What will the New Year bring for Canadians? By Betty Krawczyk

What will the New Year bring for Canadians? I think the western world lead by the US, and including Canada, is losing its collective mind. It’s as if the US is telling itself fairy tales and getting very angry when any collection of individuals or even one individual, who says, by way of resistance “but wait…I personally do not believe the bull excrement you are shoveling onto my doorstep (and into my airways)”. Not that any important media, or important person, for that matter, at least recognized by Canada, is trying to do this. But I personally rebel when the Canadian press and media, following the US story line, tries to persuade me, and millions of others, that Hillary Clinton lost the election because Putin personally elected Trump as US president by hacking into the American voting machines. I have to say they are lying through their expensive implanted teeth.

The US accusers can’t offer any proof of their accusations of Putin hacking because there isn’t any. I ask, did Putin also hack the machines that put Republicans back into the Senate? And also hack into the House of Representatives voting machines? The cabal of international interests that push austerity onto the people of the world while sucking the economy itself dry says it does. With the help of the Russia Today TV programs of course. The cabal claims that Putin, through RT, plays evil, insidious propaganda lies that are also very powerful and causes strange things to happen in America. Many US lawmakers are calling for the US to outright ban RT being broadcast in and into America. So much for freedom of speech. So do I watch RT?

I do, and I don’t even have television. I get RT through my computer. I also tune in to other alternate news casts but none have the constantly growing ratings of RT. I recommend RT to everyone. Of course they are presenting the Russian point of view which the Russians say is the purpose of the news shows. Why would the Russians have a television show of Russia Today if not to present the Russian point of view? How can Canadians and Americans make up their minds about anything if they only hear one side? That’s all we hear in most of the news programs that service the cabal (the side that CNN and 90 per cent of the other US broadcasting and our very own CBC) wants us to hear. Shouldn’t we also hear the other side? Shouldn’t we all hear honest debate on how “the liberation of Aleppo” in The Russian media becomes the “the downfall of Aleppo” in the American media? Even the government of British Columbia seems to think so.

The province of BC is now advertising on the Russian channel. The BC provincial government has been running a large, chatty video showing and explaining how wonderful British Columbia is to countries everywhere through the RT channel. Christy Clark knows how many people worldwide watch RT. Other Canadian businesses are beginning to catch on, too. I think it is too late to shut RT up. The cabal is trying to distract the people who are slipping out of the middle class, and even out of the working class, into abject poverty by blaming their economic and physic woes on the bogyman Putin instead of their own blood sucking policies which will eventually fail. However, I think a “hard rain has to fall” before the US and Canada comes up with economic programs that allow all in our countries to prosper, not just the banks, and without prosperity being based on war. But war with Russia is exactly what the US is conditioning the western world to accept by constantly presenting Putin as being beneath the consideration of civilized nations; of being inhuman. The US headed cabal wants war with Russia in the New Year. And apparently, listening to the CBC, Canada is willing to tag along.

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Did He Who Made the Lamb Make Section 13? by Arthur Topham

Did He Who Made the Lamb Make Section 13?

by Arthur Topham.

July 19, 2009

“When the stars threw down their spears,
And watered heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who make the Lamb make thee?

Tiger! Tiger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye,
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

~William Blake, (1757 – 1827)
from Songs of Experience, The Tiger

One of my fondest remembrances of passing through high school was the time spent in my Grade 12 English classes. My instructor, an elderly, refined English woman by the name of Mrs. Robertson, was the epitome of all those fine qualities that make up a good teacher and, like myself, she loved English literature and in particular the poets and writers of the 18th and 19th Centuries.

I had a school acquaintance at the time, a social buddy as well, who also enjoyed her classes and we would spend much time composing essays and discussing the finer philosophical points of the many enlightened artists of those days. The image above reminds me of the times that we would spend mulling and disputing and synthesizing our nascent, budding interests in truth and art as expressed in all that was best of the English writers.

One such 18th Century composer of rhyme was William Blake, a fearless visionary and valiant fighter for freedom of expression and spiritual questing. It is he whose immortal words contained in his poem The Tiger and quoted above that now move me today to extrapolate from his thoughts written almost two centuries ago yet as bright and burning in my own soul as they must have been when first forged within the mind of Blake himself.

It’s the issue of freedom of speech or expression. Call it what one will it’s the lifeblood of nation’s character, the spiritual essence that permeates all that a people or a culture can produce as the end-product of its collective consciousness, yet, and as fate would have it, at a time in history when one would imagine that after the effects of the Renaissance period and the Age of Enlightenment and Reason we would by now have progressed as a civilization to stages of democratic and literary growth and freedom where such present realities would have once been deemed contrary to reason and logic, we now find ourselves living in times when this amazing, God-given ability to cogitate and question in the open atmosphere of rightful and peaceful liberty is under dire and imminent threat.

And it’s not restricted to any particular nation either. What we’re witnessing now in Canada under the infamous “Section 13(1)” legislation, contained in the Canadian Human Rights Act, is also being played out in practically every other democratic nation around the world using various legalese terminology. Our sister colonies from “down under,” Australia and New Zealand, are now both living under the Iron Heel of repressive “hate” legislation, bred and birthed by the same Zionist forces who assisted in the still-born delivery of Canada’s section 13(1) after the 911 false flag in September of 2001.

As one associate from New Zealand put it after reading my last article The Silence of the Wolves:

“Yes I do believe that people are starting to understand the nature of what you are up against .. because the UK, the USA and NZ have fallen .. NZ is Rothschild property.

I feel certain of your eventual victory .. but it’s for sure they are going to throw everything at your group because Canada is the last man standing .. you cannot be allowed to win.

So I pray for the success of your sacred mission .. Freedom of Speech .. Peace and Justice!”

Well my friend from the land down-under I too am praying for a positive resolution to this over-powering problem that now besets our respective nations and as my old mentor Blake also once stated, until this anti-free speech legislation is erased from the statutes of Canadian jurisprudence, “I shall not cease from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand.”

But the purpose of this short Sunday epistle is not to delve too deeply into the nuts and bolts that hold together this flawed piece of legal machinery (sec. 13) now affecting me and my website and those of countless others who write or blog or publish the works of a growing number of dissident thinkers who also realize the nature of the game being played out here with our cherished rights and freedoms.

Rather I’d like to comment on the question posed in the title to this short piece. Did He who made the Lamb also make the Zionists (who in turn made Section 13)? My guess, based on a lifetime of experience in studying practically every esoteric, philosophical, ideological and ontological system known to man, is that He did. The big question though for those who believe in God or a supreme Creator is why?

To find the answer to that I think we need to return to Blake and to ponder the whole question of whether we live in a moral universe or an immoral one and whether or not we can bring ourselves to the point of accepting in general terms the notion that this world is basically a balance between two forces, those of “good” and those of “evil.” It’s a duality; a balance of yin and yang; of light and darkness.

It is interesting that Alexandr Solzhenitsyn touches on this very issue in his small book of speeches given in the USA after his expulsion from the USSR back in the 1970’s called Warning to the West. Again, in his speech to the AFL-CIO in NYC, referring to Communism he said:

“Communism has never concealed the fact that it rejects all absolute concepts of morality. It scoffs at any consideration of “good” and “evil” as indisputable categories. Communism considers morality to relative, to be a class matter. Depending upon circumstances and the political situation, any act, including murder, even the killing of hundreds of thousands, could be good or could be bad. It all depends upon class ideology. And who defines this ideology? The whole class cannot get together to pass judgment. A handful of people determine what is good and what is bad. But I must say that in this very respect Communism has been most successful. I has infected the whole world with the belief in the relativity of good and evil. Today, many people apart from the communists are carried away by this idea. Among progressive people, it is considered rather awkward to use seriously such words as “good” and “evil.” Communism has managed to persuade all of us that these concepts are old-fashioned and laughable. But if we are to be deprived of the concepts of good and evil, what will be left? Nothing but the manipulation of one another. We will sink to the status of animals.

Both the theory and the practice of Communism are completely inhuman for that reason. There is a word very commonly used these days: “anti-Communism.” That is a poor, tasteless locution. It makes it appear as though Communism were something original, fundamental. Therefore, it is taken as the point of departure, and anti-Communism is defined in relation to Communism. I say that this word was poorly selected, that it was put together by people who do not understand etymology. The primary, the eternal concept is humanity, and Communism is anti-humanity. A poor construction. So we should say: That which is against Communism is for humanity. Not to accept, but to reject this inhuman Communist ideology is simply to be a human being. Such a rejection is more than a political act. It is a protest of our souls against those who would have us forget the concepts of good and evil.”

If we take Solzhenitsyn’s word “Communism” and substitute the more modern, recent expression of this self-same ideology and use the word “Zionism” then we will be one step closer to understanding at least the two basic principles here being discussed.

The term good refers to all that is positive, filled with the light of truth, geared toward harmony and peace and plenty; wholesome and holistic and meaningful and pleasing to all from the new-born babe to the eldest of the elders. On the contrary the term evil refers to all that is in opposition to these life-given qualities or traits that are the hallmarks of a sane and healthy and happy and harmonious society. Deception, lies, murder, hatred, subterfuge, hypocrisy, war, pollution, violence come to mind immediately in juxtaposition to the live-enhancing precepts first mentioned.

We might, for the sake of simplicity and analogy compare the two with Blake’s lamb and tiger. They exist in a symbiotic relationship with each other and kept in balance they preserve the equilibrium of the species. On the other hand if the tigers grow to great in their number and their power and their ferocity then the lambs face the imminent threat of both overwhelming attack and possible annihilation.

Today humanity faces just such an existential challenge when it comes to the looming problem of political Zionism and the effects which it has had upon the world since it began to gain excessive power and influence in the affairs of nations around the turn of the 20th Century.

What it boils down to is what Solzhenitsyn warned the west of – deluding ourselves into accepting the evils of Communism/Zionism as being merely relative. Instead we must come to the realization that Zionism is not relatively benign but rather the most deadly ideological program for anti-humanitarianism ever devised by the evil and dark side of the human mind. It must be stopped dead in its tracks and a balance found. Or else?

Arthur Topham is the Publisher and Editor of RadicalPress.com. He is currently involved in a free speech battle with the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada.

He is also in extremely dire need of financial support to sustain this battle with the forces of repression and censorship as he is not able to work during this period of intense litigation with the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the CHR Tribunal. Any donations therefore would be most welcome. Please see the following url on the Home Page (upper right hand corner) http://www.radicalpress.com/?page_id=657 regarding donations. Also there is a “DONATE” button there for Paypal or here at https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4466120 . Feel free to use any of them if you can help out. Thanks.

Arthur welcomes all feedback to his articles and can be reached at [email protected] .

For the Full Monty on the complaint case involving RadicalPress.com and B’nai Brith Canada please see: http://www.radicalpress.com/?page_id=995

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The Silence of the Wolves by Arthur Topham

The Silence of the Wolves
by Arthur Topham

July 16, 2009

“They’re selling you billows of smoke and calling them the fires of Freedom! They’re peddling shadows and labelling them light beams of Truth.”

~from Memos to Myself, Arthur Topham, January 1, 2009

A June 24, 2009 letter by Cal Mahan of Calgary to the Calgary Herald, appearing under the byline “Find someone new” and in response to the paper’s June 21st Editorial, “CHRC seeks more powers,” stated:

“This editorial is an updated rehash of the Feb. 13 editorial “Would-be censor seeks red pencil” and other single-minded opinion pieces. The poster boys remain the same – Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant – two unsympathetic propagandists and bullies.
Can’t you find a more attractive victim of the witch-hunting human rights commissions, who would elicit more general public affinity for your otherwise media-centric cause?”

In many respects Mahan’s comments epitomized, in two pithy sentences, the reality of Canada’s mainstream media and its current one-sided, circumscribed perspective on the issue of freedom of speech in Canada and who will be given a platform to express their perspective on this highly contentious subject. In allowing only the poster boys Levant and Steyn to monopolize this debate within the pages of the Zionist-owned media the obvious bias is showing through. The fact that the same two rogues from out of the gallery of the human rights commission’s victims are inevitably given this privilege on a regular basis doesn’t sit well with many who see the cozy set-up that appears to exist between certain ethnic/religious groups and their counterparts in the media.

It also got me thinking about my own situation with respect to this issue of who gets to be highlighted by the media and who doesn’t. In the case of myself and my website RadicalPress.com it’s now been just over two years since Harvey Smarba, B.C. representative for the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada along with his co-complainant Anita Bromberg, formally laid a complaint[1] with the Canadian Human Rights Commission under the notorious Section 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act seeking “relief” for contended “discriminatory” publication of articles which they felt contrived “to promote ongoing hatred affecting persons identifiable as Jews and/or as citizens of Israel.”

Since receiving word of the complaint it’s become a full time profession for me trying to stave off this blatant attempt to silence my thoughts and opinions on an issue of public interest (Zionist politics) that is growing in leaps and bounds with each passing day.

Synopsis of Complaint

In a nutshell I received, via Canada Post, and in an unmarked, unregistered envelope, copies of the formal complaint made against myself and my website on November 20, 2007. Beginning on January 3, 2008 I sent a lengthy, detailed “Response”[2] to the the Commission’s “Hate Crimes Investigator” Ms. Sandy Kozak outlining the various reasons why I felt the charges were purely political and vexatious and ought to be dismissed. On August 27, 2008 I received a Report[3] from the CHRC Investigations Division stating that they felt the grounds for the complaint against me were valid and in conformity with all the other section 13 complaints of the same nature. In turn they asked for any further comments from me prior to making a final decision as to whether or not to recommend that the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal look into either mediating the case or, failing mediation, taking it to a formal Tribunal hearing. On September 17, 2008 I send a formal Comments[4] response to the Commission again stating my reasons why I felt the case should not go to the Tribunal and protesting the manner in which the Investigator had come to her conclusions. Finally, on November 21, 2008 I received a letter[5] from the Commission stating that the case would proceed to the Tribunal.

From Black to Blackout

Having been in the publishing business for a decade prior to the complaint being laid[6] I was well aware of the process of sending out “News Releases” on important issues of public concern. I had been doing it for a long time. So, after filing my Response to the Canadian Human Rights Commission, I naturally proceeded to the next stage which was to send out a News Release[7] regarding this sudden attack upon my cherished right to freedom of speech.

I gathered together the email contacts for practically every major news media across Canada including both the public and private sectors. I systematically sent out the News Release to each and every one individually so that any conception of spamming would be eliminated. Out of approximately 50 major news outlets only two picked up the story and both of those who did were local media outlets not under the control of the Zionist media cartel generally known as Canwest Global Communications Corp.

The major outlet in this thinly disguised subterfuge was my own hometown newspaper known as the Quesnel Cariboo Observer. Its then Editor, Andrea Johnston, who knew me personally as a regular contributor to the paper for over thirty years, assigned her intrepid and fearless feature news writer, Autumn MacDonald, to contact me regarding the release and to do a follow-up interview and a subsequent news story.[8]

As well, a sister publication of Black Press (no relation to Conrad Black’s former media cartel), the Prince George Free Press, also ran the news item. As for the other 48 news outlets who received the story only an ominous silence greeted my awaiting ears.

Apart from carrying the story the Quesnel Cariboo Observer also ran a series of supporting letters[9] – all of which proved to be too much for the Complainant in the case Mr. Harvey Smarba. In a reply to the news item of January 13 Mr. Smarba sent a letter to the Editor[10] in an effort to further paint a dismal picture of myself as a purveyor of historic “anti-Semitic” documents like the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which he described he described in profusely rhetorical and misinformed detail.[the url number to this article, by the way, is purely coincidental. A.T. :)]

When I responded to his accusations in a subsequent letter to the editor[11] Harvey Smarba then proceeded to go over the heads of the local newspaper staff and, using his executive B’nai Brith credentials as well as his trusted friend Ricardo Warmouse’s influence, he wrote to David Black, owner of Black Press Ltd falsely informed him that his newspaper was essentially breaking the law by giving coverage to a case which he said was still under investigation. He also insinuated in his letters to Black Press that giving column inches to the issue in the form of letters from myself could place the newspaper in the unenviable position where a libel suit might be laid by none other than Canada’s number one tailor of such suits, Mr. Ricardo Warmouse. All of these veiled threats of litigation including his slanderous comments about my name and website were of course pure bunk on the part of Mr. Smarba as was later revealed in the CHR Tribunal’s ruling that all cases under its jurisdiction do not fall under any such media sanctions but are open to public scrutiny and commentary from start to finish.

The Silence of the Wolves

The late, great Russian writer, dissident and recipient of the Nobel prize for literature, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, in a speech to a New York City audience of AFL-CIO members back in July of 1975 had some pertinent remarks to make concerning the nature of Communism also known under its various guises as Marxism or Bolshevism or Stalinism or as it currently exists in today’s political vernacular – Zionism.

What he said was that Communism (Zionism) always disguises itself when it is in the process of infiltrating other nations for the purpose of destroying their fundamental social and democratic principles. Disguise, or as the Zionist motto of the state of Israel proclaims unabashedly, “DECEPTION” is the touchstone of the eventual fulfillment of these efforts at undermining free and democratic societies. In other words it must and inevitably does always appear as a wolf in sheep’s clothing as the proverbial expression goes.

Here in Canada, as elsewhere throughout the West and within the borders of Communist China, nothing reflects the presence of this deceptive principle in a more apt or poignant fashion than that of a nation’s means of communication. The mainstream news media is the penultimate channel or vehicle of expression for the transmission of a nation’s socio-political and cultural identity. It’s a measure of the country’s heartbeat; the prime indicator of a society’s level of intellectual and spiritual consciousness and the hallmark of its depth of conscience and its pinnacle of integrity. In short it is the measure of a nation’s special identity, reflecting both its spirit and its collective wisdom and purpose.

As anyone who is familiar with the works of Solzhenitsyn knows, this man experienced the brutality of Communism/Zionism as no other who survived to tell about it. One point he made to his New York City audience was that beyond overthrowing the world’s bourgeoisie (the existing, for the most part Christian, social order that stood in the way of the fulfillment of the fantasies of Marx, Engels and Lenin), Communism offered no real solutions to the improvement of the working man or proletariat. All it promised was their dictatorship and that is all it ever produced. Beyond that everything else was rhetoric and smoke and mirrors. In other words deception disguised as dialogue (or better yet, monologue).

Nowhere today do we see this more clearly embodied than in the rhetoric of Canada’s “human rights” commissions, those quasi-judicial government organs who proffer the public misleading and false notions of what “hate” is and how “hate,” especially “hate” toward the Communist/Zionist state of Israel and the Zionist Jews is destroying our otherwise harmonious and loving and “just” society.

Nothing could be further from the truth. As Solzhenitsyn clearly showed all these arguments are pure deception and disguise. Communism’s (Zionism’s) one characteristic feature, above all else, is its lack of arguments that might convince its opponents. Whether this manifests in its inability to argue against the Revisionists (who it imprisons rather than debates with) or in its current practice of labeling anti-Zionists as “hate-mongers” and “anti-Semites” and “racists” and so on it’s all the same.

In the Soviet Union, as he said, because there were no reasoned arguments that favoured Communism any such dialectic was replaced by clubs and bullets and prisons and concentration camps (the gulag archipelago) and enforced confinement within insane asylums where daily injections of lethal chemicals slowly dissolved the brains of those who disagreed with the Zionist agenda.

We see this same train of thought happening today in Canada (and elsewhere) with respect to our “human rights” commissions and tribunals. Instead of clubs and guns and gulags the Communist/Zionist forces have, via relentless subterfuge, instead created government mechanisms like the hrc’s and their attendant Show Trial tribunals and rather than their former ideological war cry slogans of “Revolution!” and “Destroy of the Bourgeoisie!” and “Workers of the World Unite!” they now cry out against “Anti-Semitism!” and “Hatred toward Jews and citizens of Israel!” in their incessant attempts to convince the masses to revolt against the present-day dissidents who, like myself, persist in exposing the real Communist/Zionist agenda – that being of course, endless war and revolution, social upheaval and the destruction of Christian principles until their perverse objective of a one world government under the iron heel of a global “Zommunist” dictatorship is finally fulfilled.

Therein lies the deceptive nature of Canada’s monopolistic media, owned and controlled by the very Zionist/Communist entities who continually delude the public into believing that “hatred” toward Zionist Jews and citizens of Israel is justifiable grounds for the acceptance of and belief in this incredible judicial hoax otherwise known as section 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act. It is the hallmark of Zionism’s formal disguise and the precise reason why these wolves in sheep’s clothing continue to avoid the current case of Zionism v. Freedom of Speech otherwise known as the Smarba/B’nai Brith Canada v. Arthur Topham and RadicalPress.com.

And so the wolves of the Zionist media remain silent on the issue of their underlying intent and the sheeple sit idle in their comatose state of confusion and suspended disbelief before their television sets succoured by entertaining, extraneous, superfluous light beams of shadowy, false deceptions while the road to Armageddon looms ominously nearer and nearer.

For today’s skeptics and unbelievers I leave the following prophetic warning which Solzhenitsyn gifted to the West via his NYC audience twenty-nine years ago. He stated, in the form of an old Russian proverb, that which he and others who had survived the Communist/Zionist threat wished for us to realize:

Coming from different countries, without consulting with one another, they have brought out exactly the same thing: they warn you of what is now taking place and of what has taken place in the past. But the proud skyscrapers stand on, jut into the sky, [at least until 911 A.T.] and say: It will never happen here. This will never come to us. It is not possible here.

It can happen. It is possible. As a Russian proverb says: “When it happens to you, you’ll know it’s true.”

It is for these reasons that I now state why the threat of a good example was quashed by the Jewish lobby in question and thus began the end of any further coverage of the Agent Z v. RadicalPress.com human rights complaint in the mainstream media. Soon after Agent Z’s letter to David Black the local editor of the one “little newspaper that could” published a short statement in the paper saying that no further coverage would be given to the complaint and since February of 2008 a virtual shroud of blackness has descended upon the one case which highlights the very core issues affecting our inherent rights and freedoms here in Canada.

Some notable exceptions

But of course there is more than one way to skin a rat and so I thank God the Internet was available which allowed other alternative news sites around the world to pick up on the story and bring it to the attention of online readers everywhere. The two of greatest influence and support have been http:www.rense.com and http://www.davidicke.com . Here at home the only online sites willing to carry the complaint and analyze its repercussions have been the websites http://www.FreeDominion.com and http://ziofascism.info as well as the odd snippet on http://www.pacificfreepress.com .

As for the mainstream media across Canada “mum” has been the word and it remains so to this day. Not a pretty picture of Canada’s so-called “independent” news media; one that appears to bend over backwards in its acceptance of the two poster boys yet is as culpable as hell in its refusal to give more than a one-sided presentation to Canadians of the nature of the Commissions and their attendant Tribunals and voice only to those who are deemed credible enough to warrant accepting copy from for public consumption.

It must be understood though that I’m not suggesting that these two individual Zionists shouldn’t be given a forum to express their points of view. Far from it. What I, and many others would like to see though is the opportunity given to other points of view as well as the Zionist one.

This deliberate censoring of the views of rogues and radical rebels such as myself by the mainstream media while the commissions and tribunals move inexorably toward further and further state controls is what qualifies them as wolves in sheep’s clothing presenting half-truths and one-sided perspectives on an issue that is vital to our nation’s survival as a free and independent and democratic country.

Someday, someone, somewhere, is going to break that silence and only then will we begin to hear the sounds of balanced media coverage finally rising above what Solzhenitsyn described as “the incessant dinning of slogans and dogmas that abolish the human essence and deny all individuality to man.” Then, and only then, will the silence of the wolves begin to disperse as the morning fog of false propaganda lifts and the clear light of a new day of freedom of speech begins to dawn for all Canadians.

Arthur Topham is the Publisher and Editor of RadicalPress.com. He is currently involved in a free speech battle with the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada.

He is also in extremely dire need of financial support to sustain this battle with the forces of repression and censorship as he is not able to work during this period of intense litigation with the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the CHR Tribunal. Any donations therefore would be most welcome. Please see the following url on the Home Page (upper right hand corner) http://www.radicalpress.com/?page_id=657 regarding donations. Also there is a “DONATE” button there for Paypal or here at https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4466120 . Feel free to use any of them if you can help out. Thanks.

Arthur welcomes all feedback to his articles and can be reached at [email protected] .

For the Full Monty on the complaint case involving RadicalPress.com and B’nai Brith Canada please see: http://www.radicalpress.com/?page_id=995

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The Seven Pillars Of Zionist Subterfuge by Arthur Topham

Tzar Nicholas II and his family. The Tzar acted constitutionally and abdicated on March 5, 1917. He and his family were kept prisoner at Tobolsk and guarded by a Russian commandant and Russian guards. In April, 1918, after the Jewish regime gained controlled, he was transferred along with his family from Moscow to Ekaterinburg in the Urals. All the Russians were replaced by Bolshevik Jew Cheka members who, at midnight on July 16, 1918, woke the Tzar and his family and took them into the basement and shot and bayoneted them and then took the bodies to a disused iron pit and and cut them up and burned them and then dissolved the parts with 400 lbs of sulphuric acid. Afterwards the ashes and fragments were thrown down a mine shaft and covered up. Thanks to the fact that the White Armies captured Ekaterinburg the truth was found out.

The Seven Pillars of Zionist Subterfuge
by Arthur Topham

July 5, 2009


The struggle for freedom of speech in Canada continues. It’s has now been over 19 months since the Zionist organization nominally referred to as B’nai Brith Canada registered a formal complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission, the premise of which was the contention that I and my website RadicalPress.com were contriving to promote ongoing hatred affecting persons identifiable as Jews and/or as citizens of Israel.

Since that day back on November 20, 2007 it has been a continuous gong show of legal assaults in one form or another directed toward myself; first coming from the Commission and then, after they decided the case warranted proceeding to the next stage, from the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, all seemingly in tandem with the Complainants’ own submissions.

Whenever I submit a document or letter or make a motion in my own defense the immediate reaction is to be met with counter arguments and legalese from either Mr. Daniel Poulin, counsel for the Commission or Marvin Kurz, of the law offices of Dale, Streiman & Kurz of Brampton, Ontario. Kurz of course is a longstanding member of this Rothschild created secret society known as the Independent Order of B’nai Brith and is also head counsel for the Canadian branch of B’nai Brith International better known to the public as simply B’nai Brith Canada. Kurz is representing the two B’nai Brith Canada executive members, Mr. Nobody and Anita Bromberg, who laid the complaint against me and my website.

As is standard practice with the Zionists, whenever it comes to attempts to silence dissenting opinions, they do their damnedest to discredit whomever they are out to censor. In my case they attempt to do it via legal channels and throwing every bit of muddy legal “precedent” that they can dig up at both me and the (theoretically independent) Tribunal in order to get the Tribunal to rule on inapplicable case law that would prevent me from presenting the overwhelming evidence which now exists that refutes all of their worn-out allegations of “anti-Semitism” and “racism” and “hate-monger” and which also conclusively shows that Israel is, in fact, a racist, terrorist, apartheid state and likely the most undemocratic nation in the world of those who profess to be such.

As such their latest attempt to have the Tribunal lend its quasi-judicial ear to the seven points contained within their June 23, 2009 letter to the Tribunal represents in some ways an indication of their desperation in trying to stop the flow of information that counters all of their propaganda concerning both political Zionism and the actual politics of the state of Israel.

Employing the legal procedure known as “Judicial Notice” which Black’s Law Dictionary defines as, “The act by which a court, in conducting a trial, or framing its decision, will, of its own motion, and without the production of evidence, recognize the existence and truth of certain facts, having a bearing on the controversy at bar, which, from their nature, are not properly the subject of testimony, or which are universally regarded as established by common notoriety, e.g., the laws of the state, international law, historical events, the constitution and course of nature, main geographical features, etc.” the Complainants are attempting to convince the Tribunal that all of their standard Zionist propaganda which has been forced upon the general public over the past century by a compliant, controlled Zionist media, must now be recognized as being universally accepted as fact.

As far as chutzpah goes this latest move on their part has to be considered as one of the more blatant examples of arrogance and chauvinism to ever have been offered up for public consumption.

The substance of the article below is therefore my (relatively) short response to the seven points they have submitted to the Tribunal. Bear in mind as well that the whole issue of section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act is, in essence, tied directly to this latest ploy by the Zionists. In keeping with a semblance of literary flavour in all of these otherwise dry and dusty proceedings I’ve chosen to refer to the seven points as the seven pillars of Zionist subterfuge.

The remainder of this article is being edited and will be reposted at some, as yet, undetermined time. Ed.

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ISRAEL MUST PERISH! The Book that the Jews Fear By Arthur Topham

ISRAEL MUST PERISH! The Book that the Jews Fear
By Arthur Topham

May 27, 2011

Author’s Preface:

What is contained herein is but a synopsis and partial review of the verbatim text of an actual book first published in the USA back in early 1941 when America was still a neutral country. That book, Germany Must Perish! was written by a Jewish writer by the name of Theodore N. Kaufman. Its exact proposals are those contained herein.

It is assumed that the reader will already be fully cognizant of the Zionist agenda for global governance that is a given in today’s political reality, especially within the alternative media and on the Internet where Zionist “hate” laws are still not fully in place to restrict the natural flow of ideas and opinions that proceed from historical research and experience.

In 1941 Kaufman’s book was a brilliant piece of Zionist Jew propaganda designed to stir up anti-German hatred in America. Some say that it formed the basis of the infamous “Morgenthau Plan” that was later signed in Quebec, Canada by President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill; one designed to dismember Germany after its defeat and reduce it to the status of “a goat pasture.” It was, and probably remains to this day, the foremost example of hate literature ever to have been published and dispensed to the general public.

As the reader will surmise from viewing the image of the back page of Kaufman’s book some of America’s most prestigious newspapers and magazines were in full support of the objectives set down in this classic book of Jewish hate literature. Again, the reader is cautioned to bear in mind that I have changed the word “Nazi” to “Jew” in the quote from the Philadelphia Record as I have changed all the other words “German” and “Nazi” to “Jew” and “Zionist,” etc.

The striking thing about the vileness of the text is how, today, it seems to roll off the mind’s tongue as if it were as truthful and factual as the rising sun. As such I firmly believe that all of what the Zionist Jews write about others is actually but a reflection of their own inner, perverse, dislocated self. By projecting outward on to others their innate paranoid and deep-seated hatred for the rest of the world they’re able to meet the requirements of the Israeli state’s motto which reads, “By Way of Deception Though Shalt Cause War” and feel a sense of superiority and self-righteousness in doing so.

I would humbly ask the reader to be aware of these features as they read both the text and the context in which it was first written. I have, as the saying goes, only changed the names to protect the innocent. As for any further extrapolation I will leave that up to the reader.


ISRAEL MUST PERISH! The Book that the Jews Fear By Roy Arthur Topham

Beginning with the Table of Contents page Topham makes this dramatic initial statement:

“This dynamic volume outlines a comprehensive plan for the extinction of the Jewish nation and the total eradication from the earth, of all her people.”

How do you like those apples so far? Talk about cutting to the chase!

from Chapter One: About This Book

“Today’s wars are not wars against Netanyahu.

Nor are they wars against the Zionists…

Netanyahu is no more to be blamed for these Israeli wars than was Sharon for the last one. Nor Begin before. These men did not originate or wage Israel’s wars against the world. They were merely the mirrors reflecting centuries-old inbred lust of the Jewish nation for conquest and mass murder.

These wars are being waged by the Jewish people. It is they who are responsible. It is they who must be made to pay for the wars.

…This time Israel has forced a TOTAL WAR upon the world.

As a result, she must be prepared to pay a TOTAL PENALTY.

And there is one, and only one, such Total Penalty:

Israel must perish forever!

In fact – not in fancy!”


“For quite patently, to fight once more in democratic defense against Israel with any goal in view save that country’s extinction constitutes, even though it lose the war, a Jewish victory. To fight, to win, and not this time to end Jewish Zionism forever by exterminating completely those people who spread its doctrine is to herald the outbreak of another Jewish war within a generation.”

When this day of reckoning with Israel comes, as come it will, there will be only one obvious answer. No statesman or politician or leader responsible for post-war settlements will have the right to indulge in the personal luxury of false sentiment and specious sanctimony and declare that Israel, misled by her leaders, shall deserve the right of resurrection!

… the beast that is Israel shall never roam the earth again!

It is a definite obligation which the world owes to those who struggled and died against the Jews…to make certain that the vicious fangs of the Jewish serpent shall never strike again. And since the venom of those fangs derives its fatal poison not from within the body, but from the war-soul of the Jews, nothing else would assure humanity safety and security but that that war-soul be forever expunged, and the diseased carcass which harbors it be forever removed from this world. There is no longer any alternative:

Israel Must Perish!

… And so it is with the people of Israel. They may respond for a while to civilizing forces; they may seemingly adopt the superficial mannerisms and exterior behaviorisms of civilized peoples but all the while there remains ever present within them that war-soul which eventually drives them, as it drives the tiger, to kill. And no amount of conditioning, or reasoning, or civilizing – past, present or future – will ever be able to change this basic nature. For if no impress has been made upon this war-soul over the period of some two thousand years is it to be expected that of a sudden, on the morrow, this miracle will occur?

This analogous linking of the people of Israel with a savage beast is no vulgar comparison. I feel no more personal hatred for these people than I might feel for a herd of wild animals or a cluster of poisonous reptiles. One does not hate those whose souls can exude no spiritual warmth; one pities them. If the Jewish people wish to live by themselves, in darkness, it would be strictly their own affair. But when they make constant attempts to enshroud the souls of other people in those fetid wrappings which cloak their own, it becomes time to remove them from the realm of civilized mankind among which they can have no place or right to existence.

We need not condemn the Jews. They stand self-condemned. For it suffices us to read and hear those words written and spoken only by Jews; to observe deeds performed solely by Jews; to endure sufferings and dislocations caused solely by the Jewish people in pursuit of their megalomaniacal ideals and daemonic aspirations to realize that it is the Jews themselves who decree, almost demand, their ostracism from their fellow man. They have lost the wish to be human beings. They are but beasts; they must be dealt with as such.

This is an objective viewpoint, carefully considered and factually sustained. It is the viewpoint taken of them in this book.

War must be fought … with penalties infinitely more frightful and hazardous than war itself.

This book sincerely believes that it has found such a penalty; and by its imposition upon the people of Israel, this book believes that not only would a great scourge be removed from the world, but a great good born to it.”

from Chapter Two: Background of Jewish Zionism

“Jews are an execrable people! They think and dream of nothing but chicanery. Their great joy consists in fault-finding, shrieking and threats. They brandish arms which are like barbed clubs; from their mouths instead of ordinary human speech, issue the rumbling of artillery and the clash of steel; their life is one of perpetual explosion. The Jew does not live on the heights; he avoids light, and from his hiding place he picks to pieces treaties, exercises his malign influence on newspaper articles, pores over maps, measures angles, and traces with gloating eagerness the lines of frontiers. To love their country is for them to despise, flout and insult every other country. They are capable of little else but cheating and lying, even to themselves. They meddle in everyone else’s affairs, poking their nose into matters that do not concern them, criticizing everything, bossing everything, lowering and distorting everything. What a pity that twenty-three centuries after Socrates and Plato, two thousand years after Christ, the voice of men like these should still be heard in the world, worse still that they should be listened to, and worst of all that any one should believe them! Country for them is an isolated organism and they admit it is possible for them to live and breathe in an atmosphere of haughty contempt for their neighbors. They conceive their country as a permanent element of dissolution like a devouring and insatiable monster, a beast of prey, whose one function is to plunder. All that it does not possess it has been robbed of. The universe belongs to it by right. Whoever attempts to escape from its tyranny is a rebel. This jingo country, this bloodthirsty fetish of which they are the champions, they endow, with the capriciousness of potentates, when it suits their purpose, with every marvelous and charming attribute. Whoever does not at once agree with their extravagances is a barbarian. You must love their country in full armor, with dervish-like celebrations and howls, eyes shut and body trembling with ecstasy; a deaf ear must be turned to the rest of the world on its failings. Everything that is not Jewish must be hated. Hate is sacred. Love and hate are in connection with your country two terms proceeding from one condition of mind. For them Industrial progress is not a happy sign of national prosperity but a means of domination. Geography is not the science of the earth, but a mere revelation of the boundaries between which are elaborated strategical schemes of conquest. Every neighbor is of necessity a jealous one, and the enemy who is vigilant is jealous too. The world is populated by hyenas crouching on the plots of earth from which they ought to be dislodged.

The Jew has decided that his race has been elected by God to order the modern world. Anyone who resists him will be an arrogant usurper, who ought to be crushed. The Jew professes to want peace, but it must be his own sort of peace, after the pattern of the Persian satrap’s who, out of love for peace and concord, throws everyone to the lions who dares dispute him. His voice is raucous and resounding; he does not argue but makes sweeping assertions and lays down the law. At the first sign of resistance he grows crimson in the face, and has recourse to thunder and lightning. He holds forth on the authority of a sacred categorical imperative which stands in the stead of truth and order; he respects nothing and no one. Should he find himself confronted by the law, he says that it needs reforming. Ministers are mere clerks to be used as pawns in his maneuvering. He is exacting and cantankerous; whoever undertakes to shout with him never shouts loud enough. To give in to him means becoming enlisted as his civil agent. He is an agitator and swashbuckler. He dips his pen in gall and he sets in motion with his antics the marionettes which appeal to the nation and may come to conquer it. The fundamental superiority of the Jewish race, the necessity of expanding Jewish prestige in all quarters of the globe, of protecting the Jew wherever he may be found, no matter what he may be, because he bears within him a residuum of the race; that is what the educators of youth coming down the years in disciplined array like battalions crossing the maneuver fields, have never ceased to drum into the popular understanding and the flame of victory rising to the sky will be the signal for it to boil over.

…Time cannot change the infernal breed, whatever its label. Time merely enlarges the field in which the Jew can, with ever-increasing intensity and thoroughness, practice those monstrous acts which his fevered, war-intoxicated brain dictates, and his vile instincts and barbaric, savage soul prompts. If today the urge of his war-soul can prompt the Jew to murder innocent hostages imagine, if you can, how that same soul will express itself through the thousandfold-more-fanatic Jew of tomorrow?

…Make no mistake about it; world-dominion is not a mirage to the Jew; it never was, and so long as Israel exists as a nation, it never will be. A belief to the contrary, if too-long sustained, may well result in the world’s enslavement by the Jew.

As fantastic and as cyclonic as Zionist “accomplishments” might seem, it is still more fantastic to note as a fact that in the entire annals of history no doctrine ever existed which has all its major beliefs so clearly defined, its methods so concisely detailed, and its aims so vividly, comprehensively, and boldly stated beforehand. It is in every respect a deliberate, ruthlessly calculated plot to rule the world or, failing that, to annihilate it! And so long as the Jewish nation exists it intends, in one form or another, now or later, to bring about just such a catastrophe.

…The poisonous wine of destruction has long before been distilled; Netanyahu is merely the agent decanting the poisonous fluid from its bottle, which is the Jewish war-soul, into the jug that is world humanity. In detailing those ingredients which combine to constitute the toxic formula of Jewish Zionism the author shall quote, wherever confirmation of his statements may be deemed advisable, principally from Jewish sources. For after all no one can explain the Jew so well as he himself. He has made no secret of his character, his ambitions and his intentions. By his acts he has himself bared his heart and soul; by his words, by his own hand he will someday come to dig his own grave.

It is not to be wondered at that the nations of the Western world regard the avowed program of the Zionist Jew for world conquest and dominion with a great deal of amazement and incredulity. For such an idea is entirely alien to those basic principles and instincts of the western civilization which, painfully and gradually, arose out of the chaos of the past thousands of years. Such civilized nations regard individual rights, the sacredness of human life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as the virtues of mankind and itself, the individual States, as guarantor of those rights. And though, at one time or another during their existence nations may have sought political and economic adjustments, even territorial aggrandizement through force of arms, it must be noted that no Western nation has ever made such a religion of war, such idolatry of armaments, and such a cult of mass murder and destruction as has Israel and her peoples.

According to her own writers, teachers and statesmen Israel has but one great reason for existing; that of achieving world-dominion! Since that is its highest aim, therefore, Israel constantly claims that it has every right to make free and liberal use of chicanery, deceit, intolerance, lust, persecution and oppression, in order to achieve that goal. Consequently such a perverted nation, such a State of human negation, views its vice as being the only true virtue in life, whereas to the Jews the virtues as they are known and may be practiced by the rest of the world are merely vices due to the latter’s decay and degeneration! As though there exists anywhere in the world a nation which can boast of degeneration in the same degree as Israel!

The primary reason which stirs Jewish lust for world dominion was best summarized by a Jewish professor who declared that since Israel will never be able to understand the world, the latter must be conquered and reformed so that it will be able to conform to Jewish thought!

It is just such mass megalomania, crass egoism and intellectual aberrancy which stirred the demented brain of the Jew of yesterday to foment his wars; which animates the insane Zionist today in continuing those wars and which will, if the schizophrenic Ashkenazim continue to exist, direct the policies and actions of any party in control of Israel in the future. For, to reiterate, the Jewish idea of world-dominion and enslavement of its peoples is no political belief: it is a fierce and burning gospel of hate and intolerance, of murder and destruction and the unloosing of a sadistic blood lust. It is, in every literal sense, a savage and pagan religion which incites its worshippers first to a barbaric frenzy and then prompts them to vent their animal ferocity in the practice of every horrible, ruthless and unmentionable atrocity upon innocent men, women and children. Such are the true Jewish virtues! And the world will feel their sting so long as they continue to tolerate Israel and her peoples on the earth, for those Jewish traits are the same as those which, emanating from the Jewish soul, animated the Jewish tribes of yore. We have but to examine the development of those tribes to perceive just to what extent within the Jewish soul, the Jewish ideal of world conquest and dominion really lies.

… Such is the ” Chosen Master-Race” of the world!

from Chapter 3. Organized Jewish Zionism

…Zionism — the theory of a master race of Jews destined to enslave a weak world by force and brutality — had been an unvoiced doctrine of Jewish belief since tribal days until the latter part of the last century when it reached its maturity by becoming fashioned into a vast and well-organized movement [World Zionist Organization. A.T.]. Its astounding and ambitious program amalgamated all the major doctrines and beliefs of such Jewish teachers, writers, statesmen and philosophers as Rabbi Yehudah Akalai, Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer, Moses Hess, Eliezer Ben-Yehudah, Moshe Leib Lilienblum, Leo Pinsker, Theodor Herzl, Max Nordau, Ahad Ha-am aka Asher Zvi Ginsberg, Hayyim Nahman Bialik, Jacob Klatzkin, Nahman Syrkin, Rabbi Samuel Mohilever, Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, Martin Buber, Bernard Lazare, Solomon Schecter, Nahum Sokolow, Louis Dembitz Brandeis, Mordecai Menahem Kaplan, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion. And because the doctrine which it preached touched upon the very roots of the Jewish soul, and embraced the fundamental tenets of the Jewish intellect, the movement met with immediate and tremendously popular response. In fact its program was so popular with the Jews that within ten years after its inception its malignant dogma was already spread throughout the entire world.

…The World Zionist Organization combined various doctrines into a program of action and issued, among its statutes, four main principles which lay down broadly its chief objectives. They were:

1. To watch over and support all Jewish national movements in all countries where Jews have to sustain a struggle in support of Zionism with the object of embracing and uniting all Jews on the globe.

2. To promote an active Jewish policy in interests in Europe and across the seas and especially to further all colonial movements for practical purposes.

3. To treat and solve all questions bearing upon the bringing up of children and higher education in the Jewish sense.

4. To quicken patriotic self-consciousness of Jews, and to offer opposition to all movements antagonistic to Israeli national development.

…Branches of the World Zionist Organization (now working covertly under the name B’nai Brith International) sprang up in major cities of the world…. With the spread of its propaganda, B’nai Brith International Israel’s Mossad scattered a large number of secret agents throughout the world for the purpose of supplying it with confidential reports relating to the gospel of Zionism. These agents were the forerunners of the present day fifth-columnists [working within the Zionist media and on the Internet. A.T.]; it was their work which started the compilation of the notorious Jewish “scrap-book” in which the Israeli government listed all its enemies, and enemies to the idea of a Jewish-dominated world. To a nation such as Israel blackmail pales in insignificance to its other crimes. And so, with every passing hour, the members of B’nai Brith International continued with their nefarious work which, teaching and enforcing the great common Zionist Jew ideal of world-enslavement, quickly became an integral part of the average Jew’s life and dreams…. The vicious virus of Zionism had been injected into the life stream of the public, and the Jews awaited the epidemic which they felt must sooner or later infest the world.

As a matter of fact, the work and program as well as the propaganda which they spread had reached such a pitch that as far back as 1897 various Jewish writers were already busy prophesying how and when the ideological goal of Zionist world-dominion would be attained! These prophets were by no means few in number; there exists a large number of serious works by Jewish authors in which the destiny of Israel is elaborately worked out in full detail and the deification of Zionism and the Holocaust Myth as a world religion depicted.

from Chapter 4. Jewish Zionism Abroad

…The task of spreading the heathenish cult of Zionism in foreign lands was delegated to the World Zionist Organization, an organization maintained by the Rothschilds and B’nai Brith International. Beginning its operations in 1897 that association was the first to prepare the ground and develop and test the tactics which are being used today by all Zionist Jew fifth-columnists.

…True Zionism, being as it is a purely primitive paganism with some modern “refinements” finds that it can express itself best by committing truly barbaric and bestial acts of violence against innocent civilized peoples [such as the Palestinians. A.T.] Thus, if Zionism were ever to prevail upon this earth, we can be sure that every step would be taken — though few indeed are these steps which the Jews have not already taken! — to reawaken every dormant animal instinct and vicious trait in man.

Thus it has been a chief aim of the Jew to eradicate each and every one of the three principal religions from the earth. However, the Jew was practical enough to realize that he could not successfully combat all these religions at one time with any hope of emerging supreme. But since their extinction was absolutely necessary to the propagation of the Zionist dogma of hate and destruction, the Jews conceived their now infamous and oft-tried trick of pitting first the believers in one religion against those of another until, at a single coup, they could deliver the final knock-out blow against the single remaining adversary.

…Zionism was born ages ago, its growth has been proceeding for centuries, and it has now reached an advanced stage of flowering. Netanyahu is but a bud indicative of what kind of “flower” when it comes to full bloom, the world may expect to see!

Because she made no effort thousands of years ago, to become civilized as did her neighbors, Israel today is an outsider among all civilized nations. The processes which it has taken other nations thousands of years to absorb, cannot be suddenly absorbed by Israel overnight. Consequently, the continued existence of Israel among them becomes increasingly inimical to the best interests of civilized nations.

The deliberate and perverse distortions of what should have been a sane and normal course of development — as in other nations — now gives to Israel and her people a capacity unexcelled by any other peoples on earth, for fostering and propagating every indecent and inhuman precept of life. And as she seeks to distribute her own poisonous brew she has herself become so intoxicated by its ingredients that she can no longer escape the ever-constant desire, the urgent compulsion and the burning lust which it incites in her to extinguish any and all signs of good which she sees developed or practiced in other lands. Thus in self-justification Israel would excuse her own unnatural and perverse life by polluting others with her malignant infection. Israel is now well beyond all saving. The world had best look to its own preservation and welfare, lest some of those Jewish poisons run through her system also and come to destroy it!

With each succeeding world war which she plans, plots and starts Zionism comes ever closer and closer to her goal of world-dominion. At the present time Netanyahu, who has merely striven to remedy mistakes which previous Jewish leaders made in attempts at world-subjection, may bring the Jewish people very close to realizing their goal. And Netanyahu is not the last of the Jewish leaders!

How much misery, suffering, death and destruction are needed before it becomes apparent to the world that any compromise with Zionism will, of itself, be a certain guarantee that soon thereafter, Israel must again embark upon her unholy crusade to dominate it. How many more chances will be vouchsafed it to beat back Zionism? Suppose there comes a time when Israel can not be halted? Dare we risk waiting? One never knows the exact hour one is scheduled to die; can we, with any more certitude and assurance tell which opportunity shall be our last? It may well be that this is our last chance. Suppose we pass it by; look ahead. Next time, the so-called elder generation of Israel will be the Mossad-trained youth of today, and this elder generation, now mothers and fathers, will already have instilled and encouraged their children with the idea of world-dominion. Thus the next Israeli leader may come to lead a nation of born fanatics! As a consequence of this there may come to be welded a machine so gigantic in proportions, so overwhelming in destructive power, that it may well overcome every possible obstacle in its path. For assuredly the Israeli youth of the next generation — today schooled in Talmudic Zionist schools — will find a leader, as past generations of Jewish youth have always found a leader, to incarnate and personify the body and soul of that nation and dominate its collective Will.

A leader who will feed that Israeli body and soul the only food upon which it can subsist: War!

from Chapter 6. A Middle Road?

…With Zionism shown thus to be the very soul of conquest and world-dominion, may we not then pose this question: Is it possible for the world, in any manner, to find some compromise that will allow both it and Israel to exist side by side in peace and justice? In concrete terms, were peace declared tomorrow to Israel’s apparent satisfaction, could this nation born and bred on blood, be expected to be appeased for more than the immediate future?

We should like to hope so; but the history of that nation cuts the hope out of our heart.

…What then of a democratic Israel?

Democracy for a people who believe only in superiority, not equality?

…Israel already has given us her answer:

“Israel does not want a share of anything. She wants, she demands, all or nothing.

…A final solution: Let Israel be policed forever by an international armed force?

Even if such a huge undertaking were feasible life itself would not have it so. As war begets war, suppression begets rebellion. Undreamed horrors would unfold.

Thus we find that there is no middle course; no act of mediation, no compromise to be compounded, no political or economic sharing to be considered. There is, in fine, no other solution except one: That Israel must perish forever from this earth!

And, fortunately, as we shall now come to see, that is no longer impossible of accomplishment.

from 7. Death to Israel

…When an Individual commits premeditated murder, he must be prepared to forfeit his own life in consequence. When a nation commits premeditated murder upon its fellow nations, it must be prepared to forfeit its own national life.

On that point the laws of man and God are explicit:

“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a life for a life.”

But what is the law of man or God to Israel? Nothing.

She recognizes only Jewish law; so be it.

It must then be Jewish law, if such a law there be, which decrees her penalty — the penalty of death.

And there is such a Jewish law which decrees that death to her:

As in all human affairs, there must also be in every system of punishment a last limit, a ne plus ultra that no punishment can overstep. Thus even from the point of view of pure theory the necessity of the depth-penalty is postulated; it is, as the ultimate punishment on earth, the indispensable keystone of every ordered system of criminal law. No apparent reasons which are alleged against it can withstand any serious criticism. The State, which has the right to sacrifice for its own protection the flower of its youth, is to feel so nice a regard for the life of a murderer? We much rather allow to the State the right to make away with men who are undoubtedly injurious to the common weal. That the powers that be must bear the sword is an expression which runs deep in the blood of the honest man; if this truth is to be banished out of the world, great wrong is done to the simple moral feeling of the people. The ultimate problems of the moral life are to be solved in the domain of the practical, not of the theoretical, reason. The conscience of every earnest man demands that blood be atoned by blood, and the common man must simply grow doubtful of the existence of justice on earth, of this last and highest punishment is not inflicted. The State makes itself ridiculous and contemptible if it cannot finally dispose of a criminal. There must be a limit for mercy and indulgence, as for the law, a last limit at which the State says: “This is the end, humanity is not longer possible here.” It must be possible to inflict at last a punishment beyond which there is nothing, and that is the punishment of death.

Let Jewish Will be done!

There remains now but to determine the best way, the most practical and expeditious manner in which the ultimate penalty must be levied upon the Israeli nation. Quite naturally, massacre and wholesale execution must be ruled out. In addition to being impractical when applied to a population of some five million, such methods are inconsistent with the moral obligations and ethical practices of civilization. There remains then but one mode of ridding the world forces of Zionism — and that is to stem the source from which issue those war-lusted souls, by preventing the people of Israel from ever again reproducing their kind. This modern method, known to science as Eugenic Sterilization, is at once practical, humane and thorough. Sterilization has become a byword of science, as the best means of ridding the human race of its misfits: the degenerate, the insane, the hereditary criminal.

Sterilization is not to be confused with castration. It is a safe and simple operation, quite harmless and painless, neither mutilating nor unsexing the patient. Its effects are most often less distressing than vaccination and not more serious than a tooth extraction. Too, the operation is extremely rapid requiring no more than ten minutes to complete. The patient may resume his work immediately afterwards. Even in the case of the female the operation, though taking longer to perform, is as safe and simple. Performed thousands of times, no records indicate cases of complication or death. When one realizes that such health measures as vaccination and serum treatments are considered as direct benefits to the community, certainly sterilization of the Jewish people cannot but be considered a great health measure promoted by humanity to immunize itself forever against the virus of Zionism.

…Concerning the males subject to sterilization the army groups, as organized units, would be the easiest and quickest to deal with. Taking 2,000 surgeons as an arbitrary number and on the assumption that each will perform a minimum of 25 operations daily, it would take no more than one month, at the maximum, to complete their sterilization. Naturally the more doctors available, and many more than the 2,000 we mention would be available considering all the nations to be drawn upon, the less time would be required. The balance of the male civilian population of Israel could be treated within three months. Inasmuch as sterilization of women needs somewhat more time, it may be computed that the entire female population of Israel could be sterilized within a period of a year or less. Complete sterilization of both sexes, and not only one, is to be considered necessary in view of the present Jewish doctrine that so much as one drop of true Jewish blood constitutes a Jew.

Of course, after complete sterilization, there will cease to be a birth rate in Israel. At the normal death rate of 2 per cent per annum, Jewish life will diminish considerably. Accordingly in the span of two generations that which cost millions of lives and centuries of useless effort, namely, the elimination of Zionism and its carriers, will have been an accomplished fact. By virtue of its loss of self-perpetuation Israel will have atrophied and Jewish power reduced to negligible importance.

Reviewing the foregoing case of sterilization we find that several factors resulting from it firmly establish its advocacy.

Firstly, no physical pain will be imposed upon the inhabitants of Israel through its application, a decidedly more humane treatment than they will have deserved.

Secondly, execution of the plan would in no way disorganize the present population nor would it cause any sudden mass upheavals and dislocations. The consequent gradual disappearance of the Jews from Arab territory will leave no more negative effect upon that continent than did the gradual disappearance of the Indians upon this.

…A detailed program of the manner in which the outraged victims of the Zionism onslaught might make certain that Israel leave no gap might be put hypothetically:

Israel has lost its war. She sues for peace. The imperative demands of the victor people that Israel must perish forever makes it obligatory for the leaders to select mass sterilization of the Jews as the best means of wiping them out permanently. They proceed to:

1. Immediately and completely disarm the Israeli army and have all armaments removed from Israeli territory.

2. Place all Israeli utility and heavy industrial plants under heavy guard, and replace Jewish workers by those of Allied nationality.

3. Segregate the Israeli army into groups, concentrate them in severely restricted areas, and summarily sterilize them.

4. Organize the civilian population, both male and female, within territorial sectors, and effect their sterilization.

5. Divide the Israeli army (after its sterilization has been completed) into labor battalions, and allocate their services toward the rebuilding of those cities which they ruined.

6. Partition Israel and apportion its lands to the existing Arab population.

7. Restrict all Jewish civilian travel beyond established borders until all sterilization has been completed.

8. Compel the Jewish population of the apportioned territories to learn the language of its area, and within one year to cease the publication of all books, newspapers and notices in the Hebrew language, as well as to restrict Hebrew-language broadcasts and discontinue the maintenance of Hebrew-language schools.

9. Make one exception to an otherwise severely strict enforcement of total sterilization, by exempting from such treatment only those Jews whose relatives, being citizens of various victor nations, assume financial responsibility for their actions. Thus, into an oblivion which she would have visited upon the world, exits Israel.

from 8. ‘Lest We Forget …’

Perhaps in the Future …

United States has entered the war. The struggle is long and bitter but at last the Allies forge ahead. Their armies surround Israel.

Israel realizes that she has lost. She does not want invasions. She fears the vengeance long overdue her. So she sues for peace. Comes the Armistice!

And immediately thereafter, as once before, Israel finds that the words “Humanity” — which she has debased; “Justice” — which she has distorted; and “God” whom she has profaned, have an irresistible sales appeal to Allied Statesmen.

Israel puts her Zionist propaganda machine to work.

Soon men in the victor nations are urging:

“Peace with Honor!” — “Justice without Rancor!” — “God and Mercy!”, and all those other weak, sticky phrases which befuddle the weary minds and exhausted emotions of the long-suffering people of the war-decimated democracies.

Forgotten in the sudden lush of a peace that is no peace, are all the brave sons who were sacrificed to the monster Israhell: forgotten is the plight of the countries whose resources were drained, and whose energies were sapped in stemming the Talmudic onslaught. Forgotten, too, is the duty owed to generations yet to be born.

Yes: all forgotten because the Allies cannot resist such an appeal. And so, even though a hundred years and a hundred instances have shown the hypocrisy of a Jewish promise, the Allies fall once again its victim.

They forget that the struggle they waged was not a sport’s contest: that their adversary was a beast, not a human being! And so, filled to overflowing with the infectious germ of sentiment, they stretch out their hand to their fallen opponent and help him arise. They pat him on the back with a hearty “No hard feelings, old man!” and, happy that the war is now over and done with, return to their homes.

Believing, sincerely, that Jewish war will not come again.

Believing that somehow, in some inexplicable manner, Israel has accepted Christ.

A decade passes. A decade of hard work and many sacrifices.

A decade of much sweat and little pleasure.

But the democratic peoples do not mind. They are building a better world for their children.

So they think.

Meanwhile Israel grows strong and robust.

Her army is larger and more powerful than ever before; she has developed new weapons whose frightfulness surpass all imagination. She had found a new leader. And her war-souled people are bent once again upon conquering the world. Once more the earth trembles beneath the depleted uranium missiles of the Jewish defense forces.

Like a cobra Israel is poised:

She strikes!

The people of the civilized nations are stunned.

They exclaim, “But it cannot be again!”

But it is.

And this time it is Too Late!

For Israel wins. She is master of the world.

…and so a thousand years of peace was sold to the Devil for a moment’s respite! And only because men tried to placate the body, instead of expunging forever the bestial war-soul, of the Jew!

The sun now shivers as it rises upon a Dark world.

For slaves to the Jews are children once free.

Civilization is no more. Perversity is raged rampant.

Even the moon shudders as it wanes in a frightening chill.

This is, finally the, “New World Order!”

Shall it be so?

Our choice lies still before us:

False sentiment or courageous decision —

Which shall it be?

The End

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France’s Jew-Controlled Courts Continue Attacking 87 Year Old Revisionist Robert Faurisson

A Brief resume of the hearling held last week in Paris

by Alison Chabloz

In contrast to the Court of Appeal hearing given last March, this latest bout of Ziocon persecution of revisionist, Robert Faurisson, was held in the 17° Chambre Correctionelle of the High Court at the Palais de Justice in Paris, ensuring that numerous members of the public who’d gathered there to support the professor were able to witness the proceedings from the court room’s spacious gallery.

Starting an hour late owing to the morning session having overrun the allocated time-slot, magistrates initially dealt with several other cases before it was the turn of the world’s foremost ‘Holocaust’ revisionist to defend himself against three separate charges. Two charges for contesting a crime against humanity (one of which brought by former Justice Minister, Pascal Clément) and a third for racial defamation brought by the LICRA – Ligue contre le racisme et l’antisémitisme.

All three complaints targeted a speech made by the professor in 2006 at a conference on the ‘Holocaust’ in Tehran, Iran. A star witness in the person of Lady Michele Renouf who had travelled from London for the hearing would testify after the initial debates. For once, the number of lawyers on the side of the accused outnumbered those of the prosecution by five to two (five to three, if we include the state prosecutor). Three immense dossiers were produced and placed on the judge’s desk almost completely hiding the magistrate himself. Cue: hushed, slightly amused tittering from the public benches.

The defence’s principle argument rested on the fact that Faurisson’s speech in Tehran had been delivered in English and had lasted only ten minutes. As his speech had been given outside French territory, French law would not apply. In this case, however, it was the professor’s written essay The Victories of Revisionism, published in Tehran then distributed on the Internet, that had led to the three charges. The article details the major successes of Robert Faurisson’s revisionist career and, in particular, confessions of his adversaries which substantiate the professor’s outright technical and moral victory over his detractors. It is this same article which Maître Viguer uses consistently in defence of his client during the many trials brought by a judicial system which is plainly rotten to the core.

The judge, a man in his forties with curly, dark ginger hair and a beard, began by reading Faurisson’s article. The longer the reading went on, the more the judge seemed to be taking in Faurisson’s words. Towards the end, the judge’s face had completely disappeared behind the hand-held, stapled bundle of A4 sheets.

Faurisson’s principle counsel, Maître Damien Viguer asked that the two complaints for contesting crimes against humanity be nullified because of legal non-compliance. After a short break for deliberation, the court reserved its ruling in relation to this matter until September 27. Thus, only the third charge of ‘racial defamation’ would be deliberated on this humid afternoon in the centre of the French capital.

The charge of defamation brought by LICRA concerned the following passages of Faurisson’s article:

“President Ahmadinejad (then head of the Islamic Republic of Iran) used the right word when he said that the alleged Holocaust of the Jews is a myth: that is to say, a belief maintained by credulity or ignorance.

“The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of Jews form one and the same historical lie, which allowed a gigantic political and financial swindle whose main beneficiaries are the state of Israel and international Zionism and whose main victims are the German people (…) and the Palestinian people in their entirety.”

The accusation’s charge of defamation lay solely on the ‘argument’ that, by these statements, Faurisson was clearly targeting the Jewish community. The judge asked Faurisson to explain.

Faurisson’s retorts were confident and unrelenting: citing Israel and international Zionism is not the same as citing “the Jews”. The public as well as the officers of the court present were then treated to a two-hour exposé by the man himself. Unlike orthodox historians who merely repeat the given narrative, he would actually go out on the job, tape measure in hand. The 60-word phrase, he explained, is the summary of his lifetime’s work in the field of revisionism. As he advised his students, the key to success when researching any subject is the ability to resume this work in a phrase of approximately 60 words.

The enormous body of work he carried out began in the 1950s when he first asked: “Show me a photo, an architect’s plan or even a drawing of a gas chamber.”

Faurisson continued his testimony with an explanation of Rudolf Höss’ witness statement at the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal, gained via torture, in particular sleep deprivation. Then, a brief lesson on the explosive quality of Zyklon-B with analysis of actual execution chambers which employ this same gas (no longer used) in the USA. In the 187 pages of court transcripts from Nuremberg concerning Auschwitz, practically nothing is dedicated to the subject of gassing.

The professor went on to expose the lies of Elie Wiesel in his book Night as well as other fabrications concerning execution by boiling water at Treblinka which also feature in the Nuremberg transcript. So many false witnesses: only last week we learned of yet another in the news.


The judge, at this point, interjects with “You’ve therefore not modified your proposals after all this time..?” The female magistrate present appears to have fallen asleep! Such is the contempt for Faurisson’s indisputable strength of character, as apparent and all the more humbling here and now, at the grand old age of 87, as when he started his research more than six decades ago. Faurisson’s conclusions are based on fact, hard evidence, repeatable scientific experiment and, above all, are the fruit of a lifetime’s study and research. What reason other than insanity would make him change his proposals “after all this time”?

Faurisson elaborates on the magical six million number. In August, 1944, Wilhelm Hötll, friend of Eichman, gave a witness statement purporting that the sensational sum could be reached by adding the four million in Auschwitz ‘extermination camp’ to another two million slain Soviets. This was the first time the phrase extermination camp was used in place of concentration camp. However, Hötll was never called to testify at Nuremberg.

The prosecution declines the opportunity to grill Faurisson; Maître Viguer invites the professor to talk about the conference in Iran.

Contrary to media reports, the 2008 conference was inclusive of all opinions concerning the ‘Holocaust’. The professor remembers one adversary challenging him to go to the National Archives in Washington where he would see the evidence that his findings were erroneous. The poor fellow hadn’t bargained on the professor already having been to these very same archives where, amongst other clues, he uncovered documents relating to the 32 RAF sorties over Auschwitz, none of which had succeeded in showing smoke billowing out from the crematoria chimneys.

Maître Viguier questions the professor further on the origin of all these lies surrounding the “Holocaust”. Faurisson replies that it’s impossible to say; the rumour runs and runs. The CICR had also heard rumours of gas chambers at Auschwitz, yet their investigation team was unable to find anyone confirming these rumours.

At this point, the judge decides to call Lady Renouf to hear her witness statement. As this will be in English, the court has arranged for an accredited translator to be present. After giving her name and details, Lady Renouf first congratulates Maître Viguier for his bravery in accepting to defend the professor. Her witness statement follows in short phrases which are immediately translated for the benefit of the court. We hear confirmation that Faurisson’s speech was an impromptu affair which lasted only ten minutes and Lady Renouf makes reference to the professor’s English-spoken heritage, owed to his mother being a Scot. She repeats Faurisson’s anecdote, often used to introduce himself to an English-speaking audience, that his French ear should not listen to his Scottish ear because, whereas Scottish law permits inquiry and research into the “Holocaust”, French law does not.

Linguistic confusion arises when Lady Renouf speaks of guidelines (in French, “les consignes”) on how the “Holocaust” should be taught in schools, published in Stockholm in 2000. The translator is unable to translate the word for guidelines, using “guides” instead. Whether or not the greffière recorded a corrected version is uncertain; perhaps the court thought that Lady Renouf was talking about “tour guides”, at Auschwitz or elsewhere?

The Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust where the ‘Holocaust’ education guidelines were first announced was also the site of two physical attacks on Faurisson by Jewish terrorist organisation LDJ (Ligue de Défence Juive or Jewish Defence League). These guidelines instruct all public and private schools worldwide not to give a platform to revisionists. Lady Renouf summarises, stating that historical debate and rational argument do not seem to be part of educational guidelines on this subject. There are no questions from the court.

Maître Viguier promptly urges the professor to talk about a case dating back to 1983 when he was accused of “falsifying history”. Faurisson explains that this was the catalyst which led to creation of the 1990 Fabius-Gayssot Act. He also recalls the work of British historian and semi-revisionist David Irving, along with the fact that neither Churchill nor de Gaulle ever mention any gas chambers. In fact, during WW1 already, UK national the Daily Express had written about enemy gas chambers as early as 1914. An investigation after the war ended in 1918 proved that the story was a propaganda lie. Again, in 1943, the same story about gas chambers appears in the Daily Express. This time, however, there was no similar post-war investigation.

The professor then relates his victories over Raul Hilberg and Jean-Claude Pressac and describes Valerie Igounet’s visit to Vichy to interview him for Le Monde: Igounet didn’t know who Hilberg was. Faurisson also cites director of Yad Vashem 1953-1959, Ben-Zion Dinur, who resigned after coming to the realisation there were far too many false witnesses.

Change of tone as Mâitre Christian Charrière-Bournazel representing LICRA comes to the bar. He’s clearly unhappy about having been forced to listen to Faurisson for two hours (although it’s doubtful he’ll be complaining quite as much when he receives his fat fees). His only accusation is restricted to the same old refrain: when Faurisson mentions the state of Israel and international Zionism, Faurisson means Jews. Faurisson is a racist. Faurisson has already been prosecuted and convicted , etc., etc.

The state prosecutor raises even more eyebrows as she tries to stabilise her microphone (no working mic and a dodgy translator suggest the French judiciary can’t afford to run their courts properly?). Diabolical smears regards Faurisson’s personality as well as the obligatory jibe about using the court room as a platform from which, according to Madame la Procureure, Faurisson would take immense gratification. Perhaps the most telling phrase amongst all the outright lies and smears (paid for by the French tax payer, of course) is when the prosecutor states Faurisson should no longer be given the possibility of further court appearances.

Maître Viguier once again stands to contest the accusation’s claims. That the professor’s words in Tehran constitute ‘defamation’ is a fraudulent lie. The professor’s work is that of an historian. Viguier protests his colleague’s conflation of Israel and Jews, defiantly and correctly stating that conflict in the Middle East could be seen as one direct result of the lies of the Shoah. Faurisson’s work, he insists, will last as long as does this mensonge(“lie”). Viguier deplores the moral order inflicted upon revisionists in the name of war and war crimes, and which, effectively prevents revisionists from doing their job.

The judge invites Faurisson to have the last word. Faurisson is finally able to respond to Charrière-Bournazel’s earlier attacks by comparing the lawyer’s attitude and manner to that of an enflure (in the sense of over-exaggerated, self-importance and turgidity). This warrants an admonishment of Faurisson by the judge, who then fails to chastise Charrière-Bournazel for leaving the court in a show of brazen pomposity whilst Faurisson is still speaking.

Faurisson finishes with another couple of examples of dubious witness statements and mistranslations which have been used by propagandists to bolster the case for a presumed genocide of countless Jews. We’re told of the wildly varying death toll estimates and asked why those who revised the official Auschwitz death toll – down from four to one-and-a-half million – were not punished in the same atrocious manner which Faurisson has been subjected to throughout his career.

The prosecution is demanding a month’s prison sentence and a 3,000 euro fine in the event of a guilty verdict. We shall now have to wait to September 27 to hear the court’s ruling.

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Jewish Terrorism & the French Police: the Despicable Case of Forty Years of Brutal Harassment of Revisionist Robert Faurisson by Robert Faurisson

Jewish Terrorism & the French Police: the Despicable Case of

Forty Years of Brutal Harassment of Revisionist Robert Fourisson


Robert Faurisson

August 25th, 2014

Residing, it seems, at times in his native Paris, at other times somewhere in Romania and sometimes in Israel, precisely at Ashdod, right beside the Gaza Strip, the thirty-year-old French-Israeli Gregory Chelli, member of the Jewish Defence League, works, notably by means of the Internet, at making the life of men and women whom he considers anti-Semitic miserable. He sets up provocations in the course of which he makes the police services look ridiculous. So far he seems to have enjoyed an impunity comparable, proportionately speaking, to that of the State of Israel itself. Up to now Alain Soral, Dieudonné and their families have been among his best-known targets.

In our turn, we – my wife and I, along with some members of our family – have had to endure his provocations. I am 85 and my wife, who is nearly 83, is in poor health: her eyesight is diminishing, she is prone to falls and, when she does fall, she cannot get back up without help; she almost always need my presence at her side; if I have to be out of the house for more than half a day I must arrange things so that she will not remain alone. From March 8, 2012 if not before, and for as long as he was able to phone us at our old number, this Chelli assailed us with a hundred calls of insults, abuse, threats (including death threats) and – I stress this point – on some of those occasions committed numerous actual assaults, details of which will be seen below. He has gone on making fun with impunity of the French police in general and its anti-violent crime sections (the “BAC”) in particular, something that costs the taxpayer dearly. The police register our complaints but nothing or almost nothing comes of them.

To begin, here is a selection of the words this thug has addressed to my wife, words that can sometimes be heard in the recordings that, not without relish, he diffuses on the Internet: “Bitch, I shit on you, I piss on you… I enjoy seeing your husband’s smashed head… I — you, I’m going to make your life impossible, I’m going to call your neighbours.” The “smashed head” is an allusion to photos showing me on a hospital bed after my sixth physical assault, on September 19, 1989, when three “young Jewish activists from Paris” set upon me in Vichy, where I live. From November 1978 to May 1996 I sustained ten assaults, particularly at the Palace of Justice in Paris, where the guard corps consistently refused me any protection, in direct words such as : “We are not your bodyguards!”, or “You may go to such or such place [in the building], but at your own risk!” or, from the commanding officer, a lieutenant colonel: “My grandfather was at Dachau…!”. Not once was any of my attackers or any of the organisers of the assaults arrested. In one case alone – that of September 1989 -the Jew behind anattack in which I nearly lost my life was merely questioned; he explained that on the day of the assault he had been far from the scene, at the house of a Jewish friend whose name he gave; asked to give other names, he responded that he could not because it had been the day of a masked ball… to which the friend had invited him.

I lodged my first complaint against Chelli for telephone harassment and assault at Vichy police station on March 9, 2012 (report of Guy Dablemont, police officer). I specified that the individual had also phoned two of my neighbours in the middle of the previous night, telling the first that there was a gas leak in my house and that he must go and inform me of it (and the neighbour, in a state of complete panic, did so), and announcing to the second that I was a terrorist. Both told me afterwards that they were ready to talk to the police if their testimonies were required. But the police, to whom, with their agreement, I later conveyed their respective identities and addresses, never asked them anything.

The very next day, March 10, the historian Paul-Eric Blanrue, whom I knew to be remarkably knowledgeable on the subject of Jewish activism, revealed Gregory Chelli’s identity to me, supplying a wealth of information about him which I then shared with the police. On Sunday, March 11, our grand-son B., aged 20, phoned me and my wife to say that, on orders from his father, living near Vichy, neither he nor his twin brother would be coming to visit us any longer because their father had received a phone call [from Chelli] telling him that someone was going to set fire to his house. It must be said that, in his youth, the father of these twins aspired to become a judge but had to give up his law studies because of the trouble brought on by the misfortune of bearing my surname. Thereafter he had, for the same reason, also abandoned two other possible careers and lived in fear of losing the job that he had nonetheless managed to get. He ended up telling those around him one day that he wanted to kill me. I understand and forgive him.

Continuing his campaign against me and my wife, Chelli kept up his assaults on the telephone: “Son of a whore, son of a whore, son of a whore, we’ll get you one day… We’re waiting for you to come to Paris to see Dieudonné, Soral. You’re worth shit.” I contacted the police and asked when my two neighbour-witnesses were going to be called in, as they wished to be. Answer: they will be called. In fact, as I have pointed out, they were never to be called. Second report signed by Mr Guy Dablemont, March 12, 2012. No action followed. On March 19 I obtained an interview with commander Janiszewski of Vichy police station. The man seemed amiable and interested but there was still no follow-up on the case. On March 21 I wrote to him. To no avail. Throughout the month of May at the station I would speak, four times, with Major Gay, who made a strange objection; as the case involved YouTube he told me straight out: “The police can’t do anything with [against] YouTube.” On June 21 he promised me that he would work on the telephone numbers from which the calls had been made but warned me that I would not have the right to note them or to obtain the names and addresses. On June 30, Chelli, getting my wife on the phone, told her: “We’re going to put ground glass in your –.” On January 9, 2013 the thug, pretending to be a doctor, announced to me: “This is Chabanais [Charente] hospital. Your wife is dead.”

On February 9, 2013, with the harassment continuing, a serious incident occurred. At around 3 am, three members of the BAC showed up at our house. It seems someone had phoned pretending to be me, saying: “I’ve just been attacked by three blacks; they’re in my basement, raping my wife.” I tried to get an appointment with commander Janiszewski. Impossible. They promised me he would call me. He was not to call me. On my way to the police station I was walking up Boulevard de la Salle on the left-hand pavement. A little old man who had recently shouted at me: “Oh! You, you’ll go to hell” and who, myself making no reply, had followed after me, calling me a “dirty bastard”, was on the opposite pavement in conversation with the owner of a garage there and another person. He noticed me. He was talking loudly but I could not make out what he was saying, although it was obviously about me, and heated words indeed. This time I decided to call him to account. I went up to him and asked the reason for his attitude. He replied: “You should be ashamed, denying the existence of the concentration camps”, thereby proving he had not read anything I had written! He is a state education retiree: a former schools inspector called Jacques Thierry.

I wanted to discuss this matter with commander Janiszkewski but could not manage to contact him.

On February 21 I finally saw him. He informed me: “They’ve got [Chelli’s telephone] number” but, of course, this number was not revealed to me and I was never to know what action, if any, followed the discovery. Regarding the incidents with the retired inspector he said: “We’ll see to that later”, but nothing was seen to “later”. A new complaint was lodged, with a report bearing the signature, this time, of Bernard Manillère, police officer.

New calls, new insults on March 14, 16 and 17: “You’re still alive, — !”; “So then, rotter, old fossil, old fossil, old fossil.” On March 19 I sent a new letter to commander Janiszewski, pointing out that the harassment had now lasted for over a year and that I knew nothing about the investigation except that the thug’s telephone number had apparently been found. No reply.

April 3, 2013: “I’ll go and piss on your grave… Son of shit… Your daughter… Your son disowned you like a dog… Your wife sells her paintings. I’m Gregory Chelli… I called your neighbour for the gas leak… I’ll make YouTube videos.”

As I ended up changing my phone number, which caused me considerable nuisance, we were no longer to receive insults, abuse or threats liable to lead to assault. But the situation would suddenly worsen.

The newspaper in France that has vilified me the most since the late 1970s, throwing me to the dogs, Le Monde, today owned by Louis Dreyfus, has this summer begun to denounce the practices of Gregory Chelli because he rebukes its journalists for their criticism of the State of Israel’s current behaviour in Palestine, particularly in Gaza. An intriguing reversal of the situation. The thug’s victim is no longer Faurisson, concerning whom the newspaper has reported virtually nothing of the attacks he has had to endure; on the contrary, Le Monde was at the head of media campaigns against the revisionists, dubbed “stubborn liars, gangsters of history”, of whom I myself would seem to be the paragon. This time the victim is primarily a weekly of the political left and of big money, Le Nouvel Observateur, or its website called Rue89. See “Qui est le hacker sioniste soupçonné d’avoir piraté Rue89?” (Le Monde, August 10-11, 2014, p. 7 or http://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2014/08/08/ouverture-d-une-information-judiciaire-apres-le-piratage-de-rue89_4469405_3224.html). See also: “Le Monde and Le Nouvel Observateur solidaires de Rue89”, August 12, 2014, p. 7 or http://www.lemonde.fr/actualite-medias/article/2014/08/10/attaques-informatiques-le-monde-et-le-nouvel-observateur-solidaires-de-rue89_4469720_3236.html. More specifically, the journalist concerned is Benoît Le Corre; on this subject I recommend the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg-EFZkj7nI. The reporter’s father, hearing the words of the thug Chelli, has suffered a heart attack and been placed in an artificial coma; see http://rue89.nouvelobs.com/2014/08/14/vengeance-dun-pseudo-hacker-contre-rue89-vire-tragique-254205. Given the circumstances, the fact that the case should have “taken a tragic turn” does not surprise me; my own myocardial infarction of October 16, 2012 occurred in similar circumstances.


I have a long experience of Jewish attacks; often they aim at the heart. On July 12, 1987, I was beaten with extraordinary violence by the Jew Nicolas Ullmann at the Vichy “Sporting Club”, with no possibility of defending myself: all his blows were to my chest which, four days later, had become one enormous bruise. “Your guy was a real bomber!” was the remark of the Cameroonian doctor at Confolens (Charente) hospital on seeing the damage. As usual, I did not bring charges because I could not afford to retain a lawyer, and experience had taught me that if there were a trial my assailant would either be acquitted on the presumption of good faith or else be ordered to pay me a pittance in damages. For many French judges my opponents are automatically in good faith. In 2007 former Justice minister Robert Badinter, who had the chutzpah to state on television that as a lawyer for the LICRA he had had me found guilty in 1981 of being a “falsifier of history”, proved incapable of proving his assertion in court during the case I had brought against him for it.And for good reason: never in my life have I been found guilty of distorting or falsifying anything whatsoever; the court had to take note of this and rule that Badinter had “failed in his offer of proof” (p. 16 of the judgment) but, the judges dared to add, Badinter had been in good faith! And, losing my suit, I then had to pay €5,000 to my extremely rich “good faith slanderer”. The year before historian Pierre Vidal-Naquet, the most worthless of my opponents, wrote on the website of Libération: “If I had got my hands on Faurisson I would not have hesitated to strangle him” (January 6, 2006). He knew that, smothered with fines and other financial penalties, I was hardly likely to prosecute him and that, in the event of a trial, he could count on a court presided over by Nicolas Bonnal, with François Cordier as representative of the Justice ministry, two friends who had taken special courses in “Shoa” history organised by the Simon Wiesenthal Centre in Paris and the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF).

Suddenly, on Saturday, August 16, 2014, at 12.30 am, there appeared on our doorstep, very tense, four members of the BAC and two uniformed policemen. The BAC men had arrived on the scene with weapons and shields. The one in charge neither introduced nor identified himself. A neighbour who had not been involved in last year’s episode came out on the street in his pyjamas. He held out to one of the policemen a telephone handset on which he was still in conversation with Chelli. It is the latter who can be heard in a long recording. The neighbour, for his part, did not have all his wits about him. He ought not to have followed the thug’s instructions and come out of the house in the middle of the night as he did.

My wife is distraught. She can no longer sleep. Personally, I refuse to dwell too long on the consequences of what I call “the Jewish torture”. I do not know what the Chinese torture is but I know the Jewish torture: it is particularly vicious. My mind tries hard to erase the various incidents but my body forgets nothing. For many years it has hardly ever left me in peace, especially at night, when the cries I let out during my nightmares wake up those near me. I smile and, at times, even laugh. A matter of temperament. I laugh, for instance, with my friend Dieudonné and I adopt the judgment of Pierre Guillaume, expressed in a play on words on the name “Dieudonné”, which literally means “God-given”: “The laughter given by God is the final solution of the Jewish question” (Le rire par Dieu donné…).

I have learnt that my new file is in the hands – quite a coincidence – of Major Gay. The good man has done nothing in the past; he will do nothing in the future. Three times, in the evening, at around nine o’clock when he goes on duty, I have been to the police station to keep him informed of what, in the course of the day, I have garnered on the subject of Chelli but the matter clearly does not interest him and he asks me to take my written reports with me as I leave. Finally, on my third visit, a surprise: he informs me that my file has been sent to the regional police service (SRPJ) in Clermont-Ferrand. By a new coincidence, the file is in the hands of a commander there who, a few days ago, on a complaint of the LICRA of Strasbourg, came to Vichy to ask me fifteen questions about two articles on “Robert Faurisson’s unofficial blog”: our appointment was also at the police station. However, for the most part, I limited myself to letting him put down in his minutes my ritual sentence: “I refuse to collaborate with the French police and justice system in the repression of historical revisionism.” Amiable and smiling, he did not seem to begrudge me for exercising what, in this case, was a right under the law.

They surprise me, all those Jews along with all the people who live in the panicky fear that they have, and rightly so, of those whom I call “the Jewish-Jews”. They think I can be intimidated; however I can say that, although I have often felt fear, discouragement, anxiety, I have never known timidity. They believe I am French and intelligent. For them, after forty years of blows and injuries, trials, insults of all kinds and especially after so many attacks on my wife, my children and my grandchildren, I’m sure to break down. They are wrong. They run on blinding hatred. I do not. Admittedly, I am French by my father but, by my mother, I am British, or rather Scottish. Unlike the pure Frenchman, born clever and whose eye sparkles with intelligence, I see no reason to believe that my fight is lost before it begins. I am even persuaded of the contrary. Let’s recall the British in June 1940: they were lost. Unintelligent, they did not grasp the fact. Then, with the decisive support – at first surreptitious – of their cousins ??across the Atlantic they continued the fight and that’s how they won it. But even so, above all the reader mustn’t go and take me for an admirer of the alcoholic Winston Churchill! Under his leadership the Western Allies, perfect “democrats” that they were, offered a good part of Europe to Stalin and amassed the very worst crimes in Europe and elsewhere while their propaganda specialists, as in the First World War, lied to the fullest, ascribing, for example, to the Germans the invention of “corpse factories” which, during the new war, would become “death [by gas] factories”, built at Auschwitz or elsewhere. Their propaganda endorsed the gargantuan Jewish mystification of the alleged extermination of the Jews (which produced millions of miraculous survivors), the alleged Nazi gas chambers and the alleged six million. Finally, they incur, after the Americans, a heavy responsibility for the crime par excellence that was the judicial masquerade of the International Military Tribunal (three lies in three words) at Nuremberg, presided over by a British judge; article 19 of this tribunal’s charter pronounces that “The Tribunal shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence…” while article 21 stipulates that “The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts of common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof. It shall also take judicial notice of [an endless series of documents and reports signed by the victors concerning the crimes of the vanquished]…”. So it was that the Soviet report on the massacre of thousands of Polish officers at Katyn, attributing it to the Germans, was to have, like a multitude of other reports each more insane than the rest, the value of authentic evidence with no possibility of appeal, and for all eternity. Three cheers for the Allies in general and also for those Frenchmen à la Fabius who grounded their 1990 anti-revisionist law on… the Nuremberg trial!

On the strictly historical and scientific level we, the revisionists, have made all our opponents, without exception, bite the dust. To take just these examples, the Raul Hilbergs, Léon Poliakovs, Georges Wellerses, Pierre Vidal-Naquets, Jean-Claude Pressacs, Robert Jan van Pelts have been annihilated. For Hilberg, revising his first argument from top to bottom under the avowed influence of “Faurisson and others”, there was, all told, no record of extermination because, it seemed, within the “vast bureaucracy” of Germany the bureaucrats decided to proceed with the extermination of the Jews only “by an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus-mind reading”, and without leaving any written trace of their gigantic undertaking. For Poliakov, “No document remains, perhaps none has ever existed”. For Wellers the Nazi gas chambers were the greatest of possible secrets, a “State secret”. In Vidal-Naquet’s view, one must not believe his co-religionist Arno Mayer, the Princeton professor who wrote: “Sources for the study of the gas chambers are at once rare and unreliable” but should trust in Pressac and his theory of “limited gassings”; however the same Pressac, as would be discovered later, eventually surrendered in open country, deeming that, “rotten” with too many lies, the official history of the German camps was bound “for the rubbish bins of history”. For R. J. van Pelt, “the last of the Jewish Mohicans”, Auschwitz-Birkenau, visited by millions of pilgrims, contains no “physical evidence” of an extermination of the Jews.

Until recently the general public were still unaware of these “victories of revisionism” (see, with all the necessary references, the two studies I have devoted to the subject, on line respectively at http://robertfaurisson.blogspot.it/2006/12/victories-of-revisionism.html and http://robertfaurisson.blogspot.it/2011/09/victories-of-revisionism-continued.html) but thanks to the Internet and especially thanks to the arrival of a third generation after the monstrous slaughter of 1939-1945, the biggest lies of the victors of the Second World War are beginning to appear in daylight for what they are. Obviously the holocaustic or shoatic drumming and the denunciation of revisionism by the forces at the disposal of the “single way of thinking” are only worsening. What of it? An entire youthful generation is discovering the successes of historical revisionism with enthusiasm.

A Jew, Socialist and millionaire, former Prime Minister Laurent Fabius has won renown through his activity in favour of his “community” on the French and international level. He has particular distinguished himself by his personal role in the repression in France against those who dare to question the Holy Trinity of the “Holocaust” or “Shoa” religion. Under a law of July 13, 1990, often called by the joint name “Fabius-Gayssot” but which ought to bear quite simply the name “Fabius”, French judges convict and impose heavy sentences on revisionists who have concluded from their research and investigations, similar to those of the forensic and scientific police, that 1) an exceptional crime called “the systematic extermination of European Jewry” with an order and a plan of execution never took place, and that there never existed 2) an equally exceptional weapon called “gas chamber” (or “gas van”) or 3) a total of six million Jewish victims.

As for Fabius’s former wife, Mrs Françoise Castro, a Jewess, she revealed in 1986 that “[there is an] extraordinary novelty in political behaviour, the Left has allowed Jewish militias to establish themselves in some quarters of Paris and also in Toulouse, Marseille, Strasbourg [and to have] regular contacts with the Minister of the Interior” (Le Monde, March 7, 1986, p. 8). Regarding the impressive list of successes of these militias I refer the reader to a study of eighteen pages that I published in June 1995 under the title “Jewish militias. Fifteen years, and more, of terrorism in France”.

In many places in my Ecrits révisionnistes (seven volumes published, at least two others to come) specific examples of the privilege enjoyed by Jewish hoodlums, notably in the Palace of Justice in Paris, can be found. With the complicity of the higher authorities of the palace guard and of justice officials like the two mentioned above, the substitute prosecutor François Cordier and the presiding judge of the seventeenth criminal chamber Nicolas Bonnal, or the latter’s predecessor Jean-Yves Monfort (who once dared, on live radio, to call on good French citizens to cause “disorder” – sic – if not to riot in show of their support for the justice system against the revisionists), some real lynching sessions, with open force, of revisionists or their supporters have taken place in the heart of the courthouse. And not a single reporter from the mainstream media has denounced these attacks, during which the guards and, more rarely, the gendarmes act out the same appalling comedy: let the young Jews gather and strike, then run away and out of the building; whereupon the men in uniform just may start attending busily – grotesque, purely contrived scenes – to the victims like so many nannies.

To those interested in the eternal “Jewish question”, for which I personally am not at all impassioned, I recommend the writings of Hervé Ryssen. For my part, I have focused my attention on the religion of “the Holocaust” or “the Shoa”, a religion with historical pretensions which is, of course, Jewish but which reigns throughout the Western world among both the Jews and the goyim or Gentiles. It is in crisis. Too many historians have ended up showing the fallacious nature of the allegations of that alleged tribunal in which, at Nuremberg, the victors in coalition allowed themselves to try an enemy whom they had crushed and whom they held at their mercy in the worst conditions. This religion has given itself an official character: in many democratic countries, including France, its allegations regarding history have acquired the force of law.

However, if the duty of a citizen is to obey the law, it is also to fight against “the unjust force of the law”, that is, tyranny. Our duty is therefore that of Resistance against the most gigantic imposture of modern times, even and especially if it is protected by the police, the judges and the prison guards.

In the near future it will be interesting to see the French police and justice system at work; they have been so active in assailing the freedom of inquiry and expression of revisionist intellectuals and so passive when a stop should be put to the criminal activities of a Jewish thug who, in addition to it all, makes fun of the police and judges.

I am at the battlements, observing; I will make my report.

Addition of August 30, 2014: Another neighbour of mine, owner of a restaurant in the town centre, has just revealed to me that on the night of August 16, wanting to return home, he was stopped by policemen near his house who, agitated and ready to shoot, ordered him, guns drawn, to move away because his neighbour Faurisson was extremely dangerous. It is likely that those men, having first gathered in Vichy police station before moving into operation, had not been made aware of the treatment which, for the last two years and five months, I had been made to endure by a hoaxer carrying on with impunity who, on February 9, 2013, had already staged a scenario exactly the same as what he was repeating on August 16, 2014. Had they known they would not have been in such a nervous state. But perhaps some high-placed persons wanted to let an incident occur. After all, except for one case, in the last forty years in Vichy neither the police nor the municipality has expressed any interest in the safety of a Faurisson.

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Edgar Steele is dead. Murdered by his government for telling the TRUTH about the Zionist Jew take-over of America. God bless his soul.

News has just been released by Ed’s wife Cyndi on the website set up to help free Ed from illegal incarceration:

Cyni SteelePic


Today, September 4, 2014, early afternoon, a California mortuary notified Mrs. Cyndi Steele that her husband Edgar was dead. At this time, specific circumstances regarding Mr. Steele’s death are being confirmed. The Free Edgar Steele web site and the Edgar Steele Defense Fund (ESDF) will release more information when available.

Mrs. Steele contacted the ESDF Board, saying she was utterly devastated by this information, and is furious that no Victorville representative contacted her in the last few days regarding his failing health and did not even call her regarding the death of her husband. It was cruel to allow the mortuary to make the call.

Based on the best knowledge at hand, the following are the most likely causes of death: drug overdoses, persistently delayed, insufficient, improper medical treatment and medical neglect. The federal government and Victorville Penitentiary bears responsibility for the lives of the inmates who reside there and has refused to be accountable for the decline in Edgar Steele’s health.

Some hours before Mrs. Steele was contacted by the mortuary, ESDF President Robert Magnuson received an email corroborating Ms. Steele’s concern for her husband’s health and safety that showed Mr. Steele’s health has been in a sharp decline for the past month, which fact was obscured, if not hidden by the federal government.

First, Mr. Steele was the victim of a false prosecution, then he was imprisoned in the most dangerous prison health in America. Then his wife was never allowed to visit him despite a court order allowing visitation. Then, his health was compromised because of neglect, and finally, the reports came in that he had been drugged out of his mind earlier this week, which was the final blow that killed him. Call it anything else you like, but it is murder.

The facts of this tragic situation will be disclosed as the information is gathered.

[Editor’s Note: I worked with Ed Steele for many years prior to his arrest and incarceration on trumped up charges that eventually resulted in his wilfully orchestrated murder by the current Zionist controlled US government. This is truly a sad, sad day for justice and freedom of speech everywhere for that is the primary reason that Ed was arrested. He was telling the truth about the Zionist Jews and their illegal control of his country. Ed was a sincere and honest and straight-shooting soul. The fact that this has happened to him ought to send shivers through decent folks around the world and make them stop and take a good look at the forces that are now in control of the Western world. It’s well past the time that people said ENOUGH!]

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Rebutting Michael Hoffman by Hans Krampe

[Editor’s Note: There’s little, if anything, that I could possibly add to Hans Krampe’s extraordinary and heartfelt assessment of Michael Hoffman’s exchange with Prof. Robert Fourisson and Horst Mahler.

Mr. Krampe has encapsulated not only his peoples’ soul and essence but the spirit of truthful perseverance in the face of apparently insurmountable odds. He has taken the expression, “Life is for learning” and maximized it to a degree hitherto unheard of and in the process overcome all odds while at the same time clarifying for all the non-Germanic people of the world what has been an ongoing nightmare of lies and an unprecedented distortion of historic reality.

It truly is an honour to publish this perceptive tribute to the German nation and to its unsung hero and leader, Adolf Hitler. Thank you Hans!]

Dear Michael

I have read with great interest your exchange with Prof. Robert Faurisson and Horst Mahler, “Human Rights not Reich. Some aspects in your responses, however, became very irritating to me and here is why.

I am a German Canadian, born during WW II, who for his first thirty years was raised and educated in both, East- and West Germany.

During my elementary schooling in East Germany, from grade one through grade three – my most formative years – I was INTENSIVELY indoctrinated with the glorification of communism and anti-Nazi hate propaganda in the form of grammar, textbooks, and STORIES palmed off as history.

The East German educators managed to weave the post WW I treacheries, subversions and crimes of the Moscow dominated communists into the degenerate and chaotic history of the Weimar republic, only to pass it off as having somehow been the product of Nazism. Of course, this re-enforced my positive attitude towards communism and my rejection of Nazism.

It formed a solid foundation for my continued anti-Nazi brainwashing (“education) in the West. As it turned out, East and West brainwashings occurred entirely to Zionistsh’ specifications and under their control. In it the holocaust loomed large; not only in ours, but in all histories of WW II.

Worldwide, the above versions have been a roaring success!

Grade four saw the continuance of my indoctrination in West Germany, again in the form of anti-Nazi “history, only now with anti-Communism added to it. The word “Nazi was always hissed with a disgusted sneer of political correctness to emphasize its nasty nature. The intended guilt and shame to be a German materialized somewhat, but only to a very faint extent.

Additionally, my anti-Nazi indoctrination was positively re-enforced throughout, and beyond, my education into a more or less solid conviction of its truth by the West German media and the book publishing industry.

My grandfather was – and remained to the end of his life – a dedicated communist, chairman of the communist chapter of Wanne Eickel during the 14 years of starvation, hell and hopeless misery of the Weimar republic (democracy performing according to views of Alexis dh’Toqueville). While this nurtured in me a sympathetic attitude towards communism, it also served as another positive anti-Nazi re-enforcement even in my family.

My grandfather spend most of WW II working underground as a coal miner; which turned out to be somewhat of a blessing for him. My father and my uncles, though, were soldiers of the Wehrmacht and, luckily, survived.

My parents were sympathizing with National Socialists and admired Adolf Hitler; which contrasted with my education at school and caused me to suspect them of a somewhat deranged and obstinate fanaticism. Needless to say, my relationship with my parents was often less than harmonious on that account.

Initially, the “product of my “education nestled firmly within my belief system until the Internet came about. Until then I was never aware that I had been brainwashed. I felt vaguely ashamed of Germany because of its Nazi past, but innocent of any personal guilt. I considered this onerous subject as having been dealt with, ad nauseam, and closed.

At age thirty I immigrated to Canada and many Canadians (and Americans) I got acquainted with revealed in polite conversation a warped, if any, perception of Germanyh’s history of WW II, often constructing bizarre, if not downright ridiculous, impromptu embellishments and excesses in their effort to appear “knowledgeable and getting somewhat testy when they were failing to obtain my unequivocal endorsement. It made me wonder what the hell they had been taught in school.

I couldnh’t help noticing a very subtle and deep-seated hostility towards Germans suspected of less than utter rejection of Nazi Germanyh’s past, which surfaced either as strident and patronizing condescension or ridicule. As a consequence, I began to develop a pronounced annoyance with the popular perception that the Nazis – and Germans by extrapolation – had been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be a malignant breed and would henceforth serve as THE ULTIMATE STANDARD OF EVIL, and therefore had also deserved every atrocious horror that had been inflicted on them as well and more.

Thus it became clear that in the minds of North America, with few exceptions, Nazis and Germans seemed to appear as synonymous, equivocating rhetoric to the contrary; with WW II Germans as actual humans only grudgingly trotted out to obscure the profoundly nasty hypocrisy, if not ignorance as it turned out, of North American versions of “historical knowledge.

Oddly to me, this was especially noticeable among academics and the intelligentsia who, with dismissive arrogance, give Germans like me to understand that my indoctrinated convictions WERE NEITHER SOLID NOR NASTY ENOUGH. They knew much better.

In other words, as a German I became suspect of nursing sentiments of Nazi sympathies and therefore incapable of assessing my countryh’s history correctly. I was advised to open my mind to the much more realistic perceptions of “North American experts, the only ones deemed to have the requisite detachment, by distance in time and space I suppose, to know and appreciate the full extent of the evil of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis; which they seemed to accept as a form of divine truth manifested as earthly fact, based on “exhaustive investigations and “incontrovertible data convincing examples of which I have yet to find anywhere.

Of course, they were (inadvertently) correct in pronouncing my inability to assess the Nazi history correctly, but completely unconvincing, in that they were far more debilitated and misguided brainwashees than I.

Although this increasingly grated on my nerves, I tried to accept it as an understandable attitude, considering my countryh’s past.

Beginning with the U.S. war in Viet Nam, and its aggressive interventions in Chile, its horrifying operations in Central America, all supported and approved of by lyinh’ Brian Mulroney who had become prime minister of Canada in the 80s not to mention the ever more subversive and sociopathic idiocies of successive administrations in the name of globalization, privatization and free trade – I became far more politically informed and aware than I had ever been before, realizing in the process my deplorable ignorance in terms of historical accuracy, which kept me dangling at the end of my rope in debates. Yet I kept learning by reading, and by debating in writing. I became a critical observer, wrote letters and was actively committed to demand and defend such elusive concepts as truth, human rights and justice.

I increasingly noticed, that whenever something evil needed to be emphasized in public discourses, the “Nazis and “Hitler and the “SS had to rush hither to lend a habitual hand when any other derogatory term wouldnh’t suffice to reach the desired level of malice.

This increasingly annoyed me to such a degree, that I eventually felt compelled to look for the flip side of the anti-Nazi coin to see for myself whath’s what.

In short, I had it up to here with the constant German bashing.

On the Internet I searched for, and found, all kinds of factual and documented accounts, illuminating in their detailed historical context, and therefore generating an ever more understanding and sympathetic perception of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists. They also confirmed the anecdotal events that my parents, my grandfather and uncles had been talking about – which I had so far ignored – as more or less plausible. I now was forced to accept their first hand experiences of the twenties, the thirties, the war and the post war period as largely founded on real experience.

Thus began the gradual COLLAPSE OF MY ENTIRE ANTI-NAZI HOUSE OF MANIPULATIVE CARDS; making short shrift of my brainwashed convictions.

Though I sometimes found these accounts on white supremacist websites (often in downright racist contexts) to lend an air of respectability to themselves, they actually were based on REAL and EXHAUSTIVE investigations, conducted at great personal sacrifices and at great danger and expense to the investigating revisionists.

Well, you know all about it.

As I progressed with my Internet researches, I realized, that Canadians (and equally Americans) through their educational, info and entertainment systems have been subject to a just as intense and sustained anti-Nazi indoctrination than myself, if not more so FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS!

But, unlike me, they obstinately insist, with a nasty form of self-righteousness, on their perceived prerogative to pass judgment on something about which they only know hate propaganda; so much so, that any unbiased form of critical questioning has become anathema, if not offensive in their minds.

At this point let me clarify something important. I differentiate between Nazis and neo-Nazis. The only thing the latter have in common with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis are the accoutrements and symbols, which are ignorantly used as an expression of the nasty propaganda image with which they associate themselves. Nothing could be further from what the Nazis were all about.

When you state, willy-nilly, that you are “all for defending human rights, but refuse to support any attempt to defend or resurrect the “Third Reich, then it behooves you to explain why. Standing by itself, ith’s a dead give-away of a blinkered view, not to mention political correctness. And when you state that you never called Germans criminal except those directly associated with the Nazis of the time then you have stated a contradiction. You accuse ALL Germans of criminality, indeed, because all Germans were more or less Nazis, by your definition, as you will see below.

I therefore seriously question whether you have actually made, or even been capable of, an UNBIASED investigation of what the Third Reich ACTUALLY was, did and why. Judging by your tendency to view everything Nazi as evil, your “knowledge is based on literally billions of tons of entirely negative distortions, spin and lies that Western historical literature is teeming with on this subject. This makes your “knowledge irrational, fictitious and mendacious.

The insidious nature of a brainwashed mind, particularly as it pertains to National Socialism and Adolf Hitler, is such that it presents a solid barrier to even WANTING TO BEGIN searching for the truth, as opposed to the much more socially rewarding and easily obtainable confirmation of its alleged evil.

In your case, one canh’t fail to notice it clearly in your exchange with Prof. Robert Faurisson and your reaction to Horst Mahler (Rights not Reich). I suspect, that this stance accounts for the fact that you are still at large and never had your face rearranged like Prof. Faurisson..

My point is to show you on my own example that YOUR MIND IS AS BRAINWASHED AS MINE ONCE WAS, and how this came about, and that it corrupts your search for truth. After all, youh’re about the same age as me and you did receive your education from the same North American institutions that imposed their version of the Nazi era on the Germans, not to mention the rest of the world, since 1945.

You refuse to find out what National Socialism actually was; presumably having proceeded in your lackadaisical “research” under the faulty assumption that enough has been said about Adolf Hitler and the Nazis (all negative) and that any further scrutiny on your part would be superfluous. Ith’s a common attitude, especially among the intelligentsia. Any positive facts of Nazism can thus be dismissed as mere WHITEWASH.

This, I suggest, is THE most common modus operandi in the efforts of the proponentsh’ of anti-Nazi/German hate, to prove the uniqueness of the Nazi/Hitler “evil as a uniquely one-sided “truth. To this end everything needs to be revised in minute detail, EXEPT THE COMMON PERCEPTION OF NAZISM. The reverse of it seems to be in essence what you find annoying about Horst Mahler. Thus let me remind you: What’s good for the gander is good for the goose.

Concerning the history of German National Socialism, neither the period BEFORE WW I, nor that war itself, nor the EXTREMELY IMPORTANT interim period between 1918 and 1933, nor the period between 1933 and the outbreak of WW II can be avoided if one truly wants to know and understand, WITH AN UNBIASED MIND, what moved Adolf Hitler and the Germans/Nazis, as well as their choice of methods. All of it is inseparably interrelated.


As a result, Germany, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, was quickly becoming a socially more equitable, more just and more humane alternative to the sociopathic and predatory capitalist establishments of war mongerers, scheming and conniving within the home bases of Germanyh’s enemies. The National Socialist alternative increasingly undermined the criminal nature of capitalismh’s global economic hegemony by positive example. It also inspired the basest and most sadistic instincts of capitalist bullies, who were planning the biggest genocidal holocaust in the history of the world AGAINST GERMANY, always prodded and needled by Jewish usurpers from behind the scenes. As a historian you have to be deaf, dumb and blind to overlook this glaring fact.

Needless to say, THAT THIS GENOCIDE TOOK PLACE AS PLANNED IS IRREFUTABLE. The evidence consists of reams of photographic and diplomatic documentation, if one only looks for it with open and unblinkered eyes.

Comparing the Weimar republich’s performance (and that of every other contemporary “democracy) with that of the National Socialists, under the conditions of the Versailles Treaty, in terms of the common indicators used to evaluate a regime — homogeneity, prosperity and health as a nation; standard of living; justice; freedom; integrity of government; the general disposition of the people; the maintenance of peace and order; and diplomatic efforts in relation to other nations — have to be ALL taken into account IN THEIR ENTIRETY to produce a fair and comprehensive record of either performances as a government.

The Nazis will emerge from such a comparison with flying colors. What the Bolsheviks promised to the German communists, but actively prevented by violent subversion, namely SOCIALISM, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis delivered, in spades and without violent bloodshed. National Socialism was, and remains, the most significant unbloody revolution to have taken place in history. To demonstrate its unbelievable effectiveness, consider the following:

While EVERY COUNTRY ON EARTH was suffering a deep depression during the Dirty Thirties, including Roosevelth’s raw “New Deal for the USA, NAZI GERMANY WAS ENJOYING UNHEARD OF HIGHTS IN ITS STANDARD OF LIVING, UNSURPASSED TO THIS DAY; with scarcely any resources of her own, yet without needing to rob distant colonies of their resources.

That seems to be something the detractors of National Socialism have a hard time digesting including you.

The picture that you ASSUME to be the truth is a chimera of the nastiest kind imaginable. Murderous Nazi Germany under the dominance of a vile dictator (i.e. 99% of all German speaking people; plus, millions of supportive sympathizers from other nations who were inspired by it, including Russia, Hungary, Ukraine, Belgium, France, even England, ALL NAZIS) has to remain evil incarnate in order for the “truth to be salacious enough for you.

By obstinately adhering to the officially promoted view of Nazi-Germany, you find exactly what youh’re looking for, easily obtainable CALUMNY, dressed up as fact.

Nastiness happens in every country, to a more or lesser degree, but nowhere was, and is, it as prevalent and monstrous as in your own back yard. Ignoring THIS fact endows you with the prerequisite lack of humility in becoming an overbearing judge who enjoys condemning a victimized nation.

Revisionism doesnh’t need to be revised; in your case IT NEEDS TO BE UNBLINKERED. What does need to be revised is the meaning of the term NAZI. Ith’s been grossly distorted, abused and misused for decades and has ossified into a malignant burr within your reason.

Whether you like it or not, in keeping with this hate mongering propaganda against Adolf Hitler, that demonstrably began in 1933 and never ceased, YOU ARE TELLING A GIANT UNQUALIFIED LIE.

I challenge you to produce evidence of a more popular, benign and efficient system of social organization, of any nation and its regime, anywhere on Earth, at any time in history, with a higher approval rating by its people and a greater popularity than Adolf Hitlerh’s.

Hitler must have been a funny “dictator, because he put every major decision to the people, in referenda, supervised by international committees, and got consistent approval ratings of just short of 100%; including the Anschluss of Austria presumably an “invasion in your mind…right up until the outbreak of WW II.

WW II was the beginning of the end in the development of a great and promising nation.

National Socialism was a nascent system, extra-ordinary, and developing in circumstances that couldnh’t have been more excruciatingly difficult in its beginning stages. Nevertheless, things were looking good for Germany in every way from 1933 on. Contrary to allied hate mongering Germany had no reason to go to war and Adolf Hitler demonstrably made every effort to avoid it. Ith’s amply documented.

The Zionist dominated allied-to-be governments unabashedly proclaimed their intent to DESTROY GERMANY AND THE GERMAN PEOPLE not Adolf Hitler or the Nazis, mind you – while clandestinely working out, IN ADVANCE, the details of the phony SHOAH story, featuring NAZI GERMANY as the villain, set up as justification for a Jewish state in Palestine, and Germanyh’s reduction to a future cash cow. Most of this homicidal conniving and scheming took mainly place in your country.

Had the war gone on somewhat longer, and had the allies had the wherewithal, it is absolutely no stretch to know that they would have dropped atomic bombs on all of Germany and its people without batting an eye enthusiastically applauded by intellectuals like yourself, no doubt.

The arming up, getting only underway just before 1938, and then necessarily with increased intensity, of Germanyh’s practically non-existent armed forces; and every military action since 1939 that Germany undertook, was an answer to the alliesh’ intentions the knowledge of which Adolf Hitler passed on to his people. Every German knew that Germany was going to be FORCED to fight for its very life, mortally threatened by a world bent on its merciless genocide. Historical evidence has more than amply confirmed this as well.

The homicidal demons, as I see it, were not the Nazis but THE ALLIES, including the Bolsheviks, but especially the Americans and the Britons who have a long history that has never stopped their murder, rape and pillage within and without their own borders. If you feel the need to get down to the nitty-gritty of evil you havenh’t far to look. Ith’s right where you sit.

As to your critique of Horst Mahlerh’s use of the words GERMAN REICH ith’s ridiculous nitpicking and word fencing about some non-existing PR-strategy.

The GERMAN REICH is what Germans used to call their country BEFORE THEY WERE TRAINED BY THEIR GENOCIDAL MURDERERS TO BE ASHAMED OF IT. Just for that reason alone ith’s more than appropriate to INSIST on re-invoking its name. At this point, as a German, I wouldnh’t care a farthing what you, or any foreigner, might think in this regard.

Your argument is similar to me telling you that, “the U.S. is hated right now, worldwide, so when you travel abroad just call yourself a Canadian, as a PR measure. Though it may be STRATEGICALLY EXPEDIENT ith’s also cowardly. All it does is undermine your self-respect as an American.


I agree with Robert Faurissonh’s stance of openness, simple language and confrontational style (in the Celinian sense) because at this stage you canh’t avoid confrontation. Ith’s obviously being forced upon any dissent anyway. Whath’s more than anything convincing is PERSEVERENCE a la Faurisson.

Yet, I agree with you that PR savvy is more than indicated at this stage. But Ih’m afraid ith’s lost on ordinary mortals whose understanding and support is needed for revisionism to be successful. One of Hitlerh’s secrets of success was his PR savvy, when he spoke about the peopleh’s concerns, loudly and clearly, in their language CONFRONTATIONALLY.

Horst Mahlerh’s style of rhetoric I find sometimes hard to follow, and generally he seems to dwell too much on the spiritual aspect of nationhood. But he has a brilliant mind and a strong backbone; and he has a more correct, comprehensive and sympathetic understanding of National Socialism and Adolf Hitler than you do. Therefore he has the courage to envision the possibilities of such a model in the future.

As to his statement about all Jews being at the forefront of the attacks against Germany HE IS ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. Name ONE Jew who does reject the holocaust as an historical fact. If you can, it will be a miraculous exception.

By the way, an atheist Judaist is an oxymoron. Noam Chomsky is an atheist with Zionist proclivities, not a Judaist.

You may argue in your defense that youh’ve done massive amounts of research and know what youh’re talking about, and that you donh’t deserve to be lectured by an amateur such as me.

To that I answer, yes, youh’ve obviously done a lot of research. But so have I. On the issue of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis you seem to have wasted some fleeting glances with an extremely biased attitude; looking for, and finding, the entirely corrupted “evidence.

In conclusion I suggest that you become MORE revisionist in your revisionism in order to achieve some semblance of truth, preferably nothing but…


Hans Krampe

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