting of a string of news accounts and editorials portraying Pollard as a loyal American who was also committed to the security of the State of Israel.
No such thing, folks. A loyal American is devoted to the United States of America. Citizens of the State of Israel are devoted to the State of Israel, and stupid fools who are allowed to be manipulated, thinking that they owe allegiance to both.
I have nothing against Israel. But Israel needs to take off its diaper and stand on its own two feet.
‘Harmless, friendly espionage’ was the term coined by the League and its small army of paid-agents inside the news media.
Unfortunately, Pollard’s spying was anything but harmless or friendly. The L’Akim unit, headed by the former Chief of European Operations for the Mossad, Raphael ‘Dirty Raffi’ Itan, was passing on the most sensitive of the American national security secrets heisted by Pollard to the Soviet KGB. In return, Moscow was opening up the pipeline of Soviet Jews to Israel.
It was treachery of the highest order.
And then Secretary of Defense Casper Weinburger was fully aware of the magnitude of Pollard’s crimes when he asked the judge to sentence Pollard to life in prison after the spy agreed to plead guilty.
He should have been executed.
In a 46-page affidavit submitted to the judge in the Pollard case, Weinburger showed that much of the Pollard material wound up in Soviet hands, and that it would cost the United States billions of dollars to repair the national security damage done by the Pollard spy ring.
The ADL is not a friend of the United States of America.
The JDL is not a friend of the United States of America.
B’nai B’rith is not a friend of the United States of America.
The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is not a friend of the United States of America.
Israel is not a friend of the United States of America.
In fact, ladies and gentlemen, the millions of pages of classified documents funneled by Pollard to the KGB, a majority were of no critical interest to Israel at all.
Did Kenneth Bailken, or Myra Lansky-Bolland, or any of the other ADL officials who abetted Pollard in his spy work know that the pilfered
material was going to the KGB?
The answer to that question has never been made public to this day. Only the players in the espionage operation know for sure. But I believe that they knew 100% what was happening and where it was going every single moment, that they were a part of it.
And remember, folks, they organized it. They put it together, and they controlled it.
It is unquestionably the case that, at the same time the ADL was knee-deep in the Pollard stew, top ADL officials were working hand-in-glove with the Soviet bloc intelligence services on several other projects that would have devastating consequences for the United States of America.
You see, the ADL are traitors, murderers, terrorists, and scum. It has nothing to do with Jews. They use Jews. And they use you because you’re so afraid of being called anti-semitic if you tell the truth about these scumbags. You quiver just thinking about somebody calling you anti-semitic.
Well, take it from me, folks, it don’t hurt at all. Not at all. I’ve never been anti-semitic in my life, but in their efforts to shut me up, they have tried on several occasions to brand me as an anti-semite, and it doesn’t work, and it doesn’t shut me up, and I’m not afraid of them.
And if I end up dead, I’ve already told you what to do. You take my dead cold body and you place it up on the steps of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite of the Southern Jurisdiction in Washington, D.C., and then you burn it to the ground. And then you do the same to B’nai B’rith and all the other lodges of these scumbag traitors in this country. If I turn up dead, you do that. It’s the only thing I’ll ever ask of you except to wake up.
One such ADL friend of Moscow was whisky baron Edgar Bronfman. Edgar Bronfman. Remember, we discussed him on an earlier episode of the ADL expose. The third-generation Bronfmans had successfully transformed their father’s Prohibition Era bootlegging business into a legitimate whisky empire called Seagrams.
And every time you take a drink of Seagrams, no matter what it is, you are furthering the goals of B’nai B’rith, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and the ADL; and you’re helping to destroy this country. Don’t drink anything that Seagrams bottles ever.
This transformation, ladies and gentlemen, had been aided early on by the United States Treasury Department, which cut a deal with Sam and Abe Bronfman in the close of Prohibition, enabling them to pay several million dollars in back taxes in return for a white-washing of their decade of big-time crimes.
See, they used it as blackmail, just as they caused Elizabeth Claire Prophet and the Church Universal Triumphant to get down on their knees and beg for mercy and give up their guns. All their guns. Personal guns. Guns of all the members had to be given away. They sold out. They sold America down the tubes. They sold out the Second Amendment.
And the Treasury Department cut a deal and made sure the Sam and Abe Bronfman didn’t go to jail if they paid several million dollars in back taxes and made them legitimate crooks. The Bronfman family came out of the deal as multi-millionaires, with all their ties to the Lansky syndicate still intact, and their criminal record behind them, because they made a deal with the same people that were bowing down to the fire in Waco, Texas.
Abner Longee Zwilmann was not the only Prohibition Era gangster who profited from the old saw: ‘from rags to rackets to riches to respectability’. By the 1950s, the Bronfman’s image had been so cleaned up that Edgar could marry into the ‘Our Crowd’ Loeb family, and his sister Phyllis could marry Gene Lambert of the Belgian branch of the Rothschild clan.
The Lambert family was the European connection in Drexel Burnham Lambert. Ever hear of that? Drexel Burnham Lambert?
However, image polishing is one thing; reality is another. You see, as late as 1972, the Montreal Canada Crime Commission had issued a report naming Mitchell Bronfman as a crime partner of one of the city’s biggest gangsters, Willie Obrunt. The pair were implicated in dope smuggling. Willie and Mitchell owned a night spot in the middle of Meyer Lansky’s turf in North Miami called The Pagoda North, which was a favorite hangout for Vido Genovese and other big-time hoodlums.
Edgar Bronfman, for his part, sought out some very peculiar clientele for his family’s whisky business. In 1986, as the Pollard affair was playing out, one of Edgar Bronfman’s assistants at the World Jewish Congress–Bronfman had taken over the World Jewish Congress and turned it into an international arm of the ADL–that’s the ADL, on whose National Commission he sits–and established ties to the brutal Communist regime in East Germany. Bronfman Seagram was made the exclusive distributor of booze to East Germany’s ruling SED Communist Party.
In 1988, Edgar Bronfman himself traveled to East Berlin where he was the guest of honor of SED boss Erich Honecker and top party official Herman Axen.
It makes me sick. I don’t know about you.
On that trip, Bronfman vowed that he would personally arrange for the East German leader to make a state visit to Washington, D.C. to meet with President Ronald Reagan.
Even one year later, with the Berlin Wall and East German Communism about to collapse, Edgar Bronfman was back in East Germany again–this time promising to marshall the resources of the World Jewish Congress and the ADL to block the reunification of Germany which he dubbed a sell-out of socialism.
And that is the truth of the ADL, the B’nai B’rith, and the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Socialism. And that’s where this country is going on a roller coaster, unless you stupid sheeple stand up on your hind feet, take the wool off from in front of your eyes, and become real people.
In return for those efforts, Bronfman was given the highest civilian award offered by East Germany: the People’s Friendship Medal in Gold to this traitor.
Edgar’s brother and business partner, Charles, was also a true friend of the Honecker dictatorship as the head of the Canadian-East German Friendship Society. He was able to control all passports and visas between the two countries.
But there was much more to the Bronfman East Germany liaison than a lucrative whisky contract and a few medals, and we’ll talk about that tomorrow night.
Good night. And God bless you all.

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Jasper’s Fitzhugh Newspaper Censors Monika Schaefer’s Reply to Editor’s Defamatory & Threatening News Article By Monika Schaefer


From: Monika Schaefer [email protected]
Sent: July 19, 2016 11:54 AM
To: Paul Clarke
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Censorship of Monika Schaefer at Jasper’s Fitzhugh Newspaper
Paul Clarke, Editor of The Fitzhugh
Jasper Alberta
July 19th, 2016
[email protected]
Dear Paul,
Upon careful consideration I have decided that either you publish my whole letter, or not at all. If you cannot publish my entire response to your article of July 14th, 2016 ‘Video denying holocaust causes uproar’, then I will find other channels to do so. You may have noticed that this story is gathering attention around the world. Your refusal to publish more-than-half of my response to your smear piece will become part of the international story. Word is getting out that Canada is becoming a repressive society, and the Fitzhugh’s unfair censorship encapsulates this repression.
Here is how my friend and colleague in England sees it:
‘Paul Clarke’s article is exactly 800 words long, including propaganda-spreading photo caption (775 without). The full text of your letter is 680 words. That says it all. He can’t publish an 800-word article that makes youa de facto leper in your hometown of 35 years, and not give you at least equal space to respond as a means to defend yourself and your position. For him to limit you to 253 words is: 1) cowardly and 2) morally reprehensible.’
I agree with those words 100%.
Furthermore, the part of my letter you chose to cut provides evidence in support of my position. The part you were proposing to allow (the politically acceptable) is a lead-in to contextualize the evidence. You are demonstrating a technique of journalistic smear. You publish conclusions without allowing the supporting evidence to be presented.
This is not a game. Serious threats have been made against me. By censoring my response, you are contributing to the conditions that could make Jasper unsafe for me.
Monika Schaefer
cc to: Robert Doull, President Aberdeen Publishing
Linda Bolton, Managing Director Aberdeen Publishing
Below is my unabridged letter to the editor. Clarke stated he would only run the first five paragraphs:
18 July 2016 noon Mountain Time
Paul Clarke’s hit piece on me in the July 14th 2016 edition of The Fitzhugh requires a response. First, what is the story? The Fitzhugh reports that the RCMP is not currently investigating the matter. It is also reported that the Alberta Human Rights Commission neither confirms nor denies receiving a complaint. What is the news?
It appears that the only real substance to Paul Clarke’s smear is his detailed account of Ken Kuzminski’s antagonism towards my video. On the basis of his political judgement, Kuzminski seeks to criminalize me and evict me from my home. He declared on social media that I am not welcome in Jasper. From my perspective, my peaceful expression of disagreement with official orthodoxy is being met with a publicized incitement to hatred against me. Who is most in danger here?
I invite my friend Ken to consider the authoritarian implications of his draconian interventions. Do we have freedom of speech in Canada or not? How far does Ken wish to go in criminalizing dissent?
Ken Kuzminski’s announcement that I am banned from the Jasper Legion, of which he is president, raises the most profound issues. We were always told that Canadian soldiers fought for our freedoms, including freedom of speech and association. Shutting me out of the Legion demeans the values that our veterans supposedly fought to protect.
Kuzminski contacted the German Embassy. Why? Is he trying to get Canada to follow Germany’s even more repressive police-state censorship on the issue of what actually happened in WW2?
[The remainder of the letter is the portion that The Fitzhugh refused to print MS]
The truth does not fear investigation. Only lies need protection by law.
I will exercise my freedom of speech here. I insist on some reckoning with facts and evidence.
After the Toronto ‘Holocaust trials’ of Ernst Zündel in 1985 and 1988, the curators of the Auschwitz State Museum in Poland reduced death statistics from 4 million to 1.5 million. Why did the 6 million number remain unchanged?
Evidence in those trials brought to light the fraud of the gas chamber story. The French Professor Robert Faurisson was a pioneer in this line of investigation. He has been repeatedly convicted in French courts and physically assaulted for persisting with his scientific inquiry. Faurisson was instrumental in bringing Fred Leuchter, America’s top gas chamber specialist, into the Toronto trials. Leuchter conducted a thorough scientific examination of the facilities at Auschwitz and concluded that there were no homicidal gas chambers.
Robert Faurisson’s trials and tribulations speak of the high stakes nature of genuine historical inquiry into the evidence of this subject. He has famously summarized, in a 60-word sentence, his conclusion from decades of research on the forbidden subject:
‘The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews constitute one and the same historical lie, which made possible a gigantic financial-political fraud, the principal beneficiaries of which are the state of Israel and international Zionism, whose principal victims are the German people — but not their leaders — and the entire Palestinian people.’
Many people, including Jews, died in WW2. Most of the concentration camp deaths occurred in the final months of war because food was not reaching the camps. The Allies carpet-bombed Germany, in particular transportation corridors. Camp inmates died of starvation and disease. The International Red Cross figure for total deaths in all the concentration camps was 271,301. Look it up.
According to Clarke’s article, Martin Sampson, director of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, claims ‘it is the most well-documented genocide’ and ‘the truth is the Holocaust was industrialized, state-sponsored murder committed by the Nazis against the Jewish people’. Yet, in the many thousands of government documents and archives that were seized by the Allies after the war, not a single item was found indicating a plan to exterminate the Jews. How could the mass murder of 6 million people take place without a plan?
I have always been a peace activist, and I am still a peace activist. What we have now is a world of war and turmoil, structured by lies and deception. I am standing up for a better world.

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The Unveiling of Bnai Brith by William Cooper Part 2 of 8


William Cooper
May 6, 1943 November 5, 2001
[Editor Note: William Cooper was murdered by police on November 5th, 2001 at the age of 58. He was an American writer, shortwave broadcaster who came into public awareness in the late 1980s. William was also a radio host, author and political activist known for his best-selling underground book titled Behold A Pale Horse and his worldwide shortwave radio show Hour of the Time. Cooper was also known for his court battle with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the recorded attempts to dissuade him from pursuing his case.
William Cooper founded Harvest Trust, the CAJI News Service, Veritas newspaper, The Intelligence Service, and Harvest Publications. Under his leadership Harvest Trust ventured into publishing. The first book under the Harvest Trust imprint was Oklahoma City: Day One (ISBN 0-9653307-1-0), by Michele Marie Moore about the Oklahoma City bombing.
An advocate for free radio, Cooper operated the unlicensed Independence Foundation Trust at 101.1 FM in Eagar, Arizona. Cooper claimed to have helped over 700 low power FM affiliate stations get equipped and on the air.
My belief is that Cooper was murdered by the Illuminati because of his work to expose the Beast to the public. This series of talks on Bnai Brith and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was part of his work to enlighten the public on who who behind the veil. Right at the beginning of this series he makes a comment about just such a scenario arising for many who did what he did. God willing hell be the last one to die for such efforts. Bless his soul.
The title of the series on is mine. Seeing as the ADL is but an offshoot of Bnai Brith and many people here in Canada think of this organization as Bnai Brith Ive decided to use it in the title.]

ADL #2
Tape No. 384 ‘ADL No. 2’
June 27, 1994
This broadcast was taken in whole or in part from investigations conducted by the CAJI News Service, and the Intelligence Service, and from reports published by The Executive Intelligence Review entitled ‘The Ugly Truth About The ADL’, and ‘Dope Inc.’.
Folks, tonight’s program is based upon a report by the ‘Executive Intelligence Review’a special report by the editors of the ‘Executive Intelligence Review’.
This report was first published in 1992, entitled ‘The Ugly Truth About the ADL’.It has taken CAJI this long to duplicate the research and verify that every single fact in here is absolutely, 100% correct and true.
The fact that none of the people, nor the ADL, has ever sued the ‘Executive Intelligence Review’ over this information further substantiates the value and the truthfulness of this report.
And folks, it is baloney.Someday you will all wake up to that fact.
Gangsters and traitors from the start, ladies and gentlemen, the ADL had been founded shortly after the turn of the century as a Jewish defense arm of the B’nai B’rithat least that’s what the Jews were told the nominally Jewish secret society which is sponsored and controlled, in all actuality, by the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and by some of the leading British and American families who are not Jewish at all, but subscribe to the British Israelite philosophy.
B’nai B’rith Washington, D.C. representative, Simon Wolfthe man whom Lincoln’s Secret Service Chief, Lafayette C. Baker, had arrested as a Confederate spy and Union blockade runner during the Civil Warwas now working closely with President Theodore Roosevelt in mobilizing Jewish American support for the overthrow of the Russian Czar.
According to Wolf’s 1918 autobiography, he had met secretly with President Roosevelt in his Sagamore Hills estate in New York, and had launched an international drive to brand the Czarist regime as, quote ‘anti-semitic’, end quote.
They’ve done the same thing to me, ladies and gentlemen, as you all know.
After a series of meetings and correspondence with Russia’s Prime Minster, Count Sergei Witt arranged by RooseveltWolf had denounced the Russian regime for reneging on its promises to curb anti-Jewish pogromsafter which American Jewish organizations, led from behind the scenes by the B’nai B’rith, began funneling guns to the anti-Czarist insurrectionists.
Thus, B’nai B’rith played an active role in the Russian Revolution of 1905.This activity, ladies and gentlemen, would lead to widespread allegations that prominent American Jews were pro-Bolshevik.
The Warburg family of Kuhn-Loeb and Company did, in fact, fund V. I. Lenin and Leon Trotsky.
And father and son Bolshevik agents, Julius and Armand Hammer, who helped found the United States Communist Party, did actively spread the Bolshevik cause in America, and spent a decade in the Soviet Union following the 1917 Revolution.
These allegations of pro-Communist sentiments, while grounded in well-publicized and scandalous actions by prominent Jewish families, actually missed the mark.
In fact, ladies and gentlemen, the plot to bring down the Czar and install the Bolsheviks in power in Russia served long-standing British Imperial and geo-political interests of the sort advanced by the Scottish Rite and the Illuminati.
Britain, in fact, feared the development of a Eurasian alliance among France, Germany, Russia, Japan and China, based on economic cooperation and facilitated by the building of a transcontinental system of railroads linking the east to the west.Such a transcontinental railroad system would render Britain’s domination over the seas relatively unimportant.
B’nai B’rith joined in the effort to sink the Czar for the same reasons the Order joined in the Confederates secessionist plot to destroy the Union 40 years earlierbecause B’nai B’rith was an arm of the Illuminati Freemasonic treason, and still is.
In fact, one of the most compelling reasons for the hatred of Russia was the role played by Czar Alexander II in coming to the aid of Abraham Lincoln during the darkest days of the United States Civil War.
In 1863, Czar Alexander dispatched the powerful Russian Navy to the United States ports of New York and San Francisco, and threatened to go to war against Britain if the Crown joined the war on the side of the Confederacy.
This probablythis probably, without any public recognition whatsoeveris what eventually enabled the North to win the war, for Britain stayed out.They didn’t want to stay out.They were forced to.
At the same time, the so-called Jewish Bolshevik ties were being targeted, frequently by people with actual anti-semitic biases. Diligent local police around the United States were becoming legitimately alarmed at the growing crime problem.
New York City Police Commissioner, Theodore A. Bingham , in September 1908, penned an article for the prestigious ‘North American Review’, titled ‘Foreign Criminals in New York’.The article detailed the rise of gambling, prostitution, and drugs on New York’s Lower East Side, emphasizing the role of Jewish, Italian, and Irish immigrant gangsters in that crime explosion.
Bingham was not alone in his concern about the rise of gangsterism in the Jewish communities of the metropolitan New York area and beyond.
You see, in April 1910, the leading Jewish families of the United States, Germany, France, and Great Britain sent delegates to a Jewish International Convention on the Suppression of the Traffic in Girls and Women in London.Key-note speaker, Arthur R. Morrow , delivered an alarming report on the involvement of Jewish gangsters in the world-wide white slave trade and in big-time prostitution.
Now, for those of you who believe that this is all being brought about by the Jews, remember, these were the leading familiesthe leading Jewish familiesof the United States, Germany, France, and Great Britainwho sent delegates to a Jewish international convention and brought the spotlight to this illegal and criminal traffic in girls and women.They were not guilty of participation.They, in fact, wanted it stopped.Quote:
‘I wish I had time to tell you all I know, which goes to show that the traffic of Jewesses is almost world-wide; but I must restrict myself to a few incidents to prove that an extensive traffic does exist.
‘In 1901, a rabbi came from the Transvaal and told me that the amount of Jewish prostitution and traffic in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Larinko , Marksberia , and Salisbury are appalling.
‘In later years, the same story came from another rabbi regarding Capetown.
‘In 1903, a Jewish school master, who had spent some time in Egypt, said that the traffic by Jews of Jewesses to Alexandria, Cairo, and Port Said was an absolute scandal.There were Greek, Italian, and French prostitutes, but they were far out-numbered by the Jewesses.
‘We have received and have correspondence to show that this awful condition of affairs exists in Calcutta to a large extent, and also all along the free ports of China.
‘From the Chief Rabbi of Constantinople, from a distinguished Jewish American scholar, from a prominent London gentleman, and from a school mistress in Colatta , we have had letters during the past six months describing an outrageous condition of affairs in Constantinople, where traffic in prostitutes is carried out openly and shamelessly, and where the traffickers have their own synagogue.They say things in Damascus are even worse.’ End quote.
Already, in 1909, the leadingquote ‘Our Crowd’, end quotefamilies of New York had established their own bureau of social morals, headed by Rabbi Judah P. Magnis .
The bureau hired private detective Abe Shoenfeld , an investigator for John D. Rockefeller, Jr., to infiltrate and profile the organized crime structure centered on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.
Shoenfeld’s mission was hardly that of crime buster, folks.In 1922, Rabbi Magnis took those voluminous files with him when he moved to Jerusalem and founded the Hebrew University.To this day, the genealogy chart of organized crime remains a part of the University’s most closely guarded archives.
It was during this same period of mounting concern over the exposure of Jewish surnamed gangsters that the Anti-Defamation League was foundednot to protect the Jewish people, but to protect the Jewish criminal element.
One of the very first targets of the ADL was New York Police Commissioner Bingham, whom the ADL smeared as an anti-semite for his efforts to quell organized crime on the Lower East Side.
Bingham’s crime fighting efforts were by no means targeted exclusively against Jewish gangsters.His Chief Detective, Lieutenant Joseph Petrosino , was assassinated in March 1909 in Sicily while meeting with Italian police to establish cooperation, and probing links between criminal elements and anarchist networks operating in both the United States and Italy.
In 1901, Petrosino had warned the Secret Service about an imminent assassination attempt against President William McKinley.Petrosino had learned of the plot by infiltrating his agents into the Henry Street Settlement House in New York, a hot bed of British Fabian Society and international anarchist activity.
The Secret Service ignored his warnings, and McKinley was assassinated months later, leaving British agent andB’nai B’rith ally, Teddy Roosevelt, to assume the Presidency.
The nascent ADL, still formally called the ‘Publicity Committee of the B’nai B’rith’, had assailed Bingham’s crime fighting efforts for maligning Jews, and eventually succeeded in having him ousted as Police Commissioner.
Now, remember, ladies and gentlemen, the ADL is not an arm of the Jewish community; but is an arm of a secret society, a branch of the Illuminati, known as B’nai B’rith, which is controlled by the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
Organized crime got a big boost as a result.What’s more, the effort to establish the links between organized crime, international anarchist circles, and perhaps the Scottish Rite and B’nai B’rith secret societies, was stillborn.
The man who founded and headed up the ADL for its first 30 years was Sigmund Livingston, a prominent Chicago attorney, who had headed up the powerful B’nai B’rith Midwest Lodge No. 6.Livingston was the lawyer for the Chicago and Alton Railways, a company owned by William Moore of the prominent Episcopalian family.
From the 1890s, the Moore family had forged a business alliance with the J. P. Morgan banking interests.The Moores, with Morgan financing, founded the National Biscuit Companynow R.J.R. Nabiscoand United States Steel Corporation.
Within two generations, members of the Moore family would also control Bankers Trust Company and sit on the board of the International Business Machines Corporation that you know as IBM.
The Moore family sponsorship of Livingston, ADL Chairman from 1913 to 1945, was a reflection of the underlying relationship between the leading WASP Freemasonic families and the ADL that continues through to the present.The Moore’s family Nabisco and United States Steel are on record today as major financial backers of the Anti-Defamation League.
Ironically, Bishop Paul Moore, of the same Moore family, served for years as the Episcopal Bishop of New York.Based at the Cathedral of St. John Divine, he was the superior to Cannon Edward West.
Now, remember folks, what I’ve told you about the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in the Mystery School series.
Cannon West’s promise to get his Jewish friends to take care of Lyndon LaRouche provided crucial evidence that the real power behind the ADL and its organized crime confederates is the Scottish Rite.
With the ADL’s successful drive to oust New York Police Commissioner Bingham, organized crime began to spread its tentacles out into New York City and across the country.
By the onset of Prohibition in 1920, the undisputed chief of the New York rackets was Arnold Rothstein , the son of a prominent garment manufacturer and a junior member of the elite ‘Our Crowd’.
Many of the ‘Our Crowd’ families, like the Lehmans, had come to New York from the South in the post-Civil War period.They were transplanted Confederates, who capitalized on the power of the British Rothschild family’s Wall Street representative, August Belmont, to quickly establish themselves among the city’s leading bankers and stock brokers.
They had participated in the unsuccessful Confederate secessionist plot against the Union.Now, they would take a leading role in the British effort to direct a new opium war against the American people.
Rothstein, ladies and gentlemen, operated a gambling and prostitution syndicate out of the Metropol Hotel in midtown Manhattan, far from the teaming ethnic ghetto of the Lower East Side.
He ran the unofficial Gambling Commission for Tamanny Hall boss Timothy Sullivan.He hobnobbed with some of the country’s wealthiest,legitimate businessmen, like JuliusFleischmann, the yeast manufacturer; Joseph Seagram, the Canadian distiller; Harry Sinclair, of the Sinclair Oil Company; and Percival H. Hill, head of the American Tobacco Company.
In 1919, Rothstein engineered the fixing of the baseball World Series on behalf of his gambling cronies in what became known as the ‘Chicago Black Sox Scandal’.
At the behest of Lower East Side gangster, Irving Wexleralso known as Waxy Gordonand Detroit mobster, Max Greenberg , Rothstein put up the initial $175,000 to establish the first bootlegging operations of the Prohibition Era, servicing the midwest and the east coast with British whisky transported across the Atlantic.Rum-running ships, owned by Rothstein and his partners, would smuggle the British whisky from Long Island Sound into the U.S.
Rothstein’s British contacts included Winston Churchill who, at the time, headed the Royal Commission in Charge of Liquor.
In 1921, Rothstein also opened up a British pipeline for smuggling heroin into the United States via his business agent in China, Jacob Katzenberg .
Katzenberg hooked up with the British opium cartel, then headed by Lord Keswick of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and the Jardin and Matheson Trading Company, and arranged the transit of the illegal drugs through Marseilles into New York City.
The route, later known as ‘The French Connection’, would remain the primary pipeline of heroin into America up through the 1960s.
The period of Prohibition, folks, marked the syndication of organized crime.It also marked the emergence of illegal money as a major source of investment capital and so-called legitimate business.
As the proceeds of the billions of dollars in illegal whisky and dope sales were funneled into such lucrative, straight investments as the Hollywood motion picture and music industries, the Nevada gambling casinosNevada conveniently legalized casino gambling just as Prohibition was coming to an endand post-Prohibition legal alcohol distilleries, the ADL was on hand to directly reap the benefits.
In 1929, ladies and gentlemen, one of Meyer Lansky’s New York City crime lieutenants, Frank Erikson , founded the Sterling National Bank.
Erikson was a specialist in money laundering.After Lansky replaced Arnold Rothsteinfor he was assassinated in 1926as the chairman of the board of the national crime syndicate, Erikson had been put in charge of the nation-wide bookkeeping operations.Erikson handled Lansky’s hidden interests in gambling casinos, race tracks, and other businesses around the country.
Sterling National Bank served as the mob’s factor bank in the New York City garment center, doling out high-interest/short-term loans to thousands of small clothing manufacturers to purchase their raw materials.The loans were collateralized by the garment firm’s accounts receivable.
On paper, it was a benign, barely legal, form of loan-sharking.The victims were Jews.
In practice, it was the syndicates foot in the door for taking over the entire garment industry through violence and intimidation.Again, the victims were Jews.
Erikson’s relationship with Lansky gave Sterling virtually unchallenged control over the garment center.
In 1934, Theodore H. Silbert went to work for Sterling National Bank. Within a decade of his arrival, Silbert was the bank’s Chairman, President, and CEOposts he would retain up until his death in early 1992.
You see, Silbert was the ADL’s man-on-the-scene.He would serve as the ADL’s National Commissioner, Treasurer, and Chief Fund-Raiser.The ADL established its bank accounts at Sterling National, and according to IRS records, invested in bank stock.
The only other outside investment into which the ADL would ever put its own money would be the American Bank and Trust Company, another New York City bank, which listed ADL National Commissioner and B’nai B’rith International President, Philip Klutznick , as a Director.
ABT would go under when shady Mossad financier Davy Gravier made off with all the bank’s deposits, and then ostensibly died in a mysterious airplane crash over Mexico.
Gravier’s so-called death was so suspect that New York State listed him as a co-conspirator in the ABT bank fraud investigation for years.For, you see, they didn’t then, and they don’t believe now, that he really died in that plane crash.
Although Silbert’s emergence as the leading figure at Sterling National was part of a campaign to cleanse the bank’s public image by replacing a known gangster with a philanthropist and civic-minded banker, Sterling continued to be entangled in shady financial dealingssometimes leading to high-visibility civil suits.
The most explosive of these scandals hit in January 1982 when the Italian government filed suit in United States District Court in New York City against Sterling, charging it with constructive trust conspiracy to defraud, fraud, and breach of fiduciary duty.The case, ladies and gentlemen, revolved around Italian banker, Michel Sindona’s looting of $27 million from the Banca Privata in 1973 to ’74.
The theft had repercussions across the Atlantic as well.The Franklin National Bank on Long Island, New York, went bust as the result of Sindona’s involvement.Sterling National Bank was one of the laundromats through which Sindona washed the stolen cash.
Not surprisingly, Sindona would later be exposed as a pivotal figure in the Propaganda 2 Freemasonic Lodgea secret Italian branch of the Scottish Rite with strong ties to the Mafia.
Its antecedent, the nineteenth century Propaganda 1 Lodge, had been founded by Giuseppi Mazzini , the founder of the Sicilian mafia, as a branch of the European Illuminati, a leading member of the first Communist Internationale, and an agent of Britain’s Lord Palmerston, the Grand Master of the Scottish Rite.
Giuseppi Mazzini was in close communication with the Confederate General, Albert Pike, who was the head of the Illuminati in the United States.
Some things, folks, just never, ever change.
The ADL’s shady links to Sterling National Bank went beyond Theodore Silbert.
Another long-time Director of the bank and ADL man, Maxwell Robb, was a business partner of Meyer Lansky in a company called the International Airport Hotel Corporation.
The Vice Chairman of the powerful New York State ADL, Robb weathered the airing of his Lansky links, and went on to be the United States Ambassador to Italy during the Reagan Administration.
Talk about putting the fox in the henhouse!
Arnold Burns was another ADL asset on the Board of Sterling. Burns’ law firm, Burns & Summit , got caught up in a tax evasion scheme in the early 1980s that almost landed both partners in jail.
Under a loophole in the federal tax codes written into lawthanks to the Zionist lobby in the United States CongressAmerican investors in Israel research and development firms could claim their investments as tax write-offs, but nobody else could investing in the same type of business in other countries and in the United States.
Arnold Burns set up a string of tax shelters in the Bahamas ostensibly to fund these Israeli research and development projects.However, the moneyminus a hefty fee to Burns & Summitnever, ever reached Israel. It was laundered right back into the United States where it could be used by its own owners, tax-free.And when the scheme became the subject of a federal grand jury in New York, Burns pointed a finger at some of his cohorts and walked away, completely unscathed.
A few months later, Arnold Burns was named Deputy Attorney General of the United States, a post he held throughout most of the Reagan EraDeputy Attorney General of the United States of America.
Burns’s name had been placed before Ronald Reagan by John J. McCloy , a power-house in the New York City White Anglo Saxon Protestant establishment, a leading Anglophile, British Israelist, ex-head of the Central Intelligence Agency, and the former Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank.
Nor is Sterling National Bank the only ADL bank implicated in the dope trade and organized crime.
Leonard Abbess of Miami, Florida is another honorary National Chairman of the ADL.He’s the Chairman of City National Bank of Miami, one of many Florida banks caught laundering big-time drug money.
A top aide to Abbess at City National, Alberto Duke, was jailed in the late 1980s for laundering dope dollars.
Another senior bank official, Donald Beasley , was hired by Abbess on the basis of his former work for the Nugen Hand Bank in Australia.
And if you’ve read my book, you know all about Nugen Hand Bank and the Central Intelligence Agency, and the laundering of drug money.
Nugen Hand went bust in the mid-1980s when one of its founders, Frank Nugen, was found dead in his car, the victim of what police labelled a suicide.
And the other partner, former Green Beret and CIA agent, Michael Hand, a veteran of Delta Force, disappeared into thin air with $26 million in bank assets.
Nugen Hand had been set up during the final days of the Vietnam War by ex-Central Intelligence Agency and Pentagon officers, including Ted Shackley , to launder black-market profits and do shady intelligence operations throughout Asia.
The 1985 Mo Delitz Award Dinner was a kind of coming-out party for the ADL’s friends in the national crime syndicate.It was, ladies and gentlemen, by no means the first time the League publicly flaunted its deep ties to the gangster world.
You see, in 1963, as part of an effort to vastly expand its fund-raising reach, the ADL appointed Hollywood producer Dore Shary as its National Chairman.
At the time, Shary was the reigning superstar at the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios.Among the Hollywood insiders, however, Shary was known as a life-long pal of syndicate higher-up, Abner Longey Zwilmann of New Jersey.
Zwilmann was one of the first of the Prohibition Era bootleggers and Lansky aids to get involved in the Hollywood motion picture industry.
An original member of Murder, Incorporated, and the head of the powerful Reinfeld bootlegging syndicate in New Jersey, Zwilmann expanded into labor racketeering during the waning days of Prohibition.
By 1930, he had seized control over the Screen Operators Union up and down the east coast and parlayed that into shares in some of the big Hollywood studios.
And you don’t think there’s any mind control in America?
At this time, Dore Shary ran an amateur drama group at the YMHA in Newark, New Jersey.Childhood friend, Zwilmann, sent Shary out to the west coast and installed him at Metro-Goldwyn-MayerMGM.
When Zwilmann got into trouble with the IRS in the late 1950s, some of his syndicate associates became convinced that he might betray some of the mob’s most closely held financial secrets.And on February 27th, 1959, he was found hanging from a pipe in the basement of his 20-room West Orange, New Jersey mansion.
According to Federal Bureau of Investigation reports, Shary attended the funeral.In the FBI memo citing Shary’s appearance at the Zwilmann funeral, the Bureau delivered a kind of eulogy to the mobster.Citing an article from the ‘New York World Telegram’, the FBI memo read, quote:
‘Nobody followed so successfully for so long the approved underworld formula for success:from rags to rackets, to riches, to respectability.’
End quote.And folks, if the rags-to-respectability formula were to be applied to organizations, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith would be first on the list of success stories.
For the past two decades, Wall Street lawyer, Kenneth Bailken , has been Mr. ADL.A long-standing member of the League’s National Executive Committee, Bailken served from 1982 through 1986 as the League’s National Chairman.
It was on his watch that gangster Mo Delitz got the ADL’s prestigious ‘Torch of Liberty’ prize; that junk bond swindler, Michael Milken, poured millions of dollars into the launching of the League’s ‘A World of Difference’ propaganda campaign to wreck American public education; and that accused drug money launderer, Edmond Saffra , got Bailken and the ADL to mediate a corporate divorce between his banking empire and the American Express Company.
In return for Bailken’s effort to salvage Saffra’s badly tarnished reputation, the ADL received a $1 million tax-exempt pay-off from him.
But Bailken’s real claim to fame, folks, is that he was a central figure in the doping, the drugging of America.Without Kenneth Bailken’s behind-the-scenes legal maneuvering, the Medellin Cartel would have had a far more difficult time establishing a beach-head in the United States.
In much the same way Bailken quieted the potentially stormy divorce between Edmond Saffra and American Express, he brokered the marriage between renegade financier, Robert Vesco, and the Medellin Cartel’s Chief of Logistics, Carlos Ledder Rivas .
As a result, the dope smuggling routes through the Caribbean into the United States were consolidated, and the streets of America were flooded during the 1980s with marijuana and cocaine.
Now, this sordid story began in 1970 when Kenneth Bailken, the senior partner at the Wall Street law firm of Wilkie, Farr and Gallagher , helped engineer Robert Vesco’s take-over the Investors Overseas Service, a Swiss-based mutual fund that was founded by Bernie Cornfield , with start-up funding from the Swiss-French branch of the Rothschild family.
IOS was a front for Meyer Lansky’s international crime syndicate.IOS salesmen traveled the globe carrying suitcases full of cash, across international borders.
Some of the money came from local investors, but the bulk of it was hot money gained from the Lansky syndicate’s dope, gambling, prostitution, and extortion rackets.
Now, if this method of money laundering was labor-intensive and primitive compared to today’s high-speed electronic wire transfers, itwas nevertheless efficient.The cash eventually ended up in numbered accounts at some of Switzerland’s most corrupt and secretive banks.
Some of the banks, ladies and gentlemen, linked to the IOS apparatuslike the Geneva-based International Credit Bank (or BCI) and the Nassau/Bahamas-based Bank of World Commercewere flagrant fronts for the Lansky syndicate.
While BCI was owned by a senior officer of the Israeli Mossad, named Tybor Rosenbaum , BCI’s office manager, Sylvian Ferdmond , was identified by ‘Life’ magazine in 1967 as one of Lansky’s top bag men. And World Commerce Director, Alvin Malnick , was Lansky’s accountant.
When Lansky and his controllers decided to shift the center of their underground banking operations from Switzerland to the Caribbean as part of the planned expansion of cocaine and marijuana smuggling into the United Stateswith the cooperation and the help of the intelligence community and the militaryit was the ADL and Bailken that engineered the move.
First, the ADL’s Minneapolis, Minnesota apparatusknown inside the League as the ‘Minneapolis Mafia’ which ran the notorious ‘Kid-Can’or Isodore Bloomenfeld organized crime ringprovided the money for a local Hebrew school teacher-turned-business-entrepreneur named Meschelam Rickless to buy up a large block of shares of IOS stock.
Once Rickless had amassed enough stock to control the company, he turned around and sold all his shares to Vesco.
Vesco was represented in the transaction by Kenneth Bailken.
You see, the circle is now complete.
Vesco’s next step was to oust Bernie Cornfield as the President of IOS and take over the job himself.
Over the next several years, ladies and gentlemen, a total of $270 million was siphoned out of IOS accounts in Switzerland.Officially, the money was never found; and Robert Vesco conveniently fled the United Statesone step ahead of the FBI and the IRS.The Cornfield-to-Rickless-to-Vesco transaction may have been largely a wash of Lansky syndicate dollars.
From Prohibition onward, the Minneapolis Kid-Can Gang had been handlers of Lansky money.Kid-Can eventually moved to the Miami area, and was a key player in Lansky’s big-time move into southern Florida Gold Coast real estate.
However, folks, not all of the money siphoned out of IOS by Vesco was family cash.A lawsuit was brought in U.S. District Court in New York City in 1980 by some of the independent investors who had lost their shirts in the looting of IOS.
While not revealing the whereabouts of the missing millions, the civil suit identified Bailken and the Bank of New York as partners of the fugitive financier in the scheme.
On July 31, 1980, Federal Judge D. J. Stewart ordered Wilkie, Farr and Gallagher to pay $24.5 million to a group of IOS investors, and ordered the Bank of New York to pay $35.6 million.
The case file, which fills 20 cartons, stored at the Federal District Court Warehouse in Bayonne, New Jersey, shows that Bailken was the evil genius behind the entire looting scheme.
A year before the court ordered Wilkie, Farr and the Bank of New York to pay-up for their role in the looting of IOS, some of that money had been used by Vesco to purchase Norman’s Cay in the Bahamas.Vesco’s partner in the deal was Carlos Ledder Rivas, a small-time Colombian car thief and marijuana smuggler who had recently gotten out of jail in Florida.
Ledder, an unabashed supporter of Adolf Hitler, who would later use some of his smuggling profits to found a neo-Nazi, radical, environmentalist political party in Columbia, fit neatly into the ADL scheme with his family ties back in Colombia to leading figures in the then-emerging Medellin Cartel.
By 1980, the Vesco-Ledder owned Norman’s Cay was serving as the command center and trans-shipment depot for a massive marijuana and cocaine trafficking operationprotected by the intelligence communityfrom Medellin into the United States.
For several years, while running the Norman’s Cay operation, Vesco skipped from the Bahamas to Costa Rica to Nicaragua, buying up local politicians and newspaper editors, and always miraculously staying one step ahead of an FBI that never really seemed intent upon capturing the fugitive money-man.
In fact, it was just a show.
On one occasion on Antigua, Vesco was hosting a lavish party on a boat that he had bought from Saudi financier, Adnan Kashogi isn’t is funny how the same names always crop up in all of these investigationswhile the FBI agents were combing the island looking for this illusive fugitive.
Well, I hope you can sleep well tonight.I hope you’re beginning to get the message.I hope you’re beginning to understand things just aren’t as you thought they were.
And they use this branding of ‘anti-semitic’, ‘anti-semitism’, to control the Jews, and to keep you in your place.
You see, you will learn, later in this series, that when the ADL needs to rally the Jewish community around a cause, it is sometimes Jews (or the ADL itself) that paints the swastika on Jewish synagogues and on the gravestones in Jewish cemeteries.
Good night, and God bless you all.

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Conrad Black’s Zionist Newspaper chain (Lethbridge Herald) Accuses Professor Anthony Hall of ‘Hate Speech’

The University of Lethbridge is defending a professor’s right to use his position to promote conspiracy theories online, including the idea that the 2014 Parliament Hill shooting in Ottawa was a scheme to keep Stephen Harper in power; the Sandy Hook massacre was staged to promote gun control; and Jewish Zionists are waging a secret war to demonize Muslims around the world through control of western media. Anthony Hall is a tenured member within the U of L’s Faculty of Arts and Science. He has a history of activism that includes being arrested during protests at the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City in 2001, protesting wars in the Middle East, and battling for the rights of First Nations people.

Since late December, Hall has been a co-host on a weekly YouTube program called ‘False Flag Weekly News’ with fellow conspiracy theorists Kevin Barrett, an Arabist-Islamologist, and James Fetzer, a professor of Philosophy Emeritus.
FFWN promotes the idea of a global Zionist conspiracy to create hatred against Muslims by promoting an alternative narrative of Muslim extremism through global ‘false flag’ terror events. These events include just about every large-scale terror attack and mass shooting since the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, which is seen as a sort of ‘Ground Zero’ for this secret war.
Both Barrett and Fetzer are noted Holocaust deniers, and Hall has questioned established facts which happened during the Second World War.
In a prepared statement, Craig Cooper, Dean of Arts and Science, stated the U of L does not dictate research areas to faculty members and supports Hall’s right to ‘pursue the research topics of his choosing.’
‘The university doesn’t always agree with the opinions expressed by faculty members but recognizes their rights to express them,’ the statement read.
Hall could not be reached for comment, despite multiple attempts by The Herald, but there are more than six months of weekly broadcasts on YouTube where he spoke freely on a number of topics.
There was a discussion about a Twitter A.I. chatbot named ‘Tay’ developed by Microsoft, which started randomly posting anti-Semitic tweets such as ‘Hitler was right I hate the Jews’ after it was bombarded by internet trolls was supported on FFWN.
Hall referenced the book ‘Tell the Truth, Shame the Devil’ by Gerard Menuhin, which claims to show proof the Holocaust is a myth. He stated the book causes a ‘very dramatic re-looking at what happened in Europe in World War 2.’
‘So I’m reading that text and having to reassess a lot of ideas,’ Hall said. ‘So maybe Tay is actually on to something here.’
During a discussion on the March 2016 Lahore, Pakistan, terror attack that left 75 dead and hundreds injured, Barrett discussed how more Muslims than Christians were killed, but CNN was reporting it as a Muslim attack on Christians.
He went on to say CNN is run by Jewish Zionists like all other major media. Hall then accused CNN political anchor Wolf Blitzer of being a leader in this conspiracy.
‘Let’s face it. The media is dominated by ethnically Jewish Zionists, and some of them may not be completely on board with the neo-con agenda, but it sure looks like a lot of them are,’ said Barrett.
‘And Wolf Blitzer, of course, is one of the chief Zionists in the whole U.S. media,’ said Hall. ‘He is one of the point people.’
During a discussion of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, where 20 young children and six adults were killed by shooter Adam Lanza, Fetzer said the school had been shut down since 2008 and that the shooting never actually happened. He accused the families of faking the story and collecting between $27 million and $130 million collectively.
Hall stated his impression was that Sandy Hook was not the usual type of false flag event designed to instil hatred of Muslims.
‘My understanding is that it was about gun control,’ he said on the show.
In a discussion about noted white nationalist and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke, Hall referred to the need for Duke to have an audience to be able to air his views.
‘Thinking people, as David Duke is, intelligent people, some of their theories are good, and some of them not-so-good. (Duke) deserves an audience. He has some very astute analysis of things going on. And some of his ideas are objectionable.’
Barrett and Hall’s discussion on the 2014 Parliament Hill shooting described a False Flag event designed to push an anti-Islam agenda to win the election for Stephen Harper. They said that attempt failed and Trudeau took power.
A discussion about swaying public opinion through mass media involved the Ottawa shooting and how convenient that there were photos of shooter Michael Zehaf-Bibeau at the Canadian National War Memorial during the event.
‘Supposedly, the image shows him with a gun at the place where he was supposed to have killed Nathan Cirillo. Where did the picture come from?’ Hall asked.
He went on to describe the images and footage released during the first hours of the events as ‘low level productions,’ with dummies being blown up and ‘ketchup being sprayed here and there.’
‘They really didn’t have a good budget for their stage management of the whole thing,’ Hall said.
The Herald reached out to the Lethbridge Jewish community, for a response, and was provided with the following statement:
‘Mr. Hall’s statements and theories are so outlandish, venomous, and without substance, that we cannot even begin to dignify them with a response.’
In defending Hall, Cooper noted the role of universities in ‘ensuring our societies are free and improve through the critical analysis undertaken through research and the tenet of academic freedom. Academic freedom is necessary so that all topics can be fully explored in the absence of external influence, popular opinion or conventional wisdom.’

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A Teachable Moment By John Kaminski


A Teachable Moment
The phrase ‘America First’ deemed offensive to Jews
Brainwashed Americans too stupid to realize what this really means
By John Kaminski
[email protected]
Jewish protests about Donald Trump’s use of the phrase ‘America First’ being anti-Semitic should tell you all you need to know about how Jews feel about America.
They feel they own it — and they largely do! — but they also feel the goyim should obey them when they pontificate that Israel comes first, and that Americans should put Israel’s interests before America’s.
And why wouldn’t they? Israel Firsters — both Jews and those bought off by Jews — own the U.S. government and virtually the entire U.S. infrastructure in its entirety, and have for decades.
Top that off with the sad fact that just about all the information everyone receives through electronic and print media comes from Jewish owned shills, creating the perfect recipe for totalitarianism that is being swallowed hook, line and sinker by the younger generations of Americans who have had no exposure to the real history of the world, which reveals hundreds of years of warmaking Jewish perfidy exactly like what is happening in world today.
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The Jewish Anti-Defamation League, the CNN network and a fatuous Jewish columnist named Eli Lake have insisted the phrase ‘America First’ evokes highly charged memories of a different era some 76 years ago when the world was perched on the precipice of World War II, and the famed American aviator Charles Lindbergh was the most visible figure trying desperately to keep the U.S. out of an unprecedented bloodbath.
The bloodthirsty Jews were frothing at the mouth in their frenzy to annihilate Adolf Hitler, who had removed the Jews from power in Germany and imprisoned many of them in work camps — which were not the death camps of Jewish media propaganda. The 6 million hoax has long ago been debunked as a cover story to conceal how Germany became prosperous when it put serious sanctions on the treasonous behavior of the exploitative Jews.
U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Union dictator Josef Stalin — all of them descended from Jews and surrounded by Jewish advisers — had aimed for years to overthrow Hitler and liquidate the entire German population.
When Hitler removed the Jews from power in Germany in 1933, Jews all over the world declared war on him, and through their behind-the-scenes political control of the U.S., Britain, and the USSR, eventually obliterated the prosperous and innocent nation Hitler had resuscitated from the ashes of World War I.
Of course, because the world’s major media have been controlled by Jews throughout the 20th century, the world has been told a very different story about these events.
Now the ADL and their paid off lapdogs in America’s kosher-stink press have actually claimed it is wrong for Trump to use the phrase ‘America First’ because it brings back memories of when one of the great Americans, Charles Lindbergh, fought courageously to keep the U.S. out of a falsely motivated World War II.
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Had Lindbergh succeeded, it would have saved tens of millions of lives. But the combination of the Jewish press and their willingness to publish the lies of the politicians who were paid handsomely by the Jews who controlled the world’s money supply was simply too strong for average citizens who simply wanted to live in peace to overcome.
After all — and to this very day — peace is never on the Jewish agenda.
Today CNN, a thoroughly Jewish propaganda organization that fires people when they mention that fact, actually acknowledges the truth of the facts of World War II, but brands them as lies. It is the way Jews typically flip reality on its head, as they do when they support the notion that shouting out ‘America First!’ is anti-Semitic.
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In a tainted screed written by Williams College professor Susan Dunn
CNN proceeds to paint with a broad brush of inferred anti-Semitism a whole phalanx of American politicians, from Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart and former president Gerald Ford, to former Kennedy insider Sargent Shriver and former Yale President Kingman Brewster, for joining Lindbergh’s ‘isolationist’ crusade.
Robert Wood, the board chairman of Sears, Roebuck, agreed to act as their group’s temporary chair. The growing organization soon included powerful men like Col. Robert McCormick of the Chicago Tribune; Minnesota meatpacker Jay Hormel; Sterling Morton, the president of Morton Salt Company; U.S. Rep. Bruce Barton of New York; and Lessing Rosenwald, the former chairman of Sears.
These men were all patriots advocating U.S. independence who are now ridiculed by CNN as ‘soft on Hitler’. The true facts of the matter are that Hitler and Germany were the innocent victims of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy to throttle the most dangerous challenge ever seen to Jewish worldwide financial hegemony.
The way CNN tells it is that America First struggled with the problem of the anti-Semitism of some of its leaders and many of its members. CNN calls Henry Ford ‘notoriously anti-Semitic’, but Ford was and is the most important figure in the 20th century who correctly raised the alarm about international Jews who had allegiance to no country but their own demented tribe and its insane desire to conquer the world, which was a charge the Jews have always levelled against Hitler, but which was really a projection of their owned warped objective.
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As CNN enumerated the so called anti-Semitic aspects of Lindbergh’s America First movement, it cited a Kansas chapter leader who pronounced President Franklin Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt ‘Jewish’ and Winston Churchill a ‘half-Jew.’
CNN disparages these assertions as ridiculous, but the facts prove the charges were all true. Roosevelt was descended from Jews on both sides of his family, and Churchill’s abusive mother was an American Jew who raised one of the great homicidal maniacs and incompetent politicians of the 20th century.
(Yes, I happen to be reading Mike King’s latest history lesson, ‘The British Mad Dog: Debunking the Myth of Winston Churchill’.)
After Pearl Harbor, the America First Committee closed its doors, but not before Lindbergh made his famous speech at an America First rally in Des Moines, Iowa, in September 1941. After charging that President Roosevelt had manufactured ‘incidents’ (like Pearl Harbor!) to propel the country into war, Lindbergh proceeded to blurt out his true thoughts.
‘The British and the Jewish races,’ he declared, ‘for reasons which are not American, wish to involve us in the war.’ The nation’s enemy was an internal one, a Jewish one. ‘Their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio, and our government,’ he contended.
Today, these facts are even more true than they were in 1941.
Lindbergh’s unambiguous message was that Jews living in the United States constituted a wealthy, influential, conspiratorial foreign ‘race’ that had seized ‘our’ media and infiltrated ‘our’ political institutions. They were the alien out-group, hostile to ‘us.’
Although Lindbergh’s assertions were all true, they were blotted out by the tremendous power of the Jewish controlled media and politicians bribed and blackmailed by the Jews, a demonic fact of life that continues to sabotage the USA right up to the present moment.
So confident of its power to mislead Americans with absurd lies, Holocaust-loving CNN quoted Anne Frank’s ‘stepsister’ comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler (we should be so lucky).
‘Eva Schloss, now 86, was a friend of Frank’s in Amsterdam after their families fled Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Her mother, Fritzi, would marry Otto Frank, Anne’s father, after World War II. If Donald Trump become(s) the next president of the U.S. it would be a complete disaster,’ she told Newsweek. ‘I think he is acting like another Hitler by inciting racism.’
Of course, anyone familiar with the Anne Frank scam knows what William Pierce discovered, that large parts of the so-called Diary of a Young Girl were written in ballpoint pen (despite an avalanche of Jewish arguments trying to defend their Holocaust myths that the diary was written with a fountain pen).
The kicker is the ballpoint pen was invented in 1951; Anne Frank died in 1945.
As it happens, I was going through my files recently and found some remarks by the now imprisoned Revisionist Horst Mahler which were translated into English by James Damon that reminded me how long this Jewish assault on reality has been going on.
Although many of the world’s great thinkers, from Cicero to Ezra Pound, have weighed in on the depraved behavior of the Jews, Mahler zeroed in on a long forgotten literary luminary who aptly described Jewish behavior more than 200 years ago.
In 1793 the German philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte described the Jewish problem quite clearly:
A power, animosity-filled state within a state is spreading through nearly all the countries of Europe . . . This state is constantly at war with all others, severely oppressing the general citizenry.
It is Judaism, the Judaic state.
The Jews must be granted human rights even though they deny them to others.
They are, after all, human beings; and the injustices that they commit do not give us the right to behave as they do.
In granting them the rights of citizens, however, I can see no alternative to cutting off their heads and replacing them with heads that are purged of Jewish ideas . . .
In order to protect ourselves from them, I see no alternative but to transport them all to their promised land.
Mahler, perhaps the most eloquent of the World War II German revisionists who continues to be abused by the Jewified German authorites, had this to say about the quote.
For Fichte, the danger did not lie merely in the fact that Jews form a state within a state.
The greatest danger lay in the fact that the Jewish state is founded on hatred of all other states.
Mahler further commented on Fichte’s assessment by adding
I do not believe that this is true because it forms a separate a closely bound state, but rather because it is founded on hatred of the entire human race.’
We have known for many centuries that the Jews are a lethal menace to any country in which they choose to nest. No assessment of their criminal behavior has been more accurate than that of the famous 18th century French philosopher Voltaire.
’They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race…
Most Americans have no idea how perilously close we are to this observation coming true. Voltaire then predicted what we must to do prevent this.
’You have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny.’
So the next time you see a Jew, greet him with Hitler’s hand salute and shout ‘America First’. Then tell him to go back to where he belongs (which might in fact be the bowels of hell).
Tell him to leave now, while he still has a chance to escape his fate, before everyone finally realizes the terrible things the Jews have done — and are doing — to the whole world. The world should know by now there is no reasoning with mad dogs.
Special treatment should be reserved for those politicians who take their money and propagate Jewish lies at the expense of America’s well being. And this includes virtually every politician in America.

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.

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Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil The sensational book by Gerard Menuhin, son of the famous violinist Yehudi Menuhin.

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Gerard could no longer bear the lies being perpetrated against Germany and risked all to unmask what he called the ‘biggest lie in history’ and the mightiest fraudulent criminal enterprise in mankind’s history—the Holocaust industry.
In this, his first book in English, Gerard Menuhin breaks through every taboo barrier.
He writes: ‘The Holocaust is the biggest lie in history. Germany has no blame for the Second World War.’ He also makes a case for Adolf Hitler being the only statesman in the modern era who could have liberated the enslaved people of planet Earth from the clutches of organized world Zionism.
He writes:
‘I suppose it began with a sense, nothing more. Not even a vague sentiment, let alone the certitude that what the average child is taught about major historical events is a pack of lies. It was just a lurking mental itch. My father never spoke of the war, any more than he spoke of anything negative or disagreeable or, indeed, about the past at all, if he could help it.
I never gave the subject much thought, occupied as I was with my daily drudgery, until the Nineties, when, while I was ordering the contents of my deceased grandparents’ house, I chanced on a copy of the National Zeitung, the patriotic German newspaper to which my grandfather had contributed a column for several years during the Sixties.
Due to the exceptional nature of the twelve years of National Socialism, a large and growing body of lurid fiction and alleged fact has materialized, based on its dramatic superficialities rather than on any study or comprehension of its socialist policies, and inspired by a particular agenda.
Sobriety rejects sensationalism. A perusal of reputable historical sources, some of them quite hard to find, helped me to form my own opinion. The most powerful persuasion, however, did not come from the rather dry accounts in my reading, but from the perfectly straightforward deduction that a people with the traditions and culture of the Germans did not almost overnight become barbarians and commit mass murder.’
Gerard was punished for breaking ranks and declaring himself on the side of truth.
In 2005, he was fired from his position as chairman of the Yehudi Menuhin Foundation after giving an interview in the Deutsche Stimme newspaper in which he said:
‘An international lobby of influential people and organizations is trying to keep the Germans under pressure. Some nations — mainly America, but other Europeans, too — are profiting from an obedient Germany.’
He also called on Germans to stop paying taxes and thus protest at the outflow of German funds to the European Union. ‘People cannot be eternally exploited in this way,’ he said, ‘as long as there is a budget deficit, no German public money should flow abroad.’
In his regular column with the Nationale Zeitung newspaper, Gerard condemned Jewish ‘souvenir hunters’ who gather evidence in Germany to help them to lodge financial claims for wartime persecution.
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By Gerard Menuhin.
Have you ever asked yourself why the world won’t come to rest? Why your parents, grandparents or great-grandparents had to die in wars that never should have occurred in the first place?
A book of monumental importance for the people of the world today. Many know that something is not right in the world. Nations engage in perpetual war while bankers and armaments makers line their pockets from the carnage. The average citizen of the world has been cut out of the decision-making process of government, whether he lives in a democracy, republic, theocracy or dictatorship.
All the while, the ruling elite grow stronger and richer as the real producers struggle to survive. Behind the scenes, events are controlled by a coterie of ethnic puppetmasters who work their marionettes in high places out of public view. How did this world get to the dark place it is today?? Who could have stopped it and what can we do today?
The book consists of three sections. The first section concerns Adolf Hitler, his character and intentions, and the real causes leading up to the outbreak of WWII, including the actions of the real culprits and the rejection of the great lie.
The second section enlarges on the activities of the real culprits, provides a historical overview of their progress, their nature, their power over finance and the media, and the methods by which they achieved it. It includes insights into Freemasonry, the European revolutions, the influence and control of education and foreign policy, the creation of the EU, the New World Order and the evolution of the plan through the same powers and their proxies, since the 17th century up to the present.
The third section concerns the First and Second World Wars (what the author refers to as ‘the Second Thirty Years War’), their conception, funding and inescapable continuity; current laws against freedom of expression, and the evolution of the Orwellian state; the importance of U.S. support for the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War, and Communism’s significance in the plan; the true origins of the enemy; Palestine’s occupation and its fate as an example of our common fate; plus much more.
The text is interspersed with ‘Memos from Today,’ that emphasize its relevance by citing current events. Hundreds of quotes are included from a wide range of authoritative sources, original and translated. The last pages of this manuscript comprise conclusions and predictions.
The narrative is dense and packed with facts, and backed by expert testimony. At times, the style is personal, even casual, and absolutely non-intellectual. It has been assumed that a personal touch makes the contents more accessible.
The author is the son of the great American-born violinist Yehudi Menuhin, who, though from a long line of rabbinical ancestors, fiercely criticized the foreign policy of the state of Israel and its repression of the Palestinians in the Holy Land.
Read it. Think about it. Distribute it to others. This is a book that can make a difference!

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