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Zionist Jew Media Campaign to Smear Radical Press by Arthur Topham

‘Someday, someone, somewhere, is going to break that silence and only then will we begin to hear the sounds of balanced media coverage finally rising above what Solzhenitsyn described as ‘the incessant dinning of slogans and dogmas that abolish the human essence and deny all individuality to man.’ Then, and only then, will the silence of the wolves begin to disperse as the clear light of a new day of freedom of speech dawns for all Canadians.’
Arthur Topham, Silence of the Wolves, July 16, 2009
Early beginnings
It’s been ongoing since the day I first openly criticized the Zionist Jews and their political dogma or ideology known as Zionism. That was back during the heady last days of the 20th Century when I was publishing my monthly hard copy edition of The Radical, an alternative tabloid which ran for forty-two consecutive editions ending in June of 2002.
Throughout most of my tenure as Publisher and Editor of The Radical I was basically ignorant of the Zionist agenda and didn’t begin to clue into what it was all about until after reading the writings of the Jewish intellectual Noam Chomsky, in particular his account of the Middle East situation contained in his book, The Fateful Triangle Israel, the United States, and the Palestinians. After digesting Chomsky’s account of Israel and who is controlling it and its ideological base I began to pay more and more attention to this issue as time went on.
Of course being a radical alternative publisher with an eclectic sense of what is news and what is b.s. I soon attracted a lot of unwanted attention from what one might call the ‘Left’ in Canada’s political circles. At first it was rather odd as I had always thought of myself as a lefty. My father had been a strong supporter of both the CCF and the NDP throughout most of his life and my paternal grandfather had actually been a good friend of Tommy Douglas’s back when Tommy was still working as a minister of the church in Saskatchewan back in the 1930s.
Anyhow, Canadian Dimension magazine at one point did a major smear edition on myself, The Radical and another alternative newspaper back in January of 2001 that finally established the fact that the so-called ‘Left’ in Canada was in fact riddled with people who were died in the wool Marxists and Communists and stalwart supporters of Zionism and the Jewish state of Israel. Anyone else in the movement who wasn’t was labelled ‘right wing’ or an ‘anti-Semite’ or some other unsavoury epithet.
It was at this period of my life that I first met Paul Fromm, the feisty spokesperson for the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) and began publishing occasional articles that he had penned. I was also covering the whole issue with Wiebo Ludwig and his Trickle Creek Christian Community and their ongoing battles with the Oil and Gas Industry in Alberta and publishing the early writings of controversial speaker and author David Icke.
Those familiar with David Icke will likely be aware that he too was attacked and smeared by this same chronic complainer Ricardo Warmouse who has been attacking me and my website since at least 2007. David still has articles on Warmouse posted on his website .
NDP government takes Radical Press to court
Eventually I ended up in B.C.Supreme Court in 2002 after exposing the dubious character of a former NDP MLA appointed by the Dosanjh government who had been given the portfolio for the Ministry of Children and Families all the while staving off continuous allegation by his many detractors that he had been involved in drug running, child pornography and worse. This same individual is now the Chief Red Apple for the First Nations Summit here in British Columbia and his name is Edward John.
The Dosanjh government hired a good Jewish lawyer, Marvin Storrow to defend him and I ended up acting on my own behalf in pro ce fashion defending my newspaper and my right to publish. Poor Marvin of course was former PM Trudeau’s appointed council during the APEC fiasco in Vancouver and ended up being outed by the Raging Grannies who spotted him attending a Liberal fundraiser while attempting to act impartially in dealing with all the protesters who had been beaten and pepper sprayed while protesting the visit to Vancouver by Indonesia’s infamous war criminal Suharto who Trudeau lauded as some sort of admirable dignitary.
Eventually it became too onerous and expensive to publish my tabloid and I switched to the Internet in 2002 and carried on until my website was sabotaged by the Zionist sayannim who are everywhere on the net and throughout the media and the assorted political organizations throughout the country.
That is why today when you visit my website you will find that the articles begin in June of 2006.
B’nai Brith Canada: The root of the issue
That short synopsis said let me now proceed to the root of this issue that I am facing today, the significant and overt attack against my publishing business and my person by the world’s foremost Zionist Jew lobby organization known as B’nai Brith International.
As I’ve said before most Canadians see this organization as a benevolent society whose main purpose is to look after little old Jewish widows and raise money for the needy, etc. Nothing could be further from the truth! For all the suave rhetoric from its many spokespersons such as Anita Bromberg of B’nai Brith Canada one would certainly get this impression of B’nai Brith as nothing more than the image projected by the Zionist media which works in direct tandem with BBC (B’nai Brith Canada).
But what they don’t tell you is that every nation in the western world has a branch or tentacle formed out of the Mother plant known as B’nai Brith International which is a Jews-only masonic order first established back in the mid 1840s in the USA and that Mother was the creation of the Rothschild dynasty that now controls global finance, the global media, global ‘International’ organizations like the UN, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and dozens upon dozens of other affiliated organizations whose main purpose is to maintain the House of Rothschild and the control of the world’s money supply; for without that ill-gained ability to manifest money out of thin air and then lend it to the governments of the world at exorbitant interest rates (Usury), the whole fabric of the Zionist curtain would quickly disintegrate before the eyes of the world and like the Wizard of Oz the public would suddenly realize just who was behind all of the financial troubles, endless wars and incessant woes and miseries facing the world today.
B’nai Brith Canada first attacked me and my publishing business back in November of 2007 when its B.C. representative filed a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission alleging the following:
‘This concerns a complaint filed with the Canadian Human Rights Commission seeking relief for discriminatory publication under prohibited grounds caught by Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.
The premise of this complaint is a contention that Arthur Topham of Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada and his internet publication known as contrive to promote ongoing hatred affecting persons identifiable as Jews and/or as citizens of Israel.’
That is the story which the Zionist media is now making reference to in their one-sided portrayal of what the issue truly was about. For those readers who wish to review the whole of that tale of Zionist malfeasance I would ask that you go look at the following Reference Guide to the B’nai Brith v Radical Press Complaint case to see the extent of this chronology of subterfuge on the part of this little old benevolent society. That first attack only ended (possibly temporarily) on June 7th of this year when the Harper government voted to toss out the notorious Sec. 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act that the Zionists were using to the max to shut down any and all critics of Israel or the Zionist ideology.
Knowing that Sec. 13 was fated to fade away from their power hungry hands B’nai Brith Canada then decided that they would pick up a new club with which to beat their opponents into oblivion and chose instead Sec. 319(2) of the Canadian Criminal Code. Again, using the same serial sidewinders, they filed this latest charge against me alleging once again that I and my website are promoting hatred toward (not Jews per se) but ‘people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin’.
Attempting to use the Canadian law courts instead of the shady likes of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and its Tribunal system which work fundamentally in the same manner as the Soviet Stalinist Show Trials of the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s did, was a risk that B’nai Brith Canada was now forced to take if they wanted to carry on with their harassment and vilification of those Canadians who wish to exercise their Charter of Rights and Freedoms and write about the truth as they see it. The outcome of their desire to control the Internet here in Canada may well depend on how they are able to prosecute this case against me. If they are successful in gaining a guilty verdict then that will be the final nail in the coffin for freedom of speech here in Canada and anyone else who attempts to criticize the Zionist elephant that is now sitting in the living room of every Canadian household across the country will receive the same treatment that these power crazed psychopaths are now attempting to mete out to me and my publishing business
The Smear Campaign Today
And now to the gist of their present smear campaign against The Radical Press. It has always been the modus operandi of the Zionists, when attacking their critics, to first malign and vilify them using the vast resources contained in their media monopoly which includes the majority of Canada’s mainstream newspapers and television news stations, etc. It’s their first overt strike and is akin to their same warfare techniques where they pull off what they call ‘preemptive’ strikes against their perceived enemy and attack without any direct provocation and destroy the infrastructure and communications systems of their victim before sending in the ground troops.
We’ve saw this happen in Egypt during the 1967 war, then in Iraq in 2003 and lately in Libya where they pulled the same stunt using all of their Zionist-controlled UN sycophants and their media including their Zionist-run orgs like Avaaz, to divert and confuse the attention of the general public.
That is what they are now attempting to do to me: create this massive deception that I am some sort of bonker, crazed, hate mongering, lunatic fringe (they haven’t started with the ‘dope-smoking hippie’ yet), placer miner living out in the backwoods of the Cariboo who doesn’t know diddley squat about how the world really is run but is just out there in cyberspace spewing forth all his neo-Nazi, Jew-hating, anti-Semitic venom in order to incite the public to rise up and perform another great pogrom against the poor downtrodden and victimized Jews of Canada and the world!
Then (when they figure they’ve established this massive lie in the minds of as many gullible Canadians as possible) they will begin their court trial and ship in all their carefully selected ‘expert witnesses’ to testify that all of my information is somehow incorrect and that Eustice Mullins was a notorious ‘anti-Semite’ and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is really just a forgery as everyone who was brought up in a Zionist controlled culture obviously knows.
Contrary to this programmed reaction to their lies though are the wise words of that famous poet and activist Ezra Pound once said about this road map for the 20th Century:
‘If or when one mentions the Protocols, alleged to be of the Elders of Zion, one is frequently met with the reply: Oh, but they are a forgery! Certainly they are a forgery, and that is the one proof we have of their authenticity. The Jews have worked with forged documents for the past 24 hundred years, namely ever since they have had any documents whatsoever. And no one can qualify as a historian of this half century without having examined the Protocols.
What we know for certain is that they were published [in English] two decades ago. [In the early 1920’s. Ed.] That Lord Sydenham wrote a preface to them. That their content has been traced to another sketch said to have appeared in the eighteen forties. The interest in them does not lie in [the] question of their having been, or not been concocted by a legislative assembly of Rabbis, democratically elected, or secretly chosen by the Mysterious Order of the Seven Branched Antlers or the Bowling Society of Milwaukee. Their interest lies in the type of mind, or the state of mind of their authors.
What is interesting, perhaps most, to the historian is their definite campaign against history altogether, their declared intention to blot out the classics, to blot out the record, and to dazzle men with talk of tomorrow.’
As I said this is just the gist of what they are now planning to do. Time will reveal all of this in the days ahead.
My primary concern
Of course my primary concern is not that the Zionist controlled media will be smearing me from the start to the finish. I can and have handled that quite easily over the past decade or longer. What really concerns me is that the Crown will do its damnedest to set or place bail conditions upon me tomorrow when I go to court in Quesnel demanding that I cannot post to my website or write emails to anyone I so choose or post information regarding my court case to other websites of a kindred nature so that the thousands of supporters who now are keenly interested in this case will be able to get an unbiased, non-Zionist media presentation of what is happening to myself and my legal situation.
I have discussed this at length with my lawyer Doug Christie and he has assured me that under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and GIVEN THE FACT that I have not been convicted of these phoney charges, that the court cannot legally prevent me from writing and posting on my website or sending articles to other sites. While I believe this to be true nonetheless that is precisely what Det -Cst Terry Wilson pulled off when I was arrested back on May 16, 2012. Prior to releasing me from jail he gave me an Order stating that I was not to browse the Internet or write any emails to anyone who was not directly associated with my placer mining business. That pile of legal(?) horse feathers held sway over my freedom of speech and expression right up until October 9th, 2012 when my first ‘Appearance’ in court was due to happen but the Crown still hadn’t got their act together to formally charge me. That is when the Order ceased.
B’nai Brith Canada, the RCMP, the Zionist Media and the Crown all know that the only stone I have left in my sling is the freedom to defend myself against this Zionist Goliath that is now openly wielding its censorship spear in my face by using my right to publish my side of the story on my website. Without that right the ensuing struggle will remain a Stalinist side-show of the Zionist controlled media and the general public, as usual, will receive a slanted, biased tale; one told by an idiot, signifying nothing but the reality that Canada is under full domination by a foreign and deadly enemy.
May God guide and protect those of us who will be battling this dark and evil entity called Zionism!
Arthur Topham
‘Digging to the root of the issues since 1998’
Contact Arthur at [email protected] or should he be restrained from using the net write to him at:
Arthur Topham
4633 Barkerville Highway
Quesnel, B.C. Canada
V2J 6T8

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National(Zionist)Post:Preemptive Hit Smear on Radical Press A screengrab from The Radial Press website.
Owner Arthur Topham, Quesnel, B.C., has been charged with willfully promoting hatred against Jews.
The publisher of a British Columbia website that has drawn repeated complaints over its portrayals of Jews has been charged with promoting hatred following a six-month police investigation, officials said Tuesday.
Arthur Topham, 65, was charged with a single count of willfully promoting hatred against ‘people of the Jewish religion or ethnic group’ as well as improper storage of firearms found in his house near Quesnel, B.C.
‘The branch has approved charges against him,’ said Neil MacKenzie of the B.C. Criminal Justice Branch. He said the province’s assistant deputy attorney general had sign off on the hate crimes charge.
Mr. Topham was to make a court appearance Thursday.
‘We’re glad that the government and the police have taken our concerns seriously and proceeded,’ said Anita Bromberg of B’nai Brith Canada, which had asked police to investigate the website last May.
Mr. Topham is a miner and is listed as secretary of the Cariboo Mining Association. He also publishes Radical Press, a website that posts materials with conspiracy theory themes such as the ‘Biological Jew’ and the ‘Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.’
The Biological Jew depicts Jews as parasites that suck the blood from their ‘host’ societies while the Protocols is a fraudulent book that purports to describe a conspiracy for worldwide Jewish domination.
In May, Agent X, a B’nai Brith volunteer in Victoria, B.C., and Ottawa lawyer Agent Y both complained to police about the website. Agent Y’s complaint said both the Biological Jew and the Protocols were banned from import into Canada as hate propaganda.
‘When you’ve got that kind of just rabid attack against the Jewish community I think it’s incumbent on people to stand up in society,’ said Agent Y, who regularly files complaints about racist websites.
‘It seems that a lesson needs to be learned and the criminal system might be the best way to do it’
Police arrested Mr. Topham and questioned him on May 16. According to a transcript of his police interview that was posted online, he asked the investigating officer, Det. Const. Terry Wilson of the B.C. Hate Crime Team, whether he had been trained in Tel Aviv or whether Mossad had come to Canada to train him.
He lectured the officer about how Jews ‘control what you’re doing’ and said they had ‘created the unit you’re working for.’ He asked the officer if he was a Christian and scolded him for what he was doing.
‘These guys have spent the last 2,000 years trying to destroy our religion, and you like a Judas are out here like a, like one of their dogs chasing down people who are trying to defend the Christian religion,’ he said. ‘You ought to be ashamed of yourself.’
Doug Christie, Mr. Topham’s defence lawyer, confirmed in an email his client had been formally charged. Asked if he wanted to comment, Mr. Christie responded: ‘Opposition to Zionism should not be illegal.’
But Ms. Bromberg said the website went well beyond that.‘This isn’t a free speech issue about the politics behind Israel. It is borrowing on age-old canards that raise our concerns that this is designed to spread hate,’ she said. ‘Our concerns were valid, they were carefully considered by the police and obviously, because these were hate crimes charges, by the attorney-general.’
Mr. Topham announced on his website he had been charged. He portrayed himself as a defender of free speech and asked for donations. ‘Judging from the wording of this indictment it looks like it’s going to be a battle between the Christians and the Jews,’ he wrote.
Complaints about Radical Press go back to 2007, when B’nai Brith took the website to the Canadian Human Rights Commission. But the case stalled due to uncertainty over the law. Police assumed sole responsibility for investigating hate crimes complaints about websites after the Conservatives voted in June to repeal a law that had previously allowed the rights commission to deal with such matters.
National Post
[email protected]
Now that the Zionist Jew mainstream media has finally got around to openly attacking my person, my website and my work I’m reminded of a quotation I once read by the late Jewish recording artist Frank Zappa. He basically hit the nail on the head with regard to the ways and means by which those in power will resort to once their monumental scam of deception is in danger of being exposed:
‘The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.’
-Frank Zappa
We saw this before so many times here in Canada with the deplorable case of Ernst Zundel and Marc Lemire and Terry Tremaine and numerous others where the Zionist media first does its preemptive smear campaign against whoever they wish to destroy and then follows up with the show trials (if they can find the proper legal lackeys to carry out their agenda).
It’s been five years plus now since I’ve been labouring to bring my views and concerns about the dangerous degree of control that the Zionist lobby in Canada has over our total governmental and media structure to the attention of the Canadian public. As such I would like to thank the Zionist Jew organization B’nai Brith Canada for their tireless persistence in keeping my story alive and in finally breaking it out of the years of silence and darkness that has, up to this point, shrouded it and kept it as secret as their own masonic identity is kept secret from the Canadian public.

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Psychopaths in Power: The Fight for Democracy in Canada by Robin Mathews

Psychopaths in Power: The Fight for Democracy in Canada
by Robin Mathews
April 22nd, 2012
It may not be ‚¬Ëœpoetic license‚¬â„¢ or science fiction to say the core group in the Stephen Harper cabinet is made up of psychopaths.
Lisa Raitt can argue with passion that destroying the democratic bargaining rights of employees in Canada is an act of virtue. She seems to have convinced herself that by making it possible for twenty-year olds to fly to a Florida beach in Spring Break she is up-holding the most basic freedom of Canadians ‚¬â€œ which must come before all else. She seems to be showing us, also, that the lies of psychopaths know no limits.
And she is showing, as well, that the Harper Conservatives will appeal to the sleaziest self-interest of Canadians in order to erode the rule of law in the country … and move it towards the condition of a police state.
Whatever else, we must realize the total strategy of the Harper government is a strategy of lies … as I shall attempt to show. Members of cabinet don‚¬â„¢t just use a lie here and there to cover a blunder here and there. Rather, the goals sought are governed by an over-arching policy of lies ‚¬â€œ planned, prepared, and executed. Policy is followed to invalidate Canadian freedom, to see it as obstructive of efficiency, and, ultimately, to repress any Canadian resistance to what is in fact a growing fascist state. Such a state unites private corporations and a governing elite into a ruling class supported by police and military forces ready and eager to erase violently any public resistance to elite policy.
Increasingly that kind of structure is multi-national. The sell-out of the democracy of Canadians is pursued on behalf of so-called ‚¬Å‘global‚¬Â interests. The Harper forces assist in the destruction of Canadian industrial operations like Stelco and Electro Motive Diesel to serve U.S. masters. And the Conservative Party employs ‚¬â€œ more and more ‚¬â€œ U.S. masters of deceit to assist in its determination to win elections by any kind of dishonesty, fraud, or malpractice.
The Conservative Party strategy of lies is supported with depressing consistency by the Mainstream Press and Media which actively supports it or overlooks it as a silly fault of a government trying to do its best for Canadians.

Conservative policy is not confined, by any means, to the inner cabinet. There is a democracy-destroying culture of the government (illegitimately) in power, a strategy of lies. In a recent conversation with an aide to a Conservative senator on the Energy and Environment committee, I witnessed that fact. We had a spirited conversation about the attack on environmental organizations by the Harper government. Did I know, she asked, that (charitable status organization) Tides Canada has many, many more employees than (charitable status organization) the Fraser Institute? (She gave me the exact numbers.)
I replied that Tides Canada lists all its donors. I reported to her that I have written to the Fraser Institute and asked for a list of its financial donors. The Fraser Institute refuses to reveal who pays for its operation ‚¬â€œ but the federal government continues to grant it charitable status. The aide with whom I was speaking expressed sudden surprise to hear my news. She can tell me the exact number of people employed by the Fraser Institute. But she doesn‚¬â„¢t know it keeps a tight lid on the names of its financial supporters, refusing to reveal to the public who donates. Quite simply, I didn‚¬â„¢t believe her.
The two poster boys for Psychopaths in Power are Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay ‚¬â€œ the two ends of the spectrum, one might say. They both have a basic characteristic of the psychopath. Truth, for them, is a tactic to be used sparingly. Lies usually sound better. Both men will say anything to cover embarrassing truth ‚¬Â¦ at the drop of a hat, as we say.
Peter Mackay is the Mulroney‚¬â„¢esque end of the spectrum. He expansive. He likes luxury. He important (?). He deserves the best (he thinks). He will say anything ‚¬â€œ whether he explaining his luxurious hotel accommodations, his rich use of the Royal Canadian Air Force as a taxi service, his commandeering of a search and rescue helicopter to deliver him from a fishing vacation, or the endlessly elastic costs of the non-existent F-35 warplane. On that subject he‚¬â„¢ll use anybody figures he deems useful at the time. He a ‚¬Å‘fibber‚¬Â who runs off at the mouth. But he ‚¬Å‘fun‚¬Â. He ‚¬Å‘likeable‚¬Â. So was ‚¬ËœLyin Brian‚¬â„¢ Mulroney.
His siamese twin is Stephen Harper. He, too, appears to believe lies sound better than the truth. So he avoids the truth when he can ‚¬Â¦ which is frequently. But he is not ‚¬Å‘fun‚¬Â. Many believe the depths of his will to deceive are almost bottomless.
Karlheinz Schreiber, lobbyist, arms-dealer, (now a convict in Germany) and much more, who was tangled with Brian Mulroney destiny over decades, filed an affidavit in Ontario Supreme Court in the week of November 5, 2007. In it he made allegations which involved his relations with Mulroney as prime minister. And he claimed he had written to Stephen Harper about extradition attempts and that he had asked Mulroney to intercede with Harper on his behalf.
Schreiber was alleged, in the words of Wikipedia, (relating to the purchase of Airbus planes for Air Canada) ‚¬Å‘to have arranged secret commissions to be paid to Brian Mulroney‚¬Â¦. There has never been any evidence produced to substantiate the allegation‚¬Â.
Very clearly, the Schreiber allegations of 2007 focussed the relation of Brian Mulroney and Stephen Harper. Closer examination might prove embarrassing. Stephen Harper quickly announced a Public Inquiry into the relation of Brian Mulroney and Karlheinz Schreiber. Harper chose Conservative university president David Johnston to set the terms of the Inquiry. Johnston, in effect, ruled out any serious approach to the subject of the purchase of Airbus planes for Air Canada. Johnston was appointed Governor General of Canada shortly after.
Mr. Justice Jeffrey Oliphant, appointed Inquirer, observed the limits of the Inquiry, judged the testimony of Brian Mulroney not believable, and was unable (as he saw the matter) to investigate the most serious allegations in the whole long and expensive affair. By deft manipulation ‚¬â€œ which some Canadians might believe desecrated Canadian justice and fairness ‚¬â€œ Stephen Harper disposed of the Karlheinz Schreiber/Brian Mulroney/Stephen Harper problem without ever permitting the key allegations against Brian Mulroney to be fully and fairly examined.
On the election-spending fraud of the 2006 election, Stephen Harper knew nothing (?). Funds flowed through 68 Conservative constituency offices, and he knew nothing about it. Though the Conservative Party admitted guilt and paid a fine for enormous fraud in the democratic process, the leader of the Conservative Party knew nothing about the fraud. The Robocall Scandal of the 2011 election ‚¬â€œ which was nationwide, planned, organized, all-out ‚¬â€œ happened without his knowledge. He went so far as to state publicly that it had nothing to do with Conservative Party headquarters. How did he know? If the Robocall Scandal happened without his knowledge, how does he know Conservative Party Headquarters knew nothing about it?
On the matter of the F-35 warplane anticipated purchase, he had to know the difference between the estimates of all government-related authorities in the matter of the F-35 and what he told Canadians in the 2011 campaign, giving a different figure that was flatly untrue. Those who allege he purposefully lied to Canadians during that campaign cannot be convincingly contradicted.
He juxtaposes his ‚¬Å‘truths‚¬Â in ways which are often offensive. Relations with China and the Harper government get closer and closer. China is a despotism. Its industrial capacity is supported by near slave-labour conditions. China response to dissent is jail without trial when it isn‚¬â„¢t outright violence and slaughter. The decent mind boggles when it thinks of the ordinary lives of tens of millions of Chinese people. To Stephen Harper, China is fine.
But ‚¬Å‘Socialist‚¬Â Cuba must be ostracized, cast out, kept from the Summit of the Americas even though all countries but the U.S. want Cuba included. Cuba offends Stephen Harper democratic principles, according to Harper himself. Democratic principles? No. As with the Kyoto Accord and almost every other policy of importance, Harper Cuba policy is made in Washington and in the offices of Goldman Sachs. The only time in recent history that Cuba could be placed in the same category as present China on the matter of human rights was in the period of Cuban despotism and terror fully supported by the U.S.A. before the arrival of the Castro government.
Stephen Harper apparent lying process is very different from that of Peter MacKay. Stephen Harper gives every indication of preparing lies. He appears to many to know he is uttering them. They don‚¬â„¢t flood from him the way Peter MacKay lies do. That is why Harper is an ‚¬Å‘um‚¬Â speaker. He ‚¬Ëœums‚¬â„¢, it may be argued, to pretend he doesn‚¬â„¢t know what he is going to say next. Harper pushes an ‚¬Å‘um‚¬Â along his sentences. He doesn‚¬â„¢t want his lies, an analyst might say, to sound glib. He wants them to sound thoughtful, shaped as he goes, and so he ‚¬Å‘ums‚¬â„¢ and ‚¬Å‘ums‚¬Â his way through sentences.
He might be said by experts to be the other end of the psychopath spectrum from Peter MacKay. He wants to look solid, dependable, measured. He wants to use his power effectively in his service of the big corporations. He wants the lie to become the truth ‚¬â€œ because he speaks it. He wants to look kind as he removes human rights and democratic protections from Canadians. But his long term lying is beginning to be evident.
Consider CBC. Consider the attack on environmental safety and groups advocating preservation of the environment.
James Moore, Heritage Minister, led what I believe is a long trajectory of lying about the CBC. If true, his behaviour supports the idea that lying is a significant strategy in long-term Harperite policy. Mr. Moore first showed great enthusiasm for the CBC, suggesting it would not face a cut in budget. Immediately after the (illegitimate) election of 2011 he remarked that the government ‚¬Å‘would maintain or increase support for the CBC‚¬Â. Then, months later, he admitted that in the overall 5% cut in the federal budget the CBC would have to carry its share of cost. Months later when the budget was finally presented ‚¬â€œ and examined, cuts to the CBC came, superficially, to more than 10%, and, arguably, when all losses are figured in, to nearly 20%. The Harper private corporate forces want to destroy public broadcasting in Canada. The process has long been worked out I believe, and a trail of lying ‚¬â€œ already begun will lead to achievement of the goal.
The greatest pattern of lies and denials of fact by Harper and his brood relate to the environment. They are completely complicit with what might be called the Goldman Sachs/large corporation denial of climate change, of Fukashima dangers, and of present ravages by industrial and military pollution of the environment.
From the time when the Liberals were in majority power, the Harper Conservatives have carried the torch for what is ‚¬â€œ despite cosmetic policies of ‚¬Å‘sustainability‚¬Â a general, North American, wealthy elite denial of present and future dangers to human life on the planet. The lying that has been unrelieved is now united with an open attack upon democratic freedoms and legal behaviour.
The slander against environmental groups with charitable status and the millions of dollars to be spent to investigate whether those organizations have been violating the ‚¬Ëœno political action‚¬â„¢ clause is a hoax. For the Harper government is not consistent enough to attack reactionary organizations with charitable status. There has been no mention of investigation of the Fraser Institute, Preston Manning organization, or others of the kind that visibly advocate on behalf of Conservative government policies and philosophy.
The same may be said for the new environmental review legislation. Huge corporations involved in the activities ‚¬â€œ whether in direct exploitation of the environment or in ‚¬Å‘sustainability‚¬Â and community concern groups ‚¬â€œ are treated as solemn, objective, publicly responsible organizations faced with rabid, undemocratic, secretly financed, near terrorist organizations called environmental concern groups.
The lies about the status of participants in the argument over environmental protection are not only supported by the Harper government but created and circulated by it. The lies are intended to create a long-term Orwellian false reality. As the public comes to accept it, military and police forces can be used to destroy violently any attempt at democratic expression.
And where are the Mainstream Press and Media editorial writers and columnists in all this sordid history? (A) Saying nothing. (B) Avoiding the subject. (C) Occasionally slightly perturbed ‚¬â€œ but almost never doing in-depth coverage in order to inform Canadians of the truth. (D) Or ‚¬Â¦ as is the case with Globe and Mail columnist Gary Mason, they reveal what seems to be a parroting of the arguments made by the Harper Reactionaries and their corporate friends. Doing the job? Covering up as directed? Producing more media sleaze to bamboozle readers?
In his Globe column (April 19, 2012, A17) ‚¬â€œ ‚¬Å‘A burden lifted but opposition remains‚¬Â, Gary Mason wakens the questions about himself that were asked by Marc Garneau of Peter MacKay. Can Gary Mason read? Can he understand the world he is in? Approving of the new, narrowed Harper environmental review policy that cuts out the provinces, Mason pretends that the people of the provinces may not have distinctly different concerns than the Harper government in Ottawa and may want a provincial platform to express them.
Democracy demands the participation of people concerned with policy measures taken on their behalf. In a democracy, governments must balance the power of large private corporations with wide open space for members of the population to be heard. Mason believes that ‚¬Å‘dozens and dozens of environmental groups ‚¬Â¦ making essentially the same point ‚¬Â¦. Merely drags out the process‚¬Â¦.‚¬Â
But dragging out the process is an important democratic activity. It happens in Parliament all the time in order to focus the attention of the population. It is a democratic political activity intended to inform a large public. It must be protected. Gary Mason opts for fascist efficiency ‚¬â€œ which is not efficiency at all but destructive policy to serve wealthy interests over the needs of the democratic population.
Since the reviews (in Mason mind) are undertaken merely to find if environmental damage, narrowly defined, may happen, Mason cheer-leads for Stephen Harper. There is no reason ‚¬Å‘why so many projects need to go though a two-step procedure‚¬Â, Mason avers. That is a way of saying there is no reason why democracy should be in place to serve the population when destroying democracy would be much more efficient for private, wealth-gathering corporations.
Cutting out environmental groups unless ‚¬Å‘they can prove they are directly affected ‚¬Â¦ isn‚¬â„¢t entirely evil‚¬Â, Mason instructs us. But a tanker accident near Alaska can affect the lives of Ontarians. A pipeline accident harming rivers may affect fish and the fishing industry in a huge area. Environmental disasters in one place can affect the whole world ‚¬â€œ which may be why Gary Mason never mentions the Fukashima disaster and its growing threat. If he did, he could never again talk the nonsense he does about those ‚¬Å‘directly affected‚¬Â. To suggest that environmental reviews are only concerned with those ‚¬Å‘directly affected‚¬Â, those living near proposed activity, is simply fraudulent. Gary Mason pushes the fraudulent claim. It is the new Orwellian position of the Harper government, cheered and urged on by Gary Mason in ‚¬Å‘Canada national newspaper‚¬Â. God help us.
To read columns like the Mason column in the Globe and Mail is to invite feelings of nausea and revulsion ‚¬Â¦ and anger.
Those must be the feelings of as many Canadians as possible. They must find a way to organize and to confront, effectively ‚¬â€œ and to turn back ‚¬â€œ the long-term policy of the Harper government ‚¬â€œ ‚¬Å‘the lying policy‚¬Â ‚¬â€œ the policy that is intended to make lies the truth in Canada.

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Law And The New Fascism In Canada by Robin Mathews

‘The soiled and disgraceful history of the Ministry of the Attorney General of B.C. since 2001 is a faithful representation of the assault on the rule of law and on the integrity of democratic government in Canada in the first 12 years of the century.’
~ Robin Mathews
Many people in Canada have never heard of Shirley Bond, B.C.’s Solicitor General, Minister of Public Safety, and Attorney General of the province. Nevertheless, she fits snugly into the new role of legislators – to block any acts of responsibility to the electorate, to cover up violations of trust by government, to sham the relation between large corporations and the legislators â€őowned” by the corporations.
She is presently insisting that her attempt to block the Auditor General from investigating all the circumstances of the â€őunconventional” $6 million pay-out to Defence Counsel in the Basi, Virk, and Basi (BC Rail Scandal) case is a demonstration of her full and willing cooperation with the Auditor General. Ms. Bond was Deputy Premier when the â€ődeal” was made to chop the (unfinished) trial in order to prevent cross-examination of top politicos and corporate actors … and to pay the costs of the convicted men – Dave Basi and Bobby Virk.
The Gordon Campbell/Christy Clark/Shirley Bond Liberal government will never get to the 2013 provincial election if the full story of the corrupt transfer of BC Rail to the CNR is told. Thus (I believe), we see Ms. Bond’s game of smoke and mirrors with law and with the integrity of the Ministry of the Attorney General.
The move in Canada – and globally, to destroy the rule of law, to assail rights of collective bargaining, to kidnap ownership of nationally-owned resources by multi-national elites, to turn police forces into â€őpalace armies”, to debase the democratic election process, to hand governing to private interests, and to sell off and ship out the sources of worthwhile employment (the industrial base) – has a number of names.
After the March 29th federal budget the Globe and Mail chose to call the move in Canada: â€őHarper’s modest revolution”. If the matter wasn’t so serious, the Globe’s characterization would be laughable. The Harper government (Air Canada, Postal Workers) has set about wrecking collective bargaining in Canada. The Harper forces admitted guilt to an attempted rig of the 2006 election (which should have caused major criminal charges, and has not).
The Harper government has been a party to the highly dubious sell-off of STELCO to U.S. interests, and the closing down of ELECTRO-MOTIVE DIESEL by recently new owner CATERPILLAR – after insulting the employees by offering them a 50% wage cut. And shortly before sale, a $5 million tax grant went to the Corporation from the Harper government. [With what behind-the-scenes agreements??] Expect more of the same under the Harper regime.
In the calculated and highly organized (alleged) Harper Party attempt to wreck the 2011 election through Robocall electronic tactics, another major attack was made upon the legitimacy of the election process in Canada. All indications point to the Conservative Party and its supporters as the major, overwhelmingly involved force engaged in election-wrecking. That must be said repeatedly. The bully-boy tactics of the people with organizations involved and by spokespeople for the Harper force in Parliament are intended, I believe, to stop Canadians from saying just that: every indication points to the Conservative Party and its supporters as creators of the latest attack upon the legitimacy of the election process in Canada.
In addition, using its proxy power in the Enbridge Corporation, the Harper forces are attacking freedom of assembly in Canada. In the North yesterday, the Northern Gateway hearing was closed down because, apparently, Enbridge representatives were offended by a school teacher and pupils showing signs opposed to the Gateway development. Enbridge was trying to say that they will not engage with the population democratically. They want militarized agreement with their corporate decisions.
Proof that the Harper government was in on the mini-blow against democracy is given by its complete silence in the face of the Enbridge action.
That is not nearly all. With this column, I am sending information that has come to me from Kelly Marie Richard. In short, she was (as she and I believe firmly) corruptly prevented from carrying out an action for Dental Malpractice by CGI (Information Technology firm with other widening interests), the RCMP, some of the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench judiciary, and others. Her allegation (extending from that experience) in what is attached with this column is, in short, that Stephen Harper is cutting budget and employees at Department of National Defense and Public Safety and is replacing with employees from CGI. Privatizing, secretly, operations of federal government.
Kelly Marie Richard has investigated CGI for some years and has recorded hundreds of CGI employees in Federal Government Departments and Crown Corporations WORKING FOR CGI.
We should not fail to recognize that since the taking of government in B.C. by what is fairly called the Gordon Campbell/Christy Clark forces (2001) ALL of the same kinds of moves have been visible in British Columbia – except, so far, proof of election rigging.
The breaches of trust, the violations of the rule of law, the contracts entered into (at least partly) in secrecy, the sell-out of wealth owned by the people of the province, the dirty cronyism, the cover-up of (perhaps) criminal activity within government, and much, much, much more are too vast and extensive to deal with here.
Here, I will deal with a centre devoted to the wreckage of the rule of law in British Columbia – by which I mean the Ministry of the Attorney General. Since the arrival of the Gordon Campbell/Christy Clark government it may be said that NOT ONE Attorney General has served without at least one (discovered) ugly, unprincipled action destroying the credibility of the Office. How many other violations of trust the Attorneys General have engaged in may come out in future investigations.
It has been said that the Attorney General preceding Shirley Bond resigned because he was pushed (apparently to act politically) by premier Christy Clark, and – perhaps – because he could read the writing on the wall … that the Liberals have no chance in the next election (2013). That may be so. But before going, he was charged with fiddling and delaying the HST referendum. And there is more ….
Not one … not one Attorney General since the arrival of the Gordon Campbell/Christy Clark government, I allege, has conducted himself or herself without reason on the part of the electorate strongly to suspect his/her actions.
Since Attorneys General hold a special and important place in relation to the rule of law, their unbroken failure since 2001 in B.C. is a symbol of the betrayal of democratic process in the country. Attorneys General have a key role. They are responsible for the courts and justice, and they are responsible for advising the cabinet on all matters of law in relation to any cabinet action. They sit both as cabinet members and – at the same time must have the integrity to insist upon fully lawful practice by cabinet.
It is a tough role that calls for integrity, principle, and calm.
Let us look at the record.
In 2003, Geoff Plant, Attorney General (2001-2005), and Allan Seckel, Deputy Attorney General, flagrantly violated the legislation governing the appointment of Special Prosecutors and appointed to the BC Rail Scandal Basi, Virk, and Basi case a man with whom they had both been partners and colleagues for years. As a result, nothing William Berardino did as Special (Crown) Prosecutor can be accepted. Any British Columbian who believes Mr. Berardino worked for the political ends of the Gordon Campbell/Christy Clark governments may fairly hold that belief.
Geoff Plant’s successor, Wally Oppal (2005-09), besmirched his reputation and position in at least two major ways. He did everything he could as Attorney General in the legislature and outside of it under questioning to insist every matter concerning the BC Rail Scandal was â€ősub judice” – that is to say in active consideration by the Courts. That was simply not true.
Wally Oppal a gem of an Attorney General
But as telling, in an attempt to get an action in process against the alleged Bountiful bigamists, he also violated the procedure to appoint Special (Crown) Prosecutors. He went â€őSpecial Prosecutor shopping”, which means he was determined to start a case whether experts believed a case was legitimate or not.
The first two â€ődistinguished” lawyers he approached said no case could be taken until a higher court ruled whether religious bigamy was permissible under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Mr. Oppal should have followed the advice of the first Special Prosecutor appointed. Instead, he went from Special Prosecutor to Special Prosecutor until he could get what he wanted – a trial (I believe, for purely political reasons).
When Mr. Oppal’s game was exposed in the first hours of the trial, the Supreme court judge stopped the action, then and there and, in effect, threw it out. A case conducted by the accused against Wally Oppal upheld the action to throw the case out of court and the decision that he had acted wrongfully.
As a result Wally Oppal was appointed to the lucrative post as Commissioner to head the Inquiry into the matters concerning the Vancouver Downtown Eastside women murdered at the Pickton Farm. Many believe it is a sham procedure in which Mr. Oppal prevents questions being asked about matters that would be embarrassing to police or government.
When Wally Oppal was defeated at the polls, he was succeeded as Attorney General by Michael de Jong (2009-10).
Clearly, people inside government were becoming aware that the British Columbia public were concerned the Special Crown Prosecutor process was being used for political ends by the Gordon Campbell government.
Related as suspected corruption but not as a link to the BC Rail Scandal, the new Solicitor General Kash Heed was alleged to have been involved in election irregularities. The Special Prosecutor appointed to look into his actions – Terrence Robertson was found to be in conflict of interest and was replaced by Special Prosecutor Peter Wilson.
Attorney General Michael de Jong decided to conduct a review of the Special Prosecutor appointment process. To do so, he went to a vice president of UBC. That was imprudent, since UBC is in a master/servant relation with the B.C. government which can – at any time – do harm to the operations of the university. A reviewer of government behaviour from UBC can be suspected of prejudice in his/her work. Stephen Owen’s Report did nothing to allay that suspicion.
Michael de Jong appointed Stephen Owen to do the review in May of 2010. Mr. Owen is a vice president in charge of relations with governments – a role that might well restrain him from making a judgement against the B.C. government.
I wrote Mr. Owen a formal letter on the matter of the wrongful appointment of William Berardino as Special Prosecutor in the Basi, Virk, and Basi case. Mr. Owen did not acknowledge my letter. He did not mention the Berardino matter in his review. He interviewed, however, Janet Winteringham who was a part of the Berardino prosecution team. And he interviewed Michael de Jong.
His report in July of 2010 recorded that â€őthere is pride and confidence in the special prosecutor system”. He said the process of appointment is appropriate. And he reported that â€őthe special prosecutor system in British Columbia works well in the public interest”.
When Michael de Jong left the Attorney General position, it was filled by Barry Penner from 2010 to 2011. News stories and commentary on the short time Barry Penner was Attorney General give the impression he was pushed by premier Christy Clark to act politically in the position. Mr. Penner is said to have pushed back, and then to have resigned from the legislature.
Nevertheless, seeking an opinion on the money paid for legal costs to employees of government who are convicted or who plead guilty to crimes, Attorney General Penner sought expert advice on that non-question. A school child could answer it.
He should not have sought a review from the President and Vice Chancellor of the University of British Columbia for the same reason Michael de Jong should not have sought advice from a Vice President of UBC. UBC is supported by the ever-changing budget of governments in power. UBC agents may be accused of  conflict of interest when they provide advice to B.C. government. They may be accused of toadying and seeking favour.
President and Vice Chancellor Stephen Toope should for the same reason – have refused. He should have told Attorney General Penner that there are nearly 11,000 lawyers at work in B.C., thousands of whom have no connection whatever to B.C. government. President Toope should have said ‘ â€őuse one of those lawyers”. He didn’t. He accepted the request. His acceptance, as I see it, was uneasy. For he wrote at the beginning of his report that he was â€őProfessor Stephen Toope”, and he wrote that he was responding â€őin my personal capacity” – which he probably knew was so much rhetorical nonsense. He could not – at will – cease to be the President and Vice Chancellor of UBC. Period.
He appears to me to have done in his review more gently what Stephen Owen did in his – that is, okay government behaviour. Observe what he writes:
â€őthe Ministry of Attorney General officials have worked diligently to respond to requests for indemnification that require the exercise of discretion. Using firmly established common law method, the officials charged with exercising discretion have justified their decisions by drawing out principles present in existing cases and analogizing those principles to new circumstances. [My capital letters.] AS FAR AS I CAN TELL FROM THE DOCUMENTS TO WHICH I HAVE HAD ACCESS, THE RESULTS TO DATE HAVE BEEN PRINCIPLED….” (p. 29)
A wise Attorney General would have accepted that document and been very content with it. But Barry Penner had resigned. Shirley Bond had become the new Attorney General and received the report from President and Vice Chancellor of UBC, Stephen Toope. She decided to push the matter a little further, not content with the victory won.
She wrote a letter to Stephen Toope after receiving the Report. And she asked him a question which he publishes. President Toope should have included the whole letter from Shirley Bond, but he only included the question.
Her question, in short, asked if government employees are convicted or plead guilty, should government require that the employees pay back, (the term used is to provide â€őreimbursement” of) the money paid for their costs during the case?
President and Vice Chancellor Stephen Toope replies in no uncertain terms: the convicted should pay back. In his letter to Attorney General Shirley Bond on November 8, 2010 he writes the following:
â€ő…my view is that for criminal indemnities, conviction (including the case of a guilty plea) should trigger a claim for full reimbursement. Guilt in a criminal case necessarily means that a public servant was not acting in the scope of his or her duties or in the course of employment. No BC government employment duty can require the commission of a criminal offence. No valid purpose articulated in any report would be served by allowing indemnification in such cases, because there is no public interest in protecting the public servant from the full consequences (including financial consequences) of criminal liability.
It follows that the requirement of reimbursement in the case of criminal conviction should be mandatory and not the subject of the exercise of discretion.”
That has placed Attorney General Shirley Bond in a tough position, for her government has decided to engage in â€őthe exercise of discretion” and to pay the $6 million costs of the two men who pled guilty to criminal offences. The statements of the President and Vice Chancellor of UBC, in addition, add power to the requests of the Auditor General of B.C. for all information leading to the payment of that sum.
But Shirley Bond knows, I think, that the payment – as it stands – cannot be defended, for it was, in effect – many, many British Columbians believe – a payment of hush money, a payment to get the accused out of the courtroom, and the trial ended, before other, higher placed government and corporate officials became involved in charges of wrongdoing. The â€őexercise of discretion” in that case was used to protect the powerful wrongdoers in the BC Rail Scandal. It was undertaken to block and prevent the fair administration of justice. And so Shirley Bond, under the protestation of giving every help possible to the Auditor General, appears to be blocking every access to information about the process of agreeing to the payment.
She is the last (and the present) Attorney General since 2001. And she appears to be hip-deep in abuse of the powers of the Ministry of the Attorney General. She is keeping the foul reputation of the Gordon Campbell/Christy Clark Ministry of the Attorney General alive … and flourishing.
Since the beginning of the Gordon Campbell/Christy Clark Liberal government in B.C., it has been perfectly in accord with the ideology and practice of the Stephen Harper neoliberals in Ottawa. That is why Gordon Campbell was made Canadian High Commissioner in London after he was forced out of the premiership in B.C.
That is why Christy Clark has hired Harper aides to be her closest advisors and why she exults in photo-ops with Stephen Harper.
The soiled and disgraceful history of the Ministry of the Attorney General of B.C. since 2001 is a faithful representation of the assault on the rule of law and on the integrity of democratic government in Canada in the first 12 years of the century. Unless the direction is reversed, the country may expect deeply troubled times marked by violence and increasing class conflict.

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The Missing Women Fiasco. British Columbia Corruption.

Reasonable people today are reading ‘The Real Story’, Ian Reid’s blog, and they’re reading ‘The Straight Goods’ blog by the Powell River Persuader (posted Feb 17, 2012). That’s where the big, important B.C. news is today. News about the looting of BC Hydro, with details; and the lying of the premier, Christy Clark, about the budget of the B.C. Court System. As well, in those reports, there is news of the painful and corrosive failure of the Mainstream Press and Media to do its job in British Columbia.
Ian Reid and the Powell River Persuader are dealing with the important news because they are talking about the real collapse of democracy and the rule of law in British Columbia. Primary issues.
The stories today spread out and take in the apparently well-meaning and apparently seriously pursued ‘Inquiry’ into the Missing (murdered) Women of Vancouver’s Downtown East End. The multiple murders were overlooked for years and years by the RCMP and the Vancouver police.
I say the ‘apparently well-meaning’ Inquiry because I don’t for a tenth of a second believe the Inquiry is well-meaning. I believe it is a huge whitewash and snow-job, a huge public relations boondoggle … costing British Columbians millions of dollars.
Begin at the beginning. The Commissioner of the Inquiry is Wally Oppal. Wally Oppal was a Supreme Court judge and an Appeals Court judge in British Columbia. He did a large Inquiry into policing in British Columbia. He jumped from the court into the Liberal Party of Gordon Campbell and became the Attorney General of the Province. Obviously he was one of the best informed law officers in the Province.
As Attorney General he spent much time in my judgement -preventing the legislature from having reasonable information through answers to questions asked in session and in the foyers of the legislature about the B.C. Rail Scandal and the connected criminal case against government aides Dave Basi, Bobby Virk, and Aneal Basi. In my opinion Oppal disgraced the position of Attorney General, made it a clown’s role and a ridiculously partisan charade. In my opinion he refused to answer perfectly acceptable questions which he had an obligation to answer as Attorney General.
Wally Oppal. Bureaucratic bozo or bagman for the butcher?
But he got caught. And so we can move beyond political analysis and my opinion to fact … undoubted fact.
Wanting to make a case against the alleged bigamists in the Bountiful settlement in B.C., Oppal set to work to have a case taken against them. [I happen to believe he did so to garner approval for the Campbell government, deteriorating in public regard. Playing a political game with justice.]
The process for taking such a case is for the Attorney General to go to a distinguished private lawyer and to place the matter in his/her hands. In that way, government is saying ‘we think there is grounds here for action, but to make sure it is not seen as a political move, we place it in the hands of reputable counsel who will make the decision to proceed or not to proceed ON THE BASIS OF LAW. The Special Prosecutor we appoint will make the decision.’
Wally Oppal went to lawyer (Special Prosecutor) number one. The lawyer said don’t take a case. First Canada has to know if the Charter of Rights and Freedoms says that bigamy as an expression of Religious Faith is acceptable. No case can be fought until that matter has been decided. So Wally Oppal went to another lawyer. Wally Oppal wanted a case. The second lawyer said exactly what the first lawyer said: don’t take a case until Canada knows what the Charter of Rights and Freedoms says about bigamy as an expression of Religious Faith.
And so Wally Oppal went to another lawyer appointed as Special Prosecutor. And third time good luck for Oppal! That lawyer said that he’d take a case, now, against the Bountiful bigamists. Wally Oppal wanted action, we may believe, for political reasons not for reasons of the administration of justice.
The case against the bigamists of Bountiful began in B.C. Supreme Court. Counsel for the Defence pointed out to the judge that Wally Oppal, Attorney General of the Province, the highest law officer of the Crown, had refused the decision of two appointed Special Prosecutors, had gone around them to a third, until he had a case before her.
The judge on the case didn’t waste any time. She referred to Wally Oppal’s Special Prosecutor shopping to what was, in fact, the misuse of the whole process. And she threw the case out of court right then and there. Done.
The accused took a case against Mr. Oppal and his government and won it. The wrong done in the Wally Oppal-attempted Bountiful bigamy case was underscored.
It doesn’t matter what you or I think about the bigamy of the Bountiful community. What matters is that the Attorney General of the province, Wally Oppal, (a former judge of the Supreme Court and the Appeals Court of B.C.) was found to be attempting to have a case in the Supreme Court of B.C. that may fairly, I think, be called a rigged trial. The judge thought so, too, apparently, and threw it out, without a moment’s delay.
That event, and the case taken by the accused … and won … should have been the basis upon which all authorities in British Columbia determined that Wally Oppal had disgraced his position and his status and must never again receive an appointment of significance from the British Columbia government.
Instead, he was named to be the Commissioner to head the Inquiry into the whole history and ‘policing’ of the Downtown Eastside Missing Women. Why?
Begin at the beginning. An RCMP investigating officer told the Missing Women Inquiry on February 15 that Robert Pickton was murdering in 1991. He went on murdering until arrested more than ten years later. Dozens of women (and how many victims of Organized Crime?) were disposed of at the Pickton farm. Fed to the pigs.
And the only person who knew anything about it was Robert Pickton. Police officers allegedly drove women to the Pickton Farm parties. There were many, apparently raunchy parties. Many ‘respectable’ people attended. Some of the Downtown Eastside women disappeared and the police officers never put two and two together? Only Robert Pickton knew.
Robert Pickton Patsy for the criminal cartel?
Tips were given to police. Witnesses reported seeing evidence of violence and murder to police. Over years. Nothing was ever done. Only Robert Pickton was ever charged. Only he knew anything about the murderous activities there.
I don’t believe it.
Questions have to rear up. Were the RCMP and the Vancouver Police Department using the Pickton Farm the Pickton Death Camp as a way of cleaning the Downtown East Side of unwanted women? Did the RCMP and the Vancouver Police Department, at highest levels, know all about the activity at Pickton Farm? Did they know about and approve of Organized Crime disposing of victims at the Pickton Farm?
Vancouver’s finest. Collusion or simply inept?
Those are questions that should be a major focus of any Inquiry into the history of the Missing (murdered) Downtown Eastside women.
Questions. Questions. What were the police connections with Robert Pickton? What were the connections of the police with the Pickton Farm Party Goers? The names of all the people who attended there? The connections of police to criminal elements wishing to use the farm for criminal purposes? Their names? The names of people (police officers and others) who transported women to the farm and to its parties? Bring forward the names of officers who were given information and who rejected search and inquiry with the thoroughly investigated names of all their non-police connections? What are the names of people guilty of failing to do their duty? What is the full story of DNA on the farm not connected to missing women but connected to victims of organized crime?
Certainly the Commissioner should be preparing to recommend further criminal investigation, charges, and heavy disciplinary actions.
Don’t be silly. That is not what Wally Oppal wants to do. As Ian Mulgrew, Vancouver Sun columnist (Feb 16, 2012, p. A5) tells us: ‘The former justice wants to write a report that addresses the problems created by B.C.’s patchwork policing structure, the structural cracks that hampered homicide and missing-women cases and the need to build better relationships between the police and the community, especially with the minority aboriginal population.’
The former justice, in effect, wants to write a report that will cost millions of dollars and that will (we may predict) be put aside and have absolutely no effect on policing in the province. But it will have served to get those who want justice done off the backs of the government and its friends.
Mulgrew (as if taking dictation from some of the people who appointed Wally Oppal) goes on to tell his readers that ‘Granted, it [will not be] the kind of self-righteous report denouncing the cops and prosecutors so many, many critics would like….’
Why suddenly is a strong desire for justice and fairness on the part of British Columbians ‘self-righteous’? I believe it is called self-righteous by Ian Mulgrew because I believe his aim in the column is to get people in the Inquiry away from asking really pertinent questions and on to asking, instead, empty, vapid, useless questions that can be answered in an empty, vapid, useless Report written by the Commissioner who never should have been appointed in the first place.
Ian Mulgrew has never, to my knowledge, questioned (as he should have) the appointment of Wally Oppal as Commissioner. When he refers to legitimate demands participants are making to know about culpability, to hear important witnesses, to get full police disclosure, to see the apparently, suddenly non-existent police notes of meetings and activities, to hold real individuals to account for failures of professionalism, he brushes them aside as irrelevant to the Inquiry as it has been set up.
Ian Mulgrew airbrush hack cover-up artist for Canada’s controlled msm
Ian Mulgrew should be asking why the Inquiry wasn’t set up to do a real job. He should be asking what is going on with a multi-million dollar Inquiry that is bent on avoiding the most important questions and (apparently) covering up for police forces and others connected to police who failed dramatically, demonstrably, and shamefully to do their fundamental duty to society.
He is showing himself a perfect member of the Mainstream Press and Media in British Columbia, in my judgement failing monumentally in the task a law reporter should undertake. That task is to see through all the smoke and mirrors, all the fake and frivolous appointments, all the prepared cover-ups and to report the facts to the readers without fear or favour.
But that kind of work is rarely done by any Mainstream journalist in British Columbia.
By some kind of journalistic accident (for B.C.) Sam Cooper revealed in the Feb 10 Victoria Times Colonist how a major question in the Inquiry was squashed and pushed aside by Commissioner Wally Oppal. It had to do with an RCMP corporal admitting he was tipped off that a Hells Angels associate ‘was chopped up in a meat grinder on the [Pickton] farm and fed to the pigs.’(page A9). That tip was not investigated.
Equally as strangely, Sam Cooper writes in his story, ‘lawyer Jason Gratl was shut down by Commissioner Wally Oppal’, and ‘Oppal cut in, telling Gratl he did not see the relevance of the Hell’s angels questioning, and asked the government lawyer if she would like to rise to object’.
When the presiding officer asks someone if he or she wants to rise to protest … you know what’s happening. The presiding officer is determined to stop the questioning one way or another. Why would Inquiry Commissioner Wally Oppal want to cut off very serious questions about the relation of Organized Crime to the Pickton Farm murders? Why?
Bill Hiscox, who tipped police off early in the troubles said as Sam Cooper reports it in the Times Colonist ‘investigating officers like Conner ‘had their hands tied’ by ‘higher ups’’.
Okay. British Columbians want to know all about that. Which higher ups? And why didn’t investigating officers like Conner refuse to have their hands tied? And why aren’t those people going to be recommended for serious discipline or criminal charges?
British Columbians may be assured, I believe, that those people will not be dealt with, and British Columbians will not be told anything about those things if Wally Oppal can help it. And they may be assured, I believe, that Ian Mulgrew will do everything he can to support Wally Oppal in not telling anything important.
British Columbians may be almost perfectly sure that Ian Mulgrew will go on writing columns like the one he wrote on February 16, a column that legitimizes a know-nothing, do-nothing Inquiry.
Look at the larger picture. Look at it.
Millions upon millions of your dollars are being spent to cover up, I insist, the real events and the people, beside Robert Pickton, responsible in the Pickton Farm murders.
Millions and millions of your dollars were spent, many believe, to cover up the people really guilty of Criminal Breach of Trust in the BC Rail Scandal and in the connected trial of the three accused, lower-order aides in the Basi, Virk, and Basi trial. The RCMP formally refused to investigate Gordon Campbell and others responsible for the corrupt transfer of BC Rail to the CNR (which happened when premier Christy Clark was deputy premier of the province).
The Auditor General of B.C. had to go to court to get information that should have been handed him without delay on the spending in the BC Rail Scandal case and he is still investigating.
Millions and millions of dollars of your money have been looted from B.C. Hydro in ‘accounting’ shifts that almost certainly would eventuate in charges, at least, of Criminal Breach of Trust, I believe. The Auditor General of B.C. has in fact condemned, for years, the so-called book-keeping of B.C Hydro.
Nothing is being investigated in BC Hydro by any police forces in British Columbia.
BC Ferries has been ‘privatized’. The word to describe what has been done might better be ‘criminalized’. Millions of your dollars have been looted, misspent, otherwise ‘relocated’ and no police force in British Columbia is investigating.
But all is not lost! Vancouver Police Chief Jim Chu spurred on by an apparently revenge-seeking Christy Clark who wants an on-going movie made of the trials is spending millions and millions of your dollars to try dumb, reckless, stupid ‘rioters’ after the Stanley Cup game. Those people are not ‘criminal’ in anything like the serious way almost all the others being protected are, who are almost certainly criminals, hard at their work.
Almost all the people Jim Chu is spending millions of your dollars to squeeze through the over-crowded and failing court system would never break the law again in their lives if left alone. That one dumb night of folly would be their ‘criminal’ history.
What we are seeing, I’m afraid, is the 1% and their servants beating up on the 99% to make it look as if Law and Justice are being served in British Columbia. Instead Law and Justice are being fouled, distorted, suborned, erased, trampled upon and made to serve the very kinds of criminal they were set up to apprehend and remove from society.
The big news today is about the looting of B.C. Hydro, on the blog of the Powell River Persuader. And it’s about the lying of premier Christy Clark regarding the funding to the courts of British Columbia, on the blog of Ian Reid.
The real story about the Inquiry into the Missing (murdered) Women of the Vancouver Downtown East Side is interesting. But it’s a secondary story today.
Or is it…?

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THANK YOU CANADA AND NATO: You Murdered My Precious Family

[Editor’s Note: By the time I had put together all the photos, uploaded them and got the text of the article checked over I was pretty well exhausted and overcome emotionally and mentally by a gnawing, nauseating sense of the grossly sordid and evil nature of what Canadian has done to the innocent, gentle people of Libya. I have never felt so ashamed of my country in my entire 65 years of living here. The utter disgust and loathing that I now feel for Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and all those MPs who voted to go along with the criminal, Zionist-controlled North Atlantic Terrorist Organization (NATO) agenda of war and destruction goes beyond any descriptive words that I could possibly dredge up from the darkest, foulest thesaurus in existence.
Harper’s actions, as the so-called â€őleader” of this once semi-civilized nation, have so degraded the country in the eyes of the non-NATO world that I am literally embarrassed to call Canada my home any longer. Such absolute repugnance for another human being I never thought possible until the reality of what he and his governing party of psychopathic war criminals have done to the once prosperous and peaceful nation of Libya finally sunk in to my heart and mind.
I can only wonder and stand in awe and silence at the horrible intensity of grief that Khaled El Hamedi must feel knowing that his precious, loved, pregnant wife and his sweet, darling babies were all blow to pieces in a split second because of the monstrously evil and deliberately vile terrorist decisions of our elected officials in Ottawa. And I include every single one of those miserable excuses for members of parliament who never spoke out against Harper and his Zionist, boot-licking traitorous sycophants.
Every MP in Ottawa who didn’t have the courage and heart to vote against the decision to join NATO in its wanton killing spree stands accused of complicity in committing war crimes. Each and every one of them ought to be arrested and then given a fair and just trial and hopefully found guilty. And once convicted the whole worthless lot of them should either be strung up from the nearest and tallest tree available on Parliament Hill or else sent to Iraq or Libya or Afghanistan to spend the remainder of their destitute days doing penance by having to remove, bare handed, all the DU contaminated rubble now littering the landscape of those innocent nations!
This former nation of â€őpeacekeepers” Canada has, thanks to the criminal insanity of the Harper Conservatives and their lackeys, plummeted to the lowest depths of demonic depravity ever and those responsible for this degeneracy deserve to be treated by all peace-loving, decent Canadians as a hostile, renegade, traitorous and alien power.
Never has this country ever had such a sick mind leading it. If Harper were a dog it would be time to put him out of his misery. It’s little wonder that he’s forever suck-holing and groveling at the feet of the leader of that racist, war-mongering shitty little piece of stolen real estate in the middle of Palestine called â€őIsrael”. Between himself and his unctuous, fat-assed side-kick Jason Kenney they’ve both managed to drag the (now) bloodstained country I once proudly called home down to the same gut-wrenching, nauseous level of savagery as the psychopaths from Tel Aviv.
At this point all I can say is WAKE UP CANADA! Wake up before this seditiously sick, Zionist-worshipping excuse for a human being destroys Canada once and for all. And yes, I know my words may appear to some unduly harsh but God knows they are all I have available at this point to voice the intense loathing for what this national disgrace has done to my former democratic, peace-loving nation. We once held in our hands a priceless pearl of beauty and now this traitor in Ottawa has thrown it to the swine of deception, greed, murder and destruction.]
Uprooted Palestinians
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Return to Sorman Anatomy of a NATO war crime
Franklin Lamb
Sorman, Libya
It was a warm early Monday morning along the Libyan coast on June 20, 2011.
At approximately 0200 GMT the next day in NATO Headquarters in Brussels and 30 minutes later in its media center in Naples, staffers finished tabulating NATO’s 92nd day of aerial attacks on Libya and began to post the data on its website (
Twenty four hours earlier an Atlantic Alliance command unit, located approximately 30 miles off the Libyan coast, in a direct line with Malta, and NATO’s targeting unit had signed off on 49 bombing missions for June 20th, the last day of spring and the last day of NATO’s original UN bombing mandate.
NATO carnage in Tripoli
The authority for NATO’s bombing, which far exceeded earlier estimates, killing or wounding of between 90,000-120,000 Libyans and foreigners, and the displacement of more than two million Libyans and foreign workers was claimed from the hastily adopted UN Security Council Resolutions 1970 and UNSCR 1973. UN resolutions 1970 & 1973 gave NATO UN Chapter 7 authority to enforce a no-fly zone over Libyan airspace, initially for 90 days which ironically ended the day before its bombing at Sorman.
The two UN Security Council Resolutions were insisted upon by their main sponsors, France, the UK, Italy and the US who claimed that ”a limited no-fly zone would protect Libya’s civilian population from the wrath of the government of Libya’s leader, Muammar Gadhafi.” NATO requested and was granted two additional 90 days extensions to continue its Libyan mission which gave its air force until the end of 2011 to continue Operation Unified Protector.
It was early Monday morning, June 20, 2011.
google of sabatha
Sorman Libya. A quiet and peaceful Libyan town, Sorman is located 45 miles west of Tripoli, near the Mediterranean coast, in the Zawiya District of the Tripolitania region in northwestern Libya. Many of the town’s children grew up exploring the 3rd Century truly magnificent Roman Ruins at nearby Sabratha.
Some archeologists consider Sabratha, located almost in direct line with Rome across the Mediterranean, and built on a high cliff above the sea, as the most complete extant Roman architecture with only a small part of this large Roman city having been excavated. This observer has visited Sabratha a few times since the mid-1980 and each visit presents more awe. Families from Sorman and nearby villages regularly visit and picnic there.
In the early hours of June 20, 2011 it was dark in Sorman except for some muted half-moon light. A few dim street lights and some partially illumined homes in provided some light as residents began to rise and prepare for the Al Fajr (â€őDawn”) prayers.
Khaled el Hamedi
Khaled El Hamedi, President of the International Organization
for Peace, Care and Relief
At the homestead of Khaled K. El Hamedi, the 37 year old President of the International Organization for Peace, Care & Relief (IOPCR), one of Libya’s most active social service organizations everyone was asleep following a rambunctious birthday party for his three year old son. The Hamedi family members included Khaled’s three year and one day old son Khweldi, four and one half year old daughter Khaleda, his beautiful pregnant wife Safa, his aunt Najia, and his six year old niece Salam, among others.
At NATO’s Control and Command Center, the 49 bombing missions planned for early morning of June 20, included a target at Sorman, which would push the number of NATO reconnaissance sorties over Libya to 11,930. This number would become 26,500 by midnight on October 31, when NATO would end its air campaign. The days bombing sorties would also bring the tally of rocket and bombing targets to 4,521. This figure would increase to more than 11,781 by late fall, when NATO was instructed to end OUP (Operation Unified Protector).
NATO’s prepares to bomb Dorman’s â€őcommand and control center”
Before the bombs were fired at Khaled K. el-Hamedi compound, NATO staff conducted a six step process the first of which was surveillance using the MQ-9 Reaper UAV, which sometimes is also used to fire missiles. Also above Sorman was the Predator drone with full-motion video. During June 19 and the early hours of June 20, the drones locked on the Hamedi homestead target and relayed updated information to NATO’s command center.
The Hamedi home was not what NATO labels a â€őtime-critical target” so there was plenty of time for its staff to transmit information about the site from unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to intelligence analysts. Almost certainly, according to a source at Jane’s Weekly, NATO UAV’s watched the Hamedi compound over a period of days and presumably observed part of the birthday party being held for three old Huweldi, the day before the order to bomb was issued.
NATO Rules of Engagement for Operation United Protector, constitute a set of classified documents which present specific and detailed instructions about what is a legitimate target and who can approve the target, whether pre-planned or â€őon the fly” when a pilot happens upon a target of opportunity.
The Sorman attack on the Hamedi home was planned as part of what NATO calls its â€őJoint Air Tasking Cycle (JATC). A target development team put the Hamedi home on the June 20th daily list of targets.
The team used a report from NATO intelligence analysts who determined that retired officer Khaled al Hamedi’s father, one of the original members of the Gadhafi led 1969 coup against King Idris in 1969, and a former member of the Al Fatah Revolution’s Revolutionary Command Council was living on the property. His assassination had been ordered by NATO because they hoped to weaken the regime in some way even though the senior Hamedi was retired and had no decision making role in Libya.
On June 19, the day before bombing attack on the Hamedi family at Sorman, NATO was obliged by its own regulations and by the international law of armed conflict to conduct aâ€őpotential for collateral damage review” of this mission.
There is no evidence that this was every done.
A requested US Congressional NATO Liaison Office review of the Sorman bombing, initially requested from Libya on August 2, was completed in early September 2011 and found no documentary evidence or other indication that Bouchard or anyone in NATO’s Target Selection Unit, evaluated, discussed, or even considered the subject of potential civilian casualties at the Hamedi home in Sorman.
Following Bouchard’s green light to bomb the Hamedi home, the coordinates were fixed at 32°45′24″N 12°34′18″E . Specific aim points on the Hamedi property were chosen and eight bombs and missiles were readied and attached to the strike aircraft.
At Sorman, NATO used a variety of bombs and missiles including the â€őbunker busting” BLU-109 (Bomb Live Unit) which is designed to penetrate 18 feet of concrete. NATO also used the American MK series of 500 lb, (MK 81) 1000 lb, (MK-82) and the 2000 lb (MK-84) that Israel used so widely during its 2006 invasion of Lebanon. The MK series and the BLU-109 are reportedly being stockpiled in Israel is preparation for both countries anticipated next war in this region.
Following the infernal at Sorman, NATO denied responsibility but the next day NATO admitted carrying out an air strike somewhere in Sorman but denied that there were civilian deaths even as its drones filmed the scene close up. NATO’s media office in Naples issued a statement claiming â€őA precision air strike was launched against a high-level command and control node in the Sorman area without collateral damage.” NATO spokespersons also told Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch that â€őthe facility was a legitimate military target and that all necessary precautions were taken before conducting the strike which minimized any potential risk of causing unnecessary casualties’.
The official NATO record of its bombing of Libya for June 20, 2011 reads as follows and remains unchanged:
â€őAllied Joint Force Command NAPLES, SHAPE, NATO HQ.
Over the past 24 hours, NATO has conducted the following activities associated with Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR:
Air Operations Sorties conducted 20 JUNE: 149
Strike sorties conducted 20 JUNE: 52
Key Hits
20 JUNE: In the vicinity of Tripoli: 1 Command & Control Node, 8 Surface-To-Air Missile Launchers,
1 Surface-To-Air Missile Transport Vehicle. In the vicinity of Misratah: 3 Truck-Mounted Guns, 2 Self-
Propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns, 1 Tank. In the vicinity of Tarhunah: 1 Military Equipment Storage Facility. In the vicinity of Al-Khums: 1 Military Vehicle Storage Facility. In the vicinity of Zintan: 1 Rocket Launcher.”
Oddly, NATO records for June 20th as well as subsequent reports of bombing attacks listed for June 20th and June 21st in its daily logs have never included the bombing attack on Sorman or the attack on the Al-Hamedi residence which indisputably killed 15 civilians.
Just before the bombs hit, eye witnesses, reported seeing red specks in the sky and then flashes of intense light, immediately followed by thunderous ear splitting blasts as eight American bombs and rockets pulverized their neighbors homestead.
In an instant Khaled El Hamedi’s family was dead. The children were crushed, blown apart or shredded into pieces, along with friends and extended family members who had slept overnight.
The attack resulted in killing a total of 13 people and injuring 6 people with severe injuries:
1 – Eng./ Safa Ahmed Mahmoud, wife of Eng. Khaled El Hamedi
2 Child / Khaleda Khaled El Khweldi El Hamedi (4 and half years). (Daughter)
3 Child / El Khweldi Khaled El Khweldi El Hamedi (3 years and one day ). ( Son)
4 Child / Salam Mohamed Nouri El Hamedi (6 years). the niece of Eng. Khaled ElHamedi
5 Njie Belkacem El Hamedi, the aunt of Eng. Khaled El Hamedi
6 Child / Amnha Issam Jomaa (8 years). The daughter of the neighbor
7 Child / Amira Issam Jomaa (8 months). The daughter of the neighbor
8 Mohammed M’hamed El Hamedi . The cousin of Eng. Khaled El Hamedi
9 Imad Abu Aoueigila Trabelsi. The house guard
10 Abdullah Al Nabi. The house guard
11 Bashir Isaac Ali (Sudan). Working cook at the house
12 Aisha Al Cleih (Morocco). Housekeeper
13 Bushra Yali (Morocco). Housekeeper
1- Mr. Khweldi El Hamedi badly injured in his leg (Father )
2- Mrs. Khweldi El Hamedi badly injured in her arms and joints (Mother )
3- Msra Khweldi El Hamedi, student at Medical College, badly injured and had a
complicated surgery in her mouth (Sister)
4- Ayaa Mahmoud ( Cousin )
5- Fathiya , badly injured and lost her leg ( Babysitter from Morocco)
6- Moftah Elgmatti , several injuries in his legs and had a number of operations (driver)
Khaled was working late, attending meetings with displaced Libyans driven from their homes and urgently in need of IOPCR help. As he returned home, Khaled saw from his car window the sky light up and heard exploding bombs. He was frozen in horror as he entered his property and observed rescue workers frantically digging and futilely trying to move the thick concrete slabs of his home hoping against hope that they would miraculously find survivors.
Libyan government spokesman Mousa Ibrahim announced the death of 13 people, including six children, who were killed at Sorman. He slammed the NATO bombing as a ‘cowardly terrorist act which cannot be justified.’ Investigators, who visited Sibratha hospital 10 kilometers from Sorman, saw nine bodies, including three young children. They also saw body parts including a child’s head.
For those who visited the El Hamidi family compound back in June following the NATO bombings, as this observer did less than a week after the crime as part of an international delegation, the scene was one of total devastation.
Collapsed and blown apart concrete and tiled homes, small body parts, and bits of family belongings and memorabilia, trees, some blown over, others bending and nearly denuded of their foliage, dead, terrified and dying petting zoo animals, including exotic birds, Ostrich, Deer, small animals and large moose killed or left near death and most in a blind stupor staring blankly from what remained of their shelters while dying of wounds and from trauma.
Outside one of the bombed houses I noticed crushed cartons of spaghetti pasta and cans of tomato sauce, stockpiled for distribution to the needy as part of the work of IOPCR during the summer and in preparation for the coming Holy month of Ramadan observances which includes doing performing charitable works and individual humanitarian acts.
Under growing pressure from the international community including NATO member states, NATO HQ claimed equipment malfunction, missed target, poor intelligence and pilot errors. Finally US Defense secretaries Gates and his replacement, Leon Panetta admitted that NATO lacked effective intelligence on the ground to identify military targets with certainty. Former Defense Secretary Gates, in criticizing NATO’s operation in Libya implied that NATO used a ‘bomb first ask questions later’ paradigm in Libya. And this appears to have been the case.
These excuses in no way absolve NATO and its 28 NATO member states of responsibility.
Canadian Lieutenant General Charles Bouchard insists to this day that only Libya’s military was targeted: ‘This important strike will greatly degrade Gadhafi regime forces’ ability to carry on their barbaric assault against the Libyan people,” he told the media from his office in Brussels. The civilian deaths at Sorman came just hours after NATO acknowledged that one of its missiles had gone astray early on Sunday, hitting a residential neighborhood of Tripoli.
At the request of Khaled El Hamedi, himself being sought by Libya’s new government, and aware that I was going to return to Sorman, I felt honored as I made my way to his loved ones’ grave sites on the family homestead where he and I first met, in order to deliver a message from him to his loved ones.
Picking my way through debris in the dark, under the cold and suspicious eyes of a couple of local militiamen, I stood at the same spot, where on June 27th his family’s freshly dug graves bore witness to what Khaled was describing to our shocked delegation concerning the details of the horror and hellfire that NATO unleashed upon his family.
Back in June I had moved to the rear of our group as Khaled spoke to us about the loss of his babies, his beauties and his precious pregnant wife. I was embarrassed because for some reason, uncontrollable tears would not stop streaming down my face and, despite averting my eyes, I saw that Khaled noticed. I was touched when this young man, to whom I was a total stranger, came to me and put his arm around my shoulder in comfort. Clearly he understood that each of us can feel the pain of others, even of strangers, as well as connect them with our own losses of loved ones in life.
Later, as I learned more about Khaled’s family and saw their most expressive and revealing photos, I came to believe that with respect to the wanton criminal aggression that caused thousands of needless deaths of innocents over the period of nearly nine months against this simple, gentle society, that Najia, Safa, Salam, Khaleda, and Khweldi, and the others slaughtered at Sorman, are forever iconic representatives of all the innocent civilians who were slaughtered in Libya since March 2011.
During my recent visit to Sorman, I stood at the same location as last June. I surveyed the area and then approached the graves of Najia, Safa, Salam, Khaleda, and Khweldi. In the cold darkness it was and the piles of rubble still in place it was eerie.
I knelt close, felt a strange source of warmth and looked over my shoulder.
I whispered in the silent night that I had a message from your loving Husband, Father, Uncle and Nephew that he asked me to deliver to you.
I read to them the message entrusted to me. And I left a copy in Arabic, pinned to a bouquet of flowers:
The message read:
â€őPlease say a very big hello to them and tell them I am coming.
Please tell them â€őI won’t leave you alone
And I miss each of you so very much.”
And please write them each a note.
Najia, Safa, Salam, Khaleda, and Khweldi.
Franklin, Tell them, â€őYou are my life.
You are my love.
I miss you very, very much.
Life without you is so painful, so hard and completely empty.
I won’t stay and live away from you. I promise.
I’ll return and be close to you. Baba will be back.
I love you.
As I made my way back to the main road in search of a taxi, a militiaman stopped me and interrogated me about why I was there, confiscated my camera and ordered me to leave the area at once.
I paused for a moment and looked back toward what had been a loving family home, a petting zoo and bird sanctuary that had delighted the children in this neighborhood.
A little boy and girl, perhaps siblings, maybe six or seven years old, approached me with their Ethiopian nanny and asked: â€őWien, (where is) Khaleda? Wien Khweldi? metta yargeoun ila Al Bayt (when will they come home?)
â€őWhen will they come home?”
Unable to speak, I kissed and patted their sweet heads and continued on my way.
Nato’s child victims
Khaled K. Al-Hamedi is strong, deeply religious, and fatalistic. He has pledged to family and friends around the world that he will continue his work with the International Organization for Peace, Care & Relief in spite of the life shattering loss of his loved ones.
An honorable family, a peaceful and welcoming town, a devastated country, and a shocked and angry international community demand justice from those who sent ‘Unified Protector’ and NATO’s no-fly zone to destroy Libya in order to â€őprotect the civilian population.”
Source: Al-Manar Website
Franklin Lamb is doing research in Libya. He is reachable c\o [email protected] He is the author of The Price We Pay: A Quarter-Century of Israel’s Use of American Weapons Against Civilians in Lebanon.
He contribute to Uprooted Palestinians Blog
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Monsanto Buys ‘Terminator’ Seeds Company

The United States Government has been financing research on a genetic engineering technology which, when commercialized, will give its owners the power to control the food seed of entire nations or regions. The Government has been working quietly on this technology since 1983. Now, the little-known company that has been working in this genetic research with the Government’s US Department of Agriculture Delta & Pine Land is about to become part of the world’s largest supplier of patented genetically-modified seeds (GMO), Monsanto Corporation of St. Louis, Missouri.
Relations between Monsanto, Delta & Pine Land and the USDA, on closer scrutiny, show the deep and dark side of the much-heralded genetic revolution in agriculture. It proves deep-held suspicions that the Gene Revolution is not about ‘solving the world hunger problem’ as its advocates claim. It’s about handing over control of the seeds for mankind’s basic food supply—rice, corn, soybeans, wheat, even fruit, vegetables and cotton—to privately owned corporations. Once the seeds and their use are patented and controlled by one or several private agribusiness multinationals, it will be they who can decide whether or not a particular customer—let’s say for argument, China or Brazil or India or Japan—whether they will or won’t get the patented seeds from Monsanto, or from one of its licensee GMO partners like Bayer Crop Sciences, Syngenta or DuPont’s Pioneer Hi-Bred International.
While most of us don’t bother to reflect on where the corn in the box of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes or the rice in a box of Uncle Ben’s Converted Rice come from, when we grab it from the supermarket shelf, they all must originate with seeds. Seeds can either be taken by a farmer from the previous season’ seeds, and planted to produce the next harvest. Or, seeds can be bought new each harvest season, from the companies which sell their seeds.
The advent of commercial GMO seeds in the early 1990’s allowed companies like Monsanto, DuPont or Dow Chemicals to go from supplying agriculture chemical herbicides like Roundup, to patenting genetically altered seeds for basic farm crops like corn, rice, soybeans or wheat. For almost a quarter century, since 1983, the US Government has quietly been working to perfect a genetically engineered technique whereby farmers would be forced to turn to their seed supplier each harvest to get new seeds. The seeds would only produce one harvest. After that the seeds from that harvest would commit ‘suicide’ and be unusable.
There has been much hue and cry, correctly so, that this process, patented ‘suicide’ seeds, officially termed GURTs (Genetic Use Restriction Technologies), is a threat to poor farmers in developing countries like India or Brazil, who traditionally save their own seeds for the next planting. In fact, GURTs, more popularly referred to as Terminator seeds for the brutal manner in which they kill off plant reproduction possibilities, is a threat to the food security as well of North America, Western Europe, Japan and anywhere Monsanto and its elite cartel of GMO agribusiness partners enters a market.
The Curious History of Delta & Pine Land
Delta & Pine Land is a company that, despite the pine in its name, has deep roots. Founded in 1888, it has its headquarters at One Cotton Row in Scott, Mississippi, nestled between Goat Island and Choktaw Bar Island on the Mississippi River, near the Arkansas border. However, the people running things at Delta Pine are anything but your typical Mississippi black-dirt cotton farmers.
In 1983, Delta & Pine Land (D&PL) joined with the US Department of Agriculture in a project to develop Terminator seeds. It was one of the earliest experiments with GMO. It was a long-term project. The US Government has been serious about Terminator beginning more than two decades ago.
In March 1998 the US Patent Office granted Patent No. 5,723,765 to Delta & Pine Land for a patent titled, Control of Plant Gene _Expression. The patent is owned jointly, according to Delta & Pine’s Security & Exchange Commission 10K filing, ‘by D&PL and the United States of America, as represented by the Secretary of Agriculture.’
The patent has global coverage. To quote further from the official D&PL SEC filing, ‘The patent broadly covers all species of plant and seed, both transgenic (GMO-ed) and conventional, for a system designed to allow control of progeny seed viability without harming the crop’(sic).
Then, in a manner reminiscent of Big Brother in George Orwell’s novel, 1984, D&PL claims, ‘One application of the technology could be to control unauthorized planting of seed of proprietary varieties…by making such a practice non-economic since non-authorized saved seed will not germinate, and, therefore, would be useless for planting.’ D&PL calls the thousand-year-old tradition of farmer-saved seed by the pejorative term, ‘brown bagging’ as though it is something dirty and corrupt.
Translated into lay language, D&PL officially declares the purpose of its Patent No. 5,723,765, Control of Plant Gene _Expression, is to prevent farmers who once get trapped into buying transgenic or GMO seeds from a company such as Monsanto or Syngenta, from ‘brown bagging’ or being able to break free of control of their future crops by Monsanto and friends. As D&PL puts it, their patent gives them ‘the prospect of opening significant worldwide seed markets to the sale of transgenic technology in varietal crops in which crop seed currently is saved and used in subsequent seasons as planting seed.’
Instead, the farmer or the country whose farmers depend on Monsanto patented GMO seeds must pay a license fee to Monsanto each year to get new seeds. ‘No tickee, no laundy,’ as the old Brooklyn poet would say.
Terminator is the answer to the agribusiness dream of controlling world food production. No longer would they need to hire expensive detectives to spy on whether farmers were re-using Monsanto or other GMO patented seed. Terminator corn or soybeans or cotton seeds could be genetically modified to ‘commit suicide’ after one harvest season. That would automatically prevent farmers from saving and re-using the seed for the next harvest. The technology would be a means of enforcing Monsanto or other GMO patent rights, and forcing payment of farmer use fees not only in developing economies, where patent rights were, understandably, little respected, but also in industrial OECD countries.
With Terminator patent rights, once a country such as Argentina or Brazil or Iraq or the USA or Canada opened its doors to the spread of GMO patented seeds among its farmers, their food security would be potentially hostage to a private multinational company, a company which, for whatever reasons, especially given its intimate ties to the US Government, might decide to use ‘food as a weapon’ to compel a US-friendly policy from that country or group of countries.
Sound far-fetched? Go back to what then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger did in countries like Allende’s Chile to force a regime change to a ‘US-friendly’ Pinochet dictatorship by withholding USAID and private food exports to Chile. Kissinger dubbed it ‘food as a weapon.’ Terminator is merely the logical next step in food weapon technology.
The role of the US Government in backing and financing Delta & Pine Land’s decades of Terminator research is even more revealing. As Kissinger said back in the 1970’s, ‘Control the oil and you can control entire Continents. Control food and you control people…’
In a June 1998 interview, USDA spokesman, Willard Phelps, defined the US Government policy on Terminator seeds. He explained that USDA wanted the technology to be ‘widely licensed and made expeditiously available to many seed companies.’ He meant agribusiness GMO giants like Monsanto, DuPont or Dow. The USDA was open about their reasons: They wanted to get Terminator seeds into the developing world where the Rockefeller Foundation had made eventual proliferation of genetically engineered crops the heart of its GMO strategy from the beginnings of its rice genome project in 1984.
USDA’s Phelps stated that the US Government’s goal in fostering the widest possible development of Terminator technology was ‘to increase the value of proprietary seed owned by US seed companies and to open up new markets in Second and Third World countries.’
Under WTO rules on free trade in agriculture, countries are forbidden to impose their own national health restrictions on GMO imports if it is deemed to be an ‘unfair trade barrier.’ It begins to become clear why it was the US Government and US agribusiness which during the late 1980’s pushed at the GATT Uruguay Round for creation of a World Trade Organization, with its supranational arbitrary powers over world agriculture trade. It all fits into a neat picture of patented seeds, forced on reluctant WTO member nations, under threat of WTO sanctions, and now of Terminator or suicide seeds.
A closer look at who runs and owns Delta & Pine Land is instructive.
Arkansas Politics and D&PL
The largest shareholder in D&PL is the Stephens Group of Little Rock, Arkansas. Here is where things become interesting indeed.
The man who is Chairman of the Board of DP&L is Jon E.M. Jacoby, who came to DP&L as representative of the Stephens Group. Jacoby is a Director and Vice Chairman of The Stephens Group LLC, the Arkansas-based private equity firm owned by the Stephens family.
The Stephens Group prides itself on being the nation’s largest investment bank outside Wall Street, based, of all places, in little ol’ Little Rock, in hillbilly land, Arkansas, one of the poorest states in the United States. Stephens Inc. is also one of the biggest institutional shareholders in 30 large multinationals including the Arkansas based firms Tyson Food, the world’s largest chicken industrial factory operation and the infamous Arkansas giant, Wal-Mart.
Jackson Stephens, who founded the group with his brother, Witt, were more than just lucky Arkansas bankers and billionaires. Stephens evidently built his career and fortune by being connected to the ‘right’ people. He was a US Naval Academy classmate of Jimmy Carter and during the Georgia bank scandals of President Carter’s Office of Management & Budget chief, Bert Lance, it was Jack Stephens who stepped in to bail Lance out of an extremely embarrassing financial debacle with Lance’s old bank, National Bank of Georgia.
How Stephens helped Jimmy Carter’s fellow Georgia buddy, Lance, is the interesting part. Stephens introduced Lance to a Pakistani businessman, Agha Hasan Abedi. Abedi was the founder of a curious Luxembourg-registered, London-based bank called BCCI.
In 1990, BCCI was convicted of money laundering for the Columbian Cocaine Cartels in Miami.
In October, 1992, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee released an 800-page report on the BCCI collapse. They called the BCCI scandal, ‘the largest case of organized crime in history, spanning over some 72 nations,’ adding that it represented an ‘international financial crime on a massive and global scale,’ and that the bank ‘systematically bribed world leaders and political figures throughout the world.’
The Senate report concluded that among the provable charges against BCCI were ‘BCCI’s criminality, including fraud…involving billions of dollars; money laundering in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the America; BCCI’s bribery of officials in most of those locations; its support of terrorism, arms trafficking, and the sale of nuclear technologies; its management of prostitution; its commission and facilitation of income tax evasion, smuggling, and illegal immigration; its illicit purchases of banks and real estate; and a panoply of financial crimes limited only by the imagination of its officers and customers.’
Jackson Stephens was no casual business acquaintance of BCCI’s Agha Hasan Abedi. In response to the concerns over Jackson Stephens’ involvement in BCCI, the Ohio Attorney General noted in a 1993 report, ‘Stephens’ name has been linked to securities violations that allegedly occurred when the Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI), a foreign bank dominated by Pakistani financier Agha Hasan Abedi, acquired stock and control over the Washington-based First American Bank.’ In 1991, Stephens joined BCCI investor Mochtar Riady in buying BCCI’s former Hong Kong subsidiary from its liquidators.
The Stephens Group was well-connected to another interesting Asian banking group, the billionaire Indonesian Riady family of Moktar and his son James Riady, who own the Lippo Bank in Indonesia. The Riadys are Chinese-Indonesian businessmen who, of all places, moved to Arkansas in the 1970’s, despite holding billions of assets in Asia. Stephens and Riady hit it off and soon Stephens and Riady bought a bank in Hong Kong. Stephens then invited Riady to invest in a Little Rock, Arkansas bank called Worthen.
BCCI and Jackson Stephens, chairman of the Stephens Group of Arkansas were well known to one another. Stephens Group board member, Jon E.M. Jacoby, today Chairman of Delta & Pine Land, and still a Vice Director of The Stephens Group, was a very senior, trusted member of the Stephens’ inside circle for more than 35 years.
Jackson Stephens’ Stephens Group financially staked Sam Walton when he started Wal-Mart in 1970. Stephens also financed Tyson Foods to become the agribusiness global giant it is today. Jon Jacoby, as senior executive of the Stephens Group, had arranged the 1970 Wal-Mart deal. Jon E.M. Jacoby and Jackson Stephens went way back.
Jacoby was Vice President of Stephens Inc. in the early 1990’s, shortly after the BCCI scandals and early into the Presidency of another Jackson Stephens protégé, former Arkansas Governor and recipient of Stephens’ political largess, William Jefferson Clinton.
When an Arkansas reporter questioned Jacoby on allegations of Clinton’s alleged corruption as Governor of Arkansas, Jacoby quipped, â€őYou see a girl walking down the street. You can say, ‘There goes a beautiful girl’ or ‘There goes a whore.’ What the hell’s the difference? They’ve both got legs.”
Arkansas politics is known for its colorful metaphors and its colorful politicians like William Jefferson Clinton. It’s good to get a little of the flavor of this Arkansas colorfulness to get a better picture of Delta & Pine Land.
Stephens Group, Tyson Farms and Other Arkansas Fairy Tales
A tangled web of relations links the Stephens Group and Delta & Pine Land of Scott, Mississippi with another satellite in the agribusiness orbit of the influential Stephens Group. The Stephens Group is also linked intimately with Arkansas-based Tyson Foods, the US’ largest agribusiness processor of industrialized chicken meat, and arguably one of its most unsanitary ones.
Tyson Foods curiously emerged from the recent Avian Flu (H5N1) virus scare as a winner, using the lie that their factory farm mass-bred assembly-line chickens were more ‘sanitary’ than free-roaming small farm chickens of Asia.
Washington Administrations, at least since the Presidency of Bill Clinton, seem to have a love affair of some sort with Tyson Foods.
It began when Clinton sought to name an Arkansas crony, Mike Espy, to be his Secretary of Agriculture. Before Clinton could submit Espy’s name to the Senate for confirmation, however, Espy was sent to Arkansas for a meeting that would decide if Espy had the right stuff. The meeting was with Don Tyson, head of Tyson Foods.
Tyson apparently concluded that Espy indeed had the right stuff, at least as far as Tyson was concerned. Soon after being named head of USDA, Espy enacted measures significantly weakening Federal chicken waste and contamination standards. That opened the floodgates for expansion of Tyson Foods chicken factory farms into the huge concentrations of chicken waste and rivers overflowing with toxic pollution in Arkansas and beyond.
The Wall Street Journal on May 28, 2003 reviewed the allegations surrounding then-President Clinton and his wife, Hillary. They detailed some relevant points from the Clintons’ Arkansas days:
Hillary Rodham Clinton joins the Rose Law Firm. Jackson Stephens joins with former Carter administration budget director Bert Lance and a group of Mideast investorslater identified as key figures in the corrupt Bank of Credit & Commerce Internationalin an unsuccessful attempt to acquire Financial General Bankshares in Washington, D.C
October: Mrs. Clinton, now a partner at the Rose Firm, begins a series of commodities trades under the guidance of Tyson Foods executive Jim Blair, earning nearly $100,000. (author’s emphasis). The trades are not revealed until March 1994.
November: Bill Clinton is elected Governor of Arkansas.
The Rose law firm was the house law firm of Jackson Stephens’ Stephens Group investment bank in Little Rock. To be the corporate law firm of the Stephens Group was no casual affair. It implied a deep trust relationship and perhaps more. As one crony of Jackson Stephens put it at that time, ‘Jackson Stephens? He’s the man who owns Arkansas.’
The head of the prestigious Rose law firm in Little Rock in those days was C. Joseph Giroir jr. In 1977 Giroir hired a young lawyer named Hillary Clinton to work for Rose. It was all one cozy Arkansas-Indonesia family back then.
The Wall Street Journal commentary on the Clinton years had the following entry for 1987, as Clinton was still Arkansas Governor:
Officials at investment giant Stephens Inc., including longtime Clinton friend, David Edwards, take steps to rescue Harken Energy, a struggling Texas oil company with George W. Bush on its board. Over the next three years, Mr. Edwards brings BCCI-linked investors and advisers into Harken deals. One of them, Abdullah Bakhsh, purchases $10 million in shares of Stephens-dominated Worthen Bank. (author’s emphasis).
Jackson Stephens’ political largesse was non-partisan: Democrats Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and then Republican George W. Bush, the man now in the White House as Monsanto seeks approval to take over the Stephens Group’s Delta & pine land.
In December 1992, just after Clinton had been elected President in a campaign financed at critical points by Jackson Stephens and friends, including the Indonesian-American Riady family, Vince Foster, an Arkansas friend of the Clinton’s, and a law partner at Hillary’s Rose law firm, met James McDougal. Foster arranged for McDougal to buy the Clintons’ remaining shares in Whitewater Development Co. That land deal was focus of Congressional investigation of the Clintons. McDougal was loaned the money for the purchase by Tyson Foods counsel Jim Blair, the long-time Clinton friend and commodities adviser who in 1978 had ‘tutored’ Hillary in her fabulously successful commodities speculation. The loan by Tyson’s Jim Blair to McDougal was never repaid.
No sooner did Bill and Hillary Clinton move into the White House, and the Tyson Foods-approved Mike Espy took over as US Secretary of Agriculture, than Hillary’s former law partner, Joseph Giroir, set up a corporation. It was called Arkansas International Development Corporation (AIDC). In fact, it appears that the AIDC was set up to do joint ventures with the Indonesian Lippo Group of the business partners of Jackson Stephens, Mokhtar and James Riady.
The Arkansas International Development Corporation brokered a deal between Indonesia’s Lippo Group and Arkansas’ Tyson Foods that opened Indonesia to import Tyson Foods industrially-produced Arkansas factory farm chickens. One food Indonesia does not need to import is certainly chickens. The cheap Arkansas imports destroyed the fragile economy of domestic Indonesian small family chicken farmers.
Another project of AIDC was to issue bonds to build an airport in the Arkansas backwoods for the sole purpose of shipping Tyson Farms chickens to Indonesia. Recall that Clinton’s wife had been profiting from the trading advice of Tyson Foods since October 1978, a month before her husband became Governor.
Under the Clinton Presidency, agribusiness, especially agribusiness tied to the Stephens’ interests, made huge advances.
Agriculture Secretary Espy was forced to resign in October 1994, and was indicted on charges of accepting bribes and other gratuities. Among the charges against him were making false statements, concealing money from prohibited sources, illegal gratuities, illegal contributions, falsifying records, interstate transportation of stolen property, money laundering, and illegal dispersal of USDA subsidies. The largest corporate offender was Tyson Foods. Tyson had illegally offered Espy $12,000 in airplane rides, football tickets and other payoffs. Espy got off because the law makes it easier to convict a briber than a bribee. Tyson paid the government $6 million to close its case.
Tyson had been enthusiastic supporters of the Clinton family for years. In 1994, Time reported that a senior pilot for Tyson, Joe Henrickson, had been grilled for three days by the Espy Independent Prosecutor, Dan Smaltz, and FBI agents. They grilled the Tyson pilot about earlier transfers of cash to the (Arkansas) Governor’s (Bill Clinton) mansion. According to Time, Henrickson claimed to have carried white envelopes containing a quarter-inch stack of $100 bills on six occasions.
Time magazine reported that, ‘In one case, [Henrickson claimed] a Tyson executive handed him an envelope of cash in the company’s aircraft hanger in Fayetteville and said, ‘This is for Governor Clinton.’ Arkansas has its political traditions and the Stephens and Tyson families are evidently skilled practitioners of that art.
The real interest in Jacoby’s Delta & Pine Land
By now the question comes, what is so attractive about the Stephens Group’s Delta & Pine Land that Monsanto makes its second bid to add it to its global genetically-engineered seeds empire?
It’s the patent Delta & Pine Land, together with the US Government, holdsPatent No. 5,723,765, titled, Control of Plant Gene _Expression. The USDA through its Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) in Lubbock, Texas, as already noted, has worked with Delta & Pine Land since 1983 to perfect Terminator GMO technology. Patent No. 5,723,765 is the patent for Terminator technology.
One year later, in early 1999 Monsanto, the largest producer of GMO seeds and related agri-chemicals, announced it was acquiring Delta & Pine Land along with Delta’s Terminator patents.
In October 1999, however, following a worldwide storm of protest against Terminator seeds that threatened the very future of the Rockefeller Foundation’s ‘Gene Revolution’ Dr. Gordon Conway, President of the prestigious Rockefeller Foundation, met privately with the Board of Directors of Monsanto. Conway convinced Monsanto that for the long-term future of their GMO Project, they must go public to indicate to a worried world that it would not ‘commercialize’ Terminator. Development of the genetic revolution and genetic engineering as a research area had been the project of the Rockefeller Foundation over decades, along with researchers in the family’s Rockefeller University.
The Anglo-Swiss Syngenta joined with Monsanto in declaring solemnly that they would also not commercialize their work on GURTS or Terminator suicide seed technology.
That 1999 announcement took enormous pressure off of Monsanto and the agribusiness GMO giants, allowing them to advance the proliferation of their patented GMO seeds globally. Terminator could come later, once farmers and entire national agriculture areas like North America or Argentina or India had been taken over by GMO crops. Then, of course, it would be too late. The Rockefeller-Monsanto 1999 press conference was clearly application of classic Lenin Bolshevik tactics—Two Steps Forward, One Step Back…
Despite the Monsanto declaration of a moratorium on Terminator development, the US Government and the again independent Delta & Pine Land refused to drop their Terminator development.
In 2000, a year after the Monsanto Terminator moratorium announcement, the Clinton Administration’s USDA Secretary, Dan Glickman, refused repeated efforts by various agriculture and NGO organizations to drop the Government’s support for Terminator or GURTs. His Department’s feeble excuse for not dropping support for the work with Delta & Pine Land was that it allowed the US Government to put ‘leverage’ on D&PL to ‘protect the public interest.’ Six years later it became clear: the only leverage the US Government had put on D&PL’s commercialization efforts on GURTs had been to lever it into commercial reality.
Delta Vice President, Harry Collins, declared at the time in a press interview in the Agra/Industrial Biotechnology Legal Letter, ‘We’ve continued right on with work on the Technology Protection System (TPS or Terminator). We never really slowed down. We’re on target, moving ahead to commercialize it. We never really backed off.’
Nor did their partner, the United States Department of Agriculture, back down on Terminator after 1999. In 2001 the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) website announced: ‘USDA has no plans to introduce TPS into any germplasm…Our involvement has been to help develop the technology, not to assist companies to use it.’ As if to say, ‘see, our hands are clean.’ Then they went on to say the USDA was, ‘committed to making the [Terminator] technology as widely available as possible, so that its benefits will accrue to all segments of society (sic)…ARS intends to do research on other applications of this unique gene control discovery…When new applications are at the appropriate stage of development, this technology will also be transferred to the private sector for commercial application.’ Terminator was alive and well inside the Washington bureaucracy.
In 2001, the USDA and Delta & Pine executed a Commercialization Agreement for Terminator, its infamous Patent No. 5,723,765. The Government and Delta & Pine Land were not at all concerned about worldwide outcry against Terminator.
That announcement came two years after Monsanto had dropped its planned takeover of D&PL, with its Terminator patents.
The world was left with the (misleading) impression that Terminator was dead. Reality was it was anything but dead. Seven years later, long after public outcry against Terminator technology had died down, Monsanto re-entered and bought Delta & Pine Land and its Terminator patents.
Delta & Pine Land’s global net
The key scientific member of the Delta & Pine Land board since 1993 has been Dr. Nam-Hai Chua. Chua, 62, is also head of the Rockefeller University Plant Molecular Biology Laboratory in New York, and has been for over 25 years, the labs which are at the heart of the Rockefeller Foundation’s decades-long development, and spending of more than $100 millions of its own research grants to create their Gene Revolution. Until 1995, Chua was also a scientific consultant to Monsanto Corporation, as well as to DuPont’s Pioneer Hi-Bred International. Chua is at the heart of Rockefeller’s Gene Revolution. And, clearly, Delta & Pine Land and their research on Terminator have been in the center of that work.
Delta & Pine Land is well-placed globally to proliferate its suicide seeds now, with the corporate and financial clout of the giant Monsanto company. Delta & Pine already has subsidiaries including D&PL Argentina, D&PL China, D&PL China PTE in Singapore, Deltapine Paraguay, Delta Pine de Mexico, Deltapine Australia, Hebei Ji Dai Cottonseed Technology Company in China, CDM Mandiyu in Argentina, Delta and Pine Land Hellas in Greece, D&M Brazil Algodao of Brazil, D&PL India, D&PL Mauritius Ltd.
This vast global network combined with Monsanto’s dominant position in the GMO seeds and agri-chemicals market along with the unique DP&L Patent No. 5,723,765, Control of Plant Gene _Expression, now give Monsanto and its close friends in Washington an enormous advance in their plans to dominate world food and plant seed use.
F. William Engdahl is Contributing Editor of Global Research and author of the soon-to-be-released book, Seeds of Destruction: the Dark Side of Genetically-engineered Food. He also authored ‘ A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics,’ Pluto Press, He may be contacted at his website,

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Defanging the serpent: Final Solution for World Peace by Ian V. Macdonald

Writer’s prefatorial comments: The erasure of Israel is the obvious prerequisite for restoration of a stable world peace but for some reason politicians and journalists stay away from the subject, or at least are never quoted. Perhaps because they know they would face permanent unemployment, or worse, should they attempt even mention of the idea, let alone support it. Publication of this letter might stiffen a few journalistic backbones in cases where the individuals choose early retirement from the profession, but unfortunately it will not be published. I.V.
May 31, 2011
Dear Sir,
Final Solution for World Peace
Even the very thought has been long taboo among Western politicians and editors, but with the growing determination of Israel to expand its sphere of influence in the Middle East and North Africa and her ability to coerce the United States and even peace-keeping Canada into serving her sinister military and political goals, it is not too soon to recognize that the establishment of a sovereign Jewish state was a miscalculation with potentially-apocalyptic consequences that must be corrected, with the use of force, if necessary..
The Israeli Prime Minister has made it clear that ‘negotiations’ for an equitable division of Palestine will never succeed. Perhaps an illusory modus vivendi will be achieved but the problem of an neurotic, nuclear power surrounded by perceived enemies nevertheless would persist and intensify with further Zionist provocations.
The crux of the problem, however, is neither borders nor militant Zionism as such, but rather the toxic subversion that a sovereign Jewish state has been able to achieve of the leadership of the Western democracies which in several nations has reached the point of a veritable coup d’etat . The American President and Congress openly express their unswerving allegiance and subservience to the State of Israel, as does the Canadian Prime Minister, although virtually all their respective patriotic constituents, in tune with the rest of humanity, look upon the criminal apartheid nation with abhorrence, at best.
This stealthy conquest-from-within of America has enabled the Zionists to dictate U.S. foreign, military, financial and immigration policy and thus denationalize and destabilize the country, furthering their goal of a World Government under their control. The takeover has been financed partly by earnings from international banking and other forms of organized crime made possible by the existence of a safe-haven where both the criminals and their spoils can be protected from retribution and retrieval. No other criminal community in the world has this advantage. It is invaluable in laundering the immense profits from international drug dealing, arms sales, major fraud, prostitution, embezzlement, theft, smuggling and other wrongdoing, all on a grand scale. Ironically, much of the laundered money is returned to its country of origin, further corrupting the political process and dispossessing the original victims (recently, $4 billion was invested by Israelis in one year in Montreal real estate alone, a tiny fraction of the total).
Israel is a powerful state. It was built on deceit, bribery, terror and the venality and treachery of British and American politicians, then nurtured on the no less problematical Legend of the Six Million, a gargantuan public relations project contrived to sway the sympathy of the masses. In recent years Israel’s plummeting popularity gained a boost from the heavily-promoted spectre of ‘terrorism’. This support is now evaporating with the growing, well-founded, suspicion that the demolition of the WTC was a Mossad false flag operation to justify the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, among other sordid ventures. If Israel should perish tomorrow, there would be few tears, even among Diaspora Jews, many of whom must view each new Zionist atrocity and exposed subterfuge as a threat to their privileged existence in host countries.
The dismantling of Israel may seem a daunting challenge on its face but deepening worldwide disapprobation and fear of the prospect of waging another World War on Zion’s behalf could easily foster the birth of a massive grass-roots movement that no nominally-democratic government could withstand, no matter how desperate the efforts of the Zionist media and Jewish lobbyists. To ensure Israeli compliance, Iraq-style total sanctions could be deployed, rendering the vulnerable rogue-state quickly dysfunctional. Civil disturbances would arise, justifying UN -style intervention to neutralize the country’s military establishment and nuclear capabilities. Armed resistance would not be an option.
In the aftermath, long-overdue War Crimes trials could be held, political prisoners freed, generous compensation dispensed to victims from Israel’s bursting coffers, and a new regime installed pending free elections in a Jewish-Palestinian federation with Jerusalem declared an International Holy City, as originally planned. With Israel gone, the world, purged of its most diabolically-avaricious, paranoid, duplicitous, corrupting, war-mongering, racist enemy, could rest happily in peace and security with the prospect of representative government, freed from the grip of a foreign lobby. There would be time then to devise an appropriate fate for the domestic politicians and their Zionist paymasters, without whose contemptible treason Israel never would have been born..
Yours faithfully,
Ian V. Macdonald
455 Wilbrod Street
Ottawa ON Canada K1N 6M7
613 241 5389
(former RCAF, RNFAA, Canadian Foreign Service ret.)
Email: [email protected]

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Counter Force: Deconstructing Jonathan Kay’s Lies Regarding the Design of the Protocols

The attack on the Protocols in the 1920′s proved above all else the truth of their contention…
Probably so much money and energy were never before in history expended on the effort to suppress a single document.’
– Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion, (1956), P. 212
Methinks, as Shakespeare’s Hamlet once mused to himself, that Jonathan Kay, propagandist for the Zionist-controlled National Post and author of a new book on the origins of conspiracy theories, Warrant for Genocide, blueprint for Paranoia, protesteth too much when it comes to facing the inherent truths contained in the Jew’s revolutionary handbook better known as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
Jonathan Kay
In yet another disingenuous attempt, via deceptive sophistry and outright lies designed to downplay the contents of the document first published in 1905 by Professor Sergyei Nilus, an official of the Department of Foreign Religions at Moscow, of which the British Museum in London has a copy bearing its date-stamp, August 10, 1906, Kay expends much too much rhetoric and feigned, forced irony doing his utmost to deceive and misguide a quickening population of globally aware citizens who, thanks to the internet, finally have access not only to the document itself but even more so, sufficient quantities of background data that reinforce beyond a shadow of a doubt the cold, harsh reality that this ongoing Jewish conspiracy to gain total control of the global infrastructure has been in the works since at least the time of its founding progenitor, Adam Weishaupt, the Jew who, on May 1st, 1775, officially created the secret society known to the world as the Illuminati.
Serge Nilus
Given the propensity of the Zionist Jews for deception (the guiding principle of their illegally obtained ‘state of Israel’ and their secret police intelligence service known as ‘Mossad’) it’s little wonder that Kay would immediately attempt to deflect the reader away from the true sources of this global conspiracy on to Theodor Herzl, the founder of the World Zionist Organization. To the unaware or as some might say, the uninitiated, who were never given the complete truth surrounding the founding of the Illuminati, this double deception of Kay’s might have a truthful or familiar ring to it but to those who have taken the time to research in depth the scope of this conspiracy against all humanity and the Earth, Kay’s cunning is as blatant, transparent and distastefully disgusting as the images of the charred remains of the Palestinian corpses burnt beyond recognition by the Israeli ‘Defense’ Force’s phosphorus bombing of Gaza during operation Cast Lead over the Christmas season of 2008-2009.
After having attempted, purposely and falsely, to associate the document with Herzl and then afterwards, with seemingly self-assumed wit and credibility, proclaiming the contents of the document to be but a ‘fairy tale;’ one that conveniently could also be used to indict Adolf Hitler and the German people, via the Jewish ploy of ‘guilt by association’, Kay shifts his thesis to what he hopes will be clinching, rock hard proof that such a ‘conspiracy theory’ actually had its origins elsewhere beyond any association with the Jews.
In true Zionist Jew fashion Kay states, ‘All this came to pass despite the fact that the Protocols was debunked within months of its dissemination.’ What Kay fails to include in his remark though is the fact that it was only the Jews and their Jewish media and Jewish ‘investigators’ and their sycophantic slaves who proclaimed that the document had been ‘debunked.’
What was easily debunked of course was the actual source of the document itself NOT the contents and the design contained within it, but that small detail was not something that Kay nor the Jewish media of the day has ever wished to focus upon.
Douglas Reed, the British journalist and foreign war correspondent for the London Times during the 1930′s and 40′s, in his monumental classic study of Zionism written in 1956 and titled The Controversy of Zion, has provided the world with an abundance of evidence showing how this conspiracy on the part of the Zionist Jews, clearly delineated in the Protocols, is beyond dispute in terms of its actual existence and that the Protocols (which he agrees cannot be verified as to source) are living proof that the program contained within the document had unfolded precisely as planned up to the time of the completion of his book in 1956 and that if the world didn’t quickly realize what the Zionists were doing that the next half century would most likely conclude the deadly designs contained within the document.
As Reed put it:
‘When the Protocols appeared in English the minor point, who was the author of this particular document, was given a false semblance of major importance by the enraged Jewish attack on the document itself. The asseveration of Jewish leadership of the revolutionary conspiracy was not new at all… The response of official Jewry in 1920 and afterwards was different. It was aimed, with fury, at the entire substance of the Protocols; it did not stop at denying a Jewish plot, but denied that there was any plot, which was demonstrably untrue. The existence of the conspiracy had been recognized and affirmed by a long chain of high authorities, from Edmund Burke, George Washington and Alexander Hamilton to Disraeli, Bakunin and the many others… Moreover, when the Protocols appeared in English conclusive proof had been given by the event in Russia. Thus the nature of the Jewish attack could only strengthen public doubts… The attack on the Protocols in the 1920′s proved above all else the truth of their contention; it showed that the standing organization for suppressing public discussion of the conspiracy had been perfected in the intervening 120 years [since the French Revolution. A.T.]. Probably so much money and energy were never before in history expended on the effort to suppress a single document.
‘In every other respect [the Protocols] is of inestimable importance, for it is shown by the conclusive test (that of subsequent events) to be an authentic document of the world-conspiracy first disclosed by Weishaupt’s papers. Many other documents in the same series had followed that first revelation, as I have shown, but this one transcends all of them. The others were fragmentary and gave glimpses; this one gives the entire picture of the conspiracy, motive, method and objective. It adds nothing new to what had been revealed in parts (save for the unproven, attribution to Jewish elders themselves), but it puts all the parts in place and exposes the whole. It accurately depicts all that has come about in the fifty years since it was published, and what clearly will follow in the next fifty years unless in that time the force which the conspiracy has generated produces the counter-force.‘ [emphasis mine. A.T.]
Well Jonathan Kay I’m afraid you’re a bit of a Jonathan-come-lately when it comes to your vain effort at once again picking up the shattered pieces of this grand deception and attempting to foist it upon the unsuspecting gentile goyim at this stage of the Zionist conspiracy. The counter-force that Reed prophesied is here in the form of the Internet and spirit of those who now oppose Zionism and we will not permit your deception, lies and martial mindset to go on unaddressed or unchallenged. Your Nemesis, as surely as the sun will set this evening, is foreordained by your continuous acts of war, deception and terror over the past two centuries in the name of your false messiah Zionism.
And no Mr. Kay the Protocols aren’t a lie as you state. The ‘upheavals’ that began with the French Revolution, the 1848 Revolution and WWI, culminating in the Jewish overthrow of the Russian monarchy by the Bolsheviks in 1917 were all part of a well-conceived plot by the Illuminati-directed Jews, all your printed lies and misinformation notwithstanding.
Attempts to ascribe the Protocols to the two sources you reference are shoddy and short-sighted and at best, partial-truths. The whole truth, as you well know Jonathan, is that all of the subsequent writings from the time of Adam Weishaupt in 1775 connect up to the Jews in one form or another via an assortment of secret societies like the Grand Orient Freemasons and B’nai Brith International, all of which provided the vehicle necessary to transmit this cold-blooded doctrinaire ideology of global slavery and savagery right up to the present day. That ‘artificial, untested, schismatic ideology created by an impoverished eccentric living in England’ which you deviously fail to identify as the Talmudic tract known as the Communist Manifesto and its author, the Jew Karl Marx, have been directly responsible for more death and destruction in the 20th Century than any other single document or group in recorded history.
Again, your unvarnished Zionist lie that ‘The First World War was an accidental product of Great Power paranoia, miscalculation, and jingoism’ refuses to stand the test of authenticity provided not only by your own kind but also by non-Jewish events that betray to the world the fact the Jewish instigators of that monumental blood bath were cognizant of its forthcoming reality well before its actual occurrence.
WWI was no accident. It was consciously set to occur by the Zionists in order to accomplish three main objectives, all designed to further the overall conspiracy for the creation of the state of Israel and the Zionist Jews’ subsequent New World Order.
The first objective was to facilitate the weakening and break down of the Russian monarchy in order that Marx’s Communist state might be established thus providing a geographic location from which to further the goals of the Zionist world revolution.
The second objective was actually two-pronged and involved first fomenting a war with Germany, one that would soon place Great Britain in dire and imminent danger thanks to Germany’s superior submarine forces. The perilous situation which then arose, and was in fact the second prong, necessitated having the United States of America enter the Great War on the side of the British and their allies.
It was the Jews who orchestrated this event even though President Wilson had been elected on the promise to not involving America in foreign wars. Thanks to their already established control of Wilson who had been selected and hog-tied by the Jews well in advance of the actual hostilities via blackmail and a close circle of controlling Jewish ‘advisers,’ the U.S.’s entry into the hostilities was contingent upon Great Britain signing the infamous Balfour Doctrine of November 2, 1917; a cunningly conceived document that was in effect a pledge to the Zionist Jew Lord Rothschild that Britain would allow the Zionists to acquire enough Arab land to create their false state erroneously called ‘Israel’ if the Jews were able to bring America into the war on Britain’s side. The primary purpose of this state was to establish a beach head in Arab territories and then spend the remainder of the century fomenting endless war within the region. The secondary purpose was to create a safe haven for all the rest of the criminals within the Zionist cartel who might one day, due to their criminal behaviour, need to escape from gentile domains with their stolen loot or secreted documents.
The third objective became glaringly apparent in 1919 during the Peace talks in Paris where massive contingents of Jews assembled at Versailles to create a document that would practically ensure a second world war within a short period of time.
The ‘evil brilliance of the Protocols’ as Kay rightfully states near the conclusion of his excerpt (although he immediately attempts to misdirect readers) became clear in 1933 when world Jewry openly declared war on National Socialist Germany and then began their sinister back room dealings to bring this about. Having by then firmly established their Jewish control of the Soviet Union and also having succeeded in placing a Jew in the White House as President and soon another Jew by the name of Winston Churchill in the British government, their evil design to destroy Germany, the one shining example of a nation that was prospering under national socialism and a currency system separate from the Rothschild’s while all the other Jew-controlled nations were in the depths of a global depression brought on by the Jewish banking cartel, was set to unfold.
In his final remarks Kay attempts one last cheap shot at the counter force that is now building daily and forming a veritable army of truth seekers and cyber warriors who are not only opposing this Jewish conspiracy but exposing its dirty butt for all the world to see via countless blogs around the net. This of course is the main reason why the Zionists are freaking out and actually attempting to counter the growing volume of evidence that will soon nail their conspiratorial asses to the wall. It’s also one of the primary reasons why the Jews in Canada and the USA and elsewhere in the western world are frantically trying to bring in their ‘hate crimes’ legislation in order to stem the growing tide of investigators and truth seekers who have witnessed enough of Zionism’s machinations to know that they are the world’s primary, enemy number one.
Here in Canada Jewish lobbyists like B’nai Brith Canada and the Canadian Jewish Congress and the Jewish Defense League have been working tirelessly for decades to enshrine their ‘hate crimes’ legislation in Canadian jurisprudence in order to stifle Canadian’s right to freedom of speech, especially on the internet. The infamous Section 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act was purposely created and inserted by these same Jew lobbyists into Canadian law with this express purpose in mind to stop any and all criticism of either Jews, Zionism and/or the illegal, immoral, racist and supremacist state of Israel now doing its damnedest to genocide the last remaining Arab population in the region of Palestine. Kay is fully aware of this legislation and is also fully aware of the fact that I, as the owner of, have been charged under this very same section of the CHR Act by the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada and its boisterous, loud-mouthed British Columbia representative Agent Z and accused and slandered and libeled by the Canadian Human Rights Commission and Tribunal and forced to undergo their Stalinist ‘show trial’ investigations and quasi-legal kangaroo court spectacles all because Agent Z feels that my website contains articles that ‘contrive to promote ongoing hatred affecting persons identifiable as Jews and/or as citizens of Israel.’
It’s also rather ironic, given Jonathan Kay’s ludicrous, disingenuous comments on the Protocols, that one of the main reasons why the Jews are hell-bent on destroying my reputation, my ability to work and my right to both express my opinions online and publish other writers’ works, is due to the fact that I have the Protocols posted on the home page of my website and have refused to remove them when demanded to do so by the international terrorist network known as B’nai Brith International which is, in reality, yet another secret Jews-only masonic order created by the Jewish Illuminati back in the mid-1800′s to further the heinous agenda of these self-chosen psychopaths who see themselves as God’s chosen rulers of the rest of the human race and will stop at nothing to accomplish their evil, satanic objective of enslaving and destroying the globe. I have been battling with these demented power-brokers since 2007 and doing everything I possibly can to expose their treachery and lies so that other Canadians might wake up and realize how they’re being entrapped by these so-called ‘human rights’ laws so that soon no one will be able to speak about the Jews except the Jews themselves and you can be certain that when they do speak of Jews it will all be highly favorable and spotlessly politically correct.
The sadness and the tragedy of it all though is that they have now become so corrupt and powerful that their leaders simply do not give a damn how the rest of the world perceives their actions. Zionists view anyone who opposes them as animals (goy) fit to be slaughtered just as they slaughter the Palestinian people on a daily basis and their controlled US government forces slaughter the Iraqi and Afghan people on a regular basis. This same power-corrupted group of psychopaths are also sitting on an arsenal of nuclear weapons and have already threatened to unleash them upon the world should anyone attempt to stop their criminal activities in the middle east. That in itself should be evidence enough to dismiss all the propaganda that Kay and co are attempting to pass off as fact in this book of lies he titles Warrant for Genocide, blueprint for Paranoia; one that speaks volumes about the actual agenda of the Jewish conspiracy (that isn’t, according to Jonathan Kay).

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Hating Harper by Arthur Topham

‘What constitutes ‘hatred’ is not defined in the Canadian Human Rights Act. It is a question of fact.
It is generally accepted to refer to extreme ill-will and is an emotion which allows for ‘no redeeming qualities’ in the person at whom it is directed.
‘Contempt’ is similarly extreme and includes circumstances in which the object of one’s feelings is looked down upon, belittled, despised, dishonored or disgraced.’
~ email excerpt from Sandy Kozak, Investigator, CHRC to Arthur Topham, Pub/Ed of, Dec. 10, 2007
‘What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself.’
~ Abraham Lincoln
‘But when you want money for people with minds that hate,
All I can tell you brother is that you have to wait.’
~The Beatles, Revolution, 1968

Plainly stated Canada is a Zionist Jew-controlled colony of the state of Israel. In terms of the alternative media such a designation is referred to as a ‘ZOG’ nation, i.e. ‘Zionist Occupied Government.’ While hidden for over six decades from the majority of Canadians by the Zionist-controlled media’s ‘Iron Curtain’ of deception it is nonetheless an established fact and a reality that must be faced if the nation is to ever recover its former independence and sovereignty.
Anyone who desires to dispute this assertion has to explain and justify to the people of Canada why there is not a single federal political party in the country willing to stand up to the Zionist Jew lobby that now wields such a sinister political influence upon the nation. To attempt a negation of the argument without speaking to this issue can only be construed as evasion and denial.
In the thick of yet another federal election, with Harper and his Conservative party striving with utmost intent to gain a majority government, this pseudo-Semitic elephant in the midst of Canada’s political/judicial/cultural/social living room blithely goes about its business of knocking over, crushing and destroying the country’s constitutional rights along with trammeling upon its domestic and foreign policies, all the while aided and abetted in its traitorous actions by a colluding, fifth column ‘mainstream’ media; itself but another monopoly controlled weapon within the Zionist’s plethoric armory of subterfuge and deception.
History, once freed from the controlling machinations of the Zionist Jews and re-established upon the firm foundations of actual, factual truth, will one day support this seemingly radical view of Canada.
The overall subject of the Zionist Jew’s seditious back-room dealings within Canada’s political, social, cultural and economic infrastructure in favour of Israel and Zionism’s stated goal of creating a one world government is much too complex an issue to deal with in one short essay and, needs be, must be highlighted here by a focus on just one aspect of their sell-out of Canada’s sovereignty to the foreign interests of the state of Israel; that being the lobby’s relentless attack upon Canadians’ constitutional, God-given right to freedom of speech, especially as it pertains to the internet.
Over the past three decades and longer there has been a slow, steady, incremental, subversive process taking place within Canada’s federal judiciary designed to weave into the warp and woof of Canada’s Constitution Act, Charter of Rights and Freedoms and miscellaneous human rights acts, legislation that would at first appear benign and beneficial to the nation as a whole but ultimately, in the end, when push came to shove and the population began waking up to the fact that their country was being unduly influenced and coerced and manipulated by the Zionist Jews within its borders, this seemingly laudable legislation would suddenly shape shift into what it was originally designed to be: a set of draconian, totalitarian laws having one, and only one, purpose in mind: to protect and justify all of the insidious actions on the part of the federal government and its representatives that continually bring not only increased power and influence to the Zionist Jew lobbies themselves but foremost, to their official handler, the racist, supremacist, apartheid state of Israel. This, I submit, is and was the sole intention of the ‘human rights’ legislation here in Canada. Everything else related to the subject is subsidiary and mere window dressing to satisfy the gullible, the marginalized and the intelligentsia. It is a classic case of Zionism in action and also a reflection of the very same process used throughout the first half of the 20th century to gain, via similar subterfuge, the Arab lands now known as the ‘state of Israel’.
The rather graphic, controversial image above that accompanies this essay is meant to represent many of those players who are, in one way or another, secretly and subversively playing a role in undermining Canada’s sovereignty and allowing the Zionist Jews now residing within its borders to wield a level of undue influence that is quickly destroying Canada’s ability to stand in the world as an independent and sovereign nation. The results of this unhealthy and egregious relationship between the atheistic, criminal state of Israel are clearly portrayed in the bloody imagery symbolized by Harper’s appearance in the aforesaid humourless cartoon. Necessity, at this point in our history, and in the face of all that the Zionist-controlled media is doing to manipulate this realistic image of the Harper government and its Zionist controllers, justifies such an apparently raw, grotesque portrait of Canada’s Prime Minister.
The start…
Over the past five years I and my website have been involved in a deadly struggle with the Jewish lobby here in Canada. This explains why I’ve chosen the topic of freedom of speech to illustrate my thesis that the Harper Conservative government, the most unabashed and blatantly manipulated of all the federal parties to date, must be resisted by the electorate in the most adamant manner possible and prevented from establishing a majority in the House of Commons come May 2, 2011.
My case, I feel, illustrates most succinctly and clearly the intent of the current ‘anti-hate,’ anti-free speech legislation now contained within the Canadian Human Rights Act and known as ‘Section 13.’ I propose to show the discerning reader how it all ties in with the present and the proposed legislation of the Harper Conservative government with respect to laws enacted concerning ‘anti-Semitism’, ‘racism’ and ‘hate crimes.’
On November 20th, 2007, while operating a small renovation business in British Columbia, Canada, I was on an out-of-town job when I got a phone call from my wife informing me that I had received a large, white, unaddressed envelope containing what appeared to be legal documents from the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC).
Being unable to return home immediately I asked her to look the papers over and see what they were all about. She did and informed me that a Jewish group in Canada by the name ‘League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada’ and the group’s B.C. representative, had filed a complaint with the CHRC regarding myself and my website The precise wording of the allegations, as stated in the document, read:
‘We wish to file a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission seeking relief for discriminatory publication under prohibited grounds caught by Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.
The premise of this complaint is a contention that Arthur Topham of Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada and his internet publication known as ‘’ contrive to promote ongoing hatred affecting persons identifiable as Jews and/or as citizens of Israel.’
It should be noted and must be noted immediately the precise wording of the premise for the complaint. This Jewish lobby group, actually a secret, Jewish masonic order under the auspices of B’nai Brith International (created by the Rothschild Jewish banking cartel back in the mid-19th century) was using the Canadian Human Rights Act’s notoriously worded Sec. 13 to claim that I was promoting ‘hatred affecting persons identifiable as Jews and/or as citizens of Israel.’
The bold, italicized, phrase, ‘citizens of Israel’ is the operative term to keep in mind throughout this article regarding the Jewish lobbies’ efforts to undermine our democratic structure in Canada. What we’re witnessing here, for the first time in Canadian jurisprudence, is a precedent-setting case wherein the Jewish lobbyists, conspiring with a foreign country, Israel, are claiming that it is illegal and criminal on the part of a Canadian citizen to openly criticize the FOREIGN state of Israel and that to do so should be construed by Canadians as ‘promoting hatred’!
From that point in November of 2007 until today I have been embroiled in an extended legal battle to defend my constitutional right to freedom of speech and to retain my freedom, as a Canadian citizen, to criticize and expose any individual, group or nation that poses a direct or indirect threat to the sovereignty of the nation that I, as a loyal member, am morally, ethically and legally bound to defend and preserve. It should also be noted by readers that since this case began it has been completely blacked out in the Zionist media, aka the ‘mainstream media’.
It has not been an easy task going up against the most powerful lobby group in the world. One need only think of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in the USA, which is one arm of B’nai Brith International, to realize the extend and influence of this Jewish secret society. At the onset of the complaint by the ‘League’ I was already surviving financially in a marginal manner. Winter was setting in and funds were low when suddenly I was confronted with a legal attack by international Zionism and world Jewry. It was a scenario not all together that unlike the proverbial David and Goliath story.
Contained in the documents of the unmarked white envelope were instructions to respond to the complaint within a period of weeks or else face being unilaterally excluded from the quasi-judicial process that was about to unfold whether I liked it or not. I had no choice but to stop working and do my utmost to defend myself by whatever means at my disposal.
The most crucial factor of course was the fact that I was unable to hire a lawyer to defend myself against the charges. That meant I had to assume that role myself and thus began a protracted period of learning all of the legal aspects of dealing with such a complaint. It also meant that I would have to give up any future employment until the case was resolved, a double-bind situation that, to say the least, was demanding and enervating and put me behind an 8-ball of financial insecurity that continues to exist up to the point of these words being typed.
Of course I soon learned that my case, although unique in the sense that I’ve explained above, was not the only case of its kind occurring in Canada. There were others, actually clandestine cases wherein even Jews were apparently involved in similar Sec. 13 pseudo-law suits. I’m referring here to those of Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant, two Zionist Jews of Canadian origins who for similar reasons had offended another group, this time the Moslems. Both of their cases played out in the Zionist media over the period of my own trials and tribulations but due to the fact that they were part of the conspiracy itself these two Zionist conspirators were absolved from their supposed crimes. Unfortunately for all the rest of the Canadians who weren’t members of the self-chosen fraternity of Zionist Jews but were also accused of similar indiscretions they weren’t so lucky.
Most uninformed, yet decent, Canadians have no idea of just how corrupt the human rights commissions have become as a result of Zionist intrigues within the legal system. Since these organizations began trying to control the thoughts of Canadians a total of 100 complaints were received by the CHRC and out of that 37 cases were ruled on by the CHR Tribunal. What may interest free speech advocates are the following facts regarding the victims:
• NOT A SINGLE respondent has ever won a section 13 case before the tribunal.
• 100% of cases have Whites as respondents
• 98% of cases have poor or working class respondents
• 90.7% of respondents are not represented by lawyers
• So far, $93,000 has been awarded in fines and special compensation since 2003.
• 35 respondents have lifetime speech bans (Cease and Desist) orders and if not followed the victims could face up to 5 years in prison.
• 72.4% of complaints specifically identify ‘jews’ as victims.
• Truth is NO DEFENSE when attempting to justify one’s opinions and writings
• 48.8% of all cases are by one complainant (all but 1 case since 2002)
Throughout all the legal battles and media hype one thing became excruciatingly clear for all the non-Israeli, dual citizen respondents (defendants). The deck was stacked in favour of the Zionist Jew regardless of who had been accused of what particular ‘hate crime’. The most notorious of those laying an assortment of sundry hate crimes charges, using Section 13 of the CHR Act, was a former lawyer for the Canadian Human Rights Commission. His forte was to use stealth combined with the Zionist Jew constructed boogieman known as the ‘neo-Nazi’ to slither forth on to websites under aliases and then, via subterfuge and lies, entrap others to write something that he could then use as ‘evidence’ to subsequently lay a ‘hate crimes’ charge against the person or the website owner. This same method, by the way, was also being used by CHRC officials to accomplish similar ends; a sort of make-work project for the organizations.
It was a very lucrative scam for he had not only the legal wherewithal to snare his unsuspecting victims but also the full backing of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, both of which had been carefully crafted over decades to fulfill the exact agenda that now was unfolding across the nation where any individual or group who tried to explain to their fellow Canadians the truth about the Jewish lobby and the racist, apartheid, warlike actions of the Jewish state was liable to be charged under this section of the CHR Act for promoting ‘hatred’ toward ‘Jews’. How convenient, now that the realities of Zionism were finally gaining momentum globally on the one medium of communication that the Zionists still were unable to fully control, i.e. the internet, that such a law was on the books to protect the guilty.
Apart from the injustice of such a specious piece of ‘human rights’ legislation, which actually acted as a safeguard and protective shield for the guilty party, recent precedents set over the past couple of decades of legal cases also insured that victims of a Section 13 ‘hate crime’ could, and usually would, be saddled with not only restrictions on their right to self-expression but also hefty fines. It was here that he was found to be exploiting this questionable practice to the utmost and as a result reaping the ignominy of those battling to have this unjust Section 13 repealed.
Continuing on through 2008 and 2009 my case slowly wended its way through the quasi-legal channels wherein flow these two infamous rivers of Zionist deception, the CHRC and the CHRT. By the grace of God I was able to obtain free legal assistance from Canada’s internationally renowned human rights and freedom of speech lawyer Mr. Douglas Christie, of Victoria, B.C. Thanks to Mr. Christie’s organization, known as the Canadian Free Speech League (CFSL), his assistance from early on in my ordeal with the Jewish mafia who control the Harper government proved vital and beneficial to my case.
On top of that I was also fortunate to have another organization in Canada known as the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) under the direction of Paul Fromm also intervene on my behalf. Both these courageous and much-maligned organizations (by the Zionist media) worked with me in my deliberations with the CHR Commission and then with the CHR Tribunal and are still, like myself, awaiting word on another Section 13 case involving the same lawyer and Marc Lemire, one which, thanks to a decision by Tribunal member, Athanasios Hadjis on September 1, 2009, had the salubrious effect of eventually staying my own case in the spring of 2010 pending the final outcome in the federal court system of the CHRC’s appeal in the Blank v Lemire case.
And… today
Throughout the past few years of battling with the CHRC and the CHRT various freedom of speech groups and individuals have worked hard to keep the subject of the internet censorship alive and to inform the public of the imminent threat that exists within the coiled Zionist serpent now operating behind the public view in Ottawa and working in tandem with the Harper Conservative government.
Apart from all the vile, treasonous and demeaning statements made by PM Stephen Harper in the media with respect to the state of Israel and to Canada’s foreign policy which ultimately led to our nation being booted out of the UN security council; and apart from all the scandals involving Immigration minister Jason Kenney and Co. and the government’s financial punishment of any Canadian groups desirous of helping the Palestinian people, the Zionist Jews have been working relentlessly and surreptitiously to further their mendacious censorship objectives within parliament itself under the guise of yet another coalition of willing bigots, hypocrites and traitors who have chosen a sycophantic relationship with the Jewish lobbyists over truth, honesty and justice for Canada.
Calling themselves the ‘Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Combating Antisemitism (ICCA)’ and working in concert with such notable Israel First zealots as former (Zionist Jew) Canadian Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Irwin Cotler, [below, center stage at table] this small group of Canadian parliamentarians have been conspiring with other parliaments in Great Britain, and the EU as well as the US government to implement even greater amounts of repressive legislation to silence those who see through the Big Lie of the Zionist Jews and are intent on exposing it to fellow Canadians and the world at large. Their endless, worn-out cry of ‘anti-Semitism! anti-Semitism! anti-Semitism!’ which they chant over and over like a group of Hari Krishnas on methedrine throughout the halls of Canada’s parliament and in their controlled media in the vain hope that all the rest of Canada will join them is but one more exercise in futility on their part and an even greater expression of their ultimate duplicity toward Canadian democracy.
Back row (left to right): Congressman Chris Smith (USA), Minister Yuli Edelstein (Israel), Guillaume Ngefa (Democratic Republic of Congo),
Gert Weisskirchen (Germany), MP Vivienne Teitelbaum (Belgium), Father Nortbert Hofmann (The Vatican)
Front row (left to right): Hon. Dr. Fiamma Nirenstein, MP (Italy), Hon. Irwin Cotler, MP (Canada), MP John Mann (UK)
And so here the problem stands. While our democratic institutions are being ripped apart and shredded from within by the Zionist Jews who control Canada’s government there’s not a single federal political party with the conviction or the intestinal wherewithal to stand up for Canada and speak out on this critical issue.
It truly poses some interesting moral and ethical dilemma’s for those who want to see Canada return to a state of independence, sovereignty and integrity.
In the beginning was the word and the word was ‘hate’
‘What constitutes ‘hatred’ is not defined in the Canadian Human Rights Act. It is a question of fact.
It is generally accepted to refer to extreme ill-will and is an emotion which allows for ‘no redeeming qualities’ in the person at whom it is directed.
‘Contempt’ is similarly extreme and includes circumstances in which the object of one’s feelings is looked down upon, belittled, despised, dishonored or disgraced.’
~ excerpt from an email from Sandy Kozak, Investigator, CHRC to Arthur Topham, Pub/Ed of, Dec. 10, 2007
The Zionist Jews, of all the vested interest lobby groups in Canada (and the USA, Great Britain, EU and Australia, New Zealand, etc.), are the ones who promote, exploit and benefit from the four-letter word ‘hate’. Like the original term ‘anti-Semitism,’ (also coined back in the late 19th Century for similar political purposes), the use and abuse of this latest linguistic lure to further their one world government agenda is too transparently recognizable to overlook. It’s one of their main sources of propaganda, giving them the much needed chutzpah to plod on in their disingenuous and endless quest for more and more power and control over the democratic nations of the world. Unfortunately it’s a ruse that is as false as all the other ruses that they use over and over to befuddle and confuse the minds of the unaware and brainwashed.
As is apparent in the definition of the term which Sandy Kozak, ‘hate crimes’ Investigator for the Canadian Human Rights Commission, conveyed to me upon request, what constitutes ‘hatred’ isn’t defined in the CHR Act. As she says, ‘It is a question of fact.’ Really? A question of fact? Like a rock on the ground? Like a tree in the bush? Like a mole on a cheek? Like a car on a road? Like a dead Palestinian child in the ditch? Or, as is more likely the case, like an aberrant thought, hidden in the undefinable depths of a psychopath’s mind? I suggest that the type of ‘fact’ which Sandy Kozak was referring to in her email of 2007 was akin to the latter in the list.
Hate, in the eyes of the CHRC and, theoretically, in the minds of those who inserted and imposed it upon the Canadian public via the CHR Act, is an ‘emotion’, ‘extreme ill-will’ that supposedly includes no possibility of any ‘redeeming qualities’ in the person who may be the recipient of this emotion. Don’t you just hate it when suspect sophists take a word, manipulate and crunch it up and distort and twist it into a particular shape and then expect the rest of the world to unconditionally accept it in its ‘brand new’ form as the one and only definition worthy of consideration? I certainly do.
Well that is precisely how the human rights commissars conceive the word ‘hate’ will be understood by Canadians and that is why the Zionist agents, working in earnest within their committees and their ‘think’ tanks, demand and expect that the quasi-judicial bodies like the CHRC and the CHRT will ensure that this word, above all words, remains poised at the zenith of their ‘Hallmarks of Hate’ like the sword of Damocles which they use to determine whether or not someone’s words or deeds fits into the linguistic straight jacket that they’ve so carefully contrived over years and years of deceptive deliberations behind the scenes.
But, like all fanatics, the Zionist Jews are not content to have just one term with which to silence their critics and so they solicited yet another word, ‘contempt’, to add to their arsenal of prohibited language. Now this second linguistic bombshell is also considered much too ‘extreme’ an emotion for all the good little goys and gals to be feeling should their world and/or their country be crumbling before their eyes and such feelings of outrage, anger, disgust suddenly begin to arise from within their beings. As a theoretically free and sovereign nation of people we must not; we can not; even though the very actions and behaviour of the Zionist Jews within our nation are putting us in a position where we are being belittled, despised, dishonoured, disgraced, deceived, disenfranchised, deluded, robbed, poisoned, lied to, cheated, and disempowered; be allowed to legitimately feel emotions such as hatred or contempt toward those responsible for our plight. Just how sick, twisted and contemptible this truly is I will leave up to the reader to decide.
It would be fair, I believe, to assume that there are literally thousands or possibly millions of Canadians who find not only the sight but the actions of Stephen Harper and the Conservative government to be so repulsive as to bring forth at least one of these prohibited emotions. Contempt rather than fear springs to mind immediately. To do so; to feel so; I suggest, is not an unhealthy thing but merely a strong indication that within the human breast of Canadians there still resides the eternal spirit of resistance to tyranny; a spirit that holds fast to the belief that no government has the right to lay claims upon the inner light or spirit that guides each and every one of us through this darkened world of treachery, war, destruction, deceit and misery. We were given these immutable qualities at the beginning of our sojourn upon this planet in order that we would never be forced into living as slaves under any particular power group, be they Zionists, Communists, Conservatives, Liberals or otherwise and we must never forget them.
To conclude
All this said I still feel, from a personal perspective, that to hate is not the best motive for rationalizing or acting. To love (and be loved) and to be moved by feelings of love to stand up and resist all that the hatred created by the Zionist Juggernaut brings forth in this world is a much stronger, truer basis upon which to not only think and reason but also to live and be and to motivate one’s actions.
Israel’s star is on the wane. It has, as once was prognosticated by the Jewish writer Nathan Weinstock, turned out to be, like political Zionism itself, a ‘false messiah’; a deceiver of nations and the offspring of the Synagogue of Satan. Thus it would be a grave error on the part of Canada to hitch its nationhood government and reputation within the community of free nations to Israel’s failing influence. As Lord Curzon once stated: ‘It must never be forgotten that a nation, to be great, must pay due regard to the fact that it must build up its greatness on the foundation of the eternal verities of truth and justice.’ In the case of the illegally created state of Israel, and as time will eventually prove, these words are more apt than any to describe the Zionist’s futile attempt to take over and institute a New World Order.
PM Stephen Harper with skullcap surrounded by the extremist Jewish Talmud cult known as the
Chabad Lubavich the hidden advisors controlling the Harper government.
The Conservative government of Stephen Harper is a contemptible Trojan Horse. Like previous governments it was dragged into Ottawa under the pretense of being the best option for Canadians to preserve not only their integrity as a free and democratic nation but to set a good example for the rest of the world; one that other nations might look up to and aspire after in the hope that someday they would also reap the benefits that a free society and sovereign democracy can offer to its people. This has not been the case. As we can see from the graphic immediately above there is a specific, self-chosen group of zealots who, through subterfuge and the power of their usurious ‘purse’ plus their Babylonian Talmud-inspired ideology known as Zionism, have a totally different agenda in store for the nation.
Voters, who for the most part have been deceived by the pundits and the Zionist-controlled talking heads within their media, remain unaware of this insidious threat to our sovereignty. Were Canadians fully apprised of the seditious nature of the Zionist Jews within their nation’s walls they would likely vote en masse to rid the country of this omnipresent danger. But they aren’t and so the country once again teeters on the brink of the unknowing. Should the false saviour of Canada, Stephen Harper, achieve his mandate to rule over us with his Zionist rod then maybe that will be the time for a new movement to arise and a new federal party to germinate; one that will address the issues I’ve delineated in this essay plus all the others not covered. The key to our future as a sovereign nation is to understand how the Zionist agenda operates, not only in Canada but throughout the world. Without that key we will continue to remain prisoners of Zion.
Until May 2nd, 2011….
PLEASE NOTE: Arthur Topham is a writer and the Publisher and Editor of living in British Columbia, Canada. Like all alternative Internet news outlets not on the Zionist payroll he relies upon the good will and generosity of those in cyberspace for financial assistance to help him with his work. Any donations therefore would be most welcome. Please see the PayPal donation button at the top right of the home page. Feel free to use it if you can help out. 🙂 Thanks.
Arthur welcomes all feedback to his articles and can be reached at [email protected] or via telephone at (250) 992-3479.
For the Full Monty on the sec. 13 complaint case involving and B’nai Brith Canada please see:

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