Chavez predicts the ‘end of the US empire’

Chavez predicts the ‘end of the US empire’
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said that he will increase support for Cuba and suggested United States prepare ‘its own transition plan because this century the American empire will come to an end’.
Chavez made his remarks in response to Washington’s announcement of a plan for a post-Fidel Castro transition to democracy in Cuba which will ‘discourage’ third countries allegedly Venezuela from obstructing ‘the will of the Cuban people for freedom and democracy’.
‘The empire not only threatens Cuba … with its political transition plan’ but also threatens Venezuela when ‘it says that it will undertake to ‘discourage’ any third country that wants to support Cuba’s Castro regime’, said Chavez.
The George W. Bush administration ‘believes that Fidel Castro is going to die, that’s why it insists with the transition plan. I recently went to Cuba … and saw Castro looking stronger than ever: clear minded, in good spirit, working like a boy … Look out, if Fidel Castro lives past 100, God wants it to be that way’ Chavez highlighted.
Washington announced Monday that it would allocate 80 million US dollars in the next two years to hasten the end of the Castro regime in Cuba, support the opposition and anticipated economic incentives to a future transition government in Havana.
Chavez condemned the ‘obscene, immoral and genocide-prone U.S. empire’ suggesting that instead of a transition plan for Cuba ‘it should begin thinking about its own transition plan because this century the U.S. empire will come to an end’.
‘I recommend ‘Mister Danger’ (President Bush) reads Paul Kennedy’s ‘Rise and fall of the Great Powers’ to see in the mirror of history what became of great empires’.

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The Trial of Guenter Deckert by Sylvia Stolz (English translation by Christine B. Miller)

The Trial of Guenter Deckert
By Sylvia Stolz
Translated from the German language
by Christine Miller
‘A prison sentence will not force me into believing.’
~ Guenter Deckert
‘When I have doubts I demand the right to express them …They talk about tolerance, but mean the inquisition. … The hunt to find incorrect literature pretending to fight crime. For a short time people can be intimidated by the threat of punishment, but the brain continues to reason.’
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Thus spoke Guenter Deckert in his final comment at his sentencing February, 2012 in front of the state court Mannheim. The report of his trial follows.
Since January 2, 2013 Guenter has been in prison on account of aiding and abetting so-called Holocaust denial. We accompanied him on his journey to prison and took leave of him at the Mannheim prison gate.
We expressed our thanks for his courage and his commitment to freedom, justice and truth. We will always remember that. The day will come when the Germans and other people will appreciate his zeal.
He is supposed to be released May 2013. We will be there waiting for him starting at nine o’clock.
Address: Herzogenriedstrasse 111, 68169 Mannheim. Whoever wants to be there and greet him is cordially invited.
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The Opinion Terror
By Sylvia Stolz
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A prison sentence for doubting the ‘Holocaust.’
No probation for expressing one’s opinion in these times of alleged ‘right wing terror.’
In these times of the ‘resurfacing’ of right wing extremism which, without question, is due to the criminal deeds of the alleged ‘NSU’, Holocaust denial constitutes a considerable danger for public peace.
Guenter Deckert, former high school teacher, on February 2, 2012 was sentenced by the state court of Mannheim to a prison sentence of six months without probation on account of aiding and abetting so-called Holocaust denial. As well, because of the ‘radical’ law and in spite of high evaluations he was dismissed from his high school teaching job in November, 1988 in the State of Baden-Wuertenberg and was denied his pension.
He is charged with having cooperated in the translation into German of the book by Carlo Mattogno, Auschwitz the First Gassings, Rumors and Reality (December, Castle Hill Publishers.)

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On July 28, 2010 Guenter Deckert had been sentenced by the lower court of Weinheim to a prison term of 4 months with probation. The charges were: promotion of incitement of the public by means of Holocaust denial and defamation of the memory of the dead. (&&130 III, IV, 189 STGB-BRD. Aktenzeichen: 2Ds 503 Js 14219/08 AK 579/09).
The prosecutor appealed and on February 2, 2012 the sentence by the state court of Mannheim was increased to six months without probation. Guenter Deckert’s appeal was thrown out (Aktenzeichen: 12Ns 503 Js 14219/08)
Many people in the BRD (Germany), the BRO (Austria), Switzerland, France, Spain, Greece and other countries have been sentenced because they denied or doubted the Holocaust when defined as systematic genocide. At times very high prison sentences have been handed down. For example the sentence against lawyer Horst Mahler.
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The Holocaust is not defined
During his appeal Guenter Deckert wanted to know the concrete facts which he, according to the accusations, deliberately ignored and the truth he contested. He received no answer.
It is especially telling that the so-called ‘Holocaust’ is not legally defined (This is against the principal of the penal law). In the first trial no concrete facts as to the place of the crime, the methods of killing or other proofs, directly or indirectly presented in the findings of other trials, were presented.
Concerning his denial the court pointed to &130 section 3StGB , &6 section of the international penal law which defines genocide as being when a member of an ethnic or religious group is killed with the intent to destroy or partially destroy the whole group. According to &130 section 3StGB i.V.m &6 section VStGB people can be punished who deny that under the rule of National Socialism, without knowledge or intent of the German Reichsregierung, a Jew, by someone or another (even by a none German), had been killed with the intent to partially destroy Jewry as an ethnic and religious group.
‘Known to the court’ to be challenged’
Guenter Deckert at the beginning of his appeal made the following motion:
‘I move for the court to discuss point by point the principles on which the court rests its ‘known to the court’ facts which, since the beginning of the Seventies of the Twentieth Century, generally go under the notation ‘Holocaust.’
The court should establish if and how far the persons who are called to judge have knowledge of these ‘facts’ or only base their judgment on hearsay or secondary literature.’
Before coming to a decision about this motion the court should take into consideration the resolution by the petition caucus of the German Bundestag (upper house) Pet 12-4-07-45-5699 Deutscher Bundestag 12. election period print 12/2849.
An excerpt: During a main trial the court is duty bound to discuss those facts of which the court has taken judicial notice in order to give the accused the opportunity to contest them. In addition it has to be acknowledged that ‘known to the court’ does need to exist in perpetuity or has to remain unchanged. New information might have been gotten and new events might have happened which will bring about a different conclusion. If the accused presents such circumstances which in the past have not been mentioned or discussed the ‘known to the court’ can be challenged and new proofs concerning these facts have to be considered. In this way the accused and his defender have the possibility to counter ‘it is known to the court.’
The decision concerning ‘it is ‘known to the court’ & 244 lies therefore exclusively in the hands of the court in question and is subject to the principle of independence in respect to judges. It is also possible that in individual cases a different judgment may be the result.’
Judgment based on the media
Concerning ‘it is known to the court’ the following decisions have been made: (…)
The county court Bernau presided over by the female judge Kroh rejected the motion to discuss the principles of ‘known to the court,’ stating that the facts and the legal situation were the same. She simply gave judicial notice that during the National Socialist (NS) period, the genocide of the Jews in gas chambers located in the concentration camps happened.
The 3. Senate of the Bavarian state court rejected the motion concerning ‘the Holocaust is a fact, known to the court’ with the pronouncement that it does not have any doubts as to the reality of the Holocaust, referring to the accessible and common information in words, pictures, and sound. (decision 1/14/2011, Bay AGH II 27/09). The motion of the defense to challenge which material the senate based its certainty of ‘known to the court’ was denied citing material in newspapers, on TV, in reference and history books (decision 2/8/2011).
The judiciary degrades itself to a grotesque caricature if it bases its judgments on the media and TV. Judiciary contains the word justice. It does not deserve its name.
No actual facts
It is worthy of notice that the so-called Holocaust is not legally defined and facts are avoided. In & 130 StGB-BRD which is used to convict ‘Holocaust deniers’ the so-called Holocaust is not defined. It is not even mentioned.
The sentencing of Guenter Deckert in the first instance at the local court in Weinheim contains no determination of the crime of ‘Holocaust denial’. In other words there is no determination of the Holocaust in regard to the place of the crime, the methods of killing, the number of the dead, the time frame, the perpetrators, the bodies, no deposition taken of the witnesses, no proof of the intent by National Socialism to completely or partially exterminate the Jews. There is no determination about decisions, planes, orders or documents not even in the form of references to other judicial sentences.
In addition there is no determination of the knowledge the accused had, or is supposed to have had, or must have had, or could have had.
As long as the courts do not name the location on which the mass murder was suppose to have happened; as long as the courts do not describe how the killing was done; as long as the courts do not mention any proofs; a judgment that mass murder has occurred is not possible. The same is the case for ‘it is known to the court.’
Without submitting proof as to actual facts a sentencing for Holocaust denial is not valid.
Without the determination of what knowledge of the so-called Holocaust the accused had or could have had, the charge that he acted against his better knowledge is void.
If the above mentioned points are not addressed a sentencing for the denial of the Holocaust is arbitrary and a corruption of the law.
A defense is not possible
The refusal by the judiciary to bring up for discussion the principle of ‘it is known to the court that the holocaust happened’ makes any defense impossible. Not knowing the concrete facts on which the accusation is based emasculates the defense. The law used to sentence an accused without the defense being able to challenge ‘it is known to the court’ defeats the ends of the law.
‘The Holocaust as fact is known to the court.’ Which facts however the court knows are not stated.
For example: Dr. Martin Broszart, director for the federal Institute fuer Zeitgeschichte published the following: ‘Neither in Dachau, nor in Bergen-Belsen, nor in Buchenwald were Jews or other inmates gassed.’ (Die Zeit, 8/19/1960, p 16). On the other hand there are publications which talk about the gassings in Dachau, Bergen-Belsen and Buchenwald. Which of the two is, according to the judiciary, ‘…known to the court?’ Is it ‘known to the court’ that inmates were gassed at Dachau, Bergen-Belsen and Buchenwald, or is it ‘… known to the court’ that nobody was gassed at Dachau, Bergen-Belsen and Buchenwald? Both cannot be ‘… known to the court.’
An entire event such as the so-called ‘Holocaust’ can only be undisputed (facts known to the court) when the individual events are undisputed (facts known to the court).
The history Professor Dr. Gerhard Jagschitz of the Institute for Contemporary History at the University of Vienna wrote the following expert opinion: ‘Substantial doubts about the trials in question have been raised by the presentation of expert opinions to national and international courts. The relentless repetition of judgments using ‘ facts known to the court,’ namely that the Jews were killed by gas in the concentration camp of Auschwitz, will not be enough on which to base sentencing in a democratic nation which is supposed to be founded on justice and right.’ (letter to the state court Vienna, 1/10/l991, AZ:26b Vr 14 184/86)
The Ruhr Nachrichten (Bochum) No. 277 (11/29/2005) printed a citation by the Israeli writer and musician Gilad Atzmon: ‘The historiography known to us about WWII and the Holocaust is a complete falsification initiated by the Americans and Zionists.’
Is the Holocaust indisputably ‘a fact known to the court’ or is it indisputably ‘a fact known to the court’ that the Holocaust is frequently challenged and therefore can not be ‘a fact known to the court?’
It is therefore illogical to call a certain alleged historical event which is frequently contested as ‘a fact known to the court’, a concept which the authorities then use to persecute and penalize the ‘deniers.’
Abuse of procedural rights
After reading the motion Guenter Deckert wanted to know what he has to accept as ‘facts known to the court.’ The prosecutor, Andreas Grossmann replied (11/14). ‘That you will find out during sentencing.’ During the sentencing however nothing was said.
The chairman, Ross, decreed to postpone the decision concerning the motion. He said: first principles have to be established. Prosecutor Grossmann remarked (January 13, 2012) that the motion only will be dealt with after the pleading. The purpose became obvious when (January 13, 2012) the motion was denied. In the meantime Guenter Deckert took up his case again. In order to show that the ‘facts are known to the court’ must be fully discussed he described in detail circumstances and facts which made him doubt the ‘Holocaust.’ For example he mentioned Dr. Benedikt Kautzky who, for seven years, was in German concentration camps among others, in Auschwitz-Birkenau, and who wrote that in no camp did he ever see a gas chamber.
The chamber denied the motion to discuss ‘facts are known to the court‘ (chairman Roos, jurors-Wolfgang W. and Helmut M.) using, among other arguments, the reason, ‘the Holocaust defined as mass killings of Jews especially in the gas chambers of the concentration camps during WWII is ‘a fact known to the court’ (January 13, 2012). The Holocaust as historical event is considering evidence beyond discussion.’
‘The facts are known to the court’ is not to be discussed because ‘the facts are known to the court’ is a circular argument incompatible with logic and beyond reason and the principles of justice.
The resolution goes on to accuse Guenter Deckert of abusing procedural rights. The need for proofs is not applicable since Guenter Deckert’s demands in that regard, during the main trial, are only designed to involve the court in order to spread his revisionist ideas. This is obvious from his presentation in which he declared that ‘facts known to the court’ needs to be discussed.
According to the court it is an abuse of the justice system when an accused, before being sentenced, tries to move the court to examine the facts of which he is accused.
The resolution furthermore implies that the chamber considers the discussion which forms the basis of the accusation as ‘court research’ to which the accused is not entitled.
The court in this resolution has obviously ignored the laws of reason.
On one hand the court looks at the motion to discuss ‘the Holocaust, a fact known to the court’ (contrary to what Guenter Deckert has said) as a move for proof, on the other hand, in contradiction to this, as a motion to obtain ‘court research’. The motion however implies neither one nor the other.
Historical facts are deliberately ignored
The resolution further states that Guenter Deckert deliberately ignores historical facts and obstinately refuses to accept the truth.
Reacting to the resolution (January 13, 2012) Guenter Deckert moved (February 2, 2012) that the chamber communicate the following:
According to the court’s knowledge ‘the ‘Holocaust’ is a fact’ in which concentration camps and gas chambers existed.
According to the court’s knowledge in what ways did additional killings take place?
According to its knowledge what were the number of victims?
According to the court’s opinion which facts of the so-called Holocaust have I ignored and accepted?
Since the prosecutor and the court have not produced any facts in regard to the accusation I cannot know which facts I supposedly ignore.
I made the motion to discuss the principles of the ‘Holocaust is a fact known to the court’ in order to be able to defend myself against the accusation of Holocaust denial. I stated in detail that the court is duty bound to discuss their determination that the ‘Holocaust is a fact known to the court.’
In addition I have pointed out that there is no concrete definition of the so-called Holocaust.
Furthermore no determination has been made about which knowledge of the so-called Holocaust I had or was supposed to have had or could have had.
In the resolution of January 13, 2012 the so-called decision does not contain any determination to the circumstances and ‘it is known to the court,’ nor are there any references.
Without defining the deed in question a sentencing for Holocaust denial is not possible.
Without determining which concrete knowledge the accused had about the so called ‘Holocaust’, or could have had, an accusation to have acted against his better knowledge is void, and therefore a sentencing for denying the truth is not possible.
What is ‘fact known to the court’
During my argument I presented facts which show that there is a need for a discussion about ‘fact known to the court.’
‘Known to the court’ are historical facts which by means of historical research are considered proven and everybody therefore without specific knowledge can inform himself from history books, encyclopedia and similar reference books (Alsberg/Nuesse/Meyer, proof in a trial, 5. edition, Carl Heymanns publishing house, Berlin 1983, p.539.
The acceptance of ‘the fact is known to the court’ rests on the preliminary condition that the fact is not challenged (vglAlsber/Nuesse/meyer, a.a.O., p. 568.
If however in historiography the truth of an event is contested it does not become accepted knowledge just because much has been written about it and disseminated (Alsberg/Nuesse/Meyer, a.a.O.,P. 540).
In my motion to discuss ‘the Holocaust happened is known to the court’ I cited examples of publications, especially non revisionist publications which prove that the Holocaust historiography is not in agreement, does not speak with one voice, is not unchallenged, and contradicts itself. The Holocaust therefore cannot be claimed as ‘a fact known to the court.’
A sentencing for denying the Holocaust on the basis of ‘the Holocaust is known to the court’ is therefore not possible. I made the motion not in order to spread revisionism, as maintained by the chamber, but for the simple reason that I have been accused of Holocaust denial and that I want to use my right to defend myself.
To dismiss my motion because I intended for the court to deal with ‘the Holocaust is known to the court’ is arbitrary. Before sentencing it is an essential duty and the task of the court to deal with the underlying facts.
It is factually and judicially not understandable why in a trial for Holocaust denial a motion is supposed to be abusive which is meant to bring clarity in regard to ‘a fact known to the court.’
‘Fact known to the court’ is in need of discussion
When a French historian, Jacques Baynac, a proponent of the Holocaust writes that for the existence of the Nazi gas chambers only the lack of documents, traces and other material proofs can be confirmed (Le Noveau Quotidien de Lausanne, Switzerland , September 2, l996, p.16 and September 3/l996, p.14) then this means that there is a need to discuss ‘the Holocaust is known to the court.’
Michel de Bouaerd, professor for history and dean of the faculty for the Arts and Sciences at the University of Caen (Normandy) states that the documentation concerning the Holocaust is rotten, that the documentation about the system of the German concentration camps is permeated by a mass of invented stories, relentless repetitions of falsifications, especially in regard to numbers, and confusion and generalizations (Ouest-France v. 2-3 August l986, p. 6). This again proves that there is a need to discuss ‘the Holocaust is known to the court.’
Historian Professor Ernst Nolte seconds the need for a discussion of ‘fact known to the court. ‘The testimony of witnesses rests to a large part on hearsay and mere surmises; the testimony of the few eyewitness are in part contradictory and create doubts in regard to their veracity.’
The director of the Yad Vashem memorial, Shmuel Krakowski, in the same vain states (Jerusalem Post, August 17, l986): ‘Most of the 20,000 witnesses’ testimony concerning the Holocaust are unbelievable, falsified, cannot be verified, or in other ways are not true.’
On January 13, 2012 during a pause in the proceedings (around 16:30) the chairman Ross directed the following words to me: ‘You would be surprised at the knowledge of history by the jurors.’ But judges have to make an unencumbered decision, based on their conviction which they formed during the proceedings in question (& 261 StPO). In addition ‘facts known to the court’ in order to be useable have to be introduced during the main trial in order to give the participants the opportunity to take a position.
It would therefore be useful if the members of the chamber would reveal their knowledge of history to the accused before they convict him on the basis of this knowledge.
If not it will remain obscure on which facts the members of chamber base their views. It (the Holocaust) is supposed to be a wrong removed from common categories and therefore &130 StGB is an exception to the prohibition of having a special law. (motion of cessation of the trial on account of the special law & 130 which is contrary to the German basic law. The motion was denied January 13, 2012)
Permanent misjudgment
The chamber misrepresents my motion. It considers it a motion for proof which is obvious from their choice of words. ‘The chamber is supposed to furnish proof,’ ‘makes proof unnecessary.’ ‘proof is also inadmissible,’ ‘a motion for proof is inadmissible (p.2 of the resolution).’
But it is unequivocally clear that the motion was not a motion for proof.
The motion to discuss the principle of ‘the Holocaust, a fact known to the court’ does not mean, that the Holocaust did not happen (p. 2 of the resolution), but was a motion to examine the facts on which ‘fact known to the court’ are based.
The chamber maintains that I contested ‘facts known to the court.’ The chamber is mistaken. I did not contest facts, but demanded the discussion of facts.
What is a circular argument?
A circular argument is to deny the motion for discussion of the principle of ‘fact known to the court’ with the argument that a discussion is not necessary since the Holocaust is ‘a fact known to the court.’ (p.2 of the resolution.)
The chamber misunderstands not only the meaning of a ‘circular argument,’ but also the concept of ‘an established fact known to the court.’ What is frequently contested can’t be ‘an established fact known to the court’ since ‘an established fact known to the court’ is defined as undisputed, unchallenged (see above).
It is a circular argument if I would say ‘the holocaust is not ‘a fact known to the court’ because ‘it is not known to the court.’ It is, however, not a circular argument if I say: ‘the Holocaust is not fact known to the court’ because ‘known to the court’ is equivalent to conformity and indisputability. The historiography of the Holocaust is not in conformity and is not unchallenged. The resolution stated by the chamber shows a lack of capacity to reason.
It is inconsequential if it happened or not
My motion of January 13, 2012 in which I stated that the incriminating book is scientifically correct was denied. The following reason was given: It does not matter if the book is scientifically correct. I am guilty since I assisted in the formation of the book.
It looks as if the chamber agrees with the view of the Mannheim court who convicted Ernst Zuendel. ‘It does not matter if the Holocaust did or did not take place.’ The ‘tageszeitung (February 9, 2007, p.6)’ writes about the Zuendel trial: ‘At the end the court denied all the motions with the lapidary reason (a shock to some of the antifascists among the audience): ‘It does not matter one wit if the Holocaust did or did not take place. Its denial is punishable under German law. Only this is what counts.’

It is a strange concept of justice and the law, namely, to convict somebody on account of Holocaust denial because it does not matter if or if not the Holocaust took place. It disregards all the principles underlying right and justice. The federal court promoting this view does not make it right and changes nothing.
The chamber appears to arbitrarily use a formulary in order to avoid having to bother with analyzing the arguments of the defense.
Up to now it is obvious that the chamber abuses ‘procedural rights’ with goals which have nothing to do with the trial. It feigns an interest in the truth, but uses the law for a nefarious purpose.
Even if a falsehood is repeated a thousand times, it does not turn it into the truth.
This motion was denied using as justification the argument that the court has no duty to communicate, and no duty to clarify. The motion to communicate was denied even in regard to the fairness of the trial.
Contrary to the basic law
Guenter Deckert, at the beginning of his appeal (November 14, 2012), moved to postpone the trial until the federal court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) had made a decision in so far as &130 Abs. 3 StGB conforms to the Basic Law, especially Art. 5 GG (freedom of opinion) and Art. 103 Abs. 2GG.
Doubting or contesting the Holocaust is, according to the new principles laid down by the BVerfG, not punishable (1BvR 2150/08 V. November 4, 2009).
In as far as the chamber is convinced that &130 Abs. 3StGb does not agree with the interpretation of the Basic Law concerning the ‘denial’ and the down playing of the Holocaust, the chamber should postpone the trial and await the decision of the Federal Court.
In the meantime, according to posted principles of the BVerfG, punishment for denial or down playing of the Holocaust is not congruent with Art. 5 GGand Art. 103 Abs. 2GG. This can be deduced from the decision 1BvR 2150/09 (November 4, 2009)
This decision in regard to &130 Abs. 4StGB came about on account of a Basic Law complaint by the deceased lawyer Juergen Rieger against the prohibition of a memorial march for Rudolf Hess in Wunsiedel. It contains basic principles which effect &130 Abs. 3StGB.
In the above mentioned decision the promulgated principles are not only important for &130 Abs.4StGB but also for &130 Abs. 3StGB. This can be surmised by the explanation of the 1. Senate of the BVerfG which is meant to clarify the law concerning the expression of opinions and therefore is all around binding. Due to the death of the plaintiff (Juergen Rieger) the 1. Senate did not see it to the end and did not make use of its possibility to discontinue the trial.
Opinions which doubt or contest the truth of the so-called Holocaust are, according to recently determined principles of the BVerfG, not punishable.
Special Law
The 1.Senate emphasized in the above mentioned decision that the prohibition concerning a special law has to be universally valid and has to extend to all opinion limiting laws (Abs.- Nr.63).
It states that a special law is indicated if it leads to a connection with an opinion limiting law concerning ‘certain historical interpretation of events.’ That definitely applies to &130 Abs. 3 StGB.
The Senate of the BVerfG determined that special laws are laws which do not limit the freedom of opinion concerning historical reigns of terror, but only limit themselves to a reign of terror of a special kind; explicitly named is the National Socialist regime.
Since Art, 5Abs. 2GG does not allow for special laws concerning the limitation of freedom of opinion, but only general laws, special laws are not in agreement with the Basic Law.
For this reason the 1.Senate of the BVerfG determined &130Abs. 4StGB to be a special law as an exception which is nevertheless in agreement with Art. 5 Abs. 1 and 2 GG, since & 4StGB puts limits on the approval of the historical National Socialist reign of terror and despotism (lead sentence Nr. 1), but does not penalize anybody who minimizes the ideology of National Socialism or has an objectionable historical interpretation of that time.
Denial is not punishable
The 1. Senate considers &130 Abs.4 StGB, in spite of it being a special law, in agreement with the basic law since its judicial value is similar to &140 StGB which heavily punishes anybody who rewards or approves certain factual events (Abs.-Nr. 82). In this way it demarcates &130 Abs. 4 from &130 Abs 3 StGB in as far as &130 Abs. 3StGB, contrary to &130 Abs. 4 StGB, penalizes not only approbation, but also denial or disparagement.
The 1 Senate of the BVerfG emphasized that &139 Abs. 4StGB as special law can not be based on the right to personal honor according to Art. 5 Abs. 2 alternative 3GG referring here to the dignity of the victims. In regard to the general public the requirement of opinion limiting laws according to Art. 5 Abs. 2 alternative 1 GG extends to the protection of honor. Therefore the same is valid for & 130 Abs. 3StGB. Since this is a special law it can not be based on the right to personal honor or the personal dignity of the victims in as far as it extends to the punishment on account of denial or diminishment.
The 1 Senate in its decision states that it is ‘critical’ of the literature dealing with penalties concerning the disturbance of the public peace and refers among others to the BGH judge and StGB commentator Thomas Fischer (Abs.-Nr 93). The Senate unequivocally states that the expression ‘Public Peace’ meaning interests worth protecting has to apply universally to rules in regard to offensive opinions. It makes a point to emphasize that the paragraph: ‘incitement of the public’ (&130 Abs. 1 to 3 StGB’ (Abs.-Nr. 78) also covers the other infractions.
In reference to the protection of the public peace &130 Abs. 4 StGB also contained in &130 Abs. 3StGB the 1. Senate of the BVerfG declared following:
‘The concept of public peace which intends to protect the citizens from being confronted with provocative opinions and ideologies does not justify the interference with the freedom of opinion even if the consequences might be dangerous and even if they propose a radical change of the present valid order. A free nation has to be able to cope with freedom of opinion. To protect the citizens from having their feeling for peace and harmony disturbed, or the poisoning of the mental climate, or a wrong interpretation of history does not justify an intervention.’ (Abs.-Nr.77)
In as far as &130 Abs. StGB penalizes the down playing or denial of the so-called ‘Holocaust’ it does not support a basis to threaten punishment. It is therefore dissimilar to &130 Abs.4 StGB which penalizes the APPROVAL of criminal offenses.
According to & 130 Abs. 3 StGb, not only the approval and approbation, but also the denial and downplaying should be punishable, is not congruent with the Basic Law.
In this connection it is meaningful that the Spanish constitutional court on November 2007, in regard to a suit brought by the Spanish publisher Pedro Varela, invalidated the order which penalized the denial of the so-called Holocaust, but exempted approval.
On September 2, 2009 the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal judge, Athanasios D. Hadjis, declared in the case of Warman v Lemire: The prohibition against Holocaust denial is against the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The attempt by the Italian parliament to push through a law similar to &130 Abs. 3 StGB was not successful.
In 2008 the pensioned judges Hoffmann-Riem and Hassemer of the German Federal Court took a critical stand in regard to penalizing Holocaust denial. The daily paper ‘Der Tagesspiegel (July 10, 2008) commented on Hoffmann-Riem’s opinion: ‘The Federal Court, according to Hoffmann-Riem, has up to now not engaged itself with the punitive illegality of Holocaust denial. But it is possible that in the future there could be a new basic decision.’
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (March 4, 2010) p. 4 writes: ‘Shortly after his retirement from the Federal Court Hoffmann-Riem said: ‘As a lawgiver I would not penalize Holocaust denial.’’
In the charge against the accused (Guenter Deckert) there is not a hint that he would have approved of a Jewish genocide or that he would have approved of a ‘Holocaust’ or any other crime.
According to the above mentioned decision by the federal court the trial should be suspended. A false interpretation of history, or an offensive interpretation of those times (the Nazi period) in contrast to approval has no basis in the law to curtail freedom of opinion.
No attempt to prove exceptional crimes
In spite of this decision there were more convictions on account of so called ‘Holocaust denial.’ It is obvious that some judges interpret that decision at will.
In as far as the Federal Court speaks of the ‘unique crimes’ of the historical National Socialist regime (BVerfG a.a. O.,s.B. Abs.-Nr. 68) denial of the ‘Holocaust’ does not mean its approval nor does it lead to endangerment of law and order. Even a ‘unique crime’ does not make the provision of proof superfluous.
Denial does not mean approval
It is telling that the BVerfG does not make a difference between approval of the so called ‘Holocaust and the approval of the National Socialist regime but without any ado throws ‘Holocaust and the reign of the historical nationalist reign of terror into one pot without mentioning the one and defining the other.’
The approval of the National Socialist regime in the conviction that it had not committed mass murder of the Jews is equated with the approval of the so called ‘historical reign of terror’ which is quietly equated with the approval of the ’Holocaust.’
Cleverly they leave out this muddling. They try to make it disappear in a fog of generalizations.
They manipulate in the attempt to justify the persecution of ‘Holocaust denial.’ Without producing concrete facts or proofs they accept, as an unquestionable fact, that the historical National Socialist regime committed crimes. They try (in vain) to justify as lawful that raising counter proofs merits punishment.
Special Status for the BRD (Bundesrepublik Deutschland)
The Federal Court tries to make us believe that the BRD can legislate special laws as &130 StGB (punishment of a certain opinion which includes the prohibition of presenting proofs for the defense because the historical identity of the BRD is a ‘reverse mirror image of National Socialism’ (BVerfG a.a. O., Abs.-Nr. 66). In other words, because the BRD is the BRD.
The arbitrariness (despotism) can not be expressed more succinctly.
The decision of the 1. Senate of the BVerfG does not mention any concrete facts or any court verdict on which it bases its conviction that the historical National Socialist regime was a regime of terror and despotism. The so-called court judgment of the BGH (Abs.-Nr.100) does not name concrete facts or events.
The Spiegel author, Goetz Aly, reports that 95% of Germans did not look at the National Socialist system as a system which suppressed freedom and ruled by terror, but as a system promoting social warmth a feel-good dictatorship. (Spiegel Nr.10/2005, p. 56). Again the Spiegel: Even in the year l948 app. 57% of Germans thought that National Socialism had been a good idea (Nr. 20/2003, p.47).
Revealing is the reference regarding the reasons of the allied victorious powers which the 1. Senate states in connection with the identity of the BRD (Abs. Nr. 65, 66). The final conquering of National Socialist structures and the prevention of their resurrection was the main reason of the Allies to reestablish German statehood. (Abs.-Nr. 65).
In this connection it is interesting what Wendell Willkie, special envoy of US President Roosevelt writes about his negotiations with Stalin, namely that the first aim of the war should be the ‘Abolition of racial exclusiveness.’ (W.L. Willkie: ‘One World’, Simon&Schuster, New York, l943 published in the FAZ, February 4, 1992).
The historian Prof. Christian Meier (University Munich), questioned by the publication ‘Der Spiegel’: ‘How do you explain that the national pride of the Germans was so effectively broken?’ had this to say: ‘The totality of the defeat and the collective shame about Auschwitz.’ (‘Der Spiegel’ Nr 30/2010, July 26, 2010, p. 126).
‘Die Welt’ (November 20, 1982) cites Walter Lippmann, chief of the unofficial propaganda ministry under President Woodrow Wilson, in the twentieth to fiftieth year of the past century and one of the most influential journalists in the USA: ‘To secure the victory, beside the necessary occupation of the enemy nation and the sentencing of the elite in war crime trials, it is most important to impose on the conquered a re-education program. The means are: to implant into the brains of the conquered the presentation of history from the viewpoint of the victors. It is important to transfer the moral categories of the war propaganda into the consciousness of the vanquished. When the war propaganda of the victors is written up in the history books of the vanquished and is believed by the successive generation only then can re-education be looked upon as having been a success.’
The Historian, Prof. Dr. Ernst Nolte, said this: If the radical revisionism is right insisting that there was no holocaust in the sense of an all encompassing, systematic genocide wanted by the top echelon then I would have to admit that National Socialism was not a fun house mirror copy of Bolshevism, but only a fight for survival by a Germany pushed into a worldwide political defensive. (Ernst Nolte, Francois Furet, Feindliche Naehe, Herbig, Munich l998, p. 222-224).
In l994 Patrick Bahners, who later became Feuilleton chief of the FAZ, made this comment regarding the trial of so-called ‘Holocaust denier’ Guenter Deckert: If Guenter Deckert’s belief about the ‘Holocaust’ is correct then the Federal Republic would be founded on a lie; every presidential speech would be a lie, every minute of silence and every history book would be all lies. In as far as he denies the genocide of the Jews he contests the legitimacy of the Federal Republic. (‘Objective suicide’, FAZ , August 15, 1994)
It is obvious that there is no legitimate basis to punish ‘denial of the Holocaust’
This motion was rebuffed. In its reasoning the chamber confirmed that 2 and 3 of &130 StGB-BRD is not a general law, but a special law. But an exception had to be made in regard to the prohibition of a special law. The reasoning: a special law is legitimate on account of the injustices and horrors of the National Socialist regime which were beyond all categories and which involved Europe and many parts of the world (decision January 13, 2012; replica of the 1.lead sentence of the BVerfGE 11/4/2009, 1BvR 2150/2008).
With this decision the BVerfG claims that the Holocaust is not to be judged according to general categories. That means the interpretation concerning the Holocaust is outside of the law.
It is a clear case of despotism when proof is superfluous and even declared punishable because it deals with a singular crime.
It is noteworthy what prosecutor Grossman, off the cuff, said about the motion: ‘We interpret the decision of the BVerfGE not the way you interpret it.’ … &130 needs to be interpreted?! The wording of &130 is not understandable?!
Science does not matter
Guenter Deckert moved to get the expert opinion of an historian to prove that Carlo Mattogno’s book ‘Auschwitz-the First Gassing, Rumors and Reality’ is scientifically correct.
The motion was denied: ‘Not only the professional judge, but also the two lay judges have enough expertise in order to judge the problem in question.’
Revealing is the further explanation of the chamber: The scientific proof of the incriminating book is in regard to the court decision ‘meaningless.’ In judging the defendant it is irrelevant, even if one holds the opinion that the publication is scientifically correct. To have assisted in the translation of the book and its final revision by the defendant, the defendant committed an offense of incitement or assisting in the incitement of the public. The demand for proof is not applicable in regard to &&130 Abs. i.V.m. 86 Abs. 3 StGB (social adequacy clause) since the format of the case does not apply here.
In other words: It does not matter if the incriminating book is scientifically correct. Assisting in the formation of the book has to be punished.
Finally, Guenter Deckert rejected the judges due to bias giving following reason (January 3, 2012):
The denial of my motion of November 14, 2011, pronounced today to discuss the principles of ‘facts know to the court’ of the so-called Holocaust is worrisome because the lay judges let themselves be guided by foreign interests instead of facts and take a position which can not be squared with their duty to impartiality.
The denial of my motion gives the impression that the lay judges conducted the trial with a goal in mind and do not look at facts with the necessary distance of the impartial.
Rejecting my motion the lay judges rejected the necessary elucidation of the facts before pronouncing a conviction.
In my motion to discuss ‘manifest obviousness’ of the so called ‘Holocaust’ I pointed out that the judgment of the first instance does not contain any facts in regard to the so-called Holocaust’ not even in regard to other court decisions.
The decision in the first instance points to numerous passages of the incriminating book by Carlos Mattogno which deny, in defiance of the law, the historically established fact of the Holocaust of the Jews, respectively the gassing crimes in Auschwitz. The first instance however does not discuss or confirm any proofs that Auschwitz was the actual place where the genocide occurred. No historical source is mentioned which would allow for informing a person about the legally binding ‘historically established Holocaust.’
Without actual determination of the deed a conviction for truth rejecting denial of the deed is not possible and legally not tenable.
Without determination, which concrete knowledge about the so-called ‘Holocaust’ the accused had or at least could have had, a verdict having acted against his better knowledge is not legal.
An unbiased judge would take that in to consideration and not deny the discussion of ‘Holocaust, a manifest obviousness.’
In order to counter the accusation of so-called ‘Holocaust denial’ I moved to have a discussion of the principles underlying ‘Holocaust, a manifest obviousness.’
As long as the lay judges give judicial notice that the ‘Holocaust’ is ‘a manifest obviousness’ I am not able to give concrete proofs on my behalf. In this way the lay judges deny me the right to a legal hearing (Art 103 ll GG) and give cause to a worrisome prejudice.
In addition it is contradictory to sentence or to confirm that a truth rejecting denial took place, and at the same time deny proof of the deed.
Judgment according to political correctness
The necessity to discuss the principles of ‘manifest obviousness’ is a given on account of numerous statements which put ‘manifest obviousness’ in doubt. ‘Manifest obviousness’ means unchallenged and unanimity (vgl. Alsberg/Nuesse/Meyer, ‘Motion for Proof in a Criminal Trial,’ 5. Aufl. Munich 1983, p.568)
(…) Following statements by history professor Dr. Ernst Nolte are important.
‘Only when the rules of the interrogation of witnesses are generally applied and the testimony of witnesses is no longer evaluated according to political correctness will a secure basis be created for scientific objectivity in regard to the ‘final solution.’
‘The common belief that every doubt about the ‘Holocaust and the six million victims a priori is a mark of a malignant mindset and has to be forbidden, can not be upheld according to the fundamental meaning of the maxim ‘de omnibus dubitandum est everything has to be doubted.’ Science can never accept that and is to be rejected as an attack against the principal of scientific freedom.
The questions regarding the reliability of the testimony of witnesses, the evidence contained in documents, the technical possibilities of certain events, the believability of the given number, the weighing of circumstances, are not only permissible, but necessary for science. Every attempt, by means of silencing or banning of certain arguments and proofs, must be looked upon as illegal.’
‘(…) Questioning the reliability of the witnesses, the veracity of the documents, the technical possibilities of certain events, the believability of the numbers, the weighing of circumstances, is not only permissible, but scientifically necessary. Every attempt to silence or forbid certain arguments and proofs is illegal.’
‘If radical revisionism is right on insisting that there was no holocaust in the sense of an all encompassing genocide authorized by the top echelon then I would have to admit that National Socialism was not a fun house mirror image of Bolshevism, but only a fight for survival by Germany pushed into a worldwide, political defensive.’
‘…It (revisionism) challenges me, but I am nevertheless unable to join those who demand that the prosecutor and the police take action against it. On account of that I feel myself forced to pose the question: does revisionism have valid arguments or does it rest on lying agitation?
And here the quality of the historian comes into play. The historian knows that ‘revisionism’ is the daily bread of science.(…) The historian also knows that, as a rule at the end, some of the revisionist theses will be accepted by the establishment or at least considered in discussions.
By means of silence it is relegated to the ‘memory hole’
During the historian congress not specifically mentioned were the following: during the war and the first years after the war it was maintained that the mass killings were done by means of blowing in hot steam into closed chambers or the killings occurred by means of huge electrified plates, or by means of quick lime. These lies were simply dropped, just like the rumor of the soap from Jewish corpses, which in Germany however was picked up again just recently by an ad in the newspapers paid for by a well known producer. The best known witness report of the member of the confessional church and SS leader Kurt Gerstein has been dropped from the collection of documents by orthodox scholars.
It is also known that Jean-Claude Pressac, in spite of his strange presence and recognition as a serious scholar, has recently reduced the number of victims gassed in the gas chambers of Auschwitz to approximately half a million.
Confessions gotten by torture
These specific corrections are not basically different from the claims which according to my knowledge the revisionists believe in: namely that the first confessions of Hoess, commander of Auschwitz were forced out of him by torture; that the witnessing of flames, sky high, coming from the chimneys of the crematoria must have been due to deluded imagination; that it was technically not possible to cremate daily 24,000 bodies; that the mortuaries which daily registered 300 bodies during typhus epidemics were indispensable and during these periods therefore could not have been used for mass killings.
6 Ernst Nolte, Streitpunkte, Ullstein, Frankfurt am Main/Berlin 1993 S.308 (Vorlesungen S. 137).
7 Ernst Nolte a.a. O.S.309.
8 Ernst Nolte, Francois Furet, Feindliche Naehe, Herbig, Muenchen 1998 S. 222-224.
9 ‘Atze Brauner, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, May 6, 1995.
Such numbers do not surprise the historian, since he knows from his studies that since the time of Herod gigantic numbers (if they are not recorded as official statistics) are questionable. He also knows that rumors will fly where large crowds of people are finding themselves in extreme situations and experience events difficult to understand.
The statements of Rudolf Hoess, commander of Auschwitz, which without a doubt contributed in a large part to the mental collapse of the accused during the Nuremberg war crime trials, were preceded by torture and therefore, according to the rules of Western civilization, are not legally valid. The Gerstein documents contain so many contradictions and so many impossibilities that they are also without value. The testimony of witnesses rests to the largest part on hearsay and conjecture. The reports partially contradict each other and create doubt as to their believability.
A careful examination after the war by an international expert commission as was performed after the discovery (l943) of the mass graves at Katyn by the German Army did not take place. The blame for this rests on the Soviet and Polish Communists.
The publication of photos of the crematoria and a few cans labeled ‘Zyklon B. poison gas’ are no proof whatsoever since in the larger camps infected by typhus crematoria were a necessity. Since Zyklon B. is a well known vermin killer it can’t be dismissed where there are masses of people living under poor hygienic conditions.
Questions have to be permissible
To question the traditional belief that the mass murder in gas chambers is a ‘manifest obviousness’ proven by countless witnesses and facts has to be permissible, or science is not applicable.
We are dealing with claims which, on the basis of natural science, respectively contain technical impossibilities such as mass murder by means of gas which was not possible and could not have been possible especially to the alleged extent. I am talking here about the chemical analysis of the Cyanide residue in the delousing chambers on one hand and the rooms first planned as mortuaries on the other hand. These expert opinions were written up by Leuchter, Rudolf and Lueftl and last but not least by the extremely thorough studies by Carlo Mattognos who concerned himself with details like time span of incineration, usage of coke, etc. Against the fact that scientifically and technically the mass murder as described was not possible (even if hundreds of confessions and witness reports maintain the opposite), arguments such as these cannot be given credence. In this matter scholars of philosophy and ideology critics are not qualified to have any say.
It is absolutely necessary to discuss the ‘manifest obviousness’ of the ’Holocaust.’ The proof is in the factual and legal article by Fritjof Meyer, a representative of the ‘exterminationists’ who wrote in the year 2002 in the magazine ‘Osteuropa’ in regard to Auschwitz-Birkenau: ‘The genocide did not take place in the concentration camp (Auschwitz-Birkenau), but most likely in two farm houses. (Osteuropa, v. May 2002, pp. 631-641). With this he contradicts witnesses and innumerable statements about Auschwitz-Birkenau. This again points to the fact that there is a need for a discussion about Auschwitz-Birkenau as to the ‘manifest obviousness’ of the place of the crime.
Judges deny elucidation of facts
The court is supposed to freely decide according to its conviction which it should gain from the content of the trial. Without judicial discussion of ‘manifest obviousness’ of the so-called ‘holocaust’ which is not going to be the object of the trial, it remains unclear how lay judges gain their conviction. It is worrisome that their conviction is not based on the content of the trial, but that they let themselves be influenced by outside considerations. This is not only a violation of & 261, but also worrisome bias.
Since factual, meaningful reasoning is neither named nor can be surmised why the ‘manifest obviousness’ of the ‘holocaust’ is not to be discussed the conclusion can only be that an elucidation of facts has to be avoided on account of outside influences. That is not only a serious violation of & 244 II, III StPO, but also an offence against the basic principles of right and justice.
It is worrisome that the lay judges are striving for an outcome of the trial which has nothing to do with trying to elucidate facts.
The refusal to discuss the ‘manifest obviousness’ of the so called ‘Holocaust’ gives rise to the fear that they desire a conviction on the basis that it does not matter to them if the so-called ‘Holocaust’ did or did not take place.
It is worrisome that the lay judges insist on a conviction on the one and only basis namely that the ‘Holocaust’ has been doubted.
This opinion was already articulated by the state court of Mannheim which in the year 2007 convicted Ernst Zuendel. The ‘tageszeitung’ (2/9/2007, p.6) writes about the Zuendel trial: ‘At the end the court denied all motion with the lapidary reasoning (shocking for some antifascists in the audience) that it does not matter if the Holocaust did or did not take place. In Germany its denial is punishable. And it is only that which counts in front of the court.’
It is not enough to simply base a sentencing on the accusation that the so-called ‘Holocaust’ was contested. It is also not enough to sentence the accused for defamation without ascertaining if and how his claim was untrue.
It is a violation of all the principles of justice and a clear case of arbitrariness.
Perpetual pressure for a ‘correct mind set’
It should not be assumed that the lay judges simply set aside the principles for correct procedures due to their own volition, but are subject to and succumbed to the pressure to follow the ‘correct mind set.’ It is for this reason they prevent a discussion about ‘manifest obviousness’ in order to make an effective defense impossible.
The so-called ‘Holocaust’ is not defined in &130, and not even mentioned. It is to be feared that the lay judges convict by disregarding the iron clad principle that in order to punish a deed culpability has to be described and circumscribed by the law beforehand. (Art 103 GG/nulla poena sine lege no punishment without law).
The argument of the lay judges that the ‘manifest obviousness’ of the ‘Holocaust’ needs no discussion because the ‘Holocaust’ is manifestly obvious is a circular argument, and neither logically nor legally tenable. Circular arguments of this kind show clearly the bias of the judges.
The well founded fear that the judges will pronounce a sentence based on bias (as described here) justifies the rejection (of the judges) by the accused on account of bias.
Judges and jurors declared that they harbor no sentiments of bias. (By the way it does not matter if a judge considers himself biased. It does not even matter if he follows a party line or is biased. The application for rejection has to be judged from the point of view of the accused). The very same day, after one sitting, the application for rejection was turned down.
During an intermission the jurors and Guenter Deckert started to talk. The jurors gave him to understand that the application for rejection offended them because they were considered stupid.
We know what kind you are
After that, still on the same day (January 13, 2012), the prosecutor Andreas Grossman had several questions for Guenter Deckert. His aim was to elicit Deckert’s opinion about the ‘Holocaust.’ After his introduction ‘you are the great doubter’ he wanted to know if what’s in the preface of the incriminated book is correct, namely that he (Guneter Deckert ) is neutral to the content of the book. The prosecutor continued with his questioning: was there according to his opinion a state organized genocide of the Jews? Guenter Deckert answered: I am not an arbitrator here. I am not a researcher. I have doubts and my doubts are justified. I fight against the limitation of expressing an opinion.’ ‘What is claimed is technically not possible. THAT is what I say. One must be allowed to express doubts.’ ‘If you give me forensic proofs, I will be the first one who will admit I was mistaken.’
After that the questioning was finished.
The next day of the trial came the final speeches.
Andreas Grossmann exclaimed: Deckert defamed the memory of the dead (&130). It is very clear that the ’Holocaust’ was denied. In his book, Carlo Mattogno writes about the ‘supposed genocide’ and the ‘supposed mass gassings of humans.’ He continues on that the lies have been enshrined in memorials and that there is no historical proof of the first mass gassings in Auschwitz. Without a doubt Carlo Mattogno wanted to deny the ‘Holocaust.’ Guenter Deckert contributed to the book in order that it could appear in Germany. This has been proven by two secured copies.
Guenter Deckert, in the preface of the book, wrote that he is neutral to its content. Judging by his curriculum vitae that is pure hypocrisy. He turned to Deckert: ‘We know what kind you are. Don’t expect us to accept your pretense of distancing yourself from the book.’ He spoke of the vain attempts (by Deckert) to exonerate Germany. You will not be successful. With what you are doing you will only prolong Germany’s disgrace. He (Deckert) is not contrite and not redeemable. One thing you can’t tolerate namely that the Holocaust is an historical fact. Grossmann increased his attack calling Deckert a vainglorious, stubborn, unredeemable holocaust denier.’ Deckert evaded his question as to whether there was a state organized genocide.
Hunt for unwanted literature
In his final defence Guenter Deckert pointed out that the memory of HIS ancestors is continuously defamed. There is no proof (as to the Holocaust). The historical truth is neutral. ‘One must ask: What are the concrete facts. I will not be cowed by cheap arguments. I will not have my rights as a citizen restricted. I do not like to be forced to believe without concrete proofs. Even a prison sentence will not be able to force me.
They talk about tolerance and mean the inquisition. People can be intimidated by the threat of punishment, but only for a certain period of time. The brain continues churning. I am not crawling on account of you … The hunt for unwanted literature is disguised as a fight against crime. … Having doubts I insist on the right to express them. You, Mr. Grossmann believe, because you want to believe. The German people first had to be ‘reeducated’ in order to believe the ‘Holocaust.’ I will gladly admit being in error if you show me proof. Why is there no call for an independent research committee? I am for plurality of opinion … It has always been my motto: Don’t believe if there is no proof. I want to be part of an enlightened state.’
After an interruption of less than an hour the Sentence was pronounced: 6 months without probation. One month was deducted on account of the undue length of the trial.
The main judge, Roos, said in the oral pronouncement ‘that one can be of a different opinion. This has always been the case. Whatever happened here in the state court of Mannheim, the trials against Zuendel, Rudolf or whomsoever, have no bearing on this case. This case deals only with your work on the book by Carlo Mattogno … WE have tried to interpret you correctly. First we hold that &130 is in agreement with the constitution. The problem is that &130 contains innumerable undetermined concepts and interpretations….The Castle Hill publishing house resides in England. There the denial of the Holocaust is not punishable. The special rule of & 9 StGB: participation in crimes committed in foreign countries applies here to you. Maybe this rule would allow for different interpretations. But that is the least of the problem. About disturbing the public peace we can work ourselves into a bind. Let us wait what the higher court decides. This trial was dropped into my lap. I did not want it.
…On one hand you have a right to stick to your convictions. On the other hand you have to count on bearing the consequences of your insistence on staying with your opinion. Mentally you did not distance yourself from your convictions which was obvious during the trial. If you had distanced yourself we could have considered probation. The negative consequence of this trial is that the publicity of the book will be promoted. We have to accept that …and is just as unintelligible as & 130.’
Expressing an opinion is equated with committing a violent action
In its written judgment the chamber justifies not granting probation as follows:
The deed of the accused seriously endangers the public peace, especially in these times of the resurgence of right wing extremism which have been documented by the crimes of the NSU. Since it is obvious from the growing dangers of a resurrected right wing extremism, the chamber holds that these accused have to be fully punished in order to prevent the danger of imitation. Probation for the accused would not go over with the general public and would be considered as an unjustified leniency toward right wing radicalism [The public knows nothing, because there is not a peep in the media about the Deckert trial. C. Miller]’ (p.56 of the appellate court).
That the chamber seriously supports a judgment with such untenable factual and legal arguments points to an arbitrary persecution dictated by foreign interests outside the confines of the trial. It is obvious that the argumentation of the chamber is politically motivated and has nothing to do with justice.
The federal constitutional court made the following decision: The prohibition to spread so-called right wing thoughts lacks defined contours. A position such as right wing extremism depends on the reciprocal effect of changing political and societal contexts and a subjective valuation which does not allow for defining the borders where punishment is justified.
The spreading of right wing and National Socialist thought is not enough for a critique of what is right or wrong or which disallows certain thoughts. (1BVerfG, 1 BvR 1106/08, 12/8/2010, number II 2 b cc(1).
In spite of the fact that this is not a critique of legality, the statement of a politically uncomfortable, so called right wing extremist opinion is categorized as a ‘first step’ to violence. But that is not all. Even an opinion is equated with violence. Guenter Deckert is equated with a murderer in order to justify the denial of probation. With this judgment the chamber ignored the most basic principle of justice.
For a long time they tried to portray so-called right wing extremists (a slogan of the office for the protection of the state) as prone to violence in order to isolate them and to make it easier to persecute them on account of their ‘incorrect’ opinions.
They don’t even hesitate to portray assassins as right wing extremists even if they are declared opponents of National Socialism and supporters of Israel, for example the ‘assassin of Oslo,’ (July, 2011) Anders Behring Breivik, who in the meanwhile has been sentenced.
Gilad Atzmon, Israeli musician, writes on the net under the heading: ‘Was the massacre in Norway a reaction to BDS?’ (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions):’
‘The AUF (Norwegian Worker Party Youth Organization) promoted an Israel-Boycott Campaign (…) Yesterday we learned that the mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik is an openly enthusiastic supporter of Israel (…)Yesterday Gordon Duff wrote in the paper ‘Veterans Today,’ that the car bomb attack’ is marked by an official secret handwriting. (…) In his admiration for Israel Behring Breivik seems to have treated his own countrymen with the same disdain as the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) treat the Palestinians. In a Hebrew article which states that the AUF Camp is pro-Palestinian and supports the Israel boycott, I found among others, the following comments:
24. ‘The Oslo criminals paid.’
26. ‘It is stupid and wicked not to wish death on those who call for a boycott of Israel.’
HYPERLINK ‘’; July 24, 2011.
A manifest by Anders Behring Breivik titled ‘2083’ A European declaration of Independence is supposed to call for: ‘Support Israel’s fight against the Dschihad.’
The mass media however call Andres Behring Breivik a right wing radical. It is another trick commonly used to deceive and to even malign many an Israeli and their supporters as right wing radicals. In this way the establishment hopes to blame violent crimes on national movements in order to discredit them. You could call such an act of perfidy artful, if it weren’t too unbelievable.
They also emphasize that Breivik’s neighbors found him friendly and nondescript.
Such articles are supposed to give people the impression that ‘Nationals’ are violent, brutal, unpredictable, and their friendly behavior is only camouflage.
It is not a new method to malign the opponent as a criminal and to saddle him with having committed murder, in order to effectively eliminate him.
The existence of the so called ‘NSU’ was then and is now unproven. Let me point out that up to now there is neither a proof nor a sentencing in regard of acts of violence of a so-called ‘NSU’ (‘National Socialist Underground.’). The so called ‘Doener murders have not yet been cleared up, and an involvement by the NSU is extremely doubtful. On the other hand the involvement of the ‘Verfasssungschutz’ (protection of the constitution) which shuns the light of day is quite obvious.
From where then does the Mannheimer court get its conviction that the NSU committed crimes?
The two following articles contain only a fraction of facts which refute the unsubstantiated supposition of the Mannheim chamber.
‘Doener’ murder on account of gambling debts?
Turkish press ( HYPERLINK ‘’ by Fikret Deniz 12/12/2009-18:28.
In the continuing investigation that began in 2000 into the mysterious murder series there might be a possible new trail. In 2007 the Turkish office for criminal investigation reported that a drug war was the cause.
According to ‘Spiegel’ Turkish ‘Ceska’ investigators follow a hunch that the murder of nine men in Germany are connected to betting frauds and postponed football games. But the German BKA did not want to comment on the report on account of the ongoing investigation.
According to ‘Spiegel’ the police, by means of telephone surveillance, found out about a murder in Turkey for which a 42 year old Turkish godfather was named as having given the order. Additional telephone conversations of the circle of the betting mafia about this murder were overheard.
The Turkish office for crimes in 2007 already gave a report which had come to another conclusion.
According to the newspaper ‘Zaman’ of October, 2007 the Turkish state office for criminality gave to the German investigating bureaus their results in regard to the Doener murders. The summary of this report to the German office showed a connection between the Doener murders and the drug scene in Europe which involved a family clan from Diyarbakir. According to the report the eight victims of the ‘Doener murders’ were considered distributors within the drug scene. In addition the victims were supposed to have paid ‘protection money’ to the PKK in Europe and the family clan in Diyarbakir.
The Turkish office for criminality at that time found out that the family clan in Diyarbakir wanted to establish a new distribution ring in Europe. When the hoped for money from the drug scene did not materialize the PKK blackmailed the new distribution ring. The family is supposed to have ordered the murder. The brazenness with which the victims were murdered in broad daylight made one suspect, already then, that it was the handy work of professional killers. The BKA (Bundeskriminalamt) and the Nuremberg police were in the dark, since there were no witnesses or clues. According to the report all murders were committed with three different pistols of the Czech brand Ceska (7.65mm). This report was handed over via the BKA to police chief Wolfgang Geier.
The KOM checked out the 8 victims which were supposed to have been distributors of drugs. The terrorist organization PKK was supposed to have extorted protection money from the victims and in that way tried to take over the drug scene. A successful investigation of the drug scene in Turkey and arrests would have, according to the report, for quite some time seriously hindered the distribution of drugs and curtailed the flow of money. In this phase the family extorted protection money because it wanted to gain a foothold in Europe and build up a new drug ring. The Turkish office of investigation therefore surmised that a drug war had broken out between the PKK and the family clan and that the drug distributors were killed in this war. The Turkish investigators announced that the family clan had commissioned a five member murder commando. The murder itself was always committed by one member of the team with three different pistols of the trade mark Ceska. In this report the name of the murderer and the family clan were revealed and the Nuremberg police informed.
The dubious role of a ‘protector of the constitution’
zeit online, Datum 14.11.2011-20:33 Uhr, @ Uwe Zucchi/dpa.
The investigator of the Neo-Nazi group NSU has a hard time to come up with an explanation. According to a media report a ‘protector of the constitution’ was supposed to have been on location during a murder.
It is possible that an official of the Hessian ‘protection of the constitution’ is more involved in the offence which is supposed to have been committed by the Neo-Nazi-group, National Socialist Underground (NSU). During the murder of a Turkish shop owner in Kassel (April, 2006) the official was supposed to have been seen at the scene of the crime (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung referring to security circles).
Up to now the official story was that the man had left the Internet Cafe that the victim was in one minute before the murder was committed. In the meantime the official has been suspended from his position. According to the report the Kassler prosecutor investigated the ‘protector of the constitution.’ The investigation was discontinued because no connection with the murder could be found. At that time several weapons were supposed to have been found in the apartment of the official. The Turkish shop owner was the last in a murder series of migrants which are blamed on the Neo-Nazi group whose members are supposed to have lived in a mobile home in Eisenach. The Hessian protection for the constitution did not give out any information.
The office for the protection of the constitution considers consequences
In the meantime the office for the protection of the constitution is examining which consequences the case will have on its future work. The office is checking which changes it has to make in regard to the Neo-Nazi-Scene.
The court in Mannheim painted a picture of a criminal NSU using innuendos and thereby subjecting itself to foreign considerations.
The utterance of an opinion, for example the denial of the so called ‘Holocaust,’ meaning the refutation of a mass genocide is equated with assassination and murder.
This is arbitrary. (Does the ‘NSU’ serve the same function for a pretext as ‘9/11’?)
To know and having to believe
The judgment of the appellate court, just like the first judgment, contains no facts about the ‘Holocaust’, not even references to other trials.
The chamber considers Guenter Deckert to be unrepentant (Page 55 of the appellate court) and therefore probation can not be considered. To call Guenter Deckert an unrepentant ‘actor’ along with the accusation of denial of the Holocaust against his better knowledge is a contradiction. The sentencing is therefore contradictory and flawed.
The lack of action against better knowledge is fortified by the determination of the appellate court about the mind set of Guenter Deckert: ‘At the beginning of every scientific debate, and he also considers his own action and also Mattogno’s publication as such, there has to be doubt. Science lives from the exchange of arguments. And that has to be permitted. He wants to know and does not want to be forced to believe. His doubt can be explained by the ad in the Impressum. In all modesty he (Guenter Deckert) cannot judge if Mattagno is right with his objection to Danuta Czech ’scientific opus’’ (p. 48 of the judgment).
The judgment states: ‘The intent of distributing the book is to incite the reader not only against Jews living in Germany and in that way to produce discontent among the people, but more important (what the accused was aware of) he denied that the dead were persecuted, especially the Jews, who had been killed en mass by means of poison gas. This is an offense against the dignity of the Jews.’ That Guenter Deckert wanted to sow dissent in the population and wanted to offend the dignities of the Jews is pure surmise and insinuation on the part of the judges. As was mentioned above no elucidation of the ‘Holocaust’ neither an elucidation of the knowledge of Guenter Deckert was attempted. Mere suspicions cannot be used to the detriment of the accused. (Dreher/Troendle, commentary to the Strafgestzbuch, 46 edition, Muenchen l993. to&46 Rn 17a).
‘The action of Guenter Deckert, denial of the Holocaust, contrary to historical truth, is defamation, especially of the Jews’ (p. 53 of the sentencing).
Since in the course of the whole trial no concrete facts regarding the historical truth of the Holocaust were brought forth nor communicated not even in reference to other judgments a sentencing for defaming the memory of the dead is not legal.
Manifest obviousness is unsupported
The OLG Karlsruhe denied revision of Guenter Deckert’s case as having no merit (August, 2012) (349 Abs. 2 StPO) (3 (4) Ss304/12-AK126/12).
The constitutional court of the BRD did not accept and made no decision concerning the complaint citing the constitution (basic law December 12, 2012 1 BvR 1891/12). No reason was given. According to & 93 d Abs. 1 Satz 3 BVerfGG non-acceptence does not have to be justified.
Guenter Deckert’s motion to repeat the trial has not yet been looked at.
Guenter Deckert was ordered to start his sentence January 2, 2013 at the prison in Mannheim.
For every logical, thinking and honest person it is obvious that Guenter Deckert’s sentence rests on many arbitrary decisions. His sentence is based on illegality and has no merits.
A female judge of the former DDR was convicted on account of bending the law: ‘This is not justice, but arbitrary suppression, aimed to eliminate a political opponent. The type of punishment does not agree with factual considerations. Its recognizable aim is to intimidate politically incorrect thinkers and thereby secure the rule of the present power elite.’ Object of the sentence which the judge pronounced, was an undesired opinion and was therefore penalized (news of the BVerfG Nr 41/98 , April 22, l998, BVerfG 2 BvR 2560/95).
February, 2013
Sylvia Stolz, excluded from the law profession on account of ‘Holocaust denial’.
Pfarrer Grabmeier-Allee 10, 85560
Email: [email protected]

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Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World’s Media

The power of lies, deceptions and disinformation as Americans pay the price of collective stupidity.
‘You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel…’ Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache
6JewMedia photo sixjews_zpsa28028c4.png
Facts of Jewish Media Control
The largest media conglomerate today is Walt Disney Company, whose chairman and CEO, Michael Eisner, is a Jew. The Disney Empire, headed by a man described by one media analyst as a ‘control freak’, includes several television production companies (Walt Disney Television, Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television), its own cable network with 14 million subscribers, and two video production companies. As for feature films, the Walt Disney Picture Group, headed by Joe Roth (also a Jew), includes Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, and Caravan Pictures. Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers. When the Disney Company was run by the Gentile Disney family prior to its takeover by Eisner in 1984, it epitomized wholesome, family entertainment. While it still holds the rights to Snow White, under Eisner, the company has expanded into the production of graphic sex and violence. In addition, it has 225 affiliated stations in the United States and is part owner of several European TV companies. ABC’s cable subsidiary, ESPN, is headed by president and CEO Steven Bornstein, a Jew.
This corporation also has a controlling share of Lifetime Television and the Arts & Entertainment Network cable companies. ABC Radio Network owns eleven AM and ten FM stations, again in major cities such as New York, Washington, Los Angeles, and has over 3,400 affiliates. Although primarily a telecommunications company, Capital Cities/ABC earned over $1 billion in publishing in 1994. It owns seven daily newspapers, Fairchild Publications, Chilton Publications, and the Diversified Publishing Group. Time Warner, Inc, is the second of the international media leviathans.
The chairman of the board and CEO, Gerald Levin, is a Jew. Time Warner’s subsidiary HBO is the country’s largest pay-TV cable network. Warner Music is by far the world’s largest record company, with 50 labels, the biggest of which is Warner Brothers Records, headed by Danny Goldberg. Stuart Hersch is president of Warnervision, Warner Music’s video production unit. Goldberg and Hersch are Jews. Warner Music was an early promoter of ‘gangsta rap.’ Through its involvement with Interscope Records, it helped popularize a genre whose graphic lyrics explicitly urge Blacks to commit acts of violence against Whites. In addition to cable and music, Time Warner is heavily involved in the production of feature films (Warner Brothers Studio) and publishing. Time Warner’s publishing division (editor-in-chief Norman Pearlstine, a Jew) is the largest magazine publisher in the country (Time, Sports Illustrated, People, Fortune).
When Ted Turner, a Gentile, made a bid to buy CBS in 1985, there was panic in media boardrooms across the nation. Turner made a fortune in advertising and then had built a successful cable-TV news network, CNN. Although Turner employed a number of Jews in key executive positions in CNN and had never taken public positions contrary to Jewish interests, he is a man with a large ego and a strong personality and was regarded by Chairman William Paley (real name Palinsky, a Jew) and the other Jews at CBS as uncontrollable: a loose cannon who might at some time in the future turn against them. Furthermore, Jewish newsman Daniel Schorr, who had worked for Turner, publicly charged that his former boss held a personal dislike for Jews.
To block Turner’s bid, CBS executives invited billionaire Jewish theater, hotel, insurance, and cigarette magnate Laurence Tisch to launch a ‘friendly’ takeover of the company, and from 1986 till 1995 Tisch was the chairman and CEO of CBS, removing any threat of non-Jewish influence there. Subsequent efforts by Turner to acquire a major network have been obstructed by Levin’s Time Warner, which owns nearly 20 percent of CBS stock and has veto power over major deals. Viacom, Inc, headed by Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein), a Jew, is the third largest megamedia corporation in the country, with revenues of over $10 billion a year. Viacom, which produces and distributes TV programs for the three largest networks, owns 12 television stations and 12 radio stations. It produces feature films through Paramount Pictures, headed by Jewess Sherry Lansing. Its publishing division includes Prentice Hall, Simon & Schuster, and Pocket Books.
It distributes videos through over 4,000 Blockbuster stores. Viacom’s chief claim to fame, however, is as the world’s largest provider of cable programming, through its Showtime, MTV, Nickelodeon, and other networks. Since 1989, MTV and Nickelodeon have acquired larger and larger shares of the younger television audience. With the top three, and by far the largest, media companies in the hand of Jews, it is difficult to believe that such an overwhelming degree of control came about without a deliberate, concerted effort on their part. What about the other big media companies? Number four on the list is Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, which owns Fox Television and 20th Century Fox Films. Murdoch is a Gentile, but Peter Chermin, who heads Murdoch’s film studio and also oversees his TV production, is a Jew. Number five is the Japanese Sony Corporation, whose U.S. subsidiary, Sony Corporation of America, is run by Michael Schulhof, a Jew. Alan Levine, another Jew, heads the Sony Pictures division. Most of the television and movie production companies that are not owned by the largest corporations are also controlled by Jews. For example, New World Entertainment, proclaimed by one media analyst as ‘the premiere independent TV program producer in the United States,’ is owned by Ronald Perelman, a Jew. The best known of the smaller media companies, Dreamworks SKG, is a strictly kosher affair.
Dream Works was formed in 1994 amid great media hype by recording industry mogul David Geffen, former Disney Pictures chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg, and film director Steven Spielberg, all three of whom are Jews. The company produces movies, animated films, television programs, and recorded music. Two other large production companies, MCA and Universal Pictures, are both owned by Seagram Company, Ltd. The president and CEO of Seagram, the liquor giant, is Edgar Bronfman Jr., who is also president of the World Jewish Congress. It is well known that Jews have controlled the production and distribution of films since the inception of the movie industry in the early decades of the 20th century.
This is still the case today. Films produced by just the five largest motion picture companies mentioned above-Disney, Warner Brothers, Sony, Paramount (Viacom), and Universal (Seagram)-accounted for 74 per cent of the total box-office receipts for the first eight months of 1995. The big three in television network broadcasting used to be ABC, CBS, and NBC. With the consolidation of the media empires, these three are no longer independent entities. While they were independent, however, each was controlled by a Jew since its inception: ABC by Leonard Goldenson, CBS first by William Paley and then by Lawrence Tisch, and NBC first by David Sarnoff and then by his son Robert. Over periods of several decades, these networks were staffed from top to bottom with Jews, and the essential Jewishness of network television did not change when the networks were absorbed by other corporations. The Jewish presence in television news remains particularly strong. As noted, ABC is part of Eisner’s Disney Company, and the executive producers of ABC’s news programs are all Jews: Victor Neufeld (20-20), Bob Reichbloom (Good Morning America), and Rick Kaplan (World News Tonight). CBS was recently purchased by Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Nevertheless, the man appointed by Lawrence Tisch, Eric Ober, remains president of CBS News, and Ober is a Jew. At NBC, now owned by General Electric, NBC News president Andrew Lack is a Jew, as are executive producers Jeff Zucker (Today), Jeff Gralnick (NBC Nightly News), and Neal Shapiro (Dateline).
The Print Media After television news, daily newspapers are the most influential information medium in America. Sixty million of them are sold (and presumably read) each day. These millions are divided among some 1,500 different publications. One might conclude that the sheer number of different newspapers across America would provide a safeguard against Jewish control and distortion. However, this is not the case. There is less independence, less competition, and much less representation of our interests than a casual observer would think.
The days when most cities and even towns had several independently owned newspapers published by local people with close ties to the community are gone. Today, most ‘local’ newspapers are owned by a rather small number of large companies controlled by executives who live and work hundreds or ever thousands of miles away. The fact is that only about 25 per cent of the country’s 1,500 papers are independently owned; the rest belong to multi-newspaper chains. Only a handful are large enough to maintain independent reporting staffs outside their own communities; the rest depend on these few for all of their national and international news. The Newhouse empire of Jewish brothers Samuel and Donald Newhouse provides an example of more than the lack of real competition among America’s daily newspapers: it also illustrates the insatiable appetite Jews have shown for all the organs of opinion control on which they could fasten their grip.
The Newhouses own 26 daily newspapers, including several large and important ones, such as the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the Newark Star-Ledger, and the New Orleans Times-Picayune; the nation’s largest trade book publishing conglomerate, Random House, with all its subsidiaries; Newhouse Broadcasting, consisting of 12 television broadcasting stations and 87 cable-TV systems, including some of the country’s largest cable networks; the Sunday supplement Parade, with a circulation of more than 22 million copies per week; some two dozen major magazines, including the New Yorker, Vogue, Madmoiselle, Glamour, Vanity Fair, Bride’s, Gentlemen’s Quarterly, Self, House & Garden, and all the other magazines of the wholly owned Conde Nast group.
This Jewish media empire was founded by the late Samuel Newhouse, an immigrant from Russia. The gobbling up of so many newspapers by the Newhouse family was in large degree made possible by the fact that newspapers are not supported by their subscribers, but by their advertisers. It is advertising revenuenot the small change collected from a newspaper’s readersthat largely pays the editor’s salary and yields the owner’s profit. Whenever the large advertisers in a city choose to favor one newspaper over another with their business, the favored newspaper will flourish while its competitor dies. Since the beginning of the 20th century, when Jewish mercantile power in America became a dominant economic force, there has been a steady rise in the number of American newspapers in Jewish hands, accompanied by a steady decline in the number of competing Gentile newspapersprimarily as a result of selective advertising policies by Jewish merchants. Furthermore, even those newspapers still under Gentile ownership and management are so thoroughly dependent upon Jewish advertising revenue that their editorial and news reporting policies are largely constrained by Jewish likes and dislikes. It holds true in the newspaper business as elsewhere that he who pays the piper calls the tune.
Three Jewish Newspapers
The suppression of competition and the establishment of local monopolies on the dissemination of news and opinion have characterized the rise of Jewish control over America’s newspapers. The resulting ability of the Jews to use the press as an unopposed instrument of Jewish policy could hardly be better illustrated than by the examples of the nation’s three most prestigious and influential newspapers: the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. These three, dominating America’s financial and political capitals, are the newspapers which set the trends and the guidelines for nearly all the others. They are the ones which decide what is news and what isn’t, at the national and international levels. They originate the news; the others merely copy it, and all three newspapers are in Jewish hands. The New York Times was founded in 1851 by two Gentiles, Henry Raymond and George Jones. After their deaths, it was purchased in 1896 from Jones’s estate by a wealthy Jewish publisher, Adolph Ochs. His great-grandson, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr., is the paper’s current publisher and CEO. The executive editor is Max Frankel, and the managing editor is Joseph Lelyveld.
Both of the latter are also Jews. The Sulzberger family also owns, through the New York Times Co., 33 other newspapers, including the Boston Globe; twelve magazines, including McCall’s and Family Circle with circulations of more than 5 million each; seven radio and TV broadcasting stations; a cable-TV system; and three book publishing companies. The New York Times News Service transmits news stories, features, and photographs from the New York Times by wire to 506 other newspapers, news agencies, and magazines. Of similar national importance is the Washington Post, which, by establishing its ‘leaks’ throughout government agencies in Washington, has an inside track on news involving the Federal government.
The Washington Post, like the New York Times, had a non-Jewish origin. It was established in 1877 by Stilson Hutchins, purchased from him in 1905 by John McLean, and later inherited by Edward McLean. In June 1933, however, at the height of the Great Depression, the newspaper was forced into bankruptcy. It was purchased at a bankruptcy auction by Eugene Meyer, a Jewish financier. The Washington Post is now run by Katherine Meyer Graham, Eugene Meyer’s daughter. She is the principal stockholder and the board chairman of the Washington Post Co.
In 1979, she appointed her son Donald publisher of the paper. He now also holds the posts of president and CEO of the Washington Post Co. The Washington Post Co. has a number of other media holdings in newspapers, television, and magazines, most notably the nation’s number-two weekly newsmagazine, Newsweek. The Wall Street Journal, which sells 1.8 million copies each weekday, is the nation’s largest-circulation daily newspaper. It is owned by Dow Jones & Company, Inc., a New York corporation which also publishes 24 other daily newspapers and the weekly financial tabloid Barron’s, among other things. The chairman and CEO of Dow Jones is Peter Kann, who is a Jew. Kann also holds the posts of chairman and publisher of the Wall Street Journal. Most of New York’s other major newspapers are in no better hands than the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. The New York Daily News is owned by Jewish real-estate developer Mortimer B. Zuckerman. The Village Voice is the personal property of Leonard Stern, the billionaire Jewish owner of the Hartz Mountain pet supply firm.
Other Mass Media
The story is pretty much the same for other media as it is for television, radio, and newspapers. Consider, for example, newsmagazines. There are only three of any note published in the United States: Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News and World Report. Time, with a weekly circulation of 4.1 million, is published by a subidiary of Time Warner Communications. The CEO of Time Warner Communications, as mentioned above, is Gerald Levin, a Jew. Newsweek, as mentioned above, is published by the Washington Post Company, under the Jewess Katherine Meyer Graham.
Its weekly circulation is 3.2 million. U.S. News & World Report, with a weekly circulation of 2.3 million, is owned and published by Mortimer Zuckerman, a Jew. Zuckerman also owns the Atlantic Monthly and New York’s tabloid newspaper, the Daily News, which is the sixth-largest paper in the country. Among the giant book-publishing conglomerates, the situation is also Jewish. Three of the six largest book publishers in the U.S., according to Publisher’s Weekly, are owned or controlled by Jews. The three are first-place Random House (with its many subsidiaries, including Crown Publishing Group), third-place Simon & Schuster, and sixth-place Time Warner Trade Group (including Warner Books and Little, Brown). Another publisher of special significance is Western Publishing. Although it ranks only 13th in size among all U.S. publishers, it ranks first among publishers of children’s books, with more than 50 percent of the market. Its chairman and CEO is Richard Snyder, a Jew, who just replaced Richard Bernstein, also a Jew.
The Effect of Jewish Control of the Media
These are the facts of Jewish media control in America. Anyone willing to spend several hours in a large library can verify their accuracy. I hope that these facts are disturbing to you, to say the least. Should any minority be allowed to wield such awesome power? Certainly, not and allowing a people with beliefs such as expressed in the Talmud, to determine what we get to read or watch in effect gives this small minority the power to mold our minds to suit their own Talmudic interests, interests which as we have demonstrated are diametrically opposed to the interests of our people. By permitting the Jews to control our news and entertainment media, we are doing more than merely giving them a decisive influence on our political system and virtual control of our government; we also are giving them control of the minds and souls of our children, whose attitudes and ideas are shaped more by Jewish television and Jewish films than by their parents, their schools, or any other influence.

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In Praise of Doug Christie by Ian V. Macdonald

Dear Arthur your tribute is very moving. There is no doubt that Doug Christie was Divinely inspired and chosen for his gifted role in defending the ideals and high principles that our people have stood for over the centuries. Kipling’s poem ‘If’ also applies. He stood proudly head and shoulders above his contemptible, anti-Christian, anti-Canadian detractors and enemies, and will remain forever a beacon of truth and freedom of expression. I called him BraveHeart since he demonstrated all the traits of character that made the like-minded William Wallace a super-hero. He deserves wide recognition for his patriotism and sacrifice. I asked Peter Milliken, former Speaker of the House of Commons, to nominate him for the Order of Canada (see below) but the award cannot be made posthumously, so we shall have to find some other medium. Little praise can be expected from the Mainline Media, and even less from self-serving politicians, unfortunately.
Having known and admired Doug for many years, I am totally devastated by his sudden departure. We must now redouble our efforts, in his honour.

March 1, 2013
Hon. Peter Milliken,
Queen’s University,
Kingston, ON

Dear Peter Milliken,
Nomination of Doug Christie for Order of Canada award
We met at the Macdonald Laurier soiree where I boasted that I had graduated from Queen’s (Arts ’49 Econ) before you were born! You said by ’49 you had been around already for 3 years. You were much in demand at the soiree so we had little time to talk. Otherwise, I would have told you that I am the patriarch of a Queen’s family, with 2 daughters (one of whom graduated in Mining Engineering), a son-in-law, one granddaughter (in Aeronautical Engineering with scholarships from Air Canada and National Defence), a second granddaughter pending, and a sister and brother-in-law, Arts and Engineering.
During my years at Queen’s I was Manager of the Brass and Pipe bands and had them fitted out for the first time with authentic Highland uniforms, raising the funds from soft-drink and cloakroom concessions. I also led a Swing Band and played many dates in Grant Hall and the gymnasium, helping to pay my way.
After Queen’s I took an MA from Toronto and joined the Foreign Service, becoming, in rather short order, by far the most successful Trade Commissioner in the history of the Service. Eventually, after six foreign postings I became head of export development policy planning for the Department. I was told if I ‘played the game’, I could go ‘right to the top’.
One of my prime policy proposals (1969) was the cultivation of markets in the oil-producing countries of the Middle East, with all of which I was intimately familiar, having spent 2 years there as Commercial Counselor, based in Beirut. The policy paper was not well received. The Deputy Minister told me privately that Arab markets were ’not a popular cause’, that the issue was ‘politically sensitive’, and that I must never mention the word ‘Arab’ again. When I protested that the immense prospective benefits to Canada could not be ignored, he said if I wrote on the subject again I would ‘suffer the consequences’. I said I had taken the Oath of Allegiance and would do as my conscience and mandate dictated.
I then produced a second policy paper, more forthright than the first, and included the recommendation that we end the counter-productive preoccupation with Israel in favour of alignment with the Arab countries. Soon thereafter I was summarily dismissed, the specious grounds and legal protection of the Public Service Employment Act notwithstanding. When I threatened to appeal. I was offered ‘reinstatement within a year when the heat from the Jewish Lobby dies down’ providing that I didn’t appeal nor contact any politician or the media on the subject. I agreed, but a year later found I had been conned, and had nothing in writing. Meanwhile, two Directors of PAFSO, the Foreign Service Officers’ Union, approached the DM on my behalf, only to be told that if they tried to assist Macdonald they would soon ’follow in his footsteps’. I promptly released them from their obligation.
I then took a position in Overseas Project Marketing, another branch of the Department, and was soon back in form, negotiating major contracts with the new Government in Libya with multi-billion dollar potential. One was the reassignment of the former BP concession to a Canadian company. The concession was producing 300,000 bpd, making the acquisition the largest in money terms of any ever achieved by a single Canadian. I visited BP headquarters in London and obtained their blessing, news of which I telexed to the Department. However, when I returned to my Ottawa office I met a furious reception, including curses, accusations of disobeying instructions, etc, the mildest of which was ‘poor judgment’. i was immediately physically expelled from my office, with instructions not to return, rendered incommunicado and (as I later learned) was once again recommended for dismissal. After several months’ purgatory, I was permitted to return to my office.
The dismissal was shelved at that time, but did take place in 1984 after I had negotiated an agreement in principle in 1983 for construction of a large lamb production project in Saudi Arabia where the client insisted that it be carried out by Canadians. The client (Prince Badr) and his Manager insisted that I be present as mediator at the final contract negotiations in Riyadh between the Saudi client and the Canadian consortium which I had formed for the purpose. A few days before the departure date I was ordered not to attend the meeting on pain of dismissal for ‘insubordination’ if I disobeyed. My sudden, unexplained withdrawal cast a shadow on the negotiations causing them to fail. The project was the largest of its kind with a value of at least $500 million. I asked the Embassy in Jeddah to send someone but they refused!
To contest the 1984 dismissal, I approached all the law firms in Ottawa who advertised competence in ‘unlawful dismissal’ litigation but, after initial enthusiasm, all declined when they ascertained that the Jewish Lobby (which included the Israeli Embassy) was the culprit. In desperation, as the appeal deadline approached, I drew up the appeal myself. I sent a copy to Doug Christie, whom I had heard speak in Ottawa, to vet my handiwork. He replied that he would be glad to represent me, despite the distance from Victoria, if I could find no other.
Since there were no legitimate grounds for dismissal, Mr Christie saw an easy win. As he began his examination, however, he was interrupted by the Judge who told him he should think twice if he intended to mention ‘Jews’ or raise the subject of a ‘Jewish conspiracy’ since to do so would seriously jeopardize his chance of success (it had not been his intention). His presentation seemed more than adequate, especially since the Department of Justice lawyers presented no evidence. Nevertheless, the Appeal failed.
I asked an old friend, who had specialized in Public Service law, how it was possible that I l could lose. He asked the name of the Judge. When I told him, he said the Judge was an ‘old political party hack who knows how the game is played’. By chance I ran into a former neighbour, the renowned Judge John Matheson, at an Alumni Reunion at Queen’s and put to him the same question. He asked the name of my lawyer. When I replied ‘Doug Christie’ he said ‘Well, that’s your answer there’s no way they were going to let him win the case’.
More recently, I retained Doug Christie in a defamation claim I lodged against the CBC for permitting the egregious Warren Kinsella to state on national TV that I was one of the main sources of finance for right-wing terrorism in Canada. The Judge found that the comments were not defamatory even to the slightest degree and, falsely, that in any event I was out of time, giving credibility to Kinsella’s ludicrous story and forcing me to pay the Defendant’s substantial legal fees. The decision was upheld on appeal. A Supreme Court application was denied.
I have followed Doug Christie’s fortunes and misfortunes for many years and recognize him as being without par the epitome of all that is honourable and equitable in the practice of his profession, combined with an empathy for ostracized victims of our Politically Correct society who are shunned, condemned and punished, however worthy and valid their opinions. He is virtually unique in Canada in his self-sacrifice on behalf of his victimized clients and in his willingness share their distress, although it has cost him any esteem he might have earned in law and politics, and an otherwise profitable legal career.
It has also cost him his health, as he has been struck down in his prime by a cancer that doubtless was induced by the stress and frustration of appearing before a hostile judiciary and facing the wrath of venal law society zealots, covering their shamelessness with invective, ad hominems and baseless condemnation of an ultra-respectable man whose Christian rectitude and respect for tradition are beyond their comprehension.
He has many admirers who now seek to memorialize him for all his good works as an outstanding Canadian, selfless Good Samaritan and proud Scot who dedicated his life to the struggle for truth, freedom and justice to a degree equaled by few if any others. He deserves recognition by the people of Canada. At a minimum, this should include the award of the Order of Canada and I ask, if you would be so kind, as a presumed sympathizer, that you nominate him. Your sponsorship would more likely succeed than would mine, since you are widely respected and would have no perceived vested interest.
The nomination forms are available online as is all necessary information on the nominee. I would be glad to prepare the forms for you, if you prefer.
Yours sincerely,

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Douglas H. Christie Passes Over March 11, 2013 Age 66 Rest In Peace

Douglas H. Christie
April 24, 1946 March 11, 2013
The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still the waters.
He restoreth my Soul:he leadeth me
in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;
thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
Thou anointest my head with oil;my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

~ Psalm 23
LordismyShepard photo LordismyShepardcopy2.jpg
God bless you Doug. Your life and your work and your love for humanity
will live on and inspire others to carry on the struggle for freedom of speech
and all the other freedoms that will follow in its wake.
Rest in Peace.

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Jews Attack Solzhenitsyn Again!

The Gulag Archipelago
Texe Marrs
‘I love strong opponents! It’s such fun to break their backs! said the Leningrad interrogator Shitov. And if your opponent (e.g. your prisoner) is so strong that he refuses to give in, all your methods have failed and you are in a rage? Then, don’t control your fury! It’s tremendously satisfying, that outburst! Let your anger have its way; don’t set any bounds to it. Don’t hold yourself back! That’s when interrogators spit in the open mouth of the accused! And shove his face into a full toilet! That’s the state of mind in which they drag Christian believers around by their hair. Or urinate in a kneeling prisoner’s face! After such a storm of fury you feel yourself a real honest-to-God man!’
—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
It’s been all over the press, on TV and in newspapers. Mel Gibson, the famous movie actor and director, has been horribly slandered, defamed, and verbally mauled by the Jewish elite who uniformly hate and despise Gibson’s powerful film, The Passion of The Christ. The ADL, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and other racist anti-Christian hate groups have made Gibson their whipping boy now for over a year.
But, hold on! You think Gibson has been treated unfairly, you haven’t seen anything yet. Consider the case of Nobel Prize-winning historian and writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The Jews have been ripping into, slandering and otherwise savaging the reputation of the solidly Christian Solzhenitsyn for some four years now. But unlike the Gibson affair, the controlled media disingenuously refuse to report it. Solzhenitsyn is the hapless victim whose brutal mental whipping and emotional beating the world knows nothing about.
It now seems aeons ago that the stoic Russian author was celebrated for his insightful, poignant accounts of the horrible, subhuman treatment of the victims of the Soviet Communist Gulag, an interlocking system of thousands of concentration and slave labor camps. Solzhenitsyn himself had been a prisoner of the Gulag for a decade, preventively jailed for nothing more than the fear of the communist overlords that he might someday write something the Kremlin masters might find offensive to the state.
Solzhenitsyn: The ‘Conscience of the 20th Century’
Historian Solzhenitsyn’s gut-wrenching book, Gulag Archipelago, went through countless printings—in over 50 languages—and touched the hearts of westerners. Expelled by the Kremlin for telling the awful truth, this great man was honored by freedom-loving people both in the United States and in Europe. He was often called the ‘Conscience of the 20th Century’ and recognized universally as one of the globe’s prime examples of bold courage and moral conviction. Even the liberal press initially had nice things to say about Solzhenitsyn. They were reluctant to go up against a man so honored for high moral stature, and recognized by so many as a truth teller of the highest character.
Then, the historian and truth teller Solzhenitsyn made what was, to liberals and communists, a grave error. Asked at a press conference his opinion on why the terrible events behind the Iron Curtain had occurred, why millions were carted away, tortured, starved and worked to death in Gulag slave camps, Solzhenitsyn gave this simple, yet startling, response: ‘Man has forgotten God.’
The brave Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the famous Russian writer who has been called the ‘Conscience of the 20th Century,’ served eight long years in the Soviet Gulag prison system. Today, he is hated by top-level Jews in America and around the world because he exposed the Jewish leadership of the genocide of 66 million Communist Gulag victims. Many victims were Christians.
‘Outrageous,’ the Critics Roared
‘What did you say? God? Outrageous!’ the critics roared. Immediately, the world’s press began a reversal of opinion about this man they once had lionized. Some called him a ‘Christian fanatic.’ Others said Solzhenitsyn was ‘reactionary…right wing…a religious nut.’
Then, in 2000, Solzhenitsyn released a blockbuster new book he had penned entitled Together For Two Hundred Years. The new book was a lengthy treatise, a thorough and far-reaching compilation of several decades of research by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn into the machinations for two centuries of Jews inside Russia and the Soviet Empire.
Karl Marx, the Jewish radical who inspired Lenin and Trotsky with his communist theories, was secretly a High Priest of Satan (see Richard Wurmbrand’s book, Marx and Satan).
Accurate in every detail, painstakingly documented, the author showed how, over the centuries, a small band of revolutionary Jews had conspired and plotted to overthrow the Russian Czars. Their aim: seize control of Czarist Russia and establish a beachhead for a Jewish utopia on planet earth—the long sought after Kingdom of the Jews.
The Gulags of the Jewish Revolutionaries
With staggering implications, Together For Two Hundred Years showed how Lenin, Trotsky and other Jewish conspirators had overthrown the Romanov dynasty in 1917 and set up their own Bolshevik totalitarian system. The result: The nightly assassination and roundup of thousands of innocent men, women, and children, most of whom were herded by black-hearted Big Brother secret police into thousands of monstrously evil Gulag concentration camps.
The largest number of victims, Solzhenitsyn reports, were Christian believers, understandable since the revolutionary Jews despised and hated Jesus and His Chosen People, the Christians. All-in-all, about 66 million innocent people were kidnapped and eventually died a hideous death at the hands of the Jewish ‘Ivan the Terrible’ corps.
66 million murdered by mostly Jewish Gulag overlords! That’s over ten times the number of Jews claimed to have been slain in Nazi concentration camps.
Obviously, such a powerful—and truthful—book as Together For Two Hundred Years must be suppressed. And it has been. No English-speaking publisher, either in Britain or in the U.S.A. has dared to publish it. So far, Solzhenitsyn’s book has only been issued in the Russian language.
‘Crush This Insolent Wretch’
Shamelessly, yet quietly and without a lot of fanfare, Jewish organizations have put out the word: ‘Crush this insolent wretch, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Give his works, his voice no forum, kill him with neglect. If you must mention his name, say it with scorn and with taunts and ridicule. Punish him severely for attempting to reveal our secrets to the world. Let him be an example of what the Jewish Power can do to a man who stubbornly refuses to tow the Zionist party line.’
I have seen what they have done to Solzhenitsyn. I have read their biased and spiteful reviews of his book in the controlled media and witnessed their revengeful hatred of him in countless Jewish magazines, websites, and journals influential but relatively unknown to the public at large. The ruthless Jewish Power clique works to kill men in a variety of ways. With Mel Gibson, it was more public. With Solzhenitsyn, it is more personal and private. Clearly, Solzhenitsyn’s writings about the Jewish leadership of the Soviet Holocaust is viewed as a grave threat to the Jewish Plan for global supremacy.
In Russia, millions of people—many of them survivors of the Gulag—still love and respect the aging man of God, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. They have read his newest book, and they know it is true. They lived it! They also well understand why such a book is being kept from the American people. The Talmudic Jews are fiercely determined that the whole truth about their repugnant, geno-cidal crimes be covered up. Solzhenitsyn’s reputation must be progressively tarnished and his writings buried forever.
So now, the man, Solzhenitsyn, who suffered under the Jewish Gulag tormentors for so long, must now be tortured once again, and for the same purported ‘crime,’ the offense of using ‘words.’
It was Lenin who once said, ‘Words are more deadly than bullets.’ Leninist ideology is truly an exemplar of the poisonous Talmudic Jewish mindset. Today, in America, there are, consequently, many things a man cannot say, cannot write about, and cannot publish. I know. I have, myself, faithfully followed God’s calling and done my best to follow in Solzhenitsyn’s footsteps. The Jewish holocaust revisionists have punished me, too, and they continue today to threaten and bully whip me and Power of Prophecy ministries.
Like Mel Gibson and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Texe Marrs is now being falsely and cruelly branded an ‘anti-Semite,’ a ‘Jew-hater’ and worse, on all seven continents.
Fascinating, isn’t it, how much fury, venom, and wrath just a touch of truth can whip up among the Jewish overlords and their Gentile accomplices, who today guide Western culture and minutely monitor and control every aspect of media reporting on politics, economics, and religion.
The Fearless Few Are Hated
Their greatest hatred, their most vicious spewing of venom, is reserved for the fearless few who dare to reveal to the world the heinous crimes committed by the Jewish Power in the Communist Gulag, especially the Zionist murder of 66 million men, women, and children, many of them Bible-believing Christians.
Equally hated are men like Ernst Zundel of Canada, who have questioned whether six million Jews actually died in a Nazi Holocaust. But even if six million died in a Nazi Holocaust, what of the sixty-six million who perished in the Jewish Gulag? And remember: Thousands of Nazis have been tracked down and punished for their reported crimes against humanity. Why is it that not even one Zionist Jew has ever been brought to justice for the heinous crimes committed in the Jewish Communist Gulag? Why?
For almost six decades, America and the planet have been preaching to the Germans, reminding them of the terrible crimes of their Nazi ancestors. It is only fair and just that we all now turn our attention to the Communist Gulag Holocaust, that we expose the Jews’ role in its monstrous crimes and remind the Jews of what their criminal ancestors did to these sixty-six million innocent victims, most of whom were Christians.
Isn’t it also time we demand construction of a Christian Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., to be erected next door to the existing taxpayer-funded Jewish Holocaust Museum? Is only the suffering of Jews worthy of being memorialized? What about the pain and suffering endured by so many other ethnic and religious groups, including that of Russian and Eastern European Christians during the Jewish Bolshevik era? Don’t these tens of millions of Gentiles killed and tortured deserve to be remembered as well?

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Canada’s Israel Lobby by Peyton Vaughn Lyon

This article is an update of a study of the Canada Israel Committee (CIC) published in the Journal of Canadian Studies, 1992-3. It benefited by extensive comments from Professors John Sigler, Joseph Debanné, David Farr and Diana Ralph, and Rt. Hon Robert Stanfield, Ian Watson, and Bahija Reghai. I have discussed the Israel Lobby with about 20 foreign affairs officials, 2 former Prime Ministers, 3 former Secretaries of State for External Affairs, 8 Members of Parliament, 6 Senators, and 3 officials of the Canada-Israel Committee.
March 2010
Dr. Lyon is Professor Emeritus Political Science, Carleton University. He was a Rhodes Scholar, and obtained his D.Phil. from Oxford University. He served in the RCAF from 1940 to 1945.
He held posts as Foreign Service Officer, Department of External Affairs in Ottawa, Canada and in Bonn, Germany. He is the author of five books on Canadian foreign policy, trade and defence.

Canada’s relations with the Arab/Muslim world are second in importance and difficulty only to its relationship with the United States. The one serious threat to Canadian citizens now stems from the mounting anger of Arabs and other Muslims, fomented largely by Israel’s long-standing occupation of Palestine. The Mid-East conflict has for sixty years been the principal issue on the agenda of the UN General Assembly, a body in which Canadians like to shine. Trade with the Middle East, while modest, is largely in manufactured goods, the sort favoured by Canadian exporters.
Canada’s foreign policy, however, fails to reflect these concerns. Its votes in the UN General Assembly and other international bodies are closer in support of Israel than those of any other nation apart from the United States and its five Pacific satellites. Prime Minister Harper’s personal statements are more biased towards Israel than those of any other leader(1) This imbalance does not accord with the advice of the men and women employed by Canada to determine and implement its interests in the Middle East. It is also opposed by an increasing number of churches, unions, and other bodies concerned with peace and justice in Palestine.
Who makes Canada’s Mid-East policy? A ranking of influence by a panel of foreign affairs officials placed the Canadian Jewish Community first at
compared to 5.40 for each of the Prime Minister and the Department of External Affairs. The Canadian/Arab Community at 1.80 was ranked sixteenth out of the eighteen estimated influence inputs. (2) Although the Arab Community has become better organized in recent years, interviews with senior officials and case studies suggest that there has been little change in this ranking.
There is of course nothing illegal or immoral about lobbies, even those operating in the interest of foreign entities. A significant number of ethnic groups do in fact lobby for their countries of origin. (3) Canada’s Israel lobby is simply by far the most powerful and effective. It has become customary to refer to it as ‘the Lobby’, and I shall follow that practice. The Lobby claims to act on all Canada-Israel matters on behalf of an estimated two- thirds of the three hundred and fifteen thousand Canadians of Jewish origin.(4)
For obvious reasons, the American-Israel lobby is far larger, more powerful, and better known than its Canadian counterpart. (5) There are further significant differences and I shall begin with them. American Jews number about three percent of the population whereas the Canadian equivalent is a more modest one percent. American Jews, having arrived earlier in North America, are more integrated into the general population and less united in support of their government’s Mid-East policy. Canadian Jews, in the words of Professors Taras and Weinfeld, ‘are more Jewish.’ Other authorities have said they are more conservative. (6) ‘Is there,’ asked Gerald Caplan, another prominent Jew, ‘any act of Israel that will shame the leaders of Canadian Jewry into saying enough is enough?’ (7)
The biggest difference in the tactics followed by the two lobbies lies in their degrees of openness and use of threats. Because the role of Congress in making foreign policy is much greater than that of Parliament, and party discipline is weaker, the American lobby focuses on individual members of Congress, none of whom can take refuge behind a party line. Because cabinet solidarity matters more in Ottawa, the Canadian Lobby makes a greater effort to focus on every minister. Lobbying, moreover, is more acceptable in the American political culture and can be more open and hard hitting. A reputation for wealth, ruthlessness and success is in fact an asset whereas in Canada lobbies operate more discreetly and soft- pedal their influence. American elections are more frequent than in Canada; this makes raising funds more difficult, thus increasing the vulnerability of candidates to lobby pressure. Lobbying in the United States, however, is subject to greater legal restriction than in Canada. One authority goes so far as to say that, because of tighter organization, it is more effective in Canada. (6)
All in all, lobbying in each country is probably about equal in effectiveness. Elections afford each Lobby the greatest opportunity to exercise influence. Although most Jewish Americans have voted Democratic, and Canadian Jews Liberal, neither are formally aligned and votes can be swung if a party adopts what might appear to many Jews to be an anti-Israel approach. Jimmy Carter, in making an exceptional effort to bring peace to the Middle East, angered Israel and its American Lobby. As a result, Carter lost almost half his Jewish vote between 1976 and 1980, a loss which contributed to his defeat in the 1980 election. Sydney Spivak, chairman of the Canadian Lobby’s 1998 policy conference, threatened a similar outcome when Joe Clark, then Secretary of State for External Affairs, criticized Israel’s suppression of Palestinian rights.
A particular triumph for the American lobby was the defeat in 1984 of Charles Percy, chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee. As Tom Dine, executive director of AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs committee) — the predominant US-Israel lobby — boasted to a Toronto audience, ‘All the Jews in America … gathered to defeat Percy. And the American politicians got the message.’ (8)
A comparable Canadian case was that of Dr. Frank Epp, an outstanding scholar and President of Waterloo University. In 1979, Epp ran as a Liberal in what was considered the safe Liberal seat in Waterloo. However, his desire for a more balanced approach to the Israel-Palestine conflict was falsely depicted by the Lobby as ‘anti-Semitic’ a charge the Lobby frequently uses to discredit critics of Israeli government policies. In Epp’s case, the attack culminated in a full-page advertisement on election eve. In a constituency containing several thousand Jews, Epp was defeated by a mere 155 votes.
In the Toronto riding of Saint-Paul’s, with about 20,000 Jewish voters, the 1979 election featured a Conservative promise to move the Canadian embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Conservative candidate, Ron Atkey, won. In the election the following year after Prime Minister Clark had abandoned his promise to move the embassy the seat swung back to John Roberts of the Liberals.
In 1984 a Manitoba court ruled that unfair lobbying could have caused the defeat of Conservative candidate Luba Fedorkiw in Winnipeg North. Fedorkiw accused the Jewish advocacy group, B’nai Brith, of having defeated her by suggesting she was anti-Semitic and levelling the false charge of ‘Jew-baiting’ against her. She was awarded $400,000 in damages.
The Lobby concentrates on the ten constituencies where most of the Jewish and Arab/Muslim populations are located. Proportionally more Jews, however, go to the polls and are more likely to make a difference. It should also be noted that a substantial minority of the Arabs are Maronite Christians who are indifferent to the fate of the majority of Arabs.

A trickle of Jews had begun to enter Canada early in the 18th century but was still insignificant in 1897 when the founding of the Zionist Movement augmented the political significance of the Jews in both Europe and North America. A few influential Jews made individual approaches to government leaders to gain permission for more Jews to enter Canada. They achieved little success. In the 1930s, Prime Minister Mackenzie King’s government began shutting the door to Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany. King’s deputy minister for immigration even opined that ‘None is too many’ and on the eve of the Second World War, a boatload of the refugees was denied permission to land. (9) This outrageously racist attitude appears to have been widely shared by the public as well as the prime minister.
The war, however, and the revelation of the slaughter of six million Jews[sic], transformed the situation. Sympathy for the Jews became nearly universal. Any criticism of the newly-created state of Israel came to be branded ‘anti- Semitic’, one of the ugliest terms in our political vocabulary. Canada’s prominent role in the creation of Israel was accepted with little room for protest (10)
The Israel Lobby took formal shape in 1967 when the three major Canadian Jewish organizations, the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Canadian Zionist Organization and B’nai Brith, established the Canada- Israel Committee (CIC) to act on behalf of Israel. This is an umbrella organization with no individual members. It was intended to monopolize public statements on Canada-Israel matters but officials of B’nai Brith, notably Frank Dimant, frequently disregard this rule. CIC policy is determined by a 35-person council representing the founding organizations and several smaller bodies based in the large cities. It meets about once a year, its executive much more often.
The CIC reported in 2000 that it had a seven-person office in Ottawa to deal with the federal government and another seven persons in Toronto to conduct media relations and research; one person was stationed in Montreal to handle regional lobbying; and a further two in Jerusalem. The CIC did not reveal its budget but it was estimated to be at least $11,000,000. The Lobby certainly commands far greater wealth than opposing entities, and far easier access through its extensive business connections to members of the cabinet and other senior decision-makers. Representatives of Arab/Muslim groups are rarely able to secure senior- level appointments in government while these are more attainable for the Lobby. Changes in Canada’s Middle East policy go to Cabinet, while other foreign policy changes do not necessarily need to meet this requirement, one that clearly favours the Lobby.
The Lobby adopted a more effective if heavy-handed approach in 2002 when a group of exceptionally wealthy Canadian Jews reached the conclusion that the CIC was failing to give Israel adequate support. Led by Israel (Izzy) Asper, Gerald Schwartz, Heather Reisman, and Brent Belzberg, the group established the Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy (CIJA). This council raises substantially greater funds than other Jewish lobby groups and employs professional lobbyists. Although professing to collaborate with the CIC, B’nai Brith and the Canadian Jewish Congress, the new body was not welcomed by them. One senior CIC official complained that the CIJA is ‘a group of self- appointed persons who have very little linkage with the Jewish (grass roots), and who have their own private agendas.’ (11) When the councils differ over policy, it is the CIJA — the one with the ‘big bucks’ that generally prevails.
In its first year, the CIJA sponsored several conferences and more than doubled the number of sponsored ‘study’ visits to Israel. They included, among others, 23 federal politicians with spouses and seven university presidents. The CIJA claimed to have won the ear of those who make decisions, and thus gets credit for a sharp shift towards Israel in Canada’s international posture.
The Lobby’s tactics are not unlike those of other lobbies. It supports Canadians who support Israel and criticizes those who don’t. It caters to decision-makers who seem open to persuasion. It addresses articles and letters to the media. It supplies information to journalists, provides speakers, and sponsors seminars and conferences as well as subsidizing tours of Israel. The Lobby’s primary attention, of course, is paid to the officials and politicians who make or influence the decisions of interest to Israel. They are entertained and briefed frequently. As one deputy minister put it, they are ‘all over us, from minister to desk officer.’ The Arab- Canadians, he explained, do much the same, but the Lobby ‘does it better’.(12) He could have added that Jewish-Canadians have easier access to high places. The Lobby does not employ explicit threats but knows that MPs and others can count, and the fate of Frank Epp has intimidated many others. Libby Davies, the NDP member for Vancouver-East, says MP’s live in what she calls ‘a climate of fear’ on issues dealing with Israel-Palestine.(13)
The Lobby also seeks to shape the future by extensive activity in the universities. Officials are placed in all the major institutions to foster Hillel clubs that promote communal sentiment among Jews and beyond by means of talks and debates. A separate body,’StandWithUs’, provides students with financial assistance to gain training in how to fight what the Lobby considers ‘anti-Israel’ actions. Its activity has contributed to serious strife and extensive publicity in two universities. In 2002, at Concordia, the administration blocked Arab and Muslim students from attending a planned speech by Benjamin Netanyahu, the right-wing Israeli leader. This resulted in anger over perceived discrimination that led to a riot of 2,000 protesters. The speech was subsequently cancelled. At York university, in February 2009, the administration itself fostered turbulence by excessive measures to halt peaceful pro-Palestinian demonstrations.(14) In other universities, notably Toronto, McMaster, Ottawa, and Carleton, the Lobby has backed the administrations in their attempts to ban pro-Palestine activities such as the annual Israeli Apartheid Week.
Professors are prominent among the Canadians treated in whole or in part to ‘study’ visits to Israel. About a dozen such visits have been partially sponsored each year by the ‘Canadian Professors for Peace in the Middle East’ (CPPME), an organization professing to be neutral and sponsored in large part by the Social Science Research Council, a body financed from the federal government treasury. The Israel portion of the CPPME ‘study’ visits, however, is sponsored by the World Zionist Organization, and members are likely to be expelled if they fail to accept the party line. (15)
The Lobby professes independence but has solicited and obtained advice from Israeli officials. Former Israeli Ambassador Alan Baker, who finished his four-year posting in 2008, was exceptionally bold in his public statements of Israeli policy.(16) That is in line with an ordinary ambassadorial function. However, Baker went a step further and told Jewish Canadians how they should manage their affairs. For example, he urged the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) in public to pass a by-law that would make its relationship to Israel advocacy ‘professional, serious and practical’ and, implicitly, less democratic.
The overall success of the Lobby is best illustrated by Canada’s votes in the annual UN General Assembly’s assessment of the 60-year long Mid- East crisis. The Canadian delegates have often been embarrassed when the lights on the score panel reveal their country to be one of a minority of eight, along with Israel, the United States and its five Pacific satellites, voting against any resolutions deemed critical of Israel and its policies. Even Britain displays stronger criticism of Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territories despite the fact that the U.K. generally tries to stay in line with American policy. After his retirement, William Barton, Canadian ambassador to the United Nations from 1976 to 1979, expressed the dismay characteristic of Canadian representatives: ‘We were generally identified along with the United States as the most pro-Israel delegation in the UN … most of our delegates felt that this was not in the best Canadian interest.’ (17) Barton elaborated that Canada had voted not on the merits of the case but for political considerations determined in Ottawa.(18) Under Prime Minister Harper, Canada has further hardened its opposition to the majority of UN members’ criticism of Israel’s occupation of Palestine.
Canada has also stood out in the two UN conferences on racism held in Durban. At the first, it denounced and then cast a solitary negative vote against the majority resolution in the Durban conference. At the second, its opposition was made even more emphatic by refusing to attend. Canada’s bias is further demonstrated by its solitary negative position in the Human Rights Council, and by refusing to accept the International Court of Justice’s ruling by a 14-1 vote that the wall being constructed by Israel, partly on Palestinian land, is illegal. The wall effectively cuts off one part of the West Bank from the other, dividing families, villages and farms. Earlier, Canada had been the first to suspend aid to Palestine after its democratic election resulted in victory for Hamas, the radical party most critical of Israel. Canada’s tilt towards Israel is also evident in conferences of La Francophonie where it has been the single participant to vote against a resolution favouring Palestine’s right to declare independence without waiting for negotiations with Israel.
Canada was even slower than the US to recognize the right of the PLO to speak for the Palestinians. When it did, it did so with a minimum of cordiality. Canada continued to show marked favouritism towards Israel. The president of Israel, for example, was accorded the rare honour of an invitation to address a joint session of both Houses of Parliament, whereas it was only after a struggle that a PLO official was invited to speak to a Senate committee. Canada’s official rhetoric fails to recognize that the Palestinians and Jews are equal in humanity. Its formal statements of objectives in the Arab-Israel dispute regularly lead off with ‘the security, well-being and rights’ of Israel, but not of the Arab countries. Israeli casualties are presented in more tragic terms than those of Arabs. Palestinian suicide bombings are characterized as cowardly and despicable while Israeli war crimes, such as the massacre of over one hundred Lebanese civilians in Qana in 1996 and the killing of many hundreds of civilians during Israel’s invasion of Gaza in 2008-2009, are passed over lightly or ignored. Prime Minister Harper and other ministers habitually refer to Israel as an ‘ally’ which it is not formally, and which implies that another is an ‘enemy’.
Arab-Muslim governments and the PLO do heed Canada’s UN voting pattern and official statements. Even before Canada recognized the PLO at the ambassadorial level, lesser officials had engaged in informal chats with PLO observers, helping them understand US statements and how best to respond to them. In the view of Palestinians, however, such behaviour did not excuse Canada’s habitual pro-Israel posture, as its then foreign minister, Peter Mackay, discovered during his first ministerial-level conversations in Palestine in 2007. Arab extremists, moreover, increased their threats against Canadian lives, and Canada was specifically cited as a prime target in Al-Qaeda communiqués. Although Canada has not suffered the loss of life to terrorism inflicted on the US, Britain and Spain, the RCMP have laid charges against four young Arab Canadians believed to have been plotting attacks on Canadian buildings.
The clearest success of Canada’s Israel lobby was the cancellation in 1970 of Canada’s invitation to the UN to hold in Toronto a major conference on combating crime. All three levels of government had favoured the invitation until it was realized that, according to UN rules, the PLO would be entitled to attend as an observer. The Ontario and Toronto governments then reversed their acceptance and the issue became heated in Ottawa. Jewish-Canadians were not alone in thinking that it would be abhorrent to receive ‘terrorists’ at a conference on the prevention of crime. Threats of violence against PLO observers, even one of assassination, were heard in Lobby circles and the police worried about the measures required to guarantee conference security. The Department of External Affairs (DEA) continued its battle in order to honour Canada’s commitment to the international community but lost. The conference was held in Geneva with little ado. At one stage the cabinet had decided to proceed with the conference but it then reversed its position. One of Trudeau’s senior cabinet ministers at the time has speculated that this resulted from a call from ‘Montreal’ threatening to cut the substantial Jewish contribution to the Liberal’s national fund. The minister added that he had never seen Trudeau so agitated. (19)
A similar reversal came under a Conservative government in 1988 when Joe Clark was Secretary of State for External Affairs. In an address to a Canada-Israel Committee banquet, Clark joined most other governments in condemning Israel’s breaches of international law in its suppression of the first Intifada in the West Bank and Gaza. Especially provocative was his complaint that Israel had manipulated food supplies to exert pressure, and his tribute to the peaceful disposition of the three Arab countries he had just visited. This was taken to imply that they were more interested in peace than Israel. The conference was outraged and responded with booing, a partial walkout and the singing of the Israeli national anthem. Loud applause greeted the suggestion from the chair that revenge would come at the next elections.
Prime Minister Mulroney, who had not read the text in advance, hastened to inform Jewish leaders that Clark had spoken only for himself. Clark hurried to address a Jewish-Canadian audience to assure the ‘community’ that Canadian policy had not changed and that Canada would ‘protect, defend, and endorse the State of Israel for ever.’ Such an extraordinary assurance, combined with a lack of progress towards a more even-handed treatment of the Palestinians, did little to appease the Lobby in its attitude towards the Department of External Affairs and its minister. Even though the public response to Clark’s address was favourable, his successors were cautious when they recalled the anger that had swept through much of Canadian Jewry.
A questionable Lobby victory came in the general election of 2008. The Liberal leader, Stéphane Dion, ordered a duly nominated candidate in Winnipeg, Lesley Hughes, to step down, claiming that she had expressed anti-Semitic views in an article written a decade earlier. Dion explained, along with a spokesman for the Canadian Jewish Congress, that he was acting under pressure from B’nai Brith. Hughes, however, had no difficulty demonstrating that the article in question was in no sense anti-Semitic and that her record over the years had shown consistent support for valid Jewish interests. The public overwhelmingly endorsed Hughes. (20)
Another revealing incident occurred in 1991 when Norman Spector was appointed Ambassador to Israel to replace Michael Bell, an experienced diplomat who had barely completed half his term. The reason for Spector’s posting, offered by both Prime Minister Mulroney and Spector, was that there had been a policy against posting Jews as ambassador to Israel. The appointment was said to be ‘affirmative action’ to remedy this discrimination. In fact, there had never been any such policy(21) but the appointment certainly pleased the Lobby. In Tel Aviv, Spector explained to a delegation from the Canadian Jewish Congress that his function was to repair the damage created by his minister, Joe Clark, because of the latter’s criticism of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.
Spector pushed through a free trade agreement with Israel that had been strongly opposed by DEA and the Department of Trade and Commerce. Since it was the only such agreement in the area at the time, and had only modest trade implications, it was regarded by Israel’s Arab neighbours as a strictly political measure and was resented by them. Back in Ottawa, Spector falsely accused his DEA colleagues of having lied in order to frustrate the negotiation of the agreement.
Another trade issue had a different outcome. In 1978, Ontario had passed legislation to block the Arab-Muslim boycott of firms trading with Israel, and all three federal parties promised to introduce similar legislation. Trade and Commerce Minister Herb Gray was an enthusiastic supporter of the Lobby. However, he yielded to business pressure to ignore the demand for the anti-boycott legislation. Firms wanted to continue to trade not only with Israel but with all other countries in the region, even though some individual firms, both Jewish and non- Jewish, contribute substantially to the Lobby.
Although it has no formal links with the Lobby, the Evangelical branch of the Christian church — about three million strong in Canada lends great strength to the Lobby by its interpretation of the Bible. In its view the second coming of Christ will take place in a Jewish Palestine where, according to many Evangelicals, Jews must at that time control all of the ‘Holy Land.’ As a result, Evangelicals tend to zealously support Israel and its occupation of the West Bank. They are exceptionally strong in Alberta, where they may have influenced Prime Minister Harper, who himself is an Evangelical.
Several bodies oppose the Lobby. One of the most obvious is the National Council on Canada-Arab Relations (NCCAR) that speaks for most of the Arab-Canadian population. Although now approximately as strong numerically as the Jewish Canadian community, Arab/Muslim-Canadians are generally far less wealthy and much less cohesive. NCCAR maintains two representatives in Montreal and several volunteers in Ottawa. It works to promote Canada-Middle East relations, and lobbies for peace with justice in the region.
Other significant groups are the Canadian Arab Federation (CAF, which represents over forty organizations), and the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC). Both command articulate leadership and are gaining in influence as Arab/Muslim-Canadians advance in numbers, political sophistication and resolve. A newer group, Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME), comprises Canadians of all backgrounds. However, all these organizations remain far less influential than the Israel lobby.
The most serious challenge to the Lobby comes from within the Jewish- Canadian community itself. A rapidly increasing number — perhaps one- third of the community is now critical of Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories. For understandable reasons it is not easy for Jews to criticize Israel, which many see as their biblical home and their promised refuge. Survivors of the Holocaust cannot be expected to take communal bonds lightly. The charge ‘anti-Semite’, or ‘self-hating Jew’, is especially hard to face. The Jews who do speak out against Israel’s occupation include some of the most talented members of the Jewish community. They are now led by an umbrella organization named Independent Jewish Voices, which is seen as a growing threat by the Lobby.
Less influential but still significant are voluntary organizations in Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and elsewhere that are dedicated to challenging Israel’s military occupation. One is the Ottawa-based Middle East Discussion Group (MEDG). Despite its disarming name, it was established thirty years ago by a group led by the Rt. Hon. Robert Stanfield, Professor John Sigler and others, with the purpose of correcting the pro-Israel bias in Canada’s Middle East policy. Its membership now includes several dozen of Canada’s most distinguished academics, journalists and a number of ex- Ambassadors who have served in the region or in the UN. The MEDG keeps abreast of events in the Middle East and has presented briefs to the government. A growing number of other groups are now voicing opposition to Canada’s policy and have considered sanctions against Israel. These include churches (notably United, Unitarian, Anglican and Roman Catholic) and unions of which the largest and most vocal is the Ontario branch of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE ).
At least one authority contends that Canada lacks sufficient influence to render the ME peace process a significant element in its foreign policy(22). This overlooks the fact that Canada has substantial influence in Washington, and Washington is the one capital that could impose a Mid- East settlement. Acting alone Canada might well accomplish little, but in concert with like-minded nations such as the Scandinavians and American supporters of a just ME peace, it could make a difference. However, there is little evidence that Canada has tried to influence Israeli or American policy(23). Norway, with but a sixth of Canada’s population, initiated the negotiation of the Oslo Pact, the most serious attempt thus far to resolve the long-standing ME crisis.
Canada’s influence was demonstrated at the very beginning of Israeli nationhood when Supreme Court Justice Ivan Rand dominated the UN commission that recommended the partition of Palestine, leading to the legal creation of Israel. Lester Pearson, then the most influential diplomat in the UN, was instrumental in steering the relevant UN resolution through the General Assembly without adequate provision for the displaced Palestinians. Samuel Bronfman, at the time president of the Canadian Jewish Congress, stated that ‘Canada has played the most important role in partitioning Palestine.’ (24) David Horowitz, the representative of the Jewish Agency in the UN negotiations, concurred that ’ Canada more than any other country played a decisive part in all stages of the discussion of Palestine.’ (25) Leading Canadian historians agreed, and prominent Zionists called Pearson the ‘Balfour of Canada.’ Pearson attained even greater recognition in 1967 when he earned the Nobel Prize for initiating UNEF, the peacekeeping force that helped to end the Suez Crisis. Canada also led in establishing UNRWA, the relief and works agency that helps refugees in the Middle East, and subsequently took over the chair of the relevant multi-national working group.
Canada’s extraordinarily strong support of Israel is partially explained by the editorial bias of its media, which face intense pressure to conform. Almost half of Canadian newspapers and the popular television network, Global, were owned by the Asper family. The late Israel (Izzy) Asper, billionaire founder of the CanWest media empire, was a prominent leader of the Lobby. Although not a practising Jew, he travelled frequently to Israel, became a friend of its leaders and supported its policies. Israel, Asper once told a Toronto audience, ‘was an isolated island of democracy… in a sea of terrorism, corruption, dictatorship and human enslavement. Palestinian leaders … in their deadly campaign to destroy Israel … are aiming their bombs at innocent civilians or blowing up planes over Lockerbie…’ (26) Given such views, it is not surprising that the Asper employed his media to urge Canadians to treat Arab leaders as ‘gangster terrorists’, and disciplined the editors and journalists of his papers who strayed far from his beliefs. (26)
Leonard Asper, who took command of CanWest on Izzy’s death in 2003, shares his father’s beliefs but expresses them more moderately. In a prepared text he attributed what he sees as the pro-Muslim bias of most journalists to left-wing views, anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, and failure to recognize Israel as a bulwark to protect Jews. He complains that most reporters writing about the Middle East are ignorant, lazy and prone to accept ‘Arab coddling.’ (27) The Asper bias shows not only in CanWest reports and editorials, but also in the near-exclusion of columns and letters critical of Israel. In 2002, Montreal Gazette reporter Bill Marsden stated ‘we do not run in our newspaper op-ed pieces that express criticism of Israel and what it is doing in the Middle East.’ (28)
In 2004, the Reuters news agency complained that CanWest altered its reports on the Middle East, substituting the word ‘terrorist’ for different words used by the wire service(29) to describe Arabs. In another example, a 2006 study concluded that an Israeli child killed by Arabs was 83.3 times more likely to be reported than a Palestinian child killed by Israelis in the headlines or lead paragraphs of Canwest’s National Post.(30)
There appears to have been no systematic survey of media coverage of the Middle East. The Jerusalem-based correspondents of the Globe and Mail and Toronto Star, as well as French-language Quebec newspapers, generally offer a more balanced approach to Israel-Palestine issues. The CBC has usually been objective, much to the dismay of the Lobby. But under relentless pressure in recent years, CBC television has tended to steer clear of reporting that might offend the Lobby. Many Canadians obtain their information from American media, much of which reflect the pro-Israel slant best characterized by Fox News. While the Lobby generally can take comfort from the editorial slant of the Canadian media on Middle East issues, it is often less pleased by the more objective analysis passed on to the government by Canada’s ten embassies in the area. Prime Minister Harper and his associates tend to take the same line as the Lobby, regarding foreign affairs officials as ‘Arabists’ who can largely be ignored.(31)
Since prime ministers play a decisive role in determining Middle East policy, it may be in order to consider some of their quite different attitudes. Mackenzie King disliked Jews and even expressed some admiration for Hitler. (32). He was uneasy about Lester Pearson’s exceptional activity in the new-born United Nations but did not block his promotion of the partition resolution that gave birth to Israel. Pearson enjoyed full support from Prime Minister St. Laurent. Pearson attributed his sympathy for Israel to his Sunday school teaching and also found most Arab spokesmen brash. In later years he conceded that Canada had been unfair to the Palestinians (33)
Pierre Trudeau strongly resented the pressure of the Lobby and of Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin.(35) Trudeau recounts in his Memoirs how Begin, during a visit to Canada in 1978, threatened to turn Jewish voters against the Liberals unless Trudeau supported Conservative Leader Joe Clark’s promise to transfer the Canadian Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Trudeau refused, noting that Jerusalem was ‘defined by the United Nations as one of the occupied territories.’ (36) Later, in an interview when he was opposition leader in 1979, Trudeau said ‘Zionist’ pressure groups in the U.S. and Canada were undermining the prospects for Middle East peace. He added that Canadian Jewish leaders who had pressured the Conservatives to transfer the Canadian embassy to Jerusalem, and who urged much tougher legislation against an Arab economic boycott of Israel, had hurt Canada economically. Moreover, he said, ‘they have opened the way to a growing anti-semitism.’ (37)
In his brief tenure as prime minister, Joe Clark came to realize the political and legal impropriety of moving the embassy to Jerusalem. He abandoned the policy, adopting the views of Robert Stanfield, his predecessor as Tory leader whom he had appointed to study and report on Canada’s Middle East policy. Stanfield became a strong supporter of Palestinian rights, insisting that ‘when the Israelis do something wrong, we should be prepared to say so.’ (38)
Prime Minister Mulroney was much more pro-Israel and much more susceptible to Lobby influence. He stirred up a storm of protest in the Arab world when he praised the Israelis for ‘showing restraint’ after they had killed twenty Palestinians and wounded dozens of others in the suppression of the first Intifada. IrvingAbella of the Canadian Jewish Congress praised him for his ‘visceral attachment to Israel.’(39)
However, no previous Canadian prime minister has matched the near total support for Israel offered by Stephen Harper who has adopted the ‘Israel-right-or-wrong’ approach of the Israel Lobby and shown minimal concern for Palestinians. He described Israel’s 2006 invasion of Lebanon as ’measured’ despite the fact that over a thousand civilians were killed by Israeli bombs and shell-fire. In his effort to win over Jewish voters, Harper approved the distribution of political pamphlets suggesting Liberals are anti-Semitic because of their lack of unconditional support for Israel. He has also moved aggressively to cut funding for aid and human rights organizations considered too sympathetic towards Palestinians.
In Israel itself the strength of the Canadian lsrael lobby is widely known and appreciated. Canadians are among the most popular foreigners in Israel. In part this is due to our pro-Israel votes and statements in international bodies. Yet it probably owes more to the fact that Canadians, per capita, have been the most generous towards Israel, notably in building legal university structures and subsidizing illegal settlement activities. ‘Canada Park’ is the name of a prominent recreation area situated between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. (Mention is seldom made of the three Palestinian villages ploughed under to make way for the park after the Six-Day War). Trade with Canada has been enhanced by our free trade agreement. Israelis with knowledge of the history of their country recall Canada’s role in its creation and also its lead in peacekeeping. Pressure from Canada for a just (and legal) peace settlement would probably be more acceptable than from almost any other country apart from the United States.
A clear indication of the price Canada has paid in the international arena for its pro-Israel stance was its failure in 2007 to be elected to the UN Security Council. It had previously been elected every ten years to fill the two-year seat reserved for a western member, and cherished this influential position. Canada is currently running again for a council seat but its pro-Israel stance is considered to be jeopardising its chances. As one UN official said, ‘If Canada is to play a constructive role, it has to re- establish its credentials as a fair and balanced interpreter of the developments that affect both sides.’ (40)
A Senate committee report issued on June 19, 2007, warned that Canada’s uncritical support for Israel in the United Nations Human Rights Council had led to the isolation of Canada. Prime Minister Harper vowed that Canada would not be ‘bullied’ into changing its position ‘ whatever the diplomatic or political cost.’ However, the obvious decline in our influence was regretted by many of the architects of Canada’s foreign policy who believe we should be pushing harder for Israel’s withdrawal from occupied Palestine in return for a binding guarantee of Israel’s security.
Canada can hardly be said to lack influence or interest in the Middle East, but in what matters most to the Palestinians — their freedom and independence — we lag far behind every other western country. Our extremely pro-Israel posture may please the Lobby but it is contrary to Canada’s interests, those of the United States, those of the United Nations, those of Palestine, and those of Israel itself.

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CANADIAN OUTLAWS: Truth, Christians and Free Speech fall prey to Zionist misfeasance by Arthur Topham

CANADIAN OUTLAWS: Truth, Christians and Charter of Rights fall prey to Zionist misfeasance
By Arthur Topham
March 3, 2013
The recent, decision handed down on Wednesday, February 27, 2013 by six of Canada’s Supreme Court justices, in the Saskatchewan (Human Rights Commission) v Whatcott case, was indeed a ‘supreme’ blow to Christians, to freedom of religion and to every individual’s right to freedom of speech in Canada. At the same time, it also was a remarkably clandestine victory for the foreign Zionist-Jew lobby groups such as B’nai Brith Canada, the Canadian Jewish Congress, and the Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy (CIJA); all of whom reflect, represent and condone, in unabashed fashion, the principles and policies of the Zionist state of Israel, over and above the traditional rule of law that has been the hallmark of Canadian jurisprudence from its earliest beginnings.
On top of this victorious legal coup that the vast majority of Canadians remain either ignorant of or in denial of, there are the added collaborating players in this long-range agenda to subvert and mould Canada’s judiciary into a type more in keeping with that of the U.S.A’s; one which, in recent years, has become permeated by their Jewish lobby groups to such an extent that they’ve effectively emasculated the US legal system by introducing their own brand of Jewish Noahide laws into American jurisprudence. These Noahide laws are, in fact, ones that stem from the ancient writings of the Jewish Talmud; a horrendously hoary and convoluted compilation of endless sophistry and intellectual meanderings that attempt to cover the full gamut of possible mental masterbation on any conceivable topic capable of debate, all of which boggles the mind and taxes the heart and soul of anyone who is able to locate and delve into the bottomless pit of arcane, abstruse, macabre deliberations found therein.
It is my contention, based upon all recent research and extrapolation, that this same clandestine, Fifth Column Zionist-instigated seditious process is, and has been, occurring here in Canada since the inception of our nation’s ‘hate speech laws’ that, coincidentally, began to gain ascendency in Canada’s house of justice back in the late 1960’s when the major Jewish lobby groups first began to amalgamate and initiate this calculated, step by step, surreptitious program of incremental changes to Canada’s legal system; one that would eventually see the switch over from former Christian democratic principles of freedom of speech to those of the Talmudic Jewish Noahide laws under which Jewry has operated over the past two millennia. It is also my added contention that these subtle changes have been, and are being, spearheaded by those very justices of the Supreme Court of Canada who hold duel citizenship with the state of Israel and whose ultimate allegiance, I strongly allege, is first and foremost to that foreign nation.
Compounding and exacerbating this traitorous intent to corrupt and debase Canada’s legal system via ‘hate crime legislation’ is the growing realization by many Canadians that our so-called ‘independent’ media is, in fact, totally controlled, editorially and otherwise, by this same self-serving Zionist Jew consortium and that these media monopolists, along with their line of sycophantic, sayanim journalists and talking heads, are the major propaganda force behind this plot to subvert the Canadian justice system.
Most Canadians who have not been asleep at the wheel politically are now fully cognizant of the fact that the Harper Conservative government is the key to the success of these Zionist ‘hate crime’ operatives and their eventual triumph in binding the mouths and minds of Canadians so that any and all criticism of their planned take-over of the country will not be openly discussed, either in the print media, television or on the Internet. Their arsenal of epithets stands ready 24/7 to support any smear & fear campaign necessary to belittle and slander and denigrate those who show any indication of not bowing down in obeisance to their treasonous scheme to dismantle and re-create our former legal system so as to have it fit harmoniously with all the other nations that have also been infiltrated by these same self-chosen zealots.
The whole of the homosexual agenda is but one of the ruses that these lobbyists use in order to divide, confuse and conquer their opponents and justify, via their human rights commissions, tribunals and their Supreme Court double-agents, the introduction of more and more repressive anti-democratic ‘hate speech’ laws. These tactics, for those who have studied the Zionist’s modus operandi to any degree, are par for the course. The crucial thing for them is to use others rather than come straight out and say we’re bringing in all these repressive, Orwellian laws because we don’t want Canadians discussing and debating our ideology, our motives or our agenda; one that includes enslaving and punishing anyone who steps out of line and beyond that the total destruction of the Christian religion as we now know it.
There is, on top of all these seemingly inexplicable occurrences, a vital question that needs to asked and addressed with respect to the inordinate number of Zionist, duel-citizenship Jewish justices who have somehow wended their way upwards to the apex of Canada’s judicial system and are now literally in positions of supreme power and control with respect to influencing both our Constitution and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Given that Canada is noted world wide for being a proactive, multicultural nation; one that welcomes immigrants from around the world to its shores and touts itself as being an open, free and culturally diverse society, the blatant imbalance that we are witnessing today in the ethnic composition of our Supreme Court justices is beyond question a problem in dire need of explanation.
Were we, as a nation, to give equal opportunity and consideration to the various visible minorities that make up our country’s population then this ought to be reflected in the composition of those who sit in judgement at the top of our federal judicial system.
Knowing that our First Nations population is the largest minority group in Canada it behooves all Canadians to ask the obvious: why do we not have a First Nations justice sitting in on our supreme court? Given that this nation was formed, literally, from the soil of the original people’s land and also given that the First Nations people constitute the largest group in the Canadian population matrix does it not make sense that when it comes to representing their interests that someone from their ranks ought to be a member of this august group of supreme court justices?
Next in line is our Chinese-Canadian population topping the list as the largest visible minority in Canada and again the obvious question is: why do we not have a Chinese-Canadian justice sitting in the SCC?
Next in line we have a very large South Asian population followed by an equally large black population. Where are the South Asian and the Black supreme court justices?
Finally, getting to the crux of this perplexing situation, as we go down the scale of relative population demographics we come to the ethnic Jewish population in Canada which, according to the Jewish Virtual Library, in 2010 numbered 375,000 in population, ranking somewhere in the neighbourhood of 25th in terms of group size and comprising, out of a total population of 33,890,000 Canadians, 1.1% of Canada’s total population. Yet, for their relatively small numbers in terms of percentages they now hold 4 out of 9 positions on Canada’s Supreme Court. That works out to 44.4% of Canada’s supreme court justices somehow stemming from 1.1 % of the country’s total population. If common sense cannot tell people that there is a glaring discrepancy here then something surely is wrong in the way that Canadians view the make-up of their nation’s highest court. No amount of intellectual verbiage can explain why this is so without getting into the fundamental question of what the real reasons are for this most obvious of imbalances wherein we have a preponderance of duel-citizen Jewish justices sitting and deliberating the vital questions currently being discussed in this brief essay.
Of course the immediate reaction from the Zionist lobbies is to reach up their proverbial sleeve and pull out their ‘anti-Semitic’ and ‘hate speech’ cards and flash them across the nation via their controlled media in typical fashion whenever their power base is questioned or threatened. Then will follow their sophistry and rhetoric emanating from the academics and talking heads arguing that this blatant discrepancy is simply due to the fact that Jewish lawyers are the most intelligent, experienced and therefore qualified of all of Canada’s lawyers and, like the cream atop the cow’s milk, they naturally rise up to those positions of eminence and power.
As the kids would say, ‘Yah, sure.’
To conclude, it cannot be stressed or repeated enough that we either have free speech or we have controlled speech where Big Brother takes control of our conscience and our mind and leaves us as automatons and slaves to do their bidding and those who now sit in judgement over our collective rights , due to their recent actions in the Whatcott case, must be treated with the utmost suspicion and their motives fully analyzed.
The time to act on these concerns is yesterday. Tomorrow may be too late.
The SCC Puppets
I present below the figures of the three Ashkenazi Zionists who have, along with their controllers in Tel Aviv and elsewhere, and the other three Shabbez Goi justices, perpetrated this seditious act of attempting to twist the truth and our human right to freedom of speech into some form of kosher, Zionist fritter all the better to fragment and confuse the people of Canada so as to lure our nation further astray into the nightmare that awaits the world should Zionism ever gain full control over independent nation states.
It must also be adamantly born in mind as well that the fact that I am presenting and focusing on these three individuals is absolutely not to be misconstrued as having excused the other three protagonists in this deceptive legal drama. The primary purpose here is accent the Jewish lobby in Canad and its unsavory effect upon Canada’s legal system. It goes without saying that the other three justices have, for whatever reasons, also consented to this agenda and ought to be removed from their positions along with the three Zionist duel-citizen justices in question here.
McLachlin photo McLachlincopy_zps96a077d6.png
With respect to Canada’s current Madam Chief Justice McLachlin it is also relevant and fitting that the following quote by Jason Moscovitz of the CBC be mentioned here as it is most relevant to an understanding of the mindset of these six judicial side-kicks when it comes to our right to freedom of speech. Jason Moscovitz states: ‘Of all the attributes she brings to the high court, there is one that sticks out. Many legal experts say she does not consider the Charter of Rights to be necessarily sacred.’ [Jason Moscovitz CBC Date: 991103 Time: 22:00:00 ET 22:26:00 ET]
AbellaFlag photo abellaFlag_zpsbf55ffb4.png
While still in her twenties SCC Abella was appointed a member of the Human Rights Commission of Ontario. Her husband, Irving Abella, is the J. Richard Shiff Professor of Canadian Jewish Studies at York University in Toronto and a past president of the Canadian Jewish Congress, one of the leading ‘hate speech law’ lobby groups in Canada.
SCC Justice Abella is on the International Board of the Hebrew University, a member of the United States Holocaust Museum’s Committee on Conscience (again, pushing the 6 million lies of the Zionists that have become since WWII one of the principal pillars supporting all of their criminal actions since that time).
The president (Canadian Section) of the International Commission of Jurists, cited her as one whose ‘entire life has revolved around the cause of human rights… She has shaped Canadian policy in equality rights, and…has also had a profound impact on human rights law and policy outside Canada.’ The precise manner in HOW SCC has ‘shaped Canadian policy in equality rights’ is now fairly apparent given her complicity in this recent and deplorable attack upon Canada’s unquestionable right to freedom of speech.
SCC Justice Abella also served as a commissioner on the Ontario Human Rights Commission. Again, those who have been complicit in the actions of the human ‘rights’ commissions here in Canada have revealed their motives clearly enough over the past decade and longer and have lost credibility in the eyes of the rest of the 98% of Canada who do not want to have their rights tampered with to satisfy the spurious and fraudulent false front arguments of special minority groups.
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True to his name there’s definitely something ‘fishy’ about this lastest SCC decision.

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SCC Justice Rothstein has served as an adjudicator under the Manitoba Human Rights Act from 1978 to 1983 and as a member of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal from 1986 to 1992. He has also held many other offices or appointments connected to the Manitoba Human Rights Act and the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal.
So what have people like Marshall Rothstein learned from all of their involvement in harassing and vilifying and criminalizing Canadians for having exercised their God-given right to freedom of expression and speech? By all appearances he’s learned that the manipulation of the law,when it is being supported by a Fifth Column media and a host of complicit, compromised politicians under the sway of the Zionist lobby, is relatively easy to accomplish and virtually a fait accompli.

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Doug Christie: Freedom Fighter and Hero: In his own words by Marc Lemire

Dear Freedom of Speech Lovers & Supporters,
True to form, as soon as word leaked out that Douglas Christie was diagnosed with a virulent strain of liver cancer, the Jewish-controlled Zionist media monopoly immediately commenced its vilification of Canada’s foremost fighter for our basic human rights.
Pathetic enough were their endless lies and smears and misrepresentations regarding Doug while he was in good health and standing strong and firm but for them to carry on now like blood-thirsty buzzards perched atop their ivory and steel Orwellian mind-control towers while Doug lays prostrate, fighting to stay alive, has got to be the penultimate example of just how cold, cruel and heartless these so-called ‘mainstream media’ moguls really are.
For those who are still in the dark as to Doug’s condition I am including a recent email that his good and dedicated wife Keltie Kubzo sent out concerning his condition. Please read it and if you can, send Doug some good loving, healing thoughts and good wishes.
I am writing to tell you about Doug’s recent diagnosis of metastatic liver cancer, and its implications.
Ironically, the hundreds of tiny, diffused foci of cancer that have spread to his liver, have apparently not come from the prostate cancer, which seems to be controlled, but from some unknown, new primary, that they are currently trying to locate. The doctors give an estimate of six months to live, but Doug and the kids and I realize this is only approximate and will rely on a number of factors. Consequently, we are dealing with an unknown time-frame. He is pretty weak and fragile, and the disease seems to have been moving extremely quickly, and continues to do so.
He’s been fighting hard in a jury trial for about three weeks, getting progressively sicker each day with pain and nausea until on Thursday he just couldn’t continue. There’s only about two days left in the trial and of course Doug wanted to finish it for the client because that’s Doug’s way. He would always fight to the very last inch for his clients and his principles, and that’s why he’s been both reviled and loved. Anyway, he just couldn’t do it and the case was adjourned for me to take him to emergency and that’s where this pervasive cancer was discovered. Despite the pain and nausea and weakness, up till yesterday afternoon he was still determined that he would go back to court on Tuesday for his very last jury address. That is not going to happen, as he just is not able. It’s very hard to believe that he is at this state in his life, so suddenly.
Our children and I are reeling in shock, but somehow we are not surprised because he’s had such battle fatigue for a very long time. Many of you have realized that, I know, seeing him fight so hard for so many years, being under the pressures of taking on unpopular cases and always being misunderstood for it. That has taken its toll. Despite that, you and I will always remember his humour and his loving generosity and his great joy in music, beauty, and human courage.
I am infinitely grateful for the people who have seen who he really is, and cared enough to communicate this to him, reminding him that he has not been alone in these terrible struggles. I hope that those of you who feel inclined to do so, will send him a little message of what is in your heart and mind for him. You can email me in reply to this letter, or send messages to Box 101, 255 Menzies Street, Victoria, BC, V8V 3G6. Emails would be better as they will get here faster. His email address is [email protected] he can get them on his cellphone, which he has with him in the hospital while they do more tests and try to get his pain and nausea under control before he can, we hope, come home. He does not have the stamina right now for visitors or many phone calls.
For quite a few years now, I’ve been trying to get him to at least start on his memoirs, and I want to tell you that he’s left a body of writing that I will be able to work with so that his courageous story will be told.
Thanks again for the loving kindness of you, our friends near and far. You have supported the principles of freedom for many years, through all these struggles and we are deeply grateful for you.
Keltie Zubko
I would also like to thank Marc Lemire, another giant in the battle to retain our fundamental, God-given rights to freedom of speech, for sending his article which is posted below. To watch and listen to Doug’s YouTube’s and to read some of his words is to gain a true account of the man’s principles and integrity rather than listening to the litany of lies and epithets that are spewed forth from the mouths of Zionist hacks working for Zionist rags and tv stations across our once free nation.
Doug is down but he’s not out yet. Please pray for his recovery and for his family so that they can continue to support him over the next while. It’s never over until it’s over.
Also, please pass this post to everyone you can.

Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
‘Digging to the root of the issues since 1998’
Forget about the media invective that is currently being hurled at Douglas Christie by the whores in the controlled media party. Doug Christie is a decent, honourable and true fighter for individual liberty and freedom of speech in Canada. You can count on a single hand the number of decent lawyers in Canada, and Doug Christie is one of them!
Find out who Douglas Christie really is from his own words, in this YouTube video:
Doug Christie had a long and memorable legal practice. While the media gets in a lather about Doug’s more controversial so-called ‘racist’ and ‘anti-Semitic’ clients (because Doug dared to represent them), they actually only made up a small portion of his legal practice. According to the video above, Doug has represented clients on about 8,000 cases over 37 years as a defence lawyer generally representing the rights of the individual against the state. His cases range from child custody cases where the state persecuted parents to tax freedom cases.

Douglas Christie is a hero and dedicated fighter for freedom of speech. In my youth, I recollect attend a meeting where he was the guest speaker. I was struck not only by his superior oratory skills, but even more so by both his passion and love for freedom. He brilliantly conveyed the significance of what freedom is all about and how vital it is to resist artificially induced state control over it.

Over the past couple of decades I have become closely acquainted with Doug. The respect that spawned the evening I saw him speak for the first time only deepened with every case and submission that he made on behalf of freedom. His defences consisted of a rare combination of sound logic and reason combined with compelling emotion.

In my case before the Kangaroo court also known as the Canadian ‘Human Rights’ Tribunal, Doug flew all the way from Victoria in order to participate. Typically, he had a major impact but none more poignant than when he raised questions about the ‘mental serenity issues’ surroundingCHRC lawyer Giacomo Vigna. It was vintage Doug Christie!

Here are some of the transcript references of Doug Christie’s submissions to the Tribunal:
The closing submissions Doug gave in my case was a sight to behold. The entire courtroom was mesmerized as Doug hammered away at the pillars of censorship for close to two hours! Doug has a commanding voice and delivery that would make Clarence Darrow jealous.
Doug Christie wrapped up his comments with these very insightful critiques of censorship:
We’re here because this legislation is no joke. It has created a monstrous threat to freedom of speech. The passage of time has changed the nature of the communication, increased its volume, and made it rebuttable from the time of Taylor. If Sec. 13 had attacked the activities of drug user, lawyers would be lined up for their defence of narcotics users, but as it attacks free speech, there are few to defend it. Apparently, drug users are more popular than free speech.
The enemies of free speech don’t want to debate their opponents; they want to silence them. I don’t hesitate to say hate is right in some cases; hate for evil and hate where the lives of innocent people are at stake. We’re not allowed to argue the truth of what we say that might prove the validity of strong opinions.
The Commission wants a cease and desist order against Marc Lemire for a website he neither owns nor controls. This legislation allows this absurdity.
Apparently, to have an honest opinion that people don’t like is to violate the law. It is implicit that truth is no defence, honest belief is no defence, intent is no defence.
Hatred and contempt without reference to truth which is not a Sec. 13 defence is an invitation to hypocrisy. If we keep this legislation, we will undermine democracy and promote hypocrisy.
Doug Christie, you are my hero, and I wish you well. For 40 years, Doug has stood (often alone) as the beacon for freedom against state control, censorship and bullying.
You’re in my thoughts and prayers, and so is your entire family.
-Marc Lemire
February 26, 2013

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The Rule of Law in Canada: Another Stephen Harper Wreck by Robin Mathews

The Rule Of Law in Canada: Another Stephen Harper Wreck
by Robin Mathews
February 24, 2013
Alberta energy specialist Andrew Nikiforuk (Tyee, Feb. 22, 2013) reports the involvement of the federal Minister of Justice in what may be called direct interference with the rule of law in Alberta. The story Nikiforuk tells leaves the trail of malfeasance clear and examinable.
In ‘a stunning move the Harper government’ through the Department of Justice (reports Andrew Nikiforuk) has promoted a key judge (in a landmark fracking case) from the Court of Queen’s Bench to the Alberta Court of Appeal. As Andrew Nikiforuk puts it, the move was made in order to remove Justice Barbara L. Veldhuis, presiding judge, from ‘the multi-million dollar ($33 million) lawsuit’ being pressed by Jessica Ernst in the matter of fracking pollution and those responsible for it.
Madam Justice Veldhuis will be replaced. Her replacement will automatically be questionable suspected of being a ‘plant’ to prejudice the case in favour of Stephen Harper and Encana, one of Canada’s largest natural gas producers.
Readers need to know that the judge on a case is usually for very obvious reasons bound to that case. The judge is said to be ‘seized’ with the case meaning responsible for all aspects of it from beginning to end. Being ‘seized’ usually means not to be interfered with, not unnecessarily delayed, NOT REPLACED without very sound reason because the judge knows most about the complications of the case.
The judge is ‘seized’ also because law and courts have a long history of powers of all kinds wanting to get rid of judges in order to tamper with, change, and/or redirect the judgement in cases. That is one of the reasons a judge is ‘seized’ so that any meddling by power can be seen for what it is, an action intended to violate the fair administration of justice.
Jessica Ernst is fighting Encana. and was close to getting a ruling from Madam Justice Veldhuis that she could sue ‘Alberta’s energy regulator … for failing to uphold provincial rules, protect groundwater, and respect the constitutional rights of Canadians’.
That ruling would have placed a burden of responsibility upon frackers that they have been doing everything they can to avoid [with the full support of Stephen Harper, anti-environmentalist].
The Harper Junta interference is, I suggest, mischievous, prejudicial, scandalous, and stunning in its obviousness.
But we have been there before.
In the trial of Dave Basi, Bobby Virk, and Aneal Basi (part of the corrupt transfer of BC Rail to the CNR by the Gordon Campbell group) the judge ‘seized’ with the matter was Madam Justice Elizabeth Bennett. The pre-trial and trial ran from after the laying of charges in December 2004 to the outrageous explosive-ending of the trial in October 2010.
But that ending happened without Elizabeth Bennett presiding.
For like Justice Barbara L. Veldhuis in the fracking case Bennett was removed in what many believe was a Stephen Harper decision to protect his ‘friends’ Gordon Campbell and others.
In order to defend the accused, Defence lawyers had to call for RCMP officers’ notebooks, for investigation records, for materials in BC Rail headquarters, for government records of pre-sale manipulations, and much more. At almost every call, RCMP delayed. The Special Crown Prosecutor fudged and fumbled. Almost every time, Madam Justice Bennett upheld the Defence request as a reasonable part of the rights of the accused to defend against the charges against them.
Out of the blue Madam Justice Elizabeth Bennett by the power that only resides in the Minister of Justice in Ottawa was raised to the B.C. Appeal Court. Would she leave the matter that she was seized with? In theory, she didn’t have to.
Then a nightmare event happened in the B.C. Supreme Court. Out of nowhere the bulldog Associate Chief Justice of the day Patrick Dohm appeared to preside at a process.
The apparent reason for the event was for the Special Prosecutor William Berardino to make a motion that Madam Justice Elizabeth Bennett be removed from the case. He gave two reasons. The first and completely ridiculous reason was that she couldn’t be in two places at once and so must go. The second reason he evinced was that she had incorrectly employed process. That I believe was a wholly false assertion.
Associate Chief Justice Patrick Dohm received the motion with enthusiasm … and with such approval that he admitted he had already chosen the person to succeed Elizabeth Bennett. That meant he had to have chosen Bennett’s replacement before there was a motion to have a replacement made!
The Special Prosecutor, incidentally, had been appointed in flagrant violation of the legislation governing the appointment of Special Prosecutors. William Berardino was not noted for experience in criminal prosecutions. But he had been partner and colleague for seven years of the sitting Attorney General Geoff Plant. And he had been partner and colleague for eleven years of the sitting Deputy Attorney General Allan Seckel. Because of those connections he was completely unqualified for the appointment he received.
It seems he was to focus on the three men, to get a judgement against them, and to show to British Columbians that there had been real wrongdoers in the ‘sale’ of BC Rail, three of them, three (lower level) Sikh employees, and they were all charged and were all convicted. Justice triumphs! End of story.
It didn’t work. Mr. Berardino was confronted by excellent Defence counsel. They made a strong and fair case that defence of the accused could only be made by examining the actions of their highly dubious superiors…who gave orders.
Madam Justice Bennett permitted that reasonable defence.
Madam Justice Bennett was removed.
She was replaced by Madam Justice Anne MacKenzie who was very soon elevated a few weeks later to Associate Chief Justice upon the retirement of Patrick Dohm. Quite soon after the end of the Basi, Virk, and Basi trial, she was elevated to the British Columbia Appeal Court.
Her role, it seemed to me sitting in the courtroom, was to get the case back to the three men only. But it didn’t work.
The trial became a hilarious display of amnesia … almost of general Altzheimers Disease. Gordon Campbell’s decade-long chief of staff, Martyn Brown, could remember almost nothing. A member of the BC Rail Board, Brian G. Kenning, could hardly remember his own name, and didn’t even finish his testimony before the trial ended. And there were to be about twenty-five more of the same to come.
If the cross-examination had continued in the same way and it might have grown worse the cover-up of major wrongdoers would, I am sure, have exploded. Something had to be done to end it. Backroom dealing went into high gear. The three accused agreed to what might be called charges reduced to almost nothing. The government of Gordon Campbell agreed to pay all of the ($6 million) costs of Defence.
The $6 million (that might be called a bribe by some) to avoid criminal charges against top politicians and corporate ‘leaders’ (and perhaps some years behind bars for them) was cheap. It was a breach of procedure and was paid out of the pockets of the taxpayers of British Columbia but what the hell! It worked.
Stephen Harper’s ‘friends’ got out of it all unscathed and without paying a penny by the simple action of the Minister of Justice in Ottawa stepping in (on Stephen Harper’s orders?), and promoting Madam Justice Elizabeth Bennett from the B.C. Supreme Court to the B.C Appeal Court. To prove his prowess in the matter, Stephen Harper then appointed Gordon Campbell to what is perhaps the highest diplomatic position a Canadian can hold Canadian High Commissioner in London.
In both cases, in B.C. and Alberta, the Stephen Harper Junta has used the courts and the administration of justice, I believe, to violate trust, to support alleged wrongdoers who might be found to be in serious fault or even criminally responsible, and to make justice in Canada a plaything of corrupt power.
I suggest that only a government powered by a psychopath could so viciously and openly attack the rule of law in Canada.
Contact Robin at: Robin Mathews [email protected]

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