TRUTH JIHAD: Gilad Atzmon bears witness to the trial of Arthur Topham by Dr. Kevin Barrett


Canadian publisher Arthur Topham will likely be appealing his conviction on one count (accompanied by an acquittal on the other) of ‘promoting hatred toward the Jewish people.’ The conviction appears to have been the result of the prosecutor, judge and jury’s inability to understand the concept of satire. Check out Arthur’s article ‘Guilty/Not Guilty’ for details. If and when Arthur appeals, I will be happy to volunteer my services as an expert witness. I have four advanced degrees in literature (three MAs and a Ph.D.) and have done extensive work on the literary theory of Bakhtin, whose work provides the best possible basis for an accurate understanding of what satire is and how it works.
Meanwhile…Shortly before the verdict came in I recorded this interview with ex-Israeli philosopher-musician Gilad Atzmon, who may be the world’s leading expert on Jewish identity politics. When Arthur Topham was charged with ‘willfully promoting hatred against the Jewish people,’ hauled into court, and menaced with a possible two-year prison sentence, Gilad flew to Quesnel, British Columbia to appear as an expert witness. (Read Gilad’s description of his testimony, ‘The Expert Witness‘).
Arthur Topham (who has appeared on Truth Jihad Radio) is a kind, decent person without any apparent hatred in his heart. It is his love of justice, not his hatred of anyone, that led him to criticize Zionism and the dark side of Jewish identity politics. Arthur and his wife Shasta, who is Jewish, have behaved with amazing restraint and decorum during their eight-year ordeal, during which their remodeling business was destroyed.
What was Arthur Topham’s alleged crime? Parodying Zionist Jew Theodore Kaufman’s book ‘Germany Must Perish!’ by changing ‘Germany’ to ‘Israel’ throughout the text. This tiny change produced the satirical masterpiece ‘Israel Must Perish!’ and led Canada’s Zionist Power Configuration to have him jailed on ‘hate crime’ charges!
Who is the REAL hater here Arthur Topham, or the Zionists like Kaufman who wanted to commit genocide against Germany, and are now committing genocide in Palestine with the full support of the governments of the US and Canada?
And how has Jewish identity politics morphed into genocidal Zionism? If anyone can explain that, it would be Gilad Atzmon.
Also check out my interviews with Arthur Topham:
Arthur Topham puts Zionist double-standards & hypocrisy on trial! (December 17, 2013)
Persecuted writer-editor Arthur Topham: ‘Zionists assault free speech’ (January 21, 2015)
Related Posts:
Arthur Topham vs. Theodore Nathan Kaufman
Outlawing Free Speech on Jewish Identity
Gilad Atzmon’s Expert Witness Testimony at Arthur Topham’s criminal trial Part 1
Gilad in the USA- May 15th
Ten reasons why I Support Alan Dershowitz, Not

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The Extraordinary Trial of Arthur Topham: Part 2 by Eve Mykytyn

Read Part 1.
On November 12th the jury found Mr. Topham guilty of ‘inciting hate.’ This leads to a few questions.
First, the jury found Mr. Topham guilty on Count 1 but not guilty on Count 2. Ordinarily, this is a result we are comfortable with since the state (the Crown) may have proved ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’ that a defendant committed an assault but not have shown sufficient evidence of battery. Mr. Topham’s case is different. He was charged with two virtually identical counts, both relating to his website but covering different periods of time, that is, count 1 was for the period from April 28, 2011 to May 4, 2012, and count 2 was for January 29, 2013 to December 11, 2013.
If Mr. Topham intended to incite hate, would he really have changed his mind in the brief period between counts 1 and 2? We will never know what the jury relied upon; in yet another abrogation of free speech, the jury was threatened that if they spoke to anyone about their deliberations, they would be committing a criminal offense. How is the public supposed to understand the mysterious machinations of the term ‘hate’ without knowing what caused a jury to convict a fellow citizen of such a crime?
Hate is a crime the essential elements of which have been left undefined. As a writer, one must not only discern from the miasma what constitutes ‘hate’ but also guess what elements a jury will find persuasive. If one of the main goals of the criminal law is to prevent certain behavior then clarity of what such behavior is, is essential. What can Canadians say? May they say they disagree strongly with a particular group? What evidence can one print in support of their disagreement? Surely, it is not the defendant’s responsibility that a particular political group is also associated with an ethnic identity and a religion. The Crown, by controlling website content through its ‘hate’ law, is controlling not only what Canadians may say but also what Canadians may read. Mr. Topham’s is not the only blog to criticize Israel and Zionism. Should Canadians then read political criticism only from other countries? Very troubling.
Second, the crown had almost 2 years to prepare its case. Its evidence was contained in 4 binders. Many of the pages were illegible and the Crown itself seemed to have extraordinary difficulties in citing to its own arguments. The defense quite properly objected. The Crown wanted to provide clear copies of the illegible pages in yet another binder cross referenced to the originals. The trial could have been an exercise in maze solving. Judge Butler ruled that the Crown had to provide legible copies. This seemed to present a large obstacle and endless court time was wasted in discussions of printing costs, etc. As a foreign observer it seemed ironic that the crown spent $190 an hour on its expert witness, who as an earlier independent complainant against Mr. Topham might have been willing to accept less, and I don’t know how much money on ‘security’ but had so much trouble producing legible copies.
I belabor this point because it is very odd for the prosecution to allow its evidence to be blurry. I would expect in proving an elusive crime like ‘hate’ they would want their evidence to be as clear and convincing as possible. Was the intent to confuse the jury? Was the Crown merely incompetent? This is not impossible. The judge spent much time instructing the crown’s representative, Ms. Johnston, on procedural issues. This gave me the impression (and perhaps the jurors as well?) that the judge was helping and thus favoring the prosecution. Surely this was unintentional on Judge Butler’s part.
Third, and this relates to point two, the jury was given 62 pages of ‘charges’ (or what Americans call jury instructions). Even if all twelve jurors, ordinary men and women, are speed readers, how are they to read and evaluate 62 pages of instructions and then apply them to four binders? The plethora of material leads me to suspect that the jury was not intended to read the material at all. This would tend the jury toward a guilty verdict.
There is not a sinister act by the jury. They were asked to sit through weeks of testimony about Jewish politics, history, religion, and identity. Jury selection would have excluded anyone who was actually interested in such topics. They were handed stacks of paper. Faced with these circumstances, they presumably decided that the Crown and the judge worked for their province and had British Columbia’s best interests at heart. It is actually a testimony to the weakness of the Crown’s case that Mr. Topham was found not guilty at all.
The battle is not over. Following the verdict, both sides indicated that they intended to appeal. (Here Canada differs from the United States where prosecutors can appeal only under very limited circumstances). The Crown asked that Mr. Topham’s bail restrictions be changed and that his website be taken down. Judge Butler did not decide these issues because first, as the defense pointed out, these requests were improperly made. Mr. Topham intends to present a Charter (constitutional) argument that the judge had stayed at the beginning of the trial so that the ‘facts’ of the case could be more fully developed at trial.
Eve Mykytyn graduated from Boston University School of Law and was admitted to bar of the state of New York. Read other articles by Eve.

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The Golden Rule by Arthur Topham

TheGoldenRuleN.Rockwell copy

Tomorrow morning, Tuesday, November 10th, 2015 Justice Butler will charge the jury beginning at 10:00 a.m. and then they will go out to determine my fate. It’s been a long two weeks plus a day attending Supreme Court daily. It’s also been a long eight and half years of continual legal battles with those who would rather silence their critics with unjust legislation than openly discuss the issues that concern so many people around the world.
The support throughout these years has grown to amazing proportions as more and more individuals are coming to the realization that the world is neither a safe or a healthy or a just place in which to live and raise a family and simply get along and enjoy their lives.
The outcome of tomorrow’s decision by the 12 member jury will have repercussions around the planet. For Canadians it will be either a turning point in terms of increased justice and the freedom of the people to express their minds or else an indication that the powers now controlling our sources of information and our judicial system are still too powerful to be challenged.
My belief at this point is that we must never give up the struggle for equality before the law nor should we give in to man-made legislation that tries to limit our fundamental and God-given right to freedom of speech no matter what decision is made tomorrow. If we win it will be the beginning of a new chapter on the long road ahead, one that ultimately will see our rights and freedoms returned to us.
I would therefore ask my supporters and everyone who believes in the right to express themselves that they send out good thoughts to those 12 men and women tomorrow and that those who believe in the power of prayer pray that the Heavenly Father will guide their hearts and minds in the direction of freedom rather than down the path to greater restrictions and laws which will chain and bow us like slaves to the present Orwellian mind-set that we see around us.
That simple golden rule which Norman Rockwell embodied in his 1961 painting will only come into existence if we have the freedom to speak our hearts and minds and the freedom to worship in whatever manner touches our soul and harms no one.
Our thanks and gratitude go out to all of you who have worked or supported me in this long battle. Tomorrow we will see the results of this labour of love. Let us pray that it will signal a new beginning.
God bless us all.
Arthur Topham
The Radical Press
Canada’s Radical News Network
‘Digging to the root of the issues since 1998’

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The Expert Witness Part 1 by Gilad Atzmon

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The following is the first part of Gilad Atzmon’s Expert Witness Testimony at Arthur Topham’s criminal trial. This part contains a brief summary of Atzmon’s perception of the Jews and their politics. In the next part Atzmon will explain how these ideas serve to vindicate all forms of criticism of Jewish politics, ideology, symbols, rituals and so on.
Attorney Barclay Johnson: Mr Atzmon, can you please elaborate on the notion of Jewish Identity Politics.
Expert Witness Gilad Atzmon: Identity politics is a relatively new study that looks into the meaning and the means of identification of various groups. Instead of asking what is X or Y, identity politics delves into the question of what identifying as X or Y may entail. I have gone through the court case documentation and detected a considerable lack of understanding of the complexity of the terminology related to Jewish matters: identity, religion, race and politics. In particular, I encountered confusion in the comprehension of the crucial distinction among:
A: Judaism (the religion)
B: The Jews (the people)
C: Jewishness (the ideology)
In order to grasp these notions we must elaborate first on the meaning of Jewish Identity Politics.
Instead of asking what or who are the Jews, we will simplify the question. We will ask what those who identify themselves as Jews mean by that.
Years of studying of Jewish identity politics led me to the conclusion that we are dealing with three non-exclusive categories.
A: The Religion people who identify as Jews because they believe and follow the Torah/Talmud. Ladies and gentlemen-this category is innocent. The history of hundreds of years of rabbinical Judaism proves that orthodox Jews have never been involved in a genocidal act against another people.
B: Ethnicity people who identify as Jews due to ancestry and family lineage. Ladies and gentlemen, this category is also innocent. Having a Jewish mother doesn’t make one into a war criminal!
C: Politics those who identify politically as Jews. Ladies and gentlemen, unfortunately, this category is far from innocent. Zionism-the promise to bring about a Jewish homeland in Palestine was executed at the expense of another people: namely the Palestinians. But Zionism is not alone. In fact all forms of Jewish politics are racially exclusive. Ask yourself, can Mr. Topham or any other ‘Goy’ (gentile, non-Jew) in this room join the group ‘Jews for Peace’ or ‘Jews for Human Rights’? The answer is NO. And why? Because the Goyim in the room are not racially qualified. The conclusion is inevitable. The 3rd category is racially oriented and to a certain extent, racist to the bone. ‘Jews for peace’ is in practice as racist and exclusive as ‘Aryans for Palestine’ or ‘Whites for free love.’ And yet, most of us would react angrily to White only clubs but we are somehow forgiving when it comes to Jews only associations.
Attorney Barclay Johnson: Mr Atzmon, please make sure that we understand you correctly. Are Jews a race?
Expert Witness Gilad Atzmon: Not at all. Jews are neither a race nor they are a biological entity, but Jewish politics is always racist or at least driven by racial orientation!
Attorney Barclay Johnson: How does the model you sketched above help to understand Israeli politics, Jewish Identity or progress in this court case?
Expert Witness Gilad Atzmon: In practice, every Jew who identifies as a Jew subscribes to one, two or three of the categories above. Let’s examine the case of an American Jewish settler living in occupied West Bank. Yes he follows the Torah (1st category), yes he is Jew by ancestry (2nd category) and certainly, he identifies politically as a Jew (3rd category). But what about the Jewish Marxists who went as far as Spain to fight Franco in the name of the revolution? These revolutionary Jews didn’t follow the Jewish religion, they were not the 1st category. They only subscribed to the 2nd and the 3rd categories. What about Noam Chomsky? He is not a religious Jew. Again, he only subscribes to the 2nd and the 3rd categories. He is a Jew by ancestry and also identifies politically as a Jew[1]. Albert Einstein? The Jury is out on that one but it would be reasonable to argue that he subscribes to the 2nd category.
I argue that it is the Jewish political element, the subscription to the 3rd category that leads towards some unsavoury acts whether they be the cold blood murder of Palestinian families or extensive Jewish Lobbying in the West. Those acts deserve criticism, politically and ideologically.
Attorney Barclay Johnson: But how does this model help this court to further its understanding the case of Arthur Topham or the accusation of hate speech?
Expert Witness Gilad Atzmon: As I mentioned before, categories 1 & 2 are totally innocent. And indeed, no one really criticises Neturei Karta (Torah Jews) or Satmar Jews in related to Israeli crimes in Palestine. These two ultra orthodox Jewish groups made it clear that they oppose the crimes committed by the Jewish State and Zionism. Moreover, nowadays, no one really criticises Jews as a race, biology or ethnicity. What we do see is opposition Jewish politics and ideology. However and this is crucial. In the West we tend to believe that every politics & ideology must be subject to political and ideological criticism. My Lord, if every form of politics and ideology must be subject to criticism, this rule must be applied also to Jewish politics and ideology, and as far as I can tell, Jewish politics and ideology deserves a lot of criticism.
Attorney Barclay Johnson: But it seems as if Jews are often feel hated if their politics is criticised.
Expert Witness Gilad Atzmon: Correct, yet, the fact that Jews feel hated doesn’t mean that anyone really hates them. It is also be possible that some Jews feel hated because they actually project their own hatred onto others.
Attorney Barclay Johnson: I am slightly confused here it seems as if we are dealing with a sophisticated multi layered identity.
Expert Witness Gilad Atzmon: You are totally correct, this topic is indeed confusing and for a reason. Contemporary Diaspora Jewish politics struggles to maintain this confusion because it stifles any from of criticism of Jewish politics. In order to understand this construct we should imagine the following kosher trinity.
When we criticise Jewish politics (Israel, Zionism, the Lobby etc’) some Jews are‘racially offended’ in spite of the fact that race, biology, blood or ethnicity was never mentioned. When we criticise Jewish racism some Jews hide behind the argument that we are criticizing their religion. When we occasionally criticise the religion or some obscene Jewish religious teaching we are quick to learn that Jews are hardly religious anymore (which is true by the way). The meaning of it is simple, yet devastating. The Jewish triangle makes it very difficult, or even impossible to criticise Jewish politics, ideology and racism because the Identity is set as a field with a tri-polar gravity centre. The identity morphs endlessly. The contemporary 3rd category (political) Jew is everywhere and nowhere simultaneously, this is the quantum mechanics that is set to supress any possible criticism.
Attorney Barclay Johnson: In the last 7 days this court learned about some very problematic segments within the Talmud and the Torah. Yet, you insist here that the religion is innocent. Can you please enlighten us about the role of religion?
Expert Witness Gilad Atzmon: This is a crucial point. While I argue that the Jewish religion is an innocent category, this is far from saying that Judaism is clean of some very problematic teachings and even racist and supremacist preaching.
Here is the problem. The historical facts are plain. In spite of some very problematic Judaic teachings that are both Talmud and Torah related, rabbinical Jews have never been involved in any collective murderous attempt against anyone else. This fact suggests that in spite of some horrid segments, it was actually the Talmud that restrained the Jews for centuries. Such a view vindicates the Talmud despite its uncomfortable teachings. But things are about to get very uncomfortable now.
It is not a secret that in contemporary Israel, it is the orthodox Jews and the followers of the Talmud who lead the most racist and murderous abuse of the indigenous Palestinian population. Thus, we have a clear question to answer. If it was the Talmud that restrained the Jews for centuries, why doesn’t it restrain orthodox Israeli Jews now? The orthodox rabbis argue that it is the addition of political orientation that interfered with Judaic peaceful teaching.
Another possible answer is that we were wrong all along. It wasn’t the Talmud that restrained the Jews, actually it was the ‘anti-Semitic’ church that repressed Jews. The collapse of the Church together with the rise of Israel and the influential Jewish lobbies in the West have led to a severe sense of impunity that is translated into a tsunami of violence and rise of Jewish supremacy that is religiously driven.
Here are some marbles taken from the Rabbi Ovadia Yossef, an Israeli Chief Sepharadi Rabbi.
On Goyim:
‘Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world only to serve the People of Israel.’ Weekly Saturday night sermon in October 2010
On Muslims:
‘They’re stupid. Their religion is as ugly as they are.’
— Weekly Saturday night sermon in December 2009.
I cannot judge whether this is indeed the case but I can clearly say that the only way to deal with these issues is to discuss them openly and to make sure that as much information as possible is available to all of us. Ladies and Gentlemen, I do believe that this is the principle that guides Arthur Topham, who for over 30 years has made some of the most important texts on the matter available to us all.
I wouldn’t know about‘Germany Must Perish’ unless Mr Topham had made it into a satire. Would you? Even the Crown Expert, Mr Rudner, admitted that he wasn’t aware of the text and actually confirmed by this admission the importance of the Radical Press. Two days ago Mr Rudner admitted that ‘Germany Must Perish’ is a hateful text. Congratulation to Mr Rudner. It took the Jewish world more than 7 decades to denounce one of the most horrible Jewish texts ever. Is not Mr Rudner long awaited denunciation the direct outcome of Mr Topham’s satire?
Attorney Barclay Johnson: History. In your book, ‘The Wandering Who,’ you delve into the notion of History and Jewish history in particular. Can you please elaborate on the topic and its relevance within the context of ‘Holocaust denial’ and so-called ‘hatred?’
Expert Witness Gilad Atzmon: History becomes a meaningful adventure once we learn to narrate the past as we move along. This means that as we are changing constantly, our understanding of the past is also shifting. Accordingly, history, at its best, is the ability to visit, re-visit and revise our past as we progress in time. This understanding of history must be applied to any chapter in our past including the Holocaust.
It is no secret that Jewish institutions oppose the Holocaust being subjected to revision and the outcome of this opposition is tragic, especially for the Jews. Instead of letting the Holocaust become a dynamic universal ethical lesson it has been reduced into the new canonical Jewish religion. It has its shrines (museums) prophets, preachers and even a new God figure: ‘The Jew,’ the one who was forsaken by God, yet resurrected himself from the slaughter, and against all odds, made Israel into a nuclear super power that too often threatens world peace.
Once again, our duty to the Jews, to humanity, to Canada as well as to Israel is to fight this intellectual stagnation. To burst the bubble with an injection of refreshing and controversial thoughts. But isn’t that what Radical Press and Arthur Topham have been doing for the last 35 years?
Ladies and Gentlemen, one of the most disturbing images of National Socialist Germany’s persecution of the Jews are those old archive films of book burning. It is rather disturbing that in Canada in 2015 it is actually the Jewish lobby that leads the call for book burning. One would expect Jews to draw the necessary lesson from the Shoah. Freedom of speech and expression are our most precious assets. It is what made Athens into the core of universal thinking. It is down to us to keep this promise for the sake of our future generations and humanism in general.


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Report on week two of Supreme Court Trial R v Roy Arthur Topham by Arthur Topham


EDITOR’S NOTE: Once again, please feel free to use whatever information is contained in this Report in order to spread the news concerning this important trial further afield.
To date only the local Quesnel Cariboo Observer, and CBC Prince George have given coverage to the story so it’s now firmly established that Canada’s major news networks (all of which are either controlled or heavily influenced by the foreign Zionist lobby) have no intention of informing the general public on this matter.
As I previously stated in the first report it’s up to the alternative news media to do its best to cover this important historic event in Canadian jurisprudence and bring it to the attention of internet readers around the world.
The original time period allotted for the trial indicated that it would conclude by Friday, November 6th but such is not the case. It will now carry on into week three and likely conclude on Tuesday, November 10th one day prior to Canada’s federal holiday known as Remembrance Day.
Thank you.
Arthur Topham
The Radical Press
Canada’s Radical News Network
‘Digging to the root of the issues since 1998’

To Alternative Media Sources
Report on week two of
Supreme Court Trial R v Roy Arthur Topham
Arthur Topham
The second week of Canada’s Sec. 319(2) ‘Hate Propaganda’ trial R v Roy Arthur Topham got underway Monday morning, November 2nd, 2015.
Witness #1 former Det. Cst. Terry Wilson of the BC Hate Crime Team
During the fourth day of the first week of testimony (October 29, 2015) Defence attorney Barclay Johnson had cross examined former Det. Cst. Terry Wilson the lead investigator involved in the current Sec. 319(2) charge, arrest and incarceration of Mr. Topham back in May of 2012. Throughout his questioning of Wilson it was clearly shown that the former detective was not an ‘expert’ on what constituted ‘hate’ and that Wilson was solely relying upon only one definition of ‘hatred’ which appeared in the Keegstra case from back in the 1980’s. It was also evident from the former Hate Crime Unit investigator’s statements that after the second complainant had filed his complaint to the BC Hate Crime Team back in May of 2011 Wilson traveled over to Victoria, B.C. to interview the complainant who, during the course of the taped conversation, told Wilson that he’d also been involved in laying an earlier complaint against Topham back in 2007 as a representative of the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada. That earlier Sec. 13(1) complaint on the part of B’nai Brith Canada, fortunately for Topham, was stayed in 2010 pending the outcome of a Constitutional challenge to the Canadian Human Rights Act (where the legislation existed); one that ultimately resulted in the repeal of Sec. 13(1) in June of 2012.
In the course of their interview the complainant told Wilson that his organization, the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada, didn’t think they had any evidence strong enough to gain a conviction under Sec. 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada until Topham published his ‘book’ Israel Must Perish! on his website May 28th, 2011. The complainant, upon reading what was in actuality a satire that Topham had written of the actual book Germany Must Perish! concluded that he now had sufficient evidence to prove to a court of law that Topham was proposing the total annihilation of the Jewish population and would therefore qualify as a candidate for a Sec. 319(2) ‘Hate Propaganda’ complaint with the BC Hate Crime Team.
Under cross examination Defence attorney Johnson suggested to Wilson that it wasn’t until the complainant had told him about the ‘book’ that he made his decision to charge Topham.
Topham’s attorney also brought forth evidence clearly showing Wilson to have abused his police powers during the course of his investigation when he wrote a personal letter to Topham’s Internet Service Provider (ISP) back on November 21, 2012 informing them that Topham had been charged on November 5, 2012 with a Sec. 319(2) CCC offence of ‘Wilfully Promoting Hatred’. Defence pointed out to the court that Wilson had taken it upon himself to go to, read through their policy and then suggested to the company that Topham’s Sec. 319(2) criminal charge ‘may in fact contravene’ said policy under section 4(b)(i). The result of Wilson’s letter to was that the ISP wrote to Topham the same day issuing what was basically an ultimatum stating, ‘We have been advised by a visitor to your web site that such web site contains content that is alleged to be untrue, offensive, slanderous, harassing or controversial in nature.
Accordingly, please remove such content within 48 hours of this notice. Failure to delete such content within such period will result in termination of your website.’ It was signed by ‘Zach P Corporate Support’.
Given such short notice and not having the technical expertise to shift his website to a new (and more secure) server in the USA Topham had to rely upon an associate of his who also wasn’t fully proficient in downloading and uploading websites. The end result was that all the content on Topham’s website prior to November 21, 2012 ended up infected with computer code script that required hundreds of hours of labour to correct and to this day still hasn’t been fully repaired.
Defence also pointed out to the court that when Wilson wrote to on November 21, 2012 there had already been one attempt on the part of Crown to have Topham’s bail conditions changed so that he wouldn’t be able to carry on publishing until after the trial (should he be found not guilty). That attempt had failed and Crown was attempting a second time to change his conditions and a hearing on Crown’s application had already been set for January 2, 2013 but Wilson disregarded the court and proceeded on his own to try and remove before that date. Because of these independent actions on the part of former Det. Wilson, Defence suggested to the court that Wilson had acted in an extra-judicial manner and in doing so had attempted to circumvent whatever decision the court may have come to regarding Topham’s bail conditions (Crown’s application was unsuccessful). In other words Wilson had acted as judge and jury and concluded, prior to Crown’s application being heard, that Topham was guilty of the crime before having been tried. In other words, according to Defence counsel Johnson, Wilson’s testimony could not be taken seriously and ought to be disregarded by the jury.
Crown Expert Witness Len Rudner
The first week’s proceedings concluded Friday, October 30th, 2015 with Crown’s Expert Witness, Mr. Len Rudner, former Director of the Canadian Jewish Congress, completing his testimony. Week two commenced with Defence attorney Barclay Johnson’s cross examination of Mr. Rudner testimony.
Len Rudner copy
As noted in the first report the focus of Crown’s evidence was contained in four large binders of which Binder #1 and #2 composed the complete texts of the following online books posted on
1. Germany Must Perish! by Theodore N. Kaufmann
2. Israel Must Perish! (erroneously labeled by Wilson and Crown as a ‘book’ rather than a satirical article)
3. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
4. The Biological Jew by Eustice Mullins
5. The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling
Binder #2 was the complete text (580 pages) of Douglas Reed’s historic analysis of political Zionism The Controversy of Zion. Binders #3 and #4 were basically screen shots of all of Topham’s monthly postings on his website which Wilson had ‘captured’ during the course of the Hate Crime Team’s investigation once the initial complaint was laid against Topham and his website on April 28th, 2011. As well, a number of Topham’s personal writings contained in the sidebar on the home page under the heading Arthur’s Court were also included.
Over the course of Len Rudner’s testimony Crown’s Prosecuting Attorney Jennifer Johnston led Rudner through all of the above online books and portions of the articles, most of which contained Topham’s ‘Editor’s Note’ prefaces. It was mainly these prefaces to other writer’s work that Crown zeroed in on as they apparently were having great difficulty in finding anything in Topham’s own personal articles on the site that they felt would meet the stringent standards that the law required in order to prove, ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’ that Topham was ‘wilfully’ promoting hatred toward ‘people of Jewish ethnicity or religion’.
Fortunately, for the defence, Crown’s Expert Witness Len Rudner provided the court with some extremely revealing evidence while under cross examination which, ultimately, led to some damning conclusions.
Given that Rudner had told the court that during the period of his tenure as a Director for the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC), which spanned the years in which Mr. Topham had been harassed and dragged through the whole of the Canadian Human Rights Commission Sec. 13(1) complaint process from 2007 until 2012, Defence counsel Johnson began questioning Rudner on statements he’d made under oath regarding his personal involvement in the laying of these Sec. 13(1) ‘hate crime’ charges against Canadian citizens. What Rudner told the court, was most revealing and in some instances totally unexpected. As it turned out, in his capacity as a director of this foreign Israeli lobbyist organization, Rudner stated that as far back as 2007 he had been personally involved in an attempt on the part of the CJC to file a Sec. 319(2) ‘hate’ complaint against Arthur Topham and his website with the British Columbia Hate Crimes Team (BCHCT). This was the very same RCMP unit that on May 16th, 2012 arrested Topham and charged him under the same Sec. 319(2) criminal code section. Rudner’s statements were corroborated by the evident from Crown’s disclosure which contained the following document shown below.
BCHCTFILE 2007-23814
While the document itself hadn’t indicated who, in particular, was responsible for filing the complaint, Rudner having sworn that he was personally involved in drafting a number of such complaints, admitted to having signed off on that one as well.
During the course of his testimony before the court Rudner also admitted to having had contact with Topham’s former Internet Service Provider (ISP) (now defunct) back as far as 2005 wherein he had complained to said company that Topham was publishing ‘anti-Semitic’ materials on his website He admitted under oath that at the time he complained to the ISP he realized that it wouldn’t necessarily guarantee that Topham’s site would be removed from the Internet but that it would at least be an ‘inconvenience’ for Topham! What Rudner and the court, including Defence attorney Barclay Johnson, didn’t realize was that the complaint by the CJC to Topham’s then ISP resulted in Topham losing all of the contents of his website, including a long and lively forum, that dated back to and included the period from 1999 to 2005 and constituted a valuable historic record of a section of history that has since dominated much of the narrative concerning the nascent period of the 21st Century and its reaction to the defining event now known as 911. At the time of the loss Topham had a strong suspicion that the person or persons responsible for filing the complaint to his ISP were most likely connected to either the Canadian Jewish Congress or B’nai Brith Canada (both of whom are admitted lobbyists for the foreign state of Israel), but his then server refused to divulge who had registered the complaint and had only given Topham 48 hours to find a new server. Now the truth regarding that premeditated event finally came to light ten years after the fact.
Given Rudner’s direct testimony that he had personally been involved in two previous attempts to have Topham’s website taken down, Defence attorney Barclay Johnson then questioned Rudner regarding the credentials used in determining his suitability to appear as an ‘Expert Witness’ on behalf of the Crown. Johnson pointed out to the court that in order to qualify for such an esteemed position within the Canadian court system one had to be seen as impartial and unbiased and neutral in order for their ‘Expert’ testimony to be considered credible. He then punctuated this scathing indictment of Rudner’s disingenuousness and confession of complicity by stating that Rudner had, in fact, ‘a horse in the race’ all along and that his admission of these facts could only serve to discredit the worth of all of his testimony in the case before the court.
When Rudner attempted to justify his clandestine attempts to take down Topham’s website Johnson’s response was to suggest that it was nothing but ‘pure sophistry’.
Defence Expert Witness Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon is an Israeli-born writer, musician, and political commentator who has written extensively about global politics, and specifically the geopolitical role of the State of Israel. Atzmon is critical of the Israeli government and its approach to other countries in the Middle East. He moved to England in 1994 and became a British citizen in 2002.
Mr. Atzmon had agreed to take the stand on behalf of Arthur Topham and testify as to why he felt that the charge of ‘hatred toward the Jews’ was inappropriate and his decision to do so was based upon his strongly held conviction that the vast majority of criticism being directed toward the Jews was in fact political in nature rather than personal or aimed specifically at Jews based upon either their religion or their ethnicity.
While the Crown had made a big display before the court of the fact that their Expert Witness Len Rudner was being paid $195.00 an hour to appear to testify when Mr. Atzmon appeared on the morning of November 3, 2015 Defence Barclay Johnson pointed out to the jury that Atzmon had volunteered his expertise without pay and that only his airfare and hotel accommodations and food were being covered by Topham’s defence fund.
After much to do about having his status as an Expert Witness accepted by Justice Bruce Butler when Gilad Atzmon stepped up to the podium and began to speak it immediately became apparent to the court that here was an Expert Witness to be reckoned with. Being an internationally recognized lecturer and in possession of the academic credentials to back up his philosophical approach to the issues being discussed in the courtroom, Mr. Atzmon’s quickly took control of the narrative and over the remainder of his testimony spoke with an unabashed air of certainty and conviction. Unlike Rudner whose quiet, monotone presentation lacked any overt sense of passion in what he was saying, Gilad’s outspoken oratory coupled with his obvious depth of knowledge concerning what he talked about left little doubt in the minds of anyone in the courtroom that here was a man of scholarly quality who unquestionably knew his subject.
Defence counsel Barclay Johnson then led Atzmon through the various online publications that were the subject of Crown’s evidence and Atzmon framed each book and quotation cited within his own analysis of the overall question concerning the Jewish Question and what Atzmon referred to as ‘Jewish Identity’ politics. He went on to explain by means of visual aids (a graphic of a triangle with the three points headed by ‘Religion’, ‘Ethnicity’ and ‘Identity or Jewish-ness’), all of which formed the basis of his thesis as contained in his internationally renowned book, The Wandering Who? which has been a best seller since it first came out in 2011.
Of particular note were Atzmon’s comments on the controversial satire which Topham had written in response to his reading of the actual book titled Germany Must Perish! by Theodore N. Kaufmann which Topham then satirically titled Israel Must Perish! This was the already noted article on Topham’s website that the complainant in the case told former Det. Terry Wilson of the BC Hate Crime Team was sufficient evidence that Topham was promoting the total genocide of the whole of the Jewish population. When Gilad Atzmon addressed the issue he was adamant in his appraisal of the satire stating that it was an exceptionally important contribution to the overall discussion of Jewish identity in that it basically represented a mirror image of what Kaufmann’s book had said and that this mirror was now being held up before the Jewish people and in particular the Zionist state of Israel as a reminder for them to reflect upon their own actions and behaviour in todays political setting. He made reference to the plight of the Palestinians in his comments but Crown was quick to object (and Justice Butler was also quick to agree with Crown) that Atzmon wasn’t an expert on the Palestinian issue and therefore his testimony in that regard should be disregarded.
As Atzmon stated in his book, ‘As far as self-perception is concerned, those who call themselves Jews could be divided into three main categories:
1. Those who follow Judaism.
2. Those who regard themselves as human beings that happen to be of Jewish origin.
3. Those who put their Jewish-ness over and above all of their other traits.
Crown’s Cross Examination of Gilad Atzmon
Crown Prosecutor Jennifer Johnson commenced her cross examination of Expert Witness Gilad Atzmon at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 4th and it resumed the next morning of November 5th. It was basically on the second day of cross examination that the Prosecutor began her laborious efforts to try and get Atzmon to agree to the Crown’s position with respect to the term ‘Hatred’ and also to many of the quotations cited throughout the trial that Crown felt showed evidence of Topham’s wilful promotion of hatred toward the Jews in general. Suffice it to say that every attempt at twisting Gilad’s words to conform to Crown’s preconceived mould of what ‘hatred’ meant was met with not only dismissal but further testimony on Atzmon’s part as to what he actually was saying. This process continued on throughout his cross examination and it would not be unfair to say that the following exchange was typical of Crown’s approach and Gilad’s reaction:
Crown: Mr. Atzmon, I’m sure that you would agree that ….
Gilad Atzmon: No.
The jury and members of the public sitting in the gallery witnessed this scenario occurring over and over and the end result was that Crown was unable to refute any of Atzmon’s testimony nor discredit his presentation in any way.
Defence’s Summation to the Jury
Friday, November 6, 2015 was originally the final day scheduled for R v Roy Arthur Topham. But like most things the numerous delays throughout the past two week due to Crown’s own actions (which will be touched on at the end of this report) the only thing that happened on this day was that Defence Attorney Barclay Johnson was able to (after numerous interruptions by Crown and Justice Butler) finally sum up before the jury his arguments as to why they should find the defendant not guilty. That summation, in itself, was prolonged by the presiding Justice so that it wasn’t until 2:30 p.m. that Johnson finally was able to speak to the jurors. He ended at precisely 4:00 p.m.
The main thrust by defence was to speak to the jury about Crown’s two witnesses, former Det. Terry Wilson of the BC Hate Crime Team and Crown Expert Witness Len Rudner. Johnson outlined for the jury the many instances of bias displayed by both these two individuals while testifying. In addition to that he also (after much wrangling with Justice Butler) presented to the jury some of Arthur Topham’s writings taken from an article which had been included in Crown’s disclosure. That article, titled KILLING THE HUNDREDTH MONKEY: The Battle for Control and Censorship of Canada’s Internet by B’nai Brith Canada was originally posted on the website back in 2008 and dealt with issues related to the first complaint laid against Topham by B’nai Brith Canada under the former Sec. 13(1) Canadian Human Rights Act in the article were references made to the character of Topham which the defence wanted the jury to hear.
Defence then read out the following to the jury: [please note that the defendant is restricted by his current bail conditions from naming his accuser online and therefore the individual in question is simply referred to as ‘Mr. Z’]
‘I have lived, uninterruptedly, in the province of British Columbia since December of 1956. After leaving high school I attended university (SFU) in 1965 and there obtained a Professional Teaching Certificate. I worked for a short number of years in this capacity both in the public school system and for First Nations school districts, all of which were located in the province of B.C., and taught grades ranging from Kindergarten to Grade 5. I left the profession in 1978 and worked for the Provincial Parks Branch for 8 years where I was a Supervisor and Park Ranger in the Quesnel District of the Cariboo region of the province. After losing that profession to government restructuring in the late 1980’s I returned to teaching for a couple of years and worked for the Nuxalk Education Authority out of Bella Coola, B.C. in 1991 1992 where I taught on reserve Grades 2 and 3. From there I returned to Quesnel and worked in a substitute capacity for the local School District (#28) until I resigned in September of 1998. It was also during the year 1998 that I established my publishing business known as The Radical Press. From June of 1998 until June of 2002 I published a monthly, 24-page tabloid called The Radical which sold in retail outlets throughout B.C. and across Canada and by subscription around the world. Due to financial challenges the hard copy edition of the newspaper ceased in June of 2002 and from that date I carried on publishing online with my website known as . In 2005, using my lifetime of personal experience in the log building trades and construction industry which I had developed in conjunction with my tenure as a school teacher I formed a carpentry business and have been operating said business up to this point in time. I have lived out in the country for the vast majority of my life, have build my own home, grown my own garden, and maintained a philosophy of independence both in thought and deed. Throughout the course of my life I have fathered four children and now, along with my dear wife of thirty years, also have been blessed with seven grandchildren.
In many respects my life has been an open book to the community in which I have resided since 1970. I began writing letters to the local Quesnel newspaper known as The Cariboo Observer, [email protected] beginning in 1976 and have steadily contributed to that publication over the ensuing years both as a regular columnist and an inveterate contributor on matters of public concern. While I would describe myself as a very controversial writer (and most, if not all of my readers would agree) I nonetheless need to stress the fact that throughout all the years of presenting my ideas to the general public on a number of issues ranging from politics to religion to social justice and environmental issues, I have never made any racist, hate-filled remarks against any person of Jewish or any other religious or ethic grouping. All this I state with respect to the present allegations made against me by Mr. Z and the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada; charges that they would fain convey to the public that insinuate I am a person who promotes hatred toward others, in this case Jews. The records of my writings would not, I suggest, indicate this to be the case….
There is one last, missing factor in this ‘hate’ equation which Mr. Z and the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada have accused me of which needs to be mentioned. I feel it poignantly illustrates the absurdity of what is going on with respect to the danger of abuse inherent in such laws as Sec. 13(1) when exploited for partisan purposes by people and organizations such as Mr. Z and the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith. It also epitomizes the spuriousness of all the allegations and contentions which they have used in their attempt to harass and intimidate me by falsely and publicly accusing me of the crime of promoting ‘ongoing hatred affecting persons identifiable as Jews and/or as citizens of Israel.’ I now present this final factor to you Ms. Kozak and to the CHRC Tribunal as the culmination of my testimony to the frivolous and vexatious nature of these charges. For me to either admit to or accept that I am promoting hatred toward Jews would be tantamount to saying that I hate, rather than love and cherish beyond description, the one person in my life who has been wife and friend and companion to me over the last thirty years. For she too is Jewish.’
Final observations on Crown’s handling of evidence
Given that the total cost to Canadian taxpayers to proceed with this trial is likely over one million dollars throughout the duration of this two week trial the court has been witness to endless problems dealing with Crown’s disclosure materials. Given the fact that Crown has now had over three and half years to put together the evidence in a format that would easily facilitate the normal reading habits of the jurors and Defence counsel what we have witnessed throughout the trial is a disgrace to the supreme court system in British Columbia.
From the onset of the case (beginning in May of 20120), defence had to fight tooth and nail to get disclosure from Crown and to try and have Crown particularize the evidence so it was clearly evident what would be used in the actual trial. Instead Crown insisted that the case was an ‘ongoing investigation’ and therefore they couldn’t provide the full disclosure until final weeks preceding trial. When they did send Defence counsel their Disclosure much of it was unreadable. Defence had to redo pages and pages of Crown evidence in order that it could be read in court, not only by defence but also by the jurors who would be expected to follow along in their own Binders. This aspect of the trial consumed hours of time and even after the trial was well underway it became blatantly obvious that the last two binders would have to be republished so the jury might have a readable copy to refer to. Those final two binders didn’t enter into the court until the morning of Friday, November 6, 2015!
Typical of the quality of the documents is the image below taken from one page of KILLING THE HUNDREDTH MONKEY: The Battle for Control and Censorship of Canada’s Internet by B’nai Brith Canada It would not be a stretch of the imagination to conceive of the jurors being each given a magnifying glass in order to try and read the evidence. Given that it cost the taxpayers an additional $2000.00 to have them reprinted twelve magnifying glasses might have been a more cost effective measure.
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Still to come
Monday, November 9, 2015 will see Crown present its summation to the jury. On Friday Justice Butler asked the jury if they would be ready to have him charge them on Tuesday morning the 10th of November. He told them that if he charged them on Tuesday that in the event they couldn’t come to a decision by the end of the day that they would have to remain sequestered through to November 11th which is Canada’s Remembrance Day federal holiday. The jury went out and discussed this and returned to tell Justice Butler that they would prefer to be charged on the 10th. That meant they didn’t think it would take more than one day to make their minds up.
As it now stands Tuesday, November 10th, 2015 will conclude the trial and a verdict will be handed down on that day. Stay tuned folks!

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Report on first week of Supreme Court Trial R v Roy Arthur Topham by Arthur Topham


[EDITOR’S NOTE: Please feel free to use whatever information is contained in this Report in order to spread the word further afield. Now that the first week of the trial has ended and there’s been no mention of it in Canada’s mainstream media, other than the local Quesnel Cariboo Observer, I believe it’s fair to assume that the mainstream news outlets in this country have collectively decided to censor the case in order that the Canadian public remains unaware of the importance of what’s occurring in British Columbia.
Given the importance of this trial to every citizen of the nation who values their constitutional right to freedom of expression and also considering the wide-spread media coverage over the years leading up to the final repeal of the Sec. 13(1) legislation as contained in the Canadian Human Rights Act in June of 2012, it’s highly unlikely that the msm is unaware of the fact that this trial is happening.
It’s therefore up to the alternative news media to do its best to cover this important historic event in Canadian jurisprudence and bring it to the attention of internet readers.
Because of the nature of the case and for obvious reasons of strategy I’ve kept the details of the proceedings to a bare minimum. Rest assured though that at the trial’s end which could be at the end of the coming week (November 6th) a more thorough analysis of the trial will be forthcoming.
Thank you.]

To Alternative Media Sources
Report on first week of
Supreme Court Trial R v Roy Arthur Topham
Arthur Topham
The Supreme Court ‘Hate Speech’ trial of Arthur Topham and his website concluded its first week of deliberations on Friday, October 30th, 2015 in the small, central interior city of Quesnel, British Columbia.
Having elected to be tried by a jury of his peers rather than gamble on the Attorney General’s office selecting a potentially biased justice to oversee the proceedings and decide his fate the first order of business was to select twelve individuals from around the local community to sit on the jury. This process of selection meant that well over a hundred individuals were called to appear at the provincial government office on the morning of Monday, October 26th.
As well, and contrary to its normal behaviour over the past three and a half years, it was also at this time that Crown decided to initiate a rather Orwellian practise of setting up a RCMP screening process within the building which required every individual entering to have to go through a security check prior to gaining access to the courts. This entailed the removal of all of one’s personal possessions such as wallets, purses, cell phones, etc from their pockets and placing them in little plastic baskets and then walking through a scanner and having an RCMP officer go over your whole body with a hand-held wand to determine whether you might have a concealed weapon or possibly explosives(?) strapped to your body with the intent of committing an act of ‘terrorism’. Given the undue inconvenience of this intimidating process one can only imagine that it may have been designed by Crown to discourage the local citizenry from attending the trial and observing its proceedings.
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In addition, considering the fact that Crown’s star Expert witness was Len Rudner, former Director of the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC), it was highly likely that the additional security measures were part of the conditions upon which Mr. Rudner consented to appear. This was further corroborated by the fact that while Mr. Rudner was in attendance he was constantly accompanied by a police bodyguard.
Meanwhile the crowd of potential jurors were forced to line up outside and wait in the snow and sleet as each one of them went through the onerous security process.

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The Show Begins
Crown’s first witness was now retired Det. Cst. Terry Wilson who, at the time of my arrest and incarceration on May 16th, 2012, was the lead investigator for the BC Hate Crime Unit located in Surrey, B.C., a suburb of Vancouver. Wilson, along with his partner Cst. Normandie Levas and a team of other police officers, had, after investigating complaints from two individuals back in 2011 that I and my website were contravening Sec. 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada by ‘communicating statements, other than in private conversation, willfully promote hatred against an identifiable group, people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin’ decided to charge and arrest me for the promotion of ‘hate propaganda’.
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The focus of Crown’s evidence consisted of four large binders of which Binder #1 and #2 composed the complete texts of the following online books which are posted on
1. Germany Must Perish! by Theodore N. Kaufmann
2. Israel Must Perish! (erroneously labeled by Wilson and Crown as a ‘book’ rather than a satirical article)
3. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
4. The Biological Jew by Eustice Mullins
5. The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling
Binder #2 was the complete text of Douglas Reed’s masterful historic analysis of political Zionism The Controversy of Zion.
The remaining two binders contained numerous posts and Editorial comments by Topham. The majority of material being that produced by authors other than the accused.
It wasn’t until the end of Wednesday, October 28th that Crown completed her testimony from former Det. Cst. Terry Wilson. The following morning, Thursday, October 29th at 10:26 a.m. Arthur Topham’s Defence Counsel, Barclay Johnson had the opportunity to cross-examine Wilson on his three day of testimony.
Court adjourned at 4:05 p.m. and Mr. Topham, his Attorney Barclay Johnson and a number of supporters, including Mr. Topham’s wife proceeded across the street from the Courthouse to the Billy Barker Hotel where all of the out-of-town visitors were staying to await the arrival of Topham’s Expert Witness Mr. Gilad Atzmon, who was due to arrive at the Quesnel airport at 4:00 p.m. that same day.
Mr. Atzmon is an Israeli-born writer, musician, and political commentator who has written extensively about global politics, and specifically the geopolitical role of the State of Israel. Atzmon is critical of the Israeli government and its approach to other countries in the Middle East. He moved to England in 1994 and became a British citizen in 2002.
Day five of the trial began Friday, October 30th, 2015. Crown’s Expert Witness Mr. Len Rudner testified throughout the whole of the day. Cross examination of Mr. Rudner will begin Monday, November 2nd.
Please help out with my upcoming Sec. 319(2) ‘Hate Propaganda’ trial that commences in one week on October 26th by making a donation.
Donations can be made online via my GoGetFunding site located at or else by sending cash, cheques or Money Orders to the following postal address.
Please make sure that any cheques or Money Orders are made out to Arthur Topham and sent to:
Arthur Topham
4633 Barkerville Highway
Quesnel, B.C.
V2J 6T8

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CHRC Complaint Against

Investigations Branch
344 Slater Street,
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 1E1
Toll-free 1-888-214-1090
Fax (613) 947-7279
08 November 2007
File 20071016

PROTECTED XPRESSPOST (stamped ‘Nov 09 2007″ )

Mr. Arthur Topham
4633 Barkerville Highway
Quesnel, B.C. V2J 6T8
Dear Mr. Topham:

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Notice from regarding trial date for R v Roy Arthur Topham and support.


Dear Reader and Supporter of Free Speech in Canada.
There remains but three weeks before the trial begins which will determine the course of future events here in Canada with respect to a citizen’s Constitutional Right to freedom of expression.
I would ask of you that you download this post/notice to your computer and send it out to as many of your friends and associates as you can.
It would be great to see the courtroom filled with Canadians who believe in their right to freedom of speech.
Anyone thinking of attending the trial is welcome to contact me regarding accommodations and directions, etc. Unfortunately I won’t be able to host those planning to attend this event.
I can be reached via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 1-250-992-3479.
Thank you for all your help and support!

Arthur Topham

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Why Amazon banned Hoffman’s book on Judaism The Seventeen Words

Here below we are publishing for the first time, portions of our Aug. 3, 2008 letter to David Zapolsky, Vice-President and Associate General Counsel of, who banned our book, Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit.
According to, the book was banned for sale by Amazon on the basis of a complaint by Rabbi Shaul Praver. This is Amazon’s allegation. We have proceeded based on the assumption that this allegation is substantive.
The following seventeen words attributed to Rabbi Praver appear on the back cover of Judaism Discovered:
‘Shalom L’chovod Reb Michael: There is no question in my mind that you are a Talmid Chacham.’
End quote. (A ‘Talmid Chacham’ is a scholar respected for his learning, specifically, his knowledge of the Talmud).
Dear Mr. Zapolsky
…Rabbi Praver did indeed make the statement that this writer is a Talmid Chacham in an e-mail of June 5, 2004. His e-mail of June 5, 2004 was not marked private or confidential; nor did it in any other way convey or connote an understanding that it was private or confidential e-mail. It is therefore in the public domain.

As evidence, I have the original source of the transmission of his June 5, 2004 e-mail across the Internet, from Rabbi Praver’s account to my own e-mail account, and I provided that evidence to’s employee, Mr. Adrian Garver, on July 30, 2008.
Furthermore, in an e-mail to this writer of June 12, 2004, Rabbi Praver repeated his assessment that I was a ‘Talmid chacham.’
You affirmed in your Aug. 3 e-mail the decision by’s Adrian Garver, that because I quoted Praver’s statement, will not sell the book which contains the statement.
You further state: ‘…In this case, as is obvious from the correspondence of both Mr. Garver and of Rabbi Praver, our decision to suspend sales has nothing to do with the content of your book. Rather, it stems entirely from the fact that an individual whom you claim endorsed your book alleges that the endorsement misstates or portrays his views in a false light.’
I have never claimed that Rabbi Praver ‘endorsed’ my book and you will not find any such claim anywhere in Judaism Discovered. The word ‘endorsement’ is a term you have concocted. In fact, we published the statement that he made without comment of any kind.
I quoted Rabbi Praver accurately. That is a fact. Your opinion that the quotation ‘portrays his views in a false light’ is hearsay, and what is more, it is partisan, in favor of the notion that Rabbi Praver’s personal feelings should have greater weight than a book’s right of freedom of press at Hence, sales of my book at have been obstructed.
Your claim that ‘intellectual property rights’ are at issue here is a red herring. Praver did not copyright his correspondence. As noted, e-mail that does not bear a notice or other delcaration that it is private or confidential is public domain, and therefore we had the freedom of press right to make it public in the book Judaism Discovered.
You have suggested that you are are an objective judge of this case and that you support freedom of the press for controversial books, such as my work, which is critical of the religion of Judaism. Yet your decision, as well as the actions of in this case, contradict your rhetoric.
I have hundreds of quotations from rabbonim living and dead in the text of Judaism Discovered, extending from the era of the Ta’nnaim through contemporary responsa and the issur v’heter of contemporary poskim. With regard to my use of quotations from contemporaries, not all of it has been published before. Some of it is being published for the first time and is premised upon or derived from lecture notes, conversations recorded or reported, and yes, correspondence.
If each one of the rebbes among the living whom I quote is granted what has granted to Rabbi Praver, the option of exercising a veto power over my book based on their personal allegations regarding the truth, falsity, ‘good faith’ or ‘bad light’ of my citation of their statements, then a book as highly contested as mine will have no chance of ever being sold by
If this is actually Amazon’s criteria for book-banning, then any person who feels they were misquoted or slighted by a book sold by can, by contacting, have sales of the offending book halted. In that case, thousands of the books Amazon sells can and in fact will be halted as soon as the many Christian clergymen and Muslim imams who believe they were misquoted or slighted by an author in a book sold by, contact to convey their grievances.
In fact, I do not believe that any such preposterous policy obtains at What I believe is that you have accorded special privileges to Mr. Praver that permit him to interdict a book of comparative religion that had previously been offered for sale by your company.
You dismiss my concerns as ‘nonsense.’ It seems to me that you are the one spouting nonsense by granting to Rabbi Praver the power to embargo Judaism Discovered because it contains the observation he made stating that I was a Talmid Chacham, and consequently, the publication of his statement supposedly portrays him in a ‘false light.’
Does it really need to be pointed out that Rabbi Praver should not have the world’s largest bookseller acting as his personal advocate…? If Rabbi Praver feels that the statement which he made, and for which he should be enough of a mensch to take responsibility for, is false or libelous, he should make his case before our courts here in Idaho, where the book was published.
Instead, he has sufficient clout that he can use to stop the sale of a highly controversial book which is deeply offensive to the religious sensibilities of Talmudists, based on his private ipse dixit.
I am sorry that you regard the legitimate concerns of an assailed author as ‘frankly offensive.’ I can assure you that there are tens of thousands of lovers of freedom of inquiry who will share this author’s outrage over the fate of Judaism Discovered at
It will also be patent le-chol mi she-yesh lo moach be-kodkodo, and to many informed readers as well, that the level of knowledge exhibited in the pages of Judaism Discovered is indeed indicative of an author who is a Talmid Chacham. Rabbi Praver in his 2004 correspondence only stated the obvious. Having made that statement of fact is, I think, to his credit. He should not be ashamed of it. He was far-sighted and astute enough to initiate a dialogue with this writer regarding my views of the Torah SheBeal Peh based on his stated perception of my level of knowledge.
I do not believe that someone of Rabbi Praver’s stature would have have initiated a lengthy correspondence with an am ha’aretz who couldn’t make kiddush even if the text was in front of him….It was because he recognized that I was learned that he troubled to engage this writer in a dialogue to attempt to align my views in accordance with his own particular theology. I do not see how this portrays him in a bad light. He does besmirch himself however, when he attempts to use to evade the consequences of his statement. What is more egregious is that has made itself a party to his evasion by going so far as to ban a book so that a rabbi’s wounded feelings can be assuaged.
I am putting you on notice, Mr. Zapolosky, that by your affirmation of Mr. Garver’s ban on the sale of my book, it is you who is harming the reputation of Your ban on the sale of Judaism Discovered is a betrayal of Amazon’s previous, well-deserved reputation as a bastion of freedom of inquiry and speech and I doubt very much that when the reading public learns that has issued to an author what amounts to a hazmana from a Beit din, that they will sit still for it.
On behalf of all marginalized, proscribed writers and apikorsim, I intend to publicize your contemptuous dismissal of my legitimate concerns, as well as’s unjust and disgraceful ban on Judaism Discovered.

Michael Hoffman
End quote from the letter to Amazon executive David Zapolsky
At least one question remains: is Amazon’s rationale for banning Judaism Discovered (seventeen offending words that supposedly make a rabbi look bad), actually just a pretext for keeping the highly revealing contents of the book away from the public, thereby preventing it from garnering a high sales ranking at Amazon, which could in turn lead to national publicity?

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Zionist Jew Lobby B’nai Brith Canada Attacks Buddhist Truth Revealer Brian Ruhe by Arthur Topham

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They say that the Devil never rests and in the case of Canada’s rabid Zionist Jew lobby organization B’nai Brith Canada truer words were never spoken.
Not wishing to await the outcome of the upcoming trial of R v Roy Arthur Topham set to commence on October 26th, 2015 the result of which will play heavily into whether or not the pro-Israeli, Zionist lobbyist will have been successful in using their Sec. 319(2) ‘Hate Propaganda’ legislation, which they successfully embedded into Canadian jurisprudence in order to censor and suppress any and all legitimate criticism of their nefarious political ideology and their detestable terrorist, racist supremacist actions in Palestine and around the world the Zionists are continually combing the Internet here in Canada trolling with vehement and fanatical Simon Wiesenthal ‘Nazi-hunting’ fervour for more truth seekers who are courageously revealing the plethora of lies that the Zionist controlled msm has been mind-controlling the masses with for the past century.
There are more victims of Zionist misfeasance in former democratic Canada than the recent case of Buddhist author and teacher Brian Ruhe of Vancouver, B.C., the foremost being that of Vancouver’s Chinese artist and writer Joe Canuck whose two websites and were both surreptitiously and summarily silenced and removed from the net by the server without explanation to the owner, but for now I will focus on Ruhe as his woes are well documented.
What is rather unique about this latest provocation by the Zionist Jew control freaks from B’nai Brith Canada is that they usually spend their time and taxpayer’s money attacking Christians who they feel they can accuse of spreading ‘hate’ toward their self-chosen tribe of spiritual delinquents in order to have their victim’s tossed in the slammer for a couple of years and their websites either taken down and/or, as in the recent case of Canada’s coffee and donut franchise Tim Hortons, if nothing else, at least have their sites blocked from access by the general public.
These Talmudic Marxist Bolshevik Communist inspired censors from B’nai Brith Canada are relentless and deeply disturbed individuals their insecurity and paranoia being paramount and the transparency of their actions blatantly obvious in every act they perform. Rather than openly debating those who criticize aspects of their own ideological foundations and proving them wrong they prefer to use their ‘power of the purse’ and their undue political, legal and media influence to simply vilify and slander their intellectual opponents and in the process do anything they can to discriminate against and harass them and destroy their financial means of survival.
In the case of Vancouver based Buddhist teacher Brian Ruhe, rather than attempt to have him charged with a Sec. 319(2) ‘Hate Propaganda’ Criminal Code of Canada offence, they’ve decided to do everything in their power to both discredit his good name amongst his employers and destroy his livelihood at all costs. This is the first instance that I’ve heard of where they are working their vile black sorcery behind the scenes in order to destroy the reputation and good will of a recognized and practising Buddhist. Once again living proof that their Talmudic mindset has absolutely no regard for any other religions or beliefs besides its own supremacist, racist ideology.
Readers who have been following my own case in the courts over the past 9 years of litigation brought on by this same notorious group of self-deluded sycophants for the state of Israel will know that recently I was interviewed on video by Brian Ruhe while in Vancouver early this year while looking after my dying brother. The purpose of the interview was to assist me in raising awareness about Canada’s disgusting, unjust ‘Hate Crime’ legislation (Sec. 318 to 320 CCC) which the Zionist Jew lobby was directly responsible for creating for their own self-serving purposes as well as helping me to raise funds for my upcoming trial this October.
Meeting Brian for the first time in the flesh it was easily discernible to me that here was another individual who had finally, through his own researching and seeking, come to the full realization that all we had been told and taught about world history over the past century was twisted and warped beyond comprehension by the Zionist Jew media acting in and through all of its shape-shifting aspects, be they academia, Hollywood movies, books, magazines, radio stations, tv news and the Zionist newspaper monopoly.
Brian Ruhe is the author of two well-known and loved books on Buddhism. His first work, Freeing the Buddha, pictured below was published in March of 1998.
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Brian’s second work, A Short Walk On An Ancient Path, came out in 2010 accompanied, as in his first work, with many positive reviews.
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Upon reading the book reviews and accolades it was quite apparent that Brian Ruhe was/is a well loved and respected Buddhist meditation instructor. He had moved to Vancouver back in 1980 from Ontario where he’d studied business and philosophy at Brock University. Following a few years stint as a financial planner Brian’s inner quest for greater spiritual understanding finally moved him to begin his search for a deeper understanding of life. Like many of his generation he was drawn to Buddhism because of its focus upon the mind and the age-old practise of seeking within one’s own being for the truths that the soul eternally strives to attain.
Brian’s path led him to a Tibetan Buddhist centre in Vermont, USA that had been founded by the world reknowned Buddhist teacher Chögyam Trungpa. From there he traveled to Thailand where he continued his spiritual efforts for the next four years and was trained to be a meditation instructor. Brian eventually returned to Canada in order to begin sharing his teachings with others.
It wasn’t coincidental nor did it require any amount of foresight to realize that while in conversation with Brian at his Kitsilano apartment in Vancouver during the course of our interview we openly discussed the prospect that it was merely a matter of time before he would, in all likelihood, like myself, soon show up on B’nai Brith Canada’s radar screen and the attack upon his name and work would commence. In fact, it wasn’t long after doing the video with Brian I learned from him that he was being attacked front, left and center by the Zionist forces embedded throughout our pro-Israel, Jewish-influenced cultural institutions.
Of course, as per usual, it began with a Zionist Jew ‘Lama’ (try wrapping your mind around that one!) by the name of ‘Tsewang’ who phoned Brian at his home and threatened to call B’nai Brith Canada (BBC) and report him. Once he did that B’nai Brith’s Victoria based sayan operative* wrote to the Vancouver Parks Board and had Brian fired from teaching at (four) community centres.
On Sept. 14th Mr. Ruhe did get fired from the Roundhouse Community and Arts Centre. When this despicable act occurred Brian Ruhe phoned the sayan agent in Victoria, B.C. and spoke to him. The BBC operative told Brian ‘I don’t think you’re qualified to teach.’ He then threatened to contact the Vancouver Police force and register a complaint of harassment against Mr. Ruhe for actually having the chutzpah to call him on the telephone to discuss his rash and hateful behaviour!
Following word of his dismissal Brian also wrote a letter to Craig Giles President of the Roundhouse Community and Arts Centre stating in part,
‘As the president of the association you are in a leadership position in our community and it doesn’t make sense that someone in Victoria should tell you how to do your job. Were you under pressure from any quarters to fire me? Did City Manager Penny Ballem have anything to do with this?
I have taught meditation for 16 years at the Roundhouse since 1999 with over 1000 people taking my classes there in groups from 5 to 25. This has helped a lot of people and I have a good reputation with these students. I’ve always enjoyed working with the staff and have had a very good relationship with them all these years. I have booked Tuesday nights here and now it’s too late to work somewhere else for the fall term.
This is a larger issue of freedom of speech in Canada. I was fired for using my freedom of speech in my YouTube videos where I discuss truth search themes about geopolitical power in the world and 20th century history. I didn’t discuss these views in my meditation classes, I was not accused of doing so and there were no complaints from the students in my classes. I feel that I am showing a high moral standard by speaking out for the benefit of humanity. Our country was founded on the fundamental principle of freedom of speech and our forefathers fought for the freedoms that you and I have today. You are in a leadership position so I ask you to consider this and write back to me with your thoughts on this please.
Thank you kindly,
Brian Ruhe’
So that in a nutshell is what is now happening here in Canada when anyone decides to question the Zionist Jewish narrative whether it be their ‘Holocaust Hoax’ of the 20th Century, their actions in Gaza against the indigenous true Semitic people of Palestine, their media control over Canada and the West, or any number of other facets of the Zionist paradigm that the Jews subject their host societies to in order to maintain their power base throughout the Western world.
Brian Ruhe’s experience is not new. Je Suis Brian Ruhe! There have been dozens of other Canadians before him (including yours truly) who have suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous falsehood by the political machinations of this tribe of psychopathic deviants willing to go to any length to prevent the world from knowing the truth about their dark and sinister agenda for total global control of the world’s resources, both natural and human.
In a very real sense this is the essence of all that I have fought against over the past nine years of ongoing litigation brought on by this power-crazed Rothschild Freemasonic organization known as B’nai Brith Canada. It began on Valentine’s Day February 14th, 2007 when this same deluded maniacal sayan first sent me an unsolicited email using a phoney alias ‘Brian Esker’ accusing me of being an ‘anti-Semite’ and demanding that I stop publishing articles on the Zionist Jews and remove the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion from my website.
Come October 26th, 2015 here in Quesnel’s Supreme Court we will see whether or not these past nine years of harassment, intimidation, arrest, incarceration and theft of my personal computers, files and firearms will end with a victory for freedom of speech in Canada and a loss for the likes of this traitorous foreign lobby group B’nai Brith Canada and their sleazy serpentine zombie trolls. If it doesn’t then we will all be held hostage to these alien enemy interlopers who’ve been destroying our nation and culture for the past century and the country will be torn further and further apart as they once again destroy another gentile nation in their heinous game of power and control over humanity.
Justice must and Will prevail.

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* [Editors Note: I am restricted by a court order from publishing the name of this B’nai Brith agent.]
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Please help out with my upcoming Sec. 319(2) ‘Hate Propaganda’ trial in October by making a donation.
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Arthur Topham
4633 Barkerville Highway
Quesnel, B.C.
V2J 6T8

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