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New Police Raid at Dr. Faurisson’s home

Today, Thursday, November 13, at 6:15 AM, two investigators from the Police Judiciaire in Paris, having arrived in Vichy yesterday evening, burst into my house accompanied by three uniformed policemen, not without deliberately making a great deal of noise. This caused a severe nervous shock to my wife, who, at 77, suffers from a heart condition; I now fear the possible consequences. For the next hour and a half the armed policemen kept her, her brother and his wife (the couple had happened to be spending the night at our house) confined in a room, forbidding them to leave it.
The police’s loutish behaviour was all the more inadmissible as the two investigators (officiers de police judiciaire OPJ’s) knew of my wife’s poor state of health. They had already visited us last January 24. That morning, upon reporting at Vichy police station to answer a summons, I was immediately placed in custody. When told that, after a questioning session, the policemen would be taking me back to my house and carrying out a search, I’d informed the OPJ’s that, as my wife had a weak heart, I had kept the matter of my summons a secret. I told them that at a certain time soon my wife would be leaving the house, and requested that they wait till then to show up for their search. However, they paid no heed to my warning and, with their untimely arrival, they had already given my wife a cardiac trauma.
This November 13 I hauled them over the coals. I told them what was what. And they calmed down.
The three men in uniform went away at 7:30 AM. The OPJ’s, a young woman and a youngish man, performed their search from 6:20 to 10:30.
I refused to answer their questions. For nearly thirty years I’ve been in the habit of responding to all questions from the police with the words: ‘No answer’, even if the questions are harmless ones. I refuse to collaborate with the French police and justice system in their repression of historical revisionism.
Once again, my two OPJ’s drew a blank. Once again, they found neither the computer nor the documents sought.
They came bearing five (!) warrants, the most important of these concerning my participation at the Tehran conference of December 11-12, 2006. The charges originated with then President Jacques Chirac and an essentially Jewish ‘anti-racist’ organisation.
I ask indulgence of my correspondents beforehand should they find that, for a certain period, I leave their messages or letters unanswered. I am once more entering a time of turbulence. I have still not found a lawyer to replace Eric Delcroix, who has retired. By the way, I shall also ask my contacts not to come forth with recommendations of this or that reputedly courageous lawyer: there are in fact only cowards and inveterate swaggerers. (A model of the type: Jacques Verg¨s. It pains me to note how few people have seen through the act he puts on. His pet artifice, clumsy as can be, is anti-racist one-upmanship. ‘Barbie a racist? You must be joking! No one was ever more racist than the French colonialists or the Australians, exterminators of the Tasmanian race.’)
In France as elsewhere at this moment, the Jews are demanding a greater crackdown on revisionism. As long as the State of Israel persists with its repeated provocations of the Palestinians, it will be putting itself in growing danger and, eventually, bringing about, whether it likes it or not, the Zionist regime’s disappearance. For the time being, that regime must at all costs safeguard its number one propaganda weapon: the lie that is the religion of ‘the Holocaust’ with its alleged homicidal gas chambers.
We may expect to be treated like Palestinians. For my part, I will not give in. People sometimes find fault with me for forgetting, in my struggle, that a man’s first duty is to preserve the safety of his wife and children. But that, perhaps, is only a man’s second duty. Perhaps the first duty of a man is to be a man.
I do not lose sight of the fact than my lot remains enviable when compared with that of a good many other revisionists such as, for example, Ernst Z¼ndel and Germar Rudolf in Germany, or Wolfgang Frhlich and Gerd Honsik in Austria, or Fredrick Tben in London. I also think of the heroic Frenchman Vincent Reynouard, his wife and their seven children.

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The Canadian Banking System: Debt Servitude I By Betty Krawczyk


Please click on THIS LINK to watch Part 5 of my video series on the Canadian Banking System. Please also read accompanying text below.
Our Politicians and What they Know
The IMF? Bank of Canada? Our major politicians obviously have never heard of them. At least it didn’t come up in the debates. No, the major thing that came out of the first national leader’s debate was that Tom Mulcair got Harper to admit that a recession actually existed. Or, kind of, as Harper seemed to take it back later.
Sure, all three opposition parties said some good things. However, in my opinion, few of these good things will come to pass even if elected unless our Bank of Canada is rescued from the international bankers. And I doubt that even Elizabeth May will speak out about this, although she is very knowledgeable.
But why would she not speak out? Politicians like Elizabeth May, who are rare, and who want to serve the people, may underestimate the capacity of the Canadian public to listen and understand relatively complex issues. This banking issue is the most important issue before us, as the droughts, the burning and flooding of our lands, and the non-stop global killer winds won’t lessen in any meaningful way until we get freed from the private bankers’ stranglehold.
This tiny group of people sit atop a pyramid of misery for increasing numbers of the world’s population and they are powerful. How did they get so powerful? Compound interest. On everything they touch. I mentioned last time that I would tell you about a recent ruling brought before the courts by a group called COMER. COMER (Committee for Monetary and Economic Reform) has turned to the courts for help in trying to overturn Pierre Trudeau’s decision in 1974 to turn over our Bank of Canada to the private banks. The first judge to hear COMER’S case characterized the claims as follows and were reiterated by Mr. Justice Russell in April, 2014 in federal court:
1.The Bank and Crown refuse to provide interest free loans for capital expenditures;
2.The Crown uses flawed accounting methods in describing public finances, which provides the rational for refusing to grant interest-free loans, and
3.These and other harms are caused by the Bank being controlled by private foreign interests. (my italics) date:20140424, Neutral citation 2014 FC 380, file numbers T-2010-11
The first judge struck down COMER’S claims, but Mr. Justice Russell saw it differently on appeal and ordered: (para 76 same hearing) ‘So, as regards the declaratory relief sought in this Claim, it is my view that the matters raised could be justiciable and appropriate for consideration by the Court…There is a difference between the Court declaring that the Government or the Governor, or the Minister, should pursue a particular policy and a declaration as to whether the policies they have pursued are compliant with the Bank of Canada and the Constitution. The facts are pleaded on these issues. Subject to what I have to say about other aspects of the Claim, the Plaintiffs should be allowed to go forward, call their evidence and attempt to make their case.’
So wow. The Bank of Canada is in court, fighting for its life, for the right to go back to serving the people. More next time.

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SMEAR JOB!!! : The Zionist Media’s Mendacious Battle to Control Canada’s Election Agenda By Arthur Topham

SMEAR JOB!!! : The Zionist Media’s Mendacious Battle to Control Canada’s Election Agenda
By Arthur Topham
September 29, 2008
Midway into Canada’s federal election the battle lines are clearly taking shape as voters across the country witness in anger and sad disbelief the Asper Media cartel’s unabashed smear campaign now being orchestrated against any and all candidates who don’t espouse views acceptable to the Zionist agenda for globalization, endless war, and the suppression of free speech.
Whether you are Green or Red or Blue the colour doesn’t matter. What is critical is that you must not come into this election bearing any present or past grievances toward either the Bush Regime, the Zionist state of Israel, the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq or the draconian federal laws prohibiting citizens from cultivating or enjoying a puff of that magic dragon cannabis.
Spearheaded by CanWest’s Asper media monopoly and its most zealous rag the National (Zionist) Post and aided and abetted by the persistent collusion of a motley hoard of rabid, pro-Zionist cyber hounds concealing themselves behind various ‘Christian, ‘Conservative and ‘Liberal’ blogkades, the search for the non-believers in the official lies of 9/11, the heathen apostates who have yet to prostrate themselves before the Zionist Israeli lobby now controlling Ottawa and the freaks who once, or still, smoke the cursed marijuana herb are all fair game in this Armageddon to control the mind-fields of Canada’s volatile electors.
Astonishing as it may appear to many voters the realization that Canada’s media is dominated by one small faction of Zionist extremists still remains a mystery yet is thee perennial problem that Canadians face in terms of discerning truth from lies when it comes to our so-called ‘independent’, mainstream media.
When Joe or Jane reader in British Columbia pick up their ‘news’ paper from their front step or the supermarket or corner grocery they basically have four choices: The Province, The Vancouver Sun, The National Post or The Globe and Mail. Of these four the first three are part of a monopoly that Vancouver writer and political commentator Robin Mathews once described as being one of the ‘sleaziest media concentration monsters in Canadian history: CanWest Global Communications’.
CanWest is owned by the Asper family, admittedly pro-Israel and thus, by definition, Zionist in terms of its political perspective.
Mathews also stated that Sociologist Larry Patriquin, after studying The National Post (2004), said of the Post’s material that it fits ‘the classic definition of propaganda’. It was, he said, ‘discourse in which incomplete information is presented to people with the purpose of distorting their view.’
In fact a reporter for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, in an analysis of CanWest’s propaganda machine, once commented that it was so slanted and biased in its political coverage that ‘Vancouver’s daily papers should be read at a 45-degree angle’!
The fourth choice, The Globe & Mail, while not apparently owned by the Zionists, might as well be for it follows suit with the former three in its editorial policies and is thus basically a clone of the Zionist cartel of the Aspers. In tandem they all work together to give a one-sided, pro-Zionist perspective on national issues and global politics, one that favours the US/Israel/UK agenda as well as the Harper government’s Conservative perspective on political issues.
In addition to the aforementioned, CanWest also owns Southam Publications whose daily papers include: the Halifax Daily News, the St. John’s Telegram, the Charlottetown Guardian, the Montreal Gazette, the Ottawa Citizen, the Windsor Star, the St. Catharines Standard, the Regina Leader Post, the Saskatoon Star Phoenix, the Calgary Herald, the Edmonton Journal, and the Victoria Times-Colonist.
As well, the Asper cartel owns 126 other daily and weekly papers across Canada. Here In BC these papers include: the Abbotsford Times, the Alberni Valley Times, the Burnaby Now, the Campbell River Courier-Islander, the Chilliwack Times, the Coquitlam Times Now, the Comox Valley Echo(partnership interest), the Cowichan Valley Citizen (Duncan), the Delta Optimist, the Harbour City Star, the Kamloops Daily News, the Lake Cowichan News, the Langley Advance, the Maple Ridge Times, the Monthly Star Homes, the Nanaimo Daily News, the New Westminster Record, the North Shore News, the Now Community, the Parksville/Qualicum Beach Morning Sun, the Pennyworth Shopper, the Prince George Citizen, the Real Estate Weekly, the Richmond News, the TV Scene, the Vancouver Courier, and the Westerly News.
This same Asper/Zionist media monopoly extends to television as well where the vast majority of Canadians get their political perspective on national and world events and includes the following televised media sources: Global Television Network (8 regional channels including Edmonton’s ITV and Vancouver’s VTV), Fox Sportsworld Canada, Lone Star, Deja View, Mystery Channel, CHEK Victoria, CHTV Hamilton, and CHBC Okanagan. They also own Fireworks Entertainment and 8 other foreign channels and numerous radio stations across the globe.
Now when you consider that an identical editorial (propaganda) perspective, such as the recent poison-penned hit attack upon Liberal candidate Leslie Hughes and the NDP’s Bev Collins by Jonathan Kay of the National Post is instantly peddled throughout this vast media network is it that surprising so many Canadians are overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the Zionist propaganda machine and find themselves thrown into cognizant disarray?
Those additional forces within the fabric of Canadian society who are pushing this pro-Zionist agenda, either wittingly or unwittingly, consists in the main of the following: The League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada, the Canadian Jewish Congress headed by Bernie Farber, the Simon Weisenthal Center and an assortment of pro-Israeli websites and bloggers such as , , the Liberal’s , , , Kathy Shaidle , , and so on.
Voters are being assailed on all quarters by a concerted effort on the part of a biased media monopoly to thwart the right of Canadians to choose their representatives without interference from an obviously parisan Fourth Estate.
As Dylan once prophetically wrote, ‘The line it is drawn, the curse it is cast’. Canadians, whether they wish it or not, are being forced to either suspend their disbelief in the freedom and independence of Canada’s media or else come to terms with the obvious.
There is only one reasonable solution and that is for all those political parties currently being affected to realize the trap they’ve fallen into and to then confront this mendacious media attack upon their candidates and expose the true agenda of the Asper empire. It will take courage and the will power to stand up for one’s beliefs but if our parties don’t confront this Trojan Horse now and expose it for what it truly is then the results will only be that much worse for the country in the long run.
Arthur Topham is the publisher and editor of the and lives in central British Columbia, Canada.
He can be reached at [email protected]

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Holocaustianity on the march By Brandon Martinez (Non-Aligned Media NAM)


When perusing YouTube last night, I came across a curious episode of the BBC debate show ‘The Big Questions.’ The topic of this one was ‘Is it time to lay the Holocaust to rest?’ It featured a coterie of Zionist Jews on one end and a dilapidated kosher-opposition on the other who shuddered in fear of the aggressive, hubristic Judeo-Nazis arguing that the ‘Holocaust’ should be memorialized and commemorated until the end of time. To those in-the-know on the Jewish question, this show will inevitably produce one of two effects: it will either make you vomit out of disgust at the insane narcissism of the Jewish participants, or it will cause you to seethe with anger that such obviously demented people are given such a prominent voice in the media to promote their toxic supremacist viewpoints.
The Jewish panelists on the show endeavored to convince everyone that the ‘Holocaust’ is a ‘unique’ and ‘exceptional’ event in history that has no equivalents. This claim is erroneous because all major historical events have some unique elements to them, so the same could be said about the Rwandan genocide, the Armenian genocide, Soviet-Communist atrocities, the Israeli-sponsored slow motion genocide of the Palestinians and other outrages. Despite their protestations to the contrary, those Jews who advance the alleged uniqueness and exceptionality of the Holocaust do so not because it was such in practice, but because they view its victims as unique and exceptional; they are, in essence, Jewish supremacists who believe Jewish casualties carry more weight than others, that Jewish blood has more worth than the blood of non-Jews. They pathetically tried to eschew such allegations on the BBC show, but their ethno-supremacist inferences are plain and obvious to those who can decipher Talmudic doublespeak. The former head of the Zionist-oriented Anti-Defamation League, Abraham Foxman, perfectly encapsulated this Judeo-supremacist notion when he said:
‘The Holocaust is something different. It is a singular event. It is not simply one example of genocide but a near successful attempt on the life of God’s chosen children and, thus, on God Himself. It is an event that is the antithesis of Creation as recorded in the Bible; and like its direct opposite, which is relived weekly with the Sabbath and yearly with the Torah, it must be remembered from generation to generation.’
From the Jewish vantage point, it’s obvious why they wish to elevate the Holocaust narrative to sacrosanct, cult-like status, and to keep it there for all eternity. It supremely serves the Jewish-Zionist interest to have the Gentile masses genuflecting at the altar of Jewish victimology. As Norman Finkelstein argues in his book The Holocaust Industry, the Holocaust story serves to bolster Jewish economic and political privilege and works simultaneously to subdue forces opposed to that privilege. In other words, it is a weaponized mechanism of Jewish power and advancement, wielded like a sledgehammer against opponents of Zionism and Jewish ethnic supremacism in our world; it works to shame and stigmatize all criticism of Jews, Israel and their malevolent actions. A former Israeli minister once said that invoking the Holocaust as well as the ‘anti-Semite’ canard are deceptive ‘tricks’ designed to stifle debate about Jewish-Zionist atrocities in Palestine and their disproportionate power in the West. Who in their right mind can disagree?
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Was that not the desired outcome of the Holocaust campaign all along, to weaken Gentile resolve in the face of Zionist domination as well as guilt-trip the world into fast-tracking the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine? It appears so, and is evidenced by many statements from Jewish leaders over the years, going back as far as the year 1900. That year seems to have been a coming out party for the Zionist clique hell-bent on conquering the world led by such tribalist fanatics as Rabbi Stephen S. Wise and Chaim Wiezmann, two ultra-dedicated Jewish supremacist activists who plotted for decades to bring about the creation of Israel. In 1919 Weizmann said that securing the Zionist dream would be achieved ‘through persistent propaganda, through unceasing demonstration of the life force of our people.’ He then issued an ultimatum to the world:
‘We will establish ourselves in Palestine whether you like it or not. You can hasten our arrival or you can equally retard it. It is however better for you to help us so as to avoid our constructive powers being turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the world.’

Two decades earlier at a Zionist meeting in New York, Rabbi Wise spoke of ‘6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism,’ a prescient remark that laid the foundation of what many have called the ‘Six Million Myth.’ The propagation of that myth did not begin at the close of the Second World War, but evidently in 1900 and even before that, by Zionists attempting to garner sympathy for their cause of establishing a Jewish state in a land mostly populated by Arabs.
Dating from 1900 to 1945, there are hundreds of examples of individual Jews, Jewish-owned newspapers and pro-Zionist Christians invoking the story of ‘six million Jews’ in grave danger of persecution or annihilation. I mentioned 13 glaring examples of this in my book Grand Deceptions, some of which are: the 1906 New York Times article reporting on the claims of Jewish activist Dr. Paul Nathan who alleged that six million Russian Jews were facing ‘murderous extermination’ by the Czar; the 1911 presage by Max Nordau, a prominent Zionist leader, who told his co-religionists at the Zionist Congress in Switzerland that six million Jews would soon fall victim to a campaign of genocide by European regimes; the countless references to six million victimized Jews during World War I, particularly the 1919 American Hebrew article which told of ‘six million Jewish men and women’ languishing in a ‘holocaust’ of hunger and despair; the 1936 pronouncement of Chaim Weizmann before a British commission on Palestine, where he said that ‘six million Jews’ were destined to death in Europe, and that their only refuge was ‘in the land of Israel’; another 1936 Zionist plea published in the New York Times which envisaged a harrowing ‘Holocaust’ of Europe’s Jews, the only remedy for which was said to be ‘the restoration of the land of Israel to the children of Israel’; a 1940 warning from World Jewish Congress chairman Nahum Goldmann who alleged that a Nazi victory in Europe would spell ‘doom and destruction’ for ‘6,000,000 Jews’; the December 1944 proclamation of Soviet propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg who floated the claim that ‘six million Jews’ had fallen victim to Germany five months before the war would come to an end in May of 1945, long before any accurate statistical data on war deaths could have been ascertained. Even after the war, a precise calculation of Jewish deaths would be impossible considering the contentious issue of what constitutes a Jew to begin with. Yet by way of some miracle the Jewish leadership knew it was exactly ‘six million’ before the last bombs and bullets of the war had reached their targets.
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The six million death figure is not rooted in any semblance of truth or fact, but rather in religious superstition stemming from the Kabbalah and gematria. The number six and variations of it is significant in that milieu. Mysticism and ‘magic’ is part and parcel of the Jewish religion, and manifests itself in the propaganda of the Holocaust narrative. The six million story was crafted by Jews transfixed with the Kabbalistic school of thought, which is why facts, evidence, logic and reason have no bearing on it no matter what it remains a stagnant, unalterable story etched in stone, and anyone who attempts to revise it, even slightly, is villainized as a ‘Nazi-sympathizer.’
Regardless of the massive official reductions in the death totals at Auschwitz, Majdanek, Mauthausen and other wartime camps (more than four million ‘victims’ have been excised from the official death total in recent decades), the six million figure is never altered, and is repeated again and again in schools and the media. Despite admissions from and exposé’s on prominent ‘Holocaust survivors’ proving that their recollection of events was embellished, exaggerated and in some cases outright fabricated, skeptics are smeared as ‘hatemongers.’ Notwithstanding the scientific studies of chemists like Germar Rudolf, which have severally undermined claims about homicidal gas chambers, questioning the central tenets of the story (the six million number, the gas chambers, the ‘final solution’ plan, etc.) is considered an unforgivable heresy and is stamped out with medieval fundamentalism. Does this not confirm that the doubters are on to something?
Jewish leaders seem to have an uncanny knack for foresight, unveiling a historical pattern of foreknowledge indicative of a conscious plan of intrigue coordinated over decades if not centuries. The aforementioned Rabbi Stephen Wise, who is described by the website of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum as ‘instrumental in obtaining President Woodrow Wilson’s support for the Balfour Declaration of 1917,’ predicted the election of Woodrow Wilson as US President and later became his advisor; the Zionist leader Max Nordau predicted World War I in 1903; as mentioned above, Zionists routinely anticipated the demise of six million Jews, and then declared six million Jewish deaths months before World War II had even ended; in 1962, David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, prophesied the establishment of a Jewish-led world government centered in Jerusalem where the United Nations ‘will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents’; in 1979 the founder of Israel’s spy agencies, Isser Harel, envisioned a terrorist attack upon New York City’s ‘tallest building.’ Is all of this uncanny prescience merely coincidental, or are these Zionist Jews political magicians who ‘make’ happen what they want to see in the world?
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The agenda behind the Holocaust promotion industry couldn’t be more transparent. Memorializing the Holocaust is ‘central to the new world order,’ Ian J. Kagedan, a spokesman of the Jewish-Masonic B’nai B’rith organization, wrote in 1991, adding that ‘achieving our quest of a ‘new world order’ depends on our learning the Holocaust’s lessons.’ Using coded-language, Kagedan spoke of Holocaust mythology as a sort of ‘new religion’ to be instituted worldwide that will function as a platform to launch a project for global Jewish hegemony, although the Zionists will disguise the scheme as a humanitarian endeavor aimed at ridding the world of war and calamity. In 1940, the British politician Arthur Greenwood announced that Jews would be granted a leading role in the construction of a ‘New World Order’ after the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II, a world in which alleged Jewish grievances would be alleviated by way of unrestricted access to power positions. We have seen many parts of that vision enacted according to plan.
If nothing else, the unsettling BBC program mentioned above should serve to motivate people to challenge the supremacist discourse of Holocaustianity. While doing so may jeopardize career prospects and social status, fighting this artificial, largely fabricated narrative is one of the principal liberation struggles of our time; one that will work to empower the dispossessed and perennially victimized Palestinians who continue to be slaughtered by Israel in droves (with the full support of Zionized Western powers), and also the peoples of the West who, for the last few centuries, have been used as tools for Zionist imperialism and whose own cultures have been degraded by these same forces.
Copyright 2015 Brandon Martinez
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Drawing inspiration from the Non-Aligned Movement, especially the organization’s rejection of illegitimate global power structures, Non-Aligned Media (NAM) exists to expose, in particular, the negative outgrowths of the global Zionist-American Empire. Founded by journalists Brandon Martinez and Joshua Blakeney, the aim of NAM is to cut through the spin and deception of mainstream media and uncover truth in history. Not shackled by the political correctness which permeates the mainstream, NAM seeks to tackle the ‘taboo’ subjects that have been relegated to the fringes by the powers that be, emphasizing the real forces behind war and globalism. Reoccurring themes of NAM include: False-Flag Terrorism, The Israel Lobby, The Mainstream Media, Hollywood and Zionism, Historical Revisionism, Supposed ‘Just Wars’ Historically and Contemporarily, Ethnic Exceptionalism: Who Can be Ethnocentric and Who Cannot?, Race & Cultural Relativism, The Globalization of the Israel-Palestine Conflict, Thought-Crime Legislation and the State Regulation of History, Theology and Supremacism, The Geopolitical Battles Over the Middle East, Joshua Blakeney, Nationalism versus Internationalism.
Brandon Martinez can be contacted by email at: [email protected]
Joshua Blakeney can be contacted by email at: [email protected]

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The Biggest Threat to Canadian Jewry is Zionism by Arthur Topham


The Biggest Threat to Canadian Jewry is Zionism

by Arthur Topham
August 25, 2008
The following article is a response to Ezra Levant’s recent attack upon Brother Nathanael Kapner who operates an anti-Zionist website out of the USA called Levant’s article, ‘What is the biggest threat to Canadian Jewry?’ found at was posted Aug. 22, 2008. In it he poses the question, ‘What do you think the biggest threat to Canadian Jewry is in 2008?’ and then goes on to slander and demean the owner of RealJewNews. The following is my reply to Levant.
The biggest threat to Canadian Jewry in 2008 Ezra is the perverted and dangerous Zionist influence emanating from the likes of yourself, Mark Steyn and those of the deluded, mind-controlled ‘Christian’ Zionists who have been brainwashed into believing that Zionism is somehow representative of true Christian values and symbolizes such idealistic illusions as the lie that the state of Israel is a beacon of freedom and democracy in the Middle East.
When you further make statements like the following, ‘Luckily, Canadian Jews have leadership that is bold and decisive in tackling the issues and problems that matter to Canadian Jewry.’ I would hasten to add, and where, pray tell Ezra, is this ‘leadership’ that you boast of? Could you be subtlely referring to your own ego-induced, Zionist-influenced perspective on reality? Have you now finally succumbed to the dillusion that you are one of the upcoming ‘chosen’ leaders of Canada as per the statement of your former mentor Michael Walker of the Fraser Institute who once remarked in the Preface to your first book, Youthquake, (1996) , ‘It is written by one of the brightest student interns ever to work at The Fraser Institute. It is important because of the insights it provides into the mind-set of the next generation of Canadian leaders. For, certainly, Ezra Levant is going to be a Leader.’ [emphasis added. A.T.]
As I wrote in my critique of your ‘Jews for free speech’ article on July 4, 2008, Free Speech for Jews: A Critique of Ezra Levant’s ‘Jews for free speech’ article ‘Well Ezra, if you are going to be a ‘Leader’ here in Canada then you are going to have to hit the books some more and get a much firmer grasp on the issue of Political Zionism and learn how this alien and anti-Christian Talmudic doctrine is affecting the Canadian landscape. It behooves you to understand the primary motives of those who are determined to turn this nation into another Communist gulag.’
You go on to write:
‘And for Leo Adler of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the biggest threat to Canadian Jewry is an ageing hippie and former rock musician named Milton Kapner. As the name suggests, Kapner is Jewish. And he’s American. According to a story in the Boston Globe, he’s homeless, and lives in his Buick.
Kapner has gone a little nuts, so he calls himself Brother Nathanael. Check out that glove — that’s my favourite touch, along with the 220-volt beard.’ [please see Levant’s site for images. A.T.]
Such puerile, prejudiced comments Ezra are precisely what identifies you as a proponent of political Zionism and as such a bigot and a coward of truth. Considering your own nerd-like profile displayed on your site I would hardly think it either intelligent or advisable to be demeaning another person for the way they look but then that’s the standard Zionist approach (or ought I say reaction?) whenever someone challenges the fundamental Talmudic underpinnings that mark and exemplify the twisted and deceptive and dangerous tenets which comprise the Zionist political ideology. If you can’t shoot the messenger, which is the standard Mossad methodology used by Israel in Palestine and elsewhere, then you do your damnest to vilify and demean them with as much ad hominem abuse as your limited imagination can muster in the vain hope that others will then fall for your ploy and not actually read and think about the information contained in Brother Nathanael’s postings.
I already know, from reading the rudimentary rantings contained in your little Fraser Institute propaganda booklet, how you view the hippie generation so it comes as no surprise that you would be doing your best to smear people such as Brother Nathanael and myself (a die-hard hippie of the first degree), but to think that you can merely get away with it because you’ve created for yourself a small audience of like-minded bigots who’ve fallen for your calculated rhetoric is a grave error. I’ve been exposing the likes of your ilk from before the time you were born and so if you think you are so self-assured and righteous that you can verbally shit on those who’ve laboured in the fields of the Lord for decades in order to bring forth true fruit, unblemished by centuries of Zionist Jew lies and deception, well, my son, your are sorely confused and mistaken.
The inference in your ego-bound remarks regarding Brother Nathanael is that he has ‘gone a little nuts’ because he decided to forego being a ‘Jew’‘ and instead turned his vision and his faith toward Jesus Christ. Now most of your followers are likely as ignorant of the Babylonian Talmud as (possibly) you are but I, being neither a fan of yours nor unaware of what your Jewish ‘bible’ the Talmud teaches with respect to Christianity, don’t fall for all the bullshit that you’re attempting to spread around the internet regarding either the motives or the moral worth of a fellow Christian Brother such as Brother Nathanael Kapler.
I know from studying your Talmudic teachings that there is likely only one thing that Jews hate more than Jesus Christ and Christians in general and that is a fellow Jew conspirator turned apostate. Death by any means possible and preferrably the slowest and most excruciating, is too good for someone who turns away from the inherent hatred and pathology contained in the Talmud to consign their soul to the loving embrace of Jesus Christ. Your attacks here are living proof of this practice, one that has been ongoing within your Talmudic traditions for thousands of years now.
Apart from your vile attempt to discredit Brother Nathanael by questioning the sanity of his conversion to Christianity your additional bileous build-up of the former traitor and henchman Simon Wiesenthal is equally revealing and pathetic. Illustrating once again the bigotted, deceptive nature of your purpose you portray the Simon Wiesenthal Center as some laudable organization yet on the other side of that forked tongue of yours you bad-mouth and piss and moan about Ricardo Warmouse and his attacks upon your good person, not stopping (apparently) to think that this same organization, constructed by Zionist Jews for the sake of enhancing Zionism ambitions in the post-war period by this known Nazi-collaborator, has been hosting and training and supporting Warmouse for years.
If you are so damned concerned about Warmouse being a threat to freedom of speech in Canada then you ought to be presenting the evidence to your readers that shows this phoney bastard Simon Wiesenthal for the fake that he was rather than giving us the same old, same old propaganda that the Zionist media has been flaunting on the Canadian (and world) public for years. Better you mention Jules Deschenes’ comments regarding Wiesenthal in his ‘Commission on War Criminals, 1986’ rather than the smoke and mirror b.s. you’re presently pushing. Give people facts Ezra not Zionist spin and more lies and misinformation.
To call the adle-brained head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Leo Adler, a ‘brave leader’ is on par with calling any of the present and former war criminals who led and lead the false Jewish ‘state’ of Israel ‘brave’ leaders. They’re nothing but a bunch of murdering, lying, atheistic psychopaths who deserve to be in jail for their incessant criminal activities over the past sixty years and all the indiscriminate killing and torture and destruction that has plagued the Palestinian people ever since Zionism began its nefarious incursions into Arab territories under the pretentious false flag that they only wanted to create a‘spiritual’ homeland for Jewry and not a nation state of racist bigots and power-crazed warmongers.
You go on in your zio-screed to further accuse Brother Nathanael of being ‘anti-Semitic’ and in doing so attempt to extend and legitimize one of the greatest of Zionist-induced deceptions ever to grace the stage of 20th and 21st Century history. The Semites are Arabs Ezra and you can bet your bottom dollar that you and the vast majority of your pro-Zionist followers, Jew or otherwise, don’t possess a milliliter of Semitic blood in either of your veins. So cut the propaganda crap about ‘anti-Semitism’ because we know who the Semites are and we know why you use this ruse to stymie discussion of important issues; issues that Brother Nathanael presents exceedingly well on his increasingly popular website known as Not bad I should think for a homeless hippie who lives out of Buick, eh?
Like Brother Nathanael I’ve had my own website shut down on short notice due to the machinations of the likes of B’nai Brith Canada and it’s a bloody crime and one that no publisher ought to be subjected to, so I can appreciate the hardship that Brother Nathanael had to endure.
In closing I’ll just add this. In my former critique of your article on ‘Jews for free speech’ I made the comment that I had not seen any proof that you were a supporter of political Zionism. Well, now that I’ve read these recent attacks upon Brother Nathanael that confirmation is clear. For all your future ballyhooing about freedom of speech and the Human Rights Commissions and the evils thereof I shall henceforth view your motives as suspect and your words as duplicious lies designed to further supplement the gross abominations that have already plagued the gentile world with misery, death, wars, destruction and pollution ever since the inception of this satanic cult of Zionism began poisoning the minds of humanity at the turn of the 20th Century.

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Once and For All: Historian Ursula Haverbeck Destroys the 6 Million Jewish Holocaust Lie on German MSM TV

Commentary from :
In one of the most amazing events to occur in occupied Germany since the second world war Historian Ursula Haverbeck made history in a defiant interview in which she openly trashed the very basis of the lie upon which all modern European social democratic states have been built. The elderly historian, brought into question the moral integrity of all Western political parties and academic institutions, exposing the official account of the second world war and the Holocaust for the lie it was on a television station which is the second largest in the world after Britain’s BBC.
Millions of surprised Germans sat on the edges of their sofas and gasped as for the first time in their lives the truth about the second world war was brought into their living rooms as the second largest broadcaster in the world took the risk of being shut down for the illegal offense of transmitting Holocaust denial by the criminal transnational Jewish financial occupation regime in Bonn.

fotoflexdeuer_photoARD (full name: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Consortium of public broadcasters in Germany, details below at name) is a joint organization of Germany’s regional public-service broadcasters. It was founded in 1950 in West Germany to represent the common interests of the new, decentralized, post-war broadcasting services in particular the introduction of a joint television network.
The ARD is the world’s second largest public broadcaster after the British Broadcasting Corporation, with a budget of €6.3 billion and 23,000 employees.[1] The budget comes primarily from the licence fees every household, every company and even every public institution like city governments are required to pay. For an ordinary household the fee is currently €17.98 per month. Households living on welfare don’t have to pay the fee. The fees are not collected directly by the ARD, but by the Beitragsservice (formerly known as Gebühreneinzugszentrale GEZ), a common organization of the ARD member broadcasters, the second public TV broadcaster ZDF, and Deutschlandradio.
[Editor’s Note: One of the greatest propaganda attempts against Germany was the book Germany Must Perish! written by an American Jew by the name of Theodore N. Kaufmann in 1941 in order to build up hatred toward Adolf Hitler and the German nation.
This book was the subject of a satire written by myself titled ‘Israel Must Perish!’ wherein I exposed the obvious Germanophobia that was being perpetrated against the German people by the Jewish owned media of the day.
Subsequent to the satire’s publication online the Jewish lobby in Canada (B’nai Brith) filed a Sec. 319(2) ‘Hate Propaganda’ complaint against myself and my website which resulted in my arrest and incarceration back in May of 2012. That case is now in the B.C. Supreme Court awaiting trial.]

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Radical Press: Status Update

RP:STATUSUPDATEHDRDear Radical Press reader,
It has been close to a month now since I last posted an article. This is a rather long time given the usual amount of information regularly furnished to the site and it requires further explanation.
Since the end of April I have been caring for an older brother of mine who came down with a serious case of melanoma (skin cancer). Being on his own and handicapped and living in North Vancouver I had little choice but to spend a great deal of time away from my home in Cottonwood, B.C. (approximately 700 km NE of Vancouver).
My dear brother David passed away on July 1st and since that time I’ve been dealing with all the legal matters associated with his death. All of this has taken a heavy toll on my time and energy and prevented me from carrying on with my normal line of work, i.e. exposing the Zionist New World Order agenda and defending myself against the spurious, politically-motivated Sec. 319(2) CCC ‘hate crime’ criminal charges that were brought against me back in May of 2012 thanks to the machinations of B’nai Brith Canada and its agents working for the Jewish lobby.
It was during one of my trips to the coast that I attended the hearing being held in the B.C. Supreme Court in Vancouver in June. That event and the outcome of it will be the subject of my next Legal Update. Suffice it to say here that the judge hearing the case, Justice Butler, declined to allow the Charter challenge to proceed prior to the pending trial set for October 26th, 2015.
What this means is that the case will proceed to trial although it is still uncertain as to whether or not the actual date set will remain fixed. This is due to the fact that now that the Charter application has been refused and the majority of the funds raised in order to pay counsel to represent me at the hearing are exhausted I am faced with having to raise another substantial amount of money in order to retain counsel for the actual trial in the fall. What that amount will be is not determined at this point. My current counsel was acting on my behalf on what in legalese is called a ‘limited retainer’ which means that he was hired only to deal with the Charter application. The trial itself, which could run for ten days, will require additional funding upwards of possibly $40,000.00. The exact amount is still undetermined at this stage but it means that I will have to re-apply for another Rowbotham application in order to assist me in paying the cost of hiring counsel.
The procedure for doing a Rowbotham was initiated back in June when I approached the local Legal Aid office here in Quesnel and, as per their unreasonable policies, was refused based upon the amount of donations that I was receiving at the time. I then wrote to the provincial office in Vancouver requesting that they reconsider their decision and I am currently awaiting word from the head office. When they reply and refuse me a second time (which they inevitably do) then I can proceed with the Rowbotham application. Time of course is running out and it does take time to jump through all the legal hoops involved in applying for funding in this manner for the Attorney General’s office is not about to assist me in hiring counsel when, at the same time, they are hell-bent on convicting me of this spurious, politically-motivated ‘hate’ charge. So the outcome of this next stage of developments is still very tentative and uncertain. If I cannot come up with the funds then I will be left with only one recourse and that will be to represent myself.
My GoGetFunding account is still active for those who may wish to assist in helping me to defray the cost of retaining their constitutional right to freedom of speech here in Canada. It will be a tough row to hoe to raise another $35 to $40 thousand dollars to fight this Zionist-created creature in the courtroom but one way or another the challenge must be met if Canadians wish to retain their most valued and fundamental right.
One final word on the planned Legal Update. I’m still not sure of my schedule over the next month or so as I am awaiting word from the lawyer who is dealing with my brother’s estate. I am currently at home but could be forced to return to North Vancouver any day and then my ability to focus on the update will undoubtedly be delayed.
My apologies to readers for all of this extra hindrance and the lack of posts. Hopefully this will return to normal in the next while.

Arthur Topham
The Radical Press
Canada’s Radical News Network
‘Digging to the root of the issues since 1998’

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When the lie is the law and the truth is a crime by John Kaminski

AMERICA1KAMINSKIWhen the lie is the law and the truth is a crime
By John Kaminski
[email protected]
When I first heard that ex-Gen. Wesley Clark was calling for the indefinite detainment of people who disagreed with the policies of the U.S. government, I immediately called my travel agent. OK, they don’t have travel agents anymore, but he imagines he’s one. If the government was going to arrest everyone who opposed what it was doing, I would definitely need to hightail it out of here.
Then I actually heard the actual statement by Clark, and calmed down a little. He was talking about Muslims shooting off guns in the United States and killing Americans, so at that point I felt a little better about the remark he made. And if he wanted to include undocumented illegal aliens who rape and kill Americans, I would feel better about it still.
Even better yet would the death penalty for all dual citizens of any country, because dual citizenship is treason by definition.
What made me queasy initially about the Clark remark was when I first heard of it, Clark was proposing everybody opposed to U.S. government policies should be put in jail and held indefinitely, and if that is ever going to be imposed on the American people, I’d be out of this country in a day and half because I am definitely opposed to U.S. government policies, and I already know that our megalomaniac president has already written an executive order claiming he can arrest anyone he wants and kill them if he likes without ever offering an explanation.
So America as we have known is definitely a thing of the past. The U.S. is now the 21st century version of the Soviet Union, with Jews running everything, just like in the days of the gulags. America has its own gulags now. They’re called FEMA camps.
Now, America is just a bloodthirsty war machine looking to steal everyone’s valuables, including those of its own citizens.
But the whole gist of what the estimable ex-Gen. Clark was saying was wrong. (Despite his Wasp name, Clark is descended from a long line of rabbis; he also commanded the incineration of the Branch Davidians at Waco.)
Except for visitors from other countries who are here for a short period of time, everybody who is in America permanently should be an American, no matter where they’re from. If someone is an American who is working against American interests, they should be kicked out, not put in jail (Jonathan Pollard excepted; he should never get out; in fact, he should still be executed).
Which leads us to a broader view of the whole question of who it is actually working against American interests.
The people who oppose the policies of the U.S. government should be left alone and listened to for the legitimate criticism they have. The people who create and implement the policies of the U.S. government are the ones who should be put in jail, for the incalculable crimes they have committed against the American people and the peoples of the world.
The U.S. government is a bunch of crazed, Jewish-controlled mass murderers who are even willing to rob and kill their own fellow countrymen for a modest profit. Every cop in America should be fired for not blowing the whistle on these psychopaths. The people running the U.S. government have slowly sabotaged the American republic throughout the 20th century, and currently are pillaging the world — no, not for the benefit of the American people, but to send tribute to their masters in Israel, who plan on the destroying the U.S. once they have destroyed all their immediate neighbors in the Middle East..
The entire Bush administration should be put in jail for letting 9/11 happen, then lying about it, then lying some more to create wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that never needed to happen. What are the penalties for the mass murder of a million people for reasons that today are easily provable as premeditated? Bush and his twisted flunkies should suffer the worst possible penalties. Instead, his sinister baby brother is running for president. As a signer of the notorious PNAC document, Jeb Bush should also be in jail.
If Wesley Clark wanted to put me jail for saying that, he would be proving what I have been saying for a long time. If you try to tell the truth in this upside down world today, they put you in jail; whereas, if you’re willing to lie about current events and assist in the needless deaths of many hundreds of thousands of people, you’re liable to get very, very rich.
Your choices today are to believe the government’s fairy tales or be imprisoned indefinitely. This is the Wesley Clark way, no doubt enthusiastically endorsed by our illegal alien homo president Barack Obama, whose entire administration should also be put in jail for multiple cases of mass murder and funneling millions to his friends for no particular reason (I know, everybody does it).
Even though Americans have been propagandized to believe Muslims are trying to take over the world (which like most other religions, they actually might be trying to do), the truth of the matter is that they have plenty to complain about concerning the criminal campaign of the United States and Israel to destabilize and ravage all Islamic countries throughout the world.
You only have to consider the wreckage of nations that have been attacked by the Jewish war machine to realize Muslim counterattacks, no matter how symbolic they might be, are utterly justified. Would that Americans themselves have the moxie to oppose their corrupt government as bravely as those who are willing to risk everything to protest the criminal carnage that most Americans willingly ignore.
You only have to realize that Muslims were falsely blamed for 9/11, and understand who was really responsible for it.
Think of all the dead innocents in Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere that have been caused by this bogus War on Terror, when the terror itself is generated by U.S. war machine directed by Jew psychopaths, and most Americans pretend it’s not even happening.
And Wesley Clark, who has done his share of unconscionable murdering in both Serbia and Texas, has the nerve to say those who oppose this homicidal rampage that has the whole world intimidated by fear, that they should be jailed indefinitely or worse, well, that’s what America has become, not America at all, only the newest version of the Jewish Soviet Union, in which the new gulags are called FEMA camps, and where the protections of the Constitution, which were once the envy of the world, are now just a long forgotten fantasy.
Hear more about Wesley Clark’s recommendation to put truth tellers in prison and other atrocities of the New World Order on Clayton Douglas’s Free American show at

‘We’re in danger from the very people we are trying to warn,’ because they refuse to believe that Jews control America and are busily working to destroy it.
John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.

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