Report on first week of Supreme Court Trial R v Roy Arthur Topham by Arthur Topham


[EDITOR’S NOTE: Please feel free to use whatever information is contained in this Report in order to spread the word further afield. Now that the first week of the trial has ended and there’s been no mention of it in Canada’s mainstream media, other than the local Quesnel Cariboo Observer, I believe it’s fair to assume that the mainstream news outlets in this country have collectively decided to censor the case in order that the Canadian public remains unaware of the importance of what’s occurring in British Columbia.
Given the importance of this trial to every citizen of the nation who values their constitutional right to freedom of expression and also considering the wide-spread media coverage over the years leading up to the final repeal of the Sec. 13(1) legislation as contained in the Canadian Human Rights Act in June of 2012, it’s highly unlikely that the msm is unaware of the fact that this trial is happening.
It’s therefore up to the alternative news media to do its best to cover this important historic event in Canadian jurisprudence and bring it to the attention of internet readers.
Because of the nature of the case and for obvious reasons of strategy I’ve kept the details of the proceedings to a bare minimum. Rest assured though that at the trial’s end which could be at the end of the coming week (November 6th) a more thorough analysis of the trial will be forthcoming.
Thank you.]

To Alternative Media Sources
Report on first week of
Supreme Court Trial R v Roy Arthur Topham
Arthur Topham
The Supreme Court ‘Hate Speech’ trial of Arthur Topham and his website concluded its first week of deliberations on Friday, October 30th, 2015 in the small, central interior city of Quesnel, British Columbia.
Having elected to be tried by a jury of his peers rather than gamble on the Attorney General’s office selecting a potentially biased justice to oversee the proceedings and decide his fate the first order of business was to select twelve individuals from around the local community to sit on the jury. This process of selection meant that well over a hundred individuals were called to appear at the provincial government office on the morning of Monday, October 26th.
As well, and contrary to its normal behaviour over the past three and a half years, it was also at this time that Crown decided to initiate a rather Orwellian practise of setting up a RCMP screening process within the building which required every individual entering to have to go through a security check prior to gaining access to the courts. This entailed the removal of all of one’s personal possessions such as wallets, purses, cell phones, etc from their pockets and placing them in little plastic baskets and then walking through a scanner and having an RCMP officer go over your whole body with a hand-held wand to determine whether you might have a concealed weapon or possibly explosives(?) strapped to your body with the intent of committing an act of ‘terrorism’. Given the undue inconvenience of this intimidating process one can only imagine that it may have been designed by Crown to discourage the local citizenry from attending the trial and observing its proceedings.
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In addition, considering the fact that Crown’s star Expert witness was Len Rudner, former Director of the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC), it was highly likely that the additional security measures were part of the conditions upon which Mr. Rudner consented to appear. This was further corroborated by the fact that while Mr. Rudner was in attendance he was constantly accompanied by a police bodyguard.
Meanwhile the crowd of potential jurors were forced to line up outside and wait in the snow and sleet as each one of them went through the onerous security process.

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The Show Begins
Crown’s first witness was now retired Det. Cst. Terry Wilson who, at the time of my arrest and incarceration on May 16th, 2012, was the lead investigator for the BC Hate Crime Unit located in Surrey, B.C., a suburb of Vancouver. Wilson, along with his partner Cst. Normandie Levas and a team of other police officers, had, after investigating complaints from two individuals back in 2011 that I and my website were contravening Sec. 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada by ‘communicating statements, other than in private conversation, willfully promote hatred against an identifiable group, people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin’ decided to charge and arrest me for the promotion of ‘hate propaganda’.
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The focus of Crown’s evidence consisted of four large binders of which Binder #1 and #2 composed the complete texts of the following online books which are posted on
1. Germany Must Perish! by Theodore N. Kaufmann
2. Israel Must Perish! (erroneously labeled by Wilson and Crown as a ‘book’ rather than a satirical article)
3. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
4. The Biological Jew by Eustice Mullins
5. The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling
Binder #2 was the complete text of Douglas Reed’s masterful historic analysis of political Zionism The Controversy of Zion.
The remaining two binders contained numerous posts and Editorial comments by Topham. The majority of material being that produced by authors other than the accused.
It wasn’t until the end of Wednesday, October 28th that Crown completed her testimony from former Det. Cst. Terry Wilson. The following morning, Thursday, October 29th at 10:26 a.m. Arthur Topham’s Defence Counsel, Barclay Johnson had the opportunity to cross-examine Wilson on his three day of testimony.
Court adjourned at 4:05 p.m. and Mr. Topham, his Attorney Barclay Johnson and a number of supporters, including Mr. Topham’s wife proceeded across the street from the Courthouse to the Billy Barker Hotel where all of the out-of-town visitors were staying to await the arrival of Topham’s Expert Witness Mr. Gilad Atzmon, who was due to arrive at the Quesnel airport at 4:00 p.m. that same day.
Mr. Atzmon is an Israeli-born writer, musician, and political commentator who has written extensively about global politics, and specifically the geopolitical role of the State of Israel. Atzmon is critical of the Israeli government and its approach to other countries in the Middle East. He moved to England in 1994 and became a British citizen in 2002.
Day five of the trial began Friday, October 30th, 2015. Crown’s Expert Witness Mr. Len Rudner testified throughout the whole of the day. Cross examination of Mr. Rudner will begin Monday, November 2nd.
Please help out with my upcoming Sec. 319(2) ‘Hate Propaganda’ trial that commences in one week on October 26th by making a donation.
Donations can be made online via my GoGetFunding site located at or else by sending cash, cheques or Money Orders to the following postal address.
Please make sure that any cheques or Money Orders are made out to Arthur Topham and sent to:
Arthur Topham
4633 Barkerville Highway
Quesnel, B.C.
V2J 6T8

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CHRC Complaint Against

Investigations Branch
344 Slater Street,
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 1E1
Toll-free 1-888-214-1090
Fax (613) 947-7279
08 November 2007
File 20071016

PROTECTED XPRESSPOST (stamped ‘Nov 09 2007″ )

Mr. Arthur Topham
4633 Barkerville Highway
Quesnel, B.C. V2J 6T8
Dear Mr. Topham:

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Notice from regarding trial date for R v Roy Arthur Topham and support.


Dear Reader and Supporter of Free Speech in Canada.
There remains but three weeks before the trial begins which will determine the course of future events here in Canada with respect to a citizen’s Constitutional Right to freedom of expression.
I would ask of you that you download this post/notice to your computer and send it out to as many of your friends and associates as you can.
It would be great to see the courtroom filled with Canadians who believe in their right to freedom of speech.
Anyone thinking of attending the trial is welcome to contact me regarding accommodations and directions, etc. Unfortunately I won’t be able to host those planning to attend this event.
I can be reached via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 1-250-992-3479.
Thank you for all your help and support!

Arthur Topham

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Why Amazon banned Hoffman’s book on Judaism The Seventeen Words

Here below we are publishing for the first time, portions of our Aug. 3, 2008 letter to David Zapolsky, Vice-President and Associate General Counsel of, who banned our book, Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit.
According to, the book was banned for sale by Amazon on the basis of a complaint by Rabbi Shaul Praver. This is Amazon’s allegation. We have proceeded based on the assumption that this allegation is substantive.
The following seventeen words attributed to Rabbi Praver appear on the back cover of Judaism Discovered:
‘Shalom L’chovod Reb Michael: There is no question in my mind that you are a Talmid Chacham.’
End quote. (A ‘Talmid Chacham’ is a scholar respected for his learning, specifically, his knowledge of the Talmud).
Dear Mr. Zapolsky
…Rabbi Praver did indeed make the statement that this writer is a Talmid Chacham in an e-mail of June 5, 2004. His e-mail of June 5, 2004 was not marked private or confidential; nor did it in any other way convey or connote an understanding that it was private or confidential e-mail. It is therefore in the public domain.

As evidence, I have the original source of the transmission of his June 5, 2004 e-mail across the Internet, from Rabbi Praver’s account to my own e-mail account, and I provided that evidence to’s employee, Mr. Adrian Garver, on July 30, 2008.
Furthermore, in an e-mail to this writer of June 12, 2004, Rabbi Praver repeated his assessment that I was a ‘Talmid chacham.’
You affirmed in your Aug. 3 e-mail the decision by’s Adrian Garver, that because I quoted Praver’s statement, will not sell the book which contains the statement.
You further state: ‘…In this case, as is obvious from the correspondence of both Mr. Garver and of Rabbi Praver, our decision to suspend sales has nothing to do with the content of your book. Rather, it stems entirely from the fact that an individual whom you claim endorsed your book alleges that the endorsement misstates or portrays his views in a false light.’
I have never claimed that Rabbi Praver ‘endorsed’ my book and you will not find any such claim anywhere in Judaism Discovered. The word ‘endorsement’ is a term you have concocted. In fact, we published the statement that he made without comment of any kind.
I quoted Rabbi Praver accurately. That is a fact. Your opinion that the quotation ‘portrays his views in a false light’ is hearsay, and what is more, it is partisan, in favor of the notion that Rabbi Praver’s personal feelings should have greater weight than a book’s right of freedom of press at Hence, sales of my book at have been obstructed.
Your claim that ‘intellectual property rights’ are at issue here is a red herring. Praver did not copyright his correspondence. As noted, e-mail that does not bear a notice or other delcaration that it is private or confidential is public domain, and therefore we had the freedom of press right to make it public in the book Judaism Discovered.
You have suggested that you are are an objective judge of this case and that you support freedom of the press for controversial books, such as my work, which is critical of the religion of Judaism. Yet your decision, as well as the actions of in this case, contradict your rhetoric.
I have hundreds of quotations from rabbonim living and dead in the text of Judaism Discovered, extending from the era of the Ta’nnaim through contemporary responsa and the issur v’heter of contemporary poskim. With regard to my use of quotations from contemporaries, not all of it has been published before. Some of it is being published for the first time and is premised upon or derived from lecture notes, conversations recorded or reported, and yes, correspondence.
If each one of the rebbes among the living whom I quote is granted what has granted to Rabbi Praver, the option of exercising a veto power over my book based on their personal allegations regarding the truth, falsity, ‘good faith’ or ‘bad light’ of my citation of their statements, then a book as highly contested as mine will have no chance of ever being sold by
If this is actually Amazon’s criteria for book-banning, then any person who feels they were misquoted or slighted by a book sold by can, by contacting, have sales of the offending book halted. In that case, thousands of the books Amazon sells can and in fact will be halted as soon as the many Christian clergymen and Muslim imams who believe they were misquoted or slighted by an author in a book sold by, contact to convey their grievances.
In fact, I do not believe that any such preposterous policy obtains at What I believe is that you have accorded special privileges to Mr. Praver that permit him to interdict a book of comparative religion that had previously been offered for sale by your company.
You dismiss my concerns as ‘nonsense.’ It seems to me that you are the one spouting nonsense by granting to Rabbi Praver the power to embargo Judaism Discovered because it contains the observation he made stating that I was a Talmid Chacham, and consequently, the publication of his statement supposedly portrays him in a ‘false light.’
Does it really need to be pointed out that Rabbi Praver should not have the world’s largest bookseller acting as his personal advocate…? If Rabbi Praver feels that the statement which he made, and for which he should be enough of a mensch to take responsibility for, is false or libelous, he should make his case before our courts here in Idaho, where the book was published.
Instead, he has sufficient clout that he can use to stop the sale of a highly controversial book which is deeply offensive to the religious sensibilities of Talmudists, based on his private ipse dixit.
I am sorry that you regard the legitimate concerns of an assailed author as ‘frankly offensive.’ I can assure you that there are tens of thousands of lovers of freedom of inquiry who will share this author’s outrage over the fate of Judaism Discovered at
It will also be patent le-chol mi she-yesh lo moach be-kodkodo, and to many informed readers as well, that the level of knowledge exhibited in the pages of Judaism Discovered is indeed indicative of an author who is a Talmid Chacham. Rabbi Praver in his 2004 correspondence only stated the obvious. Having made that statement of fact is, I think, to his credit. He should not be ashamed of it. He was far-sighted and astute enough to initiate a dialogue with this writer regarding my views of the Torah SheBeal Peh based on his stated perception of my level of knowledge.
I do not believe that someone of Rabbi Praver’s stature would have have initiated a lengthy correspondence with an am ha’aretz who couldn’t make kiddush even if the text was in front of him….It was because he recognized that I was learned that he troubled to engage this writer in a dialogue to attempt to align my views in accordance with his own particular theology. I do not see how this portrays him in a bad light. He does besmirch himself however, when he attempts to use to evade the consequences of his statement. What is more egregious is that has made itself a party to his evasion by going so far as to ban a book so that a rabbi’s wounded feelings can be assuaged.
I am putting you on notice, Mr. Zapolosky, that by your affirmation of Mr. Garver’s ban on the sale of my book, it is you who is harming the reputation of Your ban on the sale of Judaism Discovered is a betrayal of Amazon’s previous, well-deserved reputation as a bastion of freedom of inquiry and speech and I doubt very much that when the reading public learns that has issued to an author what amounts to a hazmana from a Beit din, that they will sit still for it.
On behalf of all marginalized, proscribed writers and apikorsim, I intend to publicize your contemptuous dismissal of my legitimate concerns, as well as’s unjust and disgraceful ban on Judaism Discovered.

Michael Hoffman
End quote from the letter to Amazon executive David Zapolsky
At least one question remains: is Amazon’s rationale for banning Judaism Discovered (seventeen offending words that supposedly make a rabbi look bad), actually just a pretext for keeping the highly revealing contents of the book away from the public, thereby preventing it from garnering a high sales ranking at Amazon, which could in turn lead to national publicity?

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Zionist Jew Lobby B’nai Brith Canada Attacks Buddhist Truth Revealer Brian Ruhe by Arthur Topham

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They say that the Devil never rests and in the case of Canada’s rabid Zionist Jew lobby organization B’nai Brith Canada truer words were never spoken.
Not wishing to await the outcome of the upcoming trial of R v Roy Arthur Topham set to commence on October 26th, 2015 the result of which will play heavily into whether or not the pro-Israeli, Zionist lobbyist will have been successful in using their Sec. 319(2) ‘Hate Propaganda’ legislation, which they successfully embedded into Canadian jurisprudence in order to censor and suppress any and all legitimate criticism of their nefarious political ideology and their detestable terrorist, racist supremacist actions in Palestine and around the world the Zionists are continually combing the Internet here in Canada trolling with vehement and fanatical Simon Wiesenthal ‘Nazi-hunting’ fervour for more truth seekers who are courageously revealing the plethora of lies that the Zionist controlled msm has been mind-controlling the masses with for the past century.
There are more victims of Zionist misfeasance in former democratic Canada than the recent case of Buddhist author and teacher Brian Ruhe of Vancouver, B.C., the foremost being that of Vancouver’s Chinese artist and writer Joe Canuck whose two websites and were both surreptitiously and summarily silenced and removed from the net by the server without explanation to the owner, but for now I will focus on Ruhe as his woes are well documented.
What is rather unique about this latest provocation by the Zionist Jew control freaks from B’nai Brith Canada is that they usually spend their time and taxpayer’s money attacking Christians who they feel they can accuse of spreading ‘hate’ toward their self-chosen tribe of spiritual delinquents in order to have their victim’s tossed in the slammer for a couple of years and their websites either taken down and/or, as in the recent case of Canada’s coffee and donut franchise Tim Hortons, if nothing else, at least have their sites blocked from access by the general public.
These Talmudic Marxist Bolshevik Communist inspired censors from B’nai Brith Canada are relentless and deeply disturbed individuals their insecurity and paranoia being paramount and the transparency of their actions blatantly obvious in every act they perform. Rather than openly debating those who criticize aspects of their own ideological foundations and proving them wrong they prefer to use their ‘power of the purse’ and their undue political, legal and media influence to simply vilify and slander their intellectual opponents and in the process do anything they can to discriminate against and harass them and destroy their financial means of survival.
In the case of Vancouver based Buddhist teacher Brian Ruhe, rather than attempt to have him charged with a Sec. 319(2) ‘Hate Propaganda’ Criminal Code of Canada offence, they’ve decided to do everything in their power to both discredit his good name amongst his employers and destroy his livelihood at all costs. This is the first instance that I’ve heard of where they are working their vile black sorcery behind the scenes in order to destroy the reputation and good will of a recognized and practising Buddhist. Once again living proof that their Talmudic mindset has absolutely no regard for any other religions or beliefs besides its own supremacist, racist ideology.
Readers who have been following my own case in the courts over the past 9 years of litigation brought on by this same notorious group of self-deluded sycophants for the state of Israel will know that recently I was interviewed on video by Brian Ruhe while in Vancouver early this year while looking after my dying brother. The purpose of the interview was to assist me in raising awareness about Canada’s disgusting, unjust ‘Hate Crime’ legislation (Sec. 318 to 320 CCC) which the Zionist Jew lobby was directly responsible for creating for their own self-serving purposes as well as helping me to raise funds for my upcoming trial this October.
Meeting Brian for the first time in the flesh it was easily discernible to me that here was another individual who had finally, through his own researching and seeking, come to the full realization that all we had been told and taught about world history over the past century was twisted and warped beyond comprehension by the Zionist Jew media acting in and through all of its shape-shifting aspects, be they academia, Hollywood movies, books, magazines, radio stations, tv news and the Zionist newspaper monopoly.
Brian Ruhe is the author of two well-known and loved books on Buddhism. His first work, Freeing the Buddha, pictured below was published in March of 1998.
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Brian’s second work, A Short Walk On An Ancient Path, came out in 2010 accompanied, as in his first work, with many positive reviews.
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Upon reading the book reviews and accolades it was quite apparent that Brian Ruhe was/is a well loved and respected Buddhist meditation instructor. He had moved to Vancouver back in 1980 from Ontario where he’d studied business and philosophy at Brock University. Following a few years stint as a financial planner Brian’s inner quest for greater spiritual understanding finally moved him to begin his search for a deeper understanding of life. Like many of his generation he was drawn to Buddhism because of its focus upon the mind and the age-old practise of seeking within one’s own being for the truths that the soul eternally strives to attain.
Brian’s path led him to a Tibetan Buddhist centre in Vermont, USA that had been founded by the world reknowned Buddhist teacher Chögyam Trungpa. From there he traveled to Thailand where he continued his spiritual efforts for the next four years and was trained to be a meditation instructor. Brian eventually returned to Canada in order to begin sharing his teachings with others.
It wasn’t coincidental nor did it require any amount of foresight to realize that while in conversation with Brian at his Kitsilano apartment in Vancouver during the course of our interview we openly discussed the prospect that it was merely a matter of time before he would, in all likelihood, like myself, soon show up on B’nai Brith Canada’s radar screen and the attack upon his name and work would commence. In fact, it wasn’t long after doing the video with Brian I learned from him that he was being attacked front, left and center by the Zionist forces embedded throughout our pro-Israel, Jewish-influenced cultural institutions.
Of course, as per usual, it began with a Zionist Jew ‘Lama’ (try wrapping your mind around that one!) by the name of ‘Tsewang’ who phoned Brian at his home and threatened to call B’nai Brith Canada (BBC) and report him. Once he did that B’nai Brith’s Victoria based sayan operative* wrote to the Vancouver Parks Board and had Brian fired from teaching at (four) community centres.
On Sept. 14th Mr. Ruhe did get fired from the Roundhouse Community and Arts Centre. When this despicable act occurred Brian Ruhe phoned the sayan agent in Victoria, B.C. and spoke to him. The BBC operative told Brian ‘I don’t think you’re qualified to teach.’ He then threatened to contact the Vancouver Police force and register a complaint of harassment against Mr. Ruhe for actually having the chutzpah to call him on the telephone to discuss his rash and hateful behaviour!
Following word of his dismissal Brian also wrote a letter to Craig Giles President of the Roundhouse Community and Arts Centre stating in part,
‘As the president of the association you are in a leadership position in our community and it doesn’t make sense that someone in Victoria should tell you how to do your job. Were you under pressure from any quarters to fire me? Did City Manager Penny Ballem have anything to do with this?
I have taught meditation for 16 years at the Roundhouse since 1999 with over 1000 people taking my classes there in groups from 5 to 25. This has helped a lot of people and I have a good reputation with these students. I’ve always enjoyed working with the staff and have had a very good relationship with them all these years. I have booked Tuesday nights here and now it’s too late to work somewhere else for the fall term.
This is a larger issue of freedom of speech in Canada. I was fired for using my freedom of speech in my YouTube videos where I discuss truth search themes about geopolitical power in the world and 20th century history. I didn’t discuss these views in my meditation classes, I was not accused of doing so and there were no complaints from the students in my classes. I feel that I am showing a high moral standard by speaking out for the benefit of humanity. Our country was founded on the fundamental principle of freedom of speech and our forefathers fought for the freedoms that you and I have today. You are in a leadership position so I ask you to consider this and write back to me with your thoughts on this please.
Thank you kindly,
Brian Ruhe’
So that in a nutshell is what is now happening here in Canada when anyone decides to question the Zionist Jewish narrative whether it be their ‘Holocaust Hoax’ of the 20th Century, their actions in Gaza against the indigenous true Semitic people of Palestine, their media control over Canada and the West, or any number of other facets of the Zionist paradigm that the Jews subject their host societies to in order to maintain their power base throughout the Western world.
Brian Ruhe’s experience is not new. Je Suis Brian Ruhe! There have been dozens of other Canadians before him (including yours truly) who have suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous falsehood by the political machinations of this tribe of psychopathic deviants willing to go to any length to prevent the world from knowing the truth about their dark and sinister agenda for total global control of the world’s resources, both natural and human.
In a very real sense this is the essence of all that I have fought against over the past nine years of ongoing litigation brought on by this power-crazed Rothschild Freemasonic organization known as B’nai Brith Canada. It began on Valentine’s Day February 14th, 2007 when this same deluded maniacal sayan first sent me an unsolicited email using a phoney alias ‘Brian Esker’ accusing me of being an ‘anti-Semite’ and demanding that I stop publishing articles on the Zionist Jews and remove the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion from my website.
Come October 26th, 2015 here in Quesnel’s Supreme Court we will see whether or not these past nine years of harassment, intimidation, arrest, incarceration and theft of my personal computers, files and firearms will end with a victory for freedom of speech in Canada and a loss for the likes of this traitorous foreign lobby group B’nai Brith Canada and their sleazy serpentine zombie trolls. If it doesn’t then we will all be held hostage to these alien enemy interlopers who’ve been destroying our nation and culture for the past century and the country will be torn further and further apart as they once again destroy another gentile nation in their heinous game of power and control over humanity.
Justice must and Will prevail.

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* [Editors Note: I am restricted by a court order from publishing the name of this B’nai Brith agent.]
•••• ••••
Please help out with my upcoming Sec. 319(2) ‘Hate Propaganda’ trial in October by making a donation.
Donations can be made online via my GoGetFunding site located at or else by sending cash, cheques or Money Orders to the following postal address. Please make sure that any cheques or Money Orders are made out to Arthur Topham and sent to:
Arthur Topham
4633 Barkerville Highway
Quesnel, B.C.
V2J 6T8

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Tim Hortons Censors in their Coffee Outlets across Canada by Arthur Topham


Will it ever end? Everywhere we turn these day on the Internet someone is trying to censor you. Now it appears that one of Canada’s oldest coffee outlets, Tim Hortons, has also joined the Zionist Jews in deciding who they will allow their customers to visit online while they’re having coffee and a donut.
Over the past while I’ve had a number of readers email me telling me that when they’re in Tim Hortons they can’t access my website and when they try to they get the following message pop up on their screen:
THAccess denied
‘inappropriate content’???!!! Says who? Is there someone working in this coffee venue who sits and views every website on the net and makes some subjective, arbitrary decision that they don’t like and so they simply block it to spare their thousands of customers from seeing the site?
Well I certainly don’t think there’s anything ‘inappropriate’ on my site and so on August 11, 2015 I sent an email to Tim Hortons at the address they provide in their pop-up window [email protected] saying:
Dear Tim Hortons WiFi,
It has been brought to my attention by a number of my readership both here in British Columbia and also in Alberta that when frequenting your coffee outlets they are unable to access my website
Being a regular visitor to one of your outlets in Quesnel, British Columbia where I live and run my publishing business I have also experienced this. Here is a screen shot of what readers and I see when we go to visit my site and read articles and news stories which I have been publishing online for the past 16 years. (see above)
I am not sure where you have received your information that there is ‘inappropriate content’ on my site but my educated guess is that whatever software you are using for your WiFi system has erroneously and/or possibly intentionally included my website for purely political reasons.
I have ran a publishing business here in British Columbia since June of 1998 and have been online since 1999. While Radical Press is known to be a part of the Alternative News media rather than the Mainstream media this does not imply that the content on my website is somehow ‘inappropriate’. It may be contrary to the Mainstream media but then that is perfectly legitimate in a free and democratic society such as Canada is.
I would therefore request that you please unblock my website so that your customers can not only enjoy your fine coffee but also whatever news sites that they, of their own free will, choose to visit while they are in your restaurant.
Since realizing that you are censoring my business I have stopped visiting my local Timmy’s and now spend my money at Starbucks instead. I would like to be able to buy your coffee and donuts as I have been doing for many many years but of course I expect you to respect my right to remain in business as well.
I look forward to hearing from you regarding this matter at your earliest convenience.
Arthur Topham
[email protected]
The Radical Press
Canada’s Radical News Network
‘Digging to the root of the issues since 1998’
The next day, August 12, 2015 I received the following email from [email protected]:
Good day,
Thank you for your email.
We have received your request and it is in the process of being reviewed.
[email protected]
I immediately replied saying, ‘Thank you for your prompt reply. I will await your review.’
By August 16 I still had no response and so I wrote again saying:
Dear TimHortonsWiFi,
It is my understanding that you are in the coffee and food industry and not in the business of censoring websites that are legitimate business enterprises.
I feel that you’ve had more than sufficient time to come to what ought to be a very simple solution which is to unblock my site.
We in the Alternative News Media don’t take too kindly to harassment and censorship as that is the main reason why we exist because the mainstream media isn’t doing its job.
I will ask you civilly once again to unblock my site and should I not get a clear answer from you within 48 hours then you will have to bear the consequences of your irresponsible actions.
You have absolutely NO reason to be doing this and ought to be ashamed of your undemocratic, communist tactics.
The next day, August 17, I received an identical reply as I did the first time I contacted them telling me that my ‘request is in the process of being reviewed’.
Again I replied by stating:
It’s apparent that you either have a robot responding to my emails or else you are not serious in attending to my concerns regarding your censorship actions against my website.
As I stated I would like my site unblocked within 48 hours.
By August 19, 2015 there was still no reply forthcoming from TimHortons so I sent them one final email stating:
Dear TimHortons,
This is my final gesture of good will. You need to ask yourselves whether or not it’s worthwhile for you to be censoring other business’s websites.
I have yet to go online with my planned campaign of telling Canadians and the world at large about your illegal and unethical practises and the boycott of your business.
The following graphic is but a sample of what you will have to deal with.
Please reconsider your position and respond to me immediately or else I will take it that you are determined to block my site.
As of August 22, 2015 and numerous requests I’ve yet to hear back and so I’m taking my concerns online as I advised TimHortons.
Obviously whoever is in charge of dealing with blocked sites on Tim Hortons wifi is asleep at the wheel and in dire need of a Extra Large Triple Triple dark roast in order to wake them up!
This is where you, dear friends on Facebook and readers elsewhere can lend me a hand. It won’t cost you a cent. All you need to do is take a moment of your time and send Timmy a brief email asking them to unblock When you do that please bcc me a copy of your email at [email protected] so I can get an idea of how many requests are being sent to them.
I’m hoping that if they start to receive more requests than just from me that they will unblock the site.
Also, Tim Hortons is on Facebook as well so maybe those of you on FB might pop over to their page and post a comment regarding this matter. I certainly plan to do so.
Let’s see if we can help them to change their minds.

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New Police Raid at Dr. Faurisson’s home

Today, Thursday, November 13, at 6:15 AM, two investigators from the Police Judiciaire in Paris, having arrived in Vichy yesterday evening, burst into my house accompanied by three uniformed policemen, not without deliberately making a great deal of noise. This caused a severe nervous shock to my wife, who, at 77, suffers from a heart condition; I now fear the possible consequences. For the next hour and a half the armed policemen kept her, her brother and his wife (the couple had happened to be spending the night at our house) confined in a room, forbidding them to leave it.
The police’s loutish behaviour was all the more inadmissible as the two investigators (officiers de police judiciaire OPJ’s) knew of my wife’s poor state of health. They had already visited us last January 24. That morning, upon reporting at Vichy police station to answer a summons, I was immediately placed in custody. When told that, after a questioning session, the policemen would be taking me back to my house and carrying out a search, I’d informed the OPJ’s that, as my wife had a weak heart, I had kept the matter of my summons a secret. I told them that at a certain time soon my wife would be leaving the house, and requested that they wait till then to show up for their search. However, they paid no heed to my warning and, with their untimely arrival, they had already given my wife a cardiac trauma.
This November 13 I hauled them over the coals. I told them what was what. And they calmed down.
The three men in uniform went away at 7:30 AM. The OPJ’s, a young woman and a youngish man, performed their search from 6:20 to 10:30.
I refused to answer their questions. For nearly thirty years I’ve been in the habit of responding to all questions from the police with the words: ‘No answer’, even if the questions are harmless ones. I refuse to collaborate with the French police and justice system in their repression of historical revisionism.
Once again, my two OPJ’s drew a blank. Once again, they found neither the computer nor the documents sought.
They came bearing five (!) warrants, the most important of these concerning my participation at the Tehran conference of December 11-12, 2006. The charges originated with then President Jacques Chirac and an essentially Jewish ‘anti-racist’ organisation.
I ask indulgence of my correspondents beforehand should they find that, for a certain period, I leave their messages or letters unanswered. I am once more entering a time of turbulence. I have still not found a lawyer to replace Eric Delcroix, who has retired. By the way, I shall also ask my contacts not to come forth with recommendations of this or that reputedly courageous lawyer: there are in fact only cowards and inveterate swaggerers. (A model of the type: Jacques Verg¨s. It pains me to note how few people have seen through the act he puts on. His pet artifice, clumsy as can be, is anti-racist one-upmanship. ‘Barbie a racist? You must be joking! No one was ever more racist than the French colonialists or the Australians, exterminators of the Tasmanian race.’)
In France as elsewhere at this moment, the Jews are demanding a greater crackdown on revisionism. As long as the State of Israel persists with its repeated provocations of the Palestinians, it will be putting itself in growing danger and, eventually, bringing about, whether it likes it or not, the Zionist regime’s disappearance. For the time being, that regime must at all costs safeguard its number one propaganda weapon: the lie that is the religion of ‘the Holocaust’ with its alleged homicidal gas chambers.
We may expect to be treated like Palestinians. For my part, I will not give in. People sometimes find fault with me for forgetting, in my struggle, that a man’s first duty is to preserve the safety of his wife and children. But that, perhaps, is only a man’s second duty. Perhaps the first duty of a man is to be a man.
I do not lose sight of the fact than my lot remains enviable when compared with that of a good many other revisionists such as, for example, Ernst Z¼ndel and Germar Rudolf in Germany, or Wolfgang Frhlich and Gerd Honsik in Austria, or Fredrick Tben in London. I also think of the heroic Frenchman Vincent Reynouard, his wife and their seven children.

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The Canadian Banking System: Debt Servitude I By Betty Krawczyk


Please click on THIS LINK to watch Part 5 of my video series on the Canadian Banking System. Please also read accompanying text below.
Our Politicians and What they Know
The IMF? Bank of Canada? Our major politicians obviously have never heard of them. At least it didn’t come up in the debates. No, the major thing that came out of the first national leader’s debate was that Tom Mulcair got Harper to admit that a recession actually existed. Or, kind of, as Harper seemed to take it back later.
Sure, all three opposition parties said some good things. However, in my opinion, few of these good things will come to pass even if elected unless our Bank of Canada is rescued from the international bankers. And I doubt that even Elizabeth May will speak out about this, although she is very knowledgeable.
But why would she not speak out? Politicians like Elizabeth May, who are rare, and who want to serve the people, may underestimate the capacity of the Canadian public to listen and understand relatively complex issues. This banking issue is the most important issue before us, as the droughts, the burning and flooding of our lands, and the non-stop global killer winds won’t lessen in any meaningful way until we get freed from the private bankers’ stranglehold.
This tiny group of people sit atop a pyramid of misery for increasing numbers of the world’s population and they are powerful. How did they get so powerful? Compound interest. On everything they touch. I mentioned last time that I would tell you about a recent ruling brought before the courts by a group called COMER. COMER (Committee for Monetary and Economic Reform) has turned to the courts for help in trying to overturn Pierre Trudeau’s decision in 1974 to turn over our Bank of Canada to the private banks. The first judge to hear COMER’S case characterized the claims as follows and were reiterated by Mr. Justice Russell in April, 2014 in federal court:
1.The Bank and Crown refuse to provide interest free loans for capital expenditures;
2.The Crown uses flawed accounting methods in describing public finances, which provides the rational for refusing to grant interest-free loans, and
3.These and other harms are caused by the Bank being controlled by private foreign interests. (my italics) date:20140424, Neutral citation 2014 FC 380, file numbers T-2010-11
The first judge struck down COMER’S claims, but Mr. Justice Russell saw it differently on appeal and ordered: (para 76 same hearing) ‘So, as regards the declaratory relief sought in this Claim, it is my view that the matters raised could be justiciable and appropriate for consideration by the Court…There is a difference between the Court declaring that the Government or the Governor, or the Minister, should pursue a particular policy and a declaration as to whether the policies they have pursued are compliant with the Bank of Canada and the Constitution. The facts are pleaded on these issues. Subject to what I have to say about other aspects of the Claim, the Plaintiffs should be allowed to go forward, call their evidence and attempt to make their case.’
So wow. The Bank of Canada is in court, fighting for its life, for the right to go back to serving the people. More next time.

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SMEAR JOB!!! : The Zionist Media’s Mendacious Battle to Control Canada’s Election Agenda By Arthur Topham

SMEAR JOB!!! : The Zionist Media’s Mendacious Battle to Control Canada’s Election Agenda
By Arthur Topham
September 29, 2008
Midway into Canada’s federal election the battle lines are clearly taking shape as voters across the country witness in anger and sad disbelief the Asper Media cartel’s unabashed smear campaign now being orchestrated against any and all candidates who don’t espouse views acceptable to the Zionist agenda for globalization, endless war, and the suppression of free speech.
Whether you are Green or Red or Blue the colour doesn’t matter. What is critical is that you must not come into this election bearing any present or past grievances toward either the Bush Regime, the Zionist state of Israel, the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq or the draconian federal laws prohibiting citizens from cultivating or enjoying a puff of that magic dragon cannabis.
Spearheaded by CanWest’s Asper media monopoly and its most zealous rag the National (Zionist) Post and aided and abetted by the persistent collusion of a motley hoard of rabid, pro-Zionist cyber hounds concealing themselves behind various ‘Christian, ‘Conservative and ‘Liberal’ blogkades, the search for the non-believers in the official lies of 9/11, the heathen apostates who have yet to prostrate themselves before the Zionist Israeli lobby now controlling Ottawa and the freaks who once, or still, smoke the cursed marijuana herb are all fair game in this Armageddon to control the mind-fields of Canada’s volatile electors.
Astonishing as it may appear to many voters the realization that Canada’s media is dominated by one small faction of Zionist extremists still remains a mystery yet is thee perennial problem that Canadians face in terms of discerning truth from lies when it comes to our so-called ‘independent’, mainstream media.
When Joe or Jane reader in British Columbia pick up their ‘news’ paper from their front step or the supermarket or corner grocery they basically have four choices: The Province, The Vancouver Sun, The National Post or The Globe and Mail. Of these four the first three are part of a monopoly that Vancouver writer and political commentator Robin Mathews once described as being one of the ‘sleaziest media concentration monsters in Canadian history: CanWest Global Communications’.
CanWest is owned by the Asper family, admittedly pro-Israel and thus, by definition, Zionist in terms of its political perspective.
Mathews also stated that Sociologist Larry Patriquin, after studying The National Post (2004), said of the Post’s material that it fits ‘the classic definition of propaganda’. It was, he said, ‘discourse in which incomplete information is presented to people with the purpose of distorting their view.’
In fact a reporter for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, in an analysis of CanWest’s propaganda machine, once commented that it was so slanted and biased in its political coverage that ‘Vancouver’s daily papers should be read at a 45-degree angle’!
The fourth choice, The Globe & Mail, while not apparently owned by the Zionists, might as well be for it follows suit with the former three in its editorial policies and is thus basically a clone of the Zionist cartel of the Aspers. In tandem they all work together to give a one-sided, pro-Zionist perspective on national issues and global politics, one that favours the US/Israel/UK agenda as well as the Harper government’s Conservative perspective on political issues.
In addition to the aforementioned, CanWest also owns Southam Publications whose daily papers include: the Halifax Daily News, the St. John’s Telegram, the Charlottetown Guardian, the Montreal Gazette, the Ottawa Citizen, the Windsor Star, the St. Catharines Standard, the Regina Leader Post, the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, the Calgary Herald, the Edmonton Journal, and the Victoria Times-Colonist.
As well, the Asper cartel owns 126 other daily and weekly papers across Canada. Here In BC these papers include: the Abbotsford Times, the Alberni Valley Times, the Burnaby Now, the Campbell River Courier-Islander, the Chilliwack Times, the Coquitlam Times Now, the Comox Valley Echo(partnership interest), the Cowichan Valley Citizen (Duncan), the Delta Optimist, the Harbour City Star, the Kamloops Daily News, the Lake Cowichan News, the Langley Advance, the Maple Ridge Times, the Monthly Star Homes, the Nanaimo Daily News, the New Westminster Record, the North Shore News, the Now Community, the Parksville/Qualicum Beach Morning Sun, the Pennyworth Shopper, the Prince George Citizen, the Real Estate Weekly, the Richmond News, the TV Scene, the Vancouver Courier, and the Westerly News.
This same Asper/Zionist media monopoly extends to television as well where the vast majority of Canadians get their political perspective on national and world events and includes the following televised media sources: Global Television Network (8 regional channels including Edmonton’s ITV and Vancouver’s VTV), Fox Sportsworld Canada, Lone Star, Deja View, Mystery Channel, CHEK Victoria, CHTV Hamilton, and CHBC Okanagan. They also own Fireworks Entertainment and 8 other foreign channels and numerous radio stations across the globe.
Now when you consider that an identical editorial (propaganda) perspective, such as the recent poison-penned hit attack upon Liberal candidate Leslie Hughes and the NDP’s Bev Collins by Jonathan Kay of the National Post is instantly peddled throughout this vast media network is it that surprising so many Canadians are overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the Zionist propaganda machine and find themselves thrown into cognizant disarray?
Those additional forces within the fabric of Canadian society who are pushing this pro-Zionist agenda, either wittingly or unwittingly, consists in the main of the following: The League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada, the Canadian Jewish Congress headed by Bernie Farber, the Simon Weisenthal Center and an assortment of pro-Israeli websites and bloggers such as , , the Liberal’s , , , Kathy Shaidle , , and so on.
Voters are being assailed on all quarters by a concerted effort on the part of a biased media monopoly to thwart the right of Canadians to choose their representatives without interference from an obviously parisan Fourth Estate.
As Dylan once prophetically wrote, ‘The line it is drawn, the curse it is cast’. Canadians, whether they wish it or not, are being forced to either suspend their disbelief in the freedom and independence of Canada’s media or else come to terms with the obvious.
There is only one reasonable solution and that is for all those political parties currently being affected to realize the trap they’ve fallen into and to then confront this mendacious media attack upon their candidates and expose the true agenda of the Asper empire. It will take courage and the will power to stand up for one’s beliefs but if our parties don’t confront this Trojan Horse now and expose it for what it truly is then the results will only be that much worse for the country in the long run.
Arthur Topham is the publisher and editor of the and lives in central British Columbia, Canada.
He can be reached at [email protected]

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Holocaustianity on the march By Brandon Martinez (Non-Aligned Media NAM)


When perusing YouTube last night, I came across a curious episode of the BBC debate show ‘The Big Questions.’ The topic of this one was ‘Is it time to lay the Holocaust to rest?’ It featured a coterie of Zionist Jews on one end and a dilapidated kosher-opposition on the other who shuddered in fear of the aggressive, hubristic Judeo-Nazis arguing that the ‘Holocaust’ should be memorialized and commemorated until the end of time. To those in-the-know on the Jewish question, this show will inevitably produce one of two effects: it will either make you vomit out of disgust at the insane narcissism of the Jewish participants, or it will cause you to seethe with anger that such obviously demented people are given such a prominent voice in the media to promote their toxic supremacist viewpoints.
The Jewish panelists on the show endeavored to convince everyone that the ‘Holocaust’ is a ‘unique’ and ‘exceptional’ event in history that has no equivalents. This claim is erroneous because all major historical events have some unique elements to them, so the same could be said about the Rwandan genocide, the Armenian genocide, Soviet-Communist atrocities, the Israeli-sponsored slow motion genocide of the Palestinians and other outrages. Despite their protestations to the contrary, those Jews who advance the alleged uniqueness and exceptionality of the Holocaust do so not because it was such in practice, but because they view its victims as unique and exceptional; they are, in essence, Jewish supremacists who believe Jewish casualties carry more weight than others, that Jewish blood has more worth than the blood of non-Jews. They pathetically tried to eschew such allegations on the BBC show, but their ethno-supremacist inferences are plain and obvious to those who can decipher Talmudic doublespeak. The former head of the Zionist-oriented Anti-Defamation League, Abraham Foxman, perfectly encapsulated this Judeo-supremacist notion when he said:
‘The Holocaust is something different. It is a singular event. It is not simply one example of genocide but a near successful attempt on the life of God’s chosen children and, thus, on God Himself. It is an event that is the antithesis of Creation as recorded in the Bible; and like its direct opposite, which is relived weekly with the Sabbath and yearly with the Torah, it must be remembered from generation to generation.’
From the Jewish vantage point, it’s obvious why they wish to elevate the Holocaust narrative to sacrosanct, cult-like status, and to keep it there for all eternity. It supremely serves the Jewish-Zionist interest to have the Gentile masses genuflecting at the altar of Jewish victimology. As Norman Finkelstein argues in his book The Holocaust Industry, the Holocaust story serves to bolster Jewish economic and political privilege and works simultaneously to subdue forces opposed to that privilege. In other words, it is a weaponized mechanism of Jewish power and advancement, wielded like a sledgehammer against opponents of Zionism and Jewish ethnic supremacism in our world; it works to shame and stigmatize all criticism of Jews, Israel and their malevolent actions. A former Israeli minister once said that invoking the Holocaust as well as the ‘anti-Semite’ canard are deceptive ‘tricks’ designed to stifle debate about Jewish-Zionist atrocities in Palestine and their disproportionate power in the West. Who in their right mind can disagree?
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Was that not the desired outcome of the Holocaust campaign all along, to weaken Gentile resolve in the face of Zionist domination as well as guilt-trip the world into fast-tracking the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine? It appears so, and is evidenced by many statements from Jewish leaders over the years, going back as far as the year 1900. That year seems to have been a coming out party for the Zionist clique hell-bent on conquering the world led by such tribalist fanatics as Rabbi Stephen S. Wise and Chaim Wiezmann, two ultra-dedicated Jewish supremacist activists who plotted for decades to bring about the creation of Israel. In 1919 Weizmann said that securing the Zionist dream would be achieved ‘through persistent propaganda, through unceasing demonstration of the life force of our people.’ He then issued an ultimatum to the world:
‘We will establish ourselves in Palestine whether you like it or not. You can hasten our arrival or you can equally retard it. It is however better for you to help us so as to avoid our constructive powers being turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the world.’

Two decades earlier at a Zionist meeting in New York, Rabbi Wise spoke of ‘6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism,’ a prescient remark that laid the foundation of what many have called the ‘Six Million Myth.’ The propagation of that myth did not begin at the close of the Second World War, but evidently in 1900 and even before that, by Zionists attempting to garner sympathy for their cause of establishing a Jewish state in a land mostly populated by Arabs.
Dating from 1900 to 1945, there are hundreds of examples of individual Jews, Jewish-owned newspapers and pro-Zionist Christians invoking the story of ‘six million Jews’ in grave danger of persecution or annihilation. I mentioned 13 glaring examples of this in my book Grand Deceptions, some of which are: the 1906 New York Times article reporting on the claims of Jewish activist Dr. Paul Nathan who alleged that six million Russian Jews were facing ‘murderous extermination’ by the Czar; the 1911 presage by Max Nordau, a prominent Zionist leader, who told his co-religionists at the Zionist Congress in Switzerland that six million Jews would soon fall victim to a campaign of genocide by European regimes; the countless references to six million victimized Jews during World War I, particularly the 1919 American Hebrew article which told of ‘six million Jewish men and women’ languishing in a ‘holocaust’ of hunger and despair; the 1936 pronouncement of Chaim Weizmann before a British commission on Palestine, where he said that ‘six million Jews’ were destined to death in Europe, and that their only refuge was ‘in the land of Israel’; another 1936 Zionist plea published in the New York Times which envisaged a harrowing ‘Holocaust’ of Europe’s Jews, the only remedy for which was said to be ‘the restoration of the land of Israel to the children of Israel’; a 1940 warning from World Jewish Congress chairman Nahum Goldmann who alleged that a Nazi victory in Europe would spell ‘doom and destruction’ for ‘6,000,000 Jews’; the December 1944 proclamation of Soviet propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg who floated the claim that ‘six million Jews’ had fallen victim to Germany five months before the war would come to an end in May of 1945, long before any accurate statistical data on war deaths could have been ascertained. Even after the war, a precise calculation of Jewish deaths would be impossible considering the contentious issue of what constitutes a Jew to begin with. Yet by way of some miracle the Jewish leadership knew it was exactly ‘six million’ before the last bombs and bullets of the war had reached their targets.
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The six million death figure is not rooted in any semblance of truth or fact, but rather in religious superstition stemming from the Kabbalah and gematria. The number six and variations of it is significant in that milieu. Mysticism and ‘magic’ is part and parcel of the Jewish religion, and manifests itself in the propaganda of the Holocaust narrative. The six million story was crafted by Jews transfixed with the Kabbalistic school of thought, which is why facts, evidence, logic and reason have no bearing on it no matter what it remains a stagnant, unalterable story etched in stone, and anyone who attempts to revise it, even slightly, is villainized as a ‘Nazi-sympathizer.’
Regardless of the massive official reductions in the death totals at Auschwitz, Majdanek, Mauthausen and other wartime camps (more than four million ‘victims’ have been excised from the official death total in recent decades), the six million figure is never altered, and is repeated again and again in schools and the media. Despite admissions from and exposé’s on prominent ‘Holocaust survivors’ proving that their recollection of events was embellished, exaggerated and in some cases outright fabricated, skeptics are smeared as ‘hatemongers.’ Notwithstanding the scientific studies of chemists like Germar Rudolf, which have severally undermined claims about homicidal gas chambers, questioning the central tenets of the story (the six million number, the gas chambers, the ‘final solution’ plan, etc.) is considered an unforgivable heresy and is stamped out with medieval fundamentalism. Does this not confirm that the doubters are on to something?
Jewish leaders seem to have an uncanny knack for foresight, unveiling a historical pattern of foreknowledge indicative of a conscious plan of intrigue coordinated over decades if not centuries. The aforementioned Rabbi Stephen Wise, who is described by the website of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum as ‘instrumental in obtaining President Woodrow Wilson’s support for the Balfour Declaration of 1917,’ predicted the election of Woodrow Wilson as US President and later became his advisor; the Zionist leader Max Nordau predicted World War I in 1903; as mentioned above, Zionists routinely anticipated the demise of six million Jews, and then declared six million Jewish deaths months before World War II had even ended; in 1962, David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, prophesied the establishment of a Jewish-led world government centered in Jerusalem where the United Nations ‘will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents’; in 1979 the founder of Israel’s spy agencies, Isser Harel, envisioned a terrorist attack upon New York City’s ‘tallest building.’ Is all of this uncanny prescience merely coincidental, or are these Zionist Jews political magicians who ‘make’ happen what they want to see in the world?
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The agenda behind the Holocaust promotion industry couldn’t be more transparent. Memorializing the Holocaust is ‘central to the new world order,’ Ian J. Kagedan, a spokesman of the Jewish-Masonic B’nai B’rith organization, wrote in 1991, adding that ‘achieving our quest of a ‘new world order’ depends on our learning the Holocaust’s lessons.’ Using coded-language, Kagedan spoke of Holocaust mythology as a sort of ‘new religion’ to be instituted worldwide that will function as a platform to launch a project for global Jewish hegemony, although the Zionists will disguise the scheme as a humanitarian endeavor aimed at ridding the world of war and calamity. In 1940, the British politician Arthur Greenwood announced that Jews would be granted a leading role in the construction of a ‘New World Order’ after the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II, a world in which alleged Jewish grievances would be alleviated by way of unrestricted access to power positions. We have seen many parts of that vision enacted according to plan.
If nothing else, the unsettling BBC program mentioned above should serve to motivate people to challenge the supremacist discourse of Holocaustianity. While doing so may jeopardize career prospects and social status, fighting this artificial, largely fabricated narrative is one of the principal liberation struggles of our time; one that will work to empower the dispossessed and perennially victimized Palestinians who continue to be slaughtered by Israel in droves (with the full support of Zionized Western powers), and also the peoples of the West who, for the last few centuries, have been used as tools for Zionist imperialism and whose own cultures have been degraded by these same forces.
Copyright 2015 Brandon Martinez
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Drawing inspiration from the Non-Aligned Movement, especially the organization’s rejection of illegitimate global power structures, Non-Aligned Media (NAM) exists to expose, in particular, the negative outgrowths of the global Zionist-American Empire. Founded by journalists Brandon Martinez and Joshua Blakeney, the aim of NAM is to cut through the spin and deception of mainstream media and uncover truth in history. Not shackled by the political correctness which permeates the mainstream, NAM seeks to tackle the ‘taboo’ subjects that have been relegated to the fringes by the powers that be, emphasizing the real forces behind war and globalism. Reoccurring themes of NAM include: False-Flag Terrorism, The Israel Lobby, The Mainstream Media, Hollywood and Zionism, Historical Revisionism, Supposed ‘Just Wars’ Historically and Contemporarily, Ethnic Exceptionalism: Who Can be Ethnocentric and Who Cannot?, Race & Cultural Relativism, The Globalization of the Israel-Palestine Conflict, Thought-Crime Legislation and the State Regulation of History, Theology and Supremacism, The Geopolitical Battles Over the Middle East, Joshua Blakeney, Nationalism versus Internationalism.
Brandon Martinez can be contacted by email at: [email protected]
Joshua Blakeney can be contacted by email at: [email protected]

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