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Free Speech for Jews: A Critique of Ezra Levant’s ‘Jews for free speech’ article by Arthur Topham


On May 4, 2008 the Jewish Canadian blogger and former publisher of the Western Standard magazine Ezra Levant ran an article on his website called, ‘Jews for free speech.’ In it he appears to formally distance himself and many other ‘individual’ Jews from the machinations of the unholy trinity of Zionist Israeli mole operatives working behind the scenes of Canadian politics and known respectively as the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada, the Canadian Jewish Congress and the Simon Wiesenthal Centre.
Drawing upon the names of many well-known Jewish writers and media personalities like David Frum and Noam Chomsky, Levant gives his readers the impression that a distinct philosophical, if not spiritual, dichotomy exists between these independent-minded individuals and the likes of the BBC, CJC and the SWC who he disdainfully refers to as ‘the Official Jews, the Professional Jews, the Jews Who Are Jews for a Living’.
On the surface Levant’s criticisms give the impression that, yes, these individual Jewish ‘mavericks’ are definitely not cut from the same cloth as the rest of the ‘self-chosen’ sufferers who continually flog themselves in their traditionally masochistic manner before the Canadian public, moaning and crying afoul about the eternal threat to their ‘physical and psychological security’ as Levant states. But this is not the full story of what is currently happening within either the ‘Official Jew’ camp or the camp of Jewish ‘free speechers’ that Levant would have the general public believe is far removed from the proponents of media censorship and the infamous Sec. 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act.
After doing his utmost to distance himself from these ‘professional’ Jews Levant eventually comes to the crux of his argument contained in the‘ADDENDUM’ section of his anti-‘Official Jew’ screed wherein he attempts to prove to his readers that it is not just that the ‘free speech’ Jews find Sec. 13(1) unsavory but that the ‘anti-Semites’ are now using this draconian, post 9-11 insertion into Canadian jurisprudence as a ‘weapon against us.’
Of course the ‘anti-Semites’ alluded to are not the likes of myself and or , two independent, Canadian alternative media ‘goy’ sites, who the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada have complained to the CHRC are ‘spreading hatred toward Jews and citizens of Israel’. No, that wouldn’t be kosher on the part of Levant or Steyn or his other adherents to give any additional media attention to them because, especially in the case of, the evidence of the root involvement of the Zionist forces at work within the fabric of Canadian society and government is too well documented. For Levant and his supporters it is imperative that the public not get the impression that there may be something much more sinister contained within the ‘Zionist’ factor in terms of the overall censorship equation that Canadians are now dealing with in this latest Zionist public relations campaign designed to heap abuse, racism, disinformation and responsibility upon the Muslim community for the woes of all those who are now victims of said Sec. 13(1) legislation.
It’s my assertion that this is all smoke and mirrors designed to smother and obfuscate, in a further PR initiative, the ugly face of Zionist ideology and keep it hidden away from the Canadian public’s aroused curiosity in this sudden chain of events where we are seeing Jews being highlighted in a scam of massive proportions. The tables have been turned and the shells suddenly flipped over and lo and behold how the exposed culprits in question are squirming and skittering about, frantically trying to conceal their true identities!
Throughout it all though one must never forget that the whole superstructure of Zionism rests upon one fundamental tenet: deception of all non-Jews whoever and wherever they may be. If, as others are suggesting, Ezra Levant is, in fact, a Zionist (I personally haven’t seen any admission of this to date) then whatever comes out of his mouth must be measured against the yardstick of truth about what Political Zionism really represents, not only in terms of Canada but in terms of the rest of the world, for it is the globe, as primary target, that is now, and has been for the last century and more, directly in the sights of the Zionist’s propaganda gun barrel. To deny this or dismiss it as ‘conspiracy theory’ (another Zionist catch-all phrase designed to further deceive earnest seekers after truth in history) is to fall further into the trap that the majority of Canadians have lived all their lives; a trap for the most part so subtle and invisible that average Canadians never realize the magnitude or the identity of the chains that have held them in mental and financial servitude throughout their lives.
Let us be quite clear about some things which Levant isn’t saying. It was the ‘Official’ Jewish lobby groups who have been responsible for sneaking into legislation the infamous Sec. 13(1). It was the former Zionist Jew ‘Canadian’ Minister of Justice, Irwin Cotler who was, and still is, behind this Zionist infiltration of our federal government, aided and abetted by the overwhelming preponderance of Zionist Jew Supreme Court Justices within our federal judiciary who have worked with deceptive diligence in bringing about all this draconian legislation which they, in their typical Talmudic, elitist hubris, never thought might backfire on them at some point in the future.
These are the culprits in this maniacal melodrama who, now that they’ve been caught with their proverbial pants down, are attempting to shine, with full, high-beam intensity, their media floodlights into the eyes of the Canadian public in yet another attempt to blind us, like innocent deer upon a midnight highway, into believing that it’s all the fault of those ‘jihadists’ and ‘terrorists’ from Iraq and Iran and Palestine and Afghanistan and elsewhere that Canadians are now having their basic human right to freedom of speech threatened. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Warmouse, who is but another dupe for these Zionist forces, will eventually get caught in the crossfire and crash and burn along with all the other front men and women like Dean Steacy and Sandy Kozak, et al. It’s an age old, repetitive story for those who’ve taken the time to research the wonders that comprise this ancient Pharisaic, Talmudic scheme to destroy the sovereign nation states of the world and along with it create yet another final and global holocaust, only this time one where the Zionists get the deluded, mind-controlled ‘christians’ to take up arms against the people of Mohammedan faith in a mutual conflagration of fire that will supposedly fulfil Biblical prophecy and, unbeknownst to the christian dupes, usher in a New World Order of Zionist Jew dictatorship and global slavery.
Part of this subterfuge is Warmouse’s suing of Levant, the National Post, its editor Jonathan Kay, and four of Canada’s most fanatical and pro-Israel Gentile bloggers, Kathy Shaidle, Kate McMillan and Connie and Mark Fournier who, as Levant so graciously states, are part of the free speech loving Jew’s ‘righteous Gentile allies’.
When all this complaining of hatred toward Jews and citizens of Israel first came down upon my head back in November of 2007 and I became aware of other blogs also being harassed. One of them was Connie and Mark Fournier’s forum known as ‘’. I registered on the site and as a contributing member and a N.T. Christian, I felt morally duty-bound to try and alert my fellow brothers and sisters to the forces ultimately responsible for the legal dilemma that they were caught in.
It quickly became apparent that was not as ‘Free’ as it touted itself to be. What was most obvious were the Israeli flags flying everywhere and the standard ‘6 million’ victims of the Hun propaganda flashing before one’s eyes. Like all things Zionist it wasn’t what it purported to be. It wasn’t a true Christian site but in actuality a pro-Israeli, pro-Zionist disinformation site designed to further the aims and aspirations of the Zionist Jews who had control of the minds of its members. I soon noted that anyone who expressed anything contrary to the Zionist line of linear, apocalyptic thinking, was usually browbeaten and intimidated into some small corner where they eventually slithered out under the door and disappeared from sight. Immediately upon my mentioning Zionists the attacks began in earnest and I was treated, as all Zionists treat real Christians and non-Jews, like a leper and a deluded ‘wing nut’ and ‘conspiracy theorist’, etc. *
Being earnest, polite, civil and dedicated to serving truth I ‘Gentilely’ persisted in my efforts to debate the issue of Zionism. The result? First denial, then rage and ad hominem epithets and mutterings and complaints from members about usavory sorts such as myself being allowed on the forum and then finally, unceremoniously, I was banned from the site without warning by the good ‘christian’ folks who run it. I now refer to it as the ‘’ forum. Another victory for the Zionist infiltrators of the true Christian faith. Sad but, alas, true.
Levant, of course, for all his rhetoric about the other Jews who are lovers and defenders of ‘free speech’ and throughout all his tirades against the ‘Official’ Jews and the Muslims, somehow always fails to mention that when Ernst Zundel was being high-jacked out of the USA and incarcerated here in Canada and tortured and abused by Canadian authorities and then sent off to rot in a Zionist-Jew controlled German dungeon that we heard diddley squat from these so-called lovers of ‘free speech’. The same when Malcolm Ross was being dragged through the courts and abused and mistreated. The same with Doug Collins and Terry Long and Paul Fromm and Mark Lemire and David Icke and all the other nameless (white, non-Jewish) victims of this Boshevik/Zionist ‘Star Chamber’ charade who have been intimidated and fined and jailed and harassed and abused and bad-mouthed and vilified and libeled by these same Zionist forces who own and control our so-called ‘Canadian’ mainstream media and have used it as a weapon against Christian and non-Jewish dissidents for decades upon decades.
Now, all of a sudden, in the tinkle of a keyboard, we have all these ‘free speech’ loving Jews who are suddenly and pompously and adamantly filled with righteous indignation over the fact that some of them and their deluded lackeys are being subjected to the very same injustice that the rest of us have had to suffer in vain and silence for years and years. This type of behaviour, is, I would humbly suggest, stuff of which bigotry and hypocrisy are made of.
Finally. After all his hullabaloo about the ‘Official’ Jews Levant still has the chutzpah to attempt one last defence of the B’nai Brith, one of the oldest and most provocative and sinister Jews-only masonic organizations ever to grow legs and arms and wield its censorship club about the North American continent. These so-called ‘Children of the Covenant’ are, as Jesus Christ so aptly put it, of the ‘synagogue of Satan’, ‘vipers’ and ‘serpents’ and ‘hypocrites’ who will use whatever method of calumny and vituperative sleaze available to them to libel and harass and imprison and silence those who criticize their racist, apartheid policies being carried out in the ‘ ‘spiritual’ homeland’ of Israel; land stolen via the same nefarious methods from the Arab people of the Middle East.
But, alas, I cannot, at this point and in good conscience, condemn Ezra Levant fully for some of the errors he is making. Whether it is conscious on his part or just plain ignorance of all the facts I truly do not know. He is a young man of 36 years, the same age as my oldest daughter and when I was 36 I too was unaware of the degree of involvement in global politics that the Zionists actually represented. It took me close to sixty years to finally figure it out so in that context there is always hope that a bright young man like Ezra Levant, a protege of The Fraser Institute, will eventually learn the error of his ways. As Michael Walker, Executive Director for said organization once remarked in a Preface to Ezra’s first book, Youthquake, (1996) published when he was just 24 years of age, ‘It is written by one of the brightest student interns ever to work at The Fraser Institute. It is important because of the insights it provides into the mind-set of the next generation of Canadian leaders. For, certainly, Ezra Levant is going to be a Leader.’
Well Ezra, if you are going to be a ‘Leader’ here in Canada then you are going to have to hit the books some more and get a much firmer grasp on the issue of Political Zionism and learn how this alien, anti-Christian Talmudic doctrine is affecting the Canadian landscape. It behooves you to understand the primary motives of those who are determined to turn this nation into another Communist gulag. Not just for the sake of those ‘individual’ Jews who love ‘freedom of speech’ but for the rest of us non-Jew Canadians who also cherish these very same ideals.
* Editor’s Note here: It should be understood that although Connie and Mark Fournier did ban me from their forum they later relented and we were able to cooperate on other matters dealing with the censors off the forum. This article was written prior to then and now six years later Connie and Mark are still battling with those who were, then, attacking Ezra Levant.

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How the Canadian Human Rights Commission violates the rule of law by Ezra Levant (with commentary by Arthur Topham)

[Editor’s Note:
An interesting dynamic is developing around the CHRC drama now unfolding here in Canada.
Prior to Ezra Levant and Mark Steyn being dragged, kicking and screaming, into a public foray that had, hitherto, been the sole arena of mainly white, Christian players, overall publicity surrounding cases of HRC abuse was heavily influenced in a negative way against the victims, be they Malcolm Ross or Doug Collins or Canada most heinous example of all, that of Ernst Zundel who now rots in a German prison cell thanks to the despicable machinations of the Canadian courts, the HRCs, the Canadian Jewish Congress, the League for Human Rights of Bnai Brith Canada and their various political courtiers and syncophants. Along with the disgusting actions of these government agents one needs to also include the mainstream media which inevitably joined in the vileness and the calumny associated with such attacks. The media of course, being for the most part exclusively owned and controlled by Zionist Jews, relished roasting Zundel upon their monopolist spit while at the same time enhancing the brainwashing of Canadians into further belief that Zundel was somehow an imminent threat to Canadian security.
Now, for some strange reason (possibly karma or divine retribution?), the tables have been turned and for the first time (from what Ive been able to glean) we have two Jewish stars on the rise in the new firmament of political correctness who are reluctantly on the defensive rather than the usual offensive as has always been the case with complaints of this nature in the past. As Levant states below concerning Marc Lemire chart of HRC victims, even though he finds Lemire website to contain white supremicist overtones he nonetheless could not find fault with Lemire research that proved only white, mostly Christian people were the recipients of HRC vendettas.
But did Levant then go on to elaborate upon how many of those cases such as Malcolm Ross and Doug Collins and Ernst Zundel were instigated by Jews from either the Bnai Brith or the Canadian Jewish Congress or the Simon Weisenthal Centre or some other Jewish organization? Good gosh no! What purpose would that serve other than to draw the public attention closer to the ultimate source of all of this conflict in the first place. No, better to divert people attention away from the Jews and ultimately their Zionist-induced agenda and onto their pet peeve of the day, the radical Muslim Jihadists and any others of similar ilk lurking about the fringes of truly mainstream, Canadian society.
Why, Levant bemoans, arent the HRCs going after radical Sikh secessionalists and Tamil Tigers and the traditional lineage of white, ethnic Christian victims like Ross and Collins and Zundel and Lemire and Topham and other similar poor shleps instead of making center-jobs of such noble, law-abiding Jews like Levant and Steyn? Why indeed. As Levant goes on to state, with respect to the forementioned Arab/Muslims, the media has already done such a bang up job of convincing Canadians that these groups are the real terrorists and danger. In his words, There is no shortage of news on each of those groups…. There never is in the Zionist-controlled media but there is also never a mention of those Jews and/or Jewish organizations who lobby and connive endlessly to superimpose their own political agenda upon the overall Canadian landscape.
So now we have HRCs with a sudden and new twist and a challenge to the very instigators of such tribunals. Blowback time? The time of the Quickening? It will be very interesting to see how Levant and Steyn go about thwarting their illiberal enemy and keeping the real culprit in this game of deception (Political Zionism) hidden from the masses of Canadian internet users while they battle the very monster that they themselves created.]
How the Canadian Human Rights Commission violates the rule of law
By Ezra Levant
The opposite of the ‘ rule of law’ is the ‘ rule of man’. Canadians love the rule of law so dearly because it makes us feel safe: we know what to expect in life; we know if we follow the rules, the police won’t capriciously arrest us. There will be no knock on our door in the middle of the night. We won’t be arrested without a proper reason. The rule of law gives us confidence when we deal with the state and its officers, even its policemen, even its prime ministers. Because we know that they are our servants and that, if anything, they are bound by more rules than we are. They only hold the power that we give them, and they only hold it in trust for us.
We are strict with our police; maybe even too strict, but that’s a better error to make than being too lax. Besides Internal Affairs officers within police departments, we have additional layers of scrutiny. For example, Ontario’s Special Investigations Unit  does nothing but investigate police who are accused of abusing their powers. Canada answers Juvenal’s question Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ? pretty well.
(As a student at law, I attended a hearing of Alberta’s Law Enforcement Review Board , the body that considers complaints against Alberta police, ranging from the farcically trivial to the most serious. I was impressed — and frankly, a little bit irritated — at the lengths the province went to ensure fairness. As an example, complaints against officers from Calgary were heard in Edmonton and vice versa, to reduce the risk of collusion or even collegiality between police and those who were investigating the police. The particular day I was there, some nuisance complaints filed by prisoners were being heard. It was clear to me that besides the thrill of causing a hassle for the police and for the justice system in general, the prisoners in question had simply found a way to get out of jail for a day and travel, at taxpayers expense, to a hearing in which they were the center of attention.)

But it’s not just the police who are countered with enormous checks and balances. The other half of the ‘ Law and Order’ duo is hamstrung, too. For example, prosecutors are generally not allowed to tell a jury about an accused’s prior criminal convictions at his trial, unless the accused is foolish enough to claim that he has sterling credibility, or otherwise opens the door himself. This might seem frustrating to those who are ‘ tough on crime’, but cool reflection tells us such information would likely so overwhelm a jury’s views about an accused that they would be likely to convict him even if he were innocent of the new accusations, simply on the weight of the old ones. Even convicted criminals have the right to be treated as innocent until proven guilty when they’re charged with new crimes. That’s a form of rule of law, too. It’s not just that the high and mighty (like Eliot Spitzer!) are bound by the strictures of the law; it’s that the lowly and odious are given the benefits of the law, too.
Another example in this vein — and I assure you, dear reader, that I am coming to my point — is that of the ‘ rape shield’ law . It’s an expression of the rule of law, too. Just as the general rule against adducing evidence of an accused’s prior criminal record is done to give even past criminals a fair trial, the rape shield law was designed to give sexually promiscuous women — such as prostitutes, for example — a level playing field when they accuse a man of rape. If any and all of a woman’s past sexual history was admissable in court, it could prejudice a jury against her in a current case of rape — that is, her past behaviour could overwhelm the current facts at hand, and falsely acquit a man charged with her rape. I’m not well-versed enough in criminal law to know if the courts and legislatures have found the right balance here — given that the rape shield law almost exclusively benefits women to the detriment of accused men, it has been called a feminist law that unfairly undermines men’s legal rights. I don’t know enough to have an opinion on that, but my main point remains: in the name of the rule of law, our police and courts go to great lengths to make sure that everyone has the same benefit and burden under law, no matter their personal characteristics or past behaviour.
Which is all a lengthy introduction to this stunning internal Canadian Human Rights Commission document posted by Connie Fournier of Free Dominion. Here’s her analysis. And here’s mine:
Andrew Guille filed a ‘ hate messages’ complaint with the CHRC. He complained that a website called , run by an ‘ anti-hate’ group, contained hateful messages that contravened section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, by discriminating against people based on race, colour, national origin, religion and sexual orientation.
So what happened? Did the ‘ anti-hate’ group in question, with all of the bigoted remarks on their website, become the first defendant ever to be acquitted in a section 13 trial? Or did Guille pull a Ricardo Warmouse — slam-dunk a bigoted website and collect a few thousand dollars for bringing the complaint to the CHRC’s attention?
Neither, actually. The CHRC refused to take the matter to a tribunal hearing, ruling it a frivolous complaint. But look at the grounds upon which this complaint was dismissed: Andrew Guille, said CHRC investigator Dean Steacy, is the ‘ sibling of both Melissa and Chris Guille’, who Steacy implies are racist. Steacy — whose job it is to investigate complaints of bigotry — indeed conducted an investigation. But not into the website and its hate messages. He investigated Guille himself. Steacy met with Sgt. Don McKinnon of the London Police Force to get the low-down on Guille; he spoke with ‘ anti-hate’ activists with their own axes to grind and books to sell. None of this was done under oath; none of this was done with Guille there to cross examine his defamers (or to challenge McKinnon’s right as a government employee to disclose Guille’s personal information without permission). But even those offensive procedures aren’t the point: the point is the CHRC simply wouldn’t accept a complaint from someone they didn’t like, for the most tenuous and circumstantial reasons.
Even if their hunches and their gossip was right — even if Guille was, himself, a racist — so what? If a website is bigoted, isn’t it the CHRC’s job (an immoral job, an improper job, but their job nonetheless) to investigate it? Does the offensiveness of the site in question depend on the character of the complainant? Is the question of whether the Canadian Human Rights Act, a law of Parliament, is violated depend on who brings an alleged offence to the attention of the commission?
Compare that sloppy, vindictive, capricious standard to the aforementioned lengths real police and real prosecutors go to, to ensure that the law is applied evenly to all citizens. What Steacy has done here is exactly the kind of arbitrariness the rape shield law was designed to prevent. If a prostitute complains that she was raped, it is improper for the police to say ‘ she has no standing to complain about rape’ or ‘ we know that, in the past, she has consented to sex with strangers — no use investigating.’ An even more exact analogy would be if a convicted rapist complained of having in turn been raped himself. That would not excuse the police from ignoring the rapist’s own complaint.
The CHRC isn’t governed by the rule of law. It is governed by the whimsy of men — in this case, Dean Steacy, who himself admits to making anonymous posts on bigoted websites .
Which is the other half of the broken system here. Put aside Guille; what about, the hateful ‘ anti-hate’ website in question? Steacy’s memo acknowledges that the site indeed had hateful words on it — including copies of CHRC complaints filed by Ricardo Warmouse, which themselves contained bigoted remarks. But Steacy exculpates those sites by stating that the purpose of the website was to ‘ educate the public about racism’. That may well be true, but the Canadian Human Rights Act doesn’t care about such nuances. Section 13 of that law makes it illegal to communicate ‘ any matter that is likely to expose a person or persons to hatred or contempt.’ It doesn’t talk about ‘ intentions’ at all; and, as I’ve lamented before, the truth of the statements made is not a defence, unlike in defamation law in real courts.
The test isn’t good or evil intentions. The test is whether the words are ‘ likely to expose’ someone to feelings of ‘ hatred or contempt’. The rule of law would hold, and indeed Ricardo Warmouse, whose complaints were on that site, to the same standard as the person who originally wrote the hateful words. To excuse them because they have noble intentions is Steacy injecting his own personal views or friendships or biases into the law, which the law does not permit.
By the way, I happen to agree with Steacy on the narrow point that there is a difference between someone uttering a bigoted comment as an epithet, and someone else repeating that epithet, simply by listing it in a complaint (as Warman did); and someone else who writes a report of the whole thing ( But that’s not what the law says. The law doesn’t care about anything other than the likelihood of hurting someone’s feelings, which is one of the reasons the law is so dangerous.
If merely reporting on a controversial communication was acceptable, then surely my own decision two years ago to report the news of the cartoon riots, including showing the cartoons in question, would have been equally lawful, and the complaints filed against me for doing so would have been ruled ‘ frivolous and vexatious’, as Steacy ruled Guille’s complaint against to be. Or at least you’d expect that, if there was a consistency in these human rights commissions — if there was rule of law, instead of rule of men.
If these commissions were governed by the rule of law instead of the rule of men, Ricardo Warmouse and Dean Steacy themselves would be charged with violating section 13, because the Act gives no weight to intentions, and both men have posted on bigoted websites — Warmouse ending many of his posts with a symbol for ‘ Heil Hitler’. If these commissions were governed by the rule of law instead of the rule of men, Mohamed Elmasry, the Jew-hating bigot who filed a complaint against Maclean’s magazine, would be charged with a section 13 violation himself, for publicly excusing the murder of Jews in Israel.
Marc Lemire has compiled a chart of every section 13 decision . One of the line items in his chart is the ethnicity of the respondents — 100% of them are white. When I first saw that chart, I was uncomfortable with that data, especially given the white supremacist overtones of Lemire’s site. But with that caveat said, it is still a fact: not a single radical Muslim jihadi has had a section 13 trial; not a single radical Sikh secessionist; not a single Tamil Tiger supporter. There is no shortage of news on each of those groups, just to pick three. But none have been taken before the CHRC tribunal — even though, unlike the poor shleps who have been, those three groups have actually gone beyond mere words into violent criminal acts.
There are many things I know now that I wouldn’t have likely believed a few months ago, before I stared spelunking around the caves of the human rights commissions. I would never have believed that human rights ‘ officers’ would go around anonymously planting bigoted comments on websites — I would have called that a nutty conspiracy theory. But then I saw the CHRC staff and Ricardo Warmouse admitting under oath to doing just that.
And, before reading Dean Steacy’s memo on the Andrew Guille complaint, I would have thought that the CHRC runs itself at least along some basic concepts of natural justice . Now I know better.
As a lawyer, I know and accept that not all decisions by the government should be made as formally and rigorously as in a real court of law. But even the most trivial administrative tribunal needs to have basic rules of fair play. I really cannot think of a single element of fair play and natural justice that the CHRC has not violated. And, unlike so many other arms of the state, the CHRC has terrifying powers, from their official powers to fine people and subject them to life-long publication bans (surely an illegal ‘ unusual’ punishment under our Charter), but also their unofficial punishments, such as their abusive, costly processes themselves.
There is not a drop of doubt in my heart or mind: Canada’s human rights commissions, with their illberal mission of political censorship and their perversion of the rule of law, have become a grave threat to our human rights. We simply must stop them.

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KARMA: Ezra Levant, Zionism & the Politics of Deception by Arthur Topham

The recent November 27, 2014 guilty ruling by Justice Wendy Matheson in the defamation lawsuit against Sun News Network’s Zionist Jew propagandist Ezra Levant by Khurrum Awan a Muslim Canadian lawyer came for many as a surprise and a grave disappointment.
What this reflects for those caught up in the deceptive rhetoric of Ezra Levant and his background support network of international Jewry (and those not), is that there are within that sector of people paying attention to Canadian and global politics, two schools of thought when it comes to the issue of freedom of speech or expression; one that sees Levant as the leading spokesperson for freedom of speech and another which views his actions or behaviour as that of the proverbial Trojan Horse interposed within the Jew media monopoly in order to serve the needs, not of Canada, but of the Israeli agenda which, ultimately, means the ideology of Zionism.
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One aspect of the case which emerged and that played a crucial role in determining to what extent Levant had defamed Khurrum Awan, was the perennial ploy of the Jews and their monopoly media cartel to fling the accusation ‘anti-Semitic’ at anyone who so much as brushes up against their holy of holiest shrines, the state of Israel and its atheistic Zionist ideology. Anything that could possibly relate to that issue, no matter how tangential in nature, should it be deemed critical in any way of the assumed supremacist and racist nature of the Jews-only state, automatically ensures that the author of said critique will be subjected to this self-chosen epithet in order to demean and vilify the writer or speaker and thus render him or her persona non grata in the eyes of the general public and unworthy of further respect or attention.
This method of dealing with Zion’s critics has a long and infamous history; one that for the most part has worked extremely well over the past century and longer to silence and discredit opponents of the Jewish conspiracy for global hegemony. This is why the ruling in Awan/Levant libel case has suddenly and so succinctly delineated the possibility that such success may be on the wain, a very real, shocking and threatening thought for those who have been so adept at flashing that card and automatically expecting to trump any argument presented by the non-Jewish or gentile critic no matter how legitimate, logical or truthful.
This same reaction to Justice Matheson’s ruling could easily be compared with the former controversial sec. 13 Canadian Human Rights Code legislation that was the subject of heated debate for many years until it was finally repealed by the Harper government in 2012 when his handlers (the Jewish lobbyists) realized that such a specious law was in fact a double-edged sword that could be, and was being used against not only the gentile population of critics of Zion but also the Jews themselves.
That said, in the case of myself, another longstanding victim of Levant’s similar bellicose and libellous accusations of being ‘anti-Semitic’, the ruling came more as a pleasant surprise and along with that sense of satisfaction the hope for a possible turnaround of a decades-long systemic pattern of legal misfeasance on the part of Canada’s judiciary when it comes to finding anyone of Zionist Jew persuasion guilty of a crime (other than that of child porn which is fairly common).
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The reaction by the Zionist media was expected and throughout their news networks and affiliated blogs the feigned cries of outrage were heard resounding across the msm and over the internet. Why this should come as such a shock to Canadians merely illustrates the power of the Zionist press and its tv media to instil their version of ‘political reality’ into the minds of unwary readers and viewers.
Why decent, thoughtful people should be overly upset by the fact that Levant was found guilty of defamation is, in itself, disconcerting given his years of promoting the Zionist agenda of spreading lies and hatred about the Muslim people at the behest of his Zionist controllers who continually feed his fragmented ego and fill his purse with scheckles; an agenda designed to build up a much greater and lethal game plan of inciting the whole of Western nations into a frenzied, unfounded and pathologic hatred of Muslim nations as the pretext for endless, imperialist wars against the people of the Middle East.
For those who haven’t figured out what Zionism is yet (other than the Zionist’s version), coming to terms with Judge Matheson’s decision will be difficult to understand and accept and it’s only through a greater understanding of who Ezra Levant really is that one can begin to fathom the depth of deception that the Canadian public has been subjected to over the past seventy years of media and judicial transgression that has left our nation bereft of any reliable and truthful reference point from which to reasonably and intellectually access what’s going on in our world of politics and law.
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I’ve been following Levant’s meteoric rise to fame and misfortune ever since 2007 when I became embroiled in the sec. 13 drama after B’nai Brith Canada (a Jews-only secret masonic organization) filed a complaint against myself and my website in November of 2007 with the Canadian Human Rights Commission seeking relief for discriminatory publication under prohibited grounds caught by Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act claiming that, to wit: ‘The premise of this complaint is a contention that Arthur Topham of Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada and his internet publication known as contrive to promote ongoing hatred affecting persons identifiable as Jews and/or as citizens of Israel.’
It would be advisable for readers to take special note of the last three words in that complaint as they illustrate in no uncertain terms what the Jewish lobby here in Canada wants to establish as law NO CRITICISM OF ISRAEL! Their same modus operandi is now in play in my current Sec. 319(2) criminal charge of promoting ‘Hate Propaganda’ toward ‘people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin‘.
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There is so much more to be said about Ezra Levant and the reasons why he’s been elevated to the status that he now holds in Canada’s media and how it ties in with the Harper government, the racist state of Israel and the global pursuits of Zionist juggernaut that wants control of everything from our personal data to the final say in every law and decision ranging from the local to highest branches of international governance on the planet.
I will leave readers with a list of my own critiques of this Zionist stooge who the msm has employed for years to voice the agenda of Israel under the guise of freedom of speech in Canada. Maybe after reading further those still in awe of this Zionist double agent for Israel will come to see him for what he truly is, a traitor to Canada just like his co-conspirator Stephen Harper.

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Comments on Ezra Levant’s article ‘What can be done?’ by Radical Publisher Arthur Topham

What can be done?
By Ezra Levant on January 16, 2008 7:29 PM
Comments on Ezra Levant’s article by
Arthur Topham
The Radical Press
January 18, 2008
Re: these comments were posted on Ezra Levant’s site at:
Dear Ezra,
Greetings from another Canadian publisher who is also battling against the Beast that you refer to in your article, ‘What can be done?’. As a fellow recipient of a complaint registered against both myself and my website with the Canadian Human Rights Commission and received on November 20th, 2007 I would have to submit that my case is probably the latest in a rather long list of individuals and organizations and publications who have come under attack by these quasi-judicial body.
As you have asked for advice regarding this matter I thought it appropriate to proffer some from what I have gleaned over the past years of study and research that relates to this issue. There are some basic differences between your case Ezra and many of the others who have been either harassed, intimidated, fined, silenced or jailed due to the decisions of this politically-motivated body of censors. These will become obvious as run through your article but for the moment let us look at your recommendations for dismantling this quasi-infrastructure that tends toward tyranny rather than openness and trust.
You are absolutely correct in saying that there is an urgent need to alert the general public to the misconceptions that the vast majority of Canadians are suffering under when they think of Human Rights Commissions. They have, as you so poignantly state, become a sword rather than a shield to protect those within our society who are treated unjustly. Where you and I might disagree is in recognizing who is wielding that sword and why they are thus motivated to do so.
You state, truthfully, that these commissions aren’t ‘normal’; that it is ‘not normal to haul publishers before the government to ask them about their political thoughts. It’s not normal for a secular state to enforce a radical Muslim fatwa against cartoons.’ I could not concur more fully with this perception. They are, in fact, abnormal and, like abnormal cells within a body, inherently a danger to the organism as a whole, in this case Canadian society in general. The business of government is to ensure that the free flow of ideas continues uninterrupted, for it is within such a process that governments evolve into greater and greater egalitarian entities thus both preserving our sacred, democratic ideals and rights and ensuring greater justice for all Canadian citizens.
I also find myself agreeing with your assessment of these HRCs as being counterfeit and casting false shadows of genuine authority and legitimacy that ultimately will end up maligning Canada’s judicial integrity; one I might add, that is already in a precarious position for many Canadians.
What you refer to as ‘denormalizing’ I would prefer to term ‘debriefing’ because it is my contention that these commissions were set up specifically for partisan purposes; ones which the Canadian public needs to understand in much greater detail in order to fully realize why they were created. All the details regarding this position are outlined in detail in my own ‘‘Response’ to the CHRC which I submitted to them on January 3, 2008. The complete text of this Response can be viewed on my website at
Again, you rightly state that most Canadians have never heard of these ‘human rights commissions’ but I would suggest that there are specific reasons why this is so and why these undemocratic, draconian, ‘Star Chamber’ entities perform their ‘show trials’ in secret and beyond the pale of the press. You use the example of the ‘German Democratic Republic’ which you say, ‘was neither Democratic nor a Republic’. I, in turn, would choose another country and say the Democratic State of Israel, which is not a democracy but in reality an apartheid, racist, totalitarian state. Like you say, it sounds good to state that it is a democracy like Canada and the USA and elsewhere but when the mask of media propaganda is removed the real face presents a rather stark and differing countenance than what our mainstream media intentionally portray.
With respect to the blogosphere or the Internet again you are bang on the money in terms of the immediacy of information transferal. This is what makes the net an anarchistic medium free of any centralized control and what ensures that each and every person’s perspective is guaranteed a hearing if they are capable of procuring a computer and a ISP. The www is the ultimate form of democracy in terms of freedom of speech. But it also presents a clear and present danger to the vested interests who now own and control the older forms of communication i.e. the printing presses, radio and television and it is these institutions that are now clearly feeling challenged by the free access of opinion and information.
You mention that your YouTube videos have been viewed by 320,000 people thus far. In my own case I did not have video material to assist me but nonetheless I still had my keyboard and access to some of the largest alternative news outlets on the web today. Prior to sending my Response to the CHRC I made the decision to not go the route that Neville Chamberlain did with Hitler and try to appease the censors but instead chose to send my thoughts and defense to the millions of readers who inhabit the Cyberian landscape known as the Internet. In this way I knew that my position with respect to these clandestine and dangerous entities would be exposed beforehand. When and and ran my article, KILLING THE HUNDREDTH MONKEY: The Battle for Control and Censorship of Canada’s Internet by the B’nai Brith and the Canadian Jewish Congress, within hours millions of readers had access to the contents of my Response to the CHRC. That, I suggest, is a form of immediate redress and justice which one will not find in any similar quarter within the bureaucracy of Ottawa or the offices of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and their illegal and unjust Tribunal system. Obviously it doesn’t guarantee a fair hearing in the matter (considering the parameters within which these commissions operate) but it does alert the public to the manner in which the commissions function and that is a first step in the debriefing process that is necessary in order to implement the requisite changes.
You go on to highlight two central qualities of these commissions. First off they erode values such as ‘freedom of speech, freedom of religion and diversity of opinion’ which you contend is their mission. You further state that this is ‘unCanadian’. I would go one step beyond that and say that such a purpose is undemocratic, unconstitutional, totalitarian and fascist and inimical to everything that Canadians both fought and died for and value as supreme in their lives.
Your second point about ‘fairness’ is concomitant with your first and needs no further explanation.
You then go on to discuss how you have posted some of the more egregious examples of decisions these commissions have come to, especially in Alberta, and also make mention of the many complaints under the ‘hate’ section contained in Sec. 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act. That is the section under which my complainant Harvey Smarba, B.C. representative for the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada has submitted his spurious contention that I am spreading ‘hatred toward Jews and citizens of Israel’ via my website.
Your mention of Ricardo Warmouse is most appropriate under these circumstances and I am surprised that in this regard you haven’t made mention of the very recent decision in the Warmouse v. Lemire case which occurred on January 15th of this year. The most dramatic disclosure and the one most damning to the CHRC itself was, as Marc Lemire states in his Press Release, ‘the admission by Dean Steacy, the chief internet investigator for the CHRC [that he] tried to entrap me in 2006 on Stormfront using the alias ‘Jadewarr’. This means that EVERY single party against me (on the Merits of the case) at one point tried to entrap me. Ricardo Warmouse using the alias ‘Pogue Mahone’ tried to get me to say stuff about him and attempted to engage in me conversations on Stormfront. I smelled a rat immediately, and I wrote ‘who is this, Terry Wilson or Ricardo Warmouse?’ Boy did I have foresight! It was indeed Ricardo Warmouse. With the retaliation provisions of the CHRA, getting me to say stuff could have meant huge fines.’ The details of this federal case can be found at
All things considered Ezra your goal to rid the nation of these Soviet-style ‘commissions’ is most laudable indeed. While Prime Minister Stephen Harper did refer to these HRCs as totalitarian he did so prior to becoming the Prime Minister and it is still uncertain as to whether or not his thoughts on this matter are the same as before. There are serious backers and lobbying agencies within the federal government who have strong, vested interests in maintaining these commissions as they tend to act as watchdogs for government policies, especially foreign policy.
As for your ‘to-do’ list for legislators, while you may think it is possible (and I kind of doubt that you do) to people these commissariats with unbiased individuals who wouldn’t be tempted to exploit them for political purposes I don’t think it would work. The nature of the Beast itself precludes it functioning in any non-political fashion.
Your point 3 ‘Introduce an amendment to the human rights acts to protect freedom of speech and thought’ is worthy of consideration but I’m not convinced that all the media would favour such a proposition. Much of Canada’s mainstream media is already riddled with major bias due to the monopoly situation under which our media currently operates and were such freedoms protected it would mean that the general public would now feel much more assured in openly advocating for greater accountability in this area and that is something the mainstream monopoly does not want to deal with. I fully agree that the public would want it and they do expect it regardless of what now exists.
Point 4 regarding the Tribunals again calls for greater debate. We can’t afford, in these times of rapid changes and imminent danger from every quarter, to take intermediate steps when it comes to freedom of speech. We either must claim it and stand by it or else continue to be victimized by unaccountable partisans. Respecting this I thought it rather amusing that you said it wasn’t just ‘pruning’ but ‘digging it out by its roots’. The motto of my former newspaper and my current online website is, ‘Digging to the root of the issues’. Seems our convictions intersect at this point.
Point 5 (Abolish both the commission and the tribunal) is of course the only sensible and realistic solution to the unsavory problems that these censors pose. Whether it’s Christians expressing their views on homosexuals and same-sex marriage, or Jewish publishers publishing cartoons that Muslims find offensive, or, as in my case, non-Jewish news networks and writers criticizing the ideological underpinnings of Jewish-created Political Zionism and its effects upon the Israeli state and the Palestinian people, all of these issues are part and parcel of living in an open society which values the ideas and opinions of all of its members. As the infamous American writer and social critic Edward Abbey put it, ‘The best cure for the ills of democracy is more democracy’.
I would end my free advice to you on this issue by saying that in my own experience, receiving the amazing support which I have since publishing my Response on the net, not only from Canadians but from people around the world, by far the vast majority of people do not want or need these guardians of political correctness and prefer freedom over repression.
Good luck in your continuing adventures Ezra.
Arthur Topham
The Radical Press
Canada’s Radical News Network
[email protected]
‘Digging to the root of the issues since 1998″
I would also like to add a plug here with respect to my financial situation. I’m still unable to work steady due to the amount of time and energy required to deal with this matter. Donations have been coming to me and I’m feeling rather awed and humbled by people’s generosity. Unfortunately I’m still very much under the gun in this respect so if it is possibly please send either a M.O. or a Cheque or Cash to:
The Radical Press
4633 Barkerville Hwy
Quesnel, B.C. V2J 6T8
If you include your email address I will contact you to let you know I received your mail and also be able to thank you personally.
Arthur Topham
Radical Press

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THE PROFIT EZRA LEVANT: Saviour of the Christians by Arthur Topham

One of the primary stratagems of Zionism to control, misdirect or destroy the agendas of governments, political parties, religions, associations, organizations, unions or businesses is to plant one or more of their agents into the ranks and use the ‘terrible power of their purse’ (as Zionism’s founder Theodor Herzl once wrote) plus the Jew’s network of sayanim organizations, to co-opt the objectives of the group and ensure they are in line with the Jewish program for global dominance. This is their modus operandi as revealed in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and it has been standard practise throughout the world for centuries prior to the emergence of the overt World Zionist Organization in 1897.
Foremost in this plan to control the goyim (all non-Jew nations and people) and their governments is the ability to direct and manipulate information and ideas on a mass scale. The medium that allows the Jews to accomplish this end is, of course, the Press. Bearing this in mind it warrants revisiting what is stated in the Protocol No.2:
‘In the hands of the States of today [recall that this was written over a century ago. Ed.] there is a great force that creates the movement of thought in the people, and that is the Press. The part played by the Press is to keep pointing our requirements, supposed to be indispensable, to give voice to the complaints of the people, to express and to create discontent. It is in the Press that the triumph of freedom of speech finds its incarnation. But the goyim States [Canada, USA, Europe, et al. Ed.] have not known how to make use of this force; and it has fallen into our hands. Through the Press we have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in the shade; thanks to the Press we have got the gold in our hands, notwithstanding that we have had to gather it out of oceans of blood and tears. But it has paid us, though we have sacrificed many of our people. Each victim on our side is worth in the sight of God a thousand goyim.’
It is here within this category of Jewish power and influence that we find Ezra Levant playing out his role as agentur of the Zionist plan. His mission, fully in keeping with the objectives of the Talmudic priesthood who now control Canada’s media, economy, banks, culture and the Harper Conservative government (along with all the rest of the federal political parties) is to swoon and sway and dominate and divert public attention in the direction that his Zionist masters deem necessary for the benefit of their long range plans.
In fact Ezra Levant, noted early in his lifetime for being a precocious, silver-tongued devil and worthy Marxian mouthpiece for the Zionists, was groomed while yet a young man (by the right-wing Fraser Institute) to fulfill just such a role within Canadian society and thus far he’s been relatively successful in deceiving and duping and misleading and deluding Canadians, including a number of Christians, who have yet to grasp the full intent of what the Zionists have in store for them once their power play is completed.
Touted by the Jew media from day one as Canada’s leading defender of ‘freedom of speech’ and given every opportunity via the Jew publishing houses that dominate the Canadian publishing world to print and promote his books plus a special, high profile television program (the Source) on the Jew controlled Sun News Network, Ezra Levant’s position of influence has been steadily enhanced via stealth and deception to portray him, in the eyes and minds of the people, as the great defender of the Canada’s democratic rights and freedoms.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Ezra Levant is first and foremost a committed Jew and a staunch defender of the political ideology known as Zionism, the very same diabolic philosophy that drives the racist, supremacist state of Israel and defends its ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people and the theft of their land and resources. As well, Zionism is but the latest evolvement of the Marxist philosophy of Communism, another form of Talmudic trickery that has, since its inception, been anathema to all things Christian. The best example of Zionism’s dogma, when it comes to Christianity, is to consider the fact that when the Marxist Jews were successful in taking over the reins of government in the former Russian Republic in 1917 (with vast sums from Rothschild’s purse) they then went on to slaughter close to 66 million Russian Christians including committing the most ghastly and gruesome torture of Christian nuns and priests since the French Revolution.
And now this wolf in sheep’s clothing; this viper-tongued bigot and hypocrite; this unabashed, unrepentant Jew-media-created impostor is posing as the great defender of British Columbia’s Christian Trinity Western University and it’s struggle to gain accreditation for a law school! Do these modern-day Pharisees never let up? Does their arrogance know no bounds?
When Trinity Western University (TWU) first came to public prominence I received an email from someone (other than Levant) asking me to sign a petition in support of TWU. The site was called I checked it out to see if there were any Jews involved in it. I couldn’t detect any evidence that there were. There was no indication on the site or in the petition that Ezra Levant had his dirty little fingers involved in it. So I signed it. Soon thereafter I start getting emails directly from Levant bewailing and bemoaning the fact that there are ‘anti-Christian extremists’ trying to ‘blacklist the school’ and that ‘anti-Christian bigotry’ is rampant across the nation and that all those 14,543 Canadians who signed the petition in good faith should now start digging into their coffers and send a donation ‘to promote our website’!!!
Ah yes, let’s dig a few more shekels out of the pockets of the dumbed down goyim and make Ezra Levant appear to be the saviour of the Christians.
That’s how it works folks. Strange indeed how suddenly, when a Christian university runs into legal problems with the establishment there are no Christian spokespeople willing and capable of standing up and speaking out and lobby for support? We need a Zionist Jew to speak for us and lobby for us instead? Of course when the media itself is Jewish then they will decide who gets the media attention. I mean, after all, as Levant states in his latest fund-raising screed, ‘Look, we’ve got to win this fight. It’s about freedom, and that’s everybody’s business.’
No Ezra it’s not about freedom it’s about more bullshit lies coming from the Zionist Jew Press all designed to make charlatan schmucks like yourself look good in the eyes of Canadians and also make people think that you and your tribal ilk actually give a rat’s ass about the fate of Christians. The Jews have never put anyone before them especially the Christians. Your tribe of Pharisaic Rabbinical psychopaths murdered Jesus Christ and his followers two thousand years ago and millions more in between and now you’re attempting to brainwash Christians into believing that you’re actually concerned about them and their institutions? And you’d like us Christians to send you money too?
Now that’s chutzpah Ezra. That’s chutzpah.

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Fighting for Zion and the Freedom to Brainwash Canadians with Ezra Levant by the Radical Press Parody Dept.

[Editor’s Note:
The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Ezra Levant is the word hypocrite. A self-chosen champion of ‘freedom of speech’ this big mouthed bigot loves telling his dumbed down goy followers how he’s fighting for their right to free expression while all the while he’s suckering them in for donations to cover his court costs incurred by his own vicious acts against Canada’s Muslim community that have gotten him in the legal hot water he’s now stewing in.
Just like his Zionist cohorts in the Zionist controlled news media Levant has spent years spewing forth his hatred toward the Muslims following the old, worn-out agenda of Israel to get the Christian nations of the west battling with the Arab nations of the Middle East so the Jews themselves can sit back and rake in the money spent on armaments and military loans and watch the stupid goy murder each other out of ignorance.
This is the same bigot who, when the Crown finally laid charges against me for ‘promoting hatred against people of the Jewish faith’ back in November of 2012, rather than defend my freedom to express my opinions on political issues here in Canada, chose instead to vilify my name and my work on the Sun News Network by libelling and defaming my person and spouting off all sorts of blatant lies about me on a media reaching around the globe.
Now that he’s been caught up in his own web of lies and deception and he finds himself in the legal hot seat he’s crying the blues and asking Canadians to stand by him and support him and pay his bills so that he’ll be able to continue shooting his yap off on tv and calling down the Muslims and the Indians and the rest of Canadians who happen to stand in the way of these psychopaths getting their way in whatever criminal action they choose.
Here is a prime example of his bigoted brain at work. On his please help poor me blogsite Levant posts the following notice about the person who’s taking him to court, accusing him of practising ‘the soft jihad of ‘lawfare’, which he defines as ‘the abusive practice where lawsuits are filed against critics of radical Islam just to harass them and silence them….’
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Just stop for a moment and think about that. This is precisely what the Zionist Jew lobby groups here in Canada have been doing against their fellow Canadians for the past sixty years now. It’s been lawsuit after lawsuit laid against Canadians who’ve been critical of the racist, apartheid, criminal actions of the supremacist state of Israel and never once did we see Levant or any of his fellow Jew bigots ever stand up for these people. Never. In fact the Jew lobby groups like B’nai Brith Canada and the Canadian Jewish Congress and now the newly formed treasonous organization the Centre for Israel & Jewish Affairs are the major antagonists involved in trying to shut up the whole goddam country so that only they will be able to lie and cheat and deceive the country into doing whatever they decide we, the people, ought to do for them.
Then this brash psycho bigot attempts to convince the gullible people of Canada that he’s being ‘targeted’ because of his last seven years fighting for ‘freedom of speech’ and now he needs their help when in truth, he’s spent the last seven years and longer calling down and abusing and slandering the real freedom fighters here in Canada like the late Doug Christie and Ernst Zundel and Doug Collins and the many other non-Jew individual bloggers and publishers and writers who’ve been abused and jailed by the likes of these two-faced duel-citizen Jew lobbyists who only have their home and native land of Israel in mind whenever they attempt to take away the rights of normal Canadians such as myself. It’s these very same Jew organizations that have been on my ass for the past seven years and when did we ever see or hear the bigot Levant take a stand on my behalf? Never. Whenever my case did come up it was always Levant who was the first to sling the old bullshit epithets of the Zionists my way, calling me an ‘anti-Semite’ and a ‘Jew-hater’, etc. Now he acts like he’s been the advocate of everyone here in Canada and fighting for all our rights.
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The big mouthed bigot has now come out with a newsletter that he’s sending out to all of those who he’s duped into believing that he’s going to be Canada’s shining knight and save us all from the censors. He’s calling it, ‘Fighting for Freedom’. Below you’ll see what I’m calling it in my parody of his first edition.]
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Welcome to the first edition of ‘Fighting for Zion’ — my weekly newsletter! I’m using the e-mail address that someone said you once typed into a website similar to mine requesting to be signed up for just such a newsletter. If you don’t want to be on the list too bad, it won’t hurt my feelings as I’m used to blurting out all sorts of bullshit spam propaganda on the Sun News Network and on my own anti-Muslim/First Nations/Goyim hate show, ‘The Source’ where I get to open my gaping flap-trap and call anyone and everyone down who may happen to be standing in the way of the Rothschild-controlled Zionist agenda for global take-over.
Of course that means ANYTHING that one of the cattle (i.e. ‘goyim’ or non-Jew), happens to say which we can then use our Zionist controlled mainstream media to begin a smear campaign against so the rest of the herd of gullible Canadian goyim will start to see them them as either a ‘terrorist’ or a ‘racist’ or a ‘hate monger’ or a ‘wing-nut’ or an ‘anti-Semite’ or a ‘neo-Nazi’ or a ‘white supremacist’ or ‘Jew-baiter’ or…Jehovah forbid… a ‘holocaust denier’ and a blatant committer of ‘hate crimes’ and cringe in fear lest they also be accused!
But I hope you do stay subscribed because if you click ‘unsubscribe’ on the link at the bottom it won’t work anyway and actually just adds your email to our list in Tel Aviv that my Mossad Jew controllers keep so they know precisely who it is that doesn’t wish to be a part of our glorious Jew World Order that we’ve been working so hard on now for the past couple of thousand years to achieve.
Once a week I’ll send you my favourite Sun newspaper pro-Zionist, praise Israel, praise Harper and bomb and kill the Palestinian kids columns plus a few of the most interesting videos from my TV show on the Scum News Network!
Speaking of my TV show I’m particularly proud of the one where I interviewed the late neo-Nazi, Zundel-loving, ‘Free Speech’ lawyer Doug Christie just four months prior to his timely demise in March of 2013. I got to bad-mouth, lie, libel and slander that anti-Semite and Jew hating holocaust denier Arthur Topham who lives out in British Columbia and runs a ‘hate propaganda’ site called Of course he’s not alone out there as I know there are millions of other Jew-haters and Anarchists and neo-Nazis and Indian lovers and rednecks living out there who would just love to get their hands on God’s chosen ones and cram us all back into the ovens again but he was one of the more difficult to catch.
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We first tried back in 2007 when another of my fat, loud-mouthed friends from Victoria, B.C. (who works for the occult masonic covenant false front Jew lobby B’nai Brith Canada), used the now repealed Sec. 13(1) ‘hate crime’ legislation that we’d slipped in to the Canadian Human Rights Code to get the Canadian Human Rights Commission to find him guilty and take down his website. But before it was able to all play out we found that Sec. 13(1) wasn’t all it was deviously made out to be and the Muslim terrorists here in Canada finally figured out a way to use it against us! Can you imagine that? Such chutzpah on their part to think that one of our very own specially created ‘hate crime’ laws that we’d spent decades designing in order to censor and control the bleating of the sheep on the Internet here in Canada could be used agains US. That’s why we told Harper to get rid of it because then we’d be able to have the media all to ourselves (as we already do) and we could carry on brainwashing the dumbed down Canucks into believing whatever lies we decided to tell them just like we’ve always done.
Now of course all we have left in our arsenal of lies and dirty tricks is Sec. 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada which deals with ‘Hate Propaganda’. That was another law that we were able to pressure the gullible goyim politicians into putting in federal legislation. The only problem is it takes a lot more work to get a conviction because the cattle actually have recourse to certain self-defences which are built into the legislation and the pesky matter of ‘Truth’ is still actually a defence yet, unlike what we had with the Sec. 13(1) weapon.
Our only real hope now is to use our Zionist controlled courts and judges and lawyers who have all sworn allegiance to our Rothschild-created ‘Crown’ in the City of London, England aka Regina (Queen Elizabeth II) to carry on a protracted, expensive, onerous process of endless court appearances and phoney bail conditions that will tend to wear down our victims to the point where they either go broke and give up, flee the country or freak out and do something that we can then use to justify sending our mercenary RCMP forces to liquidating them with a bullet in the back of the head. That, of course, is our preferred method of controlling the goyim. It worked so well for us during our reign of terror in Russia but nowadays we have to be a bit more careful about using those old tried and true techniques and we only do so in dire circumstances like in the case of Greg Matters up in central B.C. where we had to stop him from exposing our links to pedophilia and murder and the crimes we committed in Bosnia.
Occasionally, I’ll also send you updates on other fights — like my upcoming Zionist Hate speech trial, that starts in Toronto on March 3rd. You can read about that at and while you’re there send me some big bucks so I don’t have to borrow the money from my fellow Zionists or spend any of my own earnings. The goyim are traditionally our cash cow (no pun intended of course) so let’s not break with these long standing customs. Why just ask the Germans how it works. They’ve been paying us billions of dollars in reparations for the past eighty years for a crime that never happened so I’m sure you Canadians can cough up a few shekels too in order to help out a poor, downtrodden Jew lawyer who’s being threatened with an economic pogrom by a raving Arab infidel who wants me to stop spreading lies about him and his faith.
Enjoy the newsletter — and keep watching the Zionist controlled Big Brother TV!
Yours for a Greater Israel and Internet Censorship for all Goyim,
Ezra Levant
Fighting For Zion

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Why I Ought to Sue Ezra Levant by Arthur Topham

Why I Ought to Sue Ezra Levant
by Arthur Topham
November 11, 2012
As one can see from Ezra’s photo that appeared on the back cover of his 1996 book, YouthQuake, a production of The Fraser Institute, a right wing think tank that tends to promote Zionist ideals masked under deceptive language, he was at that time a fairly chipper-looking, albeit geeky looking eager beaver 24 year old young man already marked for fame and fortune.
In fact he’s actually the same age as my eldest daughter and obviously grew up in the same Canadian cultural setting and time period albeit it’s highly unlikely that his parents were hippies like my children’s parents were.
At the time Ezra’s book came out Michael Walker, Executive Director for The Fraser Institute remarked in its Preface that it was, ‘…written by one of the brightest student interns ever to work at The Fraser Institute. It is important because of the insights it provides into the mind-set of the next generation of Canadian leaders. For, certainly, Ezra Levant is going to be a Leader.’
Well, sixteen years later and many a mile down the road to fame and fortune we see that Ezra the younger, now 40 years, is in a position of some importance within the Zionist mainstream media in Canada having his own talk show on the SunTV News Network out of Toronto called The Source and having within his power the ability to help set the nation’s trends in terms of influencing television viewers across the country and beyond.
Now recently, having been charged by the Queen of England for supposedly committing a ‘hate’ crime against ‘people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin’ I noticed that Ezra had taken a keen interest in my case and requested an interview with my lawyer Doug Christie to discuss it on his talk show. Having been caught up in the ‘hate speech’ web himself over the past number of years with the same culprit responsible for having laid the present charge against me I could see why he would find the subject of some interest and want to discuss it further.
Of course Ezra didn’t have the chutzpah to invite me on to his show like he did in the case of Marc Lemire who also has been battling with the B’nai Brith ‘Hate Speech’ Internet censors for so long that I can’t recall when he first was attacked. Marc, like Ezra and myself, also was falsely accused by this same chronic complainer; a deluded die-hard deceiver and Zionist psychophant who has filed more suits in his closet of hate than most Jewish tailors manage to do in a lifetime!
So I figured, second best, that it was a good thing Ezra should at least interview Doug Christie and get some measure of response from the man who has been defending innocent victims of this hate lobby for decades now. When Marc Lemire sent me the url to Ezra’s show later the same day I was pleased to see that it had taken place. Then, after watching Ezra’s performance, I readily saw that for all of his feigned concern over the injustices of the infamous sec. 13 legislation and now section 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada, both of which the serial complainant and the B’nai Brith have been and are using in their ongoing witch hunts to silence criticism of Israel and the Zionist doctrine, there he was on national television doing his damnedest to slander and libel my name ostensibly in the interests of ‘free speech’!
Oi vey I thought to myself, with friends like this who needs enemies? Here he is, one of Canada’s most vocal advocates for freedom of speech on the Internet and he’s sitting there telling the world blatant lies about me and making me out to be some sort of crazed Jew hating anti-Semite!
Within the short span of about six minutes good ol’ free speech advocate Ezra Levant managed to slander, defame and libel me as many times as possible punctuating every comment or question to lawyer Doug Christie with at least one or more ad hominem epithets all in order to show the world just how grand and liberal the mainstream media truly is when it comes to freedom of expression.
Yes, said Ezra, that Topham is an ‘anti-Semite’ and ‘offensive’ and an ‘anti-Zionist [which is] code for anti-Semitic’ and his website is ‘gross’ and his comments ‘repulsive’ and everything that he does is ‘motivated by a form of malice’ and on top of that I also think he’s a ‘nobody’ and an ‘anti-Semitic idiot and a right wing wacko’ and you know really when it comes right down to it ‘I HATE ARTHUR TOPHAM!’
It was truly amazing to watch and listen to all his hyper-charged frenetic frothing regarding my person all the while waxing eloquent about I was surely going to win my case. Well, being a Zionist insider maybe he’s privy to something most people don’t know. Time will tell.
Now the question needs to be asked, ‘Where is the deception in this apparently earnest show of support for freedom of speech on the part of Ezra Levant?’
When Ezra first introduced his topic to his television audience his initial statement was that he knew of me because I had been ‘spamming’ him for years which, of course, was an outright lie. Ezra and myself had in the past exchanged emails and I was registered on his blog where I contributed commentary on some of articles. On top of that other supporters of his had gallantly attempted to solicit Ezra to lend his support to my case with Canadian Human Rights Commission but he merely dismissed them by stating that I was an ‘anti-Semite’ and that he didn’t deal with such creatures. When Ezra eventually asked to be taken off my list I respected his request and did so.
In this vein therefore I would ask readers to take a look at an article which I wrote and published on my website that was written back in July of 2008; one that deals with precisely the same issues that are still being argued and discussed today with regard to Ezra’s one-sided view of who exactly ought to be given positive exposure when it comes to Freedom of Speech and who is deserving of the type of defamation that one witnessed during his Nov. 8th interview with Doug Christie.
Please see:
Free Speech for Jews: A Critique of Ezra Levant’s ‘Jews for free speech’ article
During the show the point was made, by Ezra Levant and Doug Christie, that both hate and love are emotions which should never ever fall under the control of any government agency and that they ought to remain sacrosanct and protected by law. And that is true. And for that reason alone I could say that I ought to love Ezra Levant for espousing such a view just as I love Doug Christie for taking a similar and adamant stand on the same issue.
But, as a person who, in years, has also come to realize that our nation is not functioning by the rule of law any longer and also by the fact that the Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the province of British Columbia (an appointed minion of the ‘Crown’ who in all likelihood is pro-Zionist) has saw fit to actually proceed with an attempt to find me guilty of an alleged ‘thought crime’ by the most notorious witch hunting Jewish lobby group on the face of the planet, I find myself having to protest to the maximum this deceitfully sly slight of hand which Ezra Levant has used to tarnish my good name and to prejudice the Canadian public against me right from the start of my impending trial.
Ezra Levant is a lawyer as well as a Zionist mouthpiece for the msm and he is fully cognizant of the fact that while Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act is now in the process of being wiped off the books by the federal government he is also well aware that Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada is still in full operation and remains a lethal weapon for use by the B’nai Brith lobby here in Canada. They obviously intend to use it to their fullest potential in order to set a precedent in law that would, should I be convicted of this phoney charge, affect any other Canadian who might at some time in the future try to speak and write the truth about what Zionism truly represents or who might question the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza by the Israeli government. And so in that context I find it absolutely disgraceful and outrageous and malicious that someone in Ezra’s position would be doing his utmost to bad mouth me in every way possible at a time when this despicable action is being taken against me by B’nai Brith Canada.
There are of course other more sinister aspects to the hate-mongering of Ezra Levant which should be noted and addressed. The world is full of medicated mind-controlled zombies these days and should one of them happen to hear Ezra Levant going on and on about how how he hates me and what a malicious idiot and anti-Semite I am there is then the possibility that my life could be endangered by such acts of premeditated hatred and slander. Add to that the fact that I am now forced to live unarmed in an area where there is no emergency police assistance close by and you can see why I am a bit concerned about these spiteful lies that Levant has been spreading throughout the msm via Sun News Network. In this sense, rather than loving Ezra, I think I ought to sue Ezra Levant and the Sun News Network for having jeopardized both my physical safety and the safety of my family as well as prejudicing the public against me via his libelous and hurtful lies.
Four years ago when composing the critique mentioned above I wrote, ‘But, alas, I cannot, at this point and in good conscience, condemn Ezra Levant fully for some of the errors he is making. Whether it is conscious on his part or just plain ignorance of all the facts I truly do not know… when I was 36, I too was unaware of the degree of involvement in global politics that the Zionists actually represented. It took me close to sixty years to finally figure it out so in that context there is always hope that a bright young man like Ezra Levant, will come to realize the error of his ways [but] if you are going to be a ‘Leader’ here in Canada then you are going to have to hit the books some more and get a much firmer grasp on the issue of Political Zionism and learn how this alien and anti-Christian Talmudic doctrine is affecting the Canadian landscape. It behooves you to understand the primary motives of those who are determined to turn this nation into another Communist gulag. Not just for the sake of those ‘individual Jews who love ‘freedom of speech’ but for the rest of us non-Jew Canadians who also cherish these very same ideals.’

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I HATE ARTHUR TOPHAM! Ezra Levant on The Source Nov. 8, 2012

Dear Radical Readers and Free Speech Lovers,
After my court appearance this morning in Quesnel my lawyer Doug Christie asked me if I thought it would be okay to go on Ezra Levant’s Sun News Talk Show The Source to discuss my case. I told Doug that Levant was my arch enemy but that he was welcome to go on his show.
Late this evening (very late actually) I received the following article and video that Marc Lemire put together.
BIG thank you to Marc for doing this.
I must admit that it is a rather somewhat comical interview/discussion with Ezra vibrating as usual like some speed freak in need of a fix but regardless of the fact that he gets an opportunity to carry on the same smear campaign that the rest of his Zionist Jew buddies are doing across the Canadian mediascape and tell his audience that he ‘Hates Arthur Topham’ the message is that hate is not an emotion that ought to be governed by Canada’s courts any more than love.
The show ought to draw more attention to the site and also make more Canadians realize that no one should be charged with a criminal offence merely for expressing an opinion or facts related to anyone or any group. It certainly doesn’t make B’nai Brith Canada look good and that in itself is a positive thing.
My lawyer Doug Christie couldn’t help but break out laughing when he heard Levant shout out, ‘I hate Arthur Topham!’ Neither could I for that matter. It was a kosher Kodiak moment for sure! 🙂
Levant predicts that I will win the case. For once I hope he’s right on that! 🙂
Please pass this along if you can.
For Justice and Free Speech on the Internet,
Arthur Topham
‘Digging to the root of the issues since 1998’
Muslim Hate Speech and Arthur Topham:
The deception of ‘Hate Speech’ Laws
[VIDEO] Doug Christie with Ezra Levant discussing the Arthur Topham Case and ‘hate speech’ Laws [Click the url below to watch]
You can find out more about the Topham case at Topham was charged under Canada’s ridiculous criminal ‘hate’ law Section 319 of the Criminal Code. This nutty law tries to control human emotions, and as the norm for so-called ‘hate’ laws … only applies to one certain type of opinion.
When ‘hate’ is promoted in Canada, it is only criminalized if the communicator of the message is an alleged ‘nazi’ or white ‘anti-Semite’. Just look at all the cases stretching back to the 1970’s. If you hate whitey — no problem. If you are Muslim and hate Jews — no problem. If you are Jewish and hate Muslims — no problem.
Here is proof of my point:
On the same day that white skinned alleged ‘nazi’ and ‘anti-Semite’ Arthur Topham was charged with criminal ‘hate speech’, the police looked at brown skinned Muslim hate against Jewish Canadians, and found no criminal ‘hate’.
In the Alice in Wonderland world of human rights and ‘hate speech’ … some ‘hate’ is criminal, while other ‘hate’ is just fine.
Lets compare for a second, what Arthur Topham wrote to what was ‘anti-Jewish Curriculum’ at the East end Toronto Madrassah. One was criminalized, the other was not.
Arthur Topham posted on his website:
‘It’s been ongoing since the day I first openly criticized the Zionist Jews and their political dogma or ideology known as Zionism. That was back during the heady last days of the 20th Century when I was publishing my monthly hard copy edition of The Radical, an alternative tabloid which ran for forty-two consecutive editions ending in June of 2002.’
And from the National Post which described what Topham allegedly said and did:
The Biological Jew depicts Jews as parasites that suck the blood from their ‘host’ societies while the Protocols is a fraudulent book that purports to describe a conspiracy for worldwide Jewish domination.
Police arrested Mr. Topham and questioned him on May 16. According to a transcript of his police interview that was posted online, he asked the investigating officer, Det. Const. Terry Wilson of the B.C. Hate Crime Team, whether he had been trained in Tel Aviv or whether Mossad had come to Canada to train him.
He lectured the officer about how Jews ‘control what you’re doing’ and said they had ‘created the unit you’re working for.’ He asked the officer if he was a Christian and scolded him for what he was doing.
‘These guys have spent the last 2,000 years trying to destroy our religion, and you like a Judas are out here like a, like one of their dogs chasing down people who are trying to defend the Christian religion,’ he said. ‘You ought to be ashamed of yourself.’
Now lets compare what the Muslim’s East end Madrassah (Toronto) allegedly taught to children in their Curriculum. This again is quotes from the National Post’s article (published Nov 8, 2012). I can not actually verify their authenticity:
‘End of Jewish Plots and Treacheries: Ever since the Prophet’s entry into Madina, the treacherous Jews had vehemently opposed him and his Islamic call, evoking memories of their hostility to the previous Prophet, Jesus Christ, half a millennium ago. The crafty Jews entered into an alliance with the polytheist Quraish in a bid to stamp out Islam. They conspired to kill Prophet Muhammad despite the fact that he was lenient towards them and had treated them kindly, hoping to convince them of Islam’s truth. But eventually as Jewish plots and aggressions increased, he had no choice other than to take up arms against them, in order to protect Islam and the Muslims. At the battle of Khaiber which is famous for Imam Ali’s heroic exploits, the Prophet defeated them ending Jewish intrigues and conspiracies in Arabia.’ [Emphasis added]
Why is it that so-called ‘hate’ laws only ever target one certain opinion, and all the other haters are given a free pass? Would Canada’s criminal prohibition against ‘hate’ ever be found constitutional if the courts looked at the actual effects and operation of the law? After 30 years, it is as clear as day; this law targets a certain range of opinions in Canada, and has little to do with actually removing hate. As we have documented over and over, some hate in Canada is perfectly fine and non-criminal.
If you have an opinion which can be classified as ‘nazi’ or ‘anti-Semitic’ and you’re White; expect the state to drop the ‘trifecta of tolerance‘ of you. Which is a three stage, proven framework, to break and humiliate the victim — all at the expense of Canadian taxpayers who foot the bill for this multi-million dollar make-work project. The stages can be defined as: ostracized, vilified and criminalized.
Section 319 of the Criminal Code is an affront to justice and freedom in Canada and should be repealed immediately. Canada is a tolerant country with intelligent people, and we do not need the nanny state (at the behest of special interest groups and plaintiffs of fortune) looking over the shoulders of people and parsing the words of individuals that wish to express non-violent opinions on controversial subjects as race or religion.
We have tried the censorship of criminal and civil prohibition’s against ‘hate’ speech since the 1970’s with little positive effect.
Isn’t it time to give freedom a chance?
-Marc Lemire
Free Speech Activist and the only
Canadian to ever win a Section 13 case

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Zion’s New Crusaders: Ezra Levant – Muslim Hunting Jew – Rallies Canada’s Zionist Christians in Support of Israel by Arthur Topham

Zion’s New Crusaders: Ezra Levant – Muslim Hunting Jew – Rallies Canada’s Zionist Christians in Support of Israel

by Arthur Topham

July 27th, 2014

It was just a matter of time before Canada’s Zionist media mouthpiece Ezra Levant reacted to Israel’s rain of hell-fire and brimstone that’s been falling on defenceless Palestinians in Gaza since July 13.

The Jew-controlled media around the world and here at home have been working their butt off ever since the Israeli government decided that it was time for another blood sacrifice to their satanic god, Moloch the Death Eater, doing their utmost to muster support for the murdering, blood-thirsty Zionists while the Internet explodes with outrage, disdain and negative reaction to their demonic deeds.

I’m sure the Zionists across the nation were shocked to see the number of Canadians who, finally fed up with the insanity of the Zionist Jews, took to the streets in great numbers to protest what will likely go down in history as a benchmark event in terms of that point in time where the awareness of what’s truly happening in Palestine is finally sinking in for the majority of decent people across the nation.

Recent events in Calgary, Alberta where a large anti-Israel protest occurred and some rabid pro-Israel Zionist Jews got a thumping for starting trouble, has triggered what Levant is calling his “Calgary for Israel Rally” which is slated to take place in front of Calgary City Hall on Thursday, July 31st at 6 p.m.

Israhell Rally

Rally Map in Calgary, AB

Levant has a website erroneously called “Fighting for Freedom with Ezra Levant” where he sends out email to his subscribers. In his latest rally cry for support for poor, beleaguered Israel he writes:

“I live in Toronto now, but as a lifelong Calgarian I was appalled to see a riot by anti-Israel extremists that happened on the steps of City Hall. Worse still, the police did nothing — they weren’t even there. And half a dozen Calgarians were sent to hospital by this Hamas-style violence.

I’m fighting back — peacefully. On Thursday, July 31st at 6:00 p.m., I’m hosting my own rally. It’s partly in support of Israel. But it’s partly for Calgarians to strongly reject this imported Hamas-style violence.

This is Canada — not Gaza.

If you’re in the Calgary area on Thursday, please join us! All of the details are available at

Ezra Levant

P.S. Please spread the word about the Rally on Twitter and Facebook. This event is in Calgary, but let’s make a national impact — we want peace in our Canadian streets, not riots and violence.”

Now how’s that for chutzpah? Ezra the Muslim Hunter who’s been spreading ongoing hatred toward the Arab people via the Sun News Network and elsewhere for decades is now going to rally all the Christian Zionists that he and his rag tag band of Irgun-inspired criminals have been duping and milking for donations for decades and show Canada and the world just how much our nation STANDS FOR ISRAEL!

Heaven forbid that such an outcome would occur but given the fact that Canada’s Christians have been dumbed down for so long by the Jew-controlled news media; so much so that Christians, whose very Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ, was murdered by this same gang of Talmudic Rabbinical tyrants two thousand years ago and they still haven’t figure out who the devil to trust, it will be of great interest to see to what degree their decades and centuries of mind-control propaganda will have on them and whether they’ll turn traitors like Harper and the Conservative government and pledge their allegiance to this foreign, apartheid and racist warmongering state of Israel rather than to their own country of birth and residence.

Ezra Levant is a traitor to Canada along with the Jew-controlled news media that daily uses its unwarranted power and influence to turn average Canadians into rabid Zionists and haters of the Arab people of the world. I see it happening all the time and witness otherwise decent, peace-loving Canadians suddenly go brain-dead when the subject of the Jews and the Arabs come up, all because of the daily brainwashing that they’ve received throughout their lives.

Levant facetiously states in his forked-tongue way: “This is Canada — not Gaza” knowing damn well that THE WHOLE WORLD IS NOW GAZA not just Palestine and all because the Zionist Jews have been allowed to build uptheir Big Brother media network of deception and lies into a monopoly and use it to twist the minds of good, honest people who were raised up to believe that their media was independent and free and that it would give them historical truth and not fill their replica heads with prejudicial lies and and their hearts with hatred.


Canadians and freedom-loving, peace-loving people around the world are horrified at what Israel has done to the people and the infrastructure of Gaza and they have not only a right but a duty to be outraged and to express their outrage in the most appropriate manner possible.

Given this fact I hope that as many anti-Zionist, anti-Israel people as possible will gather in Calgary on July 31st and counter this move on the part of the traitorous Jewish lobbyists and their media maniacs like Ezra Levant to shift Canadians away from true Christian values and decent morals and ethics that have served as our guiding principles for centuries, long before our governments were infiltrated by the Jewish lobbyists like B’nai Brith Canada, the former Canadian Jewish Congress and the Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy who have always been pro-Zionist and Israel Firsters.

It’s time for Canadians to rise up and unite in defence of freedom and democracy and in defence of the Palestinians who are being genocided right before out eyes while the likes of Zionist Jew Ezra Levant and his Zionist media monopoly lie and deceive us with their deadly deceptive propaganda and hate.

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