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RICHARD WARMAN – EXPOSED!!! by Mark Fournier Free Dominion site

“I’m not a hater, I just play one on the Internet”

Sunday, 20 January 2008

If this is correct, I don’t see how it’s possible to regard the Canadian Human Rights Commission as anything other than a racket for one of its former employees. Why should Richard Warman collect five-figure sums from suing websites for “crimes” in which he has himself participated?

Mark Fournier
Free Dominion
January 18, 2008

“Time to go back to when the women nigger imports knew their place…
And that place was NOT in public!”

– Richard Warman referring to Sen. Anne Cools –

Is Richard Warman a racist bigot, or was he “just following orders” issued by his masters at the Canadian Human Rights Commission when he posted the headlined message above on a Freedomsite forum on September 5, 2003? Whatever the answer, the same CHRC that has ruled Bible verses to be hate speech doesn’t seem to consider these words to be a problem.

But they are a big problem, for both Richard Warman and the CHRC, and the rest of what he wrote only makes matters worse.

“Not only is Canadian Senator Anne Cools is a Negro, she is also an immigrant!
And she is also one helluva preachy c*nt.
She does NOT belong in my Canada. My Anglo-Germanic people were here before
there was a Canada and her kind have jumped in, polluted our race, and forced
their bullshit down our throats.
Time to go back to when the women nigger imports knew their place…
And that place was NOT in public!

It may be mere coincidence that Richard Warman is in fact an Anglo-German, but it is not likely a coincidence at all that the owner of the website where Richard Warman posted this racist screed against Sen. Anne Cools came under attack by the CHRC shortly after Richard Warman began his complaint-less investigation there.

Complaint-less investigations by the CHRC have been in the news lately because information has surfaced concerning CHRC operative Dean Steacy and his official exploits as ‘Jadewarr’. But compared to his colleague Richard Warman, Dean Steacy is a piker. Richard Warman enters a forum swinging as ’90sAREover’.

In testimony beginning January 29, 2007 Richard Warman admitted under oath in Canadian Human Rights Tribunal hearing (Case T1073/5405) that he was, in fact, the poster named ‘lucy’ who had registered on the Freedomsite (and other) forums. What he neglected to add was that ‘lucy’ was not his first Freedomsite screen name. He failed to mention that his complaint-less investigation of Freedomsite actually began two months before ‘lucy’ hit the scene, it began when he registered on the Freedomsite under the screen name ’90sAREover’.

Another miscalculation by Richard Warman was the technical expertise of the target of this particular setup operation. Marc Lemire is a techie, a networking nerd, so it was not much of a problem for him to find information on both ‘lucy’ and ’90sAREover’ in the Freedomsite database.

The table reproduced below [not shown here as a table. ed.]shows information found in the Freedomsite database comparing Richard Warman’s admitted ‘lucy’ identity (left column) to information about ’90sAREover’ (right column). This table information was gathered by expert technology witness Bernard Klatt and submitted as evidence to a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal on February 8, 2007.

Admitted Richard Warman/lucy info

90sAREover info

IP address =

IP address =

ISP = Rogers Cable

ISP = Rogers Cable

OS = Windows 98

OS = Windows 98

Browser = Mozilla 4.0 compatible MSIE 6.0

Browser = Mozilla 4.0 compatible MSIE 6.0

ID = lucy ([email protected])

ID = 90sAREover ([email protected])

setup using anonymous email account

setup using anonymous email account

on obscure message limited-interest board

on obscure message limited-interest board

logged onto message board only twice

logged onto message board only twice

very short usage time (120 min)

very short usage time (14 min)

no optional info supplied

no optional info supplied

created for single purpose

created for single purpose

used Nov. 11, 15, 23, 2003

used Sep. 5, 2003

Mr. Klatt concludes in Paragraph 71 of his affidavit:

“Based on the information provided in this affidavit, in my expert opinion, I concluded that the Freedomsite message board user accounts “90sAREover” and “lucy” are those of Richard Warman and that Richard Warman was the poster of the message headed “Cools don’t belong in our Senate” posted September 5, 2003.”

There also no doubt that the CHRC was aware of this internet posting by 90sAREover because it was a part of the original complaint filed by Richard Warman, when referred to tribunal. But this posting is no longer a part of the CHRC complaint against Lemire, the CHRC dropped it from the complaint the day after Mr. Lemire won a decision to subpoena Rogers’ internet records.

This posting by 90sAREover would be a slam dunk in a real court of law, so why did the CHRC drop it from the complaint?

This story is far from over because the attacks on Marc Lemire by the CHRC are ongoing and with no end in sight, as are the attacks on many other Canadians by this government agency. This story is also far from being completely told. More ugly twists and turns will be revealed as those at the center of it all give us leave to report the details.

Slowly but surely the truth is coming out.

And it isn’t pretty.

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Regina v The Radical Press: LEGAL UPDATE #15

“There’s no such thing as ‘Hate Speech.’
You either have FREE speech or you don’t – it’s that simple.”

Dear Free Speech Advocates and Radical Press Supporters,

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013 saw my return to Quesnel’s provincial courthouse for yet another appearance related to the matter of the Sec. 319(2) CCC charge and my arrest and incarceration May 16th, 2012 for the spurious crime of “willfully promoting hatred against ‘people of the Jewish religion or ethnic group.’

The previous time was back on July 9th, 2013 when the issue of CC Johnston’s attempt to go for a direct indictment failed. It was also then that further efforts were made to set dates for my Rowbotham application hearing, the Rowbotham being my only option at this stage of the proceedings that will literally afford me a lawyer in order to act in my defence. As well, a the date of August 13th was supposed to be when I would appear before Judge Morgan and speak to my application for particularization of the evidence which the Crown was planning to base its case on.

At this point in the process where every appearance tends to hold unanticipated surprises it has become my practise not to get too bent out of shape trying to fathom what may or may not occur. That way of thinking appears to be best and so again I wasn’t disappointed to find that things didn’t go as planned.

I was scheduled to also meet with the Trial Coordinator, Sherry Jasper, after dealing with the particularization issue in court but while waiting in the courtroom for Judge Morgan to appear CC Johnston approached me and said that she was sure that she had heard the Judge say during our previous appearance that I could postpone the Particularization application until such time as I knew whether or not my Rowbotham application was going to be approved and I could have counsel representation for the Particularization hearing.

I didn’t recollect the judge telling me that but at the same time I also realized that given the option it would be best to wait until I knew if the Rowbotham application was going to be approved and a lawyer appointed for my defence. Knowing I was ill equipped to do so beyond just reading out the information to the court that my former lawyer Doug Christie had prepared in my defence I decided to heed what CC had just revealed to me and so I told her that I would opt for not proceeding with the application at this time. Johnston then suggested I let the Trial Coordinator know what had transpired and that was that for the courtroom side of things.

I went to Jasper’s office and explained what had just taken place in the courtroom and she told me that she would strike the Application from today’s list and that once I knew the outcome of the Rowbotham application I could then bring it back before the Court to fix a hearing date.

That taken care of we moved on to the Rowbotham application issue and she called Keith Evans the lawyer for the Attorney General’s office in order to fix a hearing date for that application.

It should be mentioned here that prior to my appearance on August 13th I had spoken with Keith Evans via the telephone regarding all the additional documents which the AG’s office still required in order to process the application. Mr. Evans told me at that time that he would not likely be able to hold a hearing on the matter until after September of this year as he was already booked up for that month and that I still would have time to submit further materials to back up my application. I had already begun the process of putting together some of the documents requested and filling out forms allowing the AG’s office to access my bank accounts and contact Canada Revenue Services, etc. and had shipped these off to his office prior to my appearance on Tuesday so when Jasper contacted Evans he told her that the process was unfolding according to plan and that he expected the remaining documents from me would be forthcoming well in advance of the hearing date then to be set. Jasper then suggested November 18th, 2013 for the hearing date along with a time allotment of two hours. Evans responded by saying that he would rather see five hours set for the hearing as that was usually how long they took. Jasper expressed surprise at that but then agreed to set a longer period of time. The 18th was also a date when Judge Morgan would be able to preside over the hearing which is a good thing given that he has been overseeing the case to this point.

I should add here with respect to this Rowbotham application that the expectations of the Attorney General’s office are the equivalent of having to perform a forensic audit of my financial situation since last November 5th of 2012 when the indictment was finally handed down. It’s intense and very time consuming having to justify every penny since that time period.

That concluded the day’s events and my wife and I left the building.

One other related issue that came up during the interval between August 13th and my previous appearance on July 9th was a Notice of Libel that I received from Ricardo Warmouse, one of the complainants in this case. Warmouse had taken issue with some prefatory remarks made by me in an article I had posted on the Radical Press website back on January 1st, 2013. He then hired the Ottawa law firm of CazaSaikaley to represent him and demanded that I remove the said article and commentary from the site and post an apology and retraction. After some reflection and knowing that I was ill equipped to take on another legal battle I had no option but to adhere to Warmouse’s wishes and do as requested. In addition to publishing the retraction and apology I also had to send Warmouse a money order for $500.00 to cover his legal expenses. That meant yet another frantic appeal for funds to those supporting my legal struggles. Thank God kind souls came to the rescue and I was able to pay the costs for which I am deeply grateful.

So for now I must complete the task of sending all the required information to the AG’s office over the next month or so and await my next court date of November 18th, 2013.

For Justice and Freedom of Speech for Everyone, Everywhere,

Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
Canada’s Radical News Network
“Digging to the root of the issues since 1998”


P.S. I would once again please ask readers to consider helping me out financially with a donation if they can. Go to the top of the Home Page at and click on the “PLEASE DONATE TO THE RADICAL PRESS FREE SPEECH DEFENSE FUND” link where you will find all the information necessary to send financial help. Thank you.

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Lest We Forget the Real Holocaust and It’s Bolshevik Jewish Perpetrators! The Ukrainian Holocaust of 1932-33

Dear Radical Reader,

It didn’t take too long for pro-Zionist critics to attack my recent article, KILLING THE HUNDREDTH MONKEY: The Battle for Control and Censorship of Canada’s Internet by the B’nai Brith and the Canadian Jewish Congress. The standard procedure is usually to cry “anti-Semite” or nowadays to employ the more updated version of “holocaust denier”.

Considering that my mother was Ukrainian and that her mother came to Canada in the 1890s during the mass exodus of the Doukhobours I find the following article by Eric Margolis rather a fitting rebuttal to all the endless Zionist-controlled media hullabaloo over the paramount importance of the “Jewish” holocaust and their relentless efforts to make their plight always No. 1. Even more so, they tend to steer people’s thinking toward the absurd notion that their persecution and suffering was somehow the only one and any other nation’s genocide is either irrelevant or unworthy of mention.

Thanks to Eric Margolis’ article below we can readily see that that this is not the case. One point from Mr. Margolis’ article is particularly note-worthy during these times of massive seed patenting and hoarding by the world’s powerful elite. Many people argue that they are purposefully trying to gain control of all seed production so they can, in turn, exploit the masses and charge exorbitant prices for food. When one realizes what Stalin and his Zionist controllers did to the Ukrainian nationalists of the 1930s the thought occurs that possibly they have more than high food costs in mind when it comes to controlling the people and their food sources. Coupled with Rockefeller’s public statement that it is imperative that millions of “useless eaters” be eliminated from the world’s population, it gives one pause to reflect.

Thank you Mr. Margolis for bringing to people’s attention one of the more blatant acts of genocide inflicted upon the non-Jewish people of the Ukraine. While your article is ten years old I feel the republishing of it now is most apt.

Peace and Justice for All,

Arthur Topham
The Radical Press
[email protected]

Lest We Forget the Real Holocaust and It’s Bolshevik Jewish Perpetrators! The Ukrainian Holocaust of 1932-33

“Stalin is century’s bloodiest figure”

by Eric S. Margolis
[email protected]

Foreign Affairs Editor for Sun Media Newspapers
London Free Press
December 12, 1998
London, Ontario, Canada

… In 1932, Soviet leader Josef Stalin unleashed genocide in Ukraine, Stalin determined to force Ukraine’s millions of independent farmers – called kulaks – into collectivized Soviet agriculture, and to crush Ukraine’s growing spirit of nationalism.

Faced by resistance to collectivization, Stalin unleashed terror and dispatched 25,000 fanatical young party militants from Moscow – earlier versions of Mao’s Red Guards – to force 10 million Ukrainian peasants into collective farms. Secret police units of OGPU began selective executions of recalcitrant farmers.

When Stalin’s red guards failed to make a dent in this immense number, OGPU was ordered to begin mass executions. But there were simply not enough Chekists (secret police) to kill so many people, so Stalin decided to replace bullets with a much cheaper medium of death – mass starvation.

All seed stocks, grain, silage and farm animals were confiscated from Ukraine’s farms. (Ethiopia’s Communist dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam used the same method in the 1970s to force collectivization. The resulting famine caused one million deaths.)

OGPU agents and Red Army troops sealed all roads and rail lines. Nothing came in or out of Ukraine. Farms were searched and looted of food and fuel. Ukrainians quickly began to die of hunger, cold and sickness.

When OGPU failed to meet weekly execution quotas, Stalin sent henchman Lazar Kaganovitch to destroy Ukrainian resistance. Kaganovitch, the Soviet Eichmann, made quota, shooting 10,000 Ukrainians weekly. Eighty per cent of Ukrainian intellectuals were executed. A party member named Nikita Khruschchev helped supervise the slaughter.

During the bitter winter of 1932-33, mass starvation created by Kaganovitch and OGPU hit full force. Ukrainians ate their pets, boots and belts, plus bark and roots. Some parents even ate infant children.

Britain, the U.S. and Canada were fully aware of the Ukrainian genocide and Stalin’s other monstrous crimes. (Soviet Leader Josef Stalin committed genocide in the ’30s, then became an ally against Hitler in the ’40s)

The precise number of Ukrainians murdered by Stalin’s custom-made famine and Cheka firing squads remains unknown to this day. The KGB’s archives and recent work by Russian historians show at least seven million died. Ukrainian historians put the figure at nine million or higher. Twenty-five per cent of Ukraine’s population was exterminated.

Six million other farmers across the Soviet Union were starved or shot during collectivization. Stalin told Winston Churchill he liquidated 10 million peasants during the 1930s. Add mass executions by the Cheka in Estonia, Lativia and Lithuania, the genocide of three million Muslims, massacres of Cossacks and Volga Germans, and Soviet industrial genocide accounted for at least 40 million victims, not including 20 million war dead.

Kaganovitch and many senior OGPU officers (later, NKVD) were Jewish. The predominance of Jews among Bolshevik leaders and the frightful crimes and cruelty inflicted by Stalin’s Checka on Ukraine, the Baltic states and Poland led the victims of Red Terror to blame the Jewish people for both communism and their suffering. As a direct result, during the subsequent Nazi occupation of Eastern Europe, the region’s innocent Jews became the target of ferocious revenge by Ukrainians, Balts and Poles.

While the world is now fully aware of the destruction of Europe’s Jews by the Nazis, the story of the numerically larger holocaust in Ukraine has been suppressed, or ignored. Ukraine’s genocide occurred eight to nine years before Hitler began the Jewish Holocaust and was committed, unlike Nazi crimes, before the world’s gaze. But Stalin’s murder of millions was simply denied or concealed by a left-wing conspiracy of silence that continues to this day. In the strange moral geometry of mass murder, only Nazis are guilty.

Socialist luminaries like Bernard Shaw, Beatrice and Sidney Webb and Premier Edouard Herriot of France, toured Ukraine during 1932-33 and proclaimed reports of famine were false. Shaw announced: “I did not see one under-nourished person in Russia.” New York Times correspondent Walter Duranty, who won a Pulitzer Prize for his Russian reporting, wrote claims of famine were “malignant propaganda.” Seven million people were dying around them, yet these fools saw nothing. The New York Times has never repudiated Duranty’s lies.

Modern leftists do not care to be reminded their ideological and historical roots are entwined with this century’s greatest crime – the inevitable result of enforced social engineering and Marxist theology.

Western historians delicately skirt the sordid fact that the governments of Britain, the U.S. and Canada were fully aware of the Ukrainian genocide and Stalin’s other monstrous crimes. Yet they eagerly welcomed him as an ally during the Second World War. Stalin, who Franklin Roosevelt called “Uncle Joe”, murdered four times more people than Adolph Hitler.

None of the Soviet mass murderers who committed genocide were ever brought to justice. Lazar Kaganovitch died peacefully in Moscow a few years ago, still wearing the Order of the Soviet Union and enjoying a generous state pension.

– by Eric S. Margolis

Presented in the interests of truth by James W. Black who is of Ukrainian and Scottish descent. Some of his relatives were interned in the Nazi forced labour camps and died in the camp during World War Two. His grandmother’s brother, who was a Ukrainian nationalist, was arrested in Ukraine for wearing Ukraine’s national colours and reading Ukrainian poetry to his friends and then sent to the Gulag. He was never seen nor heard from again.

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Zion’s New Crusaders: Ezra Levant – Muslim Hunting Jew – Rallies Canada’s Zionist Christians in Support of Israel by Arthur Topham

Zion’s New Crusaders: Ezra Levant – Muslim Hunting Jew – Rallies Canada’s Zionist Christians in Support of Israel

by Arthur Topham

July 27th, 2014

It was just a matter of time before Canada’s Zionist media mouthpiece Ezra Levant reacted to Israel’s rain of hell-fire and brimstone that’s been falling on defenceless Palestinians in Gaza since July 13.

The Jew-controlled media around the world and here at home have been working their butt off ever since the Israeli government decided that it was time for another blood sacrifice to their satanic god, Moloch the Death Eater, doing their utmost to muster support for the murdering, blood-thirsty Zionists while the Internet explodes with outrage, disdain and negative reaction to their demonic deeds.

I’m sure the Zionists across the nation were shocked to see the number of Canadians who, finally fed up with the insanity of the Zionist Jews, took to the streets in great numbers to protest what will likely go down in history as a benchmark event in terms of that point in time where the awareness of what’s truly happening in Palestine is finally sinking in for the majority of decent people across the nation.

Recent events in Calgary, Alberta where a large anti-Israel protest occurred and some rabid pro-Israel Zionist Jews got a thumping for starting trouble, has triggered what Levant is calling his “Calgary for Israel Rally” which is slated to take place in front of Calgary City Hall on Thursday, July 31st at 6 p.m.

Israhell Rally

Rally Map in Calgary, AB

Levant has a website erroneously called “Fighting for Freedom with Ezra Levant” where he sends out email to his subscribers. In his latest rally cry for support for poor, beleaguered Israel he writes:

“I live in Toronto now, but as a lifelong Calgarian I was appalled to see a riot by anti-Israel extremists that happened on the steps of City Hall. Worse still, the police did nothing — they weren’t even there. And half a dozen Calgarians were sent to hospital by this Hamas-style violence.

I’m fighting back — peacefully. On Thursday, July 31st at 6:00 p.m., I’m hosting my own rally. It’s partly in support of Israel. But it’s partly for Calgarians to strongly reject this imported Hamas-style violence.

This is Canada — not Gaza.

If you’re in the Calgary area on Thursday, please join us! All of the details are available at

Ezra Levant

P.S. Please spread the word about the Rally on Twitter and Facebook. This event is in Calgary, but let’s make a national impact — we want peace in our Canadian streets, not riots and violence.”

Now how’s that for chutzpah? Ezra the Muslim Hunter who’s been spreading ongoing hatred toward the Arab people via the Sun News Network and elsewhere for decades is now going to rally all the Christian Zionists that he and his rag tag band of Irgun-inspired criminals have been duping and milking for donations for decades and show Canada and the world just how much our nation STANDS FOR ISRAEL!

Heaven forbid that such an outcome would occur but given the fact that Canada’s Christians have been dumbed down for so long by the Jew-controlled news media; so much so that Christians, whose very Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ, was murdered by this same gang of Talmudic Rabbinical tyrants two thousand years ago and they still haven’t figure out who the devil to trust, it will be of great interest to see to what degree their decades and centuries of mind-control propaganda will have on them and whether they’ll turn traitors like Harper and the Conservative government and pledge their allegiance to this foreign, apartheid and racist warmongering state of Israel rather than to their own country of birth and residence.

Ezra Levant is a traitor to Canada along with the Jew-controlled news media that daily uses its unwarranted power and influence to turn average Canadians into rabid Zionists and haters of the Arab people of the world. I see it happening all the time and witness otherwise decent, peace-loving Canadians suddenly go brain-dead when the subject of the Jews and the Arabs come up, all because of the daily brainwashing that they’ve received throughout their lives.

Levant facetiously states in his forked-tongue way: “This is Canada — not Gaza” knowing damn well that THE WHOLE WORLD IS NOW GAZA not just Palestine and all because the Zionist Jews have been allowed to build uptheir Big Brother media network of deception and lies into a monopoly and use it to twist the minds of good, honest people who were raised up to believe that their media was independent and free and that it would give them historical truth and not fill their replica heads with prejudicial lies and and their hearts with hatred.


Canadians and freedom-loving, peace-loving people around the world are horrified at what Israel has done to the people and the infrastructure of Gaza and they have not only a right but a duty to be outraged and to express their outrage in the most appropriate manner possible.

Given this fact I hope that as many anti-Zionist, anti-Israel people as possible will gather in Calgary on July 31st and counter this move on the part of the traitorous Jewish lobbyists and their media maniacs like Ezra Levant to shift Canadians away from true Christian values and decent morals and ethics that have served as our guiding principles for centuries, long before our governments were infiltrated by the Jewish lobbyists like B’nai Brith Canada, the former Canadian Jewish Congress and the Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy who have always been pro-Zionist and Israel Firsters.

It’s time for Canadians to rise up and unite in defence of freedom and democracy and in defence of the Palestinians who are being genocided right before out eyes while the likes of Zionist Jew Ezra Levant and his Zionist media monopoly lie and deceive us with their deadly deceptive propaganda and hate.

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How Hitler defied the bankers

How Hitler defied the bankers

Many people take joy in saying Wall Street and Jewish bankers “financed Hitler.” There is plenty of documented evidence that Wall Street and Jewish bankers did indeed help finance Hitler at first, partly because it allowed the bankers to get rich (as I will describe below) and partly in order to control Stalin. However, when Germany broke free from the bankers, the bankers declared a world war against Germany.

When we look at all the facts, the charge that “Jews financed Hitler” becomes irrelevant. Los Angeles Attorney Ellen Brown discusses this topic in her book Web Of Debt.

When Hitler came to power, Germany was hopelessly broke. The Treaty of Versailles had imposed crushing reparations on the German people, demanding that Germans repay every nation’s costs of the war. These costs totaled three times the value of all the property in Germany.

Private currency speculators caused the German mark to plummet, precipitating one of the worst runaway inflations in modern times. A wheelbarrow full of 100 billion-mark banknotes could not buy a loaf of bread. The national treasury was empty. Countless homes and farms were lost to speculators and to private (Jewish controlled) banks. Germans lived in hovels. They were starving.

Nothing like this had ever happened before – the total destruction of the national currency, plus the wiping out of people’s savings and businesses. On top of this came a global depression. Germany had no choice but to succumb to debt slavery under international (mainly Jewish) bankers until 1933, when the National Socialists came to power. At that point the German government thwarted the international banking cartels by issuing its own money. World Jewry responded by declaring a global boycott against Germany.

Hitler began a national credit program by devising a plan of public works that included flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and construction of new roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities. All these were paid for with money that no longer came from the private international bankers.


The projected cost of these various programs was fixed at one billion units of the national currency. To pay for this, the German government (not the international bankers) issued bills of exchange, called Labor Treasury Certificates. In this way the National Socialists put millions of people to work, and paid them with Treasury Certificates.

Under the National Socialists, Germany’s money wasn’t backed by gold (which was owned by the international bankers). It was essentially a receipt for labor and materials delivered to the government. Hitler said, “For every mark issued, we required the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done, or goods produced.” The government paid workers in Certificates. Workers spent those Certificates on other goods and services, thus creating more jobs for more people. In this way the German people climbed out of the crushing debt imposed on them by the international bankers.

Within two years, the unemployment problem had been solved, and Germany was back on its feet. It had a solid, stable currency, with no debt, and no inflation, at a time when millions of people in the United States and other Western countries (controlled by international bankers) were still out of work. Within five years, Germany went from the poorest nation in Europe to the richest.

Germany even managed to restore foreign trade, despite the international bankers’ denial of foreign credit to Germany, and despite the global boycott by Jewish-owned industries. Germany succeeded in this by exchanging equipment and commodities directly with other countries, using a barter system that cut the bankers out of the picture. Germany flourished, since barter eliminates national debt and trade deficits. (Venezuela does the same thing today when it trades oil for commodities, plus medical help, and so on. Hence the bankers are trying to squeeze Venezuela.)

Germany’s economic freedom was short-lived; but it left several monuments, including the famous Autobahn, the world’s first extensive superhighway.


Hjalmar Schacht, a Rothschild agent who was temporarily head of the German central bank, summed it up thus: An American banker had commented, “Dr. Schacht, you should come to America. We’ve lots of money and that’s real banking.” Schacht replied, “You should come to Berlin. We don’t have money. That’s real banking.”

(Schacht, the Rothschild agent, actually supported the private international bankers against Germany, and was rewarded by having all charges against him dropped at the Nuremberg trials.)

This economic freedom made Hitler extremely popular with the German people. Germany was rescued from English economic theory, which says that all currency must be borrowed against the gold owned by a private and secretive banking cartel — such as the Federal Reserve, or the Central Bank of Europe — rather than issued by the government for the benefit of the people.

Canadian researcher Dr. Henry Makow (who is Jewish himself) says the main reason why the bankers arranged for a world war against Germany was that Hitler sidestepped the bankers by creating his own money, thereby freeing the German people. Worse, this freedom and prosperity threatened to spread to other nations. Hitler had to be stopped!

Makow quotes from the 1938 interrogation of C. G. Rakovsky, one of the founders of Soviet Bolshevism and a Trotsky intimate. Rakovsky was tried in show trials in the USSR under Stalin. According to Rakovsky, Hitler was at first funded by the international bankers, through the bankers’ agent Hjalmar Schacht. The bankers financed Hitler in order to control Stalin, who had usurped power from their agent Trotsky. Then Hitler became an even bigger threat than Stalin when Hitler started printing his own money.

(Stalin came to power in 1922, which was eleven years before Hitler came to power.)

Rakovsky said:

“Hitler took over the privilege of manufacturing money, and not only physical moneys, but also financial ones. He took over the machinery of falsification and put it to work for the benefit of the people. Can you possibly imagine what would have come if this had infected a number of other states? (Henry Makow, “Hitler Did Not Want War,” March 21, 2004).

Economist Henry C K Liu writes of Germany’s remarkable transformation:

“The Nazis came to power in 1933 when the German economy was in total collapse, with ruinous war-reparation obligations and zero prospects for foreign investment or credit. Through an independent monetary policy of sovereign credit and a full-employment public-works program, the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas colonies, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament spending began. (Henry C. K. Liu, “Nazism and the German Economic Miracle,” Asia Times (May 24, 2005).

In Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People (1984), Sheldon Emry commented:

“Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 on, which accounts for Germany’s startling rise from the depression to a world power in five years. The German government financed its entire operations from 1935 to 1945 without gold, and without debt. It took the entire Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German revolution, and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers.”

These facts do not appear in any textbooks today, since Jews own most publishing companies. What does appear is the disastrous runaway inflation suffered in 1923 by the Weimar Republic, which governed Germany from 1919 to 1933. Today’s textbooks use this inflation to twist truth into its opposite. They cite the radical devaluation of the German mark as an example of what goes wrong when governments print their own money, rather than borrow it from private cartels.

In reality, the Weimar financial crisis began with the impossible reparations payments imposed at the Treaty of Versailles. Hjalmar Schacht, the Rothschild agent who was currency commissioner for the Republic — opposed letting the German government print its own money… “The Treaty of Versailles is a model of ingenious measures for the economic destruction of Germany. Germany could not find any way of holding its head above the water, other than by the inflationary expedient of printing bank notes.”

Schacht echoes the textbook lie that Weimar inflation was caused when the German government printed its own money. However, in his 1967 book The Magic of Money, Schacht let the cat out of the bag by revealing that it was the PRIVATELY-OWNED Reichsbank, not the German government, that was pumping new currency into the economy. Thus, the PRIVATE BANK caused the Weimar hyper-inflation.

Like the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Reichsbank was overseen by appointed government officials, but was operated for private gain. What drove the wartime inflation into hyperinflation was speculation by foreign investors, who sold the mark short, betting on its decreasing value. In the manipulative device known as the short sale, speculators borrow something they don’t own, sell it, and then “cover” by buying it back at the lower price.

Speculation in the German mark was made possible because the PRIVATELY OWNED Reichsbank (not yet under Nazi control) made massive amounts of currency available for borrowing. This currency, like U.S. currency today, was created with accounting entries on the bank’s books. Then the funny-money was lent at compound interest. When the Reichsbank could not keep up with the voracious demand for marks, other private banks were allowed to create marks out of nothing, and to lend them at interest. The result was runaway debt and inflation.

Thus, according to Schacht himself, the German government did not cause the Weimar hyperinflation. On the contrary, the government (under the National Socialists) got hyperinflation under control. The National Socialists put the Reichsbank under strict government regulation, and took prompt corrective measures to eliminate foreign speculation. One of those measures was to eliminate easy access to funny-money loans from private banks. Then Hitler got Germany back on its feet by having the public government issue Treasury Certificates.

Schacht , the Rothschild agent, disapproved of this government fiat money, and wound up getting fired as head of the Reichsbank when he refused to issue it. Nonetheless, he acknowledged in his later memoirs that allowing the government to issue the money it needed did not produce the price inflation predicted by classical economic theory, which says that currency must be borrowed from private cartels.

What causes hyper-inflation is uncontrolled speculation. When speculation is coupled with debt (owed to private banking cartels) the result is disaster. On the other hand, when a government issues currency in carefully measured ways, it causes supply and demand to increase together, leaving prices unaffected. Hence there is no inflation, no debt, no unemployment, and no need for income taxes.

Naturally this terrifies the bankers, since it eliminates their powers. It also terrifies Jews, since their control of banking allows them to buy the media, the government, and everything else.

Therefore, to those who delight in saying “Jews financed Hitler,” I ask that they please look at all the facts.

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GUILTY/NOT GUILTY! by Arthur Topham

The British Columbia Supreme Court trial of R v Roy Arthur Topham concluded today in Quesnel’s Supreme Court at 11:27 a.m. when the Jury Foreman responded to the two charges laid against Arthur Topham and his website

Both charges in the case were identical. Only the time period in which the evidence on the website was investigated differed. The charge itself read:

Count 1

Roy Arthur TOPHAM, between the 28th day of April, 2011 and the 4th day of May, 2012, inclusive, at or near Quesnel, in the Province of British Columbia, did by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promote hatred against an identifiable group, people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin, contrary to Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code.

Count 2

Roy Arthur TOPHAM, between the 29th day of January, 2013 and the 11th day of December, 2013, inclusive, at or near Quesnel, in the Province of British Columbia, did by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promote hatred against an identifiable group, people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin, contrary to Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code.

When asked by the Court Registrar what the verdict was for Count 1 the Jury Foreman replied GUILTY.

When asked a second time by the Court Registrar what the verdict was for Count 2 the Jury Foreman replied NOT GUILTY.

After announcing to the court the verdict in both counts Justice Bruce Butler then thanked the jury for their time and dedication to the judicial process and following that he instructed them that anything they had discussed during the course of their deliberations was to remain secret and that to divulge anything that had taken place was a criminal offence. After that the jury was released.

Immediately upon releasing the jury Crown Prosecutor Jennifer Johnson attempted to have Topham’s bail conditions changed, presumably in order to have more stringent conditions imposed other than those already in place.

Justice Butler was not prepared to entertain the Crown’s immediate offer. Defence Attorney Barclay Johnson addressed the Justice stating that if Crown wished to alter Topham’s bail conditions then the proper procedure would be for her to file an application to that effect and a hearing take place. Justice Butler agreed and a hearing on the matter was set for Thursday, November 19th, 2015.

Following that court adjourned.

At this point in time the question remains as to why a guilty verdict was handed down for Count 1 and why a not guilty verdict was handed down for Count 2.

Speculation is that Count 1 included evidence which the jury felt wilfully promoted hatred toward people of the Jewish religion or ethnic group. Count 1 also included the book Germany Must Perish! written by the Jewish author Theodore N. Kaufman as well as the parody/satire of Kaufman’s book by Topham titled Israel Must Perish! which Crown, from the onset of the trial, has adamantly claimed was a “book” that Topham wrote rather than merely a satire of Theodore N. Kaufmann’s book.

It is believed that the jury was convinced by Crown that Topham’s satire of the original book was in fact his own work and that Topham was therefore promoting the total destruction of the Jewish people which the jury felt was proof that Topham did “wilfully promote hatred toward an identifiable group, people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin, contrary to Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code.”

The next stage in this unfolding drama could conceivably be an appeal based upon a Constitutional challenge to the criminal code’s section 319(2); one which had already been attempted back in June of 2015 but failed. It was deemed at the time of Justice Butler decision that a Charter application challenge to the legislation would be more appropriate following the outcome of the trial. Now that the outcome has resulted in a guilty verdict in Count 1 the way is open to again challenge Section 319(2) under Sec. 2b of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Sec. 319(2) of the Criminal Code must be repealed based upon a Charter challenge and the framework for such a challenge may finally be in place.

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Cool fitness promotional gifts anyone can enjoy

We all know that most Americans are not health-conscious. Most of us eat too many sweets and use our exercise time to watch TV or lie on the sofa. With that in mind, it’s time to plan ahead for your fitness giveaways and promotions. At the beginning of a New Year, your customers’ mindset often changes. All of a sudden, their focus will be on getting rid of the “holiday proud flesh” and starting the year with healthier feet. But that mindset shouldn’t just be a New Year’s resolution for a week or two.  hair bands
Whether your customers are fitness focused year-round or just New Year’s resolutions focused, free fitness products have wide appeal throughout the year. Take a look at the creativity of these branded products that will help your customers achieve their fitness goals.
Finding the perfect promotional product to send out is about getting to know your customers. The more they use your product, the more reminders they get about your business. In many cases, they will use your product in public to raise awareness.
If you want to appeal to the 45% of Americans who make fitness-related New Year’s resolutions, check out these branded fitness ideas.
For those who go to the Shared gym, a good towel is a must so that they can wipe off their equipment. Even for those who don’t exercise, the fitness towel is necessary, because it can wipe the sweat off, so that they can finish the exercise strongly.
However, instead of using a traditional gym towel, use a cooler one. Cooling towels are made about 20 degrees cooler than air, making them the cleanest way to eliminate sweat during workouts.
Want to expand your business? The same technology is used to cool hair bands, collars and similar products. Best of all, they can be used by any type of fitness enthusiast: runners, weightlifters, yogis, you name it.
In the case of weight training, resistance bands are the answer to common problems. Everyone wants to have a strong body, but traditional weight lifting equipment is not easy to have. From storage space to the hassle of getting them home, it’s enough to make anyone throw in the towel.
On the contrary, more and more people choose resistive bands for their compact space and multipurpose. You can jump on the bandwagon and give away branded fitness bands that your customers will be happy to try.
Don’t forget that there are several types of resistance bands. Traditional noodle bands are more economical and versatile. On the other hand, straps with handles are more comfortable to use. Consider asking some people in your target audience which they prefer.

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How to Use Promotional Products at the Charity Event

Whether it’s running a charity race against cancer or running a dance marathon to protect families from domestic violence, local communities love to give back. Charities come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have a common purpose: to bring a large group of people together to raise money for a just cause.
When your organization is hosting a charity event, giving away functional promotional products will tie your brand to the cause and increase brand awareness long after the event is over.
Portable power banks are great giveaways for large charity events. Attendees at outdoor events won’t be able to charge their smartphones or tablets, and as evening approaches, power banks become a necessary accessory. Allow your participants to capture every moment and keep their cameras and other devices at full power with a useful power bank. 
Choosing a cause ribbon is a simple and effective way to promote your cause in the community, as well as make full use of word-of-mouth marketing. Cause ribbons have been synonymous with charity events since the ’80s and ’90s. Learn more about cause ribbons and choose appropriate colors for your event by reading our color ribbons guide. Consider ordering awareness  products like car magnets or notepads in the shape of cause ribbons.
Keep runners or other participants hydrated with a sports bottle featuring the logos of your organization and your chosen charity. Branded water bottles are a useful and cheap promotional product everyone appreciates. If you want high-value giveaways for smaller events, upgrade to vacuum-sealed bottles and thermoses for a sleek corporate look.
Ideal giveaways for wellness and health campaigns, fitness tracker bands are an inexpensive and popular promo to give away to event attendees. Walk-a-thons are particularly relevant for these custom promotional bands, but they can also be given away at any event meant to encourage a more active lifestyle.
Get the party begun with a branded compact Bluetooth® speaker so event attendees can play their favorite pump-up jams while taking part in a charity run or other outdoor activity. Speakers can be given away as prizes for contests throughout the day or as part of a “thank you” package to community sponsors.
What’s a charity event without a commemorative T-shirt or hat? We offer a wide variety of branded clothing, so you can reach your audience with sizes and styles they appreciate. Eighty-five percent can recall the organization that provided them with a promotional hat or shirt, making clothing a wise investment in any eve

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